Exemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
   THD_dfvec3 *xx , *yy , dv ;
   int nvec=0 , ii,jj, iarg ;
   THD_dvecmat rt , rtinv ;
   THD_dmat33  pp,ppt , rr ;
   THD_dfvec3  tt ;

   THD_3dim_dataset *mset=NULL , *dset=NULL ;
   double *ww=NULL ;
   int     nww=0 ;
   int keeptags=1 , wtval=0 , verb=0 , dummy=0 ;
   char * prefix = "tagalign" , *mfile=NULL ;

   float *fvol , cbot,ctop , dsum ;
   int nval , nvox , clipit , ival, RMETH=MRI_CUBIC;

   float matar[12] ;

   int use_3dWarp=1 , matrix_type=ROTATION ;

   mainENTRY("3dTagalign main");
   /*--- help? ---*/

   /*- scan args -*/
   iarg = 1 ; RMETH=MRI_CUBIC;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){


      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0 ||
          strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0){   /* 22 Apr 2003 */
        usage_3dTagalign(strlen(argv[iarg]) > 3 ? 2:1);

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-NN")     == 0 ){
       RMETH = MRI_NN ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-linear") == 0 ){
       RMETH = MRI_LINEAR ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-cubic")  == 0 ){
       RMETH = MRI_CUBIC ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-quintic") == 0 ){
       RMETH = MRI_QUINTIC ; iarg++ ; continue ;  


      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-rotate") == 0 ){   /* 22 Apr 2003 */
        matrix_type = ROTATION ; use_3dWarp = 1 ;
        iarg++ ; continue ;


      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-affine") == 0 ){   /* 21 Apr 2003 */
        matrix_type = AFFINE ; use_3dWarp = 1 ;
        iarg++ ; continue ;


      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-rotscl") == 0 ){   /* 22 Apr 2003 */
        matrix_type = ROTSCL ; use_3dWarp = 1 ;
        iarg++ ; continue ;

#if 0

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-3dWarp") == 0 ){   /* 21 Apr 2003 */
        use_3dWarp = 1 ;
        iarg++ ; continue ;


      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-master") == 0 ){
         if( mset != NULL )                    ERREX("Can only have one -master option") ;
         if( ++iarg >= argc )                  ERREX("Need an argument after -master") ;

         mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;

         if( mset == NULL )                    ERREX("Can't open -master dataset") ;
         if( mset->tagset == NULL )            ERREX("No tags in -master dataset") ;
         if( TAGLIST_COUNT(mset->tagset) < 3 ) ERREX("Not enough tags in -master dataset") ;

         for( nvec=ii=0 ; ii < TAGLIST_COUNT(mset->tagset) ; ii++ )
            if( TAG_SET(TAGLIST_SUBTAG(mset->tagset,ii)) ) nvec++ ;

         if( nvec < 3 )                        ERREX("Not enough tags set in -master dataset") ;

         if( nvec < TAGLIST_COUNT(mset->tagset) )
            fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: not all tags are set in -master dataset\n") ;

         if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Found %d tags in -master dataset\n",nvec) ;

         iarg++ ; continue ;

#if 0

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-wtval") == 0 ){
         if( ww != NULL )                      ERREX("Can't have -wtval after -wt1D") ;
         wtval++ ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;


      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-wt1D") == 0 ){
         MRI_IMAGE * wtim ; float * wtar ;

         if( wtval )                           ERREX("Can't have -wt1D after -wtval") ;
         if( ww != NULL )                      ERREX("Can't have two -wt1D options!") ;
         if( ++iarg >= argc )                  ERREX("Need an argument after -wt1D") ;

         wtim = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;

         if( wtim == NULL )                    ERREX("Can't read -wtim file") ;
         if( wtim->ny > 1 )                    ERREX("-wtim file has more than one columm") ;

         wtar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(wtim) ;
         ww   = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*wtim->nx) ; nww = wtim->nx ;
         for( ii=0 ; ii < nww ; ii++ ){
            ww[ii] = (double) wtar[ii] ;
            if( ww[ii] < 0.0 )                 ERREX("Negative value found in -wt1D file") ;

         mri_free(wtim) ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;


      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-nokeeptags") == 0 ){
         keeptags = 0 ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;


      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-verb",5) == 0 ){
         verb++ ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;


      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dummy") == 0 ){
         dummy++ ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;


      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
         if( ++iarg >= argc )                  ERREX("Need an argument after -prefix") ;
         prefix = argv[iarg] ;
         if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) )        ERREX("-prefix string is illegal") ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;


      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-matvec") == 0 ){
         if( ++iarg >= argc )                  ERREX("Need an argument after -matvec") ;
         mfile = argv[iarg] ;
         if( !THD_filename_ok(mfile) )         ERREX("-matvec string is illegal") ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;


      fprintf(stderr,"** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ; 
      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
      exit(1) ;

   } /* end of scanning command line for options */

   if( argc < 2 ){
      ERROR_message("Too few options");
      exit(1) ;

   if( mset == NULL )                    ERREX("No -master option found on command line") ;

#if 0
   if( ww != NULL && nww < nvec )        ERREX("Not enough weights found in -wt1D file") ;

   /*-- if -wtval, setup weights from master tag values --*/

   if( wtval ){
      ww = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*nvec) ; nww = nvec ;
      for( ii=jj=0 ; ii < TAGLIST_COUNT(mset->tagset) ; ii++ ){
         if( TAG_SET(TAGLIST_SUBTAG(mset->tagset,ii)) ){
            ww[jj] = (double) TAG_VAL(TAGLIST_SUBTAG(mset->tagset,ii)) ;

            if( ww[jj] < 0.0 )           ERREX("Negative value found in -master tag values") ;
            jj++ ;

   /*-- read input dataset (to match to master dataset) --*/

   if( iarg >= argc )                    ERREX("No input dataset?") ;

   dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;

   if( dset == NULL )                    ERREX("Can't open input dataset") ;
   if( dset->tagset == NULL )            ERREX("No tags in input dataset") ;
   if( TAGLIST_COUNT(dset->tagset) !=
       TAGLIST_COUNT(mset->tagset)   )   ERREX("Tag counts don't match in -master and input") ;

   /* check if set tags match exactly */

   for( ii=0 ; ii < TAGLIST_COUNT(mset->tagset) ; ii++ ){
      if( TAG_SET(TAGLIST_SUBTAG(mset->tagset,ii)) !=
          TAG_SET(TAGLIST_SUBTAG(dset->tagset,ii))    )
                                         ERREX("Set tags don't match in -master and input") ;

   /*-- load vector lists: xx=master, yy=input --*/

   xx = (THD_dfvec3 *) malloc( sizeof(THD_dfvec3) * nvec ) ;
   yy = (THD_dfvec3 *) malloc( sizeof(THD_dfvec3) * nvec ) ;
   dsum = 0.0 ;
   for( ii=jj=0 ; ii < nvec ; ii++ ){
      if( TAG_SET(TAGLIST_SUBTAG(mset->tagset,ii)) ){

         LOAD_DFVEC3( xx[jj] ,                                      /* N.B.:     */
                     TAG_X( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(mset->tagset,ii) ) ,     /* these are */
                     TAG_Y( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(mset->tagset,ii) ) ,     /* in Dicom  */
                     TAG_Z( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(mset->tagset,ii) )  ) ;  /* order now */

         LOAD_DFVEC3( yy[jj] ,
                     TAG_X( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(dset->tagset,ii) ) ,
                     TAG_Y( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(dset->tagset,ii) ) ,
                     TAG_Z( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(dset->tagset,ii) )  ) ;

         dv    = SUB_DFVEC3( xx[jj] , yy[jj] ) ;
         dsum += dv.xyz[0]*dv.xyz[0] + dv.xyz[1]*dv.xyz[1] + dv.xyz[2]*dv.xyz[2] ;

         jj++ ;

   dsum = sqrt(dsum/nvec) ;
   fprintf(stderr,"++ RMS distance between tags before = %.2f mm\n" , dsum ) ;

   /*-- compute best transformation from mset to dset coords --*/

   switch( matrix_type ){
     case ROTATION:
       rt = DLSQ_rot_trans( nvec , yy , xx , ww ) ;  /* in thd_rot3d.c */
     break ;

     case AFFINE:
       rt = DLSQ_affine   ( nvec , yy , xx ) ;       /* 21 Apr 2003 */
     break ;

     case ROTSCL:
       rt = DLSQ_rotscl   ( nvec , yy , xx , (DSET_NZ(dset)==1) ? 2 : 3 ) ;
     break ;
   rtinv = INV_DVECMAT(rt) ;

   /*-- check for floating point legality --*/

   nval = 0 ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < 3 ; ii++ ){
      dsum = rt.vv.xyz[ii] ; nval += thd_floatscan(1,&dsum) ;
      for( jj=0 ; jj < 3 ; jj++ ){
         dsum = rt.mm.mat[ii][jj] ; nval += thd_floatscan(1,&dsum) ;
   if( nval > 0 ){
      fprintf(stderr,"** Floating point errors during calculation\n"
                     "** of transform matrix and translation vector\n" ) ;
      exit(1) ;

   /*-- check for rotation matrix legality --*/

   dsum = DMAT_DET(rt.mm) ;

   if( dsum == 0.0 || (matrix_type == ROTATION && fabs(dsum-1.0) > 0.01) ){
     fprintf(stderr,"** Invalid transform matrix computed: tags dependent?\n"
                    "** computed [matrix] and [vector] follow:\n" ) ;

     for( ii=0 ; ii < 3 ; ii++ )
       fprintf(stderr,"  [ %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f ]   [ %10.5f ] \n",
               rt.mm.mat[ii][0],rt.mm.mat[ii][1],rt.mm.mat[ii][2],rt.vv.xyz[ii] );

     exit(1) ;

   /*-- print summary --*/

   if( verb ){
     fprintf(stderr,"++ Matrix & Vector [Dicom: x=R-L; y=A-P; z=I-S]\n") ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < 3 ; ii++ )
       fprintf(stderr,"    %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f   %10.5f\n",
               rt.mm.mat[ii][0],rt.mm.mat[ii][1],rt.mm.mat[ii][2],rt.vv.xyz[ii] );

   if( matrix_type == ROTATION || matrix_type == ROTSCL ){
     double theta, costheta , dist , fac=1.0 ;

     if( matrix_type == ROTSCL ){
       fac = DMAT_DET(rt.mm); fac = fabs(fac);
       if( DSET_NZ(dset) == 1 ) fac = sqrt(fac) ;
       else                     fac = cbrt(fac) ;

     costheta = 0.5 * sqrt(1.0 + DMAT_TRACE(rt.mm)/fac ) ;
     theta    = 2.0 * acos(costheta) * 180/3.14159265 ;
     dist     = SIZE_DFVEC3(rt.vv) ;

     fprintf(stderr,"++ Total rotation=%.2f degrees; translation=%.2f mm; scaling=%.2f\n",
             theta,dist,fac) ;

   if( mfile ){
      FILE * mp ;

      if( THD_is_file(mfile) )
         fprintf(stderr,"++ Warning: -matvec will overwrite file %s\n",mfile) ;

      mp = fopen(mfile,"w") ;
      if( mp == NULL ){
         fprintf(stderr,"** Can't write to -matvec %s\n",mfile) ;
      } else {
        for( ii=0 ; ii < 3 ; ii++ )
          fprintf(mp,"    %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f   %10.5f\n",
                  rt.mm.mat[ii][0],rt.mm.mat[ii][1],rt.mm.mat[ii][2],rt.vv.xyz[ii] );
        fclose(mp) ;
        if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Wrote matrix+vector to %s\n",mfile) ;

   if( dummy ){
      fprintf(stderr,"++ This was a -dummy run: no output dataset\n") ; exit(0) ;

   /*-- 21 Apr 2003: transformation can be done the old way (a la 3drotate),
                     or the new way (a la 3dWarp).                          --*/

#if 0
   if( !use_3dWarp ){          /**** the old way ****/

     /*-- now must scramble the rotation matrix and translation
          vector from Dicom coordinate order to dataset brick order --*/

     pp  = DBLE_mat_to_dicomm( dset ) ;
     ppt = TRANSPOSE_DMAT(pp) ;
     rr  = DMAT_MUL(ppt,rt.mm) ; rr = DMAT_MUL(rr,pp) ; tt = DMATVEC(ppt,rt.vv) ;

     /*-- now create the output dataset by screwing with the input dataset
          (this code is adapted from 3drotate.c)                           --*/

     DSET_mallocize(dset) ;
     DSET_load( dset ) ;  CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset) ;
     dset->idcode = MCW_new_idcode() ;
     dset->dblk->diskptr->storage_mode = STORAGE_BY_BRICK ; /* 14 Jan 2004 */
     EDIT_dset_items( dset ,
                         ADN_prefix , prefix ,
                         ADN_label1 , prefix ,
                      ADN_none ) ;

     if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && 
         (THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) )){
                "** Output file %s already exists -- cannot continue!\n",
                dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name ) ;
        exit(1) ;

     tross_Make_History( "3dTagalign" , argc,argv , dset ) ;

     /*-- if desired, keep old tagset --*/

     if( keeptags ){
        THD_dfvec3 rv ;

        dsum = 0.0 ;
        for( jj=ii=0 ; ii < TAGLIST_COUNT(dset->tagset) ; ii++ ){
           if( TAG_SET(TAGLIST_SUBTAG(dset->tagset,ii)) ){
              rv = DMATVEC( rt.mm , yy[jj] ) ;                     /* operating on */
              rv = ADD_DFVEC3( rt.vv , rv ) ;                      /* Dicom order  */

              dv    = SUB_DFVEC3( xx[jj] , rv ) ;
              dsum += dv.xyz[0]*dv.xyz[0] + dv.xyz[1]*dv.xyz[1]
                                          + dv.xyz[2]*dv.xyz[2] ;

              UNLOAD_DFVEC3( rv , TAG_X( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(dset->tagset,ii) ) ,
                                  TAG_Y( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(dset->tagset,ii) ) ,
                                  TAG_Z( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(dset->tagset,ii) )  ) ;

              jj++ ;
        dsum = sqrt(dsum/nvec) ;
        fprintf(stderr,"++ RMS distance between tags after  = %.2f mm\n" , dsum ) ;

     } else {
        myXtFree(dset->tagset) ;  /* send it to the dustbin */

     /*-- rotate sub-bricks --*/

     if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ computing output BRIK") ;

     nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
     nval = DSET_NVALS(dset) ;
     fvol = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox ) ;

     THD_rota_method( MRI_HEPTIC ) ;
     clipit = 1 ;

     for( ival=0 ; ival < nval ; ival++ ){

        /*- get sub-brick out of dataset -*/

        EDIT_coerce_type( nvox ,
                          DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ival),DSET_ARRAY(dset,ival) ,
                          MRI_float,fvol ) ;

        if( clipit ){
           register int ii ; register float bb,tt ;
           bb = tt = fvol[0] ;
           for( ii=1 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
                   if( fvol[ii] < bb ) bb = fvol[ii] ;
              else if( fvol[ii] > tt ) tt = fvol[ii] ;
           cbot = bb ; ctop = tt ;

        if( verb && nval < 5 ) fprintf(stderr,".") ;

        /*- rotate it -*/

        THD_rota_vol_matvec( DSET_NX(dset) , DSET_NY(dset) , DSET_NZ(dset) ,
                             fabs(DSET_DX(dset)) , fabs(DSET_DY(dset)) ,
                                                   fabs(DSET_DZ(dset)) ,
                             fvol , rr , tt ) ;

        if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,".") ;

        if( clipit ){
           register int ii ; register float bb,tt ;
           bb = cbot ; tt = ctop ;
           for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
                   if( fvol[ii] < bb ) fvol[ii] = bb ;
              else if( fvol[ii] > tt ) fvol[ii] = tt ;

        if( verb && nval < 5 ) fprintf(stderr,".") ;

        /*- put it back into dataset -*/

        EDIT_coerce_type( nvox, MRI_float,fvol ,
                                DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ival),DSET_ARRAY(dset,ival) );

     } /* end of loop over sub-brick index */

     if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,":") ;

     /* save matrix+vector into dataset, too */

                       matar[8],matar[9],matar[10] ) ;
     UNLOAD_DFVEC3(rt.vv,matar[3],matar[7],matar[11]) ;
     THD_set_atr( dset->dblk, "TAGALIGN_MATVEC", ATR_FLOAT_TYPE, 12, matar ) ;

     /* write dataset to disk */

     dset->dblk->master_nvals = 0 ;  /* in case this was a mastered dataset */
     DSET_write(dset) ;

     if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;

   } else
   {   /**** the new way: use 3dWarp type transformation ****/

     THD_3dim_dataset *oset ;
     THD_vecmat tran ;

#if 0
     DFVEC3_TO_FVEC3( rt.vv , tran.vv ) ;
     DMAT_TO_MAT    ( rt.mm , tran.mm ) ;
     DFVEC3_TO_FVEC3( rtinv.vv , tran.vv ) ;
     DMAT_TO_MAT    ( rtinv.mm , tran.mm ) ;

     mri_warp3D_method( RMETH ) ;
     oset = THD_warp3D_affine( dset, tran, mset, prefix, 0, WARP3D_NEWDSET ) ;
     if( oset == NULL ){
       fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: THD_warp3D() fails!\n"); exit(1);

     tross_Copy_History( dset , oset ) ;
     tross_Make_History( "3dTagalign" , argc,argv , oset ) ;

                       matar[8],matar[9],matar[10] ) ;
     UNLOAD_DFVEC3(rt.vv,matar[3],matar[7],matar[11]) ;
     THD_set_atr( oset->dblk, "TAGALIGN_MATVEC", ATR_FLOAT_TYPE, 12, matar ) ;

     /*-- if desired, keep old tagset --*/

     if( keeptags ){
        THD_dfvec3 rv ;

        oset->tagset = myXtNew(THD_usertaglist) ;
        *(oset->tagset) = *(dset->tagset) ;

        dsum = 0.0 ;
        for( jj=ii=0 ; ii < TAGLIST_COUNT(oset->tagset) ; ii++ ){
          if( TAG_SET(TAGLIST_SUBTAG(oset->tagset,ii)) ){
            rv = DMATVEC( rt.mm , yy[jj] ) ;
            rv = ADD_DFVEC3( rt.vv , rv ) ;

            dv    = SUB_DFVEC3( xx[jj] , rv ) ;
            dsum += dv.xyz[0]*dv.xyz[0] + dv.xyz[1]*dv.xyz[1]
                                        + dv.xyz[2]*dv.xyz[2] ;

            UNLOAD_DFVEC3( rv , TAG_X( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(oset->tagset,ii) ) ,
                                TAG_Y( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(oset->tagset,ii) ) ,
                                TAG_Z( TAGLIST_SUBTAG(oset->tagset,ii) )  ) ;

            jj++ ;
        dsum = sqrt(dsum/nvec) ;
        fprintf(stderr,"++ RMS distance between tags after  = %.2f mm\n" , dsum ) ;

     DSET_write(oset) ;

