// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ReportManager::store ( ReportType const& p ) { if ( persistence().persist ( p ).was_successful() ) { emit stored ( p ); } }
v4l2device::device_info V4LSelectDeviceDialog::pickDevice(QWidget* owner, bool prefferStored) { auto devices = v4l2device::list_attached_devices(); GlobSaveableTempl<QString, false> stored("LastUsedDeviceName"); if (prefferStored) { const std::string dev = stored.getCachedValue().toStdString(); for (const auto& d : devices) { if (dev == d.devname) return d; } } v4l2device::device_info res; if (devices.size() || !prefferStored) //if prefferedStored but no devices connected - do not popup { V4LSelectDeviceDialog dialog(owner); dialog.updateList(devices); if (QDialog::Accepted == dialog.exec()) { res = dialog.getSelected(); if (!res.devname.empty()) //if empty selected - do not cache it stored.setCachedValue(res.devname.c_str()); } } return res; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TaskManager::store ( Task const& t ) { if(persistence().persist(t).was_successful()) { emit stored(t); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ProjectManager::store ( Project const& p ) { if(persistence().persist(p).was_successful()) { emit stored(p); } }
void MeeGo::Sync::FrameworkClient::doInitialSync() { qDebug() << "INFO: Performing 'initial sync' procedure for profile:" << m_name; StoreCredentialsProcessor * const processor = new StoreCredentialsProcessor(m_username, m_password); m_processor.reset(processor); // Capture completion of credentials storage for subsequent sync // profile processing. connect(processor, SIGNAL(stored(quint32)), this, SLOT(credentialsStored(quint32))); // Capture errors that occurred during credentials storage. connect(processor, SIGNAL(error(const SignOn::Error &)), this, SLOT(credentialsError(const SignOn::Error &))); if (m_cred.isNull()) { m_cred.reset(new SharedCredentials); } // Process credentials storage asynchronously. m_cred->processCredentials(processor, m_provider); // Profile will be updated with new username/password once // credentials storage completes. }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ActionTemplateManager::store ( ActionTemplate const& p ) { if(persistence().persist(p).was_successful()) { emit stored(p); } }
void ExtArgSelector::onReloadTriggered() { int counter = 0; int selected = -1; QString call = boxSelection->currentData().toString(); const char *prefval = _argument->pref_valptr ? *_argument->pref_valptr : NULL; QString stored(prefval ? prefval : ""); if ( call != stored ) stored = call; if ( reloadValues() && values.length() > 0 ) { boxSelection->clear(); ExtcapValueList::const_iterator iter = values.constBegin(); while ( iter != values.constEnd() ) { boxSelection->addItem((*iter).value(), (*iter).call()); if ( stored.compare((*iter).call()) == 0 ) selected = counter; else if ( (*iter).isDefault() && selected == -1 ) selected = counter; counter++; ++iter; } if ( selected > -1 && selected < boxSelection->count() ) boxSelection->setCurrentIndex(selected); } }
void main() // Main function { badge_setup(); // Call badge setup text_size(SMALL); oledprint("Use SimpleIDE\nTerminal."); if(!stored(wilma)) // Check first, if repeat skip store(wilma); if(!stored(betty)) store(betty); if(!stored(fred)) // ...but if not repeat, store store(fred); if(!stored(barney)) store(barney); contacts_displayAll(); // Display contacts }
int SmartState::getState(const PetriNet& net, MarkVal* marking, VarVal* valuation) const{ if(stored()){ memcpy(marking, _marking, sizeof(MarkVal) * net.numberOfPlaces()); memcpy(valuation, _valuation, sizeof(VarVal) * net.numberOfVariables()); return 0; } int depth = parent()->getState(net, marking, valuation); net.fireWithoutCheck(transition(), marking, valuation, marking, valuation, multiplicity()); return depth + 1; }
std::string SnapshotToolCut::str() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "name: " << name() << std::endl << "backendSize: " << stored() << std::endl << "uuid: " << getUUID() << std::endl << "date: " << getDate(); return ss.str(); }
