Exemplo n.º 1
DECLARE_TEST(stacktrace, resolve) {
#define TEST_DEPTH 64
	void* trace[TEST_DEPTH];
	size_t num_frames;
	char* buffer;
	string_t resolved;

	if (system_platform() == PLATFORM_PNACL)
		return 0;

	num_frames = stacktrace_capture(trace, TEST_DEPTH, 0);
	EXPECT_GT(num_frames, 3);

	buffer = memory_allocate(0, 1024, 0, MEMORY_TEMPORARY);
	resolved = stacktrace_resolve(buffer, 1024, trace, num_frames, 0);
	EXPECT_NE(resolved.str, 0);
	EXPECT_NE(resolved.length, 0);

	//log_infof(HASH_TEST, STRING_CONST("Resolved stack trace:\n%.*s"), (int)resolved.length,
	//          resolved.str);

	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(resolved.str, resolved.length, STRING_CONST("stacktraceresolve_fn"),
	                             0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(resolved.str, resolved.length, STRING_CONST("main"), 0), STRING_NPOS);


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
DECLARE_TEST(environment, builtin) {
	const string_const_t* cmdline = environment_command_line();

	EXPECT_GE(array_size(cmdline), 1);
	EXPECT_NE_MSGFORMAT(string_find_string(STRING_ARGS(cmdline[0]), STRING_CONST("test-environment"),
	                                       0), STRING_NPOS, "Commandline: %.*s", (int)cmdline[0].length, cmdline[0].str);
	EXPECT_CONSTSTRINGEQ(environment_executable_name(), string_const(STRING_CONST("test-environment")));
	                                       STRING_CONST("com.rampantpixels.foundation.test"), 0), STRING_NPOS, "Commandline: %.*s",
	                    (int)cmdline[0].length, cmdline[0].str);
	EXPECT_NE_MSGFORMAT(string_find_string(STRING_ARGS(cmdline[0]), STRING_CONST("test-all"), 0),
	                    STRING_NPOS, "Commandline: %.*s", (int)cmdline[0].length, cmdline[0].str);
	EXPECT_CONSTSTRINGEQ(environment_executable_name(), string_const(STRING_CONST("test-all")));
	EXPECT_NE(environment_initial_working_directory().str, 0);
	EXPECT_NE(environment_initial_working_directory().length, 0);

	EXPECT_NE(environment_home_directory().str, 0);
	EXPECT_NE(environment_home_directory().length, 0);

	EXPECT_NE(environment_temporary_directory().str, 0);
	EXPECT_NE(environment_temporary_directory().length, 0);

	EXPECT_NE(environment_variable(STRING_CONST("PATH")).str, 0);
	EXPECT_NE(environment_variable(STRING_CONST("PATH")).length, 0);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
DECLARE_TEST( environment, builtin )
	char const* const* cmdline = environment_command_line();

	EXPECT_GE( array_size( cmdline ), 1 );
	EXPECT_NE_MSGFORMAT( string_find_string( cmdline[0], "test-environment", 0 ), STRING_NPOS, "Commandline: %s", cmdline[0] );
	EXPECT_STREQ( environment_executable_name(), "test-environment" );
	EXPECT_NE_MSGFORMAT( string_find_string( cmdline[0], "com.rampantpixels.foundation.test", 0 ), STRING_NPOS, "Commandline: %s", cmdline[0] );
	EXPECT_NE_MSGFORMAT( string_find_string( cmdline[0], "test-all", 0 ), STRING_NPOS, "Commandline: %s", cmdline[0] );
	EXPECT_STREQ( environment_executable_name(), "test-all" );
	EXPECT_NE( environment_initial_working_directory(), 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( string_length( environment_initial_working_directory() ), 0 );
	EXPECT_STREQ( environment_initial_working_directory(), environment_current_working_directory() );

	EXPECT_NE( environment_home_directory(), 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( string_length( environment_home_directory() ), 0 );

	EXPECT_NE( environment_temporary_directory(), 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( string_length( environment_temporary_directory() ), 0 );

	EXPECT_NE( environment_variable( "PATH" ), 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( string_length( environment_variable( "PATH" ) ), 0 );

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
static NOINLINE char* _expand_string( hash_t section_current, char* str )
	char* expanded;
	char* variable;
	unsigned int var_pos, var_end_pos, variable_length, separator, var_offset;
	hash_t section, key;

	expanded = str;
	var_pos = string_find_string( expanded, "$(", 0 );

	while( var_pos != STRING_NPOS )
		var_end_pos = string_find( expanded, ')', var_pos + 2 );
		FOUNDATION_ASSERT_MSG( var_end_pos != STRING_NPOS, "Malformed config variable statement" );
		variable = string_substr( expanded, var_pos, ( var_end_pos != STRING_NPOS ) ? ( 1 + var_end_pos - var_pos ) : STRING_NPOS );

		section = section_current;
		key = 0;
		variable_length = string_length( variable );
		separator = string_find( variable, ':', 0 );
		if( separator != STRING_NPOS )
			if( separator != 2 )
				section = hash( variable + 2, separator - 2 );
			var_offset = separator + 1;
			var_offset = 2;
		key = hash( variable + var_offset, variable_length - ( var_offset + ( variable[ variable_length - 1 ] == ')' ? 1 : 0 ) ) );

		if( expanded == str )
			expanded = string_clone( str );

		if( section != HASH_ENVIRONMENT )
			expanded = string_replace( expanded, variable, config_string( section, key ), false );
			expanded = string_replace( expanded, variable, _expand_environment( key, variable + var_offset ), false );
		string_deallocate( variable );

		var_pos = string_find_string( expanded, "$(", 0 );
	if( str != expanded )
		log_debugf( HASH_CONFIG, "Expanded config value \"%s\" to \"%s\"", str, expanded );

	return expanded;
Exemplo n.º 5
char* path_protocol( const char* uri )
	unsigned int end = string_find_string( uri, "://", 0 );
	if( end == STRING_NPOS )
		return string_allocate( 0 );
	return string_substr( uri, 0, end );
Exemplo n.º 6
stream_t* stream_open( const char* path, unsigned int mode )
	unsigned int protocol_end;