   } /* end of 3dWarp-like work */

   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   NI_stream ns ;
   void *nini = NULL, *vel=NULL;
   NI_element *nel=NULL;
   char *strm=NULL, *attr=NULL;
   int nn, mode = NI_TEXT_MODE, shhh=0, exact=1;
   FILE *outf = stdout;
   char *aa=NULL, *select_attr=NULL, *select_attr_val=NULL;
   int dodup = 0, nodata=0, dostderr=1, isfile=0;
   int stat = 0, excl = 0;
   nn = 1;
   while (nn < argc && argv[nn][0] == '-') {
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn], "-help") || !strcmp(argv[nn], "-h")) {
         usage_niccc(strlen(argv[nn]) > 3 ? 2:1);
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-dup")) {
         dodup = 1; ++nn; continue;
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-nodata")) {
         nodata = 0; ++nn; continue;
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-stdout")) {
         dostderr = 0; ++nn; continue;
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-#")) {
         mode = mode|NI_HEADERSHARP_FLAG; 
         ++nn; continue;
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-quiet")) {
         ++nn; continue;
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-f")) {
         ++nn; continue;
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-s")) {
         ++nn; continue;
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-attribute")) {
         if (nn >= argc) {
            fprintf(stderr,"Need attribute after -attribute\n");
         ++nn; continue;
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-nel_from_string")) {
         if (nn >= argc) {
            fprintf(stderr,"Need string after -nel_from_string\n");
         nini = (NI_element *)NI_read_element_fromstring(argv[nn]);
         ++nn; continue;
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-skip_nel_with_attr") ||
          !strcmp(argv[nn],"-find_nel_with_attr")) {
         if (strstr(argv[nn],"-find")) {
         } else {
         if (nn+1 >= argc) {
               "Need attribute and value after -skip_nel_with_attr\n");
         select_attr_val = argv[nn]; 
         ++nn; continue;
      if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"-match")) {
         if (nn >= argc) {
            fprintf(stderr,"Need parameter after -match\n");
         if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"exact")) exact = 1;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[nn],"partial")) exact = 0;
         else {
            fprintf(stderr,"%s is not a valid value for -match. \n"
                           "Use either exact or partial\n", argv[nn]);
         ++nn; continue;
      ERROR_message("Bad option %s. See niccc -help for details.\n", 
      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nn]);
   if( argc < 2 ){
      ERROR_exit("Too few options");

   if (nodata) mode = mode&NI_HEADERONLY_FLAG;
   if (nn >= argc) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Usage: niccc [-dup] streamspec\n");exit(1);
   strm = (char *) realloc(strm, (strlen(argv[nn])+32)*sizeof(char));
   if (isfile == 2) {
      ns = NI_stream_open( strm , "r" ) ;
      NI_stream_setbuf( ns , argv[nn] ) ;
   } else {
      if (isfile == 1) {
      } else {
         strcpy(strm, argv[nn]);
      ns = NI_stream_open( strm, "r" ) ;
      if( ns == NULL ){
         fprintf(stderr,"*** niccc: NI_stream_open fails for %s\n", strm) ; 
         if (THD_is_file(strm)) {
               "  It looks like %s is a file.\n"
               "  Make sure you use option -f before it\n",
               strm) ;       
         exit(1) ;
   /*** NI_stream_setbufsize( ns , 6666 ) ; ***/
     nn = NI_stream_goodcheck( ns , 1 ) ;
     if( nn < 0 ){
       if (strncmp(strm,"file:",5) && strncmp(strm,"str:",4)) {
         fprintf(stderr,"\n*** niccc: Stream %s fails\n", strm); exit(1);
       } else {
     if( nn == 0 ){ NI_sleep(5); continue; }  /* waiting for Godot */

     if (dostderr) outf = stderr;
     if ( (nn = NI_stream_readcheck( ns , 1 ) ) > 0) { /* check for data */
       if (!excl) {
         stat = 1; /* using -find, exit with status if not found */
       } else {
         stat = 0; /* you got something, exit well */
       while( (nini = NI_read_element( ns , 2 )) ) {
         if (select_attr) {
            if ((aa = NI_get_attribute(nini, select_attr))) {
               if (!strcmp(aa,select_attr_val)) { /* match */
                  if (excl) goto NEXT;
                  else stat = 0; /* found something */
               } else if (!excl) goto NEXT; /* no match */
         if (attr) {
            if (exact) {
               aa = NI_get_attribute(nini, attr);
               if (aa) {
                  if (shhh) fprintf(outf,"%s\n", aa); 
                  else fprintf(outf,"%s: %s\n",attr, aa); 
               } else {
                  if (!shhh) fprintf(stderr,"%s: Not found.\n", attr);
            } else {
               int tt=NI_element_type(nini) ;
               int nn, nfound=0;
               if( tt == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){
                  nel=(NI_element *)nini;
                  for( nn=0 ; nn < nel->attr_num ; nn++ ) {
                     if( strncmp(nel->attr_lhs[nn],attr, 
                                 strlen(attr)) == 0 ) {
                        if (shhh) fprintf(outf,"%s\n", nel->attr_rhs[nn]); 
                        else fprintf(outf,"%s: %s\n",
                                    nel->attr_lhs[nn], nel->attr_rhs[nn]); 
                  if (nfound) exit(0);
                  else {
                     if (!shhh) fprintf(stderr,"%s: Not found.\n", attr);
               } else {
                  if (strncmp(strm,"file:",5)) {
                     fprintf(stderr,"\n*** niccc: not ready for non elements\n");
                   } else {
         if (dodup) {
            if (!shhh) fprintf(stderr,
                           "*** niccc: duplication returned element:\n");
            vel = NI_duplicate(nini, 1);
            NI_free_element( nini ) ; nini=NULL;
            NIML_to_terminal( vel, mode, dostderr ) ;
         } else {
           if (!shhh) fprintf(stderr,"*** niccc: reading returned element:\n") ;
            NIML_to_terminal( nini, mode, dostderr ) ;
         if (nini) NI_free_element( nini ) ; nini=NULL;
         if (vel) NI_free_element( vel ); vel = NULL;
   } /* while stream is good */
Exemplo n.º 3
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset *inset=NULL , *outset ;
   THD_3dim_dataset **insar=NULL ; int nsar=0 ;
   int iarg=1 , ii,kk , ids ;
   MCW_cluster *nbhd=NULL ;
   char *prefix="./localhistog" ;
   int ntype=0 ; float na=0.0f,nb=0.0f,nc=0.0f ;
   int verb=1 , do_prob=0 ;
   int nx=0,ny=0,nz=0,nvox=0, rbot,rtop ;
   char *labfile=NULL ; NI_element *labnel=NULL ;
   int nlab=0 , *labval=NULL ; char **lablab=NULL ; char buf[THD_MAX_SBLABEL] ;
   UINT32 *ohist , *mhist=NULL ; char *ohist_name=NULL ; int ohzadd=0 ;
   int *rlist , numval ; float mincount=0.0f ; int mcc ;
   int *exlist=NULL, numex=0 ;
   int do_excNONLAB=0 ;

   /*---- for the clueless who wish to become clued-in ----*/

   if( argc == 1 ){ usage_3dLocalHistog(1); exit(0); } /* Bob's help shortcut */

   /*---- official startup ---*/

#if defined(USING_MCW_MALLOC) && !defined(USE_OMP)
   enable_mcw_malloc() ;

   PRINT_VERSION("3dLocalHistog"); mainENTRY("3dLocalHistog main"); machdep();
   if( getpid()%2 ) AUTHOR("Bilbo Baggins"); else AUTHOR("Thorin Oakenshield");
   AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ;  /* 24 Jun 2013 */

   /*---- loop over options ----*/

   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0){
        usage_3dLocalHistog(strlen(argv[iarg])>3 ? 2:1);

     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-qu",3) == 0 ){
       verb = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-verb",5) == 0 ){
       verb++ ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-prob",5) == 0 ){
       do_prob = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-exclude") == 0 ){
       int ebot=-6666666,etop=-6666666 , ee ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-exclude'") ;
       sscanf(argv[iarg],"%d..%d",&ebot,&etop) ;
       if( ebot >= -TWO15 && ebot <= TWO15 ){
         if( etop < -TWO15 || etop > TWO15 || etop < ebot ) etop = ebot ;
         exlist = (int *)realloc(exlist,sizeof(int)*(etop-ebot+1+numex+1)) ;
         for( ee=ebot ; ee <= etop ; ee++ ){ if( ee != 0 ) exlist[numex++] = ee ; }
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-excNONLAB") == 0 ){
       do_excNONLAB = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-prefix'") ;
       prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) ERROR_exit("Bad -prefix!") ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-hsave") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-hsave'") ;
       ohist_name = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(ohist_name) ) ERROR_exit("Bad -hsave!") ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mincount") == 0 ){
       char *cpt ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mincount'") ;
       mincount = (float)strtod(argv[iarg],&cpt) ;
#if 0
       if( mincount > 0.0f && mincount < 50.0f && *cpt == '%' )  /* percentage */
         mincount = -0.01f*mincount ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-nbhd") == 0 ){
       char *cpt ;
       if( ntype  >  0    ) ERROR_exit("Can't have 2 '-nbhd' options") ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-nbhd'") ;

       cpt = argv[iarg] ;
       if( strncasecmp(cpt,"SPHERE",6) == 0 ){
         sscanf( cpt+7 , "%f" , &na ) ;
         ntype = NTYPE_SPHERE ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(cpt,"RECT",4) == 0 ){
         sscanf( cpt+5 , "%f,%f,%f" , &na,&nb,&nc ) ;
         if( na == 0.0f && nb == 0.0f && nc == 0.0f )
           ERROR_exit("'RECT(0,0,0)' is not a legal neighborhood") ;
         ntype = NTYPE_RECT ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(cpt,"RHDD",4) == 0 ){
         sscanf( cpt+5 , "%f" , &na ) ;
         if( na == 0.0f ) ERROR_exit("Can't have a RHDD of radius 0") ;
         ntype = NTYPE_RHDD ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(cpt,"TOHD",4) == 0 ){
         sscanf( cpt+5 , "%f" , &na ) ;
         if( na == 0.0f ) ERROR_exit("Can't have a TOHD of radius 0") ;
         ntype = NTYPE_TOHD ;
       } else {
         ERROR_exit("Unknown -nbhd shape: '%s'",cpt) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-lab_file") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-labfile") == 0 ){
       char **labnum ; int nbad=0 ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       if( labfile != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use '%s' twice!",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       labfile = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
       labnel = THD_string_table_read(labfile,0) ;
       if( labnel == NULL || labnel->vec_num < 2 )
         ERROR_exit("Can't read label file '%s'",labfile) ;
       nlab   = labnel->vec_len ;
       labnum = (char **)labnel->vec[0] ;
       lablab = (char **)labnel->vec[1] ;
       labval = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int),nlab) ;
       for( ii=0 ; ii < nlab ; ii++ ){
         if( labnum[ii] != NULL ){
           labval[ii] = (int)strtod(labnum[ii],NULL) ;
           if( labval[ii] < -TWO15 || labval[ii] > TWO15 ){ labval[ii] = 0; nbad++; }
       if( nbad > 0 )
         ERROR_message("%d label values are outside the range %d..%d :-(" ,
         nbad , -TWO15 , TWO15 ) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     ERROR_message("** 3dLocalHistog: Illegal option: '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
     exit(1) ;

   } /*--- end of loop over options ---*/

   /*---- check for stupid user inputs ----*/

   if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("No datasets on command line?") ;

   if( ohist_name == NULL && strcmp(prefix,"NULL") == 0 )
     ERROR_exit("-prefix NULL is only meaningful if you also use -hsave :-(") ;

   /*------------ scan input datasets, built overall histogram ------------*/

   nsar  = argc - iarg ;
   insar = (THD_3dim_dataset **)malloc(sizeof(THD_3dim_dataset *)*nsar) ;

   if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"Scanning %d datasets ",nsar) ;

   ohist = (UINT32 *)calloc(sizeof(UINT32),TWO16) ;

   for( ids=iarg ; ids < argc ; ids++ ){                      /* dataset loop */
     insar[ids-iarg] = inset = THD_open_dataset(argv[ids]) ;
     CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(inset,argv[ids]) ;
     if( ids == iarg ){
       nx = DSET_NX(inset); ny = DSET_NY(inset); nz = DSET_NZ(inset); nvox = nx*ny*nz;
     } else if( nx != DSET_NX(inset) ||
                ny != DSET_NY(inset) || nz != DSET_NZ(inset) ){
       ERROR_exit("Dataset %s grid doesn't match!",argv[ids]) ;
     if( !THD_datum_constant(inset->dblk) )
       ERROR_exit("Dataset %s doesn't have a fixed data type! :-(",argv[ids]) ;
     if( THD_need_brick_factor(inset) )
       ERROR_exit("Dataset %s has scale factors! :-(",argv[ids]) ;
     if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(inset,0) != MRI_byte  &&
         DSET_BRICK_TYPE(inset,0) != MRI_short &&
         DSET_BRICK_TYPE(inset,0) != MRI_float    )
       ERROR_exit("Dataset %s is not byte- or short-valued! :-(",argv[ids]) ;
     DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;

     for( ii=0 ; ii < DSET_NVALS(inset) ; ii++ ){ /* add to overall histogram */
       if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,".") ;
       switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(inset,ii) ){
         case MRI_short:{
           short *sar = (short *)DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(inset,ii) ;
           for( kk=0 ; kk < nvox ; kk++ ) ohist[ sar[kk]+TWO15 ]++ ;
         break ;
         case MRI_byte:{
           byte *bar = (byte *)DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(inset,ii) ;
           for( kk=0 ; kk < nvox ; kk++ ) ohist[ bar[kk]+TWO15 ]++ ;
         break ;
         case MRI_float:{
           float *far = (float *)DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(inset,ii) ; short ss ;
           for( kk=0 ; kk < nvox ; kk++ ){ ss = SHORTIZE(far[kk]); ohist[ss+TWO15]++; }
         break ;
     } /* end of sub-brick loop */

     DSET_unload(inset) ;  /* will re-load later, as needed */

   } /* end of dataset loop */

   if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;

   /*-------------- process overall histogram for fun and profit -------------*/

   /* if we didn't actually find 0, put it in the histogram now */

   if( ohist[0+TWO15] == 0 ){ ohist[0+TWO15] = 1 ; ohzadd = 1 ; }

   /* excNONLAB? */

   if( nlab > 0 && do_excNONLAB ){
     byte *klist = (byte *)calloc(sizeof(byte),TWO16) ; int nee ;
     for(     ii=0 ; ii < nlab  ; ii++ ){ if( labval[ii] != 0 ) klist[labval[ii]+TWO15] = 1 ; }
     for( nee=ii=0 ; ii < TWO16 ; ii++ ){ if( !klist[ii] ) nee++ ; }
     exlist = (int *)realloc(exlist,sizeof(int)*(numex+nee+1)) ;
     for(     ii=0 ; ii < TWO16 ; ii++ ){ if( ii != TWO15 && !klist[ii] ) exlist[numex++] = ii-TWO15 ; }
     free(klist) ;

   /* make a copy of ohist and edit it for mincount, etc */

   mhist = (UINT32 *)malloc(sizeof(UINT32)*TWO16) ;
   memcpy(mhist,ohist,sizeof(UINT32)*TWO16) ;
   mcc = (mincount < 0.0f) ? (int)(-mincount*nvox) : (int)mincount ;
   if( mcc > 1 ){
     for( ids=ii=0 ; ii < TWO16 ; ii++ ){
       if( ii != TWO15 && mhist[ii] > 0 && mhist[ii] < mcc ){ mhist[ii] = 0; ids++; }
     if( ids > 0 && verb )
       INFO_message("Edited out %d values with overall histogram counts less than %d",ids,mcc) ;
   if( numex > 0 ){
     int ee ;
     for( ids=0,ii=0 ; ii < numex ; ii++ ){
       ee = exlist[ii] ;
       if( mhist[ee+TWO15] > 0 ){ mhist[ee+TWO15] = 0; ids++; }
     free(exlist) ;
     if( ids > 0 && verb )
       INFO_message("Edited out %d values from the exclude list",ids) ;

   /* count number of values with nonzero (edited) counts */

   numval = 0 ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < TWO16 ; ii++ ) if( mhist[ii] != 0 ) numval++ ;

   if( numval == 0 ) ERROR_exit("Nothing found! WTF?") ;  /* should not happen */

   /* make list of all values with nonzero (edited) count */

   rlist = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*numval) ;
   if( verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Include list:") ;
   for( ii=kk=0 ; ii < TWO16 ; ii++ ){
     if( mhist[ii] != 0 ){
       rlist[kk++] = ii-TWO15 ;
       if( verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr," %d[%u]",ii-TWO15,mhist[ii]) ;
   if( verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;

   rbot = rlist[0] ; rtop = rlist[numval-1] ; /* smallest and largest values found */

   if( rbot == rtop ) ERROR_exit("Only one value (%d) found in all inputs!",rbot) ;

   /* if 0 isn't first in rlist, then
      put it in first place and move negative values up by one spot */

   if( rbot < 0 ){
     for( kk=0 ; kk < numval && rlist[kk] != 0 ; kk++ ) ; /*nada*/
     if( kk < numval ){   /* should always be true */
       for( ii=kk-1 ; ii >= 0 ; ii-- ) rlist[ii+1] = rlist[ii] ;
       rlist[0] = 0 ;

   if( verb )
     INFO_message("Value range = %d..%d (%d distinct values)",rbot,rtop,numval );

   /* save overall histogram? */

   if( ohist_name != NULL ){
     FILE *fp = fopen(ohist_name,"w") ; int nl=0 ;
     if( fp == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't open -hsave '%s' for output!",ohist_name) ;
     if( ohzadd ) ohist[0+TWO15] = 0 ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < TWO16 ; ii++ ){
       if( ohist[ii] != 0 ){ fprintf(fp,"%6d %u\n",ii-TWO15,ohist[ii]); nl++; }
     fclose(fp) ;
     if( verb ) INFO_message("Wrote %d lines to -hsave file %s",nl,ohist_name) ;

   free(ohist) ; free(mhist) ; mhist = ohist = NULL ;  /* done with this */

   if( strcmp(prefix,"NULL") == 0 ) exit(0) ;   /* special case */

   /*----------- build the neighborhood mask -----------*/

   if( ntype <= 0 ){         /* default neighborhood */
     ntype = NTYPE_SPHERE ; na = 0.0f ;
     if( verb ) INFO_message("Using default neighborhood = self") ;

   switch( ntype ){
       ERROR_exit("WTF?  ntype=%d",ntype) ;  /* should not happen */

     case NTYPE_SPHERE:{
       float dx , dy , dz ;
       if( na < 0.0f ){ dx = dy = dz = 1.0f ; na = -na ; }
       else           { dx = fabsf(DSET_DX(insar[0])) ;
                        dy = fabsf(DSET_DY(insar[0])) ;
                        dz = fabsf(DSET_DZ(insar[0])) ; }
       nbhd = MCW_spheremask( dx,dy,dz , na ) ;
     break ;

     case NTYPE_RECT:{
       float dx , dy , dz ;
       if( na < 0.0f ){ dx = 1.0f; na = -na; } else dx = fabsf(DSET_DX(insar[0]));
       if( nb < 0.0f ){ dy = 1.0f; nb = -nb; } else dy = fabsf(DSET_DY(insar[0]));
       if( nc < 0.0f ){ dz = 1.0f; nc = -nc; } else dz = fabsf(DSET_DZ(insar[0]));
       nbhd = MCW_rectmask( dx,dy,dz , na,nb,nc ) ;
     break ;

     case NTYPE_RHDD:{
       float dx , dy , dz ;
       if( na < 0.0f ){ dx = dy = dz = 1.0f ; na = -na ; }
       else           { dx = fabsf(DSET_DX(insar[0])) ;
                        dy = fabsf(DSET_DY(insar[0])) ;
                        dz = fabsf(DSET_DZ(insar[0])) ; }
       nbhd = MCW_rhddmask( dx,dy,dz , na ) ;
     break ;

     case NTYPE_TOHD:{
       float dx , dy , dz ;
       if( na < 0.0f ){ dx = dy = dz = 1.0f ; na = -na ; }
       else           { dx = fabsf(DSET_DX(insar[0])) ;
                        dy = fabsf(DSET_DY(insar[0])) ;
                        dz = fabsf(DSET_DZ(insar[0])) ; }
       nbhd = MCW_tohdmask( dx,dy,dz , na ) ;
     break ;

   if( verb ) INFO_message("Neighborhood comprises %d voxels",nbhd->num_pt) ;

   /*------- actually do some work for a change (is it lunchtime yet?) -------*/

   if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"Voxel-wise histograms ") ;

   outset = THD_localhistog( nsar,insar , numval,rlist , nbhd , do_prob,verb ) ;

   if( outset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Function THD_localhistog() fails?!") ;

   /*---- save resulting dataset ----*/

   EDIT_dset_items( outset , ADN_prefix,prefix , ADN_none ) ;

   tross_Copy_History( insar[0] , outset ) ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dLocalHistog" , argc,argv , outset ) ;

   /* but first attach labels to sub-bricks */

   EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(outset,0,"0:Other") ;
   for( kk=1 ; kk < numval ; kk++ ){
     sprintf(buf,"%d:",rlist[kk]) ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nlab ; ii++ ){
       if( labval[ii] == rlist[kk] && lablab[ii] != NULL ){
         ids = strlen(buf) ;
         MCW_strncpy(buf+ids,lablab[ii],THD_MAX_SBLABEL-ids) ;
         break ;
     EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(outset,kk,buf) ;

