Exemplo n.º 1
   void wallet_db::add_account( const account_record& blockchain_account,
                                const variant& private_data  )
   { try {
      wallet_account_record war;
      account_record& tmp  = war;
      tmp = blockchain_account;
      war.private_data = private_data;
      war.account_address = address(blockchain_account.owner_key);

      war.wallet_record_index = new_wallet_record_index();
      if (has_private_key(war.account_address))
          war.is_my_account = true;
      store_record( war );

      auto current_key = lookup_key( blockchain_account.owner_key );
      if( current_key.valid() )
         current_key->account_address = address(blockchain_account.owner_key);
         store_record( *current_key );
         wallet_key_record new_key;
         new_key.wallet_record_index = new_wallet_record_index();
         new_key.account_address = address(blockchain_account.owner_key);
         new_key.public_key = blockchain_account.active_key();
         my->load_key_record( new_key, false );
         store_key( new_key );
   } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (blockchain_account) ) }
Exemplo n.º 2
   void wallet_db::store_key( const key_data& key_to_store )
      auto key_itr = keys.find( key_to_store.get_address() );
      if( key_itr != keys.end() )
         key_data& old_data = key_itr->second;
         old_data = key_to_store;

         if( key_to_store.has_private_key())
            auto oacct = lookup_account( key_to_store.account_address );
            FC_ASSERT(oacct.valid(), "expecting an account to existing at this point");
            oacct->is_my_account = true;
            store_record( *oacct );
            cache_account( *oacct );
            ilog( "WALLET: storing private key for ${key} under account '${account_name}' address: (${account})",
                 ("account_name",get_account_name(key_to_store.account_address)) );
            ilog( "WALLET: storing public key ${key} under account named '${account_name}' address: (${account})",
                  ("account_name",get_account_name(key_to_store.account_address)) );
         ilog( "storing key" );

         store_record( key_itr->second, true );
         auto r = wallet_key_record( key_to_store, new_wallet_record_index() );
         store_record( keys[key_to_store.get_address()] = r, true );

         auto key = key_to_store.public_key;
         auto bts_addr = key_to_store.get_address();
         btc_to_bts_address[ address(key) ] = bts_addr;
         btc_to_bts_address[ address(pts_address(key,false,56) )] = bts_addr;
         btc_to_bts_address[ address(pts_address(key,true,56) ) ] = bts_addr;
         btc_to_bts_address[ address(pts_address(key,false,0) ) ] = bts_addr;
         btc_to_bts_address[ address(pts_address(key,true,0) )  ] = bts_addr;
         ilog( "indexing key ${k}", ("k",address(pts_address(key,false,56) )  ) );
         ilog( "indexing key ${k}", ("k",address(pts_address(key,true,56) )  ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: soa.c Projeto: jelu/validns
static struct rr* soa_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
    struct rr_soa *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));
    long long i;

    rr->mname = extract_name(&s, "mname", 0);
    if (!rr->mname) return NULL;
    rr->rname = extract_name(&s, "rname", 0);
    if (!rr->rname) return NULL;
    i = extract_integer(&s, "serial", NULL);
    if (i < 0) return NULL;
    if (i > 4294967295UL) return bitch("serial is out of range");
    rr->serial = i;
    rr->refresh = extract_timevalue(&s, "refresh");
    if (rr->refresh < 0) return NULL;
    rr->retry = extract_timevalue(&s, "retry");
    if (rr->retry < 0) return NULL;
    rr->expire = extract_timevalue(&s, "expire");
    if (rr->expire < 0) return NULL;
    rr->minimum = extract_timevalue(&s, "minimum");
    if (rr->minimum < 0) return NULL;
    if (ttl < 0 && G.opt.soa_minttl_as_default_ttl) {
        ttl = rr->minimum;
    if (*s) {
        return bitch("garbage after valid SOA data");
    return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void handle_accept_ack(consensus_component* comp,void* data){
    accept_ack* msg = data;
    // if currently the node is not the leader, then it should ignore all the
    // accept ack, because that can must be the msg from previous view
    SYS_LOG(comp,"Node %d Handle Accept Ack From Node %u.\n",
        goto handle_accept_ack_exit;
    // the request has reached quorum
        goto handle_accept_ack_exit;
    db_key_type record_no = vstol(&msg->msg_vs);
    request_record* record_data = NULL;
    size_t data_size;
        SYS_LOG(comp,"Received Ack To Non-Exist Record %lu.\n",
        goto handle_accept_ack_exit;
    // we do not care about whether the update is successful, otherwise this can
    // be treated as a message loss
Exemplo n.º 5
static void handle_missing_ack(consensus_component* comp,void* data){
    missing_ack* msg = data;
    request_record* origin = (request_record*)msg->data;
    SYS_LOG(comp,"Node %d Handle Missing Ack From Node %d.\n",
        goto handle_missing_ack_exit;
       db_key_type record_no = vstol(&msg->missing_vs);
       request_record* record_data = NULL;
       size_t data_size;

