static VALUE *docolon(VALUE *sv, VALUE *pv) { enum { NMATCH = 2 }; VALUE *v; #if defined(__UC_LIBC__) regexp *re_buffer; int len; #else regex_t re_buffer; regmatch_t re_regs[NMATCH]; #endif tostring(sv); tostring(pv); if (pv->u.s[0] == '^') { bb_error_msg( "warning: '%s': using '^' as the first character\n" "of a basic regular expression is not portable; it is ignored", pv->u.s); } #if defined(__UC_LIBC__) re_buffer = regcomp(pv->u.s); if (re_buffer == NULL) { regerror("NULL buffer"); exit(1); } len = regexec(re_buffer, sv->u.s); v = int_value(len); free(re_buffer); #else memset(&re_buffer, 0, sizeof(re_buffer)); memset(re_regs, 0, sizeof(re_regs)); xregcomp(&re_buffer, pv->u.s, 0); /* expr uses an anchored pattern match, so check that there was a * match and that the match starts at offset 0. */ if (regexec(&re_buffer, sv->u.s, NMATCH, re_regs, 0) != REG_NOMATCH && re_regs[0].rm_so == 0 ) { /* Were \(...\) used? */ if (re_buffer.re_nsub > 0 && re_regs[1].rm_so >= 0) { sv->u.s[re_regs[1].rm_eo] = '\0'; v = str_value(sv->u.s + re_regs[1].rm_so); } else { v = int_value(re_regs[0].rm_eo); } } else { /* Match failed -- return the right kind of null. */ if (re_buffer.re_nsub > 0) v = str_value(""); else v = int_value(0); } regfree(&re_buffer); #endif return v; }
JSON *non_type_parse(){ if (str_value() == ' ') next_non_space_char(); if (str_value() == '"'){ //string type return string_type_parse(); } else if ( str_value()>='0'&& str_value()<='9'){ //num type return num_type_parse(); } else if ( str_value()=='{'){ //object type return object_type_parse(); } else if ( str_value()=='['){ //array type return array_type_parse(); } else if ( str_value()=='n'){ //null type return null_type_parse(); } else if ( str_value()=='f'){ //false type return false_type_parse(); } else if ( str_value()=='t'){ return true_type_parse(); } else return NULL; }
JSON *array_type_parse(){ JSON *arr_obj = CreateArray(); next_char(); next_non_space_char(); while (str_value() != ']'){ AddItemToArray(arr_obj, non_type_parse()); next_non_space_char(); if (str_value()==','){ next_char(); } } next_char(); return arr_obj; }
JSON *object_type_parse(){ JSON *obj = CreateObject(); next_char(); next_non_space_char(); while (str_value() != '}'){ JSON *ent_obj = entry_type_parse(); AddEntryToObject(obj, ent_obj); next_non_space_char(); if (str_value() == ',') next_char(); next_non_space_char(); } next_char(); return obj; }
/* * Find the struct objaddr for an opclass or opfamily. */ static struct objaddr get_objaddr_opcf(objtype_e objtype, struct list *objname, struct list *objargs) { oid_t amoid; struct objaddr address; ASSERT(list_length(objargs) == 1); amoid = get_am_oid(str_value(linitial(objargs)), false); switch (objtype) { case OBJECT_OPCLASS: address.classId = OperatorClassRelationId; address.objectId = get_opclass_oid(amoid, objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_OPFAMILY: address.classId = OperatorFamilyRelationId; address.objectId = get_opfamily_oid(amoid, objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized objtype: %d", (int) objtype); /* placate compiler, which doesn't know elog won't return */ address.classId = INVALID_OID; address.objectId = INVALID_OID; address.objectSubId = 0; } return address; }
/* * Find the struct objaddr for an attribute. */ static struct objaddr get_objaddr_attr( objtype_e objtype, struct list* objname, struct relation** relp, lockmode_t lockmode) { struct objaddr address; struct list* relname; oid_t reloid; struct relation* relation; const char *attname; /* Extract relation name and open relation. */ attname = str_value(lfirst(list_tail(objname))); relname = list_truncate(list_copy(objname), list_length(objname) - 1); relation = relation_openrv(nl_to_range_var(relname), lockmode); reloid = REL_ID(relation); /* Look up attribute and construct return value. */ address.classId = RelationRelationId; address.objectId = reloid; address.objectSubId = get_attnum(reloid, attname); if (address.objectSubId == INVALID_ATTR_NR) { ereport(ERROR, ( errcode(E_UNDEFINED_COLUMN), errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" does not exist", attname, REL_NAME(relation)))); } *relp = relation; return address; }
