Exemplo n.º 1
void Client::updated() {
	// get the information in statusBuffer
	statusBuffer = client->status();
	// and deal with what it says
	if(statusBuffer.section("?", 0, 0) == "ERROR") {
		if (statusBuffer.section("?", 1, 1) == "FATAL") {
			emit disconnect(statusBuffer.section("?", 2, 2), thread);
		else if (statusBuffer.section("?", 1, 1) == "RECOVERABLE") {
			emit couldntConnect(statusBuffer.section("?", 2, 2), thread);
			emit jobFailed("Bad plugin error string.", thread);
	else if (statusBuffer.section("?", 0, 0) == "PROGRESS") {
		// here is the status update code
		emit changed(statusBuffer.section("?", 1, 1), thread, statusBuffer.section("?", 2, 2).toInt());
	else if (statusBuffer.section("?", 0, 0) == "CONNECTED") {
		// yay!  It connected... now get to it, slacker
		emit connected(statusBuffer.section("?", 1, 1), thread);
	else if (statusBuffer.section("?", 0, 0) == "RESULT") {
		if (statusBuffer.section("?", 1, 1) == "TRUE") {
			if (!Loaded) {
				Loaded = true;
				emit continueRender("Loaded file successfully", thread);
			// emit to say that the result was bad
			emit jobFailed("Job Failed", thread);
	else if (statusBuffer.section("?", 0, 0) == "ECHO") {
		emit echo(statusBuffer.section("?",1,-1), thread);
	else if (statusBuffer.section("?", 0, 0) == "OUTPUT") {
		// can change later to check for successful creation of filename
		emit echo(statusBuffer.section("?", 1, 1), thread);
		emit jobDone("Job finished", thread);
		emit echo(statusBuffer, thread);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool Highlighter::isRunning() const
	if (!started_) return false;
	return stillAlive();
Exemplo n.º 3
std::vector<bool> Halite::processNextFrame(std::vector<bool> alive) {

	//Update alive frame counts
	for(unsigned char a = 0; a < number_of_players; a++) if(alive[a]) alive_frame_count[a]++;

	//Create threads to send/receive data to/from players. The threads should return a float of how much time passed between the end of their message being sent and the end of the AI's message being sent.
	std::vector< std::future<unsigned int> > frameThreads(std::count(alive.begin(), alive.end(), true));
	unsigned char threadLocation = 0; //Represents place in frameThreads.

	//Figure out how long each AI is permitted to respond without penalty in milliseconds.
	std::vector<int> allowableTimesToRespond(number_of_players);
	const int BOT_FRAME_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 50 + ((game_map.map_width * game_map.map_height) / 2);
	for(unsigned char a = 0; a < number_of_players; a++) allowableTimesToRespond[a] = BOT_FRAME_TIMEOUT_MILLIS;

	//Stores the messages sent by bots this frame
	for(unsigned char a = 0; a < number_of_players; a++) {
		if(alive[a]) {
			frameThreads[threadLocation] = std::async(&Networking::handleFrameNetworking, &networking, allowableTimesToRespond[a], a + 1, game_map, &player_moves[a]);

	std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > moveDirections(game_map.map_height, std::vector<unsigned char>(game_map.map_width, 0));

	//Join threads. Figure out if the player responded in an allowable amount of time or if the player has timed out.
	std::vector<unsigned short> permissibleTime(number_of_players, false);
	threadLocation = 0; //Represents place in frameThreads.
	for(unsigned char a = 0; a < number_of_players; a++) {
		if(alive[a]) {
			unsigned short millis = frameThreads[threadLocation].get();
			if(millis < BOT_FRAME_TIMEOUT_MILLIS) {
				permissibleTime[a] = true;
			//	There was an exception in the networking thread or the player timed out. Either way, kill their thread
			else {
				if(!program_output_style) std::cout << player_names[a] << " timed out\n";
				permissibleTime[a] = false;
				networking.killPlayer(a + 1);
			total_response_time[a] += millis;

	std::vector< std::map<hlt::Location, unsigned char> > pieces(number_of_players);