           goto handle_missing_ack_exit;

       record_data =(request_record*)malloc(REQ_RECORD_SIZE(origin));

           goto handle_missing_ack_exit;

       record_data->data_size = origin->data_size;
Exemplo n.º 6
 void wallet_db::store_setting(const string& name, const variant& value)
     auto orec = lookup_setting(name);
     if (orec.valid())
         orec->value = value;
         settings[name] = *orec;
         store_record( *orec );
         auto rec = wallet_setting_record( setting(name, value), new_wallet_record_index() );
         settings[name] = rec;
         store_record( rec );
Exemplo n.º 7
 void wallet_db::set_master_key( const extended_private_key& extended_key,
                                  const fc::sha512& new_password )
    master_key key;
    auto key_record = wallet_master_key_record( key, -1 );
    store_record( key_record, true );
Exemplo n.º 8
   void wallet_db::store_transaction( wallet_transaction_record& trx_to_store )
   { try {
      if( trx_to_store.wallet_record_index == 0 )
         trx_to_store.wallet_record_index = new_wallet_record_index();
      store_record( trx_to_store );

      transactions[ trx_to_store.record_id ] = trx_to_store;
   } FC_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS( warn, "", ("trx_to_store",trx_to_store) ) }
Exemplo n.º 9
 void wallet_db::cache_account( const wallet_account_record& war )
    accounts[war.wallet_record_index] = war;
    if( war.id != 0 )
       account_id_to_wallet_record_index[war.id] = war.wallet_record_index;
       name_to_account_wallet_record_index[war.name] = war.wallet_record_index;
    store_record( war );
Exemplo n.º 10
 void wallet_db::update_market_order( const address& owner,
                                      const optional<bts::blockchain::market_order>& order,
                                      const transaction_id_type& trx_id )
    if( order.valid() ) market_orders[ owner ].order = *order;
    else market_orders[ owner ].order.state.balance = 0;
    if( trx_id != transaction_id_type() )
       market_orders[ owner ].transactions.insert( trx_id );
    store_record( market_orders[ owner ] );
Exemplo n.º 11
   void wallet_db::add_account( const string& new_account_name,
                                const public_key_type& new_account_key,
                                const variant& private_data )
      auto current_account_itr = name_to_account_wallet_record_index.find( new_account_name );
      FC_ASSERT( current_account_itr == name_to_account_wallet_record_index.end(),
                 "Account with name ${name} already exists",
                 ("name",new_account_name) );
      auto current_address_itr = address_to_account_wallet_record_index.find( new_account_key );
      FC_ASSERT( current_address_itr == address_to_account_wallet_record_index.end(),
                 "Account with address ${address} already exists",
                 ("name",new_account_key) );

      wallet_account_record war;
      war.name = new_account_name;
      war.id = 0;
      war.account_address = address( new_account_key );
      war.owner_key = new_account_key;
      war.set_active_key( blockchain::now(), new_account_key );
      war.private_data = private_data;

      war.wallet_record_index = new_wallet_record_index();
      if (has_private_key(war.account_address))
          war.is_my_account = true;
      store_record( war );

      auto current_key = lookup_key( new_account_key );
      if( current_key )
         current_key->account_address = address(new_account_key);
         store_record( *current_key, true );
         wallet_key_record new_key;
         new_key.wallet_record_index = new_wallet_record_index();
         new_key.account_address = address(new_account_key);
         new_key.public_key = new_account_key;
         my->load_key_record( new_key, false );
         store_key( new_key );
Exemplo n.º 12
static struct rr* nsap_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
	struct rr_nsap *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));

