int main () { Stock st1( "Company A", 5.12 ); Stock st2( "Company B", 7.13 ); Stock st3( "Company C", 50.00 ); StockLogger logger( std::cout ); st1.addChangeListener( logger ); st2.addChangeListener( logger ); BiggestChangeRecorder recorder; st1.addChangeListener( recorder ); st2.addChangeListener( recorder ); StockChangeImportanceFilter filteredLogger( 10.00, logger ); StockChangeImportanceFilter filteredRecorder( 20.00, recorder ); st3.addChangeListener( filteredLogger ); st3.addChangeListener( filteredRecorder ); st1.updatePrice( 6.21 ); st2.updatePrice( 7.09 ); st1.updatePrice( 6.01 ); st3.updatePrice( 55.00 ); st3.updatePrice( 44.00 ); std::cout << "Biggest positive change : " << recorder.getMaxPositiveChange () << std::endl; std::cout << "Biggest negative change : " << recorder.getMaxNegativeChange () << std::endl; }
int main() { Stack st1; Stack st2(st1); Stack st3; cout << st1.isempty() << endl; st1.push(12123124); st1.push(12222222); st1.push(33333333); cout << "St1: " << endl; st1.showItems(); st2 = Stack(st1); cout << "St2: " << endl; st2.showItems(); st1 = Stack(); cout << "St1 empty:" << endl; st1.showItems(); cout << endl; cout << "St2: " << endl; st2.showItems(); st3 = st2; cout << "St3: " << endl; st3.showItems(); system("Pause"); return 0; }
TEST(BaseCluster, Read) { std::stringstream input; tawara::UIntElement tc(tawara::ids::Timecode, 42); tawara::UIntElement st1(tawara::ids::SilentTrackNumber, 1); tawara::UIntElement st2(tawara::ids::SilentTrackNumber, 2); tawara::UIntElement ps(tawara::ids::PrevSize, 0x1234); FakeCluster e; std::streamsize body_size(tc.size()); tawara::vint::write(body_size, input); tc.write(input); EXPECT_EQ(tawara::vint::size(body_size) + body_size,; EXPECT_EQ(42, e.timecode()); EXPECT_TRUE(e.silent_tracks().empty()); EXPECT_EQ(0, e.previous_size()); body_size += tawara::ids::size(tawara::ids::SilentTracks) + tawara::vint::size(st1.size() + st2.size()) + st1.size() + st2.size() + ps.size(); tawara::vint::write(body_size, input); tc.write(input); tawara::ids::write(tawara::ids::SilentTracks, input); tawara::vint::write(st1.size() + st2.size(), input); st1.write(input); st2.write(input); ps.write(input); EXPECT_EQ(tawara::vint::size(body_size) + body_size,; EXPECT_EQ(42, e.timecode()); EXPECT_FALSE(e.silent_tracks().empty()); EXPECT_EQ(0x1234, e.previous_size()); // Body size value wrong (too small) input.str(std::string()); tawara::vint::write(2, input); tc.write(input); ps.write(input); EXPECT_THROW(, tawara::BadBodySize); // Invalid child input.str(std::string()); tawara::UIntElement ue(tawara::ids::EBML, 0xFFFF); tawara::vint::write(ue.size(), input); ue.write(input); EXPECT_THROW(, tawara::InvalidChildID); // Missing timecode input.str(std::string()); tawara::vint::write(ps.size(), input); ps.write(input); EXPECT_THROW(, tawara::MissingChild); }
// pobiera int wartosc klucza int ConfFile::getIntValue(string label) { int t = mLabels.count(label); if (t == 0) { error = true; return 0; }; map<string, string>::iterator i = mLabels.find(label); int v; istringstream st2((*i).second); st2 >> v; return v; }
void SAMLTokenTest::TestSAML2Token() { Arc::SOAPEnvelope soap1(xml); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((bool)soap1); Arc::SAMLToken st1(soap1, certfile, keyfile, Arc::SAMLToken::SAML2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((bool)st1); std::string str; st1.GetXML(str); Arc::SOAPEnvelope soap2(str); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((bool)soap2); Arc::SAMLToken st2(soap2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((bool)st2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(st2.Authenticate()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(st2.Authenticate("../../credential/test/ca_cert.pem", "")); }
