Exemplo n.º 1
/*checks through the target players list of structures and droids to see
if any support a counter battery sensor*/
void counterBatteryFire(BASE_OBJECT *psAttacker, BASE_OBJECT *psTarget)
	BASE_OBJECT		*psViewer;

	/*if a null target is passed in ignore - this will be the case when a 'miss'
	projectile is sent - we may have to cater for these at some point*/
	// also ignore cases where you attack your own player
	// Also ignore cases where there are already 1000 missiles heading towards the attacker.
	if (psTarget == NULL
	    || (psAttacker != NULL && psAttacker->player == psTarget->player)
	    || aiObjectIsProbablyDoomed(psAttacker))


	for (psViewer = apsSensorList[0]; psViewer; psViewer = psViewer->psNextFunc)
		if (aiCheckAlliances(psTarget->player, psViewer->player))
			if ((psViewer->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE && !structCBSensor((STRUCTURE *)psViewer))
			    || (psViewer->type == OBJ_DROID && !cbSensorDroid((DROID *)psViewer)))
			const int sensorRange = objSensorRange(psViewer);

			// Check sensor distance from target
			const int xDiff = psViewer->pos.x - psTarget->pos.x;
			const int yDiff = psViewer->pos.y - psTarget->pos.y;

			if (xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff < sensorRange * sensorRange)
				// Inform viewer of target
				if (psViewer->type == OBJ_DROID)
					orderDroidObj((DROID *)psViewer, DORDER_OBSERVE, psAttacker, ModeImmediate);
				else if (psViewer->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE)
					((STRUCTURE *)psViewer)->psTarget[0] = psAttacker;
Exemplo n.º 2
/*checks through the target players list of structures and droids to see
if any support a counter battery sensor*/
void counterBatteryFire(BASE_OBJECT *psAttacker, BASE_OBJECT *psTarget)
	BASE_OBJECT		*psViewer;

	/*if a null target is passed in ignore - this will be the case when a 'miss'
	projectile is sent - we may have to cater for these at some point*/
	// also ignore cases where you attack your own player
	// Also ignore cases where there are already 1000 missiles heading towards the attacker.
	if ((psTarget == NULL) ||
		((psAttacker != NULL) && (psAttacker->player == psTarget->player)) ||


	gridStartIterate(psTarget->pos.x, psTarget->pos.y, PREVIOUS_DEFAULT_GRID_SEARCH_RADIUS);
	for (psViewer = gridIterate(); psViewer != NULL; psViewer = gridIterate())
		STRUCTURE	*psStruct;
		DROID		*psDroid;
		SDWORD		sensorRange = 0;

		if (psViewer->player != psTarget->player)
			//ignore non target players' objects
		if (psViewer->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE)
			psStruct = (STRUCTURE *)psViewer;
			//check if have a sensor of correct type
			if (structCBSensor(psStruct) || structVTOLCBSensor(psStruct))
				sensorRange = psStruct->pStructureType->pSensor->range;
		else if (psViewer->type == OBJ_DROID)
			psDroid = (DROID *)psViewer;
			//must be a CB sensor
			if (cbSensorDroid(psDroid))
				sensorRange = asSensorStats[psDroid->asBits[COMP_SENSOR].
		//check sensor distance from target
		if (sensorRange)
			SDWORD	xDiff = (SDWORD)psViewer->pos.x - (SDWORD)psTarget->pos.x;
			SDWORD	yDiff = (SDWORD)psViewer->pos.y - (SDWORD)psTarget->pos.y;

			if (xDiff*xDiff + yDiff*yDiff < sensorRange * sensorRange)
				//inform viewer of target
				if (psViewer->type == OBJ_DROID)
					orderDroidObj((DROID *)psViewer, DORDER_OBSERVE, psAttacker, ModeImmediate);
				else if (psViewer->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE)
					((STRUCTURE *)psViewer)->psTarget[0] = psAttacker;
Exemplo n.º 3
/** Search the global list of sensors for a possible target for psObj. */
static BASE_OBJECT *aiSearchSensorTargets(BASE_OBJECT *psObj, int weapon_slot, WEAPON_STATS *psWStats, UWORD *targetOrigin)
	int		longRange = proj_GetLongRange(psWStats);
	int		tarDist = longRange * longRange;
	BOOL		foundCB = false;
	int		minDist = psWStats->minRange * psWStats->minRange;
	BASE_OBJECT	*psSensor, *psTarget = NULL;

	if (targetOrigin)
		*targetOrigin = ORIGIN_UNKNOWN;

	for (psSensor = apsSensorList[0]; psSensor; psSensor = psSensor->psNextFunc)
		bool		isCB = false;
		bool		isRD = false;

		if (!aiCheckAlliances(psSensor->player, psObj->player))
		else if (psSensor->type == OBJ_DROID)
			DROID		*psDroid = (DROID *)psSensor;

			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDroid->droidType == DROID_SENSOR, "A non-sensor droid in a sensor list is non-sense");
			psTemp = psDroid->psTarget;
			isCB = cbSensorDroid(psDroid);
			isRD = objRadarDetector((BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid);
		else if (psSensor->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE)
			STRUCTURE	*psCStruct = (STRUCTURE *)psSensor;

			// skip incomplete structures
			if (psCStruct->status != SS_BUILT)
			psTemp = psCStruct->psTarget[0];
			isCB = structCBSensor(psCStruct);
			isRD = objRadarDetector((BASE_OBJECT *)psCStruct);
		if (!psTemp || aiObjectIsProbablyDoomed(psTemp) || !validTarget(psObj, psTemp, 0) || aiCheckAlliances(psTemp->player, psObj->player))
		if (aiObjHasRange(psObj, psTemp, weapon_slot) && visibleObject(psSensor, psTemp, false))
			int distSq = objPosDiffSq(psTemp->pos, psObj->pos);

			// Need to be in range, prefer closer targets or CB targets
			if ((isCB > foundCB || (isCB == foundCB && distSq < tarDist)) && distSq > minDist)
				tarDist = distSq;
				psTarget = psTemp;
				if (targetOrigin)
					*targetOrigin = ORIGIN_SENSOR;
				if (isCB)
					if (targetOrigin)
						*targetOrigin = ORIGIN_CB_SENSOR;
					foundCB = true;  // got CB target, drop everything and shoot!
				else if (isRD)
					if (targetOrigin)
						*targetOrigin = ORIGIN_RADAR_DETECTOR;
	return psTarget;