	rr->data = extract_hex_binary_data(&s, "NSAP data", EXTRACT_EAT_WHITESPACE);
	if (rr->data.length < 0)	return NULL;

	if (*s) {
		return bitch("garbage after valid NSAP data");
	return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: a.c Projeto: umq/validns
static struct rr *a_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
	struct rr_a *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));

	if (extract_ipv4(&s, "IPv4 address", &rr->address) <= 0)
		return NULL;
	if (*s) {
		return bitch("garbage after valid A data");

	return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: mr.c Projeto: MikeAT/validns
static struct rr *mr_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
	struct rr_mr *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));

	rr->newname = extract_name(&s, "newname", 0);
	if (!rr->newname)
		return NULL;
	if (*s) {
		return bitch("garbage after valid MR data");

	return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: dlv.c Projeto: jelu/validns
static struct rr* dlv_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
    struct rr_dlv *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));
    int key_tag, algorithm, digest_type;

    key_tag = extract_integer(&s, "key tag", NULL);
    if (key_tag < 0)    return NULL;
    rr->key_tag = key_tag;

    algorithm = extract_algorithm(&s, "algorithm");
    if (algorithm == ALG_UNSUPPORTED)   return NULL;
    rr->algorithm = algorithm;

    digest_type = extract_integer(&s, "digest type", NULL);
    if (digest_type < 0)    return NULL;
    rr->digest_type = digest_type;

    rr->digest = extract_hex_binary_data(&s, "digest", EXTRACT_EAT_WHITESPACE);
    if (rr->digest.length < 0)  return NULL;

    switch (digest_type) {
    case 1:
        if (rr->digest.length != SHA1_BYTES) {
            return bitch("wrong SHA-1 digest length: %d bytes found, %d bytes expected", rr->digest.length, SHA1_BYTES);
    case 2:
        if (rr->digest.length != SHA256_BYTES) {
            return bitch("wrong SHA-256 digest length: %d bytes found, %d bytes expected", rr->digest.length, SHA256_BYTES);
    case 3:
        if (rr->digest.length != GOST_BYTES) {
            return bitch("wrong GOST R 34.11-94 digest length: %d bytes found, %d bytes expected", rr->digest.length, GOST_BYTES);
    case 4:
        if (rr->digest.length != SHA384_BYTES) {
            return bitch("wrong SHA-384 digest length: %d bytes found, %d bytes expected", rr->digest.length, SHA384_BYTES);
        return bitch("bad or unsupported digest type %d", digest_type);

    if (*s) {
        return bitch("garbage after valid DLV data");
    G.dnssec_active = 1;
    return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 16
static struct rr *naptr_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
	struct rr_naptr *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));
	int i;
	struct binary_data text;

	i = extract_integer(&s, "order");
	if (i < 0)
		return NULL;
	if (i >= 65536)
		return bitch("order range is not valid");
	rr->order = i;

	i = extract_integer(&s, "preference");
	if (i < 0)
		return NULL;
	if (i >= 65536)
		return bitch("preference range is not valid");
	rr->preference = i;

	text = extract_text(&s, "flags");
	if (text.length < 0)
		return NULL;
	for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
		if (!isalnum(text.data[i])) {
			return bitch("flags contains illegal characters");
	rr->flags = text;

	text = extract_text(&s, "services");
	if (text.length < 0)
		return NULL;
	rr->services = text;

	text = extract_text(&s, "regexp");
	if (text.length < 0)
		return NULL;
	rr->regexp = text;

	rr->replacement = extract_name(&s, "replacement");
	if (!rr->replacement)
		return NULL;

	if (*s) {
		return bitch("garbage after valid NAPTR data");

	return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 17
static struct rr *nid_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
	struct rr_nid *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));
	int preference;

	rr->preference = preference = extract_integer(&s, "NID preference", NULL);
	if (preference < 0)
		return NULL;
	if (extract_u64(&s, "NodeID", &rr->node_id) < 0)
		return NULL;

	if (*s) {
		return bitch("garbage after valid NID data");

