Exemplo n.º 1
int main() {
  char *str = "string";
  char *wrd = "word";
  char src[] = "source";
  char dest[] = "destination";
  char concat[ strlength(dest) + strlength(src) ];
  char empty[100];
  char a[] = "abc";
  char b[] = "ab";
  int i = 1;
  printf( "Testing strlength with string: %s\n", str );
  printf( "String length: %d \n", strlength( str ) );
  printf( "Testing strlength with string: %s\n", wrd );
  printf( "String length: %d\n", strlength( wrd ) );

  printf( "\n" );

  printf( "Testing strcopy with string: %s\n", src );
  printf( "Testing strcopy with string: %s\n", empty );
  strcopy( empty, src );
  printf("Empty string is now: %s\n", empty );

  printf( "\n" );
  printf( "Testing strconcat with string: %s\n", src );
  printf( "Testing strconcat with string: %s\n", dest );
  printf( "Appends the first: %d character(s) \n", i );
  strconcatn( concat, dest, src, i );
  printf( "Concatenated string: %s\n", concat );
  printf( "\n" );

  printf( "Testing strcomp with string: abc and ab \n" );
  printf( "%d\n", strcomp( a, b ) );
  printf( "Testing strcomp with string: abc and abc \n" );
  printf( "%d\n", strcomp( a, a ) );
  printf( "This answer is wrong! Still working on it." );

  printf( "\n" );

  printf( "Testing strchar with string: %s. Return place if found -1 if not found\n", src );
  printf( "Looking for s \n" );
  printf( "%d\n", strchar( src, 's' ) );
  printf( "Looking for 1 \n" );
  printf( "%d\n", strchar( src, '1' ) );
  printf( "Looking for e \n" );
  printf( "%d\n", strchar( src, 'e' ) );
  printf( "\n" );
  printf( "Testing strstring with strings %s and %s. Return 1 if found -1 if not found \n", a, b );
  printf( "%d This answer is wrong! I used my strcomp (broken method for now) in this method which is why it churned out the wrong answer. \n", strstring( a, b ) );
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
	int strindex(char *s,char *p) {
		char *u,*v,*w;
		//when the pattern string is NULL
			return 0;
		for(u=s;(u=strchar(u,*p))!=NULL;u++) {
			for(v=u,w=p; ;)
					return (int)(u-s);
				else if(*++v !=*w)
		//when the source don't contain the pattern string
		return -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
void dinkc_console_process_key(SDL_KeyboardEvent kev)
  if (kev.keysym.sym == SDLK_UP)
      /* Using (a+N)%N instead of a%N to avoid negative results */
      cur_line = (cur_line + NB_LINES) % NB_LINES;
  else if(kev.keysym.sym == SDLK_DOWN)
      cur_line %= NB_LINES;
  else if (kev.keysym.sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE)
      /* Delete last char */
      int len = strlen(history[cur_line]);
      if (len > 0)
	history[cur_line][len-1] = '\0';
  else if (kev.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE)
      console_active = 0;
  else if (kev.keysym.unicode == SDLK_RETURN)
      /* Try to parse the string */
      console_return_value = dinkc_execute_one_liner(history[cur_line]);

      /* Go the next line */
      cur_line %= NB_LINES;
      int len = strlen(history[cur_line]);
      if (len > 0)
	history[cur_line][0] = '\0';
  else if (kev.keysym.unicode != 0)
      /* Append character to the current line */
      if (strlen(history[cur_line]) < MAX_LINE_LEN)
	strchar(history[cur_line], kev.keysym.unicode);
Exemplo n.º 4
int comp_num(double x,double y,char *optr)
    char *str=(char*)malloc(strlen(optr)+1);

    //printf("174:%f %f %s\n",x,y,optr);
        return !(x-y);
    else if(!strcmp(str,">="))
        return x>=y;
    else if(!strcmp(str,"<="))
        return x<=y;
    else if(!strcmp(str,">"))
        //printf("182;%f %f %s result:%d\n",x,y,optr,x>y);
        return x>y;
    else if(!strcmp(str,"<"))
        return x<y;
        return x!=y;//for !=,~=
Exemplo n.º 5
int portable_snprintf(char *str, size_t str_m, const char *fmt, /*args*/ ...) {
int portable_vsnprintf(char *str, size_t str_m, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {

  va_list ap;
  size_t str_l = 0;
  const char *p = fmt;

