Exemplo n.º 1
/* Function: LogSum2()
 * Purpose:  Returns the log_2 of the sum of two log_2 probabilities.
 *           log(exp(p1)+exp(p2)) = p1 + log(1 + exp(p2-p1)) for p1 > p2
 *           Note that this is in log_2 space.
LogSum2(float p1, float p2)
  if (p1 > p2)
    return (p1-p2 > 50.) ? p1 : p1 + sreLOG2(1. + pow(2.,(p2-p1)));
    return (p2-p1 > 50.) ? p2 : p2 + sreLOG2(1. + pow(2.,(p1-p2)));
Exemplo n.º 2
/* yes LogSum2 and FLogsum are identical, this is for backwards compatibility */
FLogsum(float s1, float s2)
  const float max = ESL_MAX(s1, s2);
  const float min = ESL_MIN(s1, s2);
#if 0
  return (min == -eslINFINITY || (max-min) >= 23.f) ? max : max + sreLOG2(1.0 + sreEXP2(min-max));  /* EPN: While debugging. Replaces logsum table with analytical calculation. Remember to remove! */
  return  (min == -eslINFINITY || (max-min) >= 23.f) ? max : max + flogsum_lookup[(int)((max-min)*INTSCALE)];
Exemplo n.º 3
  static int firsttime = TRUE;
  if (!firsttime)  return;
  firsttime = FALSE;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < LOGSUM_TBL; i++) 
    ilogsum_lookup[i] = rint(INTSCALE * (sreLOG2(1.+sreEXP2((double) -i/INTSCALE))));
Exemplo n.º 4
  static int firsttime = TRUE;
  if (!firsttime) return;
  firsttime = FALSE;

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < LOGSUM_TBL; i++) 
    flogsum_lookup[i] = sreLOG2(1. + sreEXP2((double) -i / INTSCALE));
/* Function: Prob2Score()
 * Purpose:  Convert a probability to a scaled integer log_2 odds score. 
 *           Round to nearest integer (i.e. note use of +0.5 and floor())
 *           Return the score. 
Prob2Score(float p, float null)
  /*EPN, Fri Feb  8 06:53:02 2008, shouldn't this first line be something like: 
    if   (fabs(p - 0.) < eslSMALLX1) return -INFTY; LHS is TRUE if p is virtually 0 (eslSMALLX1 is 5e-9) 
    I didn't change it pre-1.0 release, b/c I was afraid of unforeseen downstream consequences,
    and it doesn't seem to cause any problems...
  if                    (p == 0.0) return -INFTY;
  else                             return (int) floor(0.5 + INTSCALE * sreLOG2(p/null));
Exemplo n.º 6
/* Function: DegenerateSymbolScore()
 * Purpose:  Given a sequence character x and an hmm emission probability
 *           vector, calculate the log-odds (base 2) score of
 *           the symbol.
 *           Easy if x is in the emission alphabet, but not so easy
 *           is x is a degenerate symbol. The "correct" Bayesian
 *           philosophy is to calculate score(X) by summing over
 *           p(x) for all x in the degenerate symbol X to get P(X),
 *           doing the same sum over the prior to get F(X), and
 *           doing log_2 (P(X)/F(X)). This gives an X a zero score,
 *           for instance.
 *           Though this is correct in a formal Bayesian sense --
 *           we have no information on the sequence, so we can't
 *           say if it's random or model, so it scores zero --
 *           it sucks, big time, for scoring biological sequences.
 *           Sequences with lots of X's score near zero, while
 *           real sequences have average scores that are negative --
 *           so the X-laden sequences appear to be lifted out
 *           of the noise of a full histogram of a database search.
 *           Correct or not, this is highly undesirable.
 *           So therefore we calculated the expected score of
 *           the degenerate symbol by summing over all x in X:
 *                 e_x log_2 (p(x)/f(x))
 *           where the expectation of x, e_x, is calculated from
 *           the random model.
 *           Empirically, this works; it also has a wooly hand-waving
 *           probabilistic justification that I'm happy enough about.
 * Args:     p      - probabilities of normal symbols
 *           null   - null emission model
 *           ambig  - index of the degenerate character in Alphabet[]
 * Return:   the integer log odds score of x given the emission
 *           vector and the null model, scaled up by INTSCALE.              
DegenerateSymbolScore(float *p, float *null, int ambig)
  int x;
  float numer = 0.;
  float denom = 0.;