	return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 18
   void wallet_db::cache_balance( const bts::blockchain::balance_record& balance_to_cache )
      auto balance_id = balance_to_cache.id();
      owallet_balance_record current_bal = lookup_balance(balance_id);
      wallet_balance_record balance_record;
      if( !current_bal.valid() )
         balance_record = wallet_balance_record( balance_to_cache, new_wallet_record_index() );
         *current_bal = balance_to_cache;
         balance_record = *current_bal;

      store_record( balance_record );
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: rt.c Projeto: jelu/validns
static struct rr *rt_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
    struct rr_rt *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));

    rr->preference = extract_integer(&s, "RT preference", NULL);
    if (rr->preference < 0)
        return NULL;

    rr->intermediate_host = extract_name(&s, "intermediate-host", 0);
    if (!rr->intermediate_host)
        return NULL;
    if (*s) {
        return bitch("garbage after valid RT data");

    return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: mx.c Projeto: umq/validns
static struct rr *mx_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
	struct rr_mx *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));

	rr->preference = extract_integer(&s, "MX preference");
	if (rr->preference < 0)
		return NULL;
	/* XXX preference range check */
	rr->exchange = extract_name(&s, "MX exchange", 0);
	if (!rr->exchange)
		return NULL;
	if (*s) {
		return bitch("garbage after valid MX data");

	return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: l64.c Projeto: MikeAT/validns
static struct rr *l64_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
	struct rr_l64 *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));
	int preference;

	rr->preference = preference = extract_integer(&s, "L64 preference");
	if (preference < 0)
		return NULL;
	if (extract_u64(&s, "Locator64", &rr->locator64) < 0)
		return NULL;

	if (*s) {
		return bitch("garbage after valid L64 data");

	return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 22
 void wallet_db::set_property( property_enum property_id, const variant& v )
    wallet_property_record property_record;
    auto property_itr = properties.find( property_id );
    if( property_itr != properties.end() )
        property_record = property_itr->second;
        property_record.value = v;
        if( property_id == property_enum::next_record_number )
            property_record = wallet_property_record( wallet_property(property_id, v), 1 );
            property_record = wallet_property_record( wallet_property(property_id, v), new_wallet_record_index() );
    store_record( property_record );
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: kx.c Projeto: jelu/validns
static struct rr *kx_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
    struct rr_kx *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));

    rr->preference = extract_integer(&s, "KX preference", NULL);
    if (rr->preference < 0)
        return NULL;

    rr->exchanger = extract_name(&s, "KX exchanger", 0);
    if (!rr->exchanger)
        return NULL;

    if (*s) {
        return bitch("garbage after valid KX data");

    return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 24
static struct rr *minfo_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
	struct rr_minfo *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));

	rr->rmailbx = extract_name(&s, "rmailbx", 0);
	if (!rr->rmailbx)
		return NULL;

	rr->emailbx = extract_name(&s, "emailbx", 0);
	if (!rr->emailbx)
		return NULL;

	if (*s) {
		return bitch("garbage after valid MINFO data");

	return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 25
   void wallet_db::change_password( const fc::sha512& old_password,
                                    const fc::sha512& new_password )
   { try {
      FC_ASSERT( wallet_master_key );
      auto old_key = get_master_key( old_password );
      FC_ASSERT( old_key, "unable to change password because old password was invalid" );
      set_master_key( *old_key, new_password );

      for( auto key : keys )
         if( key.second.has_private_key() )
            auto priv_key = key.second.decrypt_private_key( old_password );
            key.second.encrypt_private_key( new_password, priv_key );
            store_record( key.second, true );
Exemplo n.º 26
 * add_indi_no_cache -- Add new person to database
 *  does not insert into cache
 *  (used by import)
 * (no user interaction)
add_indi_no_cache (NODE indi)
	NODE node, name, refn, sex, body, famc, fams;
	STRING str, key;

	split_indi_old(indi, &name, &refn, &sex, &body, &famc, &fams);
	key = rmvat(nxref(indi));
	for (node = name; node; node = nsibling(node))
		add_name(nval(node), key);
	for (node = refn; node; node = nsibling(node))
		if (nval(node)) add_refn(nval(node), key);
	join_indi(indi, name, refn, sex, body, famc, fams);
	str = node_to_string(indi);
	store_record(key, str, strlen(str));
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: l32.c Projeto: jelu/validns
static struct rr *l32_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
    struct rr_l32 *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));
    struct in_addr ipv4_like;
    int preference;

