Exemplo n.º 1
* This function takes a graph and produces a bisection of it
int MCMlevelRecursiveBisection2(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph, int nparts,
    float *tpwgts, idxtype *part, float ubfactor, int fpart)
  int i, nvtxs, cut;
  float wsum, tpwgts2[2];
  idxtype *label, *where;
  GraphType lgraph, rgraph;

  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
  if (nvtxs == 0) 
    return 0;

  /* Determine the weights of the partitions */
  tpwgts2[0] = ssum(nparts/2, tpwgts);
  tpwgts2[1] = 1.0-tpwgts2[0];

  MCMlevelEdgeBisection(ctrl, graph, tpwgts2, ubfactor);
  cut = graph->mincut;

  label = graph->label;
  where = graph->where;
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++)
    part[label[i]] = where[i] + fpart;

  if (nparts > 2) 
    SplitGraphPart(ctrl, graph, &lgraph, &rgraph);

  /* Free the memory of the top level graph */
  GKfree((void **)&graph->gdata, &graph->nvwgt, &graph->rdata, &graph->label, &graph->npwgts, LTERM);

  /* Scale the fractions in the tpwgts according to the true weight */
  wsum = ssum(nparts/2, tpwgts);
  sscale(nparts/2, 1.0/wsum, tpwgts);
  sscale(nparts-nparts/2, 1.0/(1.0-wsum), tpwgts+nparts/2);

  /* Do the recursive call */
  if (nparts > 3) {
    cut += MCMlevelRecursiveBisection2(ctrl, &lgraph, nparts/2, tpwgts, part, ubfactor, fpart);
    cut += MCMlevelRecursiveBisection2(ctrl, &rgraph, nparts-nparts/2, tpwgts+nparts/2, part, ubfactor, fpart+nparts/2);
  else if (nparts == 3) {
    cut += MCMlevelRecursiveBisection2(ctrl, &rgraph, nparts-nparts/2, tpwgts+nparts/2, part, ubfactor, fpart+nparts/2);
    GKfree((void **)&lgraph.gdata, &lgraph.nvwgt, &lgraph.label, LTERM);

  return cut;

Exemplo n.º 2
*  This function computes the load for each subdomain
void ComputeLoad(GraphType *graph, int nparts, floattype *load, floattype *tpwgts, int index)
  int i;
  int nvtxs, ncon;
  idxtype *where;
  floattype *nvwgt;

  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
  ncon = graph->ncon;
  where = graph->where;
  nvwgt = graph->nvwgt;

  sset(nparts, 0.0, load);

  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++)
    load[where[i]] += nvwgt[i*ncon+index];

  ASSERTS(fabs(ssum(nparts, load)-1.0) < 0.001);

  for (i=0; i<nparts; i++) {
    load[i] -= tpwgts[i*ncon+index];

Exemplo n.º 3
    sphericalsum ssum(Sim, rg, maxl);
    BOOST_FOREACH(const Particle& part, Sim->particleList)
	static_cast<const GNeighbourList*>
	  (part, magnet::function::MakeDelegate(&ssum, &sphericalsum::operator()));
	for (size_t l(0); l < maxl; ++l)
	  for (int m(-l); m <= static_cast<int>(l); ++m)
	    globalcoeff[l][m+l] += ssum.coeffsum[l][m+l];
	count += ssum.count;

Exemplo n.º 4
* This function computes the balance of the partitioning
void Moc_ComputePartitionBalance(GraphType *graph, int nparts, idxtype *where, float *ubvec)
  int i, j, nvtxs, ncon;
  float *kpwgts, *nvwgt;
  float balance;

  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
  ncon = graph->ncon;
  nvwgt = graph->nvwgt;

  kpwgts = fmalloc(nparts, "ComputePartitionInfo: kpwgts");

  for (j=0; j<ncon; j++) {
    sset(nparts, 0.0, kpwgts);
    for (i=0; i<graph->nvtxs; i++)
      kpwgts[where[i]] += nvwgt[i*ncon+j];

    ubvec[j] = (float)nparts*kpwgts[samax(nparts, kpwgts)]/ssum(nparts, kpwgts);