// Called to parse a RCSS number declaration. bool PropertyParserNumber::ParseValue(Property& property, const String& value, const ParameterMap& ROCKET_UNUSED_PARAMETER(parameters)) const { ROCKET_UNUSED(parameters); // Default to a simple number. property.unit = Property::NUMBER; // Check for a unit declaration at the end of the number. size_t unit_pos = value.Length(); for (size_t i = 0; i < unit_suffixes.size(); i++) { const UnitSuffix& unit_suffix = unit_suffixes[i]; if (value.Length() < unit_suffix.second.Length()) continue; size_t test_unit_pos = value.Length() - unit_suffix.second.Length(); if (strcasecmp(value.CString() + test_unit_pos, unit_suffix.second.CString()) == 0) { unit_pos = test_unit_pos; property.unit = unit_suffix.first; break; } } float float_value; String str_value( value.CString(), value.CString() + unit_pos ); if (sscanf(str_value.CString(), "%f", &float_value) == 1) { property.value = Variant(float_value); return true; } return false; }
JSON *entry_type_parse(){ next_non_space_char(); // get char '"' JSON *key_obj = string_type_parse(); next_non_space_char(); assert(str_value() == ':'); next_char(); JSON *value_obj = non_type_parse(); return CreateEntry(key_obj->valuestring, value_obj); }
static int set_str(_RepoObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { intptr_t str_key = (intptr_t)closure; PycompString str_value(value); if (!str_value.getCString()) return -1; hy_repo_set_string(self->repo, str_key, str_value.getCString()); return 0; }
JSON *num_type_parse(){ double val = 0; int dp_found = 0; double div = 0; while ((str_value()>='0'&& str_value()<='9')|| str_value()=='.'){ // decimal point if (str_value() == '.'){ assert(dp_found==0); dp_found = 1; div = 1; } // digital else{ div *= 10; val = val * 10 + (str_value()-'0'); } next_char(); } if (dp_found) val /= div; return CreateNumber(val); }
void PythonModule::report_handler(const sc_core::sc_report &rep, const sc_core::sc_actions &actions) { block_threads(); const sr_report *srr = dynamic_cast<const sr_report *>(&rep); PyObject *pairs = PyDict_New(); if(srr) { for(std::vector<v::pair>::const_iterator iter = srr->pairs.begin(); iter!=srr->pairs.end(); iter++) { PyObject *i = NULL; switch(iter->type) { case v::pair::INT32: i = PyLong_FromLong(boost::any_cast<int32_t>(iter->data)); break; case v::pair::UINT32: i = PyLong_FromLong(boost::any_cast<uint32_t>(iter->data)); break; case v::pair::INT64: i = PyLong_FromLongLong(boost::any_cast<int64_t>(iter->data)); break; case v::pair::UINT64: i = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(boost::any_cast<uint64_t>(iter->data)); break; case v::pair::STRING: i = PyString_FromString(boost::any_cast<std::string>(iter->data).c_str()); break; case v::pair::BOOL: i = (boost::any_cast<bool>(iter->data))? (Py_INCREF(Py_True), Py_True) : (Py_INCREF(Py_False), Py_False); break; case v::pair::DOUBLE: i = PyFloat_FromDouble(boost::any_cast<double>(iter->data)); break; case v::pair::TIME: i = PyFloat_FromDouble(boost::any_cast<sc_core::sc_time>(iter->data).to_default_time_units()); break; default: i = PyLong_FromLong(boost::any_cast<int32_t>(iter->data)); } if(i) { PyObject *key = PyUnicode_FromString(iter->name.c_str()); PyDict_SetItem(pairs, key, i); Py_XDECREF(key); Py_XDECREF(i); } else { std::cout << "could not convert to python: " << iter->name << std::endl; } } } if(rep.get_severity()==sc_core::SC_MAX_SEVERITY && rep.get_verbosity() == 0x0FFFFFFF && std::strncmp(rep.get_msg(), "command", 8) == 0) { PyObject *obj = PyTuple_New(1); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 0, PyString_FromString(str_value(rep.get_msg_type()))); PythonModule::globalInstance->run_py_callback("command", obj, pairs); Py_XDECREF(obj); } else { PyObject *obj = PyTuple_New(11); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 0, PyString_FromString(str_value(rep.get_msg_type()))); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 1, PyString_FromString(str_value(rep.get_msg()))); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 2, PyLong_FromLong(rep.get_severity())); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 