   DSET_write( outset ) ;
   if( verb ) WROTE_DSET( outset ) ;
   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   MRI_IMAGE *imin, *imout , *imout_orig;
   THD_3dim_dataset *iset, *oset , *ooset;
   char *prefix = "SpatNorm", *bottom_cuts = NULL;
   int iarg , verb=0, OrigSpace = 0 , specie = HUMAN;
   float SpatNormDxyz= 0.0, iset_scaled=1.0;
   THD_ivec3 orixyz , nxyz ;
   THD_fvec3 dxyz , orgxyz, originRAIfv, fv2;

   mainENTRY("3dSpatNorm main") ; machdep() ; 
   if (argc == 1) { usage_3dSpatNorm(1); exit(0); }

   /*--- options ---*/

   iarg = 1 ;
   OrigSpace = 0;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
      if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 ) { 
         usage_3dSpatNorm(strlen(argv[iarg]) > 3 ? 2:1);
     /* -prefix */

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ){
         fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: -prefix requires another argument!\n") ;
         exit(1) ;
       prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ){
         fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: -prefix value contains forbidden characters!\n") ;
         exit(1) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dxyz") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ){
         fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: -dxyz requires another argument!\n") ;
         exit(1) ;
       SpatNormDxyz = atof(argv[iarg]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-bottom_cuts") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ){
         fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: -bottom_cuts requires another argument!\n") ;
         exit(1) ;
       bottom_cuts = argv[iarg] ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-verb",5) == 0 ){
       verb++ ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-human",5) == 0 ){
       specie = HUMAN ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-monkey",5) == 0 ){
       specie = MONKEY ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-marmoset",5) == 0 ){
       specie = MARMOSET ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-rat",5) == 0 ){
       specie = RAT ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-orig_space",10) == 0 ){
       OrigSpace = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: %s is unknown option!\n",argv[iarg]) ;
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
     exit(1) ;

   if( iarg >= argc ){
     fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: no input dataset name on command line?!\n") ;
     exit(1) ;

   /*--- read dataset ---*/

   iset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
   if( !ISVALID_DSET(iset) ){
     fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: can't open dataset %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
     exit(1) ;

   /*--- get median brick --*/

   if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++3dSpatNorm: loading dataset\n") ;

   if (specie == MARMOSET) {
      iset_scaled = 2.5;
      THD_volDXYZscale(iset->daxes, iset_scaled, 0);
      specie = MONKEY;
   imin = THD_median_brick( iset ) ;
   if( imin == NULL ){
     fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: can't load dataset %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
     exit(1) ;
   imin->dx = fabs(iset->daxes->xxdel) ;
   imin->dy = fabs(iset->daxes->yydel) ;
   imin->dz = fabs(iset->daxes->zzdel) ;
   if (SpatNormDxyz) {
      if (verb) fprintf(stderr,"Overriding default resampling\n");
      mri_brainormalize_initialize(SpatNormDxyz, SpatNormDxyz, SpatNormDxyz);
   } else {
      float xxdel, yydel, zzdel, minres;
      if (specie == MONKEY) minres = 0.5;
      else if (specie == MARMOSET) minres = 0.2;
      else if (specie == RAT) minres = 0.1;
      else minres = 0.5;
      /* don't allow for too low a resolution, please */
      if (imin->dx < minres) xxdel = minres;
      else xxdel = imin->dx;
      if (imin->dy < minres) yydel = minres;
      else yydel = imin->dy;
      if (imin->dz < minres) zzdel = minres;
      else zzdel = imin->dz;
      if (verb) {
                  " Original resolution %f, %f, %f\n"
                  " SpatNorm resolution %f, %f, %f\n",
                  "3dSpatnorm", imin->dx, imin->dy, imin->dz, 
                     xxdel, yydel, zzdel);
      mri_brainormalize_initialize(xxdel, yydel, zzdel);
      /* To get around the #define for voxel counts and dimensions */
   mri_brainormalize_initialize(imin->dz, imin->dy, imin->dz); 
   /* me needs the origin of this dset in RAI world */
   LOAD_FVEC3( originRAIfv , 
               iset->daxes->xxorg , iset->daxes->yyorg , iset->daxes->zzorg) ;
   originRAIfv = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( iset , originRAIfv ) ;

   LOAD_FVEC3(fv2, iset->daxes->xxorg + (iset->daxes->nxx-1)*iset->daxes->xxdel ,
                   iset->daxes->yyorg + (iset->daxes->nyy-1)*iset->daxes->yydel ,
                   iset->daxes->zzorg + (iset->daxes->nzz-1)*iset->daxes->zzdel);
   fv2 = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( iset , fv2 ) ;

   if( originRAIfv.xyz[0] > fv2.xyz[0] ) { 
      float tf; tf = originRAIfv.xyz[0]; 
                originRAIfv.xyz[0] = fv2.xyz[0];  fv2.xyz[0] = tf; } 
   if( originRAIfv.xyz[1] > fv2.xyz[1] ) { 
      float tf; tf = originRAIfv.xyz[1]; 
                originRAIfv.xyz[1] = fv2.xyz[1]; fv2.xyz[1] = tf; }
   if( originRAIfv.xyz[2] > fv2.xyz[2] ) { 
      float tf; tf = originRAIfv.xyz[2]; 
                originRAIfv.xyz[2] = fv2.xyz[2]; fv2.xyz[2] = tf; }
   if (verb) {
      fprintf(stderr,"++3dSpatNorm (ZSS): RAI origin info: %f %f %f\n", 
                     originRAIfv.xyz[0], originRAIfv.xyz[1], originRAIfv.xyz[2]);
   DSET_unload( iset ) ;  /* don't need this data no more */

   /*-- convert image to shorts, if appropriate --*/

   if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(iset,0) == MRI_short ||
       DSET_BRICK_TYPE(iset,0) == MRI_byte    ){

     imout = mri_to_short(0.0,imin) ; /* ZSS Oct 2012: Let function set scaling*/
     mri_free(imin) ; imin = imout ;

   /*--- normalize image spatially ---*/

   mri_brainormalize_verbose( verb ) ;
   if (OrigSpace) {
      imout = mri_brainormalize( imin , iset->daxes->xxorient,
                                     iset->daxes->zzorient , &imout_orig, NULL) ;
   } else {
      imout = mri_brainormalize( imin , iset->daxes->xxorient,
                                     iset->daxes->zzorient , NULL, NULL) ;
   mri_free( imin ) ;

   if( imout == NULL ){
     fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: normalization fails!?\n"); exit(1);
   if (OrigSpace) {
      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++3dSpatNorm: Output in Orignal space\n") ;
      mri_free( imout ) ;
      imout = imout_orig; 
      imout->xo = originRAIfv.xyz[0]; 
      imout->yo = originRAIfv.xyz[1]; 
      imout->zo = originRAIfv.xyz[2]; 
      imout_orig = NULL;
   } else {
      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++3dSpatNorm: Output in SpatNorm space\n") ;
#if 0
   if( AFNI_yesenv("WATERSHED") ){
     imin = mri_watershedize( imout , 0.10 ) ;
     if( imin != NULL ){ mri_free(imout); imout = imin; }

   /*--- create output dataset ---*/
   if( verb )
     fprintf(stderr,"++3dSpatNorm: Creating output dset\n") ;

   oset = EDIT_empty_copy( NULL ) ;

   tross_Copy_History( iset , oset ) ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dSpatNorm" , argc,argv , oset ) ;

   LOAD_IVEC3( nxyz   , imout->nx    , imout->ny    , imout->nz    ) ;
   LOAD_FVEC3( dxyz   , imout->dx    , imout->dy    , imout->dz    ) ;
   LOAD_FVEC3( orgxyz , imout->xo    , imout->yo    , imout->zo    ) ;
   LOAD_IVEC3( orixyz , ORI_R2L_TYPE , ORI_A2P_TYPE , ORI_I2S_TYPE ) ;

   if( verb )
     fprintf(stderr,"++3dSpatNorm: EDIT_dset_items\n") ;
   EDIT_dset_items( oset ,
                      ADN_prefix      , prefix ,
                      ADN_datum_all   , imout->kind ,
                      ADN_nxyz        , nxyz ,
                      ADN_xyzdel      , dxyz ,
                      ADN_xyzorg      , orgxyz ,
                      ADN_xyzorient   , orixyz ,
                      ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ,
                      ADN_view_type   , VIEW_ORIGINAL_TYPE ,
                      ADN_type        , HEAD_ANAT_TYPE ,
                      ADN_func_type   , ANAT_BUCK_TYPE ,
                    ADN_none ) ;

   if( verb )
     fprintf(stderr,"++3dSpatNorm: EDIT_substitute_brick\n") ;
   EDIT_substitute_brick( oset , 0 , imout->kind , mri_data_pointer(imout) ) ;

   if (OrigSpace) {
      if( verb )
         fprintf(stderr,"++3dSpatNorm: Changing orientation from RAI\n") ;
      ooset = r_new_resam_dset ( oset, iset, 0, 0, 0, NULL, MRI_NN, NULL, 1, 0);
      if (!ooset) {
         fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: Failed to reslice!?\n"); exit(1);
      /* put prefix back, r_new_resam_dset puts dummy prefix */
      EDIT_dset_items( ooset ,
                       ADN_prefix      , prefix,
                       ADN_none ) ;

      DSET_delete(oset); oset = ooset; ooset = NULL;

   if (iset_scaled != 1.0f) 
                      1/iset_scaled, 0);

   DSET_write(oset) ;
   if( verb )
     fprintf(stderr,"++3dSpatNorm: wrote dataset %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(oset)) ;
   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   int iarg=1 , ii , do_iwarp=0 ;
   char *prefix = "NwarpCat" ;
   mat44 wmat , smat , qmat ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *oset=NULL ;
   char *cwarp_all=NULL ; int ntot=0 ;

   AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ;  /* 24 Jun 2013 */

   if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ) NWC_help() ;

   /*-- bureaucracy --*/

   mainENTRY("3dNwarpCat"); machdep();
   PRINT_VERSION("3dNwarpCat"); AUTHOR("Zhark the Warper");
   (void)COX_clock_time() ;
   putenv("AFNI_WSINC5_SILENT=YES") ;

   /*-- initialization --*/

   CW_no_expad = 1 ;  /* don't allow automatic padding of input warp */
   Hverb = 0 ;        /* don't be verbose inside mri_nwarp.c */
   for( ii=0 ; ii < NWMAX ; ii++ ) cwarp[ii] = NULL ;

   /*-- scan args --*/

   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-iwarp") == 0 ){
       do_iwarp = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-space") == 0 ){
       sname = strdup(argv[++iarg]) ; iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-NN") == 0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nearest",6) == 0 ){
       WARNING_message("NN interpolation not legal here -- switched to linear") ;
       interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-linear",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-trilinear",6)==0 ){
       interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-cubic",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-tricubic",6)==0 ){
       WARNING_message("cubic interplation not legal here -- switched to quintic") ;
       interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-quintic",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-triquintic",6)==0 ){
       interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-wsinc",5) == 0 ){
       interp_code = MRI_WSINC5 ; iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-expad") == 0 ){
       int expad ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       expad = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
       if( expad < 0 ){
         WARNING_message("-expad %d is illegal and is set to zero",expad) ;
         expad = 0 ;
       CW_extra_pad = expad ;  /* this is how we force extra padding */
       iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-interp",5)==0 ){
       char *inam ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       inam = argv[iarg] ; if( *inam == '-' ) inam++ ;
       if( strcasecmp(inam,"NN")==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"nearest",5)==0 ){
         WARNING_message("NN interpolation not legal here -- changed to linear") ;
         interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"linear",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"trilinear",5)==0 ){
         interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"cubic",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"tricubic",5)==0 ){
         WARNING_message("cubic interplation not legal here -- changed to quintic") ;
         interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"quintic",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"triquintic",5)==0 ){
         interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"wsinc",4)==0 ){
         interp_code = MRI_WSINC5 ;
       } else {
         ERROR_exit("Unknown code '%s' after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg],argv[iarg-1]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0 ){
       verb++ ; NwarpCalcRPN_verb(verb) ; iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       prefix = argv[iarg] ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal name after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-warp",5) == 0 ){
       int nn ;
       if( iarg >= argc-1 ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
       if( !isdigit(argv[iarg][5]) ) ERROR_exit("illegal format for '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
       nn = (int)strtod(argv[iarg]+5,NULL) ;
       if( nn <= 0 || nn > NWMAX )
         ERROR_exit("illegal warp index in '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
       if( cwarp[nn-1] != NULL )
         ERROR_exit("'%s': you can't specify warp #%d more than once :-(",argv[iarg],nn) ;
       cwarp[nn-1] = strdup(argv[++iarg]) ;
       if( nn > nwtop ) nwtop = nn ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;


     ERROR_message("Confusingly Unknown option '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0],argv[iarg]) ;
     exit(1) ;


   /*-- load any warps left on the command line, after options --*/

   for( ; iarg < argc && nwtop < NWMAX-1 ; iarg++ )
     cwarp[nwtop++] = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;

   /*-- check if all warp strings are affine matrices --*/

#define AFFINE_WARP_STRING(ss)     \
  ( strstr((ss)," ") == NULL &&    \
    ( strcasestr((ss),".1D") != NULL || strcasestr((ss),".txt") != NULL ) )

   for( ntot=ii=0 ; ii < nwtop ; ii++ ){
     if( cwarp[ii] == NULL ) continue ;
     ntot += strlen(cwarp[ii]) ;
     if( ! AFFINE_WARP_STRING(cwarp[ii]) ) break ;  /* not affine */
   if( ntot == 0 ) ERROR_exit("No warps on command line?!") ;

   if( ii == nwtop ){  /* all are affine (this is for Ziad) */
     char *fname = malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(prefix)+16)) ; FILE *fp ;
     float a11,a12,a13,a14,a21,a22,a23,a24,a31,a32,a33,a34 ;

     LOAD_IDENT_MAT44(wmat) ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nwtop ; ii++ ){
       if( cwarp[ii] == NULL ) continue ;
       smat = CW_read_affine_warp_OLD(cwarp[ii]) ;
       qmat = MAT44_MUL(smat,wmat) ; wmat = qmat ;

     if( strcmp(prefix,"-") == 0 || strncmp(prefix,"stdout",6) == 0 ){
       fp = stdout ; strcpy(fname,"stdout") ;
     } else {
       strcpy(fname,prefix) ;
       if( strstr(fname,".1D") == NULL ) strcat(fname,".aff12.1D") ;
       fp = fopen(fname,"w") ;
       if( fp == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't open output matrix file %s",fname) ;
     if( do_iwarp ){
       qmat = MAT44_INV(wmat) ; wmat = qmat ;
     UNLOAD_MAT44(wmat,a11,a12,a13,a14,a21,a22,a23,a24,a31,a32,a33,a34) ;
             " %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g\n",
             a11,a12,a13,a14,a21,a22,a23,a24,a31,a32,a33,a34 ) ;
     if( verb && fp != stdout ) INFO_message("Wrote matrix to %s",fname) ;
     if( fp != stdout ) fclose(fp) ;
     exit(0) ;

   /*** at least one nonlinear warp ==> cat all strings, use library function to read ***/

   cwarp_all = (char *)calloc(sizeof(char),(ntot+NWMAX)*2) ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nwtop ; ii++ ){
     if( cwarp[ii] != NULL ){ strcat(cwarp_all,cwarp[ii]) ; strcat(cwarp_all," ") ; }

   oset = IW3D_read_catenated_warp( cwarp_all ) ;  /* process all of them at once */

   if( do_iwarp ){            /* 18 Jul 2014 */
     THD_3dim_dataset *qwarp ;
     if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"Applying -iwarp option") ;
     qwarp = THD_nwarp_invert(oset) ;
     DSET_delete(oset) ;
     oset = qwarp ;
     if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dNwarpCat" , argc,argv , oset ) ;
   if( sname != NULL ) MCW_strncpy( oset->atlas_space , sname , THD_MAX_NAME ) ;
   EDIT_dset_items( oset , ADN_prefix,prefix , ADN_none ) ;
   DSET_write(oset) ; WROTE_DSET(oset) ;

   /*--- run away screaming into the night, never to be seen again ---*/

   INFO_message("total CPU time = %.1f sec  Elapsed = %.1f\n",
                COX_cpu_time() , COX_clock_time() ) ;

   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 6
File : SUMA.c
\author : Ziad Saad
Date : Thu Dec 27 16:21:01 EST 2001
Purpose : 
Input paramters : 
Usage : 
      SUMA ( )
Returns : 
Support : 
\sa   OpenGL prog. Guide 3rd edition
\sa   varray.c from book's sample code
Side effects : 
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
{/* Main */
   static char FuncName[]={"suma"}; 
   int kar, i;
   SUMA_SFname *SF_name;
   SUMA_Boolean brk, SurfIn;
   char  *NameParam, *AfniHostName = NULL, *s = NULL, *pdspec=NULL, *pdsv=NULL;
   char *specfilename[SUMA_MAX_N_GROUPS], *VolParName[SUMA_MAX_N_GROUPS];
   byte InMem[SUMA_MAX_N_GROUPS];
   SUMA_SurfSpecFile *Specp[SUMA_MAX_N_GROUPS];   
   SUMA_Axis *EyeAxis;    
   SUMA_EngineData *ED= NULL;
   DList *list = NULL;
   DListElmt *Element= NULL;
   int iv15[15], N_iv15, ispec, nspec;
   struct stat stbuf;
   float fff=0.0;
   int Start_niml = 0;
   SUMA_Boolean  Domemtrace = YUP;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
   SUMAg_CF->isGraphical = YUP;
   ps = SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(argc, argv, "-i;-t;-dset;-do;");