Exemplo n.º 5
* This function is the entry point of the initial partition algorithm
* that does recursive bissection.
* This algorithm assembles the graph to all the processors and preceeds
* by parallelizing the recursive bisection step.
void Mc_InitPartition_RB(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph, WorkSpaceType *wspace)
    int i, j;
    int ncon, mype, npes, gnvtxs, ngroups;
    idxtype *xadj, *adjncy, *adjwgt, *vwgt;
    idxtype *part, *gwhere0, *gwhere1;
    idxtype *tmpwhere, *tmpvwgt, *tmpxadj, *tmpadjncy, *tmpadjwgt;
    GraphType *agraph;
    int lnparts, fpart, fpe, lnpes;
    int twoparts=2, numflag = 0, wgtflag = 3, moptions[10], edgecut, max_cut;
    float *mytpwgts, mytpwgts2[2], lbvec[MAXNCON], lbsum, min_lbsum, wsum;
    MPI_Comm ipcomm;
    struct {
        float sum;
        int rank;
    } lpesum, gpesum;

    ncon = graph->ncon;
    ngroups = amax(amin(RIP_SPLIT_FACTOR, ctrl->npes), 1);

    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, MPI_Barrier(ctrl->comm));
    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, starttimer(ctrl->InitPartTmr));

    agraph = Mc_AssembleAdaptiveGraph(ctrl, graph, wspace);
    part = idxmalloc(agraph->nvtxs, "Mc_IP_RB: part");
    xadj = idxmalloc(agraph->nvtxs+1, "Mc_IP_RB: xadj");
    adjncy = idxmalloc(agraph->nedges, "Mc_IP_RB: adjncy");
    adjwgt = idxmalloc(agraph->nedges, "Mc_IP_RB: adjwgt");
    vwgt = idxmalloc(agraph->nvtxs*ncon, "Mc_IP_RB: vwgt");

    idxcopy(agraph->nvtxs*ncon, agraph->vwgt, vwgt);
    idxcopy(agraph->nvtxs+1, agraph->xadj, xadj);
    idxcopy(agraph->nedges, agraph->adjncy, adjncy);
    idxcopy(agraph->nedges, agraph->adjwgt, adjwgt);

    MPI_Comm_split(ctrl->gcomm, ctrl->mype % ngroups, 0, &ipcomm);
    MPI_Comm_rank(ipcomm, &mype);
    MPI_Comm_size(ipcomm, &npes);

    gnvtxs = agraph->nvtxs;

    gwhere0 = idxsmalloc(gnvtxs, 0, "Mc_IP_RB: gwhere0");
    gwhere1 = idxmalloc(gnvtxs, "Mc_IP_RB: gwhere1");

    /* ADD: this assumes that tpwgts for all constraints is the same */
    /* ADD: this is necessary because serial metis does not support the general case */
    mytpwgts = fsmalloc(ctrl->nparts, 0.0, "mytpwgts");
    for (i=0; i<ctrl->nparts; i++)
        for (j=0; j<ncon; j++)
            mytpwgts[i] += ctrl->tpwgts[i*ncon+j];
    for (i=0; i<ctrl->nparts; i++)
        mytpwgts[i] /= (float)ncon;