  for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) {
    if (Degenerate[ambig][x]) {
      numer += null[x] * sreLOG2(p[x] / null[x]);
      denom += null[x];
  return (int) (INTSCALE * numer / denom);
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Function: cm_tr_penalties_Create()
 * Date:     EPN, Sat Jan 21 12:03:52 2012
 * Purpose:  Allocate and initialize a CM_TR_PENALTIES object.
 *           A CM and its emit map are required to determine
 *           truncation penalty scores. This is annoyingly
 *           complex, see verbose notes within code below.
 *           Some of the code in this function, specifically
 *           that which calculates the probability of a fragment
 *           aligning at a given node, is checkable, but only
 *           if we disallow truncated begins into insert states.
 *           However, we want to allow truncated begins in reality.
 *           I've left in a flag for ignoring inserts (<ignore_inserts>)
 *           I used in testing this function. Set it to TRUE to 
 *           perform the test. 
 * Returns:  Newly allocated CM_TR_PENALTIES object. NULL if out
 *           of memory.
cm_tr_penalties_Create(CM_t *cm, int ignore_inserts, char *errbuf)
  int status;
  int v, nd, m, i1, i2;
  int lpos, rpos;
  int i;

  /* variables used for determining ratio of inserts to match at each consensus position */
  float   *mexpocc  = NULL;  /* [0..c..clen] probability match  state is used to emit at cons posn c */     
  float   *iexpocc  = NULL;  /* [0..c..clen] probability insert state is used to emit after cons posn c */     
  double  *psi      = NULL;  /* [0..v..M-1]  expected occupancy of state v */
  float    m_psi, i1_psi, i2_psi; /* temp psi values */
  float    summed_psi; 

  /* variables used for calculating global truncation penalties */
  float g_5and3; /* fragment probability if 5' and 3' truncation are allowed */
  float g_5or3;  /* fragment probability if 5' or  3' truncation are allowed */

  /* variables used for calculating local truncation penalties */
  float *begin = NULL;           /* local begin probabilities 0..v..M-1 */
  int   subtree_clen;            /* consensus length of subtree under this node */
  float prv53, prv5, prv3;       /* previous node's fragment probability, 5'&3', 5' only, 3'only */
  float cur53, cur5, cur3;       /* current node's fragment probability, 5'&3', 5' only, 3'only */
  int   nfrag53, nfrag5, nfrag3; /* number of fragments, 5'&3', 5' only, 3'only */

  if(cm == NULL || cm->emap == NULL) goto ERROR;

  ESL_ALLOC(trp, sizeof(CM_TR_PENALTIES));

  trp->M = cm->M;
  trp->ignored_inserts = ignore_inserts;