    rr->preference = preference = extract_integer(&s, "L32 preference", NULL);
    if (preference < 0)
        return NULL;
    if (extract_ipv4(&s, "Locator32", &ipv4_like) <= 0)
        return NULL;
    rr->locator32 = ipv4_like.s_addr;

    if (*s) {
        return bitch("garbage after valid L32 data");

    return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 28
static int leader_handle_submit_req(struct consensus_component_t* comp,
        size_t data_size,void* data,view_stamp* vs){
    int ret = 1;
    view_stamp next = get_next_view_stamp(comp);
        vs->view_id = next.view_id;
        vs->req_id = next.req_id;
    db_key_type record_no = vstol(&next);
    request_record* record_data = 
    record_data->bit_map = (1<<comp->node_id);
    record_data->data_size = data_size;
    record_data->is_closed = 0;
        goto handle_submit_req_exit;
    ret = 0;
        accept_req* msg = build_accept_req(comp,REQ_RECORD_SIZE(record_data),record_data,&next);
        SYS_LOG(comp, "group_size > 1, sending out consensus msg.\n");
            goto handle_submit_req_exit;
        SYS_LOG(comp, "group_size <= 1, execute by myself.\n");
    // no need to care about database, every time we will override it.
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 29
static struct rr* cert_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
	struct rr_cert *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));
	int cert_type, key_tag, alg;

	cert_type = extract_certificate_type(&s, "certificate type");
	if (cert_type < 0)	return NULL;
	rr->type = cert_type;

	key_tag = extract_integer(&s, "key tag");
	if (key_tag < 0)	return NULL;
	if (key_tag > 65535)
		return bitch("bad key tag");
	rr->key_tag = key_tag;

	if (isdigit(*s)) {
		alg = extract_integer(&s, "algorithm");
		if (alg < 0)	return NULL;
		if (alg > 255)	return bitch("bad algorithm");
		if (alg != 0) {  /* 0 is just fine */
			if (algorithm_type(alg) == ALG_UNSUPPORTED)
				return bitch("bad algorithm %d", alg);
	} else {
		alg = extract_algorithm(&s, "algorithm");
		if (alg == ALG_UNSUPPORTED)	return NULL;
	rr->algorithm = alg;

	if (alg == 0 && key_tag != 0) {
		/* we might want to bitch here, but RFC says "SHOULD", so we don't */

	rr->certificate = extract_base64_binary_data(&s, "certificate");
	if (rr->certificate.length < 0)	return NULL;
	/* TODO validate cert length based on algorithm */

	if (*s) {
		return bitch("garbage after valid CERT data");
	return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);
Exemplo n.º 30
Arquivo: tlsa.c Projeto: jelu/validns
static struct rr* tlsa_smimea_parse(char *name, long ttl, int type, char *s)
    struct rr_tlsa_smimea *rr = getmem(sizeof(*rr));
    int cert_usage, selector, matching_type;

    cert_usage = extract_integer(&s, "certificate usage field", NULL);
    if (cert_usage < 0) return NULL;
    if (cert_usage > 3)
        return bitch("bad certificate usage field");
    rr->cert_usage = cert_usage;

    selector = extract_integer(&s, "selector field", NULL);
    if (selector < 0)   return NULL;
    if (selector > 1)
        return bitch("bad selector field");
    rr->selector = selector;

    matching_type = extract_integer(&s, "matching type field", NULL);
    if (matching_type < 0)  return NULL;
    if (matching_type > 2)
        return bitch("bad matching type field");
    rr->matching_type = matching_type;

    rr->association_data = extract_hex_binary_data(&s, "certificate association data", EXTRACT_EAT_WHITESPACE);
    if (rr->association_data.length < 0)    return NULL;
    switch (rr->matching_type) {
    case 1:
        if (rr->association_data.length != SHA256_BYTES)
            return bitch("bad SHA-256 hash length");
    case 2:
        if (rr->association_data.length != SHA512_BYTES)
            return bitch("bad SHA-512 hash length");

    if (*s) {
        return bitch("garbage after valid %s data", type == T_TLSA ? "TLSA" : "SMIMEA");
    return store_record(type, name, ttl, rr);