static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
    SFUNPRINTF("Starting Instance of %s.\n", TOSTRING(S_FUNCTION_NAME));
    // init ROS if not yet done.

    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    int_T nRobots = mxGetNumberOfElements(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2));
    *ssGetIWork(S) = nRobots;
    ssGetIWork(S)[1] = *((mxChar*)mxGetData(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 4)));

    ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle(ros::this_node::getName());

    // get Topic Strings
    size_t prefix_buflen = mxGetN((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 1)))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
    size_t postfix_buflen = mxGetN((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 3)))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
    char* prefix_topic = (char*)mxMalloc(prefix_buflen);
    char* postfix_topic = (char*)mxMalloc(postfix_buflen);
    mxGetString((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 1)), prefix_topic, prefix_buflen);
    mxGetString((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 3)), postfix_topic, postfix_buflen);

    //SFUNPRINTF("The string being passed as a Paramater is - %s\n ", topic);
    std::stringstream sstream;
    mxChar* robotIDs = (mxChar*)mxGetData(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 2));
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRobots; ++i) {

        // build topicstring
        sstream << prefix_topic;
        sstream << (uint)robotIDs[i];
        sstream << postfix_topic;

        GenericSubscriber<sensor_msgs::JointState>* sub
                = new GenericSubscriber<sensor_msgs::JointState>(nodeHandle, sstream.str(), 10);
        vecPWork[i] = sub;

    // free char array

    // Create nRobot Spinners
    ros::AsyncSpinner* spinner = new ros::AsyncSpinner(nRobots); // nRobots Spinner
    vecPWork[nRobots] = spinner;

/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you compute the outputs of your S-function
 *    block.
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    // get Objects
    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    int_T nRobots = *ssGetIWork(S);

    // get Pointers
    // accessing inputs
    const real_T *position = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0);
   // const real_T *orientation = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,1);
    geometry_msgs::PointStamped msg;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRobots; ++i) {
        GenericPublisher<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>* pub 
                = (GenericPublisher<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>*)vecPWork[i];

        // define send Time.
        msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

        msg.point.x = position[i*3 + 0];
        msg.point.y = position[i*3 + 1];
        msg.point.z = position[i*3 + 2];


Exemplo n.º 3
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
    // Notify
    SFUNPRINTF("Starting Instance of %s.\n", TOSTRING(S_FUNCTION_NAME));
    // init ROS if not yet done.

    ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle(ros::this_node::getName());

    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    ros::Time* firstExecTime = new ros::Time(ros::Time::now());
    vecPWork[0] = firstExecTime;

    ros::Time* lastExecTime = new ros::Time(*firstExecTime);
    vecPWork[1] = lastExecTime;

    real_T* vecRWork = ssGetRWork(S);
    vecRWork[0] = mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 0)); // Tsim
    vecRWork[1] = 0.0; // simulationTime 

    int_T* vecIWork = ssGetIWork(S);
    vecIWork[0] = 1; // initialize step counter

/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you compute the outputs of your S-function
 *    block.
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    // get Objects
    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    int_T nRobots = *ssGetIWork(S);

    // Preparing Outputs
    real_T *rpy = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0);
    real_T *thrust = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,1);
    real_T *estim_mass = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,2);
    real_T *time = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,3);
    telekyb_msgs::TKCommandsConstPtr lastMsg;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRobots; ++i) {
        GenericSubscriber<telekyb_msgs::TKCommands>* sub 
                = (GenericSubscriber<telekyb_msgs::TKCommands>*)vecPWork[i];
        lastMsg = sub->getLastMsg();
        if (lastMsg){ // copy only if a message was actually received
            rpy[i*3 + 0] = lastMsg->roll;
            rpy[i*3 + 1] = lastMsg->pitch;
            rpy[i*3 + 2] = lastMsg->yaw;

            thrust[i + 0] = lastMsg->thrust;

            estim_mass[i + 0] = lastMsg->mass;

            time[i + 0] = lastMsg->header.stamp.toSec();


/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you compute the outputs of your S-function
 *    block.
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    // get Objects
    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    int_T nRobots = *ssGetIWork(S);

    // Preparing Outputs
    real_T *position = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0);
    real_T *quaternion = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,1);
    real_T *time = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,2);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRobots; ++i) {

    	GenericSubscriber<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>* sub =

    	geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr lastMsg = sub->getLastMsg();
        if (lastMsg){ // copy only if a message was actually received
            position[i*3 + 0] = lastMsg->pose.position.x;
            position[i*3 + 1] = lastMsg->pose.position.y;
            position[i*3 + 2] = lastMsg->pose.position.z;

            // w, x, y, z
            quaternion[i*4 + 0] = lastMsg->pose.orientation.w;
            quaternion[i*4 + 1] = lastMsg->pose.orientation.x;
            quaternion[i*4 + 2] = lastMsg->pose.orientation.y;
            quaternion[i*4 + 3] = lastMsg->pose.orientation.z;

            time[i + 0] = lastMsg->header.stamp.toSec();



/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you compute the outputs of your S-function
 *    block.
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    // get Objects
    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    int_T nRobots = *ssGetIWork(S);

    // get Pointers
    // accessing inputs
    const real_T *linVel = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0);
    const real_T *angVel = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,1);
    geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped msg;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRobots; ++i) {
        GenericPublisher<geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped>* pub
                = (GenericPublisher<geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped>*)vecPWork[i];

        // define send Time.
        msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

        msg.wrench.force.x = linVel[i*3 + 0];
        msg.wrench.force.y = linVel[i*3 + 1];
        msg.wrench.force.z = linVel[i*3 + 2];

        // w, x, y, z
        msg.wrench.torque.x = angVel[i*3 + 0];
        msg.wrench.torque.y = angVel[i*3 + 1];
        msg.wrench.torque.z = angVel[i*3 + 2];


Exemplo n.º 7
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    /* Input and output vectors */
    const real_T *u  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0);

    real_T *y  = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);

    /* Block name buffer length and string read status */
    int_T buflen;
    int_T status;

    /* Block mask parameter struct */
    ValveStruct valveStruct;
    valveStruct.VlvfullyOpen			= *mxGetPr(VlvfullyOpen_p(S));
    valveStruct.VlvdeadZone			= *mxGetPr(VlvdeadZone_p(S));
    valveStruct.Valve_Ae               = *mxGetPr(Valve_Ae_p(S));
    /* Vector & array data */
    valveStruct.X_V_PRVec			= mxGetPr(X_V_PRVec_p(S));
    valveStruct.T_V_WcVec          = mxGetPr(T_V_WcVec_p(S));
    /* Dimensions of parameter arrays */
    valveStruct.A   = mxGetNumberOfElements(X_V_PRVec_p(S));

    valveStruct.IWork      = ssGetIWork(S);

    /* Get name of block from dialog parameter (string) */
    buflen = mxGetN(BN_p(S))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
    valveStruct.BlkNm = malloc(buflen);
    status = mxGetString(BN_p(S), valveStruct.BlkNm, buflen);

    /* Perform core block calculations */
    Valve_TMATS_body(y, u, &valveStruct);
/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you compute the outputs of your S-function
 *    block.
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    // get Objects
    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    int_T nRobots = *ssGetIWork(S);

    // Preparing Outputs
    real_T *force = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0);
    real_T *time = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,1);
    telekyb_msgs::TKMotorCommandsConstPtr lastMsg;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRobots; ++i) {
        GenericSubscriber<telekyb_msgs::TKMotorCommands>* sub 
                = (GenericSubscriber<telekyb_msgs::TKMotorCommands>*)vecPWork[i];
        lastMsg = sub->getLastMsg();
        if (lastMsg){ // copy only if a message was actually received
            if (lastMsg->force.size() == 4){
                for (unsigned int j=0; j<4; j++){
                    force[i*4 + j] = lastMsg->force[j];
            } else {
                SFUNPRINTF("Wrong message size (%d).\n", (int)lastMsg->force.size());

                time[i + 0] = lastMsg->header.stamp.toSec();



/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you compute the outputs of your S-function
 *    block.
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    // get Objects
    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    int_T nRobots = *ssGetIWork(S);
    const size_t nDofs = ssGetIWork(S)[1];

    // Preparing Outputs
    real_T *jointPos = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0);
    real_T *jointVel = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,1);
    real_T *jointEff = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,2);
    real_T *time = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,3);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRobots; ++i) {
        GenericSubscriber<sensor_msgs::JointState>* sub
                = (GenericSubscriber<sensor_msgs::JointState>*)vecPWork[i];

        sensor_msgs::JointStateConstPtr lastMsg = sub->getLastMsg();
        if (lastMsg){ // copy only if a message was actually received

			memcpy(jointPos+i*nDofs, lastMsg->,std::min(nDofs,lastMsg->position.size())*sizeof(double));
			memcpy(jointVel+i*nDofs, lastMsg->,std::min(nDofs,lastMsg->velocity.size())*sizeof(double));
			memcpy(jointEff+i*nDofs, lastMsg->,std::min(nDofs,lastMsg->effort.size())*sizeof(double));

            for (size_t k = std::min(nDofs,lastMsg->position.size()); k<nDofs; ++k){
				jointPos[i*nDofs+k] = NAN;
            for (size_t k = std::min(nDofs,lastMsg->velocity.size()); k<nDofs; ++k){
            	jointVel[i*nDofs+k] = NAN;
            for (size_t k = std::min(nDofs,lastMsg->effort.size()); k<nDofs; ++k){
            	jointEff[i*nDofs+k] = NAN;

            time[i + 0] = lastMsg->header.stamp.toSec();



/* Function: mdlTerminate =====================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you should perform any actions that are necessary
 *    at the termination of a simulation.  For example, if memory was
 *    allocated in mdlStart, this is the place to free it.
static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
    // get Objects
    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);

    int_T nRobots = *ssGetIWork(S);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRobots; ++i) {
        GenericPublisher<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>* pub = (GenericPublisher<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>*)vecPWork[i];
        // cleanup
        delete pub;