    /* Go into the recursive bisection */
    /* ADD: consider changing this to breadth-first type bisection */
    moptions[0] = 0;
    moptions[7] = ctrl->sync + (ctrl->mype % ngroups) + 1;

    lnparts = ctrl->nparts;
    fpart = fpe = 0;
    lnpes = npes;
    while (lnpes > 1 && lnparts > 1) {
        /* Determine the weights of the partitions */
        mytpwgts2[0] = ssum(lnparts/2, mytpwgts+fpart);
        mytpwgts2[1] = 1.0-mytpwgts2[0];

        if (ncon == 1)
            METIS_WPartGraphKway2(&agraph->nvtxs, agraph->xadj, agraph->adjncy,
                                  agraph->vwgt, agraph->adjwgt, &wgtflag, &numflag, &twoparts, mytpwgts2,
                                  moptions, &edgecut, part);
        else {
            METIS_mCPartGraphRecursive2(&agraph->nvtxs, &ncon, agraph->xadj,
                                        agraph->adjncy, agraph->vwgt, agraph->adjwgt, &wgtflag, &numflag,
                                        &twoparts, mytpwgts2, moptions, &edgecut, part);

        wsum = ssum(lnparts/2, mytpwgts+fpart);
        sscale(lnparts/2, 1.0/wsum, mytpwgts+fpart);
        sscale(lnparts-lnparts/2, 1.0/(1.0-wsum), mytpwgts+fpart+lnparts/2);

        /* I'm picking the left branch */
        if (mype < fpe+lnpes/2) {
            Mc_KeepPart(agraph, wspace, part, 0);
            lnpes = lnpes/2;
            lnparts = lnparts/2;
        else {
            Mc_KeepPart(agraph, wspace, part, 1);
            fpart = fpart + lnparts/2;
            fpe = fpe + lnpes/2;
            lnpes = lnpes - lnpes/2;
            lnparts = lnparts - lnparts/2;

    /* In case npes is greater than or equal to nparts */
    if (lnparts == 1) {
        /* Only the first process will assign labels (for the reduction to work) */
        if (mype == fpe) {
            for (i=0; i<agraph->nvtxs; i++)
                gwhere0[agraph->label[i]] = fpart;
    /* In case npes is smaller than nparts */
    else {
        if (ncon == 1)
            METIS_WPartGraphKway2(&agraph->nvtxs, agraph->xadj, agraph->adjncy,
                                  agraph->vwgt, agraph->adjwgt, &wgtflag, &numflag, &lnparts, mytpwgts+fpart,
                                  moptions, &edgecut, part);
            METIS_mCPartGraphRecursive2(&agraph->nvtxs, &ncon, agraph->xadj,
                                        agraph->adjncy, agraph->vwgt, agraph->adjwgt, &wgtflag, &numflag,
                                        &lnparts, mytpwgts+fpart, moptions, &edgecut, part);

        for (i=0; i<agraph->nvtxs; i++)
            gwhere0[agraph->label[i]] = fpart + part[i];

    MPI_Allreduce((void *)gwhere0, (void *)gwhere1, gnvtxs, IDX_DATATYPE, MPI_SUM, ipcomm);

    if (ngroups > 1) {
        tmpxadj = agraph->xadj;
        tmpadjncy = agraph->adjncy;
        tmpadjwgt = agraph->adjwgt;
        tmpvwgt = agraph->vwgt;
        tmpwhere = agraph->where;
        agraph->xadj = xadj;
        agraph->adjncy = adjncy;
        agraph->adjwgt = adjwgt;
        agraph->vwgt = vwgt;
        agraph->where = gwhere1;
        agraph->vwgt = vwgt;
        agraph->nvtxs = gnvtxs;
        Mc_ComputeSerialBalance(ctrl, agraph, gwhere1, lbvec);
        lbsum = ssum(ncon, lbvec);

        edgecut = ComputeSerialEdgeCut(agraph);
        MPI_Allreduce((void *)&edgecut, (void *)&max_cut, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, ctrl->gcomm);
        MPI_Allreduce((void *)&lbsum, (void *)&min_lbsum, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MIN, ctrl->gcomm);

        lpesum.sum = lbsum;
        if (min_lbsum < UNBALANCE_FRACTION * (float)(ncon)) {
            if (lbsum < UNBALANCE_FRACTION * (float)(ncon))
                lpesum.sum = (float) (edgecut);
                lpesum.sum = (float) (max_cut);

