stList *chooseMatching_greedy(stList *edges, int64_t nodeNumber) {
     * Greedily picks the edge from the list such that each node has at most one edge.
    //First clone the list..
    edges = stList_copy(edges, NULL);

    stSortedSet *seen = getEmptyNodeOrEdgeSetWithCleanup();
    stList *matching = stList_construct();

    //Sort the adjacency pairs..
    stList_sort(edges, chooseMatching_greedyP);

    double strength = INT64_MAX;
    while (stList_length(edges) > 0) {
        stIntTuple *edge = stList_pop(edges);
        double d = stIntTuple_get(edge, 2);
        assert(d <= strength);
        strength = d;
        if(!nodeInSet(seen, stIntTuple_get(edge, 0)) && !nodeInSet(seen, stIntTuple_get(edge, 1))) {
            addNodeToSet(seen, stIntTuple_get(edge, 0));
            addNodeToSet(seen, stIntTuple_get(edge, 1));
    assert(stList_length(edges) == 0);

    return matching;
Exemplo n.º 2
void test_stList_pop(CuTest *testCase) {
    int64_t i;
    for(i=stringNumber-1; i>=0; i--) {
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, stList_pop(list) == strings[i]);
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, stList_length(list) == i);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void test_stPosetAlignment_addAndIsPossible(CuTest *testCase) {
    for(int64_t trial=0; trial<100; trial++) {

        //Make random number of sequences.
        stList *sequenceLengths = stList_construct3(0, (void (*)(void *))stIntTuple_destruct);
        for(int64_t i=0; i<sequenceNumber; i++) {
            stList_append(sequenceLengths, stIntTuple_construct1( st_randomInt(0, MAX_SEQUENCE_SIZE)));

        //Propose random alignment pairs...
        stList *pairs = stList_construct3(0, (void(*)(void *))stIntTuple_destruct);
        int64_t maxAlignedPairs = st_randomInt(0, MAX_ALIGNMENTS);
        if(sequenceNumber > 0) {
            for(int64_t i=0; i<maxAlignedPairs; i++) {
                int64_t seq1 = st_randomInt(0, sequenceNumber);
                int64_t seqLength1 = stIntTuple_get(stList_get(sequenceLengths, seq1), 0);
                if(seqLength1 == 0) {
                int64_t position1 = st_randomInt(0, seqLength1);
                int64_t seq2 = st_randomInt(0, sequenceNumber);
                int64_t seqLength2 = stIntTuple_get(stList_get(sequenceLengths, seq1), 0);
                if(seqLength2 == 0) {
                int64_t position2 = st_randomInt(0, seqLength2);
                if(seq1 != seq2) {
                    stList_append(pairs, stIntTuple_construct4( seq1, position1, seq2, position2));
                    if(stPosetAlignment_isPossible(posetAlignment, seq1, position1, seq2, position2)) {
                        st_logInfo("In %" PRIi64 " %" PRIi64 " %" PRIi64 " %" PRIi64 " \n", seq1, position1, seq2, position2);
                        //For each accepted pair check it doesn't create a cycle.
                        CuAssertTrue(testCase, !containsACycle(pairs, sequenceNumber));
                        CuAssertTrue(testCase, stPosetAlignment_add(posetAlignment, seq1, position1, seq2, position2));
                    else {
                        st_logInfo("Out %" PRIi64 " %" PRIi64 " %" PRIi64 " %" PRIi64 " \n", seq1, position1, seq2, position2);
                        //For each rejected pair check it creates a cycle..
                        CuAssertTrue(testCase, containsACycle(pairs, sequenceNumber));
                        CuAssertTrue(testCase, !stPosetAlignment_isPossible(posetAlignment, seq1, position1, seq2, position2));
                        stIntTuple_destruct(stList_pop(pairs)); //remove the pair which created the cycle.
                        CuAssertTrue(testCase, !containsACycle(pairs, sequenceNumber)); //Check we're back to being okay..