	//Check if protocol was given
	protocol_end = string_find_string( path, "://", 0 );
	if( protocol_end != STRING_NPOS )
		//TODO: Proper pluggable protocol handling
		if( ( protocol_end == 5 ) && string_equal_substr( path, "asset", 5 ) )
			return asset_stream_open( path, mode );
		if( ( protocol_end == 4 ) && string_equal_substr( path, "file", 4 ) )
			return fs_open_file( path, mode );
		else if( ( protocol_end == 4 ) && string_equal_substr( path, "stdout", 4 ) )
			return stream_open_stdout();
		else if( ( protocol_end == 4 ) && string_equal_substr( path, "stderr", 4 ) )
			return stream_open_stderr();
		else if( ( protocol_end == 4 ) && string_equal_substr( path, "stdin", 4 ) )
			return stream_open_stdin();
		else if( ( protocol_end != 3 ) || !string_equal_substr( path, "vfs", protocol_end ) )
			log_errorf( 0, ERROR_INVALID_VALUE, "Invalid protocol: %s", path );
			return 0;

	//No protocol, assume virtual file system path
	//TODO: Virtual file system

	return fs_open_file( path, mode );
Exemplo n.º 7
DECLARE_TEST( environment, builtin )
	char const* const* cmdline = environment_command_line();

	EXPECT_GE( array_size( cmdline ), 1 );
	EXPECT_NE( string_find_string( cmdline[0], "test-environment", 0 ), STRING_NPOS );

	EXPECT_STREQ( environment_executable_name(), "test-environment" );
	EXPECT_NE( environment_initial_working_directory(), 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( string_length( environment_initial_working_directory() ), 0 );
	EXPECT_STREQ( environment_initial_working_directory(), environment_current_working_directory() );
	EXPECT_NE( environment_home_directory(), 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( string_length( environment_home_directory() ), 0 );

	EXPECT_NE( environment_temporary_directory(), 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( string_length( environment_temporary_directory() ), 0 );

	EXPECT_NE( environment_variable( "PATH" ), 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( string_length( environment_variable( "PATH" ) ), 0 );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
hashify_generate_preamble(stream_t* output_file, string_t output_filename) {
	//Read and preserve everything before #pragma once in case it contains header comments to be preserved
	size_t capacity = 1024;
	string_t preamble = string_allocate(0, capacity);
	stream_t* prev_file = stream_open(STRING_ARGS(output_filename), STREAM_IN);

	memset(line_buffer, 0, sizeof(line_buffer));
	while (prev_file && !stream_eos(prev_file)) {
		string_t line;
		string_const_t stripped_line;

		line = stream_read_line_buffer(prev_file, line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), '\n');
		stripped_line = string_strip(STRING_ARGS(line), STRING_CONST("\n\r"));

		if ((string_find_string(STRING_ARGS(stripped_line), STRING_CONST("pragma"), 0) != STRING_NPOS) &&
		        (string_find_string(STRING_ARGS(stripped_line), STRING_CONST("once"), 0) != STRING_NPOS))

		if (preamble.length + stripped_line.length + 1 >= capacity) {
			size_t newcapacity = capacity + 1024 + stripped_line.length;
			preamble.str = memory_reallocate(preamble.str, newcapacity, 0, capacity);
			capacity = newcapacity;

		preamble = string_append(STRING_ARGS(preamble), capacity, STRING_ARGS(stripped_line));
		if (line.length < sizeof(line_buffer))
			preamble = string_append(STRING_ARGS(preamble), capacity, STRING_CONST(STRING_NEWLINE));

	stream_seek(output_file, 0, STREAM_SEEK_BEGIN);
	if (preamble.length)
		stream_write_string(output_file, STRING_ARGS(preamble));
	stream_write_string(output_file, STRING_CONST(
	                        "#pragma once\n\n"
	                        "#include <foundation/hash.h>\n\n"
	                        "/* ****** AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT ******\n"
	                        "    Edit corresponding definitions file and rerun\n"
	                        "    the foundation hashify tool to update this file */\n\n"


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
char* path_subdirectory_name( const char* path, const char* root )
	char* subpath;
	char* testpath;
	char* testroot;
	char* pathofpath;
	unsigned int pathprotocol, rootprotocol;
	char* cpath = string_clone( path );
	char* croot = string_clone( root );

	cpath = path_clean( cpath, path_is_absolute( cpath ) );
	croot = path_clean( croot, path_is_absolute( croot ) );

	pathofpath = path_directory_name( cpath );

	testpath = pathofpath;
	pathprotocol = string_find_string( testpath, "://", 0 );
	if( pathprotocol != STRING_NPOS )
		testpath += pathprotocol + 2; // add two to treat as absolute path

	testroot = croot;
	rootprotocol = string_find_string( testroot, "://", 0 );
	if( rootprotocol != STRING_NPOS )
		testroot += rootprotocol + 2;

	if( ( rootprotocol != STRING_NPOS ) && ( ( pathprotocol == STRING_NPOS ) || ( pathprotocol != rootprotocol ) || !string_equal_substr( cpath, croot, rootprotocol ) ) )
		subpath = string_allocate( 0 );
	else if( !string_equal_substr( testpath, testroot, string_length( testroot ) ) )
		subpath = string_allocate( 0 );
		char* filename = path_file_name( cpath );

		subpath = string_substr( testpath, string_length( testroot ), STRING_NPOS );
		subpath = path_clean( path_append( subpath, filename ), false );

		string_deallocate( filename );
	string_deallocate( pathofpath );
	string_deallocate( cpath );
	string_deallocate( croot );

	return subpath;
Exemplo n.º 10
static renderimport_type_t
render_import_shader_guess_type(stream_t* stream) {
	renderimport_type_t type = IMPORTTYPE_UNKNOWN;
	char buffer[1024];
	while (!stream_eos(stream)) {
		string_t line = stream_read_line_buffer(stream, buffer, sizeof(buffer), '\n');
		if (string_find_string(STRING_ARGS(line), STRING_CONST("gl_FragColor"), 0) != STRING_NPOS) {
		else if (string_find_string(STRING_ARGS(line), STRING_CONST("gl_Position"), 0) != STRING_NPOS) {

	stream_seek(stream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_BEGIN);

	return type;
Exemplo n.º 11
stream_open(const char* path, size_t length, unsigned int mode) {
	size_t protocol_end;
	stream_open_fn open_fn;