  /* Define truncation penalties for each state v. This will be 
   * the score for doing a truncated begin into state v.
   * Important note: For this discussion we assume that sequences can
   * only be truncated at consensus positions, which means we don't
   * have to worry about truncated begins into inserts. This is an
   * approximation (also made by Diana and Sean in the 2009 trCYK
   * paper) that greatly simplifies the explanation of the calculation
   * of the truncation penalties.  The examples in my ELN3 notebook
   * also use this simplification. However, I need to be able to do
   * truncated begins into insert states in some cases (some pass/mode
   * combinations see ELN bottom of p.47). I explain first the
   * rationale for calculating truncation penalties ignoring inserts
   * and then I describe how I adapt those penalties to allow
   * for inserts. 
   * This is a lengthy comment. I've divided it into 3 sections:
   * Section 1. Global mode truncation penalties, ignoring inserts.
   * Section 2. Local mode truncation penalties, ignoring inserts.
   * Section 3. Adapting truncation penalties to allow for inserts.
   * Section 1. Global mode truncation penalties, ignoring inserts.
   * We want the truncation penalty to be the log of the probability
   * that the particular fragment we're aligning was generated from
   * the following generative process. The generative process differs
   * between global and local mode. 
   * In global mode: 
   * o Sample global parsetree which spans consensus positions 1..clen.
   * o Randomly choose g and h in range 1..clen, where h >= g and
   *   truncate sequence from g..h. The first residue will either be
   *   an insert before position g, or a match at position g of the 
   *   model. The final residue will either be an insert after position
   *   h or a match at position h of the model.
   * All g,h fragments are equiprobable, so the probability of any
   * particular fragment is 2 / (clen * (clen+1)). So log_2 of this
   * value is the truncation penalty for all truncated alignments in
   * global mode where both 5' and 3' truncation are allowed. 
   * We store this penalty, per-state in the
   * g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][0..v..M-1].  The penalty is
   * identical for all emitting states. The penalty value for
   * non-emitters is IMPOSSIBLE because truncated begins are 
   * not allowed into non-emitters. 
   * If only 5' OR 3' truncation is allowed, we only truncate at g or
   * h, which menas there's 1/clen possible fragments and log_2
   * (1/clen) is our global truncation penalty. 
   * However, if 5' truncation is allowed we can only do a truncated
   * begin into states that with a consensus subtree that spans
   * position clen (since we don't allow a truncation at the 3' end).
   * Thus any state whose subtree that doesn't span clen gets
   * an IMPOSSIBLE value for its truncation score in:
   * g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][0..v..M-1].
   * Likewise, if 3' truncation is allowed we can only do a truncated
   * begin into states that with a consensus subtree that spans
   * position 1 (since we don't allow a truncation at the 5' end).
   * There's an example of computing all three types of penalties for
   * a simple CM in ELN 3 p43.
   * Section 2. Local mode truncation penalties, ignoring inserts.
   * Generative process that generates fragments in local mode:
   * o Sample local begin state b with consensus subtree from i..j from
   *   local begin state distribution.
   * o Randomly choose g and h in range i..j, where h >= g and
   *   truncate sequence from g..h. The first residue will either be
   *   an insert before position g, or a match at position g of the 
   *   model. The final residue will either be an insert after position
   *   h or a match at position h of the model.
   * Unlike in global mode, in local mode all fragments are not
   * equiprobable since the local begin state distribution can be
   * anything, and each b allows different sets of fragments to be
   * generated (because they can only span from i to j).
   * The truncation penalty should be the log of the probability of
   * aligning the current fragment to the model. So we need to know 
   * the probability of generating each possible fragment. 
   * We could calculate probability of any fragment g,h with the 
   * following inefficient algorithm:
   * For each start fragment point g,
   *   For each start fragment point h,
   *     For each state v,
   *       If lpos[v] <= g && rpos[v] >= h, then
   *       prob[g][h] += begin[v] * 2. / (st_clen[v] * (st_clen[v]+1));
   * Where lpos[v]/rpos[v] are the left/right consensus positions in
   * consensus subtree rooted at state v. And st_clen[v] is rpos[v] -
   * lpos[v] + 1, the consensus length of that subtree. 
   * This gives us prob[g][h], the probability of generating fragment
   * g,h. But we want to apply the penalty to a state, not to a
   * fragment, to avoid needing to know the fragment boundaries g,h
   * during the DP recursion when applying the penalty.  
   * To facilitate this, we need to find state t, the state with
   * smallest subtree that contains g,h. State t is relevant because
   * it is the state which will root the alignment of the fragment g,h
   * by using a truncated begin transition into t. This gives a new
   * algorithm:
   * For each start fragment point g,
   *   For each start fragment point h,
   *     Identify state t, the max valued state for which 
   *       lpos[v] <= g && rpos[v] >= h, then {
   *         prob[t] += prob[g][h]
   *         fcount[t]++;
   *       }
   * prob[t] will be the probability of observing an alignment that
   * uses a truncated begin into t to align any fragment. Then we take
   * average over all fragments: prob[t] / fcount[t] (since we'll only
   * be aligning one of those fragments) and use the log of that
   * probability as the penalty for observing a truncated alignment
   * rooted at state t. Conveniently, it turns out that all fragments
   * that share t are equiprobable (have equal prob[g][h] values), so
   * the average probability is the actual probability for each
   * fragment, and thus the correct penalty to apply.
   * Fortunately, we can compute the correct penalty much more
   * efficiently than the two algorithms shown above. The
   * efficient way is implemented below. A test that the penalties
   * are correctly computed is in cm_tr_penalties_Validate().
   * This discussion assumes we're truncating 5' and 3', but if we're
   * only truncating 5' or 3' The situation is a little different.
   * There's an example of computing all three types of penalties for
   * a simple CM in ELN3 p44-45.
   * Section 3. Adapting truncation penalties to allow for inserts.
   * We need to be able to do truncated begins into insert states
   * because we enforce that the first/final residue of a sequence be
   * included in 5'/3' truncated alignments and we want to be able
   * to properly align those residues if they're probably emitted
   * by insert states. 
   * The methods/logic explained in sections 1 and 2 above I believe
   * is correct IF we ignore inserts (assume truncated begins into
   * them are impossible). But we need to allow inserts, so I modify
   * the truncation penalties as described above to allow for inserts
   * as follows. We can calculate the appropriate truncated begin
   * penalty for all MATP_MP, MATL_ML, MATR_MR, BIF_B states as with
   * the methods described above by ignoring inserts. This gives us a
   * probability p of using that state as the root of the truncated
   * alignment, i.e. the truncated begin state. (The log_2 of this
   * probability is the penalty.) We then partition p amongst the
   * MATP_MP, MATL_ML, MATR_MR, BIF_B states and any parent insert
   * states, i.e. any insert state that can transition into the
   * match/bif state. For each match/bif state there's 0, 1 or 2
   * parent inserts. We then partition p based on the relative
   * expected occupancy of these inserts versus the match/bif state.
   * This is certainly 'incorrect' in that it doesn't reflect the
   * true probability of a fragment being aligned to each of the
   * states, but it should be a close approximation. I think doing
   * it correctly is basically impossible in the context of a single
   * state-specific penalty (i.e. the penalty would have to be per-fragment
   * which would be hard to deal with in the DP functions).