    SFUNPRINTF("Terminating Instance of %s.\n", TOSTRING(S_FUNCTION_NAME));
/* Function: mdlTerminate =====================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you should perform any actions that are necessary
 *    at the termination of a simulation.  For example, if memory was
 *    allocated in mdlStart, this is the place to free it.
static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
	// get Objects
	ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle(ros::this_node::getName());

	void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);

	ros::ServiceClient* start_client = (ros::ServiceClient*)vecPWork[0];
	delete start_client;

	ros::ServiceClient* stop_client = (ros::ServiceClient*)vecPWork[1];
	vrep_common::simRosStopSimulation stopSrv;
	if (stopSrv.response.result == -1){
		ssWarning(S,"Error stopping V-REP simulation.");
	delete stop_client;

	ros::ServiceClient* synchronous_client = (ros::ServiceClient*)vecPWork[2];
	vrep_common::simRosSynchronous syncSrv;
	syncSrv.request.enable = false;
	if (syncSrv.response.result == -1){
		ssWarning(S,"Error setting V-REP synchronous simulation mode.");
	delete synchronous_client;

	ros::ServiceClient* trigger_client = (ros::ServiceClient*)vecPWork[3];
	delete trigger_client;

	// delete all subscribers and spinners
	const int_T nWaitTopic = ssGetIWork(S)[0];
	for (int_T i = 0; i<nWaitTopic; ++i){
		GenericSubscriber<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>* sub =
				(GenericSubscriber<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>*) vecPWork[4+i];
		delete sub;

	if (nWaitTopic>0){
		ros::AsyncSpinner* spinner =
				(ros::AsyncSpinner*) vecPWork[4+nWaitTopic];
		delete spinner;

	SFUNPRINTF("Terminating Instance of %s.\n", TOSTRING(S_FUNCTION_NAME));
/* Function: mdlTerminate =====================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you should perform any actions that are necessary
 *    at the termination of a simulation.  For example, if memory was
 *    allocated in mdlStart, this is the place to free it.
static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
    // get Objects
    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    int_T nRobots = *ssGetIWork(S);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRobots; ++i) {
        GenericSubscriber<telekyb_msgs::TKMotorCommands>* sub 
                = (GenericSubscriber<telekyb_msgs::TKMotorCommands>*)vecPWork[i];
        // cleanup
        delete sub;
    ros::AsyncSpinner* spinner = (ros::AsyncSpinner*)vecPWork[nRobots];
    delete spinner;

    SFUNPRINTF("Terminating Instance of %s.\n", TOSTRING(S_FUNCTION_NAME));
/* Function: mdlUpdate ======================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    This function is called once for every major integration time step.
 *    Discrete states are typically updated here, but this function is useful
 *    for performing any tasks that should only take place once per
 *    integration step.
static void mdlUpdate(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
	void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
	ros::ServiceClient* trigger_client = (ros::ServiceClient*)vecPWork[3];

	const real_T timeout = mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 3));

	const int_T nWaitTopic = ssGetIWork(S)[0];

	// reset all semaphores
	for (int_T i = 0; i<nWaitTopic; ++i){
		GenericSubscriber<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>* sub =
				(GenericSubscriber<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>*) vecPWork[4+i];

	vrep_common::simRosSynchronousTrigger trigSrv;

	if (trigSrv.response.result == -1){
		ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error triggering V-REP simulation");

	// wait for all messages
	for (int_T i = 0; i<nWaitTopic; ++i){
		GenericSubscriber<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>* sub =
				(GenericSubscriber<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>*) vecPWork[4+i];
		if (sub->waitMsg(timeout) == -1){
			const std::string tmp = std::string("Timeout expired for topic ") + sub->getTopicName();
			ssWarning(S, tmp.c_str());
		} else {

	const real_T extraWaitTime = mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 4));
	if (extraWaitTime>0){
		//				  SFUNPRINTF("Waiting extra %f seconds\n", extraWaitTime);
		ros::Duration extra_wait(extraWaitTime);


Exemplo n.º 14
/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
 * Abstract:
 *      y1 = "sum" * "gain" where sum operation is defined by a list of
 *           '+' and '-' characters.
 *      y2 = "modified" average of the input signals (i.e. sum/nInputPorts).
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    InputRealPtrsType enablePtrs;
    int               *enabled = ssGetIWork(S);
    int enableTid = ssGetInputPortSampleTimeIndex(S,ENABLE_IPORT);
    int signalTid = ssGetInputPortSampleTimeIndex(S,SIGNAL_IPORT);
    real_T enableTs       = ssGetInputPortSampleTime(S,ENABLE_IPORT);
    real_T enableTsOffset = ssGetInputPortOffsetTime(S,ENABLE_IPORT);
    if (enableTs == CONTINUOUS_SAMPLE_TIME && enableTsOffset == 0.0) {
        if (ssIsMajorTimeStep(S) && ssIsContinuousTask(S,tid)) {
            if (signalTid == enableTid ||
                ssIsSpecialSampleHit(S, signalTid, enableTid, tid)) {
                enablePtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,ENABLE_IPORT);
                *enabled = (*enablePtrs[0] > 0.0);
    } else {
        int enableTid = ssGetInputPortSampleTimeIndex(S,ENABLE_IPORT);
        if (ssIsSampleHit(S, enableTid, tid)) {
            if (enableTid == signalTid || 
                ssIsSpecialSampleHit(S, signalTid, enableTid, tid)) {
                enablePtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,ENABLE_IPORT);
                *enabled = (*enablePtrs[0] > 0.0);

    if (ssIsSampleHit(S, signalTid, tid) && (*enabled)) {
        InputRealPtrsType uPtrs  = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,SIGNAL_IPORT);
        real_T            signal = *uPtrs[0];
        int               i;
        for (i = 0; i < NOUTPUTS; i++) {
            int outTid = ssGetOutputPortSampleTimeIndex(S,i);
            if (outTid==signalTid || 
                ssIsSpecialSampleHit(S, outTid, signalTid, tid)) {
                real_T *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,i);
                *y = signal;

} /* end mdlOutputs */
Exemplo n.º 15
/* Function: mdlOutputs =======================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you compute the outputs of your S-function
 *    block.
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    real_T* vecRWork = ssGetRWork(S);
    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    int_T* vecIWork = ssGetIWork(S);
    ros::Time* firstExecTime = (ros::Time*)vecPWork[0];
    ros::Time* lastExecTime = (ros::Time*)vecPWork[1];
    int_T showEveryNumCycles = (int_T)mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 2));
    real_T slowDownFactor = (real_T)mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S,3));

    //simulationTime += Tsim;
    vecRWork[1] += slowDownFactor * vecRWork[0];
    ros::Time currentTime = ros::Time::now();
    ros::Time timeElapsed((currentTime - *firstExecTime).toSec());
    *lastExecTime = currentTime;

    ros::Duration sleepTime = ros::Time(vecRWork[1]) - timeElapsed;

    // output of sleepTime
    real_T *output = (real_T*)ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0);
    output[0] = sleepTime.toSec();

    if (sleepTime.toSec() > 0.0) {
    else if (sleepTime.toSec() < -1.0 * mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 1))) { // show error only if the delay time is above a certain threshold (2nd parameter)
	    if (showEveryNumCycles > 0) { // never show error when (3rd parameter) <= 0
            	if (vecIWork[0] >= showEveryNumCycles) { // show only every (3rd parameter) cycles 
            SFUNPRINTF("Beware! rtTimer is negative! Time: %f\n", sleepTime.toSec());
			vecIWork[0] = 1;
            	else {
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
    SFUNPRINTF("Starting Instance of %s.\n", TOSTRING(S_FUNCTION_NAME));
    // init ROS if not yet done.

    void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);
    // save nRobots in IWorkVector
    int_T nRobots = mxGetNumberOfElements(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2));
    *ssGetIWork(S) = nRobots;

    ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle(ros::this_node::getName());

    // get Topic Strings
    size_t prefix_buflen = mxGetN((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 1)))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
    size_t postfix_buflen = mxGetN((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 3)))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
    char* prefix_topic = (char*)mxMalloc(prefix_buflen);
    char* postfix_topic = (char*)mxMalloc(postfix_buflen);
    mxGetString((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 1)), prefix_topic, prefix_buflen);
    mxGetString((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 3)), postfix_topic, postfix_buflen);

    //SFUNPRINTF("The string being passed as a Paramater is - %s\n ", topic);
    std::stringstream sstream;
    mxChar* robotIDs = (mxChar*)mxGetData(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 2));
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRobots; ++i) {

        // build topicstring
        sstream << prefix_topic;
        sstream << (uint)robotIDs[i];
    	sstream << postfix_topic;

        GenericPublisher<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>* pub
			= new GenericPublisher<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>(nodeHandle, sstream.str(), 10);
        vecPWork[i] = pub;

    // free char array
Exemplo n.º 17
static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
  int index  = (int)COMEDI_DEVICE - 1;
  void *dev  = (void *)ssGetPWork(S)[0];
  int subdev = ssGetIWork(S)[0];
  char *devname[4] = {"/dev/comedi0","/dev/comedi1","/dev/comedi2","/dev/comedi3"};

  if (ssGetErrorStatus(S) == NULL) {
    if (!ComediDev_AIInUse[index]) {
      comedi_unlock(dev, subdev);
    if (!ComediDev_InUse[index]) {
      printf("\nCOMEDI %s closed.\n\n", devname[index]);
      ComediDev[index] = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 18
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
  double *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);

  unsigned int channel = (unsigned int)COMEDI_CHANNEL;
  unsigned int range   = (unsigned int)COMEDI_RANGE;
  unsigned int aref    = (unsigned int)COMEDI_REFERENCE - 1;
  void *dev        = (void *)ssGetPWork(S)[0];
  int subdev       = ssGetIWork(S)[0];
  double range_min = ssGetRWork(S)[0];
  double range_max = ssGetRWork(S)[1];
  lsampl_t data, maxdata = comedi_get_maxdata(dev, subdev, COMEDI_CHANNEL);
  double x;
  comedi_data_read(dev, subdev, channel, range, aref, &data);
  x = data;
  x /= maxdata;
  x *= (range_max - range_min);
  x += range_min;
  *y = x;
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
	SFUNPRINTF("Starting Instance of %s.\n", TOSTRING(S_FUNCTION_NAME));
	// init ROS if not yet done.

	void** vecPWork = ssGetPWork(S);

	ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle(ros::this_node::getName());