3, PyString_FromString(str_value(rep.get_file_name()))); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 4, PyLong_FromLong(rep.get_line_number())); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 5, PyFloat_FromDouble(rep.get_time().to_default_time_units())); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 6, PyLong_FromLong(sc_core::sc_delta_count())); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 7, PyString_FromString(str_value(rep.get_process_name()))); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 8, PyLong_FromLong(rep.get_verbosity())); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 9, PyString_FromString(str_value(rep.what()))); PyTuple_SetItem(obj, 10, PyLong_FromLong(actions)); PythonModule::globalInstance->run_py_callback("report", obj, pairs); Py_XDECREF(obj); //if(actions & (sc_core::SC_STOP | sc_core::SC_ABORT | sc_core::SC_INTERRUPT | sc_core::SC_THROW)) { // sc_core::sc_report_handler::default_handler(rep, actions & ~(sc_core::SC_DISPLAY | sc_core::SC_LOG)); //} } Py_XDECREF(pairs); unblock_threads(); }
JSON *string_type_parse(){ char *op = str_addr(); op++; next_char(); while (str_value() != '"'){ assert(is_end()==0); next_char(); } set_char(0); JSON *obj = CreateString(op); set_char('"'); next_char(); //puts(s); return obj; }
void set_cell(WINDOW *win, int i, int j, int ioff, int joff, int type, int nx, void *data) { char line[BUFSIZ]; int len, k, d; chtype chline[BUFSIZ]; extern int colwid; for (k=0;k<colwid-1;k++) chline[k] = ' '; str_value(i,j,type,nx,data,line); len = strlen(line); for (k=0;k<len;k++) chline[k] = line[k]; chline[len] = ' '; chline[colwid-1] = '|' | A_BOLD; chline[colwid] = '\0'; mvwaddchnstr(win,j-joff,(i-ioff)*colwid,chline,colwid); }
QString BytesHumanizer::toString(int precision) const { qreal value = m_value; int index = 0; for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { if(value <= 2048.0 && value >= -2048.0) { break; } value /= 1024.0; index++; } QString zero(precision,'0'); QString str_value(QString("%1").arg(value,0,'f',precision)); if (str_value.endsWith("."+zero)) { str_value = str_value.left(str_value.length()-1-zero.length()); } return QString("%1 %2").arg(str_value).arg(labels[index]); }
static VALUE *eval7(void) { VALUE *v; if (!*G.args) bb_error_msg_and_die("syntax error"); if (nextarg("(")) { G.args++; v = eval(); if (!nextarg(")")) bb_error_msg_and_die("syntax error"); G.args++; return v; } if (nextarg(")")) bb_error_msg_and_die("syntax error"); return str_value(*G.args++); }
void update_row(WINDOW *win, int y, int ioff, int joff, int type, int nx, void *data) { char line[BUFSIZ]; int len, k, d, i; chtype chline[BUFSIZ]; extern int colwid, dcols; for (i=0;i<dcols;i++) { for (k=0;k<colwid-1;k++) chline[k] = ' '; str_value(i+ioff,y+joff,type,nx,data,line); len = strlen(line); for (k=0;k<len;k++) chline[k] = line[k]; chline[len] = ' '; chline[colwid-1] = '|' | A_BOLD; chline[colwid] = '\0'; mvwaddchnstr(win,y,i*colwid,chline,colwid); } }
void update_col(WINDOW *win, int x, int ioff, int joff, int type, int nx, void *data) { char line[BUFSIZ]; int len, k, d, j; chtype chline[BUFSIZ]; extern int colwid, drows; for (j=0;j<drows;j++) { for (k=0;k<colwid-1;k++) chline[k] = ' '; str_value(x+ioff,j+joff,type,nx,data,line); len = strlen(line); for (k=0;k<len;k++) chline[k] = line[k]; chline[len] = ' '; chline[colwid-1] = '|' | A_BOLD; chline[colwid] = '\0'; mvwaddchnstr(win,j,x*colwid,chline,colwid); } }
struct t_hashtable * weechat_js_object_to_hashtable (v8::Handle<v8::Object> obj, int size, const char *type_keys, const char *type_values) { struct t_hashtable *hashtable; unsigned int i; v8::Handle<v8::Array> keys; v8::Handle<v8::Value> key, value; hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (size, type_keys, type_values, NULL, NULL); if (!hashtable) return NULL; keys = obj->GetPropertyNames(); for (i = 0; i < keys->Length(); i++) { key = keys->Get(i); value = obj->Get(key); v8::String::Utf8Value str_key(key); v8::String::Utf8Value str_value(value); if (strcmp (type_values, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING) == 0) { weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, *str_key, *str_value); } else if (strcmp (type_values, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_POINTER) == 0) { weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, *str_key, plugin_script_str2ptr (weechat_js_plugin, NULL, NULL, *str_value)); } } return hashtable; }