  /* allocate and initialize the penalty arrays */
  ESL_ALLOC(trp->g_ptyAA,  sizeof(float *) * NTRPENALTY); 
  ESL_ALLOC(trp->l_ptyAA,  sizeof(float *) * NTRPENALTY); 
  ESL_ALLOC(trp->ig_ptyAA, sizeof(int *)   * NTRPENALTY); 
  ESL_ALLOC(trp->il_ptyAA, sizeof(int *)   * NTRPENALTY); 

  for(i = 0; i < NTRPENALTY; i++) { 
    trp->g_ptyAA[i]  = NULL;
    trp->l_ptyAA[i]  = NULL;
    trp->il_ptyAA[i] = NULL;
    trp->ig_ptyAA[i] = NULL;
    ESL_ALLOC(trp->g_ptyAA[i],  sizeof(float) * cm->M);
    ESL_ALLOC(trp->l_ptyAA[i],  sizeof(float) * cm->M);
    ESL_ALLOC(trp->ig_ptyAA[i], sizeof(int)   * cm->M);
    ESL_ALLOC(trp->il_ptyAA[i], sizeof(int)   * cm->M);
    esl_vec_FSet(trp->g_ptyAA[i],   cm->M, IMPOSSIBLE);
    esl_vec_FSet(trp->l_ptyAA[i],   cm->M, IMPOSSIBLE);
    esl_vec_ISet(trp->ig_ptyAA[i],  cm->M, -INFTY);
    esl_vec_ISet(trp->il_ptyAA[i],  cm->M, -INFTY);

  /* DumpEmitMap(stdout, cm->emap, cm); */

  /* Calculate local begin probabilities and expected occupancy */
  ESL_ALLOC(begin, sizeof(float) * cm->M);
  cm_CalculateLocalBeginProbs(cm, cm->pbegin, cm->t, begin);
  if((status = cm_ExpectedPositionOccupancy(cm, &mexpocc, &iexpocc, &psi, NULL, NULL, NULL)) != eslOK) goto ERROR;

  /* Fill global and local truncation penalties in a single loop. We
   * step through all nodes and set the truncation penalties for the
   * MATP_MP, MATL_ML, MATR_MR, and BIF_B states and any parent
   * inserts (i1, i2) of those states.
  g_5and3 = 2. / (cm->clen * (cm->clen+1)); /* for global mode: probability of all fragments if we're truncating 5' and 3' */
  g_5or3  = 1. / cm->clen;                  /* for global mode: probability of all fragments if we're only truncating 5' or  3' */

  prv5 = prv3 = prv53 = 0.; /* initialize 'previous' probability values used for calc'ing local truncation penalties */
  for(nd = 0; nd < cm->nodes; nd++) { 
    lpos = (cm->ndtype[nd] == MATP_nd || cm->ndtype[nd] == MATL_nd) ? cm->emap->lpos[nd] : cm->emap->lpos[nd] + 1;
    rpos = (cm->ndtype[nd] == MATP_nd || cm->ndtype[nd] == MATR_nd) ? cm->emap->rpos[nd] : cm->emap->rpos[nd] - 1;