	//Check if protocol was given
	protocol_end = string_find_string(path, length, STRING_CONST("://"), 0);
	open_fn = stream_protocol_handler((protocol_end != STRING_NPOS) ? path : "",
	                                  (protocol_end != STRING_NPOS) ? protocol_end : 0);

	return open_fn ? open_fn(path, length, mode) : 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
hashify_read_hashes(stream_t* file, hashify_string_t** hashes) {
	//Read in hashes in file
	string_const_t tokens[32];

	memset(line_buffer, 0, sizeof(line_buffer));
	do {
		string_t line = stream_read_line_buffer(file, line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), '\n');
		string_const_t stripped_line = string_strip(STRING_ARGS(line), STRING_CONST("\n\r"));
		if ((string_find_string(STRING_ARGS(stripped_line), STRING_CONST("define"), 0) != STRING_NPOS) &&
		        (string_find_string(STRING_ARGS(stripped_line), STRING_CONST("static_hash"), 0) != STRING_NPOS)) {
			//Format is: #define HASH_<hashstring> static_hash_string( "<string>", 0x<hashvalue>ULL )
			size_t num_tokens = string_explode(STRING_ARGS(stripped_line), STRING_CONST(" \t"), tokens, 32,

			if (num_tokens >= 6) {
				hashify_string_t hash_string;
				string_const_t stripped = string_strip(STRING_ARGS(tokens[3]), STRING_CONST(","));
				stripped = string_strip(STRING_ARGS(stripped), STRING_CONST("\""));
				hash_string.string = string_copy(hash_string.buffer, HASHIFY_STRING_LENGTH, STRING_ARGS(stripped));
				hash_string.hash = string_to_uint64(STRING_ARGS(tokens[4]), true);

				if (hash(STRING_ARGS(hash_string.string)) != hash_string.hash) {
					log_errorf(0, ERROR_INVALID_VALUE,
					           STRING_CONST("  hash output file is out of date, %.*s is set to 0x%" PRIx64 " but should be 0x%"
					           STRING_FORMAT(hash_string.string), hash_string.hash, hash(STRING_ARGS(hash_string.string)));

				array_push_memcpy(*hashes, &hash_string);
	while (!stream_eos(file));

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
int hashify_read_hashes( stream_t* file, hashify_string_t** hashes )
	//Read in hashes in file
	char* line;

		stream_read_line_buffer( file, line_buffer, HASHIFY_LINEBUFFER_LENGTH-1, '\n' );
		line = string_strip( line_buffer, "\n\r" );
		if( ( string_find_string( line, "define", 0 ) != STRING_NPOS ) && ( string_find_string( line, "static_hash", 0 ) != STRING_NPOS ) )
			//Format is: #define HASH_<hashstring> static_hash_string( "<string>", 0x<hashvalue>ULL )
			char** tokens = string_explode( line, " \t", false );

			if( array_size( tokens ) >= 6 )
				hashify_string_t hash_string;

				string_copy( hash_string.string, string_strip( string_strip( tokens[3], "," ), "\"" ), HASHIFY_STRING_LENGTH );
				hash_string.hash = string_to_uint64( tokens[4], true );

				if( hash( hash_string.string, string_length( hash_string.string ) ) != hash_string.hash )
					log_errorf( ERROR_INVALID_VALUE, "  hash output file is out of date, %s is set to 0x%llx but should be 0x%llx ", hash_string.string, hash_string.hash, hash( hash_string.string, string_length( hash_string.string ) ) );
					string_array_deallocate( tokens );

				array_push_memcpy( *hashes, &hash_string );

			string_array_deallocate( tokens );
	} while( !stream_eos( file ) );

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
PluginData* PluginHandler_findPluginByFilename(const char* filename) {
    for (int i = 0; i < PRODBG_PLUGIN_COUNT; ++i) {
        int count = array_size(s_plugins[i]);

        for (int t = 0; t < count; ++t) {
            PluginData* pluginData = s_plugins[i][t];

            if (string_find_string(pluginData->fullFilename, filename, 0) != STRING_NPOS)
                return pluginData;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
DECLARE_TEST( stacktrace, resolve )
	#define TEST_DEPTH 64
	void* trace[TEST_DEPTH];
	unsigned int num_frames = 0;
	char* resolved = 0;

	num_frames = stacktrace_capture( trace, TEST_DEPTH, 0 );
	EXPECT_GT( num_frames, 3 );

	resolved = stacktrace_resolve( trace, num_frames, 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( resolved, 0 );

	log_infof( HASH_TEST, "Resolved stack trace:\n%s", resolved );
	EXPECT_NE( string_find_string( resolved, "stacktraceresolve_fn", 0 ), STRING_NPOS );
	EXPECT_NE( string_find_string( resolved, "test_run", 0 ), STRING_NPOS );
	//EXPECT_NE( string_find_string( resolved, "main_run", 0 ), STRING_NPOS );
	memory_deallocate( resolved );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
int hashify_generate_preamble( stream_t* output_file )
	//Read and preserve everything before #pragma once in case it contains header comments to be preserved
	char* preamble = 0;

	while( !stream_eos( output_file ) )
		char* line;
		uint64_t read;

		read = stream_read_line_buffer( output_file, line_buffer, HASHIFY_LINEBUFFER_LENGTH-1, '\n' );
		line = string_strip( line_buffer, "\n\r" );

		if( ( string_find_string( line, "pragma", 0 ) != STRING_NPOS ) && ( string_find_string( line, "once", 0 ) != STRING_NPOS ) )

		preamble = string_append( preamble, line );
			preamble = string_append( preamble, "\n" );

	stream_seek( output_file, 0, STREAM_SEEK_BEGIN );
	stream_write_string( output_file, preamble );
	stream_write_string( output_file,
		"#pragma once\n\n"
		"#include <foundation/foundation.h>\n\n"
		"    Edit corresponding definitions file and rerun\n"
		"    the foundation hashify tool to update this file */\n\n"

	string_deallocate( preamble );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
char* path_directory_name( const char* path )
	char* pathname;
	unsigned int pathprotocol;
	unsigned int pathstart = 0;
	unsigned int end = string_find_last_of( path , "/\\", STRING_NPOS );
	if( end == 0 )
		return string_clone( "/" );
	if( end == STRING_NPOS )
		return string_allocate( 0 );
	pathprotocol = string_find_string( path, "://", 0 );
	if( pathprotocol != STRING_NPOS )
		pathstart = pathprotocol +=2; // add two to treat as absolute path
	pathname = string_substr( path, pathstart, end - pathstart );
	pathname = path_clean( pathname, path_is_absolute( pathname ) );
	return pathname;
Exemplo n.º 18
void config_set_string( hash_t section, hash_t key, const char* value )
	config_key_t* key_val = config_key( section, key, true );
	if( !FOUNDATION_VALIDATE( key_val ) ) return;
	if( key_val->expanded != key_val->sval )
		string_deallocate( key_val->expanded );
	if( ( key_val->type != CONFIGVALUE_STRING_CONST ) && ( key_val->type != CONFIGVALUE_STRING_CONST_VAR ) )
		string_deallocate( key_val->sval );

