Exemplo n.º 1
Line3D Segment3D::as_line() {

    Point3D start_pt3d = start_pt();
    Vector3D line_vect = as_versor();
    return Line3D(start_pt3d, line_vect);

Exemplo n.º 2
//! Static member to draw a line with arrows at the ends
void QGLE::drawArrowLine(QPainter *p, qreal x0, qreal y0, qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal size, qreal angle, bool a0, bool a1, const QPen& pen) {
	double dx = x1 - x0;
	double dy = y1 - y0;
	GLEPoint start_pt((double)x0, (double)y0);
	GLEPoint end_pt((double)x1, (double)y1);
	GLEArrowPoints pts1, pts2;
	GLEGetArrowPointsNoProps(start_pt, dx,  dy, 1, size, angle, &pts1);
	GLEGetArrowPointsNoProps(end_pt,  -dx, -dy, 1, size, angle, &pts2);
	QPen new_pen = pen;
	if (a0) start_pt.setXY(pts1.xl, pts1.yl);
	if (a1) end_pt.setXY(pts2.xl, pts2.yl);
	p->drawLine(QPointF(start_pt.getX(), start_pt.getY()), QPointF(end_pt.getX(), end_pt.getY()));
	if (a0) {
		QPointF poly[3];
		poly[0] = QPointF(pts1.xa, pts1.ya);
		poly[1] = QPointF(pts1.xt, pts1.yt);
		poly[2] = QPointF(pts1.xb, pts1.yb);
		p->drawConvexPolygon(poly, 3);
	if (a1) {
		QPointF poly[3];
		poly[0] = QPointF(pts2.xa, pts2.ya);
		poly[1] = QPointF(pts2.xt, pts2.yt);
		poly[2] = QPointF(pts2.xb, pts2.yb);
		p->drawConvexPolygon(poly, 3);
Exemplo n.º 3
bool Segment3D::is_point_projection_in_segment(Point3D pt_3d) {

    Vector3D pt_vector = Segment3D( start_pt(), pt_3d ).as_vector();
    double scal_prod = as_vector().scalar_prod( pt_vector );
    double segm_length = length();
    if (0 <= scal_prod and scal_prod <= segm_length*segm_length) {
        return true; }
    else {
        return false; };

Exemplo n.º 4
// Helper returns the mean gradient value for the vertical column at the
// given x, (in the external coordinates) by subtracting the mean of the
// transformed column 2 pixels left from the mean of the transformed column
// 2 pixels to the right.
// This gives a positive value for a good left edge and negative for right.
// Returns the best result out of +2/-2, +3/-1, +1/-3 pixels from the edge.
int TextlineProjection::BestMeanGradientInColumn(const DENORM* denorm, int16_t x,
                                                 int16_t min_y, int16_t max_y,
                                                 bool best_is_max) const {
  TPOINT start_pt(x, min_y);
  TPOINT end_pt(x, max_y);
  int left = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, -2, start_pt, end_pt);
  int right = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, 2, start_pt, end_pt);
  int best_gradient = right - left;
  left = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, -1, start_pt, end_pt);
  right = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, 3, start_pt, end_pt);
  int gradient = right - left;
  if ((gradient > best_gradient) == best_is_max)
    best_gradient = gradient;
  left = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, -3, start_pt, end_pt);
  right = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, 1, start_pt, end_pt);
  gradient = right - left;
  if ((gradient > best_gradient) == best_is_max)
    best_gradient = gradient;
  return best_gradient;
Exemplo n.º 5
// Helper returns the mean gradient value for the horizontal row at the given
// y, (in the external coordinates) by subtracting the mean of the transformed
// row 2 pixels above from the mean of the transformed row 2 pixels below.
// This gives a positive value for a good top edge and negative for bottom.
// Returns the best result out of +2/-2, +3/-1, +1/-3 pixels from the edge.
int TextlineProjection::BestMeanGradientInRow(const DENORM* denorm,
                                              int16_t min_x, int16_t max_x, int16_t y,
                                              bool best_is_max) const {
  TPOINT start_pt(min_x, y);
  TPOINT end_pt(max_x, y);
  int upper = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, -2, start_pt, end_pt);
  int lower = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, 2, start_pt, end_pt);
  int best_gradient = lower - upper;
  upper = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, -1, start_pt, end_pt);
  lower = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, 3, start_pt, end_pt);
  int gradient = lower - upper;
  if ((gradient > best_gradient) == best_is_max)
    best_gradient = gradient;
  upper = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, -3, start_pt, end_pt);
  lower = MeanPixelsInLineSegment(denorm, 1, start_pt, end_pt);
  gradient = lower - upper;
  if ((gradient > best_gradient) == best_is_max)
    best_gradient = gradient;
  return best_gradient;
Exemplo n.º 6
void initThread()
    int numInit = 10;
    double noise_factor = 0.0;

    vector<Vector3d> vertices;
    vector<double> angles;