QWidget * ExtArgSelector::createEditor(QWidget * parent) { int counter = 0; int selected = -1; const char *prefval = _argument->pref_valptr ? *_argument->pref_valptr : NULL; QString stored(prefval ? prefval : ""); QWidget * editor = new QWidget(parent); QHBoxLayout * layout = new QHBoxLayout(); boxSelection = new QComboBox(parent); layout->addWidget(boxSelection); if ( values.length() > 0 ) { ExtcapValueList::const_iterator iter = values.constBegin(); while ( iter != values.constEnd() ) { boxSelection->addItem((*iter).value(), (*iter).call()); if ( !prefval && (*iter).isDefault() ) selected = counter; else if ( prefval && stored.compare((*iter).call()) == 0 ) selected = counter; counter++; ++iter; } if ( selected > -1 && selected < boxSelection->count() ) boxSelection->setCurrentIndex(selected); } if ( reload() ) { QString btnText(tr("Reload data")); if ( _argument->placeholder ) btnText = QString(_argument->placeholder); QPushButton * reloadButton = new QPushButton(btnText, editor); layout->addWidget(reloadButton); reloadButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Preferred); boxSelection->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred); connect(reloadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onReloadTriggered())); } connect ( boxSelection, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(onIntChanged(int)) ); editor->setLayout(layout); return editor; }
NT2_TEST_CASE_TPL(pack_store, BOOST_SIMD_SIMD_TYPES ) { typedef typename boost::simd::pack<T> p_t; static const std::size_t card = boost::simd::meta::cardinal_of<p_t>::value; std::vector<T, boost::simd::allocator<T> > data(card); std::vector<T, boost::simd::allocator<T> > stored(card); for(size_t i=0; i<card; ++i) data[i] = T(i); p_t p(data.begin(),data.end()); boost::simd::aligned_store(p,&stored[0],0); NT2_TEST_EQUAL( *(stored.begin()), *(data.begin())); NT2_TEST_EQUAL( *(stored.end()-1), *(data.end()-1)); }
/** * Find and parse all geometry elements on the appropriate field path from the document. */ static void extractGeometries(const BSONObj& doc, const string& path, vector<StoredGeometry*>* geometries) { BSONElementSet geomElements; // NOTE: Annoyingly, we cannot just expand arrays b/c single 2d points are arrays, we need // to manually expand all results to check if they are geometries doc.getFieldsDotted(path, geomElements, false /* expand arrays */); for (BSONElementSet::iterator it = geomElements.begin(); it != geomElements.end(); ++it) { const BSONElement& el = *it; auto_ptr<StoredGeometry> stored(StoredGeometry::parseFrom(el)); if (stored.get()) { // Valid geometry element geometries->push_back(stored.release()); } else if (el.type() == Array) { // Many geometries may be in an array BSONObjIterator arrIt(el.Obj()); while (arrIt.more()) { const BSONElement nextEl = arrIt.next(); stored.reset(StoredGeometry::parseFrom(nextEl)); if (stored.get()) { // Valid geometry element geometries->push_back(stored.release()); } else { warning() << "geoNear stage read non-geometry element " << nextEl.toString() << " in array " << el.toString(); } } } else { warning() << "geoNear stage read non-geometry element " << el.toString(); } } }
void main() // Main function { badge_setup(); // Call badge setup oledprint("Any BTN\nfor Menu"); pause(1200); while(1) { clear(); // Display screen name text_size(LARGE); oledprint("%s", screenName); while(!buttons()); // Wait for button press text_size(SMALL); // Menu clear(); oledprint(" MENU "); oledprint("P17-Send "); oledprint(" Receive-P27\n"); oledprint("P15-Upload "); oledprint(" Back-P25\n"); oledprint(" Erase-OSH-All "); pause(250); while((states = buttons()) == 0); // Wait for button press clear(); // Get ready to display operation text_size(LARGE); switch(states) // Handle button press { case 0b0100000: // P17 pressed, send IR clear; oledprint("Sending"); rgbs(RED, RED); send(my); rgbs(OFF, OFF); pause(50); continue; // Back to while(1) case 0b0000001: // P27 pressed break; // Skip to IR receive code case 0b0001000: clear(); oledprint("Upload ..."); contacts_displayAll(); oledprint("Done"); pause(250); continue; // Back to while(1) case 0b1000000: // OSH pressed, erase EEPROM clear(); oledprint("CONFIRM"); pause(500); text_size(SMALL); cursor(0, 4); oledprint("Yes-OSH\n\n"); oledprint("No-Any other btn"); while(!(states = buttons())); // Get confirmation if(states == 0b1000000) // Yes, erase { text_size(LARGE); clear(); oledprint("Wait 20s..."); contacts_eraseAll(); oledprint("Done!"); pause(250); } else // No, don't erase { clear(); pause(250); } continue; // Back to while(1) default: continue; // Back to while(1) } // P27 has to have been pressed to get to here clear(); oledprint("IR Rcv"); // Display ready for IR cursor(0, 7); text_size(SMALL); oledprint(" Back-P25"); // Wait for IR message pause(250); irclear(); // Clear the IR buffers while(1) { irlenb = receive(irbuf); if(irlenb > 0) break; states = buttons(); if(states == 0b0000100) { led(0, OFF); break; } led(0, ON); pause(150); led(0, OFF); pause(150); } if(states == 0b0000100) continue; clear(); // Menu, what to do with data oledprint(irbuf); cursor(0, 5); oledprint(" Store-P26"); cursor(0, 6); oledprint(" Discard-P25"); while((states = buttons()) == 0); // Wait for button press text_size(LARGE); clear(); if(states == 0b0000010) // If P26, store to EEPROM { if(!stored(irbuf)) store(irbuf); oledprint("Stored"); } if(states == 0b0000100) // if(P25), discard { oledprint("Discard"); } pause(500); } }