        st_logInfo("Passed a random ordering test with %" PRIi64 " sequences and %" PRIi64 " aligned pairs\n", sequenceNumber, maxAlignedPairs);
Exemplo n.º 4
/* clone the root. */
static stTree *subrangeCloneRoot(stTree *srcRoot, struct malnCompCompMap *srcDestCompMap) {
    // clone root, if deleted, these must only be one child (due to the way
    // the trees are constructed).
    stList *pendingSubtrees = stList_construct();
    stTree *destRoot = subrangeCloneNode(srcRoot, srcDestCompMap, pendingSubtrees);
    if (destRoot == NULL) {
        if (stList_length(pendingSubtrees) > 1) {
            struct mafTreeNodeCompLink *srcNcLink = getNodeCompLink(srcRoot);
            errAbort("deleted tree root %s (component: %s:%d-%d/%c)) has more that one child", stTree_getLabel(srcRoot), srcNcLink->comp->seq->orgSeqName, srcNcLink->comp->start, srcNcLink->comp->end, srcNcLink->comp->strand);
        } else if (stList_length(pendingSubtrees) == 1) {
            destRoot = stList_pop(pendingSubtrees);
    return destRoot;
Exemplo n.º 5
// copied from cPecanRealign
struct PairwiseAlignment *convertAlignedPairsToPairwiseAlignment(char *seqName1, char *seqName2, double score,
        int64_t length1, int64_t length2, stList *alignedPairs) {
    //Make pairwise alignment
    int64_t pX = -1, pY = -1, mL = 0;
    //Create an end matched pair, which is used to ensure the alignment has the correct end indels.
    struct List *opList = constructEmptyList(0, (void (*)(void *)) destructAlignmentOperation);
    stList_append(alignedPairs, stIntTuple_construct2(length1, length2));
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < stList_length(alignedPairs); i++) {
        stIntTuple *alignedPair = stList_get(alignedPairs, i);
        int64_t x = stIntTuple_get(alignedPair, 0);
        int64_t y = stIntTuple_get(alignedPair, 1);
        assert(x - pX > 0);
        assert(y - pY > 0);
        if (x - pX > 0 && y - pY > 0) { //This is a hack for filtering
            if (x - pX > 1) { //There is an indel.
                if (mL > 0) {
                    listAppend(opList, constructAlignmentOperation(PAIRWISE_MATCH, mL, 0));
                    mL = 0;
                listAppend(opList, constructAlignmentOperation(PAIRWISE_INDEL_X, x - pX - 1, 0));
            if (y - pY > 1) {
                if (mL > 0) {
                    listAppend(opList, constructAlignmentOperation(PAIRWISE_MATCH, mL, 0));
                    mL = 0;
                listAppend(opList, constructAlignmentOperation(PAIRWISE_INDEL_Y, y - pY - 1, 0));
            pX = x;
            pY = y;
    //Deal with a trailing match, but exclude the final match
    if (mL > 1) {
        listAppend(opList, constructAlignmentOperation(PAIRWISE_MATCH, mL - 1, 0));
    //Construct the alignment
    struct PairwiseAlignment *pA = constructPairwiseAlignment(seqName1, 0, length1, 1, seqName2, 0, length2, 1, score,
    return pA;
stList *getComponents(stList *edges) {
     * Gets a list of connected components, each connected component
     * being represented as a list of the edges, such that each edge is in exactly one
     * connected component. Allows for multi-graphs (multiple edges connecting two nodes).

    stHash *nodesToEdges = getNodesToEdgesHash(edges);

     * Traverse the edges greedily
    stList *components =
            stList_construct3(0, (void(*)(void *)) stList_destruct);
    stList *nodes = stHash_getKeys(nodesToEdges);
    while (stList_length(nodes) > 0) {
        stIntTuple *node = stList_pop(nodes);
        stList *edges = stHash_search(nodesToEdges, node);
        if (edges != NULL) { //We have a component to build
            stSortedSet *component = stSortedSet_construct();
            stHash_remove(nodesToEdges, node);
            for (int64_t i = 0; i < stList_length(edges); i++) {
                stIntTuple *edge = stList_get(edges, i);
                getComponentsP(nodesToEdges, stIntTuple_get(edge, 0),
                getComponentsP(nodesToEdges, stIntTuple_get(edge, 1),
            stList_append(components, stSortedSet_getList(component));
    assert(stHash_size(nodesToEdges) == 0);

    return components;
Exemplo n.º 7
stSortedSet *makeEndAlignment(StateMachine *sM, End *end, int64_t spanningTrees, int64_t maxSequenceLength,
        bool useProgressiveMerging, float gapGamma,
        PairwiseAlignmentParameters *pairwiseAlignmentBandingParameters) {
    //Make an alignment of the sequences in the ends