	// get base service name strings
	size_t buflen = mxGetN((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 1)))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
	char* base_name = (char*)mxMalloc(buflen);
	mxGetString((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 1)), base_name, buflen);

	const std::string start_name = std::string(base_name) + "/simRosStartSimulation";
	ros::ServiceClient* start_client =
			new ros::ServiceClient(nodeHandle.serviceClient<vrep_common::simRosStartSimulation>(start_name));
	vecPWork[0] = start_client;
	if (!start_client->exists()){
		ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Start service does not exist!");

	const std::string stop_name = std::string(base_name) + "/simRosStopSimulation";
	ros::ServiceClient* stop_client =
			new ros::ServiceClient(nodeHandle.serviceClient<vrep_common::simRosStopSimulation>(stop_name));
	vecPWork[1] = stop_client;
	if (!stop_client->exists()){
		ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Stop service does not exist!");

	const std::string synchronous_name = std::string(base_name) + "/simRosSynchronous";
	ros::ServiceClient* synchronous_client =
			new ros::ServiceClient(nodeHandle.serviceClient<vrep_common::simRosSynchronous>(synchronous_name));
	vecPWork[2] = synchronous_client;
	if (!synchronous_client->exists()){
		ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Synchronous service does not exist!");

	const std::string trigger_name = std::string(base_name) + "/simRosSynchronousTrigger";
	ros::ServiceClient* trigger_client =
			new ros::ServiceClient(nodeHandle.serviceClient<vrep_common::simRosSynchronousTrigger>(trigger_name));
	vecPWork[3] = trigger_client;
	if (!trigger_client->exists()){
		ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Trigger service does not exist!");

	const std::string info_name = std::string(base_name) + "/simRosGetInfo";
	ros::ServiceClient* info_client =
			new ros::ServiceClient(nodeHandle.serviceClient<vrep_common::simRosGetInfo>(info_name));
	if (!info_client->exists()){
		ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Info service does not exist!");

	const std::string parameter_name = std::string(base_name) + "/simRosSetFloatingParameter";
	ros::ServiceClient* parameter_client =
			new ros::ServiceClient(nodeHandle.serviceClient<vrep_common::simRosSetFloatingParameter>(parameter_name));
	if (!parameter_client->exists()){
		ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Set parameter service does not exist!");

	// Set V-Rep time step to this block time step
	const real_T tSim = mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 0));
	vrep_common::simRosSetFloatingParameter paramSrv;
	paramSrv.request.parameter = sim_floatparam_simulation_time_step;
	paramSrv.request.parameterValue = tSim;

	if (paramSrv.response.result == -1){
		ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Error setting V-REP simulation time step.");

	vrep_common::simRosGetInfo infoSrv;
	const real_T vrepTimeStep = ROUND(infoSrv.response.timeStep*1e6)*1e-6;

	if (fabs(vrepTimeStep-tSim) > 1e-5){
		char str[100];
		sprintf(str, "V-REP time step (%e) is different from block time step (%e).", vrepTimeStep, tSim);

	// Set synchronous mode
	vrep_common::simRosSynchronous syncSrv;
	syncSrv.request.enable = true;
	if (syncSrv.response.result == -1){
		ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Error setting V-REP synchronous simulation mode.");

	// Start V-Rep simulation
	vrep_common::simRosStartSimulation startSrv;
	if (startSrv.response.result == -1){
		ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Error starting V-REP simulation.");

	// Subscribe to all the topics to wait
	size_t wait_buflen = mxGetN((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 2)))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
	char* wait_name = (char*)mxMalloc(wait_buflen);
	mxGetString((ssGetSFcnParam(S, 2)), wait_name, wait_buflen);

	int_T nWaitTopic = 0;
	char* topic = strtok(wait_name, TOPIC_SEPARATORS);
	while(topic != NULL){
		GenericSubscriber<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>* sub
			= new GenericSubscriber<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>(nodeHandle, topic, 1);
		vecPWork[4+nWaitTopic] = sub;
		topic = strtok (NULL, TOPIC_SEPARATORS);

	if (nWaitTopic>0){
		ros::AsyncSpinner* spinner = new ros::AsyncSpinner(nWaitTopic);
		vecPWork[4+nWaitTopic] = spinner;
		ssGetIWork(S)[0] = nWaitTopic;


Exemplo n.º 20
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    /*--------Define Parameters-------*/
    const real_T s_V_Ae_vlv                 = *mxGetPr(s_V_Ae_vlv_p(S));
    const real_T s_V_Ae_byp                 = *mxGetPr(s_V_Ae_byp_p(S));
    const real_T s_V_Ae_th                  = *mxGetPr(s_V_Ae_th_p(S));

    /*-------- vector & array data -------*/
    const real_T *X_V_FAR_vec               = mxGetPr(X_V_FAR_vec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_V_Rt_vec                = mxGetPr(T_V_Rt_vec_p(S));
    const real_T *Y_V_Tt_vec                = mxGetPr(Y_V_Tt_vec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_V_gamma_array           = mxGetPr(T_V_gamma_array_p(S));

    /*------get dimensions of parameter arrays-------*/
    const int_T A1  = mxGetNumberOfElements(X_V_FAR_vec_p(S));
    const int_T B1  = mxGetNumberOfElements(Y_V_Tt_vec_p(S));

    /*---------Define Inputs--------*/
    const real_T *u  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0);

    double WbyIn	= u[0];     /* Bypass flow path flow rate [pps] 	*/
    double TtbyIn   = u[1];     /* Bypass Temperature [degR] 	*/
    double PtbyIn   = u[2];     /* Bypass disch. pressure [psia] 	*/
    double FARcbyIn = u[3];     /* Bypass combusted fuel to air ratio [frac] */
    double VlvPosIn	= u[4];     /* Valve Position [frac, 0-1] 	*/
    double WmfpIn	= u[5];     /* Main flow path flow rate [pps] 	*/
    double TtmfpIn	= u[6];     /* Main flow path Temprature [degR] 	*/
    double PtmfpIn	= u[7];     /* Main flow path Pressure Input [psia] 	*/
    double FARcmfpIn= u[8];     /* Main flow path combusted fuel to air ratio [frac] */

    real_T *y  = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);  /* Output Array */

    /*--------Define Constants-------*/
    double Ath, Rb, gamb, Cpb, Pe, Me, Tcr_o_Te, Ae_o_Acr, Ath_o_Acr;
    double Mth0, Mth1, Tcr_o_Tth0, Tcr_o_Tth1, Ath_o_Acr0, Ath_o_Acr1, err0, err1, err;
    double Mth, Tcr_o_Tth_it, Ath_o_Acr_it, Tcr_o_T0, Tth_o_T0, Tth, Pth, rhoth, Vth, Wth, Wbyp_noz, Whpc;
    double MthOut, Test, WthOut;

    int interpErr = 0;
    int count;

    /* ------- get strings -------------- */
    char * BlkNm;
    int_T buflen;
    int_T status;

    /* Get name of block from dialog parameter (string) */
    buflen = mxGetN(BN_p(S))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
    BlkNm = mxMalloc(buflen);
    status = mxGetString(BN_p(S), BlkNm, buflen);

    /* Input validation */
    if ((WbyIn <= 0 || WmfpIn <= 0) && ssGetIWork(S)[Er1]==0){
        printf("Flow rates must be nonzero !!");

    if (VlvPosIn > 0){
        if (VlvPosIn < 0.001)
            VlvPosIn = 0.001;
        Ath = VlvPosIn*s_V_Ae_th;      /* throat area [in^2] */

        /* define gas constants for booster discharge air */
        Rb = interp1Ac(X_V_FAR_vec,T_V_Rt_vec,FARcmfpIn,A1,&interpErr);
        if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[Er2]==0){
            printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating Rb. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
        gamb = interp2Ac(X_V_FAR_vec,Y_V_Tt_vec,T_V_gamma_array,FARcmfpIn,TtmfpIn,A1,B1,&interpErr);
        if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[Er3]==0){
            printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating gamb. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
        Cpb = Rb*gamb*divby(gamb-1);

        /* determine static pressure at the exit plane (entering fan); */
        /* assume bypass flow >> bleed flow */
        Pe = calc_Pstatic(PtbyIn,TtbyIn,WbyIn,s_V_Ae_byp,X_V_FAR_vec,T_V_Rt_vec,Y_V_Tt_vec,T_V_gamma_array,FARcbyIn,A1,B1);

        /* compute exit to critical area ratio */
        Me = sqrtT(2*divby(gamb-1)*(powT(Pe*divby(PtmfpIn), (1-gamb)*divby(gamb))-1));
        Tcr_o_Te = (2*divby(gamb+1))*(1 + 0.5*(gamb-1)*Me*Me);
        Ae_o_Acr = powT(Tcr_o_Te, (gamb+1)*divby(2*(gamb-1)))*divby(Me);
        /* obtain throat to critical area ratio */
        Ath_o_Acr = Ae_o_Acr*Ath*divby(s_V_Ae_vlv);
        /* determine throat Mach no. iteratively; initialize guesses, errors */
        Mth0 = 0.1;      /* subsonic guess values */
        Mth1 = 0.2;

        Tcr_o_Tth0 = (2*divby(gamb+1))*(1 + 0.5*(gamb-1)*Mth0*Mth0);
        Tcr_o_Tth1 = (2*divby(gamb+1))*(1 + 0.5*(gamb-1)*Mth1*Mth1);
        Ath_o_Acr0 = powT(Tcr_o_Tth0, (gamb+1)*divby(2*(gamb-1)))*divby(Mth0);
        Ath_o_Acr1 = powT(Tcr_o_Tth1, (gamb+1)*divby(2*(gamb-1)))*divby(Mth1);
        err0 = Ath_o_Acr - Ath_o_Acr0;
        err1 = Ath_o_Acr - Ath_o_Acr1;
        err = 100;
        count = 0;

        while (fabs(err) > 0.002 && (err0 - err1) != 0 && count < 100){

            /* compute new Mach no. guess */
            Mth = Mth0 - err0*(Mth0 - Mth1)*divby(err0 - err1);
            if (Mth > 1.0)
                Mth = 1.0;

            /* compute error to drive solution towards specified area ratio */
            Tcr_o_Tth_it = (2*divby(gamb+1))*(1 + 0.5*(gamb-1)*Mth*Mth);
            Ath_o_Acr_it = powT(Tcr_o_Tth_it, (gamb+1)*divby(2*(gamb-1)))*divby(Mth);
            err = Ath_o_Acr - Ath_o_Acr_it;

            /* propagate errors & guesses */
            Mth1 = Mth0;
            err1 = err0;
            Mth0 = Mth;
            err0 = err;


