Exemplo n.º 1
int TextLayout::screenToPosition(FPoint coord) const
	qreal maxx = coord.x() - 1.0;
	for (unsigned int i=0; i < lines(); ++i)
		LineSpec ls = line(i);
//		qDebug() << QString("screenToPosition: (%1,%2) -> y %3 - %4 + %5").arg(coord.x()).arg(coord.y()).arg(ls.y).arg(ls.ascent).arg(ls.descent);
		if (ls.y + ls.descent < coord.y())
		qreal xpos = ls.x;
		for (int j = ls.firstItem; j <= ls.lastItem; ++j)
//				qDebug() << QString("screenToPosition: (%1,%2) -> x %3 + %4").arg(coord.x()).arg(coord.y()).arg(xpos).arg(item(j)->glyph.wide());
			qreal width = story()->getGlyphs(j)->wide();
			xpos += width;
			if (xpos >= coord.x())
				if (story()->hasObject(j))
					return j;
					return xpos - width/2 > coord.x() ? j : j+1;
		if (xpos > maxx)
			maxx = xpos;
		if (xpos + 1.0 > coord.x()) // allow 1pt after end of line
			return ls.lastItem + 1;
		else if (coord.x() <= ls.x + ls.width) // last line of paragraph?
			return ((ls.lastItem == m_lastInFrame) ? (ls.lastItem + 1) : ls.lastItem);
		else if (xpos < ls.x + 0.01 && maxx >= coord.x()) // check for empty line
			return ls.firstItem;
	return qMax(m_lastInFrame+1, m_firstInFrame);
Exemplo n.º 2
int TextLayout::nextLine(int pos) const
	for (int i=0; i < m_lines.count(); ++i)
		// find line for pos
		const LineSpec & ls(m_lines.at(i));
		if (ls.firstItem <= pos && pos <= ls.lastItem)
			if (i+1 == m_lines.count())
				return endOfLine(pos);
			// find current xpos
			qreal xpos = 0.0;
			for (int j = ls.firstItem; j < pos; ++j)
				xpos += story()->getGlyphs(j)->wide();
			if (pos != m_lastMagicPos || xpos > m_magicX)
				m_magicX = xpos;
			const LineSpec & ls2(m_lines.at(i+1));
			// find new cpos
			xpos = 0.0;
			for (int j = ls2.firstItem; j <= ls2.lastItem; ++j)
				xpos += story()->getGlyphs(j)->wide();
				if (xpos > m_magicX) {
					m_lastMagicPos = j;
					return j;
			m_lastMagicPos = ls2.lastItem + 1;
			return ls2.lastItem + 1;
	return m_lastInFrame;
Exemplo n.º 3
int TextLayout::endOfLine(int pos) const
	for (int i=0; i < m_lines.count(); ++i) {
		const LineSpec & ls(m_lines.at(i));
		if (ls.firstItem <= pos && pos <= ls.lastItem)
			return story()->text(ls.lastItem) == SpecialChars::PARSEP ? ls.lastItem :
				story()->text(ls.lastItem) == ' ' ? ls.lastItem : ls.lastItem + 1;
	return story()->length();
Exemplo n.º 4
// Runs the Game...
void Ultra1::App::Run( )
	// All of the game states we could be in...
	Intro intro( this );
	MainMenu menu( this );
	Game game( this );
	MapState map_state( this );
	WonState won( this );
	LostState lost( this );
	HelpState help( this );
	StoryState story( this );
	OptionsState options( this );

	// Must be entered into array in same order as the const values...
	GameState* states[] = { &intro, &menu, &game, &map_state, &won, &lost, &help, &story, &options };

	// We start in the intro...
	StateNumber current_state = INTRO_STATE;

	while( current_state != QUIT_STATE )
		// Run the current state and assign the next state to it...
		current_state = states[current_state]->Run( );
Exemplo n.º 5
void TextLayout::appendLine(const LineSpec& ls)
		assert( ls.firstItem >= 0 );
		assert( ls.firstItem < story()->length() );
		assert( ls.lastItem >= 0 && ls.firstItem - ls.lastItem < 1 );
		assert( ls.lastItem < story()->length() );
		if (m_lastInFrame < m_firstInFrame) {
			m_firstInFrame = ls.firstItem;
			m_lastInFrame = ls.lastItem;
		else {
			m_firstInFrame = qMin(m_firstInFrame, ls.firstItem);
			m_lastInFrame = qMax(m_lastInFrame, ls.lastItem);
Exemplo n.º 6
void TextLayout::clear() 
	m_firstInFrame = 0;
	m_lastInFrame = -1;
	if (m_frame->asPathText() != NULL)
Exemplo n.º 7
static void emitStory(const char* m)
    Story st;
    memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
    st.sub[0] = crewTable;
    st.subSize[0] = 100; // plenty
    st.sub[1] = opTable;
    st.subSize[1] = DIM(opTable);

    // emit on the message line
    story(m, &st);    
Exemplo n.º 8
PathData& TextLayout::point(int pos)
	if (pos >= story()->length())
	return m_path[pos];
Exemplo n.º 9
FRect TextLayout::boundingBox(int pos, uint len) const
	FRect result;
	LineSpec ls;
	for (uint i=0; i < lines(); ++i)
		ls = line(i);
		if (ls.lastItem < pos)
		if (ls.firstItem <= pos) {
			//if (ls.lastItem == pos && (item(pos)->effects() & ScLayout_SuppressSpace)  )
				if (i+1 < lines())
					ls = line(i+1);
					result.setRect(ls.x, ls.y - ls.ascent, 1, ls.ascent + ls.descent);
					ls = line(lines()-1);
					const ParagraphStyle& pstyle(paragraphStyle(pos));
					result.setRect(ls.x, ls.y + pstyle.lineSpacing() - ls.ascent, 1, ls.ascent + ls.descent);
			else */
				qreal xpos = ls.x;
				for (int j = ls.firstItem; j < pos; ++j)
					if (story()->hasObject(j))
						xpos += (story()->object(j)->width() + story()->object(j)->lineWidth()) * story()->getGlyphs(j)->scaleH;
						xpos += story()->getGlyphs(j)->wide();
				qreal finalw = 1;
				if (story()->hasObject(pos))
					finalw = (story()->object(pos)->width() + story()->object(pos)->lineWidth()) * story()->getGlyphs(pos)->scaleH;
					finalw = story()->getGlyphs(pos)->wide();
				const CharStyle& cs(story()->charStyle(pos));
				qreal desc = -cs.font().descent(cs.fontSize() / 10.0);
				qreal asce = cs.font().ascent(cs.fontSize() / 10.0);
				result.setRect(xpos, ls.y - asce, pos < story()->length()? finalw : 1, desc+asce);
			return result;
	const ParagraphStyle& pstyle(story()->paragraphStyle(qMin(pos, story()->length()))); // rather the trailing style than a segfault.
	if (lines() > 0)
		ls = line(lines()-1);
		result.setRect(ls.x, ls.y + pstyle.lineSpacing() - ls.ascent, 1, ls.ascent + ls.descent);
		result.setRect(1, 1, 1, pstyle.lineSpacing());
	return result;