void ODMatrix::readO(LineReader& lr, double scale, std::string vehType, bool matrixHasVehType) { PROGRESS_BEGIN_MESSAGE("Reading matrix '" + lr.getFileName() + "' stored as OR"); // parse first defs std::string line; if (matrixHasVehType) { line = getNextNonCommentLine(lr); int type = TplConvert::_2int(StringUtils::prune(line).c_str()); if (vehType == "") { vehType = toString(type); } } // parse time std::pair<SUMOTime, SUMOTime> times = readTime(lr); SUMOTime begin = times.first; SUMOTime end = times.second; // factor double factor = readFactor(lr, scale); // parse the cells while (lr.hasMore()) { line = getNextNonCommentLine(lr); if (line.length() == 0) { continue; } StringTokenizer st2(line, StringTokenizer::WHITECHARS); if (st2.size() == 0) { continue; } try { std::string sourceD =; std::string destD =; double vehNumber = TplConvert::_2double( * factor; if (vehNumber != 0) { add(vehNumber, begin, end, sourceD, destD, vehType); } } catch (OutOfBoundsException&) { throw ProcessError("Missing at least one information in line '" + line + "'."); } catch (NumberFormatException&) { throw ProcessError("Not numeric vehicle number in line '" + line + "'."); } } PROGRESS_DONE_MESSAGE(); }
void splay_tree_copy_ctor_asignment_operator() { fwk::splay_tree<int, int> st; st.insert(1, 1); st.insert(2, 2); st.insert(3, 3); st.insert(5, 5); st.insert(4, 4); st.insert(20, 20); ASSERT_EQ(st.empty(), false); ASSERT_EQ(st.size(), 6); fwk::splay_tree<int, int> st2(st); fwk::splay_tree<int, int> st3; st3 = st2; st2.pre_order([](int &i) { std::cout << i << " "; }); std::cout << std::endl; st3.pre_order([](int &i) { std::cout << i << " "; }); std::cout << std::endl; }
size_t SQLiteBundleSet::Factory::__create(SQLiteDatabase &db, const std::string &name, bool persistent) throw (SQLiteDatabase::SQLiteQueryException) { // create a new name (fails, if the name already exists) SQLiteDatabase::Statement st1(db._database, SQLiteDatabase::_sql_queries[SQLiteDatabase::BUNDLE_SET_NAME_ADD]); sqlite3_bind_text(*st1, 1, name.c_str(), static_cast<int>(name.length()), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); sqlite3_bind_int(*st1, 2, persistent ? 1 : 0); st1.step(); // get the ID of the name SQLiteDatabase::Statement st2(db._database, SQLiteDatabase::_sql_queries[SQLiteDatabase::BUNDLE_SET_NAME_GET_ID]); sqlite3_bind_text(*st2, 1, name.c_str(), static_cast<int>(name.length()), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); sqlite3_bind_int(*st2, 2, persistent ? 1 : 0); if (st2.step() == SQLITE_ROW) { return sqlite3_column_int64(*st2, 0); } throw SQLiteDatabase::SQLiteQueryException("could not create the bundle-set name"); }
// ============================================================================ // the main execution method // ============================================================================ StatusCode GaudiExamples::StatSvcAlg::execute () { Stat st1 ( m_stat , "counter1" ) ; Stat st2 ( m_stat , "counter2" ) ; Stat st3 ( m_stat , "counter3" , 0.3 ) ; Stat eff ( m_stat , "eff" , 0 < sin( 10 * st1->flag() ) ) ; // st1 += 0.1 ; st1 -= 0.1000452 ; st2 += st1 ; ++st3 ; st2-- ; eff += 0 < cos ( 20 * st2->flag() ) ; // return StatusCode::SUCCESS ; }
TEST(BaseCluster, Size) { FakeCluster e; tawara::UIntElement tc(tawara::ids::Timecode, 0); std::streamsize body_size(tc.size()); EXPECT_EQ(tawara::ids::size(tawara::ids::Cluster) + 8 + body_size, e.size()); tawara::UIntElement st1(tawara::ids::SilentTrackNumber, 1); tawara::UIntElement st2(tawara::ids::SilentTrackNumber, 2); body_size += tawara::ids::size(tawara::ids::SilentTracks) + tawara::vint::size(st1.size() + st2.size()) + st1.size() + st2.size(); e.silent_tracks().push_back(tawara::SilentTrackNumber(1)); e.silent_tracks().push_back(tawara::SilentTrackNumber(2)); EXPECT_EQ(tawara::ids::size(tawara::ids::Cluster) + 8 + body_size, e.size()); tawara::UIntElement ps(tawara::ids::PrevSize, 0x1234); body_size += ps.size(); e.previous_size(0x1234); EXPECT_EQ(tawara::ids::size(tawara::ids::Cluster) + 8 + body_size, e.size()); }