   /* initialize Volume Parent and AfniHostName to nothing */
   for (ispec=0; ispec < SUMA_MAX_N_GROUPS; ++ispec) {
      specfilename[ispec] = NULL;
      VolParName[ispec] = NULL;
      Specp[ispec] = NULL;
      InMem[ispec] = 0;
   AfniHostName = NULL; 
   /* Allocate space for DO structure */
   SUMAg_DOv = SUMA_Alloc_DisplayObject_Struct (SUMA_MAX_DISPLAYABLE_OBJECTS);
   /* call the function to parse the other surface mode inputs */
   ispec = 0;
   if (LocalHead) SUMA_Show_IO_args(ps);
   if (ps->i_N_surfnames || ps->t_N_surfnames || ps->N_DO) {
      SUMA_LH("-i and/or -t surfaces on command line!");
      Specp[ispec] = SUMA_IO_args_2_spec (ps, &nspec); 
      if (Specp[ispec]) {
         if (nspec != 1) {
            SUMA_S_Errv("-spec is being parsed separately here, "
                        "expecting one spec only from SUMA_IO_args_2_spec, \n"
                        "got %d\n", nspec);
            exit (1);
      } else {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to load -i/-t surfaces");
   /* Work the options */
   kar = 1;
   brk = NOPE;
   SurfIn = NOPE;
   Domemtrace = YUP; 
   while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
      /*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
         SUMA_usage (ps, strlen(argv[kar]) > 3 ? 2:1);
          exit (0); /* return a good status on -help   12 Jul 2013 [rickr] */
      /* -list_ports list and quit */
      if( strncmp(argv[kar],"-list_ports", 8) == 0) {
         show_ports_list(); exit(0);
      /* -port_number and quit */
      if( strncmp(argv[kar],"-port_number", 8) == 0) {
         int pp = 0;
         if( ++kar >= argc ) 
            ERROR_exit("need an argument after -port_number!"); 
         pp = get_port_named(argv[kar]);
         if (strcmp(argv[kar-1], "-port_number_quiet")) { 
            fprintf(stdout, "\nPort %s: %d\n", argv[kar], pp); 
         } else {
            fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", pp); 
         if (pp < 1) exit(1);
         else exit(0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-visuals") == 0) {
          SUMA_ShowAllVisuals ();
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-brethren_windows") == 0) {
          Display *dd=NULL; Window ww;
          if (!(dd = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) {
            SUMA_S_Err("No display "); exit(1);
          ww = XDefaultRootWindow(dd);
          SUMA_WindowsOnRootDisplay(dd, ww , 0);
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-version") == 0) {
          s = SUMA_New_Additions (0.0, 1);
          fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"%s\n", s); 
          SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sources") == 0) {
          s = SUMA_sources_Info();
          fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"%s\n", s); 
          SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-help_nido") == 0) {
         s = SUMA_NIDO_Info();
         fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"%s\n", s); 
         SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
         exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-all_latest_news") == 0) {
          s = SUMA_New_Additions (-1.0, 0);
          fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"%s\n", s); 
          SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-help_sphinx_interactive") == 0) {
         FILE *fout = NULL;
         if( ++kar >= argc ) 
            ERROR_exit("need a file name after -help_sphinx_interactive!");       
          fout = fopen(argv[kar],"w");
          if (!fout) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to open %s for writing", argv[kar]);
          fclose(fout); fout = NULL;
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-help_interactive") == 0) {
          FILE *fout = fopen("Mouse_Keyboard_Controls.txt","w");
          if (!fout) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to open Mouse_Keyboard_Controls.txt for writing");
          fclose(fout); fout = NULL;
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-test_help_string_edit") == 0) {
         SUMA_Sphinx_String_Edit_Help(SUMA_STDOUT, 0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-test_help_string_edit_web") == 0) {
         SUMA_Sphinx_String_Edit_Help(SUMA_STDOUT, 1);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-environment") == 0) {
          s = SUMA_env_list_help (0, TXT);
          fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,  
            "#SUMA ENVIRONMENT \n"
            "# If you do not have a ~/.sumarc file, cannot find a SUMA\n"
            "# environment variable that's been mentioned in documentation,\n"
            "# or fervently desire to update your current ~/.sumarc with  \n"
            "# all the latest variables that SUMA uses, you should run: \n"
            "# \n"
            "#    suma -update_env\n"
            "# \n"
            "# Unless you have setup SUMA environment variables outside of\n"
            "# your ~/.sumarc file, updating your ~/.sumarc file with \n"
            "# 'suma -update_env' WILL NOT ALTER changes you have already\n"
            "# made to the variables in your current ~/.sumarc. \n"
            "# For this reason consider running the update command after each \n"
            "# upgrade of your AFNI/SUMA binaries.\n" 
                  "%s\n", s); 
          SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-default_env") == 0) {
          s = SUMA_env_list_help (1, NO_FORMAT);
          fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,  
                  "#SUMA DEFAULT ENVIRONMENT (user settings ignored)\n"
                  "# see also suma -udate_env or suma -environment\n"
                  "# \n"
                  "%s\n", s); 
          SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-update_env") == 0) {
          if (system("suma -environment > ___sumarc")) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to create env file.");
          if (SUMA_filexists("~/.sumarc")) {
            if (system("\\cp -f ~/.sumarc ~/.sumarc-bak")) {
               SUMA_S_Err("Failed to backup ~/.sumarc to ~/.sumarc-bak.");
          if (system("\\mv ___sumarc ~/.sumarc")) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to copy newrc (___sumarc) to ~/.sumarc");
          SUMA_S_Note("Environment update done.");
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-latest_news") == 0) {
          s = SUMA_New_Additions (0.0, 0);
          fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"%s\n", s); 
          SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-progs") == 0) {
          s = SUMA_All_Programs();
          fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"%s\n", s); 
          SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
          exit (0);
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-motif_ver") == 0) {  /* 9 Mar 2009 [rickr] */
         exit (0);
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-iodbg") == 0)) {
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Obsolete, use -trace\n", FuncName);
         exit (0);
                 "Warning %s: SUMA running in in/out debug mode.\n", FuncName);
         brk = YUP;
         if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-memdbg") == 0)) {
            fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT,"Error %s: -memdbg is obsolete, use -trace\n", 
            exit (0);
            fprintf( SUMA_STDOUT,
                     "Warning %s: SUMA running in memory trace mode.\n", 
            SUMAg_CF->MemTrace = YUP;
            #ifdef USING_MCW_MALLOC
            brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-dev") == 0)) {
                  "Warning %s: SUMA running in developer mode, "
                  "some options may malfunction.\n", FuncName);
         SUMAg_CF->Dev = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-fake_cmap") == 0)) {
         SUMA_S_Warn("-fake_cmap is for automatic selfies of the widgets.\n"
                     "You should not use this option for any other reason\n");
         SUMAg_CF->Fake_Cmap = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && SUMAg_CF->Dev && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-truth_table") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need expression after -truth_table \n");
            exit (1);
         SUMA_bool_eval_truth_table(argv[kar], 0);  exit(0);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-niml") == 0)) {
         Start_niml = 1;
         brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-noniml") == 0)) {
         Start_niml = -1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-vp") == 0 || 
                   strcmp(argv[kar], "-sa") == 0 || 
                   strcmp(argv[kar], "-sv") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -vp|-sa|-sv \n");
            exit (1);
         if (ispec < 1) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                     "a -spec option must precede the first -sv option\n");
            exit (1);
         if (!specfilename[ispec-1] && !Specp[ispec-1]) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                     "a -spec option must precede each -sv option\n");
            exit (1);
         VolParName[ispec-1] = argv[kar]; 
         if (LocalHead) {
            fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT, "Found: %s\n", VolParName[ispec]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && strcmp(argv[kar], "-drive_com") == 0)
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -drive_com\n");
            exit (1);
         SUMAg_CF->dcom = (char **)SUMA_realloc(SUMAg_CF->dcom,
                                          (SUMAg_CF->N_dcom+1)*sizeof(char *));
         SUMAg_CF->dcom[SUMAg_CF->N_dcom] = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && strcmp(argv[kar], "-ah") == 0)
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -ah\n");
            exit (1);
         if (strcmp(argv[kar],"localhost") != 0) {
            AfniHostName = argv[kar];
         }else {
           fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                    "localhost is the default for -ah\n"
                    "No need to specify it.\n");
         /*fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT, "Found: %s\n", AfniHostName);*/

         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && strcmp(argv[kar], "-spec") == 0)
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -spec \n");
            exit (1);
         if (ispec >= SUMA_MAX_N_GROUPS) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                     "Cannot accept more than %d spec files.\n",     
         if (SUMA_is_predefined_SO_name(argv[kar], NULL, 
                                        &pdspec, &pdsv, NULL) == 3) {
            specfilename[ispec] = pdspec; pdspec = NULL; /* Memory leak! */
            VolParName[ispec] = pdsv; pdsv = NULL; /* Memory leak! */
         } else {
            specfilename[ispec] = argv[kar]; 
         if (LocalHead) {
            fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT, "Found: %s\n", specfilename[ispec]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && !ps->arg_checked[kar]) {
         if (  !strcmp(argv[kar], "-i") ||
               !strncmp(argv[kar], "-i_",3) ) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
      "Error %s: Option %s not understood. \n"
      "  Make sure parameter after -i or -i_ is the full name of a surface.\n"
      FuncName, argv[kar], 
      strlen(argv[kar])==2 ? 
         "For -i to work, SUMA needs to guess at the surface type from\n"
         "  the filename extensions. If SUMA fails try the full -i_* option"
         " instead.\n" : ""
         } else {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Option %s not understood. Try -help for usage\n", 
                  FuncName, argv[kar]);
            suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
         exit (1);
      } else {   
         brk = NOPE;
         kar ++;
   }/* loop accross command ine options */
   /* -ah option now checked for in ps */
   if (ps->cs->afni_host_name && !AfniHostName) {
      AfniHostName = SUMA_copy_string(ps->cs->afni_host_name);
   #if 0
   SUMA_S_Note("KILL ME");
      int i,j, nl; 
      SUMA_TextBoxSize("Hello", &i,&j,&nl,NULL); 
   SUMA_ReadNIDO("/Users/ziad/SUMA_test_dirs/DO/TextDO/sample.niml.do", NULL);   
   /* Make surface loading pacifying */
   #if 0
   if (ps->N_DO) { /* Have DOs on command line */
      if (Specp[0]) { /* Add to Specp[0] */
         if (ps->N_DO + Specp[0]->N_DO > SUMA_MAX_DO_SPEC) {
            SUMA_S_Warn("Too many DOs, increase static limit..");
                                       /* ignore extras for now */
            ps->N_DO = SUMA_MAX_DO_SPEC - Specp[0]->N_DO;
         for (i=0; i<ps->N_DO; ++i) {
            strcpy(Specp[0]->DO_name[Specp[0]->N_DO], ps->DO_name[i]);
            Specp[0]->DO_type[Specp[0]->N_DO] = ps->DO_type[i];
      } else {
   /* any Specp to be found ?*/
   if (specfilename[0] == NULL && Specp[0] == NULL) {
      SUMA_SurfaceObject **SOv=NULL;
      int N_SOv = 0;
      fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
               "%s: \n"
               "     No input specified, loading some toy surfaces...\n"
               "     Use '.' and ',' to cycle between them.\n"
               "     See suma -help for assistance.\n"
               "\n", FuncName);
      /* create your own surface and put it in a spec file */
      SOv = SUMA_GimmeSomeSOs(&N_SOv);
      Specp[ispec] = SUMA_SOGroup_2_Spec (SOv, N_SOv);
      SUMA_free(SOv); SOv = NULL;
      InMem[ispec] = 1;

   if(!SUMA_Assign_HostName (SUMAg_CF, AfniHostName, -1)) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
         "Error %s: Failed in SUMA_Assign_HostName\n", FuncName);
      exit (1);
   /* a function to test Memtracing */
      int *jnk;
      jnk = SUMA_disaster();
      SUMA_free(jnk); /* without the -trace, you'll get a 
                           warning here if jnk is corrupted */
   /* create an Eye Axis DO */
   EyeAxis = SUMA_Alloc_Axis ("Eye Axis", AO_type);
   if (EyeAxis == NULL) {
      SUMA_error_message (FuncName,"Error Creating Eye Axis",1);

   /* Store it into SUMAg_DOv */
   if (!SUMA_AddDO(  SUMAg_DOv, &SUMAg_N_DOv, 
                     (void *)EyeAxis,  AO_type, SUMA_SCREEN)) {
      SUMA_error_message (FuncName,"Error Adding DO", 1);
   /*fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "SUMAg_N_DOv = %d created\n", SUMAg_N_DOv);
   SUMA_Show_DOv(SUMAg_DOv, SUMAg_N_DOv, NULL);*/

   /* Allocate space (and initialize) Surface Viewer Structure */
   SUMAg_SVv = SUMA_Alloc_SurfaceViewer_Struct (SUMA_MAX_SURF_VIEWERS);
   /* SUMAg_N_SVv gets updated in SUMA_X_SurfaceViewer_Create
   and reflects not the number of elements in SUMAg_SVv which is
   SUMA_MAX_SURF_VIEWERS, but the number of viewers that were realized
   by X */
   /* Check on initialization */
   /*SUMA_Show_SurfaceViewer_Struct (SUMAg_cSV, stdout);*/

   /* Create the Surface Viewer Window */
   if (!SUMA_X_SurfaceViewer_Create ()) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Error in SUMA_X_SurfaceViewer_Create. Exiting\n");
      return 1;
   for (i=0; i<ispec; ++i) {
      if (!list) list = SUMA_CreateList();
      ED = SUMA_InitializeEngineListData (SE_Load_Group);
      if (!( Element = SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand (  list, ED, 
                                             SEF_cp, (void *)specfilename[i], 
                                             SES_Suma, NULL, NOPE, 
                                             SEI_Head, NULL ))) {
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Failed to register command\n", FuncName);
         exit (1);
      if (!( Element = SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand (  list, ED, 
                                             SEF_ip, (void *)Specp[i], 
                                             SES_Suma, NULL, NOPE, 
                                             SEI_In, Element ))) {
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Failed to register command\n", FuncName);
         exit (1);
      fff = (float) InMem[i];
      if (!( Element = SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand (  list, ED, 
                                             SEF_f, (void *)&fff, 
                                             SES_Suma, NULL, NOPE, 
                                             SEI_In, Element ))) {
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Failed to register command\n", FuncName);
         exit (1);
      if (!( Element = SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand (  list, ED, 
                                             SEF_vp, (void *)VolParName[i], 
                                             SES_Suma, NULL, NOPE, 
                                             SEI_In, Element ))) {
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Failed to register command\n", FuncName);
         exit (1);

      if (N_iv15 > 15) {
         fprintf( SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: trying to register more than 15 viewers!\n", 
      for (kar=0; kar<N_iv15; ++kar) iv15[kar] = kar;
      if (!( Element = SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand (  list, ED, 
                                             SEF_iv15, (void *)iv15, 
                                             SES_Suma, NULL, NOPE, 
                                             SEI_In, Element ))) {
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Failed to register command\n", FuncName);
         exit (1);

      if (!( Element = SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand (  list, ED, 
                                             SEF_i, (void *)&N_iv15, 
                                             SES_Suma, NULL, NOPE, 
                                             SEI_In, Element ))) {
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Failed to register command\n", FuncName);
         exit (1);
   if (ispec > 0 && !SUMA_Engine (&list)) {
      fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Failed in SUMA_Engine\n", FuncName);
      exit (1);
   /* For some reason, I had to add the glLightfv line below
   to force the lightflipping done in SUMA_SetupSVforDOs to take place
   in the A viewer when first opened. I don't know why that is, especially
   since other controllers would show up lit correctly without this 
   glLightfv line below.
      To make matters worse, the A controller's light0_position is correctly 
      It is just that the shading is done as if the position was never flipped. 
   Actually, without the line below, the first time you hit the F key (to 
   manually flip the light), nothing changes, that's because the light's position    is unflipped, which is supposed to show the incorrect lighting. 
   You'll have to hit F again to have the lighting correctly flipped 
   and the shading reflecting it.... ZSS, Aug. 05 04 */
   glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, SUMAg_SVv[0].light0_position); 

   if (Start_niml != -1 && (Start_niml == 1|| AFNI_yesenv("SUMA_START_NIML"))) {
      if (!list) list = SUMA_CreateList();
      SUMA_REGISTER_HEAD_COMMAND_NO_DATA( list, SE_StartListening, 
                                          SES_Suma, NULL);

      if (!SUMA_Engine (&list)) {
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: SUMA_Engine call failed.\n", FuncName);
         exit (1);   
   /* load the datasets onto the first SO, if any, else hope that dset 
      is some form of DO  */
   if (ps->N_dsetname>0) {
      SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO = SUMA_findanySOp_inDOv(SUMAg_DOv, 
                                                     SUMAg_N_DOv, NULL);
      if (!SO) {
         SUMA_LH("Could not find any SO, here is hoping dset is a DO");
      for (i=0; i<ps->N_dsetname; ++i) {
         if (!(SUMA_LoadDsetOntoSO_eng(ps->dsetname[i], SO, 1, 1, 1, NULL))) {
            SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to load %s onto %s\n", 
                        ps->dsetname[i], SO?SO->Label:"NULL");

   SUMA_FreeGenericArgParse(ps); ps = NULL;
   /* A Warning about no sumarc */
   if (NoSumaRcFound()) { 
" No sumarc file found. You should create one by running the following:\n"
"              suma -update_env\n"
" I also recommend you run 'suma -update_env' whenever you update AFNI.\n" 
" See details for -environment and -update_env options in suma -help's output.\n"
   /*Main loop */

   /* Done, clean up time */
   if (ispec) {
      int k=0; 
      for (k=0; k<ispec; ++k) {
         if (!SUMA_FreeSpecFields((Specp[k]))) { 
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to free spec fields"); 
         Specp[k] = NULL;
   } ispec = 0;
   if (!SUMA_Free_Displayable_Object_Vect (SUMAg_DOv, SUMAg_N_DOv)) 
      SUMA_error_message(FuncName,"DO Cleanup Failed!",1);
   if (!SUMA_Free_SurfaceViewer_Struct_Vect (SUMAg_SVv, SUMA_MAX_SURF_VIEWERS)) 
      SUMA_error_message(FuncName,"SUMAg_SVv Cleanup Failed!",1);
   if (!SUMA_Free_CommonFields(SUMAg_CF)) 
      SUMA_error_message(FuncName,"SUMAg_CF Cleanup Failed!",1);
  SUMA_RETURN(0);             /* ANSI C requires main to return int. */
}/* Main */ 
Exemplo n.º 7
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset *dset=NULL;
   int iarg , verbose = -1 ;
   char *outbuf, *stmp=NULL;
   char *labelName = NULL;
   char *sbdelim = {"|"};
   char *NAflag = {"NA"};
   char *atrdelim = {"\t"}, *form=NULL;
   INFO_FIELDS sing[512];
   int iis=0, N_sing = 0, isb=0, withhead = 0, itmp=0;
   int ip=0, needpair = 0, namelen=0, monog_pairs = 0;
   THD_3dim_dataset *tttdset=NULL, *dsetp=NULL;
   char *tempstr = NULL;
   int extinit = 0;
   float RL_AP_IS[6];

   mainENTRY("3dinfo main") ; machdep() ;

   if( argc < 2) { Syntax(TXT,1) ; RETURN(0); }

   iarg = 1 ;
   while (iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-') {
           if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-verb" ,5) == 0 ){
            verbose =  0; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-VERB" ,5) == 0 ){
            verbose =  1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-short",5) == 0 ){
            verbose = -1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-header_line") == 0 ||
               strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-hdr") == 0 ){
            withhead = 1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-monog_pairs") == 0 ){
            monog_pairs = 1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if ( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-label2",7) == 0 )
        if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs an argument after -label2number\n");
        labelName = malloc(sizeof(char) * 2048);
        strcpy(labelName, argv[iarg]);
        iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-sb_delim") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs a string after -sb_delim\n");
         sbdelim = argv[iarg];
         iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-NA_flag") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs a string after -NA_flag\n");
         NAflag = argv[iarg];
         iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-atr_delim") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs a string after -atr_delim\n");
         atrdelim = argv[iarg];
         iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-space") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DSET_SPACE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-av_space") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = AV_DSET_SPACE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-gen_space") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DSET_GEN_SPACE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-is_nifti") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = IS_NIFTI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-is_atlas") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = IS_ATLAS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-exists") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DSET_EXISTS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-is_oblique") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = IS_OBLIQUE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-obliquity") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OBLIQUITY; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-handedness") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = HANDEDNESS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = PREFIX; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix_noext") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = PREFIX_NOEXT; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ni") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-n4") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NI;
         sing[N_sing++] = NJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = NK;
         sing[N_sing++] = NV; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Rextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_R; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Lextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_L; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Aextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_A; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Pextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_P; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Iextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_I; iarg++;
      }  else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Sextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_S; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-extent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_R;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_L;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_A;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_P;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_I;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_S;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-di") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-d3") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DI;
         sing[N_sing++] = DJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = DK; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-adi") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-adj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-adk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ad3") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADI;
         sing[N_sing++] = ADJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = ADK; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-voxvol") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = VOXVOL; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-iname") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = INAME; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-oi") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-oj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ok") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-o3") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OI;
         sing[N_sing++] = OJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = OK; iarg++;
      }else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nt") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NT; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nti") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NTI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nv") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NV; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nvi") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NVI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ntimes") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NTIMES; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-max_node") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MAX_NODE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nijk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NIJK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-labeltable") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = LTABLE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-labeltable_as_atlas_points") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = LTABLE_AS_ATLAS_POINT_LIST; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-atlas_points") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ATLAS_POINTS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-fac") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = FAC; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-datum") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DATUM; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-label") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = LABEL; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-min") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MIN; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-max") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MAX; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-minus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MINUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-maxus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MAXUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dmin") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMIN; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dmax") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMAX; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dminus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMINUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dmaxus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMAXUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-TR") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = TR; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-header_name") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = HEADER_NAME; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-brick_name") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = BRICK_NAME; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-history") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = HISTORY; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-all_names") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ALL_NAMES; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-orient") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ORIENT; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_grid") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_GRID; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_dim") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DIM; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_delta") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DELTA; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_orient") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_ORIENT; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_center") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_CENTER; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_obl") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_OBL; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-slice_timing") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SLICE_TIMING; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-sval_diff") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SVAL_DIFF; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-val_diff") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = VAL_DIFF; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_all_grid") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DIM;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DELTA;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_ORIENT;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_CENTER;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_OBL; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-id") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ID; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-smode") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SMODE; iarg++; continue;
      } else {
         ERROR_message("Option %s unknown", argv[iarg]);
         suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);

   if (N_sing == 0) {
      sing[N_sing++] = CLASSIC;

   if (sing[iis] == CLASSIC) PRINT_VERSION("3dinfo") ;