	key_val->sval = string_clone( value );
	key_val->expanded = 0;
	key_val->type = ( ( string_find_string( key_val->sval, "$(", 0 ) != STRING_NPOS ) ? CONFIGVALUE_STRING_VAR : CONFIGVALUE_STRING );

	if( key_val->type == CONFIGVALUE_STRING )
		bool is_true = string_equal( key_val->sval, "true" );
		key_val->bval = ( string_equal( key_val->sval, "false" ) || string_equal( key_val->sval, "0" ) || !string_length( key_val->sval ) ) ? false : true;
		key_val->ival = is_true ? 1 : _config_string_to_int( key_val->sval );
		key_val->rval = is_true ? REAL_C(1.0) : _config_string_to_real( key_val->sval );
Exemplo n.º 19
void config_set_string_constant( hash_t section, hash_t key, const char* value )
	config_key_t* key_val = config_key( section, key, true );
	if( !FOUNDATION_VALIDATE( key_val ) ) return;
	if( !FOUNDATION_VALIDATE( value ) ) return;
	if( key_val->expanded != key_val->sval )
		string_deallocate( key_val->expanded );
	if( ( key_val->type != CONFIGVALUE_STRING_CONST ) && ( key_val->type != CONFIGVALUE_STRING_CONST_VAR ) )
		string_deallocate( key_val->sval );
	//key_val->sval = (char*)value;
	memcpy( &key_val->sval, &value, sizeof( char* ) ); //Yeah yeah, we're storing a const pointer in a non-const var
	key_val->expanded = 0;
	key_val->type = ( ( string_find_string( key_val->sval, "$(", 0 ) != STRING_NPOS ) ? CONFIGVALUE_STRING_CONST_VAR : CONFIGVALUE_STRING_CONST );

	if( key_val->type == CONFIGVALUE_STRING_CONST )
		bool is_true = string_equal( key_val->sval, "true" );
		key_val->bval = ( string_equal( key_val->sval, "false" ) || string_equal( key_val->sval, "0" ) || !string_length( key_val->sval ) ) ? false : true;
		key_val->ival = is_true ? 1 : _config_string_to_int( key_val->sval );
		key_val->rval = is_true ? REAL_C(1.0) : _config_string_to_real( key_val->sval );
Exemplo n.º 20
DECLARE_TEST(error, output) {
	error_handler_fn handler_error = error_handler();
	log_handler_fn handler_log = log_handler();
	string_const_t shortmsg = string_const(STRING_CONST("Short message with prefix"));
    string_const_t longmsg = string_const(STRING_CONST("Longer message which should be output without a prefix"));


    EXPECT_EQ(log_stdout(), false);
    EXPECT_EQ(log_stdout(), true);
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_context, HASH_TEST);
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_severity, ERRORLEVEL_WARNING);
	EXPECT_GE(_last_log_length, shortmsg.length);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_GT(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), 0);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_CONST("WARNING [suspicious]"), 0), STRING_NPOS);

	_last_log_context = 0;
	_last_log_severity = ERRORLEVEL_NONE;
	_last_log_msg = nullptr;
	_last_log_length = 0;

	log_warn(HASH_TEST, (warning_t)0x1000, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg));
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_context, HASH_TEST);
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_severity, ERRORLEVEL_WARNING);
	EXPECT_GE(_last_log_length, shortmsg.length);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_GT(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), 0);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_CONST("WARNING [4096]"), 0), STRING_NPOS);

	_last_log_context = 0;
	_last_log_severity = ERRORLEVEL_NONE;
	_last_log_msg = nullptr;
	_last_log_length = 0;

	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_context, HASH_TEST);
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_severity, ERRORLEVEL_WARNING);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(longmsg), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_GT(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(longmsg), 0), 0);

	_last_log_context = 0;
	_last_log_severity = ERRORLEVEL_NONE;
	_last_log_msg = nullptr;
	_last_log_length = 0;

	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_context, HASH_TEST);
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_severity, ERRORLEVEL_ERROR);
	EXPECT_GE(_last_log_length, shortmsg.length);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_GT(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), 0);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_CONST("ERROR [deprecated]"), 0), STRING_NPOS);

	_last_log_context = 0;
	_last_log_severity = ERRORLEVEL_NONE;
	_last_log_msg = nullptr;
	_last_log_length = 0;

	log_error(HASH_TEST, (error_t)0x1000, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg));
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_context, HASH_TEST);
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_severity, ERRORLEVEL_ERROR);
	EXPECT_GE(_last_log_length, shortmsg.length);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_GT(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), 0);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_CONST("ERROR [4096]"), 0), STRING_NPOS);

	_last_log_context = 0;
	_last_log_severity = ERRORLEVEL_NONE;
	_last_log_msg = nullptr;
	_last_log_length = 0;

	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_context, HASH_TEST);
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_severity, ERRORLEVEL_ERROR);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(longmsg), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_GT(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(longmsg), 0), 0);

	_last_log_context = 0;
	_last_log_severity = ERRORLEVEL_NONE;
	_last_log_msg = nullptr;
	_last_log_length = 0;

	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_context, HASH_TEST);
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_severity, ERRORLEVEL_PANIC);
	EXPECT_GE(_last_log_length, shortmsg.length);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_GT(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), 0);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_CONST("PANIC [deprecated]"), 0), STRING_NPOS);

	_last_log_context = 0;
	_last_log_severity = ERRORLEVEL_NONE;
	_last_log_msg = nullptr;
	_last_log_length = 0;

	log_panic(HASH_TEST, (error_t)0x1000, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg));
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_context, HASH_TEST);
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_severity, ERRORLEVEL_PANIC);
	EXPECT_GE(_last_log_length, shortmsg.length);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_GT(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(shortmsg), 0), 0);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_CONST("PANIC [4096]"), 0), STRING_NPOS);

	_last_log_context = 0;
	_last_log_severity = ERRORLEVEL_NONE;
	_last_log_msg = nullptr;
	_last_log_length = 0;