int main() { Stack<std::string> st1; st1.push("Jack").push("Zack").push("Sam").push("Maria"); std::cout << "number of elements: " << st1.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Is stack empty? " << st1.is_empty() << std::endl; print(st1, std::cout); Stack<std::string> st2(st1); st2.pop().pop(); = "Marty"; std::cout << "number of elements: " << st2.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Is stack empty? " << st2.is_empty() << std::endl; print(st2, std::cout); Stack<std::string> st3; std::cout << "number of elements: " << st3.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Is stack empty? " << st3.is_empty() << std::endl; st3 = st1; std::cout << "number of elements: " << st3.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Is stack empty? " << st3.is_empty() << std::endl; print(st3, std::cout); while (!st3.is_empty()) {st3.pop();} std::cout << "number of elements: " << st3.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Is stack empty? " << st3.is_empty() << std::endl; print(st3, std::cout); st3.swap(st2); std::cout << "number of elements: " << st3.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Is stack empty? " << st3.is_empty() << std::endl; print(st3, std::cout); std::cout << "number of elements: " << st2.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Is stack empty? " << st2.is_empty() << std::endl; print(st2, std::cout); return 0; }
TEST(BaseCluster, Write) { std::ostringstream output; std::stringstream expected; tawara::UIntElement tc(tawara::ids::Timecode, 0); tawara::UIntElement st1(tawara::ids::SilentTrackNumber, 1); tawara::UIntElement st2(tawara::ids::SilentTrackNumber, 2); tawara::UIntElement ps(tawara::ids::PrevSize, 0x1234); FakeCluster e; std::streamsize expected_size(tc.size()); tawara::ids::write(tawara::ids::Cluster, expected); tawara::vint::write(expected_size, expected, 8); tc.write(expected); EXPECT_EQ(tawara::ids::size(tawara::ids::Cluster) + 8 + expected_size, e.write(output)); EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(test_utils::std_buffers_eq, output.str(), expected.str()); expected_size += tawara::ids::size(tawara::ids::SilentTracks) + tawara::vint::size(st1.size() + st2.size()) + st1.size() + st2.size() + ps.size(); e.silent_tracks().push_back(tawara::SilentTrackNumber(1)); e.silent_tracks().push_back(tawara::SilentTrackNumber(2)); e.previous_size(0x1234); output.str(std::string()); expected.str(std::string()); tawara::ids::write(tawara::ids::Cluster, expected); tawara::vint::write(expected_size, expected, 8); tc.write(expected); tawara::ids::write(tawara::ids::SilentTracks, expected); tawara::vint::write(st1.size() + st2.size(), expected); st1.write(expected); st2.write(expected); ps.write(expected); EXPECT_EQ(tawara::ids::size(tawara::ids::Cluster) + 8 + expected_size, e.write(output)); EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(test_utils::std_buffers_eq, output.str(), expected.str()); }
// wyciaga informacje z lini textu z pliku void ConfFile::parse() { string t; while (getline(cFile, t)) { if (t.size() == 0) continue; istringstream st1(t); char c; st1 >> c; if (c == '#') continue; int t1 = t.find("="); t.replace(t1, 1, " "); istringstream st2(t); string v; string lab; st2 >> lab >> v; mLabels[lab] = v; }; }