   THD_allow_empty_dataset(1) ;  /* 21 Mar 2007 */

   if (iarg == argc) {
      ERROR_message("No dsets on command line? I have nothing to do.\n");

   if (needpair && monog_pairs) needpair = 2; /* pair each couple separately */

   if (needpair==2 && (argc-iarg) % 2) {
      ERROR_message("Using options requiring dset pairs but have odd number\n"
                    "of dsets (%d) on command line.\n", (argc-iarg));
      exit (1);
   } else if (needpair==1 && (argc-iarg) < 2) {
      ERROR_message("Using options requiring dset pairs but have less than\n"
                    "two dsets (%d) on command line.\n", (argc-iarg));
      exit (1);

   ip = 0;
   for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
      if (ip == 0) {
         int kkk, nml; char *etr;
         namelen = 0;
         for (kkk=iarg; kkk<argc; ++kkk) {
            if ((etr = THD_trailname(argv[kkk],0))) {
               if (nml < 48 && nml > namelen) namelen = nml;
         if (namelen < 6) namelen = 6;
         if (withhead) {
            int havenew=0;
            for (iis = 0; iis < N_sing; ++iis) {
               if (sing[iis] != CLASSIC) {
                  form = PrintForm(sing[iis], namelen, 1);
                  /*fprintf(stderr,"ZSS: %d %s >%s<\n",
                           sing[iis], Field_Names[sing[iis]], form);*/

                  fprintf(stdout, form, Field_Names[sing[iis]]);
               if (havenew) {
                  if (N_sing > 1 && iis < N_sing-1)
                  else fprintf(stdout,"\n");
     if( argv[iarg][0] == '\0' ) continue ;  /* bad filename */

     set_obliquity_report(0); /* silence obliquity */

     if (!needpair) {
      if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg]))) {
        /* exit(1); */
     } else {
      if (needpair == 2) { /* Crazy idea of comparing each pair separately */
         if (ip % 2 == 0) {
            if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg] ))) {
               /* exit(1); */
            if (iarg+1==argc || argv[iarg+1][0] == '\0') {
               ERROR_message("Bad dset pair for %s\n", argv[iarg]);
            if (!(dsetp = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg+1] ))) {
               /* exit(1); */
         } else { /* swap the pair - this allows non pair requiring functions
                     to work as before.*/
            tttdset = dsetp;
            dsetp = dset;
            dset = tttdset; tttdset=NULL;
      } else { /* always compare to very first dset */
         if (ip==0) {
            if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg] ))) {
            if (!(dsetp = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg+1] ))) {
         } else if (ip==1) { /* switch order of first two */
            tttdset = dsetp;
            dsetp = dset; /* now dsetp is the very first dset */
            dset = tttdset; tttdset=NULL;
         } else { /* pair with very first, which is dsetp */
            if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg] ))) {

     if (0 && !dset) { /* allow for DSET_EXISTS option */
         ERROR_exit("Should not get here");

     /* we should re-capture this per dataset   5 Feb 2019 [rickr] */
     extinit = 0;

     for (iis = 0; iis < N_sing; ++iis) {
        if (!dset) {
         if (sing[iis] == CLASSIC) {
            if( dset == NULL ){  /* still not open? */
               ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset %s\n", argv[iarg]) ;
         } else if (sing[iis] != DSET_EXISTS && sing[iis] != INAME) {
            fprintf(stdout, "NO-DSET");
            SPIT_DELIM(iis, N_sing, atrdelim);
        switch (sing[iis]) {
         case CLASSIC:
            if (labelName == NULL )  /*** get and output info ***/
             outbuf = THD_dataset_info( dset , verbose ) ;
             if( outbuf != NULL ){
               printf("\n") ;
               puts(outbuf) ;
               free(outbuf) ; outbuf = NULL ;
             } else {
               ERROR_exit("Can't get info for dataset %s",argv[iarg]) ;
            else   /*** get and output label ***/
             int nval_per = dset->dblk->nvals;
             int foundLabel = 0;
             int ival=0;

             for (ival=0 ; ival < nval_per && !foundLabel; ival++ )
               if (strcmp(DSET_BRICK_LAB(dset,ival), labelName) == 0)
                 printf("%d\n", ival); foundLabel = 1;
             } /* end of for (ival=0 ; ival < nval_per ; ival++ ) */
             if (!foundLabel) printf("\n");

            THD_delete_3dim_dataset( dset , False ) ;
         case DSET_EXISTS:
            fprintf(stdout, "%d", dset ? 1:0);
         case DSET_SPACE:
            tempstr = THD_get_space(dset);
                  fprintf(stdout, "-----");
                  fprintf(stdout, "%s", tempstr);
         case DSET_GEN_SPACE:
            tempstr = THD_get_generic_space(dset);
                  fprintf(stdout, "-----");
                  fprintf(stdout, "%s", tempstr);
         case AV_DSET_SPACE:
            /* don't allow anything but the three AFNI views */
            tempstr = THD_get_view_space(dset);
                  fprintf(stdout, "+orig");
            else if (!strncasecmp(tempstr,"ORIG",4))
                  fprintf(stdout, "+orig");
            else if (!strncasecmp(tempstr,"ACPC",4))
                  fprintf(stdout, "+acpc");
            else if (!strncasecmp(tempstr,"TLRC",4))
                  fprintf(stdout, "+tlrc");
            else  /* shouldn't get here */
                  fprintf(stdout, "+orig");
         case IS_NIFTI:
            if (  dset->dblk->diskptr &&
                  dset->dblk->diskptr->storage_mode == STORAGE_BY_NIFTI ) {
            } else {
         case IS_ATLAS:
            if (  is_Dset_Atlasy(dset, NULL) ) {
            } else {
         case IS_OBLIQUE:
            if (dset_obliquity(dset,NULL) > 0) {
            } else {
         case HANDEDNESS:
            if (THD_handedness(dset) > 0) {
            } else {
         case OBLIQUITY:
                  THD_compute_oblique_angle(dset->daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real, 0));
         case PREFIX:
            form = PrintForm(sing[iis], namelen, 1);
            fprintf(stdout,form, DSET_PREFIX(dset));
         case PREFIX_NOEXT:
               form = PrintForm(sing[iis], namelen, 1);
               fprintf(stdout,form, stmp);
               free(stmp); stmp=NULL;
         case HEADER_NAME:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name);
         case BRICK_NAME:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", dset->dblk->diskptr->brick_name);
         case ALL_NAMES:
            THD_show_dataset_names(dset, "FOR_3DINFO", stdout);
         case HISTORY:
            stmp = tross_Get_History(dset);
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", stmp ? stmp:NAflag);
            if (stmp) free(stmp); stmp=NULL;
         case NI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NX(dset));
         case NJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NY(dset));
         case NK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NZ(dset));
         case NIJK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NVOX(dset));
         case NTIMES:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset));
         case MAX_NODE:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", itmp);
         case NT:
         case NV:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NVALS(dset));
         case NTI:
         case NVI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NVALS(dset)-1);
         case DI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_DX(dset));
         case DJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_DY(dset));
         case DK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_DZ(dset));
         case OI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_XORG(dset));
         case OJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_YORG(dset));
         case OK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_ZORG(dset));
         case ADI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DX(dset)));
         case EXTENT_R:
         case EXTENT_L:
         case EXTENT_A:
         case EXTENT_P:
         case EXTENT_I:
         case EXTENT_S:
               if (!extinit) {
                  THD_dset_extent(dset, '-', RL_AP_IS);
                  extinit = 1;
               fprintf(stdout,"%f", RL_AP_IS[sing[iis]-EXTENT_R]);

         case ADJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DY(dset)));
         case ADK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DZ(dset)));
         case VOXVOL:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DX(dset))*
         case INAME:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", argv[iarg]);
         case LTABLE:
               char *str;
               if ((str = Dtable_to_nimlstring(DSET_Label_Dtable(dset),                                                          "VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE"))) {
                  fprintf(stdout,"%s", str);
               } else {
               ATLAS_POINT_LIST *apl=NULL;
               if ((apl =
                     label_table_to_atlas_point_list(DSET_Label_Dtable(dset)))) {
               } else {
         case  ATLAS_POINTS:
               ATR_string *atr =
                  THD_find_string_atr( dset->dblk, "ATLAS_LABEL_TABLE");
               if (atr) {
                  fprintf(stdout,"%s", atr->ch);
               }  else {
         case FAC:
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case DATUM:
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case LABEL:
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
               DSET_BRICK_LABEL(dset,isb) ? DSET_BRICK_LABEL(dset,isb):NAflag,
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case MIN:
         case MINUS:
         case MAX:
         case MAXUS:
               float vv=0.0, min, max;
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
                  if (!THD_subbrick_minmax(dset, isb,
                        (sing[iis] == MINUS || sing[iis] == MAXUS) ? 0:1,
                        &min, &max)) {
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
                  } else {
                          if (sing[iis] == MINUS)
                        vv = min;
                     else if (sing[iis] == MAXUS)
                        vv = max;
                     else if (sing[iis] == MIN)
                        vv = min;
                     else if (sing[iis] == MAX)
                        vv = max;
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case DMIN:
         case DMINUS:
         case DMAX:
         case DMAXUS:
               float vv=0.0, min, max;
               if (!THD_dset_minmax(dset,
                     (sing[iis] == DMINUS || sing[iis] == DMAXUS) ? 0:1,
                     &min, &max)) {
                     (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
               } else {
                       if (sing[iis] == DMINUS)
                     vv = min;
                  else if (sing[iis] == DMAXUS)
                     vv = max;
                  else if (sing[iis] == DMIN)
                     vv = min;
                  else if (sing[iis] == DMAX)
                     vv = max;
                     (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case TR:
#if 0
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_TR_SEC(dset));
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_TR(dset));
         case ORIENT:
               /* fprintf(stdout,"%c%c%c",
                *         ORIENT_typestr[dset->daxes->xxorient][0], ... ); */
               char ostr[4];    /* just to show        23 Jan 2013 [rickr] */
               THD_fill_orient_str_3(dset->daxes, ostr);
               fprintf(stdout,"%3s", ostr);
         case SAME_GRID:
               !THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ));
         case SAME_DIM:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_DIMEN));
         case SAME_DELTA:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_DELTA));
         case SAME_ORIENT:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_ORIENT));
         case SAME_CENTER:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_CENTER));
         case SAME_OBL:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_OBLIQ));
         case SLICE_TIMING:     /* 6 May 2013 [rickr] */
               if( DSET_HAS_SLICE_TIMING(dset) ) {
                  DSET_UNMSEC(dset); /* make sure times are in seconds */
                  for (isb=0; isb<dset->taxis->nsl; ++isb) {
                           (isb > 0) ? sbdelim : "",
               } else { /* all slices times are at t=0.0 */
                  for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NZ(dset); ++isb) {
                     fprintf(stdout,"%s%f", (isb > 0) ? sbdelim : "", 0.0);
         case SVAL_DIFF:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f",THD_diff_vol_vals(dset, dsetp, 1));
         case VAL_DIFF:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f",THD_diff_vol_vals(dset, dsetp, 0));
         case ID:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", DSET_IDCODE_STR(dset));
         case SMODE:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", DSET_STORAGE_MODE_STR(dset));
            ERROR_message("Info field not set properly (%d)\n", sing[iis]);
        if (sing[iis] != CLASSIC) {
         SPIT_DELIM(iis, N_sing, atrdelim);

   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset  *mask_dset=NULL, *iset=NULL, 
                     *sset=NULL, *xset=NULL, *vset=NULL;
   char *prefix="toy";
   int iarg=1 , mcount, udatum = MRI_float;
   byte *maskvox=NULL;
   mainENTRY("3dToyProg main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dToyProg",argc,argv);
   enable_mcw_malloc() ;

   /*-- options --*/
   set_obliquity_report(0);   /* silence obliquity */

   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
      CHECK_HELP(argv[iarg], help_3dToyProg);
      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-mask",5) == 0 ){
         if (iarg >= argc) ERROR_exit("Need dset after -mask");
         mask_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++iarg] ) ;
         if( mask_dset == NULL )
           ERROR_exit("Cannot open mask dataset!\n") ;
         if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset,0) == MRI_complex )
           ERROR_exit("Cannot deal with complex-valued mask dataset!\n");
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc) ERROR_exit("Need dset after -mask");
         if (!(iset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++iarg]))) {
            ERROR_exit("Cannot open input dataset %s!\n", argv[iarg]) ;
         DSET_mallocize(iset); DSET_load(iset);  /* load data part of dataset */
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix",6) == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc) ERROR_exit("Need name after -prefix");
         prefix = argv[++iarg];
         iarg++ ; continue ;
         continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-datum") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc) ERROR_exit("Need datum type after -datum");
         if (!strcmp(argv[iarg],"float")) udatum = MRI_float;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[iarg],"short")) udatum = MRI_short;
         else {
               "For the purpose of this demo, only float and short are allowed");
         iarg++ ; continue ;
         continue ;

      ERROR_message("ILLEGAL option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
		suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
   if( argc < 2 ){
     help_3dToyProg(TXT, 0);
     PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;

   if( !iset )
     ERROR_exit("No dataset on command line!?") ;
   if (mask_dset) {
      if (THD_dataset_mismatch(mask_dset, iset)) 
         ERROR_exit("grid mismatch between input dset and mask dset");
      maskvox = THD_makemask( mask_dset , 0 , 1.0, -1.0 ) ; 
      mcount = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(mask_dset) , maskvox ) ;
      if( mcount <= 0 )  ERROR_exit("No voxels in the mask!\n") ;
      INFO_message("%d voxels in the mask dset %s\n",
                   mcount, DSET_PREFIX(mask_dset)) ;
      DSET_delete(mask_dset) ; mask_dset=NULL; /* Done with the mask dset */
   /* An illustration of how volume navigation works */
   /* Let us create a dataset from scratch */
   sset = New_Dataset_From_Scratch(prefix);
        /* Now for the output, add history, check for overwrite and write away */
   tross_Copy_History( iset , sset );/* Copy the old history (not mandatory). */
   tross_Make_History("3dToyProg", argc, argv ,sset) ; /* add the new */
   if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(sset)) ) {
         "Output %s already exists, use -overwrite to do you know what",
   } else DSET_write(sset); 
   /* Now we'll do some voxelwise computations */
   xset = Voxelwise_Operations(sset, maskvox, prefix);
   tross_Copy_History( iset , xset ) ; /* Copy the old */
   tross_Make_History("3dToyProg", argc, argv ,xset) ; /* add the new */
   if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(xset)) ) {
         "Output %s already exists, use -overwrite to do you know what",
   } else DSET_write(xset); 
   /* Or some volumewise operations */
   vset = Volumewise_Operations(sset, prefix, udatum);
   tross_Copy_History( iset , vset ) ; /* Copy the old */
   tross_Make_History("3dToyProg", argc, argv ,vset) ; /* add the new */
   if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(vset)) ) {
         "Output %s already exists, use -overwrite to do you know what",
   } else DSET_write(vset); 
   /* cleanup */
   DSET_delete(xset); xset = NULL;
   DSET_delete(vset); vset = NULL;
   DSET_delete(sset); sset = NULL;
   exit(0) ;
   \brief parse the arguments for SurfQual program

   \param argv (char *)
   \param argc (int)
   \return Opt (SUMA_SURFQUAL_OPTIONS *) options structure.
               To free it, use
SUMA_SURFQUAL_OPTIONS *SUMA_SurfQual_ParseInput (char *argv[], int argc,
    static char FuncName[]= {"SUMA_SurfQual_ParseInput"};
    int kar, i, ind;
    char *outprefix;
    SUMA_Boolean brk = NOPE;
    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;



    kar = 1;
    Opt->out_prefix = NULL;
    Opt->surftype = NULL;
    Opt->self_intersect = 0;
    Opt->DoSum = 0;

    brk = NOPE;

    while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
        /*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
        if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
            usage_SUMA_SurfQual(ps, strlen(argv[kar]) > 3 ? 2:1);
            exit (0);

        /* skip the options parsed in SUMA_ParseInput_basics_s */
        SUMA_SKIP_COMMON_OPTIONS(brk, kar);

        if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sphere") == 0)) {
            if (Opt->surftype) {
                SUMA_S_Err( "Surface type already specified.\n"
                            "Only one type allowed.");
            Opt->surftype = argv[kar];
            brk = YUP;

        if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-self_intersect") == 0)) {
            Opt->self_intersect = 1;
            brk = YUP;

        if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-summary") == 0)) {
            Opt->DoSum = 1;
            brk = YUP;

        if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prefix") == 0)) {
            kar ++;
            if (kar >= argc)  {
                fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -prefix \n");
                exit (1);
            Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
            brk = YUP;

        if (!brk && !ps->arg_checked[kar]) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                     "Error %s:\nOption %s not understood. Try -help for usage\n",
                     FuncName, argv[kar]);
            suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
            exit (1);
        } else {
            brk = NOPE;
            kar ++;


#if 0
    if (Spec->N_Surfs < 1) {
        SUMA_SL_Err("No surface specified.");
    SUMA_RETURN (Opt);

Exemplo n.º 10
   \brief parse the arguments for SurfSmooth program
   \param argv (char *)
   \param argc (int)
   \return Opt (SUMA_GETPATCH_OPTIONS *) options structure.
               To free it, use 
SUMA_GETPATCH_OPTIONS *SUMA_GetPatch_ParseInput (char *argv[], int argc,
                                                 SUMA_GENERIC_ARGV_PARSE *ps)
   static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_GetPatch_ParseInput"}; 
   int kar, i, ind;
   char *outprefix;
   SUMA_Boolean brk = NOPE;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;


   kar = 1;
   Opt->out_prefix = NULL;
   Opt->out_volprefix = NULL;
   Opt->in_name = NULL;
   Opt->minhits = 2;
   Opt->labelcol = -1;
   Opt->nodecol = -1;
   Opt->thislabel = -1;
   Opt->DoVol = 0;
   Opt->VolOnly = 0;
   Opt->coordgain = 0.0;
   Opt->Do_p2s = NOPE;
   Opt->FixBowTie = -1;
   Opt->adjust_contour = -1;
   Opt->verb = 1;
   Opt->flip = 0;
	brk = NOPE;
	while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
		/*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
		if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
			 usage_SUMA_getPatch(ps, strlen(argv[kar]) > 3 ? 2:1);
          exit (0);
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-hits") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -hits \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->minhits = atoi(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-coord_gain") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -coord_gain \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->coordgain = atof(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-masklabel") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -masklabel \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->thislabel = atoi(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-patch2surf") == 0)) {
         Opt->Do_p2s = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-vol") == 0)) {
			Opt->DoVol = 1;
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-flip_orientation") == 0)) {
			Opt->flip = 1;
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-vol_only") == 0)) {
			Opt->DoVol = 1;
         Opt->VolOnly = 1;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-adjust_contour") == 0)) {
			Opt->adjust_contour = 1;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-do-not-adjust_contour") == 0)) {
			Opt->adjust_contour = 0;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-check_bowtie") == 0)) {
			Opt->FixBowTie = 1;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-fix_bowtie") == 0)) {
			Opt->FixBowTie = 2;
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-ok_bowtie") == 0)) {
			Opt->FixBowTie = 0;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prefix") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -prefix \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-verb") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -verb \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->verb = atoi(argv[kar]);
         if (Opt->verb < 0 || Opt->verb > 10) {
            SUMA_S_Errv("Something fishy with -verb value of %s\n"
                        "Need integer from 0 to 2\n", argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-stiched_surface") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -stiched_surface \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->out_volprefix = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-out_type") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -out_type \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->oType = SUMA_guess_surftype_argv(argv[kar]);
         brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-input") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar+2 >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 3 arguments after -input \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->in_name = argv[kar]; kar ++;
         Opt->nodecol = atoi(argv[kar]); kar ++;
         Opt->labelcol = atoi(argv[kar]); 
			brk = YUP;
#if 0
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-spec") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -spec \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->spec_file = argv[kar];
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sv") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -sv \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->sv_name = argv[kar];
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strncmp(argv[kar], "-surf_", 6) == 0)) {
			if (kar + 1>= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -surf_X SURF_NAME \n");
				exit (1);
			ind = argv[kar][6] - 'A';
         if (ind < 0 || ind >= SURFPATCH_MAX_SURF) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "-surf_X SURF_NAME option is out of range.\n");
				exit (1);
         kar ++;
         Opt->surf_names[ind] = argv[kar];
         Opt->N_surf = ind+1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && !ps->arg_checked[kar]) {
			fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s:\nOption %s not understood. Try -help for usage\n", 
                  FuncName, argv[kar]);
         suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
			exit (1);
		} else {	
			brk = NOPE;
			kar ++;
   /* sanity checks */
   if (Opt->FixBowTie < 0) {
      if (Opt->DoVol) Opt->FixBowTie = 1; /* important to check in this case */
      else Opt->FixBowTie = 0;
   if (Opt->adjust_contour < 0) {
      if (Opt->DoVol) Opt->adjust_contour = 0;
      else Opt->adjust_contour = 0;
   if (!Opt->out_prefix) Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_copy_string("SurfPatch");
   if (Opt->thislabel >= 0 && Opt->labelcol < 0) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("Cannot use -masklabel without specifying "
                  "ilabel in -input option");
   if (Opt->minhits < 1 || Opt->minhits > 3) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("minhits must be > 0 and < 3");
   if (!Opt->in_name) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("No input specified.");
Exemplo n.º 11
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   int iarg , ii,jj,kk,mm , nvec , do_one=0 , nx=0,ny , ff, doterse = 0 ;
   MRI_IMAGE *tim ;
   MRI_IMARR *tar ;
   double sum , *eval , *amat , **tvec , *bmat , *svec ;
   float *far ;
   int demean=0 , docov=0 ;
   char *matname ;
   int okzero = 0;

   mainENTRY("1ddot main"); machdep();
   /* options */

   iarg = 1 ; nvec = 0 ;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

     if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0){
       usage_1ddot(strlen(argv[iarg])>3 ? 2:1);