	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_context, HASH_TEST);
	EXPECT_EQ(_last_log_severity, ERRORLEVEL_PANIC);
	EXPECT_NE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(longmsg), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_GT(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_ARGS(longmsg), 0), 0);

	error_context_push(STRING_CONST("one"), STRING_CONST("dataone"));
	error_context_push(STRING_CONST("two"), STRING_CONST("datatwo"));
	error_context_push(STRING_CONST("three"), STRING_CONST("datathree"));

	_last_log_context = 0;
	_last_log_severity = ERRORLEVEL_NONE;
	_last_log_msg = nullptr;
	_last_log_length = 0;

	log_error_context(HASH_TEST, ERRORLEVEL_INFO);


	EXPECT_SIZEEQ(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_CONST("When one: dataone"), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_SIZEEQ(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_CONST("When two: datatwo"), 0), STRING_NPOS);
	EXPECT_SIZENE(string_find_string(_last_log_msg, _last_log_length, STRING_CONST("When three: datathree"), 0), STRING_NPOS);

#  endif

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
DECLARE_TEST( string, queries )
		char teststr[]  = "";
		char teststr2[] = "test";
		char teststr3[] = "testing long string with more than 16 characters";
		char teststr4[] = "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";

		char* str1 = string_substr( teststr, 0, 0 );
		char* str2 = string_substr( teststr2, 0, 4 );
		char* str3 = string_substr( teststr2, 0, 20 );
		char* str4 = string_substr( teststr3, 0, 0 );
		char* str5 = string_substr( teststr3, 0, 10 );
		char* str6 = string_substr( teststr3, 0, STRING_NPOS );
		char* str7 = string_substr( teststr4, 0, 0 );
		char* str8 = string_substr( teststr4, 0, 20 );
		char* str9 = string_substr( teststr4, 0, STRING_NPOS );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str1[0] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str2[ string_length( str2 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str3[ string_length( str3 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str4[ string_length( str4 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str5[ string_length( str5 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str6[ string_length( str6 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str7[ string_length( str7 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str8[ string_length( str8 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str9[ string_length( str9 ) ] );

		EXPECT_EQ( strlen( teststr ), string_length( str1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( strlen( teststr2 ), string_length( str2 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( strlen( teststr2 ), string_length( str3 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0U, string_length( str4 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 10U, string_length( str5 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( strlen( teststr3 ), string_length( str6 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0U, string_length( str7 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 20U, string_length( str8 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( strlen( teststr4 ), string_length( str9 ) );

		string_deallocate( str1 );
		string_deallocate( str2 );
		string_deallocate( str3 );
		string_deallocate( str4 );
		string_deallocate( str5 );
		string_deallocate( str6 );
		string_deallocate( str7 );
		string_deallocate( str8 );
		string_deallocate( str9 );
		//Only ASCII characters, so wstring->string conversion should not introduce any extra UTF-8 sequences
		wchar_t teststr[]  = L"";
		wchar_t teststr2[] = L"test";
		wchar_t teststr3[] = L"testing long string with more than 16 characters";
		wchar_t teststr4[] = L"01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";

		char* str1 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr, 0 );
		char* str2 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr2, 0 );
		char* str3 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr2, 20 );
		char* str4 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr3, 0 );
		char* str5 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr3, 10 );
		char* str6 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr3, STRING_NPOS );
		char* str7 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr4, 0 );
		char* str8 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr4, 20 );
		char* str9 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr4, STRING_NPOS );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str1[0] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str2[ string_length( str2 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str3[ string_length( str3 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str4[ string_length( str4 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str5[ string_length( str5 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str6[ string_length( str6 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str7[ string_length( str7 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str8[ string_length( str8 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str9[ string_length( str9 ) ] );

		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr ), string_length( str1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr2 ), string_length( str2 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr2 ), string_length( str3 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr3 ), string_length( str4 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 10U, string_length( str5 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr3 ), string_length( str6 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr4 ), string_length( str7 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 20U, string_length( str8 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr4 ), string_length( str9 ) );

		string_deallocate( str1 );
		string_deallocate( str2 );
		string_deallocate( str3 );
		string_deallocate( str4 );
		string_deallocate( str5 );
		string_deallocate( str6 );
		string_deallocate( str7 );
		string_deallocate( str8 );
		string_deallocate( str9 );
		char* emptystr = string_allocate( 0 );
		char* shortstr = string_clone( "short string" );
		char* longstr  = string_clone( "testing utility string methods like finds, split, merge, explode and similar." );
			unsigned int find     = string_find( longstr, ' ', 0 );
			unsigned int find2    = string_find( longstr, 12, 0 );
			unsigned int find3    = string_find( emptystr, ' ', 0 );
			unsigned int find4    = string_find( shortstr, ' ', 0 );
			unsigned int find5    = string_find( shortstr, 'z', 0 );
			unsigned int findofs  = string_find( longstr, ' ', find );
			unsigned int findofs2 = string_find( longstr, ' ', find + 1 );
			unsigned int findofs3 = string_find( longstr, 'z', 10 );
			unsigned int findofs4 = string_find( emptystr, 'z', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findofs5 = string_find( shortstr, 's', 10 );
			unsigned int findofs6 = string_find( shortstr, 's', findofs5 );
			unsigned int findofs7 = string_find( shortstr, 't', 0 );
			unsigned int findofs8 = string_find( shortstr, ' ', 5 );
			unsigned int findofs9 = string_find( longstr, ' ', STRING_NPOS );