    //Get the adjacency sequences to be aligned.
    Cap *cap;
    End_InstanceIterator *it = end_getInstanceIterator(end);
    stList *sequences = stList_construct3(0, (void (*)(void *))adjacencySequence_destruct);
    stList *seqFrags = stList_construct3(0, (void (*)(void *))seqFrag_destruct);
    stHash *endInstanceNumbers = stHash_construct2(NULL, free);
    while((cap = end_getNext(it)) != NULL) {
        if(cap_getSide(cap)) {
            cap = cap_getReverse(cap);
        AdjacencySequence *adjacencySequence = adjacencySequence_construct(cap, maxSequenceLength);
        stList_append(sequences, adjacencySequence);
        assert(cap_getAdjacency(cap) != NULL);
        End *otherEnd = end_getPositiveOrientation(cap_getEnd(cap_getAdjacency(cap)));
        stList_append(seqFrags, seqFrag_construct(adjacencySequence->string, 0, end_getName(otherEnd)));
        //Increase count of seqfrags with a given end.
        int64_t *c = stHash_search(endInstanceNumbers, otherEnd);
        if(c == NULL) {
            c = st_calloc(1, sizeof(int64_t));
            assert(*c == 0);
            stHash_insert(endInstanceNumbers, otherEnd, c);

    //Get the alignment.
    MultipleAlignment *mA = makeAlignment(sM, seqFrags, spanningTrees, 100000000, useProgressiveMerging, gapGamma, pairwiseAlignmentBandingParameters);

    //Build an array of weights to reweight pairs in the alignment.
    int64_t *pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceNonCommonEnds = st_calloc(stList_length(seqFrags), sizeof(int64_t));
    int64_t *pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceCommonEnds = st_calloc(stList_length(seqFrags), sizeof(int64_t));
    //First build array on number of pairwise alignments to each sequence, distinguishing alignments between sequences sharing
    //common ends.
    for(int64_t i=0; i<stList_length(mA->chosenPairwiseAlignments); i++) {
        stIntTuple *pairwiseAlignment = stList_get(mA->chosenPairwiseAlignments, i);
        int64_t seq1 = stIntTuple_get(pairwiseAlignment, 1);
        int64_t seq2 = stIntTuple_get(pairwiseAlignment, 2);
        assert(seq1 != seq2);
        SeqFrag *seqFrag1 = stList_get(seqFrags, seq1);
        SeqFrag *seqFrag2 = stList_get(seqFrags, seq2);
        int64_t *pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequence = seqFrag1->rightEndId == seqFrag2->rightEndId
                ? pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceCommonEnds : pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceNonCommonEnds;
    //Now calculate score adjustments.
    double *scoreAdjustmentsNonCommonEnds = st_malloc(stList_length(seqFrags) * sizeof(double));
    double *scoreAdjustmentsCommonEnds = st_malloc(stList_length(seqFrags) * sizeof(double));
    for(int64_t i=0; i<stList_length(seqFrags); i++) {
        SeqFrag *seqFrag = stList_get(seqFrags, i);
        End *otherEnd = flower_getEnd(end_getFlower(end), seqFrag->rightEndId);
        assert(otherEnd != NULL);
        assert(stHash_search(endInstanceNumbers, otherEnd) != NULL);
        int64_t commonInstanceNumber = *(int64_t *)stHash_search(endInstanceNumbers, otherEnd);
        int64_t nonCommonInstanceNumber = stList_length(seqFrags) - commonInstanceNumber;

        assert(commonInstanceNumber > 0 && nonCommonInstanceNumber >= 0);
        assert(pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceNonCommonEnds[i] <= nonCommonInstanceNumber);
        assert(pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceNonCommonEnds[i] >= 0);
        assert(pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceCommonEnds[i] < commonInstanceNumber);
        assert(pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceCommonEnds[i] >= 0);