        MPI_Comm_rank(ctrl->gcomm, &(lpesum.rank));
        MPI_Allreduce((void *)&lpesum, (void *)&gpesum, 1, MPI_FLOAT_INT, MPI_MINLOC, ctrl->gcomm);
        MPI_Bcast((void *)gwhere1, gnvtxs, IDX_DATATYPE, gpesum.rank, ctrl->gcomm);

        agraph->xadj = tmpxadj;
        agraph->adjncy = tmpadjncy;
        agraph->adjwgt = tmpadjwgt;
        agraph->vwgt = tmpvwgt;
        agraph->where = tmpwhere;

    idxcopy(graph->nvtxs, gwhere1+graph->vtxdist[ctrl->mype], graph->where);

    GKfree((void **)&gwhere0, (void **)&gwhere1, (void **)&mytpwgts, (void **)&part, (void **)&xadj, (void **)&adjncy, (void **)&adjwgt, (void **)&vwgt, LTERM);

    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, MPI_Barrier(ctrl->comm));
    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, stoptimer(ctrl->InitPartTmr));

Exemplo n.º 6
* This function is the entry point of the initial balancing algorithm.
* This algorithm assembles the graph to all the processors and preceeds
* with the balancing step.
void Balance_Partition(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph, WorkSpaceType *wspace)
    int i, j, mype, npes, nvtxs, nedges, ncon;
    idxtype *vtxdist, *xadj, *adjncy, *adjwgt, *vwgt, *vsize;
    idxtype *part, *lwhere, *home;
    GraphType *agraph, cgraph;
    CtrlType myctrl;
    int lnparts, fpart, fpe, lnpes, ngroups, srnpes, srmype;
    int twoparts=2, numflag = 0, wgtflag = 3, moptions[10], edgecut, max_cut;
    int sr_pe, gd_pe, sr, gd, who_wins, *rcounts, *rdispls;
    float my_cut, my_totalv, my_cost = -1.0, my_balance = -1.0, wsum;
    float rating, max_rating, your_cost = -1.0, your_balance = -1.0;
    float lbvec[MAXNCON], lbsum, min_lbsum, *mytpwgts, mytpwgts2[2], buffer[2];
    MPI_Status status;
    MPI_Comm ipcomm, srcomm;
    struct {
        float cost;
        int rank;
    } lpecost, gpecost;

    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, starttimer(ctrl->InitPartTmr));

    vtxdist = graph->vtxdist;
    agraph = Mc_AssembleAdaptiveGraph(ctrl, graph, wspace);
    nvtxs = cgraph.nvtxs = agraph->nvtxs;
    nedges = cgraph.nedges = agraph->nedges;
    ncon = cgraph.ncon = agraph->ncon;

    xadj = cgraph.xadj = idxmalloc(nvtxs*(5+ncon)+1+nedges*2, "U_IP: xadj");
    vwgt = cgraph.vwgt = xadj + nvtxs+1;
    vsize = cgraph.vsize = xadj + nvtxs*(1+ncon)+1;
    cgraph.where = agraph->where = part = xadj + nvtxs*(2+ncon)+1;
    lwhere = xadj + nvtxs*(3+ncon)+1;
    home = xadj + nvtxs*(4+ncon)+1;
    adjncy = cgraph.adjncy = xadj + nvtxs*(5+ncon)+1;
    adjwgt = cgraph.adjwgt = xadj + nvtxs*(5+ncon)+1 + nedges;

