Exemplo n.º 1
bool set_new_style_variable(const char *variable, const char* value) {
  double_VARIABLE_C_IT double_it = &double_VARIABLE::head;

  bool foundit = false;
  // find name
  for (STRING_it.mark_cycle_pt();
       !STRING_it.cycled_list() && strcmp(variable, STRING_it.data()->name);
  if (!STRING_it.cycled_list()) {
    foundit = true;          // found the varaible
    if (*value == '\0')
      STRING_it.data()->set_value((char *) NULL);  // No value.
      STRING_it.data()->set_value(value);  // set its value

  if (*value) {
    // find name
    for (int_it.mark_cycle_pt();
         !int_it.cycled_list() && strcmp(variable, int_it.data()->name);
    int intval;
    if (!int_it.cycled_list()
    && sscanf(value, INT32FORMAT, &intval) == 1) {
      foundit = true;        // found the varaible
      int_it.data()->set_value(intval);  // set its value.
    for (BOOL_it.mark_cycle_pt();
         !BOOL_it.cycled_list () && strcmp(variable, BOOL_it.data()->name);
    if (!BOOL_it.cycled_list()) {
      if (*value == 'T' || *value == 't' ||
          *value == 'Y' || *value == 'y' || *value == '1') {
        foundit = true;
      else if (*value == 'F' || *value == 'f' ||
               *value == 'N' || *value == 'n' || *value == '0') {
        foundit = true;
    for (double_it.mark_cycle_pt();
         !double_it.cycled_list() && strcmp(variable, double_it.data ()->name);
    double doubleval;
    if (!double_it.cycled_list ()) {
      doubleval = strtofloat(value);
    if (!double_it.cycled_list()
        && sscanf(value, "%lf", &doubleval) == 1) {
      foundit = true;        // found the varaible
  return foundit;

 * print_variables
 * Print all variable types to the given file

DLLSYM void print_variables(          //print all vars
                            FILE *fp  //file to print on
                           ) {
  INT_VARIABLE::print(fp);  //print INTs
  BOOL_VARIABLE::print(fp);  //print BOOLs
  STRING_VARIABLE::print(fp);  //print STRINGs
  double_VARIABLE::print(fp);  //print doubles
Exemplo n.º 2
bool TAccount::loadAccount(const CString& pAccount, bool ignoreNickname)
	// Just in case this account was loaded offline through RC.
	accountName = pAccount;

	bool loadedFromDefault = false;
	CFileSystem* accfs = server->getAccountsFileSystem();
	std::vector<CString> fileData;

	CString accountText = server->getPluginManager().LoadAccount(pAccount);
	if (!accountText.isEmpty())
		fileData = accountText.tokenize("\n");
		// Find the account in the file system.
		CString accpath(accfs->findi(CString() << pAccount << ".txt"));
		if (accpath.length() == 0)
			accpath = CString() << server->getServerPath() << "accounts/defaultaccount.txt";
			loadedFromDefault = true;

		// Load file.
		fileData = CString::loadToken(accpath, "\n");
		if (fileData.size() == 0 || fileData[0].trim() != "GRACC001")
			return false;

	// Clear Lists
	for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) attrList[i].clear();

	// Parse File
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fileData.size(); i++)
		// Trim Line

		// Declare Variables;
		CString section, val;
		int sep;

		// Seperate Section & Value
		sep = fileData[i].find(' ');
		section = fileData[i].subString(0, sep);
		if (sep != -1)
			val = fileData[i].subString(sep + 1);