        /* compute throat static pressure, temperature and Mach no.; */
        /* modify if choked */
        Tcr_o_T0 = 2*divby(gamb+1);
        Tth_o_T0 = 1*divby(1 + 0.5*(gamb-1)*Mth*Mth);
        if (Tth_o_T0 < Tcr_o_T0)
            Tth_o_T0 = Tcr_o_T0;
        Tth = TtmfpIn*Tth_o_T0;
        Pth = PtmfpIn*powT(Tth_o_T0, gamb*divby(gamb-1));

        /* recompute the actual flow rate, assume no pressure loss */
        rhoth = Pth*144*divby(Rb*JOULES_CONST*Tth);      /* [lb/ft^3] */
        Vth = sqrtT(2*Cpb*C_GRAVITY*JOULES_CONST*(TtmfpIn - Tth));     /* [ft/s] */
        Wth = rhoth*Ath/144*Vth;        /* [lb/s] */
        Mth = Vth*divby(sqrtT(gamb*Rb*C_GRAVITY*JOULES_CONST*Tth));
    else {
        Wth = 0;
        Mth = 0;

    WthOut = Wth;

    Test = Vth;

    /*------Assign output values------------*/
    y[0] = WthOut;      /* Valve throat flow [pps] */
    y[1] = MthOut;      /* Mach no. at throat */
    y[2] = Test;        /* Output Test Point */

Exemplo n.º 21
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    /*--------parameters defined in S-function block--------*/
    const real_T AFARc              = *mxGetPr(AFARc_p(S));
    /*-------- vector & array data -------*/
    const real_T *X_A_AltVec        = mxGetPr(X_A_AltVec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_A_TsVec         = mxGetPr(T_A_TsVec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_A_PsVec         = mxGetPr(T_A_PsVec_p(S));
    const real_T *X_A_FARVec        = mxGetPr(X_A_FARVec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_A_RtArray       = mxGetPr(T_A_RtArray_p(S));
    const real_T *Y_A_TVec          = mxGetPr(Y_A_TVec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_A_gammaArray    = mxGetPr(T_A_gammaArray_p(S));
    /*------get dimensions of parameter arrays-------*/
    const int_T A   = mxGetNumberOfElements(X_A_AltVec_p(S));
    const int_T B   = mxGetNumberOfElements(X_A_FARVec_p(S));
    const int_T C   = mxGetNumberOfElements(Y_A_TVec_p(S));
    /*---------Define Inputs--------*/
    const real_T *u  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0);
    double AltIn     = u[0];     /* Altitude(ft) 	*/
    double dTempIn   = u[1];     /* delta Temperature [degF] 	*/
    double MNIn      = u[2];     /* Mach Number (frac) 	*/
    real_T *y  = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);  /* Output Array */
    /*--------Define Constants-------*/
    double PsOut, TsOut, TtOut, PtOut, VengOut, TsStDayOut, Vsound;
    double Ttg, Ptg, Vg, Vsg, MNg, Sout, htg, gammasg, Rs, Rt;
    double hs, htOut; 
    double er, er_old, erthr, Ptg_new, Ptg_old, FAR, FAROut;
    int iter, maxiter;
    int interpErr = 0;
    /* ------- get strings -------------- */
    char * BlkNm;
    int_T buflen;
    int_T status;
    /* Get name of block from dialog parameter (string) */
    buflen = mxGetN(BN_p(S))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
    BlkNm = mxMalloc(buflen);
    status = mxGetString(BN_p(S), BlkNm, buflen);
    FAR = AFARc;
    Rt = interp1Ac(X_A_FARVec,T_A_RtArray,FAR,B,&interpErr);
    if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[0]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating Rt. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    Rs = Rt;
    /*  Static Temperature */
    TsStDayOut = interp1Ac(X_A_AltVec,T_A_TsVec,AltIn,A,&interpErr);
    if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[1]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating TsStDayOut. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    TsOut = TsStDayOut + dTempIn;
    /* Static Pressure*/
    PsOut = interp1Ac(X_A_AltVec,T_A_PsVec,AltIn,A,&interpErr);
    if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[2]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating PsOut. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    /* Calc output entropy */
    Sout = pt2sc(PsOut, TsOut, FAR);
    /* Determine Static enthalpy */
    hs = t2hc(TsOut,FAR);
    /* Pt guess */
    /*------ Total Temperature ---------*/
    Ttg = TsOut * (1+MNIn*MNIn*(C_GAMMA-1)/2);
    /*------ Total Pressure ---------*/
    Ptg = PsOut/(pow((TsOut/Ttg),(C_GAMMA/(C_GAMMA-1))));
    /* calculate total temperature */
    Ttg = sp2tc(Sout,Ptg,FAR);
    /* calculate total enthalpy */
    htg = t2hc(Ttg,FAR);
    /* calculate velocity */
    Vg = sqrt(2 * (htg - hs)*C_GRAVITY*JOULES_CONST);
    gammasg = interp2Ac(X_A_FARVec,Y_A_TVec,T_A_gammaArray,FAR,TsOut,B,C,&interpErr);
    if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[3]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating iteration gammasg. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    Vsg = sqrt(gammasg*Rs*TsOut*C_GRAVITY*JOULES_CONST);
    MNg = Vg/Vsg;
    er = MNIn - MNg;
    Ptg_new = Ptg + 0.05;
    maxiter = 15;
    iter = 0;
    erthr = 0.001;
    while (fabs(er) > erthr && iter < maxiter) {
        er_old = er;
        Ptg_old = Ptg;
        if(fabs(Ptg - Ptg_new) < 0.03)
            Ptg = Ptg + 0.05;
            Ptg = Ptg_new;
        /* calculate Total emperature */
        Ttg = sp2tc(Sout,Ptg,FAR);
        /* calculate total enthalpy */
        htg = t2hc(Ttg,FAR);
        /* calculate velocity */
        Vg = sqrt(2 * (htg - hs)*C_GRAVITY*JOULES_CONST);
        Vsg = sqrt(gammasg*Rs*TsOut*C_GRAVITY*JOULES_CONST);
        MNg = Vg/Vsg;
        er = MNIn - MNg;
        if (fabs(er) > erthr) {
            /* determine next guess pressure by secant algorithm */
            Ptg_new = Ptg - er *(Ptg - Ptg_old)/(er - er_old);
        iter = iter + 1;
    if (iter == maxiter && ssGetIWork(S)[3]==0 ){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating Pt at input MN. There may be error in output pressure\n", BlkNm);
    htOut = htg;
    TtOut = Ttg;
    PtOut = Ptg;
    /*---- Engine Velocity ---------*/
    Vsound = Vsg;
    VengOut = Vsound * MNIn;
    FAROut = FAR;
    /*------Assign output values------------*/
    y[0] = htOut;      /* Total enthalpy */
    y[1] = TtOut;      /* Total Temperature [degR] */
    y[2] = PtOut;      /* Total Pressure [psia] */
    y[3] = FAROut;     /* Fuel to Air Ratio */
    y[4] = PsOut;      /* Static Pressure [psia] */
    y[5] = TsOut;      /* Static Temperature [degR] */
    y[6] = VengOut;    /* Engine Velocity [ft/sec] */
Exemplo n.º 22
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)

    /*--------parameters defined in S-function block--------*/
    const real_T AthroatIn              = *mxGetPr(AthroatIn_p(S)); /* input throat area (sq-in) */
    const real_T MNIn                   = *mxGetPr(MNIn_p(S));      /* input throat area (sq-in) */
    const int_T SolveType               = *mxGetPr(SolveType_p(S));  /* 0-solve based on Ath, 1-solve based on MNIn*/

    /*-------- vector & array data -------*/
    const real_T *X_FARVec            = mxGetPr(X_FARVec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_RtArray           = mxGetPr(T_RtArray_p(S));
    const real_T *Y_TtVec             = mxGetPr(Y_TtVec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_gammaArray    = mxGetPr(T_gammaArray_p(S));

    /*------get dimensions of parameter arrays-------*/
    const int_T A   = mxGetNumberOfElements(X_FARVec_p(S));
    const int_T B   = mxGetNumberOfElements(Y_TtVec_p(S));

    /*---------Define Inputs--------*/
    const real_T *u  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0);

    double WIn      = u[0];     /* Input Flow [pps] 	*/
    double htIn     = u[1];     /* enthaply [BTU/lbm] 	*/
    double TtIn     = u[2];     /* Temperature Input [degR] 	*/
    double PtIn     = u[3];     /* Pressure Input [psia] 	*/
    double FARcIn   = u[4];     /* Combusted Fuel to Air Ratio [frac] 	*/

    real_T *y  = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);  /* Output Array */

    /*--------Define Constants-------*/
    double PsOut, TsOut, rhosOut, MNOut, AthOut;
    double Sin, htin;
    double Rt, Rs;
    double TsMNg, PsMNg, MNg;
    double Tsg, Psg, Psg_new, Psg_old, Acalc, erA, erA_old;
    double  gammatg, gammasg, hsg, rhosg, Vg;
    double erMN_old, erMN, PsMNg_old, PsMNg_new;
    double erthr;
    int maxiter, iter;
    int interpErr = 0;

    /* ------- get strings -------------- */
    char * BlkNm;
    int_T buflen;
    int_T status;

    /* Get name of block from dialog parameter (string) */
    buflen = mxGetN(BN_p(S))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
    BlkNm = mxMalloc(buflen);
    status = mxGetString(BN_p(S), BlkNm, buflen);

    /* Calc entropy */
    Sin = pt2sc(PtIn, TtIn, FARcIn);

    /*-- Compute Input enthalpy --------*/

    htin = t2hc(TtIn,FARcIn);

    /*  Where gas constant is R = f(FAR), but NOT P & T */
    Rt = interp1Ac(X_FARVec,T_RtArray,FARcIn,A,&interpErr);
    if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[0]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating Rt. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    Rs = Rt;

    /* Solve for Ts and Ps when MN is known*/
    if (SolveType == 1) {
        /*---- set MN = MNIn and calc SS Ps for iteration IC --------*/
        MNg = MNIn;
        gammatg = interp2Ac(X_FARVec,Y_TtVec,T_gammaArray,FARcIn,TtIn,A,B,&interpErr);
        if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[1]==0){
            printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating gammatg. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
        TsMNg = TtIn /(1+MNg*MNg*(gammatg-1)/2);
        PsMNg = PtIn*pow((TsMNg/TtIn),(gammatg/(gammatg-1)));