/* In contrast with POSIX, the ISO C99 now says
 * that str can be NULL and str_m can be 0.
 * This is more useful than the old:  if (str_m < 1) return -1; */

  va_start(ap, fmt);
  if (!p) p = "";
  while (*p) {
    if (*p != '%') {
   /* if (str_l < str_m) str[str_l++] = *p++;    -- this would be sufficient */
   /* but the following code achieves better performance for cases
    * where format string is long and contains few conversions */
      const char *q = strchar(p+1,'%');
      size_t n = !q ? strlen(p) : (q-p);
      if (str_l < str_m) {
        size_t avail = str_m-str_l;
        fast_memcpy(str+str_l, p, (n>avail?avail:n));
      p += n; str_l += n;
    } else {
      const char *starting_p;
      size_t min_field_width = 0, precision = 0;
      int zero_padding = 0, precision_specified = 0, justify_left = 0;
      int alternate_form = 0, force_sign = 0;
      int space_for_positive = 1; /* If both the ' ' and '+' flags appear,
                                     the ' ' flag should be ignored. */
      char length_modifier = '\0';            /* allowed values: \0, h, l, L */
      char tmp[32];/* temporary buffer for simple numeric->string conversion */

      const char *str_arg;      /* string address in case of string argument */
      size_t str_arg_l;         /* natural field width of arg without padding
                                   and sign */
      unsigned char uchar_arg;
        /* unsigned char argument value - only defined for c conversion.
           N.B. standard explicitly states the char argument for
           the c conversion is unsigned */

      size_t number_of_zeros_to_pad = 0;
        /* number of zeros to be inserted for numeric conversions
           as required by the precision or minimal field width */

      size_t zero_padding_insertion_ind = 0;
        /* index into tmp where zero padding is to be inserted */

      char fmt_spec = '\0';
        /* current conversion specifier character */

      str_arg = credits;/* just to make compiler happy (defined but not used)*/
      str_arg = NULL;
      starting_p = p; p++;  /* skip '%' */
   /* parse flags */
      while (*p == '0' || *p == '-' || *p == '+' ||
             *p == ' ' || *p == '#' || *p == '\'') {
        switch (*p) {
        case '0': zero_padding = 1; break;
        case '-': justify_left = 1; break;
        case '+': force_sign = 1; space_for_positive = 0; break;
        case ' ': force_sign = 1;
     /* If both the ' ' and '+' flags appear, the ' ' flag should be ignored */
     /* ... but in Perl the last of ' ' and '+' applies */
                  space_for_positive = 1;
        case '#': alternate_form = 1; break;
        case '\'': break;
   /* If the '0' and '-' flags both appear, the '0' flag should be ignored. */

   /* parse field width */
      if (*p == '*') {
        int j;
        p++; j = va_arg(ap, int);
        if (j >= 0) min_field_width = j;
        else { min_field_width = -j; justify_left = 1; }
      } else if (isdigit((int)(*p))) {
        /* size_t could be wider than unsigned int;
           make sure we treat argument like common implementations do */
        unsigned int uj = *p++ - '0';
        while (isdigit((int)(*p))) uj = 10*uj + (unsigned int)(*p++ - '0');
        min_field_width = uj;
   /* parse precision */
      if (*p == '.') {
        p++; precision_specified = 1;
        if (*p == '*') {
          int j = va_arg(ap, int);
          if (j >= 0) precision = j;
          else {
            precision_specified = 0; precision = 0;
         /* NOTE:
          *   Solaris 2.6 man page claims that in this case the precision
          *   should be set to 0.  Digital Unix 4.0, HPUX 10 and BSD man page
          *   claim that this case should be treated as unspecified precision,
          *   which is what we do here.
        } else if (isdigit((int)(*p))) {