		if (section == "NAME") continue;
		else if (section == "NICK") { if (!ignoreNickname) nickName = val; }
		else if (section == "COMMUNITYNAME") communityName = val;
		else if (section == "LEVEL") levelName = val;
		else if (section == "X") { x = (float)strtofloat(val); x2 = (int)(x * 16); }
		else if (section == "Y") { y = (float)strtofloat(val); y2 = (int)(y * 16); }
		else if (section == "Z") { z = (float)strtofloat(val); z2 = (int)(z * 16); }
		else if (section == "MAXHP") maxPower = (int)strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "HP") power = (float)strtofloat(val);
		else if (section == "RUPEES") gralatc = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "ANI") gani = val;
		else if (section == "ARROWS") arrowc = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "BOMBS") bombc = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "GLOVEP") glovePower = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "SHIELDP") shieldPower = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "SWORDP") swordPower = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "BOWP") bowPower = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "BOW") bowImage = val;
		else if (section == "HEAD") headImg = val;
		else if (section == "BODY") bodyImg = val;
		else if (section == "SWORD") swordImg = val;
		else if (section == "SHIELD") shieldImg = val;
		else if (section == "COLORS") { std::vector<CString> t = val.tokenize(","); for (int i = 0; i < (int)t.size() && i < 5; i++) colors[i] = (unsigned char)strtoint(t[i]); }
		else if (section == "SPRITE") sprite = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "STATUS") status = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "MP") mp = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "AP") ap = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "APCOUNTER") apCounter = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "ONSECS") onlineTime = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "IP") { if (accountIp == 0) accountIp = strtolong(val); }
		else if (section == "LANGUAGE") { language = val; if (language.isEmpty()) language = "English"; }
		else if (section == "KILLS") kills = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "DEATHS") deaths = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "RATING") rating = (float)strtofloat(val);
		else if (section == "DEVIATION") deviation = (float)strtofloat(val);
		else if (section == "OLDDEVIATION") oldDeviation = (float)strtofloat(val);
		else if (section == "LASTSPARTIME") lastSparTime = strtolong(val);
		else if (section == "FLAG") setFlag(val);
		else if (section == "ATTR1") attrList[0] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR2") attrList[1] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR3") attrList[2] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR4") attrList[3] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR5") attrList[4] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR6") attrList[5] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR7") attrList[6] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR8") attrList[7] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR9") attrList[8] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR10") attrList[9] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR11") attrList[10] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR12") attrList[11] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR13") attrList[12] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR14") attrList[13] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR15") attrList[14] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR16") attrList[15] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR17") attrList[16] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR18") attrList[17] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR19") attrList[18] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR20") attrList[19] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR21") attrList[20] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR22") attrList[21] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR23") attrList[22] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR24") attrList[23] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR25") attrList[24] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR26") attrList[25] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR27") attrList[26] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR28") attrList[27] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR29") attrList[28] = val;
		else if (section == "ATTR30") attrList[29] = val;
		else if (section == "WEAPON") weaponList.push_back(val);
		else if (section == "CHEST") chestList.push_back(val);
		else if (section == "BANNED") isBanned = (strtoint(val) == 0 ? false : true);
		else if (section == "BANREASON") banReason = val;
		else if (section == "BANLENGTH") banLength = val;
		else if (section == "COMMENTS") accountComments = val;
		else if (section == "EMAIL") email = val;
		else if (section == "LOCALRIGHTS") adminRights = strtoint(val);
		else if (section == "IPRANGE") adminIp = val;
		else if (section == "FOLDERRIGHT") folderList.push_back(val);
		else if (section == "LASTFOLDER") lastFolder = val;

	// Comment out this line if you are actually going to use community names.
	communityName = accountName;

	// If we loaded from the default account, save our account now and add it to the file system.
	if (loadedFromDefault)
		accfs->addFile(CString() << "accounts/" << pAccount << ".txt");

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
DLLSYM BOOL8 read_variables_file(                  //read the file
                                 const char *file  //name to read
                                ) {
  BOOL8 anyerr;                  //true if any error
  char flag;                     //file flag
  BOOL8 foundit;                 //found variable
  INT16 length;                  //length of line
  INT16 nameoffset;              //offset for real name
  char *valptr;                  //value field
  char *stringend;               //end of string value
  FILE *fp;                      //file pointer
  INT32 intval;                  //value from file
  double doubleval;              //value form file
  double_VARIABLE_C_IT double_it = &double_VARIABLE::head;
  char line[MAX_PATH];           //input line

  anyerr = FALSE;
  if (*file == PLUS) {
    flag = PLUS;                 //file has flag
    nameoffset = 1;
  else if (*file == MINUS) {
    flag = MINUS;
    nameoffset = 1;
  else {
    flag = EQUAL;
    nameoffset = 0;

  fp = fopen (file + nameoffset, "r");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    tprintf ("read_variables_file:Can't open %s", file + nameoffset);
    return TRUE;                 //can't open it
  while (fgets (line, MAX_PATH, fp)) {
    if (line[0] != '\n' && line[0] != '#') {
      length = strlen (line);
      if (line[length - 1] == '\n')
        line[length - 1] = '\0'; //cut newline
      for (valptr = line; *valptr && *valptr != ' ' && *valptr != '\t';
      if (*valptr) {             //found blank
        *valptr = '\0';          //make name a string

        valptr++;              //find end of blanks
        while (*valptr == ' ' || *valptr == '\t');

        if (*valptr && *valptr != '#') {
                                 //last char in string
          stringend = valptr + strlen (valptr) - 1;
          while (stringend != valptr) {
            while (stringend != valptr
              && (*stringend == ' ' || *stringend == '\t'))
              //cut trailing blanks
            stringend[1] = '\0'; //terminate string

            while (stringend != valptr
              && (*stringend != ' ' && *stringend != '\t'
              || stringend[1] != '#'))
              stringend--;       //find word start
      foundit = FALSE;