    /* now set penalties for match and insert states m, i1 and maybe i2 (if we're a MATP_MP or BIF_B) */
    if(cm->ndtype[nd] == END_nd) { 
      prv5 = prv3 = prv53 = 0.;
    else if(cm->ndtype[nd] == BEGL_nd || cm->ndtype[nd] == BEGR_nd) {
      prv5  = (cm->ndtype[nd] == BEGL_nd) ? 0. : trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][cm->plast[cm->nodemap[nd]]];  /* parent BIF_B's probability */;
      prv3  = (cm->ndtype[nd] == BEGR_nd) ? 0. : trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][cm->plast[cm->nodemap[nd]]];  /* parent BIF_B's probability */;
      prv53 = trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][cm->plast[cm->nodemap[nd]]];  /* parent BIF_B's probability */
    else if(cm->ndtype[nd] == MATP_nd || cm->ndtype[nd] == MATL_nd || cm->ndtype[nd] == MATR_nd || cm->ndtype[nd] == BIF_nd) { 
      /* determine match states and insert states that pertain to this node */
      m = cm->nodemap[nd]; /* MATP_MP, MATL_ML, MATR_MR, or BIF_B */
      InsertsGivenNodeIndex(cm, nd-1, &i1, &i2);

      m_psi = psi[m];
      if(cm->ndtype[nd] == MATP_MP) { m_psi += (psi[m+1] + psi[m+2]); } /* include MATP_ML and MATP_MR psi */
      i1_psi = (i1 == -1) ? 0. : psi[i1];
      i2_psi = (i2 == -1) ? 0. : psi[i2]; 
      summed_psi = m_psi + i1_psi + i2_psi; 
      if(ignore_inserts) { 
	i1_psi = i2_psi = 0.;
	summed_psi = m_psi;

      /* Global penalties */
      /* sanity check, we should only set truncation penalty once per state */
      if(NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][m]))  goto ERROR;
      if((i1 != -1) && NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][i1])) goto ERROR;
      if((i2 != -1) && NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][i2])) goto ERROR;
      /* divide up the probability g_5and3 amongst relevant states m, i1, i2, weighted by psi */
      trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][m]  = (m_psi  / summed_psi) * g_5and3;
      if(i1 != -1) trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][i1] = (i1_psi / summed_psi) * g_5and3;
      if(i2 != -1) trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][i2] = (i2_psi / summed_psi) * g_5and3;

      /* same thing, for 5P only and 3P only */
      if(rpos == cm->clen) { /* else it will remain IMPOSSIBLE */
	trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][m]  = (m_psi / summed_psi) * g_5or3;
	if(i1 != -1) trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][i1] = (i1_psi / summed_psi) * g_5or3;
	if(i2 != -1) trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][i2] = (i2_psi / summed_psi) * g_5or3;
      if(lpos == 1) { /* else it will remain IMPOSSIBLE */
	trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][m]  = (m_psi  / summed_psi) * g_5or3;
	if(i1 != -1) trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][i1] = (i1_psi / summed_psi) * g_5or3;
	if(i2 != -1) trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][i2] = (i2_psi / summed_psi) * g_5or3;

      /* Local penalties */
      subtree_clen = rpos - lpos + 1;
      nfrag5  = subtree_clen;
      nfrag3  = subtree_clen;
      nfrag53 = (subtree_clen * (subtree_clen+1)) / 2;

      /* determine probability of observing a fragment aligned at
       * state m (here, m is what I call t above and in notes) and
       * partition that probability between m and i1 and/or i2 by
       * relative occupancy of match versus inserts
      cur5  = begin[m] / (float) nfrag5  + prv5;
      cur3  = begin[m] / (float) nfrag3  + prv3;
      cur53 = begin[m] / (float) nfrag53 + prv53;