        PcalcStat(PtIn, PsMNg, TtIn, htin, FARcIn, Rt, &Sin, &TsMNg, &hsg, &rhosg, &Vg);
        gammasg = interp2Ac(X_FARVec,Y_TtVec,T_gammaArray,FARcIn,TsMNg,A,B,&interpErr);
        if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[2]==0){
            printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating gammasg. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
        MNg = Vg/sqrt(gammasg*Rs*TsMNg*C_GRAVITY*JOULES_CONST);

        if (Vg > 0.0001){
            Acalc = WIn/(Vg * rhosg/C_SINtoSFT);}
        else {
            Acalc = 999; /* if velocity is close to zero assume a very large Ath */}

        erMN = MNIn - MNg;
        PsMNg_new = PsMNg + 0.05;
        maxiter = 15;
        iter = 0;
        erthr = 0.0001;

        /* if Ps is not close enough to Ps at MN = MNIn, iterate to find Ps at MN = MNIn */
        while (fabs(erMN) > erthr && iter < maxiter) {
            erMN_old = erMN;
            PsMNg_old = PsMNg;
            if(fabs(PsMNg - PsMNg_new) < 0.003)
                PsMNg = PsMNg + 0.005;
                PsMNg = PsMNg_new;
            PcalcStat(PtIn, PsMNg, TtIn, htin, FARcIn, Rt, &Sin, &TsMNg, &hsg, &rhosg, &Vg);
            gammasg = interp2Ac(X_FARVec,Y_TtVec,T_gammaArray,FARcIn,TsMNg,A,B,&interpErr);
            if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[3]==0){
                printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating iteration gammasg. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
            MNg = Vg/sqrt(gammasg*Rs*TsMNg*C_GRAVITY*JOULES_CONST);
            /* calculated Area */
            if (Vg > 0.0001){
                Acalc = WIn/(Vg * rhosg/C_SINtoSFT);}
            else {
                Acalc = 999; /* if velocity is close to zero assume a very large Ath */}

            erMN = MNIn - MNg;
            if (fabs(erMN) > erthr) {
                /* determine next guess pressure by secant algorithm */
                PsMNg_new = PsMNg - erMN *(PsMNg - PsMNg_old)/(erMN - erMN_old);
            iter = iter + 1;
        if (iter == maxiter && ssGetIWork(S)[4]==0 ){
            printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating Ps at MN = MNIn. There may be error in block outputs\n", BlkNm);
        TsOut = TsMNg;
        PsOut = PsMNg;
        rhosOut = rhosg;
        MNOut = MNIn;
        AthOut = Acalc;
    /* Solve for Ts and Ps when Ath is known*/
    else if (SolveType == 0) {

        /* guess Psout and calculate an initial Area error */
        MNg = 0.4;
        gammatg = 1.4;
        Tsg = TtIn /(1+MNg*MNg*(gammatg-1)/2);
        Psg = PtIn*pow((Tsg/TtIn),(gammatg/(gammatg-1)));
        PcalcStat(PtIn, Psg, TtIn, htin, FARcIn, Rt, &Sin, &Tsg, &hsg, &rhosg, &Vg);
        Acalc = WIn/(Vg * rhosg/C_SINtoSFT);
        MNg = Vg/sqrt(gammasg*Rs*Tsg*C_GRAVITY*JOULES_CONST);

        /* determine guess error for static pressure iteration */
        erA = (AthroatIn - Acalc)/AthroatIn;

        /* determine iteration constants */
        iter = 0;
        maxiter = 1000;
        Psg_new = Psg + 0.05;
        erthr = 0.0001;

        while ( fabs(erA) > erthr && iter < maxiter){
            erA_old = erA;
            Psg_old = Psg;
            if(fabs(Psg - Psg_new) < 0.0003) {
                Psg = Psg + 0.0005;
            else {
                Psg = Psg_new;
            /* calculate flow velocity and rhos */
            PcalcStat(PtIn, Psg, TtIn, htin, FARcIn, Rt, &Sin, &Tsg, &hsg, &rhosg, &Vg);

            gammasg = interp2Ac(X_FARVec,Y_TtVec,T_gammaArray,FARcIn,Tsg,A,B,&interpErr);
            if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[3]==0){
                printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating iteration gammasg. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);

            MNg = Vg/sqrt(gammasg*Rs*Tsg*C_GRAVITY*JOULES_CONST);

            if (Vg > 0.0001) {
                /* calculated Area */
                Acalc = WIn/(Vg * rhosg/C_SINtoSFT);
                /*determine error */
                erA = (AthroatIn - Acalc)/AthroatIn;
            else {
                erA = 0;
                Psg = PtIn;
                Tsg = TtIn;
                Acalc = 999;
            if (fabs(erA) > erthr) {
                /* determine next guess pressure by secant algorithm */
                Psg_new = Psg - erA *(Psg - Psg_old)/(erA - erA_old);
                /* limit algorthim change */
                if (Psg_new > 1.001*Psg) {
                    Psg_new = 1.002 * Psg;
                else if (Psg_new < 0.999 * Psg) {
                    Psg_new = 0.998 * Psg;
            iter = iter + 1;
        TsOut = Tsg;
        PsOut = Psg;
        rhosOut = rhosg;
        MNOut = MNg;
        AthOut = Acalc;
    else {
        if (ssGetIWork(S)[5]==0 ){
            printf("Warning in %s, SolveType_M is not valid. There may be error in block outputs\n", BlkNm);
        TsOut = TtIn;
        PsOut = PtIn;
        rhosOut = 1;
        MNOut = 0;
        AthOut = 100;

    /*------Assign output values------------*/
    y[0] = TsOut;      /* static Temperature [degR] */
    y[1] = PsOut;      /* static Pressure [psia] */
    y[2] = rhosOut;    /* static rho [lbm/ft3]*/
    y[3] = MNOut;      /* mach number [frac]*/
    y[4] = AthOut;     /* throat area [in^2] */

Exemplo n.º 23
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    /*--------Define Parameters-------*/
    const real_T s_T_Nc             = *mxGetPr(s_T_Nc_p(S));
    const real_T s_T_PR             = *mxGetPr(s_T_PR_p(S));
    const real_T s_T_Wc             = *mxGetPr(s_T_Wc_p(S));
    const real_T s_T_Eff            = *mxGetPr(s_T_Eff_p(S));
    const real_T NcDes              = *mxGetPr(NcDes_p(S));
    const real_T PRmapDes           = *mxGetPr(PRmapDes_p(S));
    const real_T EffDes             = *mxGetPr(EffDes_p(S));
    const real_T NDes               = *mxGetPr(NDes_p(S));
    const real_T IDes               = *mxGetPr(IDesign_p(S));
    const real_T s_T_hi				= *mxGetPr(s_T_hi_p(S));
    const real_T gamma_T			= *mxGetPr(gamma_T_p(S));
    const real_T Rt_T				= *mxGetPr(Rt_T_p(S));
    const int_T  BldPosLeng         = *mxGetPr(BldPosLeng_p(S));
    const int_T  CoolFlwEn          = *mxGetPr(CoolFlwEn_p(S));

    /* vector & array data */
    const real_T *Y_T_NcpsiVec         = mxGetPr(Y_T_NcpsiVec_p(S));
    const real_T *X_T_PRpsiVec         = mxGetPr(X_T_PRpsiVec_p(S));
    const real_T *Y_T_NcwowVec         = mxGetPr(Y_T_NcwowVec_p(S));
    const real_T *X_T_PRwowVec         = mxGetPr(X_T_PRwowVec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_T_Map_WoWArray     = mxGetPr(T_T_Map_WoWArray_p(S));
    const real_T *T_T_Map_psiArray     = mxGetPr(T_T_Map_psiArray_p(S));
    const real_T *T_BldPos             = mxGetPr(T_BldPos_p(S));

    /*------get dimensions of parameter arrays-------*/
    const int_T A   = mxGetNumberOfElements(Y_T_NcpsiVec_p(S));
    const int_T B   = mxGetNumberOfElements(X_T_PRpsiVec_p(S));
    const int_T C   = mxGetNumberOfElements(Y_T_NcwowVec_p(S));
    const int_T D   = mxGetNumberOfElements(X_T_PRwowVec_p(S));

    /*---------Define Inputs--------*/
    const real_T *u  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0);

    double WIn      = u[0];     /* Input Flow [pps]	*/
    double htIn     = u[1];     /* input enthalpy [BTU/lbm]*/
    double TtIn     = u[2];     /* Temperature Input [degR]  */
    double PtIn     = u[3];     /* Pressure Input [psia] 	 */
    double FARcIn   = u[4];     /* Compusted Fuel to Air Ratio [frac] */
    double Nmech    = u[5];     /* Mechancial Shaft Speed [rpm]*/
    double psiMapIn = u[6];     /* PSI map [NA] 	 */

    /*---------Define Inputs for input port 2--------*/
    /* N 5x1 vectors consisting of W, ht, Tt, Pt and FAR, where N is the number of cooling flows */
    const real_T *CoolFlow = ssGetInputPortRealSignal(S, 1);
    int cfWidth = ssGetCurrentInputPortDimensions(S, 1, 0);

    real_T *y  = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);   /* Output Array */

    /*--------Define Constants-------*/
    double WOut, htOut, TtOut, PtOut, FARcOut, TorqueOut, NErrorOut;
    double WcCalcin, WcMap, theta,delta, Pwrout, PRin, htin;
    double TtIdealout, Test, htIdealout, Sout, NcMap, Nc, EffMap, Eff;
    double dHcools1, dHcoolout, Wfcools1, Wfcoolout, Ws1in,hts1in, Tts1in, Pts1in, FARs1in;
    double Ss1in, dHout, Wcoolout, Wcools1, PRmapRead;
    double C_Eff, C_PR, C_Nc, C_Wc, TtOutIdeal;
    double WMap, psiMapI, delHtIdealMap, erT, erT_old, Ptoutg, Ptoutg_old;
    double TtOutIdealg, WpqAcrit, WoWMap, Ptoutg_new;

    int interpErr = 0;
    double Wcool[100];
    double htcool[100];
    double Ttcool[100];
    double Ptcool[100];
    double FARcool[100];
    int Vtest, i;

