int main() { std::cout<< "hello, this is mystring plugin" << std::endl; MyString str0("AAA"); std::cout << "str0="<< str0 << std::endl; MyString str1(NULL); std::cout << "str1="<< str1 << std::endl; //MyString str2; // compile error, cause lacking of default constructor //std::cout << "str2="<< str2 << std::endl; str0 += "BBB"; std::cout << "str0="<< str0 << std::endl; MyString str3("CCC"); str0 += str3; std::cout << "str0="<< str0 << std::endl; MyString str4("DDD"); MyString str5("DDD"); std::cout << "str4==str5:"<< ((str4==str5)? "true":"false") << std::endl; std::vector<MyString> vec; vec.push_back(MyString("aaa")); vec.push_back(MyString("bbb")); std::cout << "vec:"<< vec[0] << ", " << vec[1] << std::endl; return 0; }
int CTest::test_caseInsensitiveButCasePreserving(int argc, char* argv[]) { AutoPtr<IRawHeaders> h; CRawHeaders::New((IRawHeaders**)&h); String str0("Content-Type"); String str1("text/plain"); h->Add(str0, str1); // Case-insensitive: String strOut; h->Get(str0, &strOut); Boolean flag = strOut.Equals(str1); assert(flag == TRUE); String str2("Content-type"); h->Get(str2, &strOut); flag = strOut.Equals(str1); assert(flag == TRUE); String str3("content-type"); h->Get(str3, &strOut); flag = strOut.Equals(str1); assert(flag == TRUE); String str4("CONTENT-TYPE"); h->Get(str4, &strOut); flag = strOut.Equals(str1); assert(flag == TRUE); // ...but case-preserving: AutoPtr<IMap> innerMap; h->ToMultimap((IMap**)&innerMap); AutoPtr<ISet> keyset; innerMap->KeySet((ISet**)&keyset); AutoPtr<ArrayOf<IInterface*> > array; keyset->ToArray((ArrayOf<IInterface*>**)&array); AutoPtr<ICharSequence> cs = (ICharSequence*)ICharSequence::Probe((*array)[0]); String str5(String("Content-Type")); cs->ToString(&strOut); flag = strOut.Equals(str5); assert(flag == TRUE); // We differ from the RI in that the Map we return is also case-insensitive. // Our behavior seems more consistent. (And code that works on the RI will work on Android.) // AutoPtr<ICharSequence> cs1; // CString::New(String("Content-Type"), (ICharSequence**)&cs1); // AutoPtr<IInterface> value; // innerMap->Get(cs1, (IInterface**)&value); // assertEquals(Arrays.asList("text/plain"), h.toMultimap().get("Content-Type")); // assertEquals(Arrays.asList("text/plain"), h.toMultimap().get("Content-type")); // RI fails this. }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // BinaryCode *bc = new BinaryCode(); auto_ptr<BinaryCode> bc (new BinaryCode()); string str1 ("123210122"); vector<string> str1Response = bc->decode(str1); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str1 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str1Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str1Response[1] << endl << endl; string str2 ("11"); vector<string> str2Response = bc->decode(str2); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str2 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str2Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str2Response[1] << endl << endl;; string str3 ("22111"); vector<string> str3Response = bc->decode(str3); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str3 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str3Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str3Response[1] << endl << endl;; string str4 ("123210120"); vector<string> str4Response = bc->decode(str4); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str4 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str4Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str4Response[1] << endl << endl;; string str5 ("3"); vector<string> str5Response = bc->decode(str5); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str5 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str5Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str5Response[1] << endl << endl;; string str6 ("12221112222221112221111111112221111"); vector<string> str6Response = bc->decode(str6); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str6 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str6Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str6Response[1] << endl << endl;; return 0; }
int init() { QTextStream out(stdout); QString str1 = "The night train"; out << str1 << endl; QString str2("A yellow rose"); out << str2 << endl; std::string s1 = "A blue sky"; QString str3 = s1.c_str(); out << str3 << endl; std::string s2 = "A think fog"; QString str4 = QString::fromAscii(, s2.size()); out << str4 << endl; char s3[] = "A deep forest"; QString str5(s3); out << str5 << endl; return 0; }
void post::pushB1_clicked() { client.dataMine(); list<MLogRec> logList_temp= logreader.getLogList(); list<MLogRec>::iterator it=logList_temp.begin(); while(it!=logList_temp.end()){ QString str1(it->logname); QString str2(it->logip); int pid=it->pid; QString str3(QString::number(pid)); long logintime=it->logintime; QString str4(QString::number(logintime)); long logouttime=it->logouttime; QString str5(QString::number(logouttime)); long logtime=it->logtime; QString str6(QString::number(logtime)); QString str=str1+" "+str2+" "+str3+" "+str4+" "+str5+" "+str6+'\n'; ui->textEdit->append(str); it++; } ui->textEdit->append("***************************Send data over!***********************"); ui->textEdit->append("total:"+QString::number(logList_temp.size())); }