			EXPECT_EQ( find, 7U );
			EXPECT_EQ( find4, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs, find );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs2, 15U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs6, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs7, 4U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs8, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs9, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfind     = string_rfind( longstr, ' ', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfind2    = string_rfind( longstr, ';', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfind3    = string_rfind( emptystr, ';', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfind4    = string_rfind( shortstr, 's', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfind5    = string_rfind( shortstr, 'z', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindofs  = string_rfind( longstr, ' ', rfind );
			unsigned int rfindofs2 = string_rfind( longstr, ' ', rfind - 1 );
			unsigned int rfindofs3 = string_rfind( longstr, ' ', string_length( longstr ) - 1 );
			unsigned int rfindofs4 = string_rfind( emptystr, ' ', 0 );
			unsigned int rfindofs5 = string_rfind( longstr, ' ', 0 );
			unsigned int rfindofs6 = string_rfind( shortstr, 's', 5 );
			unsigned int rfindofs7 = string_rfind( shortstr, 's', 0 );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfind, 68U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfind2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfind3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfind4, 6U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfind5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs, rfind );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs2, 64U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs3, rfind );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs6, 0U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs7, 0U );
			unsigned int findstr     = string_find_string( longstr, "st", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr2    = string_find_string( longstr, "xwqz", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr3    = string_find_string( emptystr, "xwqz", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr4    = string_find_string( longstr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr5    = string_find_string( longstr, "dslike", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr6    = string_find_string( shortstr, "rt", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr7    = string_find_string( shortstr, "long key that does not exist", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr8    = string_find_string( shortstr, "so", 0 );
			unsigned int findstrofs   = string_find_string( longstr, "st", findstr );
			unsigned int findstrofs2  = string_find_string( longstr, "st", findstr + 1 );
			unsigned int findstrofs3  = string_find_string( longstr, "xwqz", string_length( longstr ) );
			unsigned int findstrofs4  = string_find_string( emptystr, "xwqz", string_length( emptystr ) );
			unsigned int findstrofs5  = string_find_string( shortstr, "", 5 );
			unsigned int findstrofs6  = string_find_string( shortstr, "string", 0 );
			unsigned int findstrofs7  = string_find_string( shortstr, "string", 7 );
			unsigned int findstrofs8  = string_find_string( longstr, "utility", 14 );
			unsigned int findstrofs9  = string_find_string( longstr, "", string_length( longstr ) );
			unsigned int findstrofs10 = string_find_string( longstr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findstrofs11 = string_find_string( longstr, "string", STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr, 2U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr4, 0U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr6, 3U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr7, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr8, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs, findstr );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs2, 16U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs5, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs6, 6U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs7, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs8, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs9, strlen( longstr ) );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs10, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs11, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr     = string_rfind_string( longstr, ", ", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr2    = string_rfind_string( longstr, ":;", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr3    = string_rfind_string( emptystr, ":;", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr4    = string_rfind_string( longstr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr5    = string_rfind_string( shortstr, "string", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr6    = string_rfind_string( shortstr, " tring", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs  = string_rfind_string( longstr, ", ", rfindstr );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs2 = string_rfind_string( longstr, ", ", rfindstr - 1 );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs3 = string_rfind_string( longstr, ":;", 0 );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs4 = string_rfind_string( emptystr, ":;", 0 );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs5 = string_rfind_string( longstr, "", 5 );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs6 = string_rfind_string( shortstr, "ort str", 6 );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs7 = string_rfind_string( shortstr, "ort str", 1 );

			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr, 55U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr4, strlen( longstr ) );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr5, 6U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr6, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs, rfindstr );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs2, 48U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs5, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs6, 2U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs7, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findof        = string_find_first_of( longstr, "ui", 0 );
			unsigned int findof2       = string_find_first_of( longstr, ";:", 0 );
			unsigned int findof3       = string_find_first_of( emptystr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findof4       = string_find_first_of( emptystr, " ", 0 );
			unsigned int findof5       = string_find_first_of( shortstr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findofofs     = string_find_first_of( longstr, "ui", findof );
			unsigned int findofofs2    = string_find_first_of( longstr, "ui", findof - 1 );
			unsigned int findofofs3    = string_find_first_of( longstr, "ui", findof + 1 );
			unsigned int findofofs4    = string_find_first_of( longstr, "ui", string_length( longstr ) );
			unsigned int findofofs5    = string_find_first_of( emptystr, "", string_length( emptystr ) );
			unsigned int findofofs6    = string_find_first_of( shortstr, "string", 6 );
			unsigned int findofofs7    = string_find_first_of( shortstr, "", 6 );
			unsigned int findofofs8    = string_find_first_of( longstr, "", 10 );
			unsigned int findofofs9    = string_find_first_of( longstr, "", string_length( longstr ) );

			EXPECT_EQ( findof, 4U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findof2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findof3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findof4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findof5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs, 4U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs2, 4U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs3, 8U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs6, 6U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs7, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs8, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs9, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findnotof     = string_find_first_not_of( longstr, "testing ", 0 );
			unsigned int findnotof2    = string_find_first_not_of( longstr, longstr, 0 );
			unsigned int findnotof3    = string_find_first_not_of( shortstr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findnotofofs  = string_find_first_not_of( longstr, "testing ", findnotof );
			unsigned int findnotofofs2 = string_find_first_not_of( longstr, "testing ", findnotof + 1 );
			unsigned int findnotofofs3 = string_find_first_not_of( longstr, "testing ", string_length( longstr ) );
			unsigned int findnotofofs4 = string_find_first_not_of( shortstr, "", string_length( shortstr ) );

			EXPECT_EQ( findnotof, 8U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotof2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotof3, 0U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotofofs, 8U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotofofs2, 11U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotofofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotofofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastof        = string_find_last_of( longstr, "xp", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastof2       = string_find_last_of( longstr, ";:", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastof3       = string_find_last_of( emptystr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastof4       = string_find_last_of( shortstr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastofofs     = string_find_last_of( longstr, "xp", findlastof );
			unsigned int findlastofofs2    = string_find_last_of( longstr, "xp", findlastof - 2 );
			unsigned int findlastofofs3    = string_find_last_of( longstr, "xp", 0 );
			unsigned int findlastofofs4    = string_find_last_of( emptystr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findlastofofs5    = string_find_last_of( shortstr, "", 5 );
			unsigned int findlastofofs6    = string_find_last_of( shortstr, "", string_length( shortstr ) );
			unsigned int findlastofofs7    = string_find_last_of( shortstr, "short", 5 );

			EXPECT_EQ( findlastof, 59U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastof2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastof3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastof4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs, 59U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs2, 44U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs6, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs7, 4U );
			unsigned int findlastnotof     = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, " similar.", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastnotof2    = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, longstr, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastnotof3    = string_find_last_not_of( emptystr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastnotof4    = string_find_last_not_of( shortstr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastnotof5    = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, " similar", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs  = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, " similar.", findlastnotof );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs2 = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, " and similar.", findlastnotof - 1 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs3 = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, longstr, 0 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs4 = string_find_last_not_of( emptystr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs5 = string_find_last_not_of( shortstr, "string", 5 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs6 = string_find_last_not_of( shortstr, "string ", 5 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs7 = string_find_last_not_of( shortstr, "", 5 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs8 = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, "", string_length( longstr ) );