    /* ------- get strings -------------- */
    char * BlkNm;
    int_T buflen;
    int_T status;

    /* Get name of block from dialog parameter (string) */
    buflen = mxGetN(BN_p(S))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
    BlkNm = mxMalloc(buflen);
    status = mxGetString(BN_p(S), BlkNm, buflen);

    /* Verify input bleed vector is a multiple of 5 */
    Vtest = cfWidth/5;
    if(5*Vtest != cfWidth && CoolFlwEn > 0.5 && ssGetIWork(S)[0]==0){
        printf("Error in %s, one or more of the cooling flow input vector eleements is missing(Vector form; 5x1: W,ht,Tt,Pt,FAR)\n",BlkNm);
    else if(BldPosLeng != cfWidth/5 && CoolFlwEn > 0.5 && ssGetIWork(S)[1]==0){
        printf("Errorin %s, number of cooling flow inputs does not match the length of the Cooling flow postion vector in the mask\n",BlkNm);

    /* unpack CoolFlow vector */
    for (i = 0; i < cfWidth/5; i++)
        if (CoolFlwEn < 0.5){
            Wcool[i] = 0;
            htcool[i] = 0;
            Ttcool[i] = 0;
            Ptcool[i] = 0;
            FARcool[i] = 0;
        else {
            Wcool[i] = CoolFlow[5*i];
            Ttcool[i] = CoolFlow[5*i+2];
            Ptcool[i] = CoolFlow[5*i+3];
            FARcool[i] = CoolFlow[5*i+4];
            htcool[i] = t2hc(Ttcool[i],FARcool[i]);

    /* Initialize cooling flow sum constants */

    dHcools1 = 0;   /* enthalpy * mass cooling flow rate at stage 1 of turbine */
    dHcoolout = 0;   /* enthalpy * mass cooling flow rate at exit of turbine */
    Wcools1 = 0;    /* total cooling flow at stage 1 of turbine*/
    Wcoolout = 0;    /* total cooling flow at output of turbine */
    Wfcools1 = 0;  /* combusted fuel flow in cooling at stage 1 of turbine */
    Wfcoolout = 0;  /* combusted fuel flow in cooling at exit of turbine */

    /* calc cooling flow constants for stage 1 and output of the turbine */
    for (i = 0; i < cfWidth/5; i++)
        if ((T_BldPos[i] > 1 || T_BldPos[i] < 0) && CoolFlwEn > 0.5 && ssGetIWork(S)[2]==0){
            printf(" Error in %s, cooling flow postion element %i needs to be defined as a 0 or 1\n",BlkNm,i+1);

        /* calc mass flow for cooling flows */
        Wcools1 = Wcools1 + Wcool[i]*(1-T_BldPos[i]);
        Wcoolout = Wcoolout + Wcool[i];

        /* calc fuel mass flow for cooling flows*/
        Wfcools1 = Wfcools1 + FARcool[i]*Wcool[i]*(1-T_BldPos[i])/(1+FARcool[i]);
        Wfcoolout = Wfcoolout + FARcool[i]*Wcool[i]/(1+FARcool[i]);
    /*-- Compute Total Flow  --------*/

    Ws1in = WIn + Wcools1;  /* mass flow at station 1 */
    WOut = WIn + Wcoolout;   /* mass flow at turbine exit */

    /*-- Compute Fuel to Air Ratios ---*/

    FARs1in = (FARcIn* WIn/(1+FARcIn) + Wfcools1)/(WIn/(1+FARcIn) + Wcools1- Wfcools1);
    FARcOut = (FARcIn* WIn/(1+FARcIn)+ Wfcoolout)/(WIn/(1+FARcIn) + Wcoolout- Wfcoolout);

    /* calc input enthalpy of cooling flow for stage 1 */
    for (i = 0; i < cfWidth/5; i++)
        /* Compute cooling flow dH at stage 1  */
        dHcools1 = dHcools1 + htcool[i]*Wcool[i]*(1-T_BldPos[i]);
        /* Compute cooling flow dH for the exit of the turbine assuming input htcool = htcoolout for turbine rear bleeds  */
        dHcoolout = dHcoolout + htcool[i]*Wcool[i]*T_BldPos[i];

    /*-- Compute avg enthalpy at stage 1 --------*/
    htin = t2hc(TtIn,FARcIn);
    hts1in = (htin* WIn + dHcools1)/Ws1in;

    /*-- Compute  stage 1 total temp--------*/

    Tts1in = h2tc(hts1in,FARs1in);

    /*-- Compute Stage 1 entropy, assuming PtIn = Pts1in  --------*/
    Ss1in = pt2sc(PtIn,Tts1in,FARs1in);

    /*---- calculate misc. fluid condition related variables --------*/
    delta = PtIn / C_PSTD;
    theta = TtIn / C_TSTD;

    /*------ Calculate corrected speed ---------*/
    Nc = Nmech/sqrt(theta);

    if(IDes < 0.5)
        C_Nc = Nc / NcDes;
        C_Nc = s_T_Nc;

    NcMap = Nc / C_Nc;

    /* ---- Calculate output entropy ----*/
    Sout = Ss1in;

    /*-- Compute Turbine Efficiency (from Turbine map)  --------*/

    psiMapI = interp2Ac(X_T_PRpsiVec,Y_T_NcpsiVec,T_T_Map_psiArray,psiMapIn,NcMap,B,A,&interpErr);
    if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[3]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating psiMapI. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    EffMap = psiMapIn/psiMapI;
    if(IDes < 0.5)
        C_Eff = EffDes / EffMap;
        C_Eff = s_T_Eff;

    Eff = EffMap * C_Eff;

    /* ---- Ideal enthalpy  ----*/
    delHtIdealMap = psiMapI * (Nmech / 60)*(Nmech / 60);
    htIdealout = hts1in - delHtIdealMap * s_T_hi;

    /* ensure enthalpy is >= 0 */
    if(htIdealout < 0)
        htIdealout = 0;

    /* Determine Ideal exit temp */
    TtOutIdeal = h2tc(htIdealout,FARs1in);

    /* Determine starting point for iteration to find PR */
    Ptoutg = PtIn*pow((TtOutIdeal/TtIn),(gamma_T/(gamma_T-1)));
    TtOutIdealg = sp2tc(Sout,Ptoutg,FARs1in);
    erT = 100*abs_D(TtOutIdealg - TtOutIdeal)/TtOutIdeal;
    Ptoutg_new = Ptoutg;

    /* iterate to find Ptout when TtOutIdeal guess = TtOutIdeal */
    while (abs_D(erT) > 0.05) {
        erT_old = erT;
        Ptoutg_old = Ptoutg;
        if(abs_D(Ptoutg - Ptoutg_new) < 0.02)
            Ptoutg = Ptoutg + 0.05;
            Ptoutg = Ptoutg_new;

        Ptoutg = Ptoutg + 0.05;
        TtOutIdealg = sp2tc(Sout,Ptoutg,FARs1in);
        erT = 100*(TtOutIdealg - TtOutIdeal)/TtOutIdeal;
        if (abs_D(erT) > 0.05) {
            /* determine next guess pressure by secant algorithm */
            Ptoutg_new = Ptoutg - erT *(Ptoutg - Ptoutg_old)/(erT - erT_old);
    PRin = PtIn/Ptoutg;

    /*------ Compute pressure output --------*/
    if(IDes < 0.5)
        C_PR = (PRin - 1)/(PRmapDes -1);
        C_PR = s_T_PR;

    PRmapRead = (PRin -1)/C_PR + 1;

    PtOut = PtIn/PRin;

    /*-- Compute Total Flow input (from Turbine map)  --------*/

    WoWMap = interp2Ac(X_T_PRwowVec,Y_T_NcwowVec,T_T_Map_WoWArray,PRmapRead,NcMap,D,C,&interpErr);
    if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[4]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating WoWMap. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    WpqAcrit = sqrt((gamma_T*C_GRAVITY)/(Rt_T*JOULES_CONST))/pow((1+(gamma_T-1)/2),((gamma_T+1)/(2*(gamma_T-1))));
    WMap = WoWMap * WpqAcrit * (PtIn/sqrt(Tts1in));
    WcMap = WMap * sqrt(theta)/delta;
    if(IDes < 0.5)
        C_Wc = Ws1in*sqrt(theta)/delta / WcMap;
        C_Wc = s_T_Wc;

    WcCalcin = WcMap * C_Wc;

    /*-Compute power output only takes into account cooling flow that enters at front of engine (stage 1)-*/

    Pwrout = ((hts1in - htIdealout)*Eff)*Ws1in * C_BTU_PER_SECtoHP;

    /* ---- enthalpy output ----*/

    htOut = ((((htIdealout - hts1in)*Eff) + hts1in)*Ws1in + dHcoolout)/WOut;

    /*------ Compute Temperature output (empirical) ---------*/

    TtOut = h2tc(htOut,FARcOut);

    /*----- Compute output Torque to shaft ----*/
    TorqueOut = C_HP_PER_RPMtoFT_LBF * Pwrout/Nmech;

    /* ----- Compute Normalized Flow Error ----- */
    if (IDes < 0.5 && NDes == 0)
        NErrorOut = 100;
    else if (IDes < 0.5)
        NErrorOut = (Nmech - NDes)/NDes;
    else if (Ws1in == 0) {
        NErrorOut = 100;
    else {
        NErrorOut = (Ws1in*sqrt(theta)/delta-WcCalcin)/(Ws1in*sqrt(theta)/delta) ;
    Test = Wcool[0];
    /*------Assign output values------------        */
    y[0] = WOut;            /* Outlet Total Flow [pps]   */
    y[1] = htOut;           /* Outlet Enthalpy [BTU/lbm]*/
    y[2] = TtOut;           /* Outlet Temperature [degR]      */
    y[3] = PtOut;           /* Outlet Pressure  [psia]     */
    y[4] = FARcOut;         /* Outlet Fuel to Air Ratio [NA]	*/
    y[5] = TorqueOut;       /* Torque Output [lbf*ft]       */
    y[6] = NErrorOut;       /* Normalized turbine Error [frac]*/
    y[7] = C_Nc;            /* Corrected Shaft Speed Scalar */
    y[8] = C_Wc;            /* Corrected Flow Scalar */
    y[9] = C_PR;            /* Pressure Ratio Scalar */
    y[10] = C_Eff;          /* Efficiency Scalar */
    y[11] = Test;