int main(){ String str; String str2("Salut"); String str4("Beaucoup"); String str3(str2); printf("Length : %zu \n",str2.length()); printf("Max_Size : %zu \n",str2.max_size()); str2.resize((size_t)7); printf("Size: %zu \n",str2.size()); str2.clear(); printf("Size: %zu \n",str2.size()); const char* essai=str3.c_str(); printf(essai); String str6=str4 +" trop" ; str2='c'; str2.resize((size_t)3,'c'); //~ String str6(str); str2.resize((size_t)102,'c'); str2='c'; String operatoregal; operatoregal=str4; printf("Size: %zu \n",operatoregal.size()); printf("%zu \n",str2.capacity()) ; printf("%d \n",str2.empty()) ; printf("%d \n",str.empty()) ; String str5("Hello !") ; printf("Size : %zu\n",str5.length()) ; printf("Capacity : %zu\n",str5.capacity()) ; str5.reserve((size_t)10) ; printf("Size : %zu\n",str5.length()) ; printf("Capacity : %zu\n",str5.capacity()) ; str5.reserve((size_t)9) ; printf("Size : %zu\n",str5.length()) ; printf("Capacity : %zu\n",str5.capacity()) ; str5.reserve((size_t)5) ; printf("Size : %zu\n",str5.length()) ; printf("Capacity : %zu\n",str5.capacity()) ; //~ str5.reserve((size_t)200) ; //~ printf("Size : %zu\n",str5.length()) ; //~ printf("Capacity : %zu\n",str5.capacity()) ; //~ String str360; str360=str2+'d'; printf("Size : %zu\n",str360.length()) ; String elea1("Bla"); printf("Size : %zu\n",elea1.length()) ; printf("Capacity : %zu\n",elea1.capacity()) ; String elea2(" bla"); String elea3 = elea1 + elea2 ; printf("Size : %zu\n",elea3.length()) ; printf("Capacity : %zu\n",elea3.capacity()) ; return 0 ; }
/* the gateway routine. */ void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) { /* create a pointer to the real data in the input matrix */ int nfields = mxGetNumberOfFields(prhs[0]); // number of fields in each constraint mwSize NStructElems = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]); // number of constraints const char **fnames = (const char **)mxCalloc(nfields, sizeof(*fnames)); /* pointers to field names */ double *sw = mxGetPr(prhs[1]); /* switch vector */ double *xs = mxGetPr(prhs[2]); /* linearisation point */ long unsigned int nrow = mxGetM(prhs[2]); double *ptr = mxGetPr(prhs[3]); /* number of cameras */ int ncams = ptr[0]; /* initialise a PwgOptimiser object */ PwgOptimiser *Object; // pointer initialisation Object = new PwgOptimiser (ncams, nrow-6*ncams) ; // pointer initialisation /* get constraints from Matlab to C++ and initialise a constraint */ double *pr; mxArray *tmp; int cam, kpt; std::vector<double> p1(2), z(2), R(4,0.0);//, Y(49,0.0), y(7,0.0); std::string str1 ("cam"); std::string str2 ("kpt"); std::string str3 ("p1"); std::string str4 ("z"); std::string str5 ("R"); std::string str6 ("y"); std::string str7 ("Y"); Eigen::MatrixXd yz = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(7,1); Eigen::VectorXd Yz = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(7,7); for (mwIndex jstruct = 0; jstruct < NStructElems; jstruct++) { /* loop the constraints */ for (int ifield = 0; ifield < nfields; ifield++) { /* loop the fields */ fnames[ifield] = mxGetFieldNameByNumber(prhs[0],ifield); // get field name tmp = mxGetFieldByNumber(prhs[0], jstruct, ifield); // get field pr = (double *)mxGetData(tmp); // get the field data pointer if ([ifield]) == 0) // cam cam = pr[0]; if ([ifield]) == 0) // kpt kpt = pr[0]; if ([ifield]) == 0){ // p1 p1[0] = pr[0]; p1[1] = pr[1];} if ([ifield]) == 0){ // z z[0] = pr[0]; z[1] = pr[1];} if ([ifield]) == 0){ // R R[0] = pr[0]; R[3] = pr[3];} } // end of nfields loop Object->initialise_a_constraint(cam, kpt, p1, z, R, Yz, yz, (int)sw[jstruct]) ; // using pointer to object } // end of NStructElems loop // optimise constraints information Object->optimise_constraints_image_inverse_depth_Mviews( xs ) ; /* get output state vector */ int ncol = (Object->xhat).size(); plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(ncol, 1, mxREAL); double *vec_out = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); for (int i=0; i<ncol; i++) vec_out[i] = (Object->xhat).coeffRef(i); /* get output sparse covariance matrix */ ncol = (Object->Phat).outerSize(); long unsigned int nzmax = (Object->Phat).nonZeros(); plhs[1] = mxCreateSparse(ncol, ncol, nzmax, mxREAL); double *mat_out = mxGetPr(plhs[1]); long unsigned int *ir2 = mxGetIr(plhs[1]); long unsigned int *jc2 = mxGetJc(plhs[1]); int index=0; for (int k=0; k < (Object->Phat).outerSize(); ++k) { jc2[k] = index; for (Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator it(Object->Phat,k); it; ++it) { ir2[index] = it.row(); mat_out[index] = it.value(); index++; } } jc2[(Object->Phat).outerSize()] = index; /* Free memory */ mxFree((void *)fnames); delete Object; // delete class pointer //mxFree(tmp); }