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-one") == 0 ){
       demean = 0 ; do_one = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-okzero") == 0 ){
       okzero = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-dem",4) == 0 ){
       demean = 1 ; do_one = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-cov",4) == 0 ){
       docov = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-inn",4) == 0 ){
       docov = 2 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-rank")     == 0 ||
         strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-spearman") == 0   ){
       do_one = 0; docov = 3; demean = 0; doterse = 1; iarg++; continue;

     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-terse",4) == 0 ){
       doterse = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     fprintf(stderr,"** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[iarg]);
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);

   if( argc < 2 ){ usage_1ddot(1); exit(0) ; }

   if( iarg == argc ) ERROR_exit("No 1D files on command line!?") ;

   /* input 1D files */

   ff = iarg ;
   INIT_IMARR(tar) ; if( do_one ) nvec = 1 ;
   for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
     tim = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;
     if( tim == NULL ){
       fprintf(stderr,"** Can't read 1D file %s\n",argv[iarg]); exit(1);
     if( nx == 0 ){
       nx = tim->nx ;
     } else if( tim->nx != nx ){
       fprintf(stderr,"** 1D file %s doesn't match first file in length!\n",
               argv[iarg]); exit(1);
     nvec += tim->ny ;
     ADDTO_IMARR(tar,tim) ;

   if (!doterse) {
      printf("\n") ;
      printf("++ 1ddot input vectors:\n") ;
   jj = 0 ;
   if( do_one ){
     if (!doterse) printf("00..00: all ones\n") ;
     jj = 1 ;
   for( mm=0 ; mm < IMARR_COUNT(tar) ; mm++ ){
     tim = IMARR_SUBIM(tar,mm) ;
     if (!doterse) printf("%02d..%02d: %s\n", jj,jj+tim->ny-1, argv[ff+mm] ) ;
     jj += tim->ny ;

   /* create vectors from 1D files */

   tvec = (double **) malloc( sizeof(double *)*nvec ) ;
   svec = (double * ) malloc( sizeof(double  )*nvec ) ;
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ )
     tvec[jj] = (double *) malloc( sizeof(double)*nx ) ;

   kk = 0 ;
   if( do_one ){
     svec[0] = 1.0 / sqrt((double)nx) ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) tvec[0][ii] = 1.0 ;
     kk = 1 ;

   for( mm=0 ; mm < IMARR_COUNT(tar) ; mm++ ){
     tim = IMARR_SUBIM(tar,mm) ;
     far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ;
     for( jj=0 ; jj < tim->ny ; jj++,kk++ ){
       for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) tvec[kk][ii] = far[ii+jj*nx] ;
       if( demean ){
         sum = 0.0 ;
         for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) sum += tvec[kk][ii] ;
         sum /= nx ;
         for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) tvec[kk][ii] -= sum ;
       sum = 0.0 ;
       for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) sum += tvec[kk][ii] * tvec[kk][ii] ;
       if( sum == 0.0 ) {
         if (okzero) svec[kk] = 0.0;
         else ERROR_exit("Input column %02d is all zero!",kk) ;
       } else {
         svec[kk] = 1.0 / sqrt(sum) ;

   /* normalize vectors? (for ordinary correlation) */

   if( !docov ){
     for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
       sum = svec[kk] ;
       for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) tvec[kk][ii] *= sum ;

     case 3:  matname = "Spearman"     ; break ;
     case 2:  matname = "InnerProduct" ; break ;
     case 1:  matname = "Covariance"   ; break ;
     case 0:  matname = "Correlation"  ; break ;

   /* create matrix from dot product of vectors */

   amat = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double) , nvec*nvec ) ;

   if( docov != 3 ){
     for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
       for( jj=0 ; jj <= kk ; jj++ ){
         sum = 0.0 ;
         for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) sum += tvec[jj][ii] * tvec[kk][ii] ;
         amat[jj+nvec*kk] = sum ;
         if( jj < kk ) amat[kk+nvec*jj] = sum ;
   } else {  /* Spearman */
     for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
       for( jj=0 ; jj <= kk ; jj++ ){
         amat[jj+nvec*kk] = THD_spearman_corr_dble( nx , tvec[jj] , tvec[kk] ) ;
         if( jj < kk ) amat[kk+nvec*jj] = amat[jj+nvec*kk] ;

   /* normalize */
   if (docov==1) {
      for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
         for( jj=0 ; jj <= kk ; jj++ ){
            sum = amat[jj+nvec*kk] / (double) (nx-1);
            amat[jj+nvec*kk] = sum;
            if( jj < kk ) amat[kk+nvec*jj] = sum ;

   /* print matrix out */

   if (!doterse) {
             "++ %s Matrix:\n   ",matname) ;
      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf("    %02d    ",jj) ;
      printf("\n   ") ;
      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" ---------") ;
      printf("\n") ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
     if (!doterse) printf("%02d:",kk) ;
     for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %9.5f",amat[jj+kk*nvec]) ;
     printf("\n") ;

   if (doterse) exit(0) ; /* au revoir */

   /* compute eigendecomposition */

   eval = (double *) malloc( sizeof(double)*nvec ) ;
   symeig_double( nvec , amat , eval ) ;

          "++ Eigensolution of %s Matrix:\n   " , matname ) ;
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %9.5f",eval[jj]) ;
   printf("\n   ") ;
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" ---------") ;
   printf("\n") ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
     printf("%02d:",kk) ;
     for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %9.5f",amat[kk+jj*nvec]) ;
     printf("\n") ;

   /* compute matrix inverse */
   if ( eval[0]/eval[nvec-1] < 1.0e-10) {
             "-- WARNING: Matrix is near singular,\n"
             "            rubbish likely for inverses ahead.\n");
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) eval[jj] = 1.0 / eval[jj] ;

   bmat = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double) , nvec*nvec ) ;

   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec ; ii++ ){
     for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
       sum = 0.0 ;
       for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ )
         sum += amat[ii+kk*nvec] * amat[jj+kk*nvec] * eval[kk] ;
       bmat[ii+jj*nvec] = sum ;

   printf("\n") ;
   printf("++ %s Matrix Inverse:\n   " , matname ) ;
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf("    %02d    ",jj) ;
   printf("\n   ") ;
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" ---------") ;
   printf("\n") ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
     printf("%02d:",kk) ;
     for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %9.5f",bmat[jj+kk*nvec]) ;
     printf("\n") ;

   /* square roots of diagonals of the above */

   printf("\n") ;
   printf("++ %s sqrt(diagonal)\n   ",matname) ;
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %9.5f",sqrt(bmat[jj+jj*nvec])) ;
   printf("\n") ;

   /* normalize matrix inverse */

   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec ; ii++ ){
     for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
       sum = bmat[ii+ii*nvec] * bmat[jj+jj*nvec] ;
       if( sum > 0.0 )
         amat[ii+jj*nvec] = bmat[ii+jj*nvec] / sqrt(sum) ;
         amat[ii+jj*nvec] = 0.0 ;

   printf("\n") ;
   printf("++ %s Matrix Inverse Normalized:\n   " , matname ) ;
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf("    %02d    ",jj) ;
   printf("\n   ") ;
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" ---------") ;
   printf("\n") ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
     printf("%02d:",kk) ;
     for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %9.5f",amat[jj+kk*nvec]) ;
     printf("\n") ;

   /* done */

   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 12
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   int iarg=1 , verb=0 , interp_code=MRI_QUINTIC , ainterp_code=-666 ;
   char *expr ; int nexpr , narg ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *oset ;

   AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ;  /* 24 Jun 2013 */

   if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ) NWC_help() ;

   mainENTRY("3dNwarpCalc"); machdep();
   PRINT_VERSION("3dNwarpCalc"); AUTHOR("Bob the Warped");
   (void)COX_clock_time() ;

   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-NN") == 0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nearest",6) == 0 ){
       WARNING_message("NN interpolation not legal here -- switched to linear") ;
       interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-linear",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-trilinear",6)==0 ){
       interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-cubic",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-tricubic",6)==0 ){
       WARNING_message("cubic interplation not legal here -- switched to quintic") ;
       interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-quintic",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-triquintic",6)==0 ){
       interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-wsinc",5) == 0 ){
       interp_code = MRI_WSINC5 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-interp",5)==0 ){
       char *inam ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       inam = argv[iarg] ; if( *inam == '-' ) inam++ ;
       if( strcasecmp(inam,"NN")==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"nearest",5)==0 ){
         WARNING_message("NN interpolation not legal here -- changed to linear") ;
         interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"linear",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"trilinear",5)==0 ){
         interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"cubic",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"tricubic",5)==0 ){
         WARNING_message("cubic interplation not legal here -- changed to quintic") ;
         interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"quintic",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"triquintic",5)==0 ){
         interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"wsinc",4)==0 ){
         interp_code = MRI_WSINC5 ;
       } else {
         ERROR_exit("Unknown code '%s' after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg],argv[iarg-1]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ainterp",6)==0 ){
       char *inam ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       inam = argv[iarg] ; if( *inam == '-' ) inam++ ;
       if( strcasecmp(inam,"NN")==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"nearest",5)==0 ){
         ainterp_code = MRI_NN ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"linear",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"trilinear",5)==0 ){
         ainterp_code = MRI_LINEAR ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"cubic",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"tricubic",5)==0 ){
         ainterp_code = MRI_CUBIC ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"quintic",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"triquintic",5)==0 ){
         ainterp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"wsinc",4)==0 ){
         ainterp_code = MRI_WSINC5 ;
       } else {
         ERROR_exit("Unknown code '%s' after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg],argv[iarg-1]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0 ){
       verb++ ; iarg++ ; continue ;


     ERROR_message("Bizarre and Unknown option '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0],argv[iarg]) ;
     exit(1) ;


   if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("No command line expression :-(") ;

   /*--- Assemble all remaining args into the expression ---*/

   expr = strdup(argv[iarg++]) ;
   for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
     nexpr = strlen(expr) ;
     narg  = strlen(argv[iarg]) ; if( narg == 0 ) continue ;
     expr  = (char *)realloc( expr , sizeof(char)*(nexpr+narg+4) ) ;
     strcat(expr," ") ; strcat(expr,argv[iarg]) ;

   if( ainterp_code < 0 ) ainterp_code = interp_code ;

   /*--- All the work is done herein ---*/

   NwarpCalcRPN_verb(verb) ;

   oset = NwarpCalcRPN( expr , NULL , interp_code , ainterp_code ) ;

   /*--- run away screaming into the night, never to be seen again ---*/

   free(expr) ; if( oset != NULL ) DSET_delete(oset) ;

   INFO_message("total CPU time = %.1f sec  Elapsed = %.1f\n",
                COX_cpu_time() , COX_clock_time() ) ;

   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 13
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   int i,j,k,m,n,mm;
   int iarg;
   THD_3dim_dataset *insetTIME = NULL;
   THD_3dim_dataset *MASK=NULL;
   THD_3dim_dataset *ROIS=NULL;
   char *prefix="NETCORR" ;
   char in_name[300];
   char in_mask[300];
   char in_rois[300];
   char OUT_grid[300];
   char OUT_indiv[300];
   char OUT_indiv0[300];
   //  int *SELROI=NULL; // if selecting subset of ROIs
   //  int HAVE_SELROI=0;
   int NIFTI_OUT = 0;

   byte ***mskd=NULL; // define mask of where time series are nonzero
   byte *mskd2=NULL; // not great, but another format of mask
   int HAVE_MASK=0;
   int HAVE_ROIS=0;
   int FISH_OUT=0;
   int PART_CORR=0;
   int TS_OUT=0;
   int TS_LABEL=0;
   int TS_INDIV=0;
   int TS_WBCORR_r=0;
   int TS_WBCORR_Z=0;
   int ***ROI_LISTS=NULL;
   double ***ROI_AVE_TS=NULL; // double because of GSL 
   float ***Corr_Matr=NULL; 
   float ***PCorr_Matr=NULL, ***PBCorr_Matr=NULL; 

   int Nvox=-1;   // tot number vox
   int *Dim=NULL;
   int *Nlist=NULL;

   Dtable *roi_dtable=NULL;
   char *LabTabStr=NULL;

   // for niml.dset -> graph viewing in SUMA
   char ***gdset_roi_names=NULL;
   SUMA_DSET *gset=NULL;
   float ***flat_matr=NULL;
   float *xyz=NULL;
   char OUT_gdset[300];
   NI_group *GDSET_netngrlink=NULL;
   char *NAME_gdset=NULL;
   int Noutmat = 1;  // num of matr to output: start with CC for sure
   char **ParLab=NULL;
   int FM_ctr = 0;  // for counting through flatmatr entries
   int OLD_LABEL=0; // ooollld style format of regions: Nnumber:Rnumber
   int IGNORE_LT=0; // ignore label table

   int idx = 0;
   int Nmask = 0;
   FILE *fout1,*fin,*fout2;

   AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ;  /* 24 Jun 2013 */
   mainENTRY("3dNetCorr"); machdep(); 
   // ****************************************************************
   // ****************************************************************
   //                    load AFNI stuff
   // ****************************************************************
   // ****************************************************************

   //  INFO_message("version: BETA");

   /** scan args **/
   if (argc == 1) { usage_NetCorr(1); exit(0); }
   iarg = 1; 
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || 
          strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0 ) {
         usage_NetCorr(strlen(argv[iarg])>3 ? 2:1);
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-prefix'");
         prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
         if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) 
            ERROR_exit("Illegal name after '-prefix'");
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-inset") == 0 ){
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-input'");

         sprintf(in_name,"%s", argv[iarg]); 
         insetTIME = THD_open_dataset(in_name) ;
         if( (insetTIME == NULL ))
            ERROR_exit("Can't open time series dataset '%s'.",in_name);
         // just 0th time point for output...

         Dim = (int *)calloc(4,sizeof(int));
         DSET_load(insetTIME); CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(insetTIME);
         Nvox = DSET_NVOX(insetTIME) ;
         Dim[0] = DSET_NX(insetTIME); Dim[1] = DSET_NY(insetTIME); 
         Dim[2] = DSET_NZ(insetTIME); Dim[3]= DSET_NVALS(insetTIME); 

         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0 ){
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'");
         HAVE_MASK= 1;

         sprintf(in_mask,"%s", argv[iarg]); 
         MASK = THD_open_dataset(in_mask) ;
         if( (MASK == NULL ))
            ERROR_exit("Can't open time series dataset '%s'.",in_mask);

         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_rois") == 0 ){
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_rois'");
         sprintf(in_rois,"%s", argv[iarg]); 
         ROIS = THD_open_dataset(in_rois) ;
         if( (ROIS == NULL ))
            ERROR_exit("Can't open time series dataset '%s'.",in_rois);
         HAVE_ROIS=DSET_NVALS(ROIS); //number of subbricks
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-fish_z") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-nifti") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-part_corr") == 0) {
         PART_CORR=2; // because we calculate two matrices here
         iarg++ ; continue ;
       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ts_out") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ts_label") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ts_indiv") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ts_wb_corr") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ts_wb_Z") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-old_labels") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ignore_LT") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /*  if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-sel_roi") == 0 ){
          iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
          ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_rois'");
          SELROI = (int *)calloc(MAX_SELROI,sizeof(int));
          if( (fin = fopen(argv[iarg], "r")) == NULL)  {
          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",argv[iarg]);

          while( !feof(fin) && (idx<MAX_SELROI-1) ){
          fscanf(fin, "%d",&SELROI[idx]);
          fscanf(fin," ");
          if(HAVE_SELROI<=0) {
          ERROR_message("Error reading in `-sel_roi'-- appears to have no ROIs listed.\n");

          iarg++ ; continue ;

      ERROR_message("Bad option '%s'\n",argv[iarg]) ;
      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
   INFO_message("Reading in.");

   if( !TS_OUT && TS_LABEL) {
      ERROR_message("with '-ts_label', you also need '-ts_out'.\n");

   if (iarg < 3) {
      ERROR_message("Too few options. Try -help for details.\n");
   if(!HAVE_ROIS) {
      ERROR_message("Need to load ROIs with >=1 subbrick...\n");

   if(Nvox != DSET_NVOX(ROIS)) {
      ERROR_message("Data sets of `-inset' and `in_rois' have "
                    "different numbers of voxels per brik!\n");
   if( (HAVE_MASK>0) && (Nvox != DSET_NVOX(MASK)) ) {
      ERROR_message("Data sets of `-inset' and `mask' have "
                    "different numbers of voxels per brik!\n");

   // ****************************************************************
   // ****************************************************************
   //                    make storage
   // ****************************************************************
   // ****************************************************************
   Nlist = (int *)calloc(1,sizeof(int)); 
   mskd2 = (byte *)calloc(Nvox,sizeof(byte)); 

   mskd = (byte ***) calloc( Dim[0], sizeof(byte **) );
   for ( i = 0 ; i < Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
      mskd[i] = (byte **) calloc( Dim[1], sizeof(byte *) );
   for ( i = 0 ; i < Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
      for ( j = 0 ; j < Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
         mskd[i][j] = (byte *) calloc( Dim[2], sizeof(byte) );

   if( (mskd == NULL) || (Nlist == NULL) || (mskd2 == NULL)) { 
      fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure (masks).\n\n");
   // *************************************************************
   // *************************************************************
   //                    Beginning of main loops
   // *************************************************************
   // *************************************************************

   // go through once: define data vox, and calc rank for each
   for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
      for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
         for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
            if( HAVE_MASK ) {
               if( THD_get_voxel(MASK,idx,0)>0 ) {
                  mskd[i][j][k] = 1;
                  mskd2[idx] = 1;
            else // simple automask attempt
               if( fabs(THD_get_voxel(insetTIME,idx,0))+
                   fabs(THD_get_voxel(insetTIME,idx,4)) > EPS_V) {
                  mskd[i][j][k] = 1;
                  mskd2[idx] = 1;
            idx+= 1; // skip, and mskd and KW are both still 0 from calloc
   if (HAVE_MASK) {