int main() { FragTrap ft("#YOLO"); FragTrap ft2(ft); FragTrap ft3 = ft2; ScavTrap st("#YOLO"); ScavTrap st2(st); ScavTrap st3 = st2; ft.rangedAttack("other"); ft.meleeAttack("other"); ft.takeDamage(32); ft2.takeDamage(150); ft3.takeDamage(0); ft3.beRepaired(0); ft3.beRepaired(150); ft.vaulthunter_dot_exe("other"); ft.vaulthunter_dot_exe("other"); ft.vaulthunter_dot_exe("other"); ft.vaulthunter_dot_exe("other"); ft.vaulthunter_dot_exe("other"); ft.vaulthunter_dot_exe("other"); st.rangedAttack("other"); st.meleeAttack("other"); st.takeDamage(32); st2.takeDamage(150); st3.takeDamage(0); st3.beRepaired(0); st3.beRepaired(150); st.challengeNewcomer("other"); st.challengeNewcomer("other"); st.challengeNewcomer("other"); st.challengeNewcomer("other"); st.challengeNewcomer("other"); st.challengeNewcomer("other"); }
Distribution_Points ODMatrix::parseTimeLine(const std::vector<std::string>& def, bool timelineDayInHours) { Distribution_Points result("N/A"); if (timelineDayInHours) { if (def.size() != 24) { throw ProcessError("Assuming 24 entries for a day timeline, but got " + toString(def.size()) + "."); } for (int chour = 0; chour < 24; ++chour) { result.add(chour * 3600., TplConvert::_2double(def[chour].c_str())); } result.add(24 * 3600., 0.); // dummy value to finish the last interval } else { for (int i = 0; i < (int)def.size(); i++) { StringTokenizer st2(def[i], ":"); if (st2.size() != 2) { throw ProcessError("Broken time line definition: missing a value in '" + def[i] + "'."); } const double time = TplConvert::_2double(; result.add(time, TplConvert::_2double(; } } return result; }
int sc_main(int ac, char *av[]) { sc_fifo<int> st1("ST1", 2), st2("ST2", 2); sc_fifo<int> a1("A1", 2), a2("A2", 2), a3("A3", 2); sc_fifo<int> b1("B1", 2), b2("B2", 2), b3("B3", 2); sc_clock clock("CLOCK"); sawtooth ST("TB1", clock, st1, st2); delay D1("D1", clock, st1, a1); downsample DN1("DN1", clock, a1, a2); upsample UP1("UP1", clock, a2, a3); downsample DN2("DN2", clock, st2, b1); upsample UP2("UP2", clock, b1, b2); delay D2("D2", clock, b2, b3); adder A ("A", clock, a3, b3); sc_start(100, SC_NS); return 0; }
//this constructor parses the input to get separated terms and add them to List_Terms Polynomial::Polynomial(string& poly) { //temporary variables to store the term, the coefficient and the exponent int expo = 0; int coef = 0; string coefSt; string expoSt; string currentTerm; // replace - with +- ReplaceStringInPlace (poly,string("-"),string("+-")); // split input by + to get separated terms String_Tokenizer st1(poly, "+"); // continue to parse as long as there is a term while (st1.has_more_tokens()) { currentTerm = trim(st1.next_token()); // get current Term if (currentTerm.find("x^") != string::npos) // term contains "x^" { string first_Token, second_Token; // variables to store the coefficient and the exponent // split currentTerm by x^ String_Tokenizer st2(currentTerm, "x^"); first_Token = trim(st2.next_token()); second_Token = trim(st2.next_token()); if (currentTerm.find(first_Token) < currentTerm.find("x^") ) // first_Token is the coefficient { if (first_Token == "-") //special case (user entered "-x^...") coefSt = "-1"; else coefSt = first_Token; expoSt = second_Token != "" ? second_Token : throw invalid_argument( "Invalid Input" ); // only assign the exponent if second_Token is not empty } else if (currentTerm.find(first_Token) > currentTerm.find("x^") ) // first_Token is the exponent (the coefficient is hidden with value 1 ) { coefSt = "1"; expoSt = first_Token; } else throw invalid_argument( "Invalid Input" ); } else if (currentTerm.find("x") != string::npos) // term contains "x" { //split currentTerm by x String_Tokenizer st2(currentTerm, "x"); if (!st2.has_more_tokens()) // the term is "x" only { coefSt = "1"; expoSt = "1"; } else // the term has a coefficient { coefSt = trim(st2.next_token()); if (coefSt == "-") //special case (user entered "-x...") coefSt = "-1"; expoSt = "1"; } } else if (currentTerm.find("X") != string::npos) // term contains "X" uppercase throw invalid_argument( "Invalid Input" ); else // term contains only the coefficient { coefSt = currentTerm; expoSt = "0"; } //convert string to int coef= stoi(coefSt); expo=stoi(expoSt); //create the term and add to the list only if the coefficient is not 0 if (coef != 0) List_Terms.push_back(Term(coef,expo)); } }