			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotof, 67U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotof2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotof3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotof4, 11U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotof5, 76U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs, 67U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs2, 63U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs5, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs6, 2U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs7, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs8, strlen( longstr ) - 1 );
		string_deallocate( emptystr );
		string_deallocate( shortstr );
		string_deallocate( longstr );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 22
char* path_clean( char* path, bool absolute )
	//Since this function is used a lot we want to perform as much operations
	//in place instead of splicing up into a string array and remerge
	char* replace;
	char* inpath;
	char* next;
	unsigned int inlength, length, remain, protocollen, up, last_up, prev_up, driveofs;

	if( !path )
		return string_allocate( 0 );

	inpath = path;
	inlength = string_length( path );
	protocollen = string_find_string( path, "://", 0 );
	if( ( protocollen != STRING_NPOS ) && ( protocollen > 1 ) )
		absolute = true;
		protocollen += 3; //Also skip the "://" separator
		inlength -= protocollen;
		path += protocollen;
		protocollen = 0;
	length = inlength;
	driveofs = 0;

	replace = path;
	while( ( replace = strchr( replace, '\\' ) ) != 0 )
		*replace++ = '/';

	remain = length;
	replace = path;
	while( ( next = strstr( replace, "/./" ) ) != 0 )
		remain -= (unsigned int)( next - replace ) + 2;
		length -= 2;
		memmove( next + 1, next + 3, remain ); //Include terminating zero to avoid looping when string ends in "/./"
		replace = next;

	remain = length;
	replace = path;
	while( ( next = strstr( replace, "//" ) ) != 0 )
		remain -= (unsigned int)( next - replace ) + 1;
		memmove( next + 1, next + 2, remain ); //Include terminating zero to avoid looping when string ends in "//"
		replace = next;

	path[length] = 0;

	if( string_equal( path, "." ) )
		length = 0;
		path[0] = 0;
	else if( length > 1 )
		if( ( path[ length - 2 ] == '/' ) && ( path[ length - 1 ] == '.' ) )
			path[ length - 2 ] = 0;
			length -= 2;
		if( string_equal( path, "." ) )
			length = 0;
			path[0] = 0;
		else if( string_equal( path, "./" ) )
			length = 1;
			path[0] = '/';
			path[1] = 0;
		else if( ( length > 1 ) && ( path[0] == '.' ) && ( path[1] == '/' ) )
			memmove( path, path + 1, length );
			path[length] = 0;

	if( absolute )
		if( !length )
			if( !inlength )
				inlength = 2;
				inpath = memory_reallocate( inpath, inlength + protocollen + 1, 0, protocollen + 1 );
				path = inpath + protocollen;
			path[0] = '/';
			path[1] = 0;
		else if( ( length >= 2 ) && ( path[1] == ':' ) )
			driveofs = 2;

			//Make sure first character is upper case
			if( ( path[0] >= 'a' ) && ( path[0] <= 'z' ) )
				path[0] = ( path[0] - (char)( (int)'a' - (int)'A' ) );

			if( length == 2 )
				if( inlength <= 2 )
					inpath = memory_reallocate( inpath, inlength + 2 + protocollen + 1, 0, inlength + protocollen + 1 );
					inlength += 2;
					path = inpath + protocollen;
				path[2] = '/';
			else if( path[2] != '/' )
				//splice in slash in weird-format paths (C:foo/bar/...)
				if( inlength < ( length + 1 ) )
					//Need more space
					inpath = memory_reallocate( inpath, length + protocollen + 2, 0, inlength + protocollen + 1 );
					inlength = length + 1;
					path = inpath + protocollen;

				memmove( path + 3, path + 2, length + 1 - 2 );
				path[2] = '/';
		else if( !protocollen && ( path[0] != '/' ) )
			//make sure capacity is enough to hold additional character
			if( inlength < ( length + 1 ) )
				//Need more space
				inpath = memory_reallocate( inpath, length + protocollen + 2, 0, inlength + protocollen + 1 );
				inlength = length + 1;
				path = inpath + protocollen;

			memmove( path + 1, path, length + 1 );
			path[0] = '/';
	else //relative
		if( length && ( path[0] == '/' ) )
			memmove( path, path + 1, length - 1 );

	//Deal with .. references
	last_up = driveofs;
	while( ( up = string_find_string( path, "/../", last_up ) ) != STRING_NPOS )
		if( up >= length )
		if( up == driveofs )
			if( absolute )
				memmove( path + driveofs + 1, path + driveofs + 4, length - ( driveofs + 3 ) );
				length -= 3;
				last_up = driveofs + 3;
		prev_up = string_rfind( path, '/', up - 1 );
		if( prev_up == STRING_NPOS )
			if( absolute )
				memmove( path, path + up + 3, length - up - 2 );
				length -= ( up + 3 );
				memmove( path, path + up + 4, length - up - 3 );
				length -= ( up + 4 );
		else if( prev_up >= last_up )
			memmove( path + prev_up, path + up + 3, length - up - 2 );
			length -= ( up - prev_up + 3 );
			last_up = up + 1;

	if( length > 1 )
		if( path[ length - 1 ] == '/' )
			path[ length - 1 ] = 0;

	if( protocollen )
		if( path[0] == '/' )
			if( length == 1 )
				length = 0;
				memmove( path, path + 1, length );
		length += protocollen;
		path = inpath;

	path[length] = 0;

	return path;
Exemplo n.º 23
DECLARE_TEST(exception, error) {
    error_handler_fn handler;
    int ret;

    EXPECT_EQ(error(), ERROR_NONE);

    EXPECT_EQ(error(), ERROR_NONE);


    handler = error_handler();

    EXPECT_EQ(ret, 2);
    EXPECT_EQ(_error_level_test, ERRORLEVEL_WARNING);
    EXPECT_EQ(error_handler(), _error_handler_test);


        const char context_data[] = "another message";
        char context_buffer[512];
        string_t contextstr;
        error_context_push(STRING_CONST("test context"), STRING_CONST("some message"));
        error_context_push(STRING_CONST("foo bar"), 0, 0);
        error_context_push(STRING_CONST("test context"), STRING_CONST(context_data));

