Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    pid_t    chid = 0;
    int      flag = 0;  //用来标记程序是否后台
    int exec_flag = 0;
    int    length = 0;
    if(2 > argc){
        printf("Usage ");

    length = strlen(argv[2]);
    if(argv[2][length - 1] == '@'){
        flag = 1;
        argv[2][length - 1] = 0;
    if(argc == 4 && !strcmp(argv[3], "@")){
        flag = 1;
    if(!strcmp(argv[1], "start")){
        exec_flag = START;
    }else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "stop")){
        exec_flag = STOP;
    }else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "restart")){
        exec_flag = RESTART;
    }else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "status")){
        exec_flag = STATUS;

   switch (exec_flag){
       case START:
           start_program(argv[2], flag);
       case STOP:
       case RESTART:
           restart_program(argv[2], flag);
       case STATUS:
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	/* definition of basic variables */
	int state;

	/* Handle signals. This is useful to intercept accidental Ctrl+C
	 * which would otherwise just kill the process without any cleanup.
	 * This could also be useful when the process is managed by some
	 * other program, e.g. systemD.
	 * - SIGINT will be send by pressing Ctrl+C
	 * - SIGTERM will be send by process managers, e.g. systemD
	 *   wishing to stop the process
	 * Windows has its own ctrl handlers, we only really care about
	 * Ctrl+C, but others could be implemented as well (see above).
#ifdef POSIX
	struct sigaction sa, osa;
	memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
	sa.sa_handler = &stop_program;
	sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, &osa);
	sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, &osa);
	if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE) CtrlHandler, TRUE)) {
		log_error("Control handler could not be installed, Ctrl+C won't work");

	/* initiate the logfile and start logging */
	state = log_init();
	if (state != 0) {
		 * if creating a logfile fails we have to terminate the program.
		 * The error message then has to go directly to the screen
		printf("creating a logfile failed. Program is aborting...\n");
		return state;

	 * set default values, read config file and process cli arguments,
	 * which override settings in the config file
	config.dHistMinInterval = 350;
	config.dHistPercentage = 5;
	config.dInterFrameDelay = 10;
	config.dBufferlength = 1376256;

	state = load_config("configurations//SO2Config.conf", &config);
	if (state != 0) {
		log_error("loading configuration failed");
		return 1;

	state = process_cli_arguments(argc, argv, &config);
	if (state != 0) {
		log_error("Could not handle command line arguments");
		return state;

	/* Initialise parameter structures */
	structInit(&sParameters_A, &config, 'a');
	structInit(&sParameters_B, &config, 'b');

	/* initialize IO */
	state = io_init(&config);
	if (state != 0) {
		log_error("io_init failed");
		return state;

	/* init filterwheel */
	state = filterwheel_init(&config);
	if (state != 0) {
		log_error("failed to initialize filterwheel");
		return state;
	log_message("filterwheel initialized");

	/* open filterwheel */
	state = filterwheel_send(FILTERWHEEL_OPENED_A);
	if (state != 0) {
		/* this is critical if this function fails no camera handle is returned */
		log_error("failed to open filterwheel");
		return state;
	log_message("filterwheel opened");

	/* initiate camera */
	state = camera_init(&sParameters_A);
	if (state != 0) {
		/* this is critical if this function fails no camera handle is returned */
		log_error("camera_init for Camera A failed");
		return state;
	log_message("camera A initialized");

	state = camera_init(&sParameters_B);
	if (state != 0) {
		/* this is critical if this function fails no camera handle is returned */
		log_error("camera_init for Camera B failed");
		return state;
	log_message("camera B initialized");

	/* configure camera */
	state = camera_config(&sParameters_A);
	if (state != 0) {
		log_error("config camera A failed");
		return 1;
	log_message("camera A configured");

	state = camera_config(&sParameters_B);
	if (state != 0) {
		log_error("config camera B failed");
		return 1;
	log_message("camera B configured");

	/* set exposure */
	state = setExposureTime(&sParameters_A, &config);
	if (state != 0) {
		log_error("setExposureTime for cam B failed");
		return 1;
	log_message("exposure time for cam A set");

	state = setExposureTime(&sParameters_B, &config);
	if (state != 0) {
		log_error("setExposureTime for cam B failed");
		return 1;
	log_message("exposure time for cam B set");

	 * Starting the acquisition with the exposure parameter set in
	 * configurations.c and exposureTimeControl.c
	state = startAquisition(&sParameters_A, &sParameters_B, &config);
	log_message("Aquisition stopped");
	if (state != 0) {
		log_error("Aquisition failed");
		return 1;

	/* we're done! */

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
void restart_program(char *name, int flag)
    int pid = -1;
    start_program(name, flag);
Exemplo n.º 4
BOOL CtrlHandler(DWORD fdwCtrlType)
	if (fdwCtrlType == CTRL_C_EVENT)
	return 0;