	//For each player, use their moves to create the pieces map.
	for(unsigned char a = 0; a < number_of_players; a++) if(alive[a]) {
		//Add in pieces according to their moves. Also add in a second piece corresponding to the piece left behind.
		for(auto b = player_moves[a].begin(); b != player_moves[a].end(); b++) if(game_map.inBounds(b->loc) && game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).owner == a + 1) {
			if(b->dir == STILL) {
				if(game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).strength + game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).production <= 255) game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).strength += game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).production;
				else game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).strength = 255;
				//Update full still count
				//Add to full production
				full_production_count[a] += game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).production;
			//Update full caridnal count.
			else full_cardinal_count[a]++;

			//Update moves
			moveDirections[b->loc.y][b->loc.x] = b->dir;

			hlt::Location newLoc = game_map.getLocation(b->loc, b->dir);
			if(pieces[a].count(newLoc)) {
				if(short(pieces[a][newLoc]) + game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).strength <= 255) pieces[a][newLoc] += game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).strength;
				else pieces[a][newLoc] = 255;
			else {
				pieces[a].insert(std::pair<hlt::Location, unsigned char>(newLoc, game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).strength));

			//Add in a new piece with a strength of 0 if necessary.
			if(!pieces[a].count(b->loc)) {
				pieces[a].insert(std::pair<hlt::Location, unsigned char>(b->loc, 0));

			//Erase from the game map so that the player can't make another move with the same piece.
			game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).owner = 0;
			game_map.getSite(b->loc, STILL).strength = 0;

	//Add in all of the remaining pieces whose moves weren't specified.
	for(unsigned short a = 0; a < game_map.map_height; a++) for(unsigned short b = 0; b < game_map.map_width; b++) {
		hlt::Location l = { b, a };
		hlt::Site & s = game_map.getSite(l, STILL);
		if(s.owner != 0) {
			if(short(s.strength) + s.production <= 255) {
				s.strength += s.production;
			else s.strength = 255;
			if(pieces[s.owner - 1].count(l)) {
				if(short(pieces[s.owner - 1][l]) + s.strength <= 255) pieces[s.owner - 1][l] += s.strength;
				else pieces[s.owner - 1][l] = 255;
			else {
				pieces[s.owner - 1].insert(std::pair<hlt::Location, unsigned char>(l, s.strength));
			//Add to full production
			full_production_count[s.owner - 1] += s.production;
			//Update full still count
			full_still_count[s.owner - 1]++;
			//Erase from game map.
			s.owner = 0;
			s.strength = 0;

	std::vector< std::map<hlt::Location, unsigned short> > toInjure(number_of_players);
	std::vector< std::vector<unsigned short> > injureMap(game_map.map_height, std::vector<unsigned short>(game_map.map_width, 0));

	//Sweep through locations and find the correct damage for each piece. Start by applying damage within only the active strengths.
	for(unsigned char a = 0; a != game_map.map_height; a++) for(unsigned short b = 0; b < game_map.map_width; b++) {
		hlt::Location l = { b, a };
		for(unsigned short c = 0; c < number_of_players; c++) if(alive[c] && pieces[c].count(l)) {
			for(unsigned short d = 0; d < number_of_players; d++) if(d != c && alive[d]) {
				hlt::Location tempLoc = l;
				//Check 'STILL' square. We also need to deal with the threshold here:
				if(pieces[d].count(tempLoc)) {
					//Apply damage, but not more than they have strength:
					if(toInjure[d].count(tempLoc)) toInjure[d][tempLoc] += pieces[c][l];
					else toInjure[d].insert(std::pair<hlt::Location, unsigned short>(tempLoc, pieces[c][l]));
				//Check 'NORTH' square:
				tempLoc = game_map.getLocation(l, NORTH);
				if(pieces[d].count(tempLoc)) {
					//Apply damage, but not more than they have strength:
					if(toInjure[d].count(tempLoc)) toInjure[d][tempLoc] += pieces[c][l];
					else toInjure[d].insert(std::pair<hlt::Location, unsigned short>(tempLoc, pieces[c][l]));
				//Check 'EAST' square:
				tempLoc = game_map.getLocation(l, EAST);
				if(pieces[d].count(tempLoc)) {
					//Apply damage, but not more than they have strength:
					if(toInjure[d].count(tempLoc)) toInjure[d][tempLoc] += pieces[c][l];
					else toInjure[d].insert(std::pair<hlt::Location, unsigned short>(tempLoc, pieces[c][l]));
				//Check 'SOUTH' square:
				tempLoc = game_map.getLocation(l, SOUTH);
				if(pieces[d].count(tempLoc)) {
					//Apply damage, but not more than they have strength:
					if(toInjure[d].count(tempLoc)) toInjure[d][tempLoc] += pieces[c][l];
					else toInjure[d].insert(std::pair<hlt::Location, unsigned short>(tempLoc, pieces[c][l]));
				//Check 'WEST' square:
				tempLoc = game_map.getLocation(l, WEST);
				if(pieces[d].count(tempLoc)) {
					//Apply damage, but not more than they have strength:
					if(toInjure[d].count(tempLoc)) toInjure[d][tempLoc] += pieces[c][l];
					else toInjure[d].insert(std::pair<hlt::Location, unsigned short>(tempLoc, pieces[c][l]));
			if(game_map.getSite(l, STILL).strength > 0) {
				if(toInjure[c].count(l)) toInjure[c][l] += game_map.getSite(l, STILL).strength;
				else toInjure[c].insert(std::pair<hlt::Location, unsigned short>(l, game_map.getSite(l, STILL).strength));
				injureMap[l.y][l.x] += pieces[c][l];