   // obviously, this should always be TRUE at this point...
   if(HAVE_ROIS>0) {
      NROI_REF = (int *)calloc(HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(int)); 
      INVROI_REF = (int *)calloc(HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(int)); 
      if( (NROI_REF == NULL) || (INVROI_REF == NULL) ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
      for( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) 
         INVROI_REF[i] = (int) THD_subbrick_max(ROIS, i, 1);
      ROI_LABELS_REF = calloc( HAVE_ROIS,sizeof(ROI_LABELS_REF));  
      for(i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) 
         ROI_LABELS_REF[i] = calloc(INVROI_REF[i]+1,sizeof(int)); 
      INV_LABELS_REF = calloc( HAVE_ROIS,sizeof(INV_LABELS_REF));  
      for(i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) 
         INV_LABELS_REF[i] = calloc(INVROI_REF[i]+1,sizeof(int)); 
          ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");

      INFO_message("Labelling regions internally.");

      // Step 3A-2: find out the labels in the ref, organize them
      //            both backwards and forwards.
      i = ViveLeRoi(ROIS, 
                    ROI_LABELS_REF, // ordered list of ROILABEL ints, [1..M]; 
                    //    maxval is N.
                    INV_LABELS_REF, // ith values at the actual input locs;
                    //    maxval is M.
                    NROI_REF,       // M: # of ROIs per brik
                    INVROI_REF);    // N: max ROI label per brik
      if( i != 1)
         ERROR_exit("Problem loading/assigning ROI labels");
      ROI_STR_LABELS = (char ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(char **) );
      for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         ROI_STR_LABELS[i] = (char **) calloc( NROI_REF[i]+1, sizeof(char *) );
      for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i]+1 ; j++ ) 
            ROI_STR_LABELS[i][j] = (char *) calloc( 100 , sizeof(char) );
      if(  (ROI_STR_LABELS == NULL)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");

      // Sept 2014:  Labeltable stuff
      if( IGNORE_LT ) {
         INFO_message("Ignoring any '-in_rois' label table (if there is one).");
         if ((ROIS->Label_Dtable = DSET_Label_Dtable(ROIS))) {
            if ((LabTabStr = Dtable_to_nimlstring( DSET_Label_Dtable(ROIS),
                                                   "VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE"))) {
               //fprintf(stdout,"%s", LabTabStr);
               if (!(roi_dtable = Dtable_from_nimlstring(LabTabStr))) {
                  ERROR_exit("Could not parse labeltable.");
            else {
               INFO_message("No label table from '-in_rois'.");

      i = Make_ROI_Output_Labels( ROI_STR_LABELS,
                                  1 );//!!!opts.DUMP_with_LABELS

      ROI_COUNT = calloc( HAVE_ROIS,sizeof(ROI_COUNT));  
      for(i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) 
         ROI_COUNT[i] = calloc(NROI_REF[i],sizeof(int)); 

      if( (ROI_COUNT == NULL) ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
      // find num of vox per ROI
      for( m=0 ; m<HAVE_ROIS ; m++ ) {
         for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
            for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
               for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
                  if( (THD_get_voxel(ROIS,idx,m) > 0 ) && mskd[i][j][k] ) {

      // make list of vox per ROI
      ROI_LISTS = (int ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(int **) );
      for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         ROI_LISTS[i] = (int **) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(int *) );
      for ( i=0 ; i <HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
            ROI_LISTS[i][j] = (int *) calloc( ROI_COUNT[i][j], sizeof(int) );

      // make average time series per voxel
      ROI_AVE_TS = (double ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(double **) );
      for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         ROI_AVE_TS[i] = (double **) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(double *) );
      for ( i=0 ; i <HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
            ROI_AVE_TS[i][j] = (double *) calloc( Dim[3], sizeof(double) );

      // store corr coefs
      Corr_Matr = (float ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(float **) );
      for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         Corr_Matr[i] = (float **) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float *) );
      for ( i=0 ; i <HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
            Corr_Matr[i][j] = (float *) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float) );

      if( (ROI_LISTS == NULL) || (ROI_AVE_TS == NULL) 
          || (Corr_Matr == NULL)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
      if(PART_CORR) {
         PCorr_Matr = (float ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(float **) );
         for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
            PCorr_Matr[i] = (float **) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float *) );
         for ( i=0 ; i <HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
            for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
               PCorr_Matr[i][j] = (float *) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float));

         PBCorr_Matr = (float ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(float **) );
         for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
            PBCorr_Matr[i] = (float **) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float *) );
         for ( i=0 ; i <HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
            for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
               PBCorr_Matr[i][j] = (float *) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float));
         if( (PCorr_Matr == NULL) || (PBCorr_Matr == NULL) ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");

      // reuse this to help place list indices
      for( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ )
            ROI_COUNT[i][j] = 0;

      INFO_message("Getting volumes.");

      for( m=0 ; m<HAVE_ROIS ; m++ ) {
         for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
            for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
               for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
                  if( (THD_get_voxel(ROIS,idx,m) > 0) && mskd[i][j][k] ) {
                     mm = INV_LABELS_REF[m][(int) THD_get_voxel(ROIS,idx,m)]-1;
                     ROI_LISTS[m][mm][ROI_COUNT[m][mm]] = idx;

   // bit of freeing
   for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++) 
      for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++) {
   for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++) {

   INFO_message("Calculating average time series.");

   // ROI values
   for(i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) 
      for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) {
         k = CalcAveRTS(ROI_LISTS[i][j], ROI_AVE_TS[i][j], 
                        insetTIME, Dim, Nlist);
   INFO_message("Calculating correlation matrix.");
      INFO_message("... and calculating partial correlation matrix.");

   for(i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) {
      for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
         for( k=j ; k<NROI_REF[i] ; k++ ) {
            Corr_Matr[i][j][k] = Corr_Matr[i][k][j] = (float) 
               CORR_FUN(ROI_AVE_TS[i][j], ROI_AVE_TS[i][k], Dim[3]);

         mm = CalcPartCorrMatr(PCorr_Matr[i], PBCorr_Matr[i],
                               Corr_Matr[i], NROI_REF[i]);
   // **************************************************************
   // **************************************************************
   //                 Store and output
   // **************************************************************
   // **************************************************************

   INFO_message("Writing output: %s ...", prefix);

   // - - - - - - - - NIML prep - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

   ParLab = (char **)calloc(Noutmat, sizeof(char *)); 
   for (j=0; j<Noutmat; ++j) 
      ParLab[j] = (char *)calloc(32, sizeof(char));
   if( (ParLab == NULL) ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
   // NIML output 
   flat_matr = (float ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(float **) );
   for ( i = 0 ; i < HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
      flat_matr[i] = (float **) calloc( Noutmat, sizeof(float *) );
   for ( i = 0 ; i < HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
      for ( j = 0 ; j < Noutmat ; j++ ) 
         flat_matr[i][j] = (float *) calloc( NROI_REF[i]*NROI_REF[i], 

   gdset_roi_names = (char ***)calloc(HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(char **));
	for (i=0; i< HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) {
      gdset_roi_names[i] = (char **)calloc(NROI_REF[i], sizeof(char *));
      for (j=0; j<NROI_REF[i]; ++j) {
         gdset_roi_names[i][j] = (char *)calloc(32, sizeof(char));
         if( OLD_LABEL )
            snprintf(gdset_roi_names[i][j],31,"N%03d:R%d", i, 
            //fprintf(stderr," %s ",
            //       ROI_STR_LABELS[i][j+1]);

   if(  (flat_matr == NULL) || ( gdset_roi_names == NULL) ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");

   for( k=0 ; k<HAVE_ROIS ; k++) { // each netw gets own file

      sprintf(OUT_grid,"%s_%03d.netcc",prefix,k); // zero counting now
      if( (fout1 = fopen(OUT_grid, "w")) == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",OUT_grid);
      // same format as .grid files now
      fprintf(fout1,"# %d  # Number of network ROIs\n",NROI_REF[k]); // NROIs
      fprintf(fout1,"# %d  # Number of netcc matrices\n",
              FISH_OUT+PART_CORR+1); // Num of params

      // Sept 2014:  label_table stuff
      // don't need labeltable to make them, can do anyways
      fprintf(fout1, "# WITH_ROI_LABELS\n");
      for( i=1 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) 
         fprintf(fout1," %10s \t",ROI_STR_LABELS[k][i]); 
      fprintf(fout1,"  %10s\n",ROI_STR_LABELS[k][i]);
      // it's always zero for CC; they match one-to-one with later vars
      FM_ctr = 0; 
      ParLab[FM_ctr] = strdup("CC"); 

      for( i=1 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) // labels of ROIs
         fprintf(fout1," %10d \t",ROI_LABELS_REF[k][i]);// at =NROI, have '\n'
      fprintf(fout1,"  %10d\n# %s\n",ROI_LABELS_REF[k][i],"CC");
      for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
         for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[k]-1 ; j++ ) {// b/c we put '\n' after last one.
            flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = Corr_Matr[k][i][j];
         flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = Corr_Matr[k][i][j];
      if(FISH_OUT) {
         ParLab[FM_ctr] = strdup("FZ"); 

         fprintf(fout1,"# %s\n", "FZ");
         for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
            for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[k]-1 ; j++ ) {// b/c we put '\n' after last
               flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = 
               /* fprintf(fout1,"%12.4f\t",FisherZ(Corr_Matr[k][i][j]));
               flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = 
            flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = 
            flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = 
      if(PART_CORR) {
         ParLab[FM_ctr] = strdup("PC"); 

         fprintf(fout1,"# %s\n", "PC");
         for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
            for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[k]-1 ; j++ ) {// b/c we put '\n' after last
               flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = PCorr_Matr[k][i][j];
            flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = PCorr_Matr[k][i][j];

         ParLab[FM_ctr] = strdup("PCB"); 

         fprintf(fout1,"# %s\n", "PCB");
         for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
            for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[k]-1 ; j++ ) {// b/c we put '\n' after last
               flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = PBCorr_Matr[k][i][j];
            flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = PBCorr_Matr[k][i][j];

      // more nimling
      gset = SUMA_FloatVec_to_GDSET(flat_matr[k], Noutmat, 
                                    "full", ParLab, 
                                    NULL, NULL, NULL);
      if( xyz = THD_roi_cmass(ROIS, k, ROI_LABELS_REF[k]+1, NROI_REF[k]) ) {
         if (!(SUMA_AddGDsetNodeListElement(gset, NULL,
                                            xyz, NULL, NULL, 
                                            NULL, NULL,
                                            NROI_REF[k]))) { 
            ERROR_message("Failed to add node list");
      else {
         ERROR_message("Failed in THD_roi_cmass"); exit(1);
      GDSET_netngrlink = 
         Network_link(SUMA_FnameGet( OUT_gdset, "f",NULL));
      NI_add_to_group(gset->ngr, GDSET_netngrlink);
      NAME_gdset = SUMA_WriteDset_ns( OUT_gdset,
                                      gset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 0);
         ERROR_message("Failed to write dataset."); exit(1); 
      } else {
         if (NAME_gdset) SUMA_free(NAME_gdset); NAME_gdset = NULL;      
   if(TS_OUT) {
      for( k=0 ; k<HAVE_ROIS ; k++) { // each netw gets own file

         if( (fout1 = fopen(OUT_grid, "w")) == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",OUT_grid);
         for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
               fprintf(fout1,"%d\t",ROI_LABELS_REF[k][i+1]); // labels go 1...M
            for( j=0 ; j<Dim[3]-1 ; j++ ) // b/c we put '\n' after last one.


   if( TS_INDIV ) {
      for( k=0 ; k<HAVE_ROIS ; k++) { // each netw gets own file
         sprintf(OUT_indiv0,"%s_%03d_INDIV", prefix, k);
         mkdir(OUT_indiv0, 0777);
         for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
            if( (fout2 = fopen(OUT_indiv, "w")) == NULL) {
               fprintf(stderr, "\nError opening file '%s'.\n",OUT_indiv);

            for( j=0 ; j<Dim[3]-1 ; j++ ) // b/c we put '\n' after last one.
   if( TS_WBCORR_r || TS_WBCORR_Z ) {
      INFO_message("Starting whole brain correlations.");
      i = WB_netw_corr( TS_WBCORR_r, 
   // ************************************************************
   // ************************************************************
   //                    Freeing
   // ************************************************************
   // ************************************************************

   for ( i = 0 ; i < HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) {
      for (j = 0; j < NROI_REF[i]; ++j) 
   for ( i = 0 ; i < HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
      for ( j = 0 ; j < Noutmat ; j++ ) 
   for ( i = 0 ; i < HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 

   for( i=0 ; i<Noutmat ; i++)  


   for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
      for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i]+1 ; j++ ) 
   for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 



   free(Dim); // need to free last because it's used for other arrays...

   //  if(HAVE_SELROI)
   //  free(SELROI);

   if(HAVE_ROIS >0) {
      for( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) {
         for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++) {
            if(PART_CORR) {
      if(PART_CORR) {
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset *dset, *outset=NULL;
   int iarg=1, npad = 0, extent=0;
   char *prefix=NULL, *iname=NULL;

   char *oijkext = NULL;
   FILE *fout_ijkext=NULL;
   int extent_ijk=0;
   int extent_ijk_midslice=0;
   int imid=0, jmid=0, kmid=0;
   int extent_xyz_midslice=0;
   float xmid=0, ymid=0, zmid=0;

   /*-- startup bureaucracy --*/

   mainENTRY("3dAutobox main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dAutobox",argc,argv);
   PRINT_VERSION("3dAutobox") ;

   /*-- read command line options --*/

   iarg = 1 ;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0){
         exit(0) ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
         prefix = argv[++iarg] ;
         if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ){
            fprintf(stderr,"** 3dAutobox: Illegal string after -prefix!\n"); 
            exit(1) ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
         iname = argv[++iarg] ;
         // This is a bad check, because it doesn't permit subbrick
         // selection!  Will do check later.
         /*if( !THD_filename_ok(iname) ){
            fprintf(stderr,"** 3dAutobox: Illegal string after -input!\n"); 
            exit(1) ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-noclust") == 0 ){
         MRI_autobbox_clust(0) ;  /* turn of clustering and clipping */
         THD_autobbox_clip(0) ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-npad") == 0 ){
        npad = (int)strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ;
        iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-extent_ijk") == 0 ){
        extent_ijk = 1 ;
        iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-extent_ijk_to_file") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-extent_ijk_to_file'\n") ;
         oijkext = argv[iarg];
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-extent_ijk_midslice") == 0 ){
        extent_ijk_midslice = 1 ;
        iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-extent_xyz_midslice") == 0 ){
        extent_xyz_midslice = 1 ;
        iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-extent") == 0 ){
        extent = 1 ;
        iarg++ ; continue ;

     /*- washappenin, dood? -*/

      ERROR_message("** 3dAutobox: %s makes no sense here.\n",
                 argv[iarg]) ;
      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);

   if( argc < 2){ help_autobox(); exit(0); }

   /* got input ? */

   if( iarg == argc-1 )
     iname = argv[iarg] ;
   else if (iarg != argc)
     ERROR_exit("** 3dAutobox: %s is nonsense on the line \n"
                "   I know you're John; stop pretending you have an accent!",
                argv[iarg]) ;

   if( !iname )
     ERROR_exit("** 3dAutobox: Where is my input?") ;

   /*-- read data --*/

   dset = THD_open_dataset(iname); 
   // Check here instead of after -input.
   if( dset == NULL )
      ERROR_exit("Can't open time series dataset '%s'.",iname);

   if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0) != MRI_short &&
       DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0) != MRI_byte  &&
       DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0) != MRI_float   )
       ERROR_exit("** ILLEGAL dataset type: %s :-(",
                  MRI_type_name[DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0)]) ;

   DSET_load(dset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset) ;

      int nx=DSET_NX(dset), ny=DSET_NY(dset), nz=DSET_NZ(dset), nxy=nx*ny ;
      int xm=-1,xp=-1,ym=-1,yp=-1,zm=-1,zp=-1;
      THD_autobbox( dset , &xm,&xp , &ym,&yp , &zm,&zp, NULL ) ;

      xm -= npad; ym -= npad; zm -= npad;  /* for LRF */
      xp += npad; yp += npad; zp += npad;

      INFO_message("Auto bbox: x=%d..%d  y=%d..%d  z=%d..%d\n",
                   xm,xp,ym,yp,zm,zp ) ;

      // [PT: Oct 18, 2018] New output text file, if desired
      if( oijkext ) {
         if( (fout_ijkext = fopen(oijkext, "w")) == NULL ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "\n\nError opening file %s.\n", oijkext);
         fprintf( fout_ijkext, "%8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d\n",
                  xm, xp, ym, yp, zm, zp );
         INFO_message("Wrote ijk extents file: %s", oijkext);

      if( extent_ijk ) 
         printf( "%8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d\n",
                 xm, xp, ym, yp, zm, zp );

      if( extent_ijk_midslice ) {
         imid = (xm + xp) / 2;  // integer division fine, b/c we need ints
         jmid = (ym + yp) / 2;
         kmid = (zm + zp) / 2;
         printf( "%8d %8d %8d\n", imid, jmid, kmid );

      if ( (extent && !prefix) || (extent_xyz_midslice && !prefix) )
         prefix = "EXTENT_ONLY";

      if( prefix ){
         outset = THD_zeropad( dset ,
                            -xm, xp-nx+1,
                            -ym, yp-ny+1,
                            -zm, zp-nz+1,
                            prefix , ZPAD_IJK ) ;
         if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(outset)) )
            ERROR_exit("3dAutobox: output file %s already exists :-(",
                       DSET_HEADNAME(outset) ) ;

         if( outset == NULL )
            ERROR_exit("3dAutobox: Some error occurred in processing :-(") ;

         tross_Copy_History( dset , outset ) ;       /* 31 Jan 2001 - RWCox */
         tross_Make_History( "3dAutobox" , argc,argv , outset ) ;

         if (!strstr(prefix,"EXTENT_ONLY")) {
            DSET_write(outset) ;
            INFO_message("3dAutobox: output dataset = %s",
                         DSET_BRIKNAME(outset)) ;
         if (extent) {
          float RL_AP_IS[6];
          THD_dset_extent(outset, '-', RL_AP_IS);
          printf("Extent auto bbox: R=%f L=%f  A=%f P=%f  I=%f S=%f\n",
                    RL_AP_IS[4],RL_AP_IS[5] ) ;
         if( extent_xyz_midslice ) {
            INFO_message("aaa" );
            float RL_AP_IS2[6];
            THD_dset_extent(outset, '-', RL_AP_IS2);
            xmid = (RL_AP_IS2[0] + RL_AP_IS2[1]) / 2.;
            ymid = (RL_AP_IS2[2] + RL_AP_IS2[3]) / 2.;
            zmid = (RL_AP_IS2[4] + RL_AP_IS2[5]) / 2.;
            printf( "%10.5f %10.5f %10.5f\n", xmid, ymid, zmid );

   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 15
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   int iarg , ii,jj,kk,mm , nvec , nx=0,ny , ff , vlen=4 ;
   MRI_IMAGE *tim , *vsim=NULL ;
   MRI_IMARR *tar ;
   char **vecnam , *tnam ;
   float *far , **tvec , *vsig=NULL , xsig,ysig ;
   float_quad qcor ; float_pair pci ; float corst, cor025, cor500, cor975 ;
   char fmt[256] ;
   int cormeth=0 ;    /* 0=Pearson, 1=Spearman, 2=Quadrant, 3=Kendall tau_b */
   float (*corfun)(int,float *,float *) ;

   /*-- start the AFNI machinery --*/

   mainENTRY("1dCorrelate main") ; machdep() ;

   /* check for options */

   iarg = 1 ; nvec = 0 ;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
      /* I get by with a little help from my friends? */

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0){
         usage_1dCorrelate(strlen(argv[iarg])>3 ? 2:1);
         exit(0) ;

     /*--- methods ---*/

     if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'P' ){ cormeth = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
     if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'S' ){ cormeth = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
     if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'Q' ){ cormeth = 2 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
     if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'K' ){ cormeth = 3 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
     if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'T' ){ cormeth = 4 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
     if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'U' ){ cormeth = 5 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }

     /*--- set nboot ---*/

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nboot") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-num") == 0 ){
       iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-nboot'") ;
       nboot = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
       if( nboot < NBMIN ){
         WARNING_message("Replacing -nboot %d with %d",nboot,NBMIN) ;
         nboot = NBMIN ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     /*--- set alpha ---*/