Exemplo n.º 24
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
    /*--------Define Parameters-------*/
    const real_T NcDes              = *mxGetPr(NcDes_p(S));
    const real_T PRDes              = *mxGetPr(PRDes_p(S));
    const real_T EffDes             = *mxGetPr(EffDes_p(S));
    const real_T RlineDes           = *mxGetPr(RlineDes_p(S));
    const real_T IDes               = *mxGetPr(IDesign_p(S));
    const real_T CustBldEn          = *mxGetPr(CustBldEn_p(S));
    const real_T FBldEn             = *mxGetPr(FBldEn_p(S));
    const real_T CustBldNm          = *mxGetPr(CustBldNm_p(S));
    const real_T FracBldNm          = *mxGetPr(FracBldNm_p(S));
    /* vector & array data */
    const real_T *Y_C_Map_NcVec        = mxGetPr(Y_C_Map_NcVec_p(S));
    const real_T *X_C_RlineVec         = mxGetPr(X_C_RlineVec_p(S));
    const real_T *Z_C_AlphaVec         = mxGetPr(Z_C_AlphaVec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_C_Map_WcArray      = mxGetPr(T_C_Map_WcArray_p(S));
    const real_T *T_C_Map_PRArray      = mxGetPr(T_C_Map_PRArray_p(S));
    const real_T *T_C_Map_EffArray     = mxGetPr(T_C_Map_EffArray_p(S));
    const real_T *FracCusBldht         = mxGetPr(FracCusBldht_p(S));
    const real_T *FracCusBldPt         = mxGetPr(FracCusBldPt_p(S));
    const real_T *FracBldht            = mxGetPr(FracBldht_p(S));
    const real_T *FracBldPt            = mxGetPr(FracBldPt_p(S));
    const real_T *X_C_Map_WcSurgeVec   = mxGetPr(X_C_Map_WcSurgeVec_p(S));
    const real_T *T_C_Map_PRSurgeVec   = mxGetPr(T_C_Map_PRSurgeVec_p(S));
    /*------get dimensions of parameter arrays-------*/
    const int_T A   = mxGetNumberOfElements(Y_C_Map_NcVec_p(S));
    const int_T B   = mxGetNumberOfElements(X_C_RlineVec_p(S));
    const int_T C   = mxGetNumberOfElements(Z_C_AlphaVec_p(S));
    const int_T D   = mxGetNumberOfElements(X_C_Map_WcSurgeVec_p(S));
    const int_T WcMapCol  = *mxGetPr(WcMapCol_p(S));
    const int_T PRMapCol  = *mxGetPr(PRMapCol_p(S));
    const int_T EffMapCol = *mxGetPr(EffMapCol_p(S));
    const int_T WcMapRw   = *mxGetPr(WcMapRw_p(S));
    const int_T PRMapRw   = *mxGetPr(PRMapRw_p(S));
    const int_T EffMapRw  = *mxGetPr(EffMapRw_p(S));
    const int_T WcMapLay   = *mxGetPr(WcMapLay_p(S));
    const int_T PRMapLay   = *mxGetPr(PRMapLay_p(S));
    const int_T EffMapLay  = *mxGetPr(EffMapLay_p(S));
    /*---------Define Inputs for input port 1--------*/
    const real_T *u  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0);
    double WIn      = u[0];     /* Input Flow [pps] 	*/
    double htIn     = u[1];     /* Input Enthalpy [BTU/lbm] */
    double TtIn     = u[2];     /* Temperature Input [degR] 	*/
    double PtIn     = u[3];     /* Pressure Input [psia] 	*/
    double FARcIn   = u[4];     /* Combusted Fuel to Air Ratio [frac] 	*/
    double Nmech    = u[5];     /* Mechancial Shaft Speed [rpm] 	*/
    double Rline    = u[6];     /* Rline [NA]  */
    double Alpha    = u[7];     /* Alpha [NA]  */
    double s_C_Nc   = u[8];     /* Nc map scalar [NA]  */
    double s_C_Wc   = u[9];     /* Wc map scalar [NA] */
    double s_C_PR   = u[10];     /* PR map scalar [NA]  */
    double s_C_Eff  = u[11];    /* Eff map scalar [NA]  */
    /*---------Define Inputs for input port 2--------*/
    const real_T *Wcust = ssGetInputPortRealSignal(S, 1);
    int uWidth1 = CustBldNm;
    /*---------Define Inputs for input port 3--------*/
    const real_T *FracWbld  = ssGetInputPortSignal(S,2);
    int uWidth2 = FracBldNm;
    real_T *y  = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);   /* Output Array port 1 */
    real_T *y1  = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,1);   /* Output Array port 2 */
    real_T *y2  = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,2);   /* Output Array port 3 */
    /*--------Define Constants-------*/
    double WOut, htOut, TtOut, PtOut, FARcOut, TorqueOut, NErrorOut;
    double C_Nc, C_Wc, C_PR, C_Eff;
    double htin, Sin, Wcin, WcCalcin, WcMap, theta,delta, Pwrout, Wbleeds, Wsumbleed;
    double TtIdealout, htIdealout, Test, Sout, NcMap, Nc, PRMap, PR, EffMap, Eff;
    double Wb4bleed, Pwrb4bleed, PwrBld;
    double SPR, SPRMap, SMavail, SMMap;
    /* Define Arrays for bleed calcs */
    int MaxNumberBleeds = 100;
    double WcustOut[500];
    double PtcustOut[500];
    double TtcustOut[500];
    double FARcustOut[500];
    double WbldOut[500];
    double FARbldOut[500];
    double PtbldOut[500];
    double TtbldOut[500];
    double htbldOut[500];
    double htcustOut[500];
    double SMWcVec[500];
    double SMPRVec[500];
    int interpErr = 0;
    int i;
    /* ------- get strings -------------- */
    char * BlkNm;
    int_T buflen;
    int_T status;
    /* Get name of block from dialog parameter (string) */
    buflen = mxGetN(BN_p(S))*sizeof(mxChar)+1;
    BlkNm = mxMalloc(buflen);
    status = mxGetString(BN_p(S), BlkNm, buflen);
    /*-- Compute output Fuel to Air Ratio ---*/
    FARcOut = FARcIn;
    /*-- Compute Input enthalpy --------*/
    htin = t2hc(TtIn,FARcIn);
    /*-- Compute Input entropy  --------*/
    Sin = pt2sc(PtIn,TtIn,FARcIn);
    /*---- calculate misc. fluid condition related variables and corrected Flow --*/
    delta = PtIn / C_PSTD;
    theta = TtIn / C_TSTD;
    Wcin = WIn*sqrtT(theta)*divby(delta);
    /*------ Calculate corrected speed ---------*/
    Nc = Nmech*divby(sqrtT(theta));
    if (IDes < 0.5)
        C_Nc = Nc *divby(NcDes) ;
        C_Nc = s_C_Nc;
    NcMap = Nc *divby(C_Nc);
    /*-- Compute Total Flow input (from Compressor map)  --------*/
    if(C > 1)
        WcMap = interp3Ac(X_C_RlineVec,Y_C_Map_NcVec,Z_C_AlphaVec,T_C_Map_WcArray,Rline,NcMap,Alpha,B,A,C,&interpErr);
        WcMap = interp2Ac(X_C_RlineVec,Y_C_Map_NcVec,T_C_Map_WcArray,Rline,NcMap,B,A,&interpErr);
    if ((WcMapCol != B || WcMapRw != A || WcMapLay !=C) && ssGetIWork(S)[Er1]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating WcMap. Table size does not match axis vector lengths.\n", BlkNm);
    else if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[Er1]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating WcMap. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    if (IDes < 0.5)
        C_Wc = Wcin*divby(WcMap);
        C_Wc = s_C_Wc;
    WcCalcin = WcMap * C_Wc;
    /*-- Compute Pressure Ratio (from Compressor map)  --------*/
    if(C > 1)
        PRMap = interp3Ac(X_C_RlineVec,Y_C_Map_NcVec,Z_C_AlphaVec,T_C_Map_PRArray,Rline,NcMap,Alpha,B,A,C,&interpErr);
        PRMap = interp2Ac(X_C_RlineVec,Y_C_Map_NcVec,T_C_Map_PRArray,Rline,NcMap,B,A,&interpErr);
    if ((PRMapCol != B || PRMapRw != A || PRMapLay !=C) && ssGetIWork(S)[Er2]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating PRMap. Table size does not match axis vector lengths.\n", BlkNm);
    else if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[Er2]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating PRMap. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    if (IDes < 0.5)
        C_PR = (PRDes -1)*divby(PRMap-1);
        C_PR = s_C_PR;
    PR = C_PR*(PRMap - 1) + 1 ;
    /*-- Compute Efficiency (from Compressor map) ---*/
    if(C > 1)
        EffMap = interp3Ac(X_C_RlineVec,Y_C_Map_NcVec,Z_C_AlphaVec,T_C_Map_EffArray,Rline,NcMap,Alpha,B,A,C,&interpErr);
        EffMap = interp2Ac(X_C_RlineVec,Y_C_Map_NcVec,T_C_Map_EffArray,Rline,NcMap,B,A,&interpErr);
    if ((EffMapCol != B || EffMapRw != A || EffMapLay !=C) && ssGetIWork(S)[Er3]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating EffMap. Table size does not match axis vector lengths.\n", BlkNm);
    else if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[Er3]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating EffMap. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    if (IDes < 0.5)
        C_Eff = EffDes*divby(EffMap);
        C_Eff = s_C_Eff;
    Eff = EffMap * C_Eff;
    /*------ Compute pressure output --------*/
    PtOut = PtIn*PR;
    /*------ enthalpy calculations ---------*/
    /* ---- Ideal enthalpy ----*/
    Sout = Sin;
    TtIdealout = sp2tc(Sout,PtOut,FARcIn);
    htIdealout = t2hc(TtIdealout,FARcIn);
    /* ---- Final enthalpy output ----*/
    htOut = ((htIdealout - htin)*divby(Eff)) + htin;
    /*------ Compute Temperature output ---------*/
    TtOut = h2tc(htOut,FARcIn);
    /* initalize Bleed sums components */
    Wbleeds = 0;
    PwrBld = 0;
    /* compute customer Bleed components */
    for (i = 0; i < uWidth1; i++)
        /* if customer bleed = 0 or Cust bld is not enabled set outputs to zero */
        if (Wcust[i] == 0 || CustBldEn < 0.5){
            WcustOut[i] = 0;
            htcustOut[i] = 0;
            TtcustOut[i] = 0;
            PtcustOut[i] = 0;
            FARcustOut[i] = 0;
        else {
            /*-- Compute sum of customer Bleed Flow output  --------*/
            Wbleeds = Wbleeds + Wcust[i]; /* add to total bleed value */
            WcustOut[i] = Wcust[i];
            FARcustOut[i] = FARcIn;
            htcustOut[i] = htin + FracCusBldht[i]*(htOut - htin); /* calculate customer bleed enthalpy */
            PtcustOut[i] = PtIn + FracCusBldPt[i]*(PtOut -PtIn); /* calculate customer bleed Total Pressure */
            TtcustOut[i] = h2tc(htcustOut[i],FARcustOut[i]); /* calculate customer bleed Total Temp */
            PwrBld = PwrBld + WcustOut[i]*(htcustOut[i]-htOut)*C_BTU_PER_SECtoHP;  /* calculate customer bleed power */
        if (i > 4*MaxNumberBleeds && ssGetIWork(S)[Er4]==0){
            printf("Error in %s, Number of bleeds in compressor exceeds 100... Array overflow! Reading Bad Data\n", BlkNm);
    /*----Disable Fractional bleed when requested----*/
    for (i = 0; i < uWidth2; i++)
        if (FracWbld[i] <= 0 || FBldEn < 0.5 ){
            WbldOut[i] = 0;
            htbldOut[i] = 0;
            FARbldOut[i] = 0;
            TtbldOut[i] = 0;
            PtbldOut[i] = 0;
        else {
            /*-- Compute sum of Fractional Bleed Flow output  --------*/
            Wbleeds = Wbleeds + FracWbld[i]*WIn; /* add to total bleed value */
            WbldOut[i] = FracWbld[i]*WIn;
            FARbldOut[i] = FARcIn;
            PtbldOut[i] = PtIn + FracBldPt[i]*(PtOut -PtIn); /* calculate  bleed Total Pressure */
            htbldOut[i] = htin + FracBldht[i]*(htOut - htin); /* calculate  bleed enthalpy */
            TtbldOut[i] = h2tc(htbldOut[i],FARbldOut[i]); /* calculate  bleed Total Temp */
            PwrBld = PwrBld + WbldOut[i]*(htbldOut[i]-htOut)*C_BTU_PER_SECtoHP;  /* calculate bleed power */
        if (i > 4*MaxNumberBleeds && ssGetIWork(S)[Er4]==0){
            printf("Error in %s, Number of bleeds in compressor exceeds 100... Array overflow! Reading Bad Data\n", BlkNm);
    /*-- Compute Flows  --------*/
    Wb4bleed = WIn;
    WOut = WIn - Wbleeds;
    /*------ Compute Powers ---------*/
    Pwrb4bleed = Wb4bleed * (htin - htOut) * C_BTU_PER_SECtoHP;
    Pwrout = Pwrb4bleed - PwrBld;
    /*----- Compute output Torque to shaft ----*/
    TorqueOut = C_HP_PER_RPMtoFT_LBF * Pwrout*divby(Nmech);
    /* ----- Compute Normalized Flow Error ----- */
    if (IDes < 0.5 && Rline == 0)
        NErrorOut = 100;
    else if (IDes < 0.5)
        NErrorOut = (Rline - RlineDes)*divby(Rline);
    else if (WIn == 0)
        NErrorOut = 100;
        NErrorOut = (Wcin - WcCalcin)*divby(Wcin);
    /* Compute Stall Margin */
    if (C > 1){
        /* Define 1-D surge margin vectors based on alpha */
        for (i = 0; i < D/C; i++){
            SMWcVec[i] = interp1Ac(Z_C_AlphaVec, X_C_Map_WcSurgeVec + C*i, Alpha,C, &interpErr);
            if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[Er5]==0){
                printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating 1D SMWcVec. Vector definitions may need to be adjusted.\n", BlkNm);
            SMPRVec[i] = interp1Ac(Z_C_AlphaVec, T_C_Map_PRSurgeVec + C*i, Alpha,C, &interpErr);
            if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[Er5]==0){
                printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating 1D SMPRVec. Vector definitions may need to be adjusted.\n", BlkNm);
        SPRMap = interp1Ac(SMWcVec, SMPRVec,WcMap,A,&interpErr);
        if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[Er5]==0){
            printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating 2D SPR. Vector definitions may need to be adjusted.\n", BlkNm);
        SPRMap = interp1Ac(X_C_Map_WcSurgeVec,T_C_Map_PRSurgeVec,WcMap,D,&interpErr);
    if (interpErr == 1 && ssGetIWork(S)[Er5]==0){
        printf("Warning in %s, Error calculating SPR. Vector definitions may need to be expanded.\n", BlkNm);
    SPR = C_PR*(SPRMap - 1) + 1;
    SMavail = (SPR - PR)*divby(PR) * 100;
    SMMap = (SPRMap - PRMap)*divby(PRMap) * 100;
    /* Test variable */
    Test = SPRMap;
    /*------Assign output values port1------------*/
    y[0] = WOut;            /* Outlet Total Flow [pps]	*/
    y[1] = htOut;           /* Output Enthalpy [BTU/lbm]	*/
    y[2] = TtOut;           /* Outlet Temperature [degR]	*/
    y[3] = PtOut;           /* Outlet Pressure [psia] 	*/
    y[4] = FARcOut;         /* Exit Combusted Fuel Flow [frac] */
    y[5] = TorqueOut;       /* Outlet Torque [lbf*ft]	*/
    y[6] = NErrorOut;       /* Normalized compressor Error [frac]*/
    y[7] = SMavail;         /* Available Stall Margin [%] */
    y[8] = C_Nc;            /* Corrected shaft speed scalar */
    y[9] = C_Wc;            /* Corrected flow scalar */
    y[10] = C_PR;           /* Pressure Ratio scalar */
    y[11] = C_Eff;          /* Efficiency scalar */
    y[12] = Wcin;           /* Corrected input flow [pps] */
    y[13] = Nc;             /* Corrected speed [rpm]*/
    y[14] = PR;             /* Pressure ratio */
    y[15] = NcMap;          /* Map corrected speed */
    y[16] = WcMap;          /* Map corrected flow */
    y[17] = PRMap;          /* Map pressure ratio */
    y[18] = EffMap;         /* Map efficiency */
    y[19] = SPR;            /* Surge pressure ratio */
    y[20] = Wbleeds;        /* Bleed flow [pps]*/
    y[21] = Pwrb4bleed;     /* Power if there was no bleed [hp]*/
    y[22] = PwrBld;         /* Power loss due to bleed [hp] */
    y[23] = Pwrout;         /* Output power [hp]*/
    y[24] = SMMap;          /* Stall margin calculated from map values [%]*/
    y[25] = SPRMap;         /* Map stall pressure ratio*/
    y[26] = Test;           /* test signal */
    /*------Assign output values port2------------*/
    /* Customer or flow based bleed*/
    for (i = 0; i < uWidth1; i++)
        *y1++ = WcustOut[i];
        *y1++ = htcustOut[i];
        *y1++ = TtcustOut[i];
        *y1++ = PtcustOut[i];
        *y1++ = FARcustOut[i];
    /*------Assign output values port3------------*/
    /* fractional bleed, typically used for turbine cooling flow */
    for (i = 0; i < uWidth2; i++)
        *y2++ = WbldOut[i];
        *y2++ = htbldOut[i];
        *y2++ = TtbldOut[i];
        *y2++ = PtbldOut[i];
        *y2++ = FARbldOut[i];
Exemplo n.º 25
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
  void *dev;
  int subdev;
  int index = (int)COMEDI_DEVICE - 1;
  unsigned int channel = (unsigned int)COMEDI_CHANNEL;
  unsigned int range   = (unsigned int)COMEDI_RANGE;
  int n_channels;
  char *devname[4] = {"/dev/comedi0","/dev/comedi1","/dev/comedi2","/dev/comedi3"};
  char board[50];
  static char_T errMsg[256];
  comedi_krange krange;
  double range_min, range_max;
  if (!ComediDev[index]) {
    dev = comedi_open(devname[index]);
    if (!dev) {
      sprintf(errMsg, "Comedi open failed\n");
      ssSetErrorStatus(S, errMsg);
      printf("%s", errMsg);
    rt_comedi_get_board_name(dev, board);
    printf("COMEDI %s (%s) opened.\n\n", devname[index], board);
    ComediDev[index] = dev;
  } else {
    dev = ComediDev[index];