	//Injure and/or delete pieces. Note >= rather than > indicates that pieces with a strength of 0 are killed.
	for(unsigned char a = 0; a < number_of_players; a++) if(alive[a]) {
		for(auto b = toInjure[a].begin(); b != toInjure[a].end(); b++) {
			//Apply damage.
			if(b->second >= pieces[a][b->first]) pieces[a].erase(b->first);
			else pieces[a][b->first] -= b->second;

	//Apply damage to map pieces.
	for(int a = 0; a < game_map.map_height; a++) for(int b = 0; b < game_map.map_width; b++) {
		if(game_map.contents[a][b].strength < injureMap[a][b]) game_map.contents[a][b].strength = 0;
		else game_map.contents[a][b].strength -= injureMap[a][b];
		game_map.contents[a][b].owner = 0;

	//Add pieces back into the map.
	for(unsigned char a = 0; a < number_of_players; a++) {
		for(auto b = pieces[a].begin(); b != pieces[a].end(); b++) {
			game_map.getSite(b->first, STILL).owner = a + 1;
			game_map.getSite(b->first, STILL).strength = b->second;

	std::vector<unsigned char> * turn = new std::vector<unsigned char>; turn->reserve(game_map.map_height * game_map.map_width * 2.25);
	for(auto a = moveDirections.begin(); a != moveDirections.end(); a++) for(auto b = a->begin(); b != a->end(); b++) {
	unsigned char presentOwner = game_map.contents.begin()->begin()->owner;
	std::list<unsigned char> strengths;
	short numPieces = 0;
	for(auto a = game_map.contents.begin(); a != game_map.contents.end(); a++) for(auto b = a->begin(); b != a->end(); b++) {
		if(numPieces == 255 || b->owner != presentOwner) {
			for(auto b = strengths.begin(); b != strengths.end(); b++) turn->push_back(*b);
			numPieces = 0;
			presentOwner = b->owner;

	//Final output set:
	for(auto b = strengths.begin(); b != strengths.end(); b++) turn->push_back(*b);
	//Add to full game:

	//Check if the game is over:
	std::vector<bool> stillAlive(number_of_players, false);

	for(unsigned short a = 0; a < game_map.map_height; a++) for(unsigned short b = 0; b < game_map.map_width; b++) if(game_map.contents[a][b].owner != 0) {
		full_territory_count[game_map.contents[a][b].owner - 1]++;
		full_strength_count[game_map.contents[a][b].owner - 1] += game_map.contents[a][b].strength;
		full_production_count[game_map.contents[a][b].owner - 1] += game_map.contents[a][b].strength;

		stillAlive[game_map.contents[a][b].owner - 1] = true;

	//Check for bots which have timed out.
	for(unsigned char a = 0; a < permissibleTime.size(); a++) if(alive[a] && !permissibleTime[a]) {
		stillAlive[a] = false;
		timeout_tags.insert(a + 1);

	return stillAlive;