                                 //find name
      for (STRING_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !STRING_it.cycled_list () && strcmp (line, STRING_it.data ()->name); STRING_it.forward ());
                                 //found it
      if (!STRING_it.cycled_list ()) {
        foundit = TRUE;          //found the varaible
        if (*valptr == '\0' || *valptr == '#')
          STRING_it.data ()->set_value ((char *) NULL);
        //no value
                                 //set its value
          STRING_it.data ()->set_value (valptr);

      if (*valptr) {
                                 //find name
        for (int_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !int_it.cycled_list () && strcmp (line, int_it.data ()->name); int_it.forward ());
                                 //found it
        if (!int_it.cycled_list ()
        && sscanf (valptr, INT32FORMAT, &intval) == 1) {
          foundit = TRUE;        //found the varaible
                                 //set its value
          int_it.data ()->set_value (intval);

                                 //find name
        for (BOOL_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !BOOL_it.cycled_list () && strcmp (line, BOOL_it.data ()->name); BOOL_it.forward ());
                                 //found it
        if (!BOOL_it.cycled_list ()) {
          if (*valptr == 'T' || *valptr == 't'
          || *valptr == 'Y' || *valptr == 'y' || *valptr == '1') {
            foundit = TRUE;
            if (flag == MINUS)
              BOOL_it.data ()->set_value (FALSE);
            //set to false
              BOOL_it.data ()->set_value (TRUE);
            //set to true
          else if (*valptr == 'F' || *valptr == 'f'
            || *valptr == 'N' || *valptr == 'n'
          || *valptr == '0') {
            foundit = TRUE;
            if (flag == EQUAL)
              BOOL_it.data ()->set_value (FALSE);
            //set to false

                                 //find name
        for (double_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !double_it.cycled_list () && strcmp (line, double_it.data ()->name); double_it.forward ());
                                 //found it
        #ifdef EMBEDDED
        if (!double_it.cycled_list ()) {
          doubleval = strtofloat(valptr);
        if (!double_it.cycled_list ()
        && sscanf (valptr, "%lf", &doubleval) == 1) {
          foundit = TRUE;        //found the varaible
          double_it.data ()->set_value (doubleval);
          //set its value

        if (!foundit) {
          anyerr = TRUE;         //had an error
          tprintf ("read_variables_file:variable not found: %s",
      else if (!foundit) {
        anyerr = TRUE;           //had an error
        tprintf ("read_variables_file:No value for variable %s", line);
  fclose(fp);  //close file
  return anyerr;

 * print_variables
 * Print all variable types to the given file

DLLSYM void print_variables(          //print all vars
                            FILE *fp  //file to print on
                           ) {
  INT_VARIABLE::print(fp);  //print INTs
  BOOL_VARIABLE::print(fp);  //print BOOLs
  STRING_VARIABLE::print(fp);  //print STRINGs
  double_VARIABLE::print(fp);  //print doubles
Exemplo n.º 4
// AttrAsFloat
float CNodeFile::CNode::AttrAsFloat(const string &sName, float fDefault)
  const char *pData = ToElement()->Attribute(sName.c_str());
  return (pData ? (float)strtofloat(pData) : fDefault);
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: Str.cpp Projeto: EQ4/neonv2
bool strtobool(const string &sStr)
  if (!Stricmp(sStr, "true" )) return true;
  if (!Stricmp(sStr, "false")) return true;
  return (strtofloat(sStr) > 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: Xml.cpp Projeto: EQ4/neonv2
float SafeFloatAttr(TiXmlElement *pElem, const char *pAttr, float fDefault)
  const char *pData = pElem->Attribute(pAttr);
  return (pData ? (float)strtofloat(pData) : fDefault);
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: Xml.cpp Projeto: EQ4/neonv2
float SafeFloat(TiXmlElement *pElem, const char *pChild, float fDefault)
  TiXmlNode *pData = pElem->FirstChild(pChild);
  return ((pData && pData->FirstChild()) ? (float)strtofloat(pData->FirstChild()->Value()) : fDefault);
Exemplo n.º 8
float CSettings::getFloat(const CString& pStr, float pDefault) const
    boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(*m_preventChange);
    const CKey *key = getKey(pStr);
    return (key == 0 ? pDefault : (float)strtofloat(key->value));