int main(void) { FragTrap ft1("Alf"); FragTrap ft2("Bob"); FragTrap ft3(ft1); std::cout << std::endl; ft3 = ft2; std::cout << std::endl; ft1.rangedAttack("Bob"); std::cout << std::endl; ft1.meleeAttack("Bob"); std::cout << std::endl; ft1.takeDamage(3); std::cout << std::endl; ft1.beRepaired(3); std::cout << std::endl; ft1.takeDamage(1000); std::cout << std::endl; ft1.beRepaired(1000); std::cout << std::endl; ft1.beRepaired(3); std::cout << std::endl; ft1.Ep = 100; std::cout << std::endl; ft1.vaulthunter_dot_exe("1"); ft1.vaulthunter_dot_exe("2"); ft1.vaulthunter_dot_exe("3"); ft1.vaulthunter_dot_exe("4"); ft1.vaulthunter_dot_exe("5"); std::cout << std::endl; ScavTrap st1("John"); ScavTrap st2("Ben"); ScavTrap st3; std::cout << std::endl; st1.meleeAttack("bob"); st1.rangedAttack("Alf"); std::cout << std::endl; st2.takeDamage(45); st2.beRepaired(21); std::cout << std::endl; st3.challengeNewcomer(); st3.challengeNewcomer(); std::cout << std::endl; return (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { { std::string s = "a b\"MID\" c d"; std::vector<std::string> result; unsigned int ret = stringTokenize(s, ' ', &result); assert(ret == 4); assert(result.size() == 4); assert(result[0] == "a"); assert(result[1] == "b\"MID\""); assert(result[2] == "c"); assert(result[3] == "d"); ret = stringTokenize(s, "\" ", &result); assert(result.size() == 6); assert(result[0] == "a"); assert(result[1] == "b"); assert(result[2] == "MID"); assert(result[3] == ""); assert(result[4] == "c"); assert(result[5] == "d"); s = ""; ret = stringTokenize(s, " ", &result); assert(result.size() == 1); assert(result[0] == ""); } { std::string s = "a b\"MID\" c d"; std::string piece; std::vector <std::string> result; StringTokenizer st1(s, ' '); while ( { //printf("piece = %s\n", piece.c_str()); result.push_back(piece); } assert(result.size() == 4); assert(result[0] == "a"); assert(result[1] == "b\"MID\""); assert(result[2] == "c"); assert(result[3] == "d"); result.clear(); StringTokenizer st2(s, "\" "); while ( { printf("piece = %s\n", piece.c_str()); result.push_back(piece); } assert(result.size() == 6); assert(result[0] == "a"); assert(result[1] == "b"); assert(result[2] == "MID"); assert(result[3] == ""); assert(result[4] == "c"); assert(result[5] == "d"); result.clear(); s = ""; StringTokenizer st3(s, " "); while ( { result.push_back(piece); } assert(result.size() == 1); assert(result[0] == ""); } { std::string s = ""; std::string res = stringStrip(s); assert(res.size() == 0); s = " "; res = stringStrip(s); assert(res.size() == 0); } return 0; }
int main() { //Calka z sinusa cout << "CALKA Z SINUSA" << endl; double result = 0.0; TworzenieWatkow calka(0, M_PI, &result); boost::thread thread(calka); cout << "Hardware concurrency: " << boost::thread::hardware_concurrency << endl; cout << "Thread ID" << thread.get_id() << endl; thread.join(); cout << "result" << result << endl; cout << "DONE!"; getchar(); //------------------------------------- //Synchronizacja cout << "SYNCHRONIZACJA" << endl; mutex characterMutex; string lancuch; lancuch.resize(CHARACTERS_TO_WRITE); thread_group threads; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_THREADS; ++i) threads.create_thread(Watek('a'+i,lancuch,characterMutex)); threads.join_all(); cout << lancuch << endl; cout << "DONE!"; getchar(); //---------------------------------------- //Zmienne warunkowe cout << "ZMIENNE WARUNKOWE"<<endl; mutex dataMutex; Monitor<char>container(dataMutex); thread_group conditional; mutex consoleMutex; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { conditional.create_thread(Consumer(container,i,consoleMutex)); conditional.create_thread(Producer(container,i,consoleMutex)); } conditional.join_all(); cout << "DONE!"; getchar(); //------------------------------------ //Pociagi/semafory cout << "STACJA KOLEJOWA"<<endl; Peron p1("p1"), p2("p2"), p3("p3"); Train tr1 = Train("T1", p2, p1); boost::thread t1(tr1); boost::thread t2(Train("T2", p2, p3)); boost::thread t3(Train("T3", p2, p1)); boost::thread t4(Train("T4", p2, p3)); t1.join(); t2.join(); t3.join(); t4.join(); cout << "DONE"<<endl; getchar(); cout << "FILOZOFOWIE" << endl; Semafor eating(PHILOSOPHERS - 1); Fork* forks[5]; thread_group philosophers; for (int i = 0; i<PHILOSOPHERS; i++) { forks[i] = new Fork(i); } for (int i = 0; i<PHILOSOPHERS; i++) { philosophers.create_thread(Philosopher(i, forks[i], forks[(i + (PHILOSOPHERS -1)) % PHILOSOPHERS], eating)); } philosophers.join_all(); cout << "DONE"<<endl; getchar(); cout << "TASK 1" << endl; mutex tConsoleMutex; Task1 taskOne(tConsoleMutex,0); Task1 taskTwo(tConsoleMutex,1); boost::thread th1(taskOne); boost::thread th2(taskTwo); th1.join(); th2.join(); cout << "DONE" << endl; getchar(); cout << "TASK 2" << endl; boost::mutex task2Mutex; Task2 task2DataGenerator(100); boost::thread task2Thread(task2DataGenerator); boost::unique_lock<mutex>task2Lock(task2Mutex); task2DataGenerator.task2isGeneratingData->wait(task2Lock); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)cout << task2Array[i] << endl; cout << "DONE" << endl; getchar(); cout << "TASK 3" << endl; thread_group task3Group; Semafor task3Semafor(1); Semafor task3Max3ThreadsSemafor(3); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { task3Group.create_thread(Task3(task3Max3ThreadsSemafor,task3Semafor,i)); } task3Group.join_all(); cout << "DONE" << endl; getchar(); cout << "SMOLKA EXAM"<<endl; cout << "TASK 1"<<endl; boost::mutex sConsoleMutex; STask1 st1(sConsoleMutex); STask1 st2(sConsoleMutex); boost::thread sTask1Thread(st1); boost::thread sTask1Thread2(st2); sTask1Thread.join(); sTask1Thread2.join(); cout << "DONE" << endl; getchar(); cout << "TASK 2" << endl; sN = 75; boost::thread sTask2Thread(sTask2); boost::mutex sTask2Mutex; boost::unique_lock<mutex>sTask2Lock(sTask2Mutex); sTask2Condition.wait(sTask2Lock); for (int i = 0; i < 75; i++) { cout<< sTask2Array[i]<<endl; } getchar(); return 0; }
void ODMatrix::readV(LineReader& lr, double scale, std::string vehType, bool matrixHasVehType) { PROGRESS_BEGIN_MESSAGE("Reading matrix '" + lr.getFileName() + "' stored as VMR"); // parse first defs std::string line; if (matrixHasVehType) { line = getNextNonCommentLine(lr); if (vehType == "") { vehType = StringUtils::prune(line); } } // parse time std::pair<SUMOTime, SUMOTime> times = readTime(lr); SUMOTime begin = times.first; SUMOTime end = times.second; // factor double factor = readFactor(lr, scale); // districts line = getNextNonCommentLine(lr); const int numDistricts = TplConvert::_2int(StringUtils::prune(line).c_str()); // parse district names (normally ints) std::vector<std::string> names; while ((int)names.size() != numDistricts) { line = getNextNonCommentLine(lr); StringTokenizer st2(line, StringTokenizer::WHITECHARS); while (st2.hasNext()) { names.push_back(; } } // parse the cells for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator si = names.begin(); si != names.end(); ++si) { std::vector<std::string>::iterator di = names.begin(); // do { line = getNextNonCommentLine(lr); if (line.length() == 0) { continue; } try { StringTokenizer st2(line, StringTokenizer::WHITECHARS); while (st2.hasNext()) { assert(di != names.end()); double vehNumber = TplConvert::_2double( * factor; if (vehNumber != 0) { add(vehNumber, begin, end, *si, *di, vehType); } if (di == names.end()) { throw ProcessError("More entries than districts found."); } ++di; } } catch (NumberFormatException&) { throw ProcessError("Not numeric vehicle number in line '" + line + "'."); } if (!lr.hasMore()) { break; } } while (di != names.end()); } PROGRESS_DONE_MESSAGE(); }