    /* ADD: this assumes that tpwgts for all constraints is the same */
    /* ADD: this is necessary because serial metis does not support the general case */
    mytpwgts = fsmalloc(ctrl->nparts, 0.0, "mytpwgts");
    for (i=0; i<ctrl->nparts; i++)
        for (j=0; j<ncon; j++)
            mytpwgts[i] += ctrl->tpwgts[i*ncon+j];
    for (i=0; i<ctrl->nparts; i++)
        mytpwgts[i] /= (float)ncon;

    idxcopy(nvtxs+1, agraph->xadj, xadj);
    idxcopy(nvtxs*ncon, agraph->vwgt, vwgt);
    idxcopy(nvtxs, agraph->vsize, vsize);
    idxcopy(nedges, agraph->adjncy, adjncy);
    idxcopy(nedges, agraph->adjwgt, adjwgt);

    if (ctrl->ps_relation == DISCOUPLED) {
        rcounts = imalloc(ctrl->npes, "rcounts");
        rdispls = imalloc(ctrl->npes+1, "rdispls");

        for (i=0; i<ctrl->npes; i++) {
            rdispls[i] = rcounts[i] = vtxdist[i+1]-vtxdist[i];
        MAKECSR(i, ctrl->npes, rdispls);

        MPI_Allgatherv((void *)graph->home, graph->nvtxs, IDX_DATATYPE,
                       (void *)part, rcounts, rdispls, IDX_DATATYPE, ctrl->comm);

        for (i=0; i<agraph->nvtxs; i++)
            home[i] = part[i];

        GKfree((void **)&rcounts, (void **)&rdispls, LTERM);
    else {
        for (i=0; i<ctrl->npes; i++)
            for (j=vtxdist[i]; j<vtxdist[i+1]; j++)
                part[j] = home[j] = i;

    /* Ensure that the initial partitioning is legal */
    for (i=0; i<agraph->nvtxs; i++) {
        if (part[i] >= ctrl->nparts)
            part[i] = home[i] = part[i] % ctrl->nparts;
        if (part[i] < 0)
            part[i] = home[i] = (-1*part[i]) % ctrl->nparts;

    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_REFINEINFO, Mc_ComputeSerialBalance(ctrl, agraph, agraph->where, lbvec));
    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_REFINEINFO, rprintf(ctrl, "input cut: %d, balance: ", ComputeSerialEdgeCut(agraph)));
    for (i=0; i<agraph->ncon; i++)
        IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_REFINEINFO, rprintf(ctrl, "%.3f ", lbvec[i]));
    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_REFINEINFO, rprintf(ctrl, "\n"));

    /* Split the processors into two groups */
    sr = (ctrl->mype % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0;
    gd = (ctrl->mype % 2 == 1) ? 1 : 0;

    if (graph->ncon > MAX_NCON_FOR_DIFFUSION || ctrl->npes == 1) {
        sr = 1;
        gd = 0;

    sr_pe = 0;
    gd_pe = 1;

    MPI_Comm_split(ctrl->gcomm, sr, 0, &ipcomm);
    MPI_Comm_rank(ipcomm, &mype);
    MPI_Comm_size(ipcomm, &npes);

    myctrl.dbglvl = 0;
    myctrl.mype = mype;
    myctrl.npes = npes;
    myctrl.comm = ipcomm;
    myctrl.sync = ctrl->sync;
    myctrl.seed = ctrl->seed;
    myctrl.nparts = ctrl->nparts;
    myctrl.ipc_factor = ctrl->ipc_factor;
    myctrl.redist_factor = ctrl->redist_base;
    myctrl.partType = ADAPTIVE_PARTITION;
    myctrl.ps_relation = DISCOUPLED;
    myctrl.tpwgts = ctrl->tpwgts;
    icopy(ncon, ctrl->tvwgts, myctrl.tvwgts);
    icopy(ncon, ctrl->ubvec, myctrl.ubvec);

    if (sr == 1) {
        /* Half of the processors do scratch-remap */
        ngroups = amax(amin(RIP_SPLIT_FACTOR, npes), 1);
        MPI_Comm_split(ipcomm, mype % ngroups, 0, &srcomm);
        MPI_Comm_rank(srcomm, &srmype);
        MPI_Comm_size(srcomm, &srnpes);

        moptions[0] = 0;
        moptions[7] = ctrl->sync + (mype % ngroups) + 1;