    Vector3d start_pt(18, -50, 125);

  //push back unitx so first tangent matches start_frame
    vertices.push_back(start_pt + Vector3d::UnitX()*_rest_length);

    Vector3d direction;
    direction(0) = 1.0;
    direction(1) = 0.0;
    direction(2) = -1.0;
    for (int i=0; i < numInit; i++)
        Vector3d noise( ((double)(rand()%10000)) / 10000.0, ((double)(rand()%10000)) / 10000.0, ((double)(rand()%10000)) / 10000.0);
        noise *= noise_factor;
        Vector3d next_Vec = vertices.back()+(direction+noise).normalized()*_rest_length;

    //std::cout << positions[i] << std::endl << std::endl;

  //change direction
    direction(0) = 1.0;
    direction(1) = 0.0;
    direction(2) = 1.0;

    for (int i=0; i < numInit; i++)
        Vector3d noise( ((double)(rand()%10000)) / 10000.0, ((double)(rand()%10000)) / 10000.0, ((double)(rand()%10000)) / 10000.0);
        noise *= noise_factor;
        Vector3d next_Vec = vertices.back()+(direction+noise).normalized()*_rest_length;


  //push back unitx so last tangent matches end_frame


    rotations[0] = Matrix3d::Identity();
    rotations[1] = Matrix3d::Identity();

  Vector3d tan = (_thread_pieces[1].vertex() - _thread_pieces[0].vertex()).normalized();
  Vector3d toRotAxis;
  Matrix3d rot_for_frame;
  if ( (tan -Vector3d::UnitX()).norm() < 0.01 )
  rot_for_frame = Matrix3d::Identity();
  toRotAxis = Vector3d::UnitX().cross(tan);
  double Axisnorm = toRotAxis.norm();
  double toRotAng = asin(Axisnorm);

toRotAxis /= Axisnorm;
// std::cout << "axis: " << toRotAxis << std::endl;
// std::cout << "ang: " << toRotAng << std::endl;

rot_for_frame = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(toRotAng, toRotAxis));
//std::cout << "rot for frame: " << rot_for_frame << std::endl;

_start_rot = rot_for_frame*Matrix3d::Identity();

//std::cout << "start frame: " << _start_rot << std::endl;

std::cout << "energy: " << calculate_energy() << std::endl;

thread = new Thread(vertices, angles, rotations[0], rotations[1]);
Exemplo n.º 7
static int getPageLinks(lua_State *L) {
	CreDocument *doc = (CreDocument*) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "credocument");

	lua_newtable(L); // all links

	ldomXRangeList links;
	ldomXRangeList & sel = doc->text_view->getDocument()->getSelections();

	doc->text_view->getCurrentPageLinks( links );
	int linkCount = links.length();
	if ( linkCount ) {
		lvRect margin = doc->text_view->getPageMargins();
		int x_offset = margin.left;
		int y_offset = doc->text_view->GetPos() - doc->text_view->getPageHeaderHeight() - margin.top;
		for ( int i=0; i<linkCount; i++ ) {
			lString16 txt = links[i]->getRangeText();
			lString8 txt8 = UnicodeToLocal( txt );

			lString16 link = links[i]->getHRef();
			lString8 link8 = UnicodeToLocal( link );

			ldomXRange currSel;
			currSel = *links[i];

			lvPoint start_pt ( currSel.getStart().toPoint() );
			lvPoint end_pt ( currSel.getEnd().toPoint() );

				CRLog::debug("# link %d start %d %d end %d %d '%s' %s\n", i,
				start_pt.x, start_pt.y, end_pt.x, end_pt.y,
				txt8.c_str(), link8.c_str()

			lua_newtable(L); // new link

			lua_pushstring(L, "start_x");
			lua_pushinteger(L, start_pt.x + x_offset);
			lua_settable(L, -3);
			lua_pushstring(L, "start_y");
			lua_pushinteger(L, start_pt.y - y_offset);
			lua_settable(L, -3);
			lua_pushstring(L, "end_x");
			lua_pushinteger(L, end_pt.x + x_offset);
			lua_settable(L, -3);
			lua_pushstring(L, "end_y");
			lua_pushinteger(L, end_pt.y - y_offset);
			lua_settable(L, -3);

			const char * link_to = link8.c_str();

			if ( link_to[0] == '#' ) {
				lua_pushstring(L, "section");
				lua_pushstring(L, link_to);
				lua_settable(L, -3);

				sel.add( new ldomXRange(*links[i]) ); // highlight
			} else {
				lua_pushstring(L, "uri");
				lua_pushstring(L, link_to);
				lua_settable(L, -3);

			lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1);


	return 1;