  if ((subdev = comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(dev, COMEDI_SUBD_AI, 0)) < 0) {
    sprintf(errMsg, "Comedi find_subdevice failed (No analog input)\n");
    ssSetErrorStatus(S, errMsg);
    printf("%s", errMsg);
  if (!ComediDev_AIInUse[index] && comedi_lock(dev, subdev) < 0) {
    sprintf(errMsg, "Comedi lock failed for subdevice %d\n", subdev);
    ssSetErrorStatus(S, errMsg);
    printf("%s", errMsg);

  if ((n_channels = comedi_get_n_channels(dev, subdev)) < 0) {
    sprintf(errMsg, "Comedi get_n_channels failed for subdevice %d\n", subdev);
    ssSetErrorStatus(S, errMsg);
    printf("%s", errMsg);
    comedi_unlock(dev, subdev);

  if ((comedi_get_krange(dev, subdev, channel, range, &krange)) < 0) {
    sprintf(errMsg, "Comedi get range failed for subdevice %d\n", subdev);
    ssSetErrorStatus(S, errMsg);
    printf("%s", errMsg);
    comedi_unlock(dev, subdev);

  range_min = (double)(krange.min)*1.e-6;
  range_max = (double)(krange.max)*1.e-6;
  printf("AI Channel %d - Range : %1.2f [V] - %1.2f [V]\n", channel, range_min, range_max);
  ssGetPWork(S)[0] = (void *)dev;
  ssGetIWork(S)[0] = subdev;
  ssGetRWork(S)[0] = range_min;
  ssGetRWork(S)[1] = range_max;