Exemplo n.º 1
static void filter_client_data(char* data, ssize_t size)
  char* lf;
  while ((lf = memchr(data, LF, size)) != 0) {
    str_catb(&linebuf, data, lf - data + 1);
    write_server(linebuf.s, linebuf.len);
    linebuf.len = 0;
    size -= lf - data + 1;
    data = lf + 1;
  str_catb(&linebuf, data, size);
Exemplo n.º 2
int session_putenv(const char* s)
  if (session.env.len > 0)
    if (!str_catc(&session.env, 0))
      return 0;
  return str_catb(&session.env, s, strlen(s) + 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: sort.c Projeto: bruceg/bglibs
/** Sort a string.

\param s The string to sort.
\param sep The character which delimits the substrings.
\param count The number of substrings within \c s (set to \c -1 if not known).
\param fn The comparison function.  Defaults to a function that works like \c memcmp.

\note This function allocates a temporary array of substring pointers,
and so may return \c 0 if memory allocation fails.  The string itself is
not reallocated.
int str_sort(str* s, char sep, long count,
	     int (*fn)(const str_sortentry* a, const str_sortentry* b))
  str_sortentry* ptrs;
  const char* ptr;
  const char* end;
  long i;
  str tmp = {0,0,0};
  if (count == -1) {
    for (count = 0, ptr = s->s, end = s->s+s->len; ptr != 0 && ptr < end;
	 ++count) {
      ptr = memchr(ptr, sep, end-ptr);
      if (ptr) ++ptr;
  if ((ptrs = alloca(count * sizeof *ptrs)) == 0) return 0;
  if (!str_copy(&tmp, s)) { str_free(&tmp); return 0; }
  if (fn == 0) fn = default_cmp;
  for (i = 0, ptr = tmp.s, end = tmp.s+tmp.len; i < count; ++i) {
    const char* ptrend = memchr(ptr, sep, end-ptr);
    if (ptrend == 0) ptrend = end;
    ptrs[i].str = ptr;
    ptrs[i].len = ptrend - ptr;
    ptr = ptrend + 1;
  qsort(ptrs, count, sizeof(*ptrs), (int (*)(const void*,const void*))fn);
  str_truncate(s, 0);
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    str_catb(s, ptrs[i].str, ptrs[i].len);
    str_catc(s, sep);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
static const response* message_end(int fd)
  struct stat st;
  char buf[1024];
  long rd;
  char* lf;
  char* ptr;

  if (fd >= 0) {
    /* Log the first two lines of the message, usually a Received: header */
    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    rd = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf - 1);
    buf[rd] = 0;
    if ((lf = strchr(buf, LF)) != 0) {
      str_copyb(&tmp, buf, lf-buf);
      ptr = lf + 1;
      if ((lf = strchr(ptr, LF)) != 0)
	str_catb(&tmp, ptr, lf-ptr);

    fstat(fd, &st);
    databytes = st.st_size;

  str_copys(&tmp, "Received ");
  str_catu(&tmp, databytes);
  str_cats(&tmp, " bytes.");
  resp.message = tmp.s;
  return &resp;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void handle_auth_login_response(str* line, ssize_t offset)
  saw_auth_login = 0;
  if (!base64decode(line->s + offset, line->len + offset, &tmpstr))
    username.len = 0;
  else {
    make_username(tmpstr.s, tmpstr.len, "AUTH LOGIN ");
    line->len = offset;
    base64encode(username.s, username.len, line);
    str_catb(line, CRLF, 2);
Exemplo n.º 6
static int setup_env(void)
  const char* s;
  const char* colon;
  struct stat st;

  if (cvm_fact_mailbox != 0
      && (s = getenv("SETUP_ENV")) != 0
      && strcmp(s, "dovecot") == 0) {
    /* This tells Dovecot that its environment has already been set up. */
    if (putenv("DOVECONF_ENV=1") != 0)
      return 0;
    /* Use the file type to set the prefix to mbox: or maildir:
     * Assume missing files are mboxes. */
    s = (stat(cvm_fact_mailbox, &st) == 0
	 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
      ? "maildir:"
      : "mbox:";
    /* Use cmd for temporary storage of the substituted mailbox name */
    if (!str_copys(&cmd, s))
      return 0;
    s = cvm_fact_mailbox;
    while ((colon = strchr(s, ':')) != 0) {
      if (!str_catb(&cmd, s, colon-s)
	  || !str_catb(&cmd, "::", 2))
	return 0;
      s = colon + 1;
    if (!str_cats(&cmd, s))
      return 0;
    cvm_fact_mailbox = cmd.s;
  return cvm_setenv()
    && setenv("IMAPLOGINTAG", tag.s, 1) == 0
    && setenv("AUTHENTICATED", cvm_fact_username, 1) == 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
static void cmd_uidl_one(const str* arg)
  long i;
  if ((i = msgnum(arg)) != 0) {
    msg* m = &msgs[i-1];
    const char* fn = m->filename + 4;
    if (!str_copys(&tmp, "+OK ") ||
	!str_catu(&tmp, i) ||
	!str_catc(&tmp, SPACE) ||
	!str_catb(&tmp, fn, m->uid_len))
Exemplo n.º 8
static const response* data_block(const char* bytes, unsigned long len)
  if (databytes == 0) {
    /* First line is always Received, log the first two lines. */
    const char* ch;
    ch = strchr(bytes, '\n');
    str_copyb(&tmp, bytes, ch-bytes);
    bytes = ch + 1;
    if ((ch = strchr(bytes, '\n')) != 0)
      str_catb(&tmp, bytes, ch-bytes);
  databytes += len;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
int base64decode(const char* data, unsigned long size, str* dest)
  unsigned char bin[3];
  int decoded;
  dest->len = 0;
  while (size) {
    if (data[0] == CR || data[0] == LF) size = 0;
    if (size < 4) break;
    if ((decoded = base64_decode_part(data, bin)) <= 0) break;
    data += 4;
    size -= 4;
    if (!str_catb(dest, (char*)bin, decoded))
  return size ? 0 : 1;
Exemplo n.º 10
static void handle_auth_plain_response(str* line, ssize_t offset)
  int start;
  int end;

  saw_auth_plain = 0;
  if (base64decode(line->s + offset, line->len - offset, &tmpstr)) {
    /* tmpstr should now contain "AUTHORIZATION\0AUTHENTICATION\0PASSWORD" */
    if ((start = str_findfirst(&tmpstr, NUL)) >= 0
	&& (end = str_findnext(&tmpstr, NUL, ++start)) > start) {
      make_username(tmpstr.s + start, end - start, "AUTH PLAIN ");
      str_splice(&tmpstr, start, end - start, &username);
      line->len = offset;
      base64encode(tmpstr.s, tmpstr.len, line);
      str_catb(line, CRLF, 2);