        idxset(nvtxs, 0, lwhere);
        lnparts = ctrl->nparts;
        fpart = fpe = 0;
        lnpes = srnpes;
        while (lnpes > 1 && lnparts > 1) {
            ASSERT(ctrl, agraph->nvtxs > 1);
            /* Determine the weights of the partitions */
            mytpwgts2[0] = ssum(lnparts/2, mytpwgts+fpart);
            mytpwgts2[1] = 1.0-mytpwgts2[0];

            if (agraph->ncon == 1) {
                METIS_WPartGraphKway2(&agraph->nvtxs, agraph->xadj, agraph->adjncy, agraph->vwgt,
                                      agraph->adjwgt, &wgtflag, &numflag, &twoparts, mytpwgts2, moptions, &edgecut,
            else {
                METIS_mCPartGraphRecursive2(&agraph->nvtxs, &ncon, agraph->xadj, agraph->adjncy,
                                            agraph->vwgt, agraph->adjwgt, &wgtflag, &numflag, &twoparts, mytpwgts2,
                                            moptions, &edgecut, part);

            wsum = ssum(lnparts/2, mytpwgts+fpart);
            sscale(lnparts/2, 1.0/wsum, mytpwgts+fpart);
            sscale(lnparts-lnparts/2, 1.0/(1.0-wsum), mytpwgts+fpart+lnparts/2);

            /* I'm picking the left branch */
            if (srmype < fpe+lnpes/2) {
                Mc_KeepPart(agraph, wspace, part, 0);
                lnpes = lnpes/2;
                lnparts = lnparts/2;
            else {
                Mc_KeepPart(agraph, wspace, part, 1);
                fpart = fpart + lnparts/2;
                fpe = fpe + lnpes/2;
                lnpes = lnpes - lnpes/2;
                lnparts = lnparts - lnparts/2;

        /* In case srnpes is greater than or equal to nparts */
        if (lnparts == 1) {
            /* Only the first process will assign labels (for the reduction to work) */
            if (srmype == fpe) {
                for (i=0; i<agraph->nvtxs; i++)
                    lwhere[agraph->label[i]] = fpart;
        /* In case srnpes is smaller than nparts */
        else {
            if (ncon == 1)
                METIS_WPartGraphKway2(&agraph->nvtxs, agraph->xadj, agraph->adjncy, agraph->vwgt,
                                      agraph->adjwgt, &wgtflag, &numflag, &lnparts, mytpwgts+fpart, moptions,
                                      &edgecut, part);
                METIS_mCPartGraphRecursive2(&agraph->nvtxs, &ncon, agraph->xadj, agraph->adjncy,
                                            agraph->vwgt, agraph->adjwgt, &wgtflag, &numflag, &lnparts, mytpwgts+fpart,
                                            moptions, &edgecut, part);

            for (i=0; i<agraph->nvtxs; i++)
                lwhere[agraph->label[i]] = fpart + part[i];

        MPI_Allreduce((void *)lwhere, (void *)part, nvtxs, IDX_DATATYPE, MPI_SUM, srcomm);

        edgecut = ComputeSerialEdgeCut(&cgraph);
        Mc_ComputeSerialBalance(ctrl, &cgraph, part, lbvec);
        lbsum = ssum(ncon, lbvec);
        MPI_Allreduce((void *)&edgecut, (void *)&max_cut, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, ipcomm);
        MPI_Allreduce((void *)&lbsum, (void *)&min_lbsum, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MIN, ipcomm);
        lpecost.rank = ctrl->mype;
        lpecost.cost = lbsum;
        if (min_lbsum < UNBALANCE_FRACTION * (float)(ncon)) {
            if (lbsum < UNBALANCE_FRACTION * (float)(ncon))
                lpecost.cost = (float)edgecut;
                lpecost.cost = (float)max_cut + lbsum;
        MPI_Allreduce((void *)&lpecost, (void *)&gpecost, 1, MPI_FLOAT_INT, MPI_MINLOC, ipcomm);