        //scoreAdjustmentsNonCommonEnds[i] = ((double)nonCommonInstanceNumber + commonInstanceNumber - 1)/(pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceNonCommonEnds[i] + pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceCommonEnds[i]);
        //scoreAdjustmentsCommonEnds[i] = scoreAdjustmentsNonCommonEnds[i];
        if(pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceNonCommonEnds[i] > 0) {
            scoreAdjustmentsNonCommonEnds[i] = ((double)nonCommonInstanceNumber)/pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceNonCommonEnds[i];
            assert(scoreAdjustmentsNonCommonEnds[i] >= 1.0);
            assert(scoreAdjustmentsNonCommonEnds[i] <= nonCommonInstanceNumber);
        else {
            scoreAdjustmentsNonCommonEnds[i] = INT64_MIN;
        if(pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceCommonEnds[i] > 0) {
            scoreAdjustmentsCommonEnds[i] = ((double)commonInstanceNumber-1)/pairwiseAlignmentsPerSequenceCommonEnds[i];
            assert(scoreAdjustmentsCommonEnds[i] >= 1.0);
            assert(scoreAdjustmentsCommonEnds[i] <= commonInstanceNumber-1);
        else {
            scoreAdjustmentsCommonEnds[i] = INT64_MIN;

	//Convert the alignment pairs to an alignment of the caps..
    stSortedSet *sortedAlignment =
                stSortedSet_construct3((int (*)(const void *, const void *))alignedPair_cmpFn,
                (void (*)(void *))alignedPair_destruct);
    while(stList_length(mA->alignedPairs) > 0) {
        stIntTuple *alignedPair = stList_pop(mA->alignedPairs);
        assert(stIntTuple_length(alignedPair) == 5);
        int64_t seqIndex1 = stIntTuple_get(alignedPair, 1);
        int64_t seqIndex2 = stIntTuple_get(alignedPair, 3);
        AdjacencySequence *i = stList_get(sequences, seqIndex1);
        AdjacencySequence *j = stList_get(sequences, seqIndex2);
        assert(i != j);
        int64_t offset1 = stIntTuple_get(alignedPair, 2);
        int64_t offset2 = stIntTuple_get(alignedPair, 4);
        int64_t score = stIntTuple_get(alignedPair, 0);
        if(score <= 0) { //Happens when indel probs are included
            score = 1; //This is the minimum
        assert(score > 0 && score <= PAIR_ALIGNMENT_PROB_1);
        SeqFrag *seqFrag1 = stList_get(seqFrags, seqIndex1);
        SeqFrag *seqFrag2 = stList_get(seqFrags, seqIndex2);
        assert(seqFrag1 != seqFrag2);
        double *scoreAdjustments = seqFrag1->rightEndId == seqFrag2->rightEndId ? scoreAdjustmentsCommonEnds : scoreAdjustmentsNonCommonEnds;
        assert(scoreAdjustments[seqIndex1] != INT64_MIN);
        assert(scoreAdjustments[seqIndex2] != INT64_MIN);
        AlignedPair *alignedPair2 = alignedPair_construct(
                i->subsequenceIdentifier, i->start + (i->strand ? offset1 : -offset1), i->strand,
                j->subsequenceIdentifier, j->start + (j->strand ? offset2 : -offset2), j->strand,
                score*scoreAdjustments[seqIndex1], score*scoreAdjustments[seqIndex2]); //Do the reweighting here.
        assert(stSortedSet_search(sortedAlignment, alignedPair2) == NULL);
        assert(stSortedSet_search(sortedAlignment, alignedPair2->reverse) == NULL);
        stSortedSet_insert(sortedAlignment, alignedPair2);
        stSortedSet_insert(sortedAlignment, alignedPair2->reverse);


    return sortedAlignment;
Exemplo n.º 8
/* add children from pending list */
static void subrangeAddPendingChildren(stTree *destNode, stList *pendingSubtrees) {
    while (stList_length(pendingSubtrees) > 0) {
        stTree *destChild = stList_pop(pendingSubtrees);
        stTree_setParent(destChild, destNode);