        EXPECT_NE(error_context(), 0);
        EXPECT_EQ(error_context()->depth, 1);
        EXPECT_CONSTSTRINGEQ(error_context()->frame[0].name, string_const(STRING_CONST("test context")));
        EXPECT_EQ(error_context()->frame[0].data.str, context_data);
        EXPECT_EQ(error_context()->frame[0].data.length, sizeof(context_data) - 1);

        contextstr = error_context_buffer(context_buffer, 512);
        EXPECT_NE_MSGFORMAT(string_find_string(STRING_ARGS(contextstr), STRING_CONST("test context"), 0),
                            STRING_NPOS, "context name 'test context' not found in buffer: %s", context_buffer);
        EXPECT_NE_MSGFORMAT(string_find_string(STRING_ARGS(contextstr), STRING_CONST(context_data), 0),
                            STRING_NPOS, "context data '%s' not found in buffer: %s", context_data, context_buffer);
        EXPECT_EQ(contextstr.length, 0);

        contextstr = error_context_buffer(context_buffer, 512);
        EXPECT_STRINGEQ(contextstr, string_empty());

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 24
DECLARE_TEST(exception, assert_handler) {
    EXPECT_EQ(assert_handler(), 0);

    EXPECT_EQ(assert_handler(), handle_assert);

    EXPECT_EQ(assert_report(1, STRING_CONST("condition"), STRING_CONST("file"), 2, STRING_CONST("msg")),
    EXPECT_EQ(assert_handler(), handle_assert);
    EXPECT_EQ(handled_context, 1);
    EXPECT_STRINGEQ(string(handled_condition, string_length(handled_condition)), string_const(STRING_CONST("condition")));
    EXPECT_STRINGEQ(string(handled_file, string_length(handled_file)), string_const(STRING_CONST("file")));
    EXPECT_EQ(handled_line, 2);
    EXPECT_STRINGEQ(string(handled_msg, string_length(handled_msg)), string_const(STRING_CONST("msg")));

    EXPECT_EQ(assert_handler(), 0);

    _global_log_handler = log_handler();
    EXPECT_EQ(assert_report_formatted(1, STRING_CONST("assert_report_formatted"), STRING_CONST("file"),
                                      2, STRING_CONST("%.*s"), 3, "msg"), 1);
    EXPECT_TRUE(string_find_string(handled_log, string_length(handled_log),
                                   STRING_CONST("assert_report_formatted"), 0) != STRING_NPOS);
    EXPECT_TRUE(string_find_string(handled_log, string_length(handled_log), STRING_CONST("msg"),
                                   0) != STRING_NPOS);

    log_set_suppress(HASH_TEST, ERRORLEVEL_NONE);
    log_debugf(HASH_TEST, STRING_CONST("%s"),
    log_infof(HASH_TEST, STRING_CONST("%s"),
               "To test log handler and memory handling this test will print "
               "a really long log line with complete nonsense. Log handlers only occur for non-suppressed "
               "log levels, which is why this will be visible. However, it will not be printed to stdout. "
               "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, an quas vivendum sed, in est summo conclusionemque, an est nulla nonumy option. "
               "Malorum invidunt et mel, mei et hinc adolescens, eu velit deleniti urbanitas cum. Ei pericula omittantur duo, "
               "eam ei malis pertinacia, eum hinc dictas et. Duo et velit dolorem explicari, an tacimates abhorreant qui, "
               "esse possit intellegat ad vis. Eros populo numquam pro ea. Eius altera volumus duo ex, offendit comprehensam "
               "sit te. Ea facete nostrum fabellas sea. Vel ea rebum ridens quodsi, etiam urbanitas mea an. Ornatus commune et his, "
               "quo habeo denique an, id his amet diceret. Eam ei essent denique, cu quaestio perpetua vim. Mei utamur maluisset ex, "
               "iriure tritani eu per. Pro at rebum maluisset, nec ei eirmod scaevola consulatu, ius in meis patrioque. Vis at summo "
               "ancillae omnesque, inani moderatius delicatissimi qui an. Et illum vocibus eum, aliquando intellegat ex ius. Ius at "
               "tation veritus. Scripta reprehendunt at sed. Hinc idque mollis in cum, at elit habemus civibus eam, sea et modus "
               "eripuit. Alii ipsum electram id vel, mei alterum percipitur cu. Pro cu minim erant graecis, no vis tation nominavi "
               "imperdiet, mei affert probatus ut. Quo veri modus ad, solet nostrud atomorum ius ea. Everti aliquid ne usu, populo "
               "sapientem pro te. Persecuti definitionem qui ei, dicit dicunt ea quo. Sed minimum copiosae ei, pri dicat possit "
               "urbanitas eu. Tritani interesset theophrastus id sit, phaedrum facilisis his eu. Dictas accusam eu quo. Ea democritum "
               "consetetur vel. Iudicabit definitionem est eu, oportere temporibus at nec."
    log_set_suppress(HASH_TEST, ERRORLEVEL_DEBUG);
    EXPECT_TRUE(string_find_string(handled_log, string_length(handled_log), STRING_CONST("Lorem ipsum"),
                                   0) != STRING_NPOS);


    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 25
char* path_make_absolute( const char* path )
	unsigned int up, last, length, protocollen;
	char* abspath = string_clone( path );
	if( !path_is_absolute( abspath ) )
		abspath = string_prepend( abspath, "/" );
		abspath = string_prepend( abspath, environment_current_working_directory() );
		abspath = path_clean( abspath, true );
		abspath = path_clean( abspath, true );

	protocollen = string_find_string( abspath, "://", 0 );
	if( protocollen != STRING_NPOS )
		protocollen += 3; //Also skip the "://" separator
		protocollen = 0;

	//Deal with .. references
	while( ( up = string_find_string( abspath, "/../", 0 ) ) != STRING_NPOS )
		char* subpath;
		if( ( protocollen && ( up == ( protocollen - 1 ) ) ) || ( !protocollen && ( up == 0 ) ) )
			//This moves mem so "prot://../path" ends up as "prot://path"
			memmove( abspath + protocollen, abspath + 3 + protocollen, string_length( abspath ) + 1 - ( 3 + protocollen ) );
		last = string_rfind( abspath, '/', up - 1 );
		if( last == STRING_NPOS )
			//Must be a path like C:/../something since other absolute paths
			last = up;
		subpath = string_substr( abspath, 0, last );
		subpath = string_append( subpath, abspath + up + 3 ); // +3 will include the / of the later part of the path
		string_deallocate( abspath );
		abspath = subpath;

	length = string_length( abspath );
	if( length >= 3 )
		while( ( length >= 3 ) && ( abspath[length-3] == '/' ) && ( abspath[length-2] == '.' ) && ( abspath[length-1] == L'.' ) )
			//Step up
			if( length == 3 )
				abspath[1] = 0;
				length = 1;
				length = string_rfind( abspath, '/', length - 4 );
				abspath[length] = 0;

	return abspath;