      /* sanity check, we should only set truncation penalty once per state */
      if(NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][m]))  goto ERROR;
      if((i1 != -1) && NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][i1])) goto ERROR;
      if((i2 != -1) && NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][i2])) goto ERROR;

      trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][m]  = (m_psi  / summed_psi) * cur53;
      if(i1 != -1) trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][i1] = (i1_psi / summed_psi) * cur53;
      if(i2 != -1) trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][i2] = (i2_psi / summed_psi) * cur53;

      trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][m]  = (m_psi  / summed_psi) * cur5;
      if(i1 != -1) trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][i1] = (i1_psi / summed_psi) * cur5;
      if(i2 != -1) trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][i2] = (i2_psi / summed_psi) * cur5;

      trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][m]  = (m_psi  / summed_psi) * cur3;
      if(i1 != -1) trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][i1] = (i1_psi / summed_psi) * cur3;
      if(i2 != -1) trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][i2] = (i2_psi / summed_psi) * cur3;

      prv5  = (cm->ndtype[nd] == MATL_nd) ? cur5 : 0.;
      prv3  = (cm->ndtype[nd] == MATR_nd) ? cur3 : 0.;
      prv53 = cur53;

  /* all penalties are currently probabilities, convert them to log
   * probs and set integer penalties (careful, we have to check if
   * IMPOSSIBLE first)
  for(v = 0; v < cm->M; v++) 
      if((cm->stid[v] == MATP_MP || cm->stid[v] == MATL_ML || cm->stid[v] == MATR_MR || cm->stid[v] == BIF_B) || 
	 ((cm->sttype[v] == IL_st || cm->sttype[v] == IR_st) && (! StateIsDetached(cm, v)))) 
	  /* Check for rare special case: if we're a MATP_IL and next
	   * two states are MATP_IR and END_E, then we won't have set
	   * a trunction penalty. This state will keep an impossible
	   * truncated begin score, if we did a truncated begin into
	   * it we'd just emit from the MATP_IL and then go to the
	   * END_E anyway (the MATP_IR will be detached.
	  if(cm->stid[v] == MATP_IL && cm->ndtype[cm->ndidx[v]+1] == END_nd) continue;

	  /* glocal 5P AND 3P: all of these should have been set to a non-IMPOSSIBLE value */
	  if(! NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][v])) goto ERROR;
	  trp->ig_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][v] = Prob2Score(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][v], 1.0);
	  trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][v]  = sreLOG2(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][v]);
	  /* glocal 5P only: some may be IMPOSSIBLE */
	  if(NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][v])) { 
	    trp->ig_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][v] = Prob2Score(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][v], 1.0);
	    trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][v]  = sreLOG2(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][v]);
	  /* glocal 5P only: some may be IMPOSSIBLE */
	  if(NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][v])) { 
	    trp->ig_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][v] = Prob2Score(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][v], 1.0);
	    trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][v]  = sreLOG2(trp->g_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][v]);

	  /* local penalties all of these should have been set to a non-IMPOSSIBLE value */
	  if(! NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->il_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][v])) goto ERROR;
	  if(! NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->il_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][v]))   goto ERROR;
	  if(! NOT_IMPOSSIBLE(trp->il_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][v]))   goto ERROR;

	  trp->il_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][v] = Prob2Score(trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][v], 1.0);
	  trp->il_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][v]   = Prob2Score(trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][v], 1.0);
	  trp->il_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][v]   = Prob2Score(trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][v], 1.0);
	  trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][v]  = sreLOG2(trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_AND_3P][v]);
	  trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][v]    = sreLOG2(trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_5P_ONLY][v]);
	  trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][v]    = sreLOG2(trp->l_ptyAA[TRPENALTY_3P_ONLY][v]);

  if(ignore_inserts) { 
    if((status = cm_tr_penalties_Validate(trp, cm, 0.0001, errbuf)) != eslOK) { printf("%s", errbuf);  goto ERROR; }

  /* cm_tr_penalties_Dump(stdout, cm, trp); */

  if(mexpocc != NULL) free(mexpocc);
  if(iexpocc != NULL) free(iexpocc);
  if(psi     != NULL) free(psi);
  if(begin   != NULL) free(begin);

  return trp;

  if(mexpocc != NULL) free(mexpocc);
  if(iexpocc != NULL) free(iexpocc);
  if(psi     != NULL) free(psi);
  if(begin   != NULL) free(begin);
  if(trp     != NULL) cm_tr_penalties_Destroy(trp);

  return NULL;