        if (ctrl->mype == gpecost.rank && ctrl->mype != sr_pe) {
            MPI_Send((void *)part, nvtxs, IDX_DATATYPE, sr_pe, 1, ctrl->comm);

        if (ctrl->mype != gpecost.rank && ctrl->mype == sr_pe) {
            MPI_Recv((void *)part, nvtxs, IDX_DATATYPE, gpecost.rank, 1, ctrl->comm, &status);

        if (ctrl->mype == sr_pe) {
            idxcopy(nvtxs, part, lwhere);
            SerialRemap(&cgraph, ctrl->nparts, home, lwhere, part, ctrl->tpwgts);

    /* The other half do global diffusion */
    else {
        /* The next stmt is required to balance out the sr MPI_Comm_split */
        MPI_Comm_split(ipcomm, MPI_UNDEFINED, 0, &srcomm);

        if (ncon == 1) {
            rating = WavefrontDiffusion(&myctrl, agraph, home);
            Mc_ComputeSerialBalance(ctrl, &cgraph, part, lbvec);
            lbsum = ssum(ncon, lbvec);

            /* Determine which PE computed the best partitioning */
            MPI_Allreduce((void *)&rating, (void *)&max_rating, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, ipcomm);
            MPI_Allreduce((void *)&lbsum, (void *)&min_lbsum, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MIN, ipcomm);

            lpecost.rank = ctrl->mype;
            lpecost.cost = lbsum;
            if (min_lbsum < UNBALANCE_FRACTION * (float)(ncon)) {
                if (lbsum < UNBALANCE_FRACTION * (float)(ncon))
                    lpecost.cost = rating;
                    lpecost.cost = max_rating + lbsum;

            MPI_Allreduce((void *)&lpecost, (void *)&gpecost, 1, MPI_FLOAT_INT, MPI_MINLOC, ipcomm);

            /* Now send this to the coordinating processor */
            if (ctrl->mype == gpecost.rank && ctrl->mype != gd_pe)
                MPI_Send((void *)part, nvtxs, IDX_DATATYPE, gd_pe, 1, ctrl->comm);

            if (ctrl->mype != gpecost.rank && ctrl->mype == gd_pe)
                MPI_Recv((void *)part, nvtxs, IDX_DATATYPE, gpecost.rank, 1, ctrl->comm, &status);

            if (ctrl->mype == gd_pe) {
                idxcopy(nvtxs, part, lwhere);
                SerialRemap(&cgraph, ctrl->nparts, home, lwhere, part, ctrl->tpwgts);
        else {
            Mc_Diffusion(&myctrl, agraph, graph->vtxdist, agraph->where, home, wspace, N_MOC_GD_PASSES);

    if (graph->ncon <= MAX_NCON_FOR_DIFFUSION) {
        if (ctrl->mype == sr_pe  || ctrl->mype == gd_pe) {
            /* The coordinators from each group decide on the best partitioning */
            my_cut = (float) ComputeSerialEdgeCut(&cgraph);
            my_totalv = (float) Mc_ComputeSerialTotalV(&cgraph, home);
            Mc_ComputeSerialBalance(ctrl, &cgraph, part, lbvec);
            my_balance = ssum(cgraph.ncon, lbvec);
            my_balance /= (float) cgraph.ncon;
            my_cost = ctrl->ipc_factor * my_cut + REDIST_WGT * ctrl->redist_base * my_totalv;

            IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_REFINEINFO, printf("%s initial cut: %.1f, totalv: %.1f, balance: %.3f\n",
                    (ctrl->mype == sr_pe ? "scratch-remap" : "diffusion"), my_cut, my_totalv, my_balance));

            if (ctrl->mype == gd_pe) {
                buffer[0] = my_cost;
                buffer[1] = my_balance;
                MPI_Send((void *)buffer, 2, MPI_FLOAT, sr_pe, 1, ctrl->comm);
            else {
                MPI_Recv((void *)buffer, 2, MPI_FLOAT, gd_pe, 1, ctrl->comm, &status);
                your_cost = buffer[0];
                your_balance = buffer[1];

        if (ctrl->mype == sr_pe) {
            who_wins = gd_pe;
            if ((my_balance < 1.1 && your_balance > 1.1) ||
                    (my_balance < 1.1 && your_balance < 1.1 && my_cost < your_cost) ||
                    (my_balance > 1.1 && your_balance > 1.1 && my_balance < your_balance)) {
                who_wins = sr_pe;

        MPI_Bcast((void *)&who_wins, 1, MPI_INT, sr_pe, ctrl->comm);
    else {
        who_wins = sr_pe;

    MPI_Bcast((void *)part, nvtxs, IDX_DATATYPE, who_wins, ctrl->comm);
    idxcopy(graph->nvtxs, part+vtxdist[ctrl->mype], graph->where);

    GKfree((void **)&xadj, (void **)&mytpwgts, LTERM);

    /* For whatever reason, FreeGraph crashes here...so explicitly free the memory.
    GKfree((void **)&agraph->xadj, (void **)&agraph->adjncy, (void **)&agraph->vwgt, (void **)&agraph->nvwgt, LTERM);
    GKfree((void **)&agraph->vsize, (void **)&agraph->adjwgt, (void **)&agraph->label, LTERM);
    GKfree((void **)&agraph, LTERM);

    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, stoptimer(ctrl->InitPartTmr));

Exemplo n.º 7
void createGabor(double *** &G,int ore[], int n){

	int Nscales = sizeof(ore);
	int Nfilters = ssum(ore);

	int l=0;
	matrix<double> param(Nfilters,4);

	matrix<int> fx(n,n),fy(n,n);

	for (int i=0;i<Nscales-1;i++){
		for (int j=1;j<=ore[i];j++){

	// Frequencies:

	matrix<double> fr(n,n),t(n,n),tr(n,n);

	//% Transfer functions:
	//G=zeros([n n Nfilters]);
	double dtmp;
	G = new double **[n];
	for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
		G[i] = new double*[n];
		for (int j=0;j<n;j++)
			G[i][j] = new double[Nfilters];

	for (int i=0;i<Nfilters;i++){

		for (int p =0;p<n;p++){
			for(int q=0;q<n;q++){
				dtmp = exp(-10.0*param.get(i,0)*pow(fr.get(p,q)/n/param.get(i,1)-1,2)-2*param.get(i,2)*PI*pow(tr.get(p,q),2));
				G[p][q][i] = dtmp;

/*	for showing the figure
if nargout == 0
    for i=1:Nfilters
        contour(fftshift(G(:,:,i)),[1 .7 .6],'r');
        hold on
Exemplo n.º 8
int main(){
	int landmarkId;
	string imageNameMd5,imageEncoded,imageData;

	double ***G=NULL;
	double **g = NULL;
	IplImage * image = NULL;
	CvMat * encodedMat = NULL;
	//IplImage* image =cvLoadImage("test.jpg");
	// This is used for computing
	int imageSize = 128;
	IplImage *img = NULL;
	int numberBlocks = 4;
	int orientationsPerScale[]= {8,8,4};
	while (cin>>landmarkId>>imageNameMd5>>imageEncoded){

		try {
			encodedMat = cvCreateMat(1,imageData.length(),CV_8UC1);
			encodedMat->data.ptr = (uchar *)imageData.c_str();
			image = cvDecodeImage(encodedMat);

		if (!image){
		//-----------------resize the pic to 128*128--------

		CvSize sz;
		sz.height = imageSize; //128
		sz.width = imageSize;
		img = cvCreateImage(sz,image->depth,image->nChannels);


		//-----------------resize the pic to 128*128--------

		if (!img) {

		myImg output = prefilt(img,4);

		for (int i=0;i<960;i++)


	return 0;