void stratifysites::run () { cout << "# Parameters\n"; cout << "# thresh1=" << thresh1 << "\n"; cout << "# thresh2=" <<thresh2 << "\n"; cout << "# tlength="<<tlength << "h\n"; cout << "# genpos="<<usegenpos << "\n"; cout << "# strict="<<strict << "\n"; cout << "# bin="<<bins << "\n"; cout << "# predfile="<<predfile << "\n"; cout << "# snpfile="<<snpfile << "\n"; cout << "# genofile="<<genofile << "\n"; cout << "## SNP id\n"; cout << "## Chromosome \n"; cout << "## Genetic position\n"; cout << "## Physical position\n"; cout << "## Average posterior probability of N on derived alleles \n"; cout << "## Average posterior probability of N on ancestral alleles \n"; cout << "## Number of derived alleles that are predicted to be Neandertal \n"; cout << "## Total number of derived alleles \n"; cout << "## Number of ancestral alleles that are predicted to be Neandertal \n"; cout << "## Total number of ancestral alleles \n"; if (givenprefix) { cout.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); cout.precision(3); } for (int c = 0 ; c < nchr; c++) { vector<snp> snps = geno->snps[geno->chrs[c]]; vector<int> tmppred (nind, 0); vector<double> reg (nind,0); vector<double> reg2 (nind,0); vector<double> st1 (nind,0); vector<double> st2 (nind,0); vector<int> startpos (nind, 0); vector<double> maxlengths(snps.size(), 0 ); vector<double> avglengths(snps.size(), 0 ); vector<double> maxglengths(snps.size(), 0 ); vector<double> avgglengths(snps.size(), 0 ); vector<int> denomlengths(snps.size(), 0 ); unordered_map <string, double> plmap ; unordered_map <string, double> glmap ; int incontig = 0 ; int contigsnps = 0; string contigchr; double contigstart = 0; double contigend = 0 ; double contigl = 0 ; double contigavganc = 0; double avgpredanc = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < snps.size() ; i++) { for (int j = 0 ; j < nind; j++) { double p = (*predanc).get(c,i,j); tmppred [j] = (p>thresh1)?1:0; avgpredanc += p; } string id = snps[i].id; string chr = snps[i].chr; if (nind>0) avgpredanc /= nind ; if (i==0) { for (int j = 0 ; j < nind ; j++) { reg[j] =reg2[j] = 0; st1[j] = st2[j] = tmppred[j]; startpos[j] = 0; } } else { int count1 = 0 ; int count2 = 0; for (int j = 0 ; j < nind; j++) { int flag1 = 0; int flag2 = 0; int len1 = 0 ; double len2 = 0; double avgconf = 0 ; double trueconf = 0 ; int denom = 0 ; int start = 0 ; int end = 0 ; if (st1[j] == 0 && tmppred[j] > 0) { st1[j] = 1; startpos[j] = i; } else if (st1[j]==1 && tmppred[j]==0) { len1 = reg[j]; for (int k = i - 1; k >= 0 && k >= startpos[j] ; k--) { if ( maxlengths[k] < len1) { maxlengths[k] = len1; } avglengths[k] += len1; denomlengths[k]++; start = snps[k].physpos; avgconf += (*predanc).get (c,k,j); if (giventrue) trueconf += (*trueanc)(c,k,j); denom ++; string key = chr + ":" + tostring(k) +":"+ tostring(j); plmap[key] = len1; } avgconf = (denom>0)?avgconf/denom:0; trueconf = (denom>0)?trueconf/denom:0; reg[j] = 0; st1[j] = 0; flag1 = 1; end = snps[i-1].physpos; if (len1 > 0) count1++; } else if (st1[j]==1 && tmppred[j] > 0 ) { reg[j] += tmppred[j] *(snps[i].physpos - snps[i-1].physpos); count2 ++; } else { } if (st2[j] == 0 && tmppred[j] > 0) st2[j] = 1; else if (st2[j]==1 && tmppred[j]==0) { len2 = reg2[j]; for (int k = i - 1; k >= 0 && k >= startpos[j] ; k--) { if (maxglengths[k] < len2) { maxglengths[k] = len2; } avgglengths[k] += len2; string key = chr + ":" + tostring(k) +":"+ tostring(j); glmap[key] = len2; } reg2[j] = 0; st2[j] = 0 ; flag2 = 1; } else if (st2[j]==1 && tmppred[j] > 0 ) { reg2[j] += tmppred[j] *(snps[i].genpos - snps[i-1].genpos); } else { } if (flag1 && flag2) { if (givenprefix) { len2 *= 100; } } } if (count2 > 0 ) { if (incontig) { contigsnps ++; contigavganc += avgpredanc; } else { contigchr = geno->chrs[c]; contigstart = snps[i-1].physpos; incontig = 1; } contigl += (snps[i].physpos - snps[i-1].physpos); } else if (count2 == 0 && count1 > 0) { contigend = snps[i].physpos; if (contigsnps > 0) contigavganc /= contigsnps; long cs = contigstart; long ce = contigend; contigl = 0 ; incontig = 0 ; contigsnps = 0 ; contigavganc = 0 ; } } } for (int i = 0 ; i < snps.size() ; i++) { string id = snps[i].id; string chr = snps[i].chr; double pos = snps[i].physpos; double gpos = snps[i].genpos; int n1 = 0; int n2 = 0; double n3 = 0; double n3a = 0 ; double n4 = 0; double g = 0 ; double f = 0 ; double f2 = 0 ; int denom2 = 0 ; double f1 = 0 ; int denom1 = 0 ; int d = 0 ; int a = 0 ; int dn = 0 ; int an = 0; double maxl = 0 ; double maxgl = 0; for (int j = 0 ; j < nind ; j++) { string key = chr + ":" + tostring(i) + ":" + tostring(j); double panc = (*predanc).get(c,i,j); if (io::debug >= 1) cout << "panc ( " << c <<","<<i<<","<<j<<") = " << panc << endl; int predn = 0 ; int predh = 0 ; double predl = 0 ; if (usegenpos) { if ( glmap.find(key) != glmap.end()) predl = glmap[key] * 100; if (maxgl < predl) maxgl = predl; } else { if ( plmap.find(key) != plmap.end()) predl = plmap[key]; if (maxl < predl) maxl = predl; } if ( panc >= thresh1 && predl >= tlength) predn = 1; if (panc <= thresh2) predh = 1; int allele = (*geno)(c,i,j); f += allele; if (allele==1) { d ++; n1 += predn; n2 += predh; n3 += panc; if (predn ) dn ++; } if (allele==0) { n3a += panc; a ++; if (predn ) an ++; } n4 += panc; if (predn) { f1 += allele; denom1++; } if (predh) { f2 += allele; denom2 ++; } } f /= nind; g /= nind; f1 = denom1>0?(f1/denom1):0; f2 = denom2>0?(f2/denom2):0; if (d>0) { n1/=d; n2/=d; n3/=d; } if (a>0) { n3a /= a; } if (nind > 0) n4 /= nind; int m1 = (n1>=1)?1:0; int m2 = ( (n1>0)&&(n2>0))?1:0; cout << id << "\t" << chr << "\t" << gpos*100 << "\t" << snps[i].getphyspos (); cout << "\t" << n3 << "\t" << n3a ; cout << "\t" << dn << "\t" << d << "\t" << an << "\t" << a; cout << endl; if (denomlengths[i]>0) { avglengths[i] /= denomlengths[i]; avgglengths[i] /= denomlengths[i]; } if (givenprefix) { maxglengths[i] *= 100; avgglengths[i] *= 100; long ml = maxlengths[i]; long al = avglengths[i]; } } } }
int _tmain(void) { MDate d(TEXT("2014.7.1")); assert(d.GetYear() == 2014); assert(d.GetMonth() == 7); assert(d.GetDay() == 1); #ifdef UNICODE std::wcout << d << std::endl; #else std::cout << d << std::endl; #endif MTime t(TEXT("12:00")); assert(t.GetHour() == 12); assert(t.GetMinute() == 0); assert(t.GetSecond() == 0); assert(t.GetMilliseconds() == 0); #ifdef UNICODE std::wcout << t << std::endl; #else std::cout << t << std::endl; #endif MSystemTime st1; st1.SetDate(d); st1.SetTimeOfDay(t); MSystemTime st2(TEXT("20140701120000")); assert(st1 == st2); st2.SetDay(2); #ifdef UNICODE std::wcout << st1 << std::endl; std::wcout << st2 << std::endl; #else std::cout << st1 << std::endl; std::cout << st2 << std::endl; #endif MTimeSpan ts = st2 - st1; assert(ts.GetTotalDays() == 1); assert(ts.GetTotalHours() == 24); assert(ts.GetTotalMinutes() == 24 * 60); assert(ts.GetTotalSeconds() == 24 * 60 * 60); st1 += ts; assert(st1 == st2); #ifdef UNICODE std::wcout << ts << std::endl; #else std::cout << ts << std::endl; #endif st1 -= ts; assert(ts.GetTotalDays() == 1); st2.SetDay(0); st2.FixDay(); assert(st2.GetDay() == 30); #ifdef UNICODE std::wcout << st2 << std::endl; #else std::cout << st2 << std::endl; #endif st2.SetDay(31); st2.FixDay(); assert(st2.GetMonth() == 7); assert(st2.GetDay() == 1); #ifdef UNICODE std::wcout << st2 << std::endl; #else std::cout << st2 << std::endl; #endif ts.Parse("1days and 01:02:03"); #ifdef UNICODE std::wcout << ts << std::endl; #else std::cout << ts << std::endl; #endif ts.Parse("21:22:23"); #ifdef UNICODE std::wcout << ts << std::endl; #else std::cout << ts << std::endl; #endif return 0; }