/* * Find object address for an object that is attached to a relation. * * Note that we take only an ACCESS_SHR_LOCK on the relation. We need not * pass down the lockmode_t from get_object_address(), because that is the lock * mode for the object itself, not the relation to which it is attached. */ static struct objaddr get_objaddr_relobj( objtype_e objtype, struct list *objname, struct relation** relp) { struct objaddr address; struct relation* relation = NULL; int nnames; const char *depname; /* Extract name of dependent object. */ depname = str_value(lfirst(list_tail(objname))); /* Separate relation name from dependent object name. */ nnames = list_length(objname); if (nnames < 2) { oid_t reloid; /* * For compatibility with very old releases, we sometimes allow users * to attempt to specify a rule without mentioning the relation name. * If there's only rule by that name in the entire database, this will * work. But objects other than rules don't get this special * treatment. */ if (objtype != OBJECT_RULE) elog(ERROR, "must specify relation and object name"); address.classId = RewriteRelationId; address.objectId = get_rewrite_oid_without_relid(depname, &reloid); address.objectSubId = 0; /* * Caller is expecting to get back the relation, even though we * didn't end up using it to find the rule. */ relation = heap_open(reloid, ACCESS_SHR_LOCK); } else { struct list* relname; oid_t reloid; /* Extract relation name and open relation. */ relname = list_truncate(list_copy(objname), nnames - 1); relation = heap_open_rngv(nl_to_range_var(relname), ACCESS_SHR_LOCK); reloid = REL_ID(relation); switch (objtype) { case OBJECT_RULE: address.classId = RewriteRelationId; address.objectId = get_rewrite_oid(reloid, depname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_TRIGGER: address.classId = TriggerRelationId; address.objectId = get_trigger_oid(reloid, depname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_CONSTRAINT: address.classId = ConstraintRelationId; address.objectId = get_constraint_oid(reloid, depname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized objtype: %d", (int) objtype); /* placate compiler, which doesn't know elog won't return */ address.classId = INVALID_OID; address.objectId = INVALID_OID; address.objectSubId = 0; } } /* Done. */ *relp = relation; return address; }
/* * Find an struct objaddr for a type of object that is identified by an * unqualified name. */ static struct objaddr get_objaddr_unqualified(objtype_e objtype, struct list *qualname) { const char *name; struct objaddr address; /* * The types of names handled by this function are not permitted to be * schema-qualified or catalog-qualified. */ if (list_length(qualname) != 1) { const char *msg; switch (objtype) { case OBJECT_DATABASE: msg = gettext_noop("database name cannot be qualified"); break; case OBJECT_EXTENSION: msg = gettext_noop("extension name cannot be qualified"); break; case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: msg = gettext_noop("tablespace name cannot be qualified"); break; case OBJECT_ROLE: msg = gettext_noop("role name cannot be qualified"); break; case OBJECT_SCHEMA: msg = gettext_noop("schema name cannot be qualified"); break; case OBJECT_LANGUAGE: msg = gettext_noop("language name cannot be qualified"); break; case OBJECT_FDW: msg = gettext_noop("foreign-data wrapper name cannot be qualified"); break; case OBJECT_FOREIGN_SERVER: msg = gettext_noop("server name cannot be qualified"); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized objtype: %d", (int) objtype); msg = NULL; /* placate compiler */ } ereport(ERROR, ( errcode(E_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("%s", _(msg)))); } /* Format is valid, extract the actual name. */ name = str_value(linitial(qualname)); /* Translate name to OID. */ switch (objtype) { case OBJECT_DATABASE: address.classId = DatabaseRelationId; address.objectId = get_db_oid(name, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_EXTENSION: address.classId = ExtensionRelationId; address.objectId = get_extension_oid(name, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: address.classId = TableSpaceRelationId; address.objectId = tbs_get_oid(name, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_ROLE: address.classId = AuthIdRelationId; address.objectId = get_role_oid(name, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_SCHEMA: address.classId = NAMESPACE_RELATION_ID; address.objectId = get_ns_oid(name, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_LANGUAGE: address.classId = LanguageRelationId; address.objectId = get_lang_oid(name, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_FDW: address.classId = ForeignDataWrapperRelationId; address.objectId = get_fdw_oid(name, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_FOREIGN_SERVER: address.classId = ForeignServerRelationId; address.objectId = get_foreign_server_oid(name, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized objtype: %d", (int) objtype); /* placate compiler, which doesn't know elog won't return */ address.classId = INVALID_OID; address.objectId = INVALID_OID; address.objectSubId = 0; } return address; }
static int is_end(){ if (str_value() == 0) return 1; else return 0; }
static void next_non_space_char(){ while (str_value() == ' '|| str_value()=='\n') next_char(); }
CS_IMPLEMENT_APPLICATION int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { iObjectRegistry* objreg = csInitializer::CreateEnvironment (argc, argv); if (! objreg) { csFPrintf (stderr, "Failed to create environment!\n"); return 1; } bool ok = csInitializer::RequestPlugins (objreg, CS_REQUEST_REPORTER, CS_REQUEST_REPORTERLISTENER, CS_REQUEST_PLUGIN ("crystalspace.script.perl5", iScript), CS_REQUEST_END); if (! ok) { csFPrintf (stderr, "Failed to load plugins!\n"); return 2; } if (csCommandLineHelper::CheckHelp (objreg)) { csCommandLineHelper::Help (objreg); return 0; } { csRef<iScript> script = csQueryRegistry<iScript> (objreg); if (! script) { csFPrintf (stderr, "Failed to find perl5 plugin!\n"); return 3; } ok = script->LoadModule ("cspace"); //ok = script->LoadModule ("scripts/perl5", ""); if (! ok) { csFPrintf (stderr, "Failed to load perl5 cspace module!\n"); return 4; } csInitializer::OpenApplication (objreg); //====================================================================// csPrintf ("Testing RValue/Store/Retrieve:\n"); int test_int = 3; float test_float = 3.0; double test_double = 3.0; bool test_bool = true; const char *test_str = "hello"; csPrintf (" Int: "); csRef<iScriptValue> int_value (script->RValue (test_int)); ok = script->Store("i", int_value); int_value.AttachNew (script->Retrieve ("i")); csPrintf ("%d == %d\n", test_int, int_value->GetInt ()); csPrintf (" Float: "); csRef<iScriptValue> float_value (script->RValue (test_float)); ok = script->Store("f", float_value); float_value.AttachNew (script->Retrieve ("f")); csPrintf ("%f == %f\n", test_float, float_value->GetFloat ()); csPrintf (" Double: "); csRef<iScriptValue> double_value (script->RValue (test_double)); ok = script->Store("d", double_value); double_value.AttachNew (script->Retrieve ("d")); csPrintf ("%lf == %lf\n", test_double, double_value->GetDouble ()); csPrintf (" String: "); csRef<iScriptValue> str_value (script->RValue (test_str)); ok = script->Store("s", str_value); str_value.AttachNew (script->Retrieve ("s")); csPrintf ("%s == %s\n", test_str, str_value->GetString ()->GetData ()); csPrintf (" Bool: "); csRef<iScriptValue> bool_value (script->RValue (test_bool)); ok = script->Store("b", bool_value); bool_value.AttachNew (script->Retrieve ("b")); csPrintf ("%s == %s\n\n", test_bool ? "true" : "false", bool_value->GetBool () ? "true" : "false"); //====================================================================// csPrintf ("Testing Remove:\n"); ok = script->Remove ("i") && script->Remove ("f") && script->Remove ("d") && script->Remove ("s") && script->Remove ("b"); csPrintf (" %s\n", ok ? "ok" : "failed"); int_value.AttachNew (script->Retrieve ("i")); csPrintf (" %s\n", int_value.IsValid () ? "failed" : "ok"); //====================================================================// csPrintf ("Testing New(csVector3):\n"); csRef<iScriptObject> obj (script->New ("csVector3")); csPrintf (" %s\n", obj.IsValid () ? "ok" : "failed"); //====================================================================// csPrintf ("Testing GetClass/IsA:\n"); csRef<iString> classname (obj->GetClass ()); csPrintf (" %s\n", classname->GetData ()); csPrintf (" %s\n", obj->IsA ("csVector3") ? "ok" : "failed"); //====================================================================// csPrintf ("Testing Set/Get:\n"); csPrintf (" %f == ", float_value->GetFloat ()); ok = obj->Set ("x", float_value); float_value.AttachNew (obj->Get ("x")); csPrintf ("%f\n", float_value->GetFloat ()); //====================================================================// csPrintf ("Testing Call(csVector3::Set):\n"); csRefArray<iScriptValue> args; args.Push (float_value); csRef<iScriptValue> ret (obj->Call ("Set", args)); csPrintf (" %f\n", float_value->GetFloat ()); //====================================================================// csPrintf ("Testing Call(csVector3::Norm):\n"); ret.AttachNew (obj->Call ("Norm")); csPrintf (" %f\n", ret->GetFloat ()); //====================================================================// csPrintf ("Testing GetPointer:\n"); csVector3 &vector = * (csVector3 *) obj->GetPointer (); vector.Normalize (); csPrintf (" %f %f %f\n", vector[0], vector[1], vector[2]); csPrintf (" ok\n"); csPrintf ("All Done!\n"); } csInitializer::DestroyApplication (objreg); return 0; }
static int json2field(const rapidjson::Value* json, Message* msg, const FieldDescriptor *field, std::string& err) { const Reflection *ref = msg->GetReflection(); const bool repeated = field->is_repeated(); switch (field->cpp_type()) { case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32: { if (json->GetType() != rapidjson::kNumberType) { RETURN_ERR(ERR_INVALID_JSON, "Not a number"); } if (repeated) { ref->AddInt32(msg, field, (int32_t) json->GetInt()); } else { ref->SetInt32(msg, field, (int32_t) json->GetInt()); } break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32: { if (json->GetType() != rapidjson::kNumberType) { RETURN_ERR(ERR_INVALID_JSON, "Not a number"); } if (repeated) { ref->AddUInt32(msg, field, json->GetUint()); } else { ref->SetUInt32(msg, field, json->GetUint()); } break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64: { if (json->GetType() != rapidjson::kNumberType) { RETURN_ERR(ERR_INVALID_JSON, "Not a number"); } if (repeated) { ref->AddInt64(msg, field, json->GetInt64()); } else { ref->SetInt64(msg, field, json->GetInt64()); } break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64: { if (json->GetType() != rapidjson::kNumberType) { RETURN_ERR(ERR_INVALID_JSON, "Not a number"); } if (repeated) { ref->AddUInt64(msg, field, json->GetUint64()); } else { ref->SetUInt64(msg, field, json->GetUint64()); } break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE: { if (json->GetType() != rapidjson::kNumberType) { RETURN_ERR(ERR_INVALID_JSON, "Not a number"); } if (repeated) { ref->AddDouble(msg, field, json->GetDouble()); } else { ref->SetDouble(msg, field, json->GetDouble()); } break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT: { if (json->GetType() != rapidjson::kNumberType) { RETURN_ERR(ERR_INVALID_JSON, "Not a number"); } if (repeated) { ref->AddFloat(msg, field, json->GetDouble()); } else { ref->SetFloat(msg, field, json->GetDouble()); } break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL: { if (json->GetType() != rapidjson::kTrueType && json->GetType() != rapidjson::kFalseType) { RETURN_ERR(ERR_INVALID_JSON, "Not a bool"); } bool v = json->GetBool(); if (repeated) { ref->AddBool(msg, field, v); } else { ref->SetBool(msg, field, v); } break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING: { if (json->GetType() != rapidjson::kStringType) { RETURN_ERR(ERR_INVALID_JSON, "Not a string"); } const char* value = json->GetString(); uint32_t str_size = json->GetStringLength(); std::string str_value(value, str_size); if (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES) { if (repeated) { ref->AddString(msg, field, b64_decode(str_value)); } else { ref->SetString(msg, field, b64_decode(str_value)); } } else { if (repeated) { ref->AddString(msg, field, str_value); } else { ref->SetString(msg, field, str_value); } } break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: { Message *mf = (repeated) ? ref->AddMessage(msg, field) : ref->MutableMessage(msg, field); return parse_json(json, mf, err); } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: { const EnumDescriptor *ed = field->enum_type(); const EnumValueDescriptor *ev = 0; if (json->GetType() == rapidjson::kNumberType) { ev = ed->FindValueByNumber(json->GetInt()); } else if (json->GetType() == rapidjson::kStringType) { ev = ed->FindValueByName(json->GetString()); } else RETURN_ERR(ERR_INVALID_JSON, "Not an integer or string"); if (!ev) RETURN_ERR(ERR_INVALID_JSON, "Enum value not found"); if (repeated) { ref->AddEnum(msg, field, ev); } else { ref->SetEnum(msg, field, ev); } break; } default: break; } return 0; }
/* * EnumValuesCreate * Create an entry in pg_enum for each of the supplied enum values. * * vals is a list of value_n strings. */ void EnumValuesCreate(oid_t enumTypeOid, struct list *vals) { struct relation *pg_enum; struct name enumlabel; oid_t *oids; int elemno; int num_elems; datum_t values[Natts_pg_enum]; bool nulls[Natts_pg_enum]; struct list_cell *lc; struct heap_tuple *tup; num_elems = list_length(vals); /* * We do not bother to check the list of values for duplicates. If you * have any, you'll get a less-than-friendly unique-index violation. It * is probably not worth trying harder. */ pg_enum = heap_open(EnumRelationId, ROW_EXCL_LOCK); /* * Allocate OIDs for the enum's members. * * While this method does not absolutely guarantee that we generate no * duplicate OIDs (since we haven't entered each oid into the table before * allocating the next), trouble could only occur if the OID counter wraps * all the way around before we finish. Which seems unlikely. */ oids = (oid_t *) palloc(num_elems * sizeof(oid_t)); for (elemno = 0; elemno < num_elems; elemno++) { /* * We assign even-numbered OIDs to all the new enum labels. This * tells the comparison functions the OIDs are in the correct sort * order and can be compared directly. */ oid_t new_oid; do { new_oid = get_new_oid(pg_enum); } while (new_oid & 1); oids[elemno] = new_oid; } /* sort them, just in case OID counter wrapped from high to low */ qsort(oids, num_elems, sizeof(oid_t), oid_cmp); /* and make the entries */ memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls)); elemno = 0; foreach(lc, vals) { char *lab; lab = str_value(lfirst(lc)); /* * labels are stored in a name field, for easier syscache lookup, so * check the length to make sure it's within range. */ if (strlen(lab) > (NAMEDATALEN - 1)) ereport(ERROR, ( errcode(E_INVALID_NAME), errmsg("invalid enum label \"%s\"", lab), errdetail("Labels must be %d characters or less.", NAMEDATALEN - 1))); values[Anum_pg_enum_enumtypid - 1] = OID_TO_D(enumTypeOid); values[Anum_pg_enum_enumsortorder - 1] = FLOAT4_TO_D(elemno + 1); namestrcpy(&enumlabel, lab); values[Anum_pg_enum_enumlabel - 1] = NAME_TO_D(&enumlabel); tup = heap_form_tuple(REL_DESC(pg_enum), values, nulls); HT_SET_OID(tup, oids[elemno]); simple_heap_insert(pg_enum, tup); cat_update_indexes(pg_enum, tup); heap_free_tuple(tup); elemno++; }
/* STRING 型の value を作成する */ value* str_new(char* const val) { value* res = value_new(); *res = str_value(val); return res; }
static svn_error_t * entries_dump(const char *dir_path, svn_wc_adm_access_t *related, apr_pool_t *pool) { svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access = NULL; apr_hash_t *entries; apr_hash_index_t *hi; svn_boolean_t locked; svn_error_t *err; svn_wc_context_t *wc_ctx = NULL; const char *dir_abspath; err = svn_wc_adm_open3(&adm_access, related, dir_path, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, pool); if (!err) { SVN_ERR(svn_wc__context_create_with_db(&wc_ctx, NULL, svn_wc__adm_get_db(adm_access), pool)); SVN_ERR(svn_dirent_get_absolute(&dir_abspath, dir_path, pool)); SVN_ERR(svn_wc_locked2(NULL, &locked, wc_ctx, dir_abspath, pool)); SVN_ERR(svn_wc_entries_read(&entries, adm_access, TRUE, pool)); } else if (err && err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_WC_LOCKED && related && ! strcmp(dir_path, svn_wc_adm_access_path(related))) { /* Common caller error: Can't open a baton when there is one. */ svn_error_clear(err); SVN_ERR(svn_wc__context_create_with_db(&wc_ctx, NULL, svn_wc__adm_get_db(related), pool)); SVN_ERR(svn_dirent_get_absolute(&dir_abspath, dir_path, pool)); SVN_ERR(svn_wc_locked2(NULL, &locked, wc_ctx, dir_abspath, pool)); SVN_ERR(svn_wc_entries_read(&entries, related, TRUE, pool)); } else { const char *lockfile_path; svn_node_kind_t kind; /* ### Should svn_wc_adm_open3 be returning UPGRADE_REQUIRED? */ if (err->apr_err != SVN_ERR_WC_NOT_DIRECTORY) return err; svn_error_clear(err); adm_access = NULL; SVN_ERR(svn_dirent_get_absolute(&dir_abspath, dir_path, pool)); SVN_ERR(svn_wc__read_entries_old(&entries, dir_abspath, pool, pool)); lockfile_path = svn_dirent_join_many(pool, dir_path, svn_wc_get_adm_dir(pool), "lock", SVN_VA_NULL); SVN_ERR(svn_io_check_path(lockfile_path, &kind, pool)); locked = (kind == svn_node_file); } for (hi = apr_hash_first(pool, entries); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi)) { const char *key = apr_hash_this_key(hi); const svn_wc_entry_t *entry = apr_hash_this_val(hi); SVN_ERR_ASSERT(strcmp(key, entry->name) == 0); printf("e = Entry()\n"); str_value("name", entry->name); int_value("revision", entry->revision); str_value("url", entry->url); str_value("repos", entry->repos); str_value("uuid", entry->uuid); int_value("kind", entry->kind); int_value("schedule", entry->schedule); bool_value("copied", entry->copied); bool_value("deleted", entry->deleted); bool_value("absent", entry->absent); bool_value("incomplete", entry->incomplete); str_value("copyfrom_url", entry->copyfrom_url); int_value("copyfrom_rev", entry->copyfrom_rev); str_value("conflict_old", entry->conflict_old); str_value("conflict_new", entry->conflict_new); str_value("conflict_wrk", entry->conflict_wrk); str_value("prejfile", entry->prejfile); /* skip: text_time */ /* skip: prop_time */ /* skip: checksum */ int_value("cmt_rev", entry->cmt_rev); /* skip: cmt_date */ str_value("cmt_author", entry->cmt_author); str_value("lock_token", entry->lock_token); str_value("lock_owner", entry->lock_owner); str_value("lock_comment", entry->lock_comment); /* skip: lock_creation_date */ /* skip: has_props */ /* skip: has_prop_mods */ /* skip: cachable_props */ /* skip: present_props */ str_value("changelist", entry->changelist); /* skip: working_size */ /* skip: keep_local */ int_value("depth", entry->depth); /* skip: tree_conflict_data */ bool_value("file_external", entry->file_external_path != NULL); /* skip: file_external_peg_rev */ /* skip: file_external_rev */ bool_value("locked", locked && *entry->name == '\0'); printf("entries['%s'] = e\n", (const char *)key); } if (wc_ctx) SVN_ERR(svn_wc_context_destroy(wc_ctx)); if (adm_access) SVN_ERR(svn_wc_adm_close2(adm_access, pool)); return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
static VALUE *eval6(void) { static const char keywords[] ALIGN1 = "quote\0""length\0""match\0""index\0""substr\0"; VALUE *r, *i1, *i2; static VALUE *l = NULL; static VALUE *v = NULL; int key = *G.args ? index_in_strings(keywords, *G.args) + 1 : 0; if (key == 0) /* not a keyword */ return eval7(); G.args++; /* We have a valid token, so get the next argument. */ if (key == 1) { /* quote */ if (!*G.args) bb_error_msg_and_die("syntax error"); return str_value(*G.args++); } if (key == 2) { /* length */ r = eval6(); tostring(r); v = int_value(strlen(r->u.s)); freev(r); } else l = eval6(); if (key == 3) { /* match */ r = eval6(); v = docolon(l, r); freev(l); freev(r); } if (key == 4) { /* index */ r = eval6(); tostring(l); tostring(r); v = int_value(strcspn(l->u.s, r->u.s) + 1); if (v->u.i == (arith_t) strlen(l->u.s) + 1) v->u.i = 0; freev(l); freev(r); } if (key == 5) { /* substr */ i1 = eval6(); i2 = eval6(); tostring(l); if (!toarith(i1) || !toarith(i2) || i1->u.i > (arith_t) strlen(l->u.s) || i1->u.i <= 0 || i2->u.i <= 0) v = str_value(""); else { v = xmalloc(sizeof(VALUE)); v->type = STRING; v->u.s = xstrndup(l->u.s + i1->u.i - 1, i2->u.i); } freev(l); freev(i1); freev(i2); } return v; }