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-alpha") == 0 ){
       iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-alpha'") ;
       alpha = (float)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
       if( alpha < 1.0f ){
         WARNING_message("Replacing -alpha %.1f with 1",alpha) ;
         alpha = 0.01f ;
       } else if( alpha > 20.0f ){
         WARNING_message("Replacing -alpha %.1f with 20",alpha) ;
         alpha = 0.20f ;
       } else {
         alpha *= 0.01f ;  /* convert from percent to fraction */
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     /*--- block resampling ---*/

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-blk") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-block") == 0 ){
       doblk = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-vsig") == 0 ){
       if( vsim != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -vsig twice!") ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after -vsig") ;
       vsim = mri_read_1D(argv[iarg]) ;
       if( vsim == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read -vsig file '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     /*--- user should be flogged ---*/

     ERROR_message("Monstrously illegal option '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);

   /*--- user should be flogged twice ---*/

   if( argc < 2 ){
     usage_1dCorrelate(1) ; exit(0) ; 

   if( iarg == argc )
     ERROR_exit("No 1D files on command line!?\n") ;

   /* the function to compute the correlation */

   corfun = cor_func[cormeth] ;

   /* check and assemble list of input 1D files */

   ff = iarg ;
   INIT_IMARR(tar) ;
   for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
     tim = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;
     if( tim == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read 1D file '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
     if( nx == 0 ){
       nx = tim->nx ;
       if( nx < 3 )
         ERROR_exit("1D file '%.77s' length=%d is less than 3",argv[iarg],nx) ;
       else if( nx < 7 )
         WARNING_message("1D file '%.77s' length=%d is less than 7",argv[iarg],nx) ;
     } else if( tim->nx != nx ){
       ERROR_exit("Length of 1D file '%.77s' [%d] doesn't match first file [%d]",
                   argv[iarg] , tim->nx , nx );
     nvec += tim->ny ;
     ADDTO_IMARR(tar,tim) ;

   /* user is really an idiot -- flogging's too good for him */

   if( nvec < 2 ) ERROR_exit("Must have at least 2 input columns!") ;

   if( nx < 20 && doblk ){
     doblk = 0 ;
     WARNING_message("Column length %d < 20 ==> cannot use block resampling",nx) ;

   if( vsim != NULL ){
     if( vsim->nvox < nvec )
       ERROR_exit("-vsig file only has %d entries, but needs at least %d",vsim->nvox,nvec) ;
     vsig = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(vsim) ;

   /* create vectors from 1D files */

   tvec = (float **)malloc( sizeof(float *)*nvec ) ;
   vecnam = (char **)malloc( sizeof(char *)*nvec ) ;
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
     tvec[jj] = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*nx ) ;
     vecnam[jj] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME) ;

   /* copy data into new space, create output labels, check for stoopiditees */

   for( kk=mm=0 ; mm < IMARR_COUNT(tar) ; mm++ ){
     tim = IMARR_SUBIM(tar,mm) ;
     far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ;
     tnam = tim->name ; if( tnam == NULL ) tnam = "File" ;
     for( jj=0 ; jj < tim->ny ; jj++,kk++ ){
       for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) tvec[kk][ii] = far[ii+jj*nx] ;
       sprintf(vecnam[kk],"%s[%d]",THD_trailname(tnam,0),jj) ; /* vector name */
       iarg = strlen(vecnam[kk]) ; vlen = MAX(vlen,iarg) ;
       if( THD_is_constant(nx,tvec[kk]) )
         ERROR_exit("Column %s is constant!",vecnam[kk]) ;

   /*--- Print a beeyootiful header ---*/

   printf("# %s correlation [n=%d #col=%d]\n",cor_name[cormeth],nx,nvec) ;
   sprintf(fmt,"# %%-%ds  %%-%ds",vlen,vlen) ;
   printf(fmt,"Name","Name") ;
   printf("   Value   BiasCorr  %5.2f%%   %5.2f%%",50.0f*alpha,100.0f-50.0f*alpha) ;
   if( cormeth == 0 )  /* Pearson */
     printf("  N:%5.2f%% N:%5.2f%%",50.0f*alpha,100.0f-50.0f*alpha) ;
   printf("\n") ;
   printf("# ") ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < vlen ; ii++ ) printf("-") ;
   printf("  ") ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < vlen ; ii++ ) printf("-") ;
   printf(" ") ;
   printf(" --------") ;
   printf(" --------") ;
   printf(" --------") ;
   printf(" --------") ;
   if( cormeth == 0 ){ printf(" --------") ; printf(" --------") ; }
   printf("\n") ;
   if( cormeth != 0 )  /* non-Pearson */
     sprintf(fmt,"  %%-%ds  %%-%ds  %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f\n",vlen,vlen) ;
   else                /* Pearson */
     sprintf(fmt,"  %%-%ds  %%-%ds  %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f\n",vlen,vlen) ;

   /*--- Do some actual work for a suprising change ---*/

   for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){       /* loops over column pairs */
     for( kk=jj+1 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){

       if( vsig != NULL ){ xsig = vsig[jj]; ysig = vsig[kk]; } else { xsig = ysig = 0.0f; }

       qcor = Corrboot( nx, tvec[jj], tvec[kk], xsig, ysig, corfun ) ;  /* outsourced */

       corst = qcor.a ; cor025 = qcor.b ; cor500 = qcor.c ; cor975 = qcor.d ;

       if( cormeth == 0 ){                      /* Pearson */
         pci = PCorrCI( nx , corst , alpha ) ;
         printf(fmt, vecnam[jj], vecnam[kk], corst, cor500, cor025, cor975, pci.a,pci.b ) ;
       } else {                                 /* all other methods */
         printf(fmt, vecnam[jj], vecnam[kk], corst, cor500, cor025, cor975 ) ;


   /* Finished -- go back to watching Star Trek reruns -- Tribbles ahoy, Cap'n! */

   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 16
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   int i, k, ii;
	int iarg;

   char *prefix=NULL;
   char *maskname=NULL;
   char *gradsname=NULL;
   char *dtsname=NULL;

   THD_3dim_dataset *MASK=NULL;
   THD_3dim_dataset *DTS=NULL;

   int Ngrads=0, Nfull=0;
	int Nvox=-1;            // tot number vox
	int Dim[3]={0,0,0};     // dim in each dir

   float NOISESCALE_DWI = -1.;
   float NOISESCALE_B0 = -1;
   float S0 = 1000.;
   float bval = 1.;
   int NOISE_IN_S0 = 0;

   byte *mskd2=NULL; // not great, but another format of mask

   float **dwi=NULL;
   THD_3dim_dataset *DWI_OUT=NULL;

   const gsl_rng_type * T;
   gsl_rng *r;
   long seed;

   seed = time(NULL) ;
   T = gsl_rng_default;
   r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);
   gsl_rng_set (r, seed);
   // ###################################################################
   // #########################  load  ##################################
   // ###################################################################

   mainENTRY("3dDTtoNoisyDWI"); machdep(); 
	if (argc == 1) { usage_DTtoNoisyDWI(1); exit(0); }
   iarg = 1;
	while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || 
			 strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0 ) {
			usage_DTtoNoisyDWI(strlen(argv[iarg])>3 ? 2:1);
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dt_in") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-eig_vecs'");
         dtsname = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-prefix'");
         prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
         if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) 
            ERROR_exit("Illegal name after '-prefix'");
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'");
         maskname = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-grads") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'");
         gradsname = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-noise_DWI") == 0) {
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need numerical argument after '-noise_DWI'");

         NOISESCALE_DWI = atof(argv[iarg]);
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-noise_B0") == 0) {
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need numerical argument after '-noise_B0'");

         NOISESCALE_B0 = atof(argv[iarg]);
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-S0") == 0) {
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need numerical argument after '-S0'");

         S0 = atof(argv[iarg]);
         if(S0 <= 0 )
            ERROR_exit("The '-S0' value must be >0.");
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-bval") == 0) {
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need numerical argument after '-bval'");

         bval = atof(argv[iarg]);
         if(bval <= 0 )
            ERROR_exit("The '-bval' value must be >0.");
         iarg++ ; continue ;

		ERROR_message("Bad option '%s'\n",argv[iarg]) ;
		suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);


   // ###################################################################
   // ####################   some checks  ###############################
   // ###################################################################

      ERROR_exit("Need to give a '-prefix'.");

      ERROR_exit("Need to input diffusion tensor file after '-dt_in'.");

      ERROR_exit("Need to input gradient file after '-grads'.");

      ERROR_exit("Fractional noise value after '-snr0' needs to be >0. "
                 "It sets the noise scale of ref signal S0.");

      INFO_message("You have chosen an SNR0 of approximately %.2f for DWIs",
      INFO_message("You have noiseless (i.e., infinite SNR) set of DWIs");

   if( NOISESCALE_B0 < 0 )

   if(NOISESCALE_B0 > 0)
      INFO_message("You have chosen an SNR0 of approximately %.2f for the B0",
      INFO_message("You have noiseless (i.e., infinite SNR) reference B0.");

   // ###################################################################

   if(dtsname) {
      DTS = THD_open_dataset(dtsname);

      if( 6 != DSET_NVALS(DTS) )
         ERROR_exit("DT file '%s' must have 6 bricks-- "
                    "it has %d bricks!",
                    dtsname, DSET_NVALS(DTS));

   Nvox = DSET_NVOX(DTS);
   Dim[0] = DSET_NX(DTS); 
   Dim[1] = DSET_NY(DTS); 
   Dim[2] = DSET_NZ(DTS); 
      ERROR_exit("Error reading Nvox from eigenvalue file.");

   mskd2 = (byte *)calloc(Nvox,sizeof(byte)); 
   if( (mskd2 == NULL)) { 
      fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure (masks).\n\n");
   if(maskname) {
      MASK = THD_open_dataset(maskname);
      if( 1 != DSET_NVALS(MASK) )
         ERROR_exit("Mask file '%s' is not scalar-- "
                    "it has %d bricks!",
                    maskname, DSET_NVALS(MASK));
      for( k=0 ; k<Nvox ; k++ )
         if (THD_get_voxel(MASK, k, 0) > 0 )
            mskd2[k] = 1;

   else {
      for( k=0 ; k<Nvox ; k++ )
         if( fabs(THD_get_voxel(DTS,k,0) > EPS_V) )
            mskd2[k] = 1;

   GRADS_IN = mri_read_1D (gradsname);
   GRADS = mri_transpose(GRADS_IN); // get rid of autotranspose...
   if (GRADS == NULL) 
         ERROR_exit("Error reading gradient vector file");

   Ngrads = GRADS->ny;

   if(Ngrads < 6) 
      ERROR_exit("Too few grads (there appear to be only %d).",Ngrads);
   if(GRADS->nx !=3 ) 
      ERROR_exit("Wrong number of columns in the grad file: "
                 " am reading %d instead of 3.",GRADS->nx);
   Nfull = Ngrads+1;
   INFO_message("Have surmised there are %d total grads; "
                "output file will have %d bricks", Ngrads,Nfull);
   dwi = calloc(Nfull,sizeof(dwi)); 
   for(i=0 ; i<Nfull ; i++) 
		dwi[i] = calloc( Nvox,sizeof(float)); 

   INFO_message("Calculating the DWIs.");
   i = RicianNoiseDWIs( dwi, Nvox, Ngrads, DTS, 
                        NOISESCALE_DWI, NOISESCALE_B0,
                        GRADS, mskd2,
                        S0, bval, r);

   INFO_message("Writing the DWIs.");
   DWI_OUT = EDIT_empty_copy( DTS ); 
                   ADN_nvals, Nfull,
						 ADN_datum_all, MRI_float , 
                   ADN_prefix, prefix,
						 ADN_none );

   for( i=0; i<Nfull ; i++) {
		EDIT_substitute_brick(DWI_OUT, i, MRI_float, dwi[i]);

	THD_load_statistics( DWI_OUT );
	if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(DWI_OUT)) )
		ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
	tross_Make_History("3dDTtoNoisyDWI", argc, argv, DWI_OUT);
	THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, DWI_OUT, True);
   // #################################################################
   // ##########################  free  ###############################
   // #################################################################

   for( i=0 ; i<Nfull ; i++)


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset *old_dset , *new_dset ;  /* input and output datasets */
   THD_3dim_dataset *mask_dset=NULL  ;
   float mask_bot=666.0 , mask_top=-666.0 ;
   byte *cmask=NULL ; int ncmask=0 ;
   byte *mmm   = NULL ;
   int mcount=0, verb=0;
   int nopt, nbriks, ii ;
   int addBriks = 0 ;   /* n-1 sub-bricks out */
   int fullBriks = 0 ;  /* n   sub-bricks out */
   int tsout = 0 ;      /* flag to output a time series (not a stat bucket) */
   int numMultBriks,methIndex,brikIndex;

   /*----- Help the pitiful user? -----*/

   /* bureaucracy */
   mainENTRY("3dTstat main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dTstat",argc,argv);
   PRINT_VERSION("3dTstat"); AUTHOR("KR Hammett & RW Cox");

   /*--- scan command line for options ---*/

   if (argc == 1) { usage_3dTstat(1); exit(0); } /* Bob's help shortcut */
   nopt = 1 ;
   nbriks = 0 ;
   nmeths = 0 ;
   verb = 0;
   while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
      if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[nopt], "-help") == 0) {
         usage_3dTstat(strlen(argv[nopt]) > 3 ? 2:1);

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-verb") == 0 ){
        verb++ ; nopt++ ; continue ;
      /*-- methods --*/

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-centromean") == 0 ){ /* 01 Nov 2010 */
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CENTROMEAN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-bmv") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_BMV ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-median") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_MEDIAN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nzmedian") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_NZMEDIAN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-DW") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_DW ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-zcount") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ZCOUNT ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nzcount") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_NZCOUNT ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-MAD") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_MAD ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-mean") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_MEAN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sum") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SUM ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;
      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sos") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SUM_SQUARES ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-abssum") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ABSSUM ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-slope") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SLOPE ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-stdev") == 0 ||
          strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sigma") == 0   ){

         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SIGMA ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-cvar") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CVAR ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-cvarinv") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CVARINV ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-stdevNOD") == 0 ||
          strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sigmaNOD") == 0   ){  /* 07 Dec 2001 */

         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SIGMA_NOD ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-cvarNOD") == 0 ){     /* 07 Dec 2001 */
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CVAR_NOD ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-cvarinvNOD") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CVARINVNOD ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-min") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_MIN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-max") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_MAX ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-absmax") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ABSMAX ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-signed_absmax") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SIGNED_ABSMAX ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argmin") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGMIN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argmin1") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGMIN1 ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argmax") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGMAX ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argmax1") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGMAX1 ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argabsmax") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGABSMAX ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argabsmax1") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGABSMAX1;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-duration") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_DURATION ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-onset") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ONSET ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-offset") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_OFFSET ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-centroid") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CENTROID ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;
      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-centduration") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CENTDURATION ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nzmean") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_NZMEAN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-mask",5) == 0 ){
         if( mask_dset != NULL )
           ERROR_exit("Cannot have two -mask options!\n") ;
         if( nopt+1 >= argc )
           ERROR_exit("-mask option requires a following argument!\n");
         mask_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++nopt] ) ;
         if( mask_dset == NULL )
           ERROR_exit("Cannot open mask dataset!\n") ;
         if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset,0) == MRI_complex )
           ERROR_exit("Cannot deal with complex-valued mask dataset!\n");
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-mrange",5) == 0 ){
         if( nopt+2 >= argc )
           ERROR_exit("-mrange option requires 2 following arguments!\n");
         mask_bot = strtod( argv[++nopt] , NULL ) ;
         mask_top = strtod( argv[++nopt] , NULL ) ;
         if( mask_top < mask_top )
           ERROR_exit("-mrange inputs are illegal!\n") ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-cmask") == 0 ){  /* 16 Mar 2000 */
         if( nopt+1 >= argc )
            ERROR_exit("-cmask option requires a following argument!\n");
         cmask = EDT_calcmask( argv[++nopt] , &ncmask, 0 ) ;
         if( cmask == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't compute -cmask!\n");
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-autocorr") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_AUTOCORR ;
         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-autocorr needs an argument!\n");
         meth[nmeths++] = atoi(argv[nopt++]);
         if (meth[nmeths - 1] == 0) {
         } else {
           nbriks+=meth[nmeths - 1] ;
         continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-autoreg") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_AUTOREGP ;
         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-autoreg needs an argument!\n");
         meth[nmeths++] = atoi(argv[nopt++]);
         if (meth[nmeths - 1] == 0) {
         } else {
           nbriks+=meth[nmeths - 1] ;
         continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-accumulate") == 0 ){  /* 4 Mar 2008 [rickr] */
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ACCUMULATE ;
         meth[nmeths++] = -1;   /* flag to add N (not N-1) output bricks */
         tsout = 1;             /* flag to output a timeseries */
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-l2norm") == 0 ){  /* 07 Jan 2013 [rickr] */
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_L2_NORM ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      /*-- prefix --*/

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix") == 0 ){
         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-prefix needs an argument!\n");
         MCW_strncpy(prefix,argv[nopt],THD_MAX_PREFIX) ;
         if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) )
           ERROR_exit("%s is not a valid prefix!\n",prefix);
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      /*-- tdiff --*/

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-tdiff") == 0 ){  /* 25 May 2011 */
        do_tdiff = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;

      /*-- nscale --*/

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nscale") == 0 ){  /* 25 May 2011 */
        nscale = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
      /*-- datum --*/

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-datum") == 0 ){
         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-datum needs an argument!\n");
         if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"short") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_short ;
         } else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"float") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_float ;
         } else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"byte") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_byte ;
         } else {
            ERROR_exit("-datum of type '%s' is not supported!\n",
                       argv[nopt] ) ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

     /* base percentage for duration calcs */
     if (strcasecmp (argv[nopt], "-basepercent") == 0) {
         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-basepercent needs an argument!\n");
         basepercent = strtod(argv[nopt], NULL);
         if(basepercent>1) basepercent /= 100.0;  /* assume integer percent if >1*/
         nopt++;  continue;

      /*-- Quien sabe'? --*/

      ERROR_message("Unknown option: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ;
      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]);

    if (argc < 2) {
      ERROR_message("Too few options, use -help for details");

   /*--- If no options selected, default to single stat MEAN -- KRH ---*/

   if (nmeths == 0) nmeths = 1;
   if (nbriks == 0 && addBriks == 0 && fullBriks == 0) nbriks = 1;

   /*----- read input dataset -----*/

   if( nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit(" No input dataset!?") ;

   old_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] ) ;
   if( !ISVALID_DSET(old_dset) )
     ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset %s\n",argv[nopt]);

   nopt++ ;
   if( nopt < argc )
     WARNING_message("Trailing datasets on command line ignored: %s ...",argv[nopt]) ;

   if( DSET_NVALS(old_dset) == 1 ){
     WARNING_message("Input dataset has 1 sub-brick ==> -tdiff is turned off") ;
     do_tdiff = 0 ;

   /* no input volumes is bad, 1 volume applies to only certain methods */
   /*                                                2 Nov 2010 [rickr] */
   if( DSET_NVALS(old_dset) == 0 ) {
      ERROR_exit("Time series is of length 0?\n") ;
   else if( DSET_NVALS(old_dset) == 1 || (do_tdiff && DSET_NVALS(old_dset)==2) ) {
     int methOK, OK = 1;
     /* see if each method is valid for nvals == 1 */
     for( methIndex = 0; methIndex < nmeths; methIndex++ ) {
        methOK = 0;
        for( ii = 0; ii < NUM_1_INPUT_METHODS; ii++ ) {
            if( meth[methIndex] == valid_1_input_methods[ii] ) {
                methOK = 1;
        if( ! methOK )
           ERROR_exit("Can't use dataset with %d values per voxel!" ,
                      DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ) ;
     /* tell the library function that this case is okay */
     g_thd_maker_allow_1brick = 1;

   if( DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) < 2 ){
     WARNING_message("Input dataset is not 3D+time; assuming TR=1.0") ;
     EDIT_dset_items( old_dset ,
                        ADN_ntt    , DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ,
                        ADN_ttorg  , 0.0 ,
                        ADN_ttdel  , 1.0 ,
                        ADN_tunits , UNITS_SEC_TYPE ,
                      NULL ) ;

   /* If one or more of the -autocorr/-autoreg options was called with */
   /* an argument of 0, then I'll now add extra BRIKs for the N-1 data */
   /* output points for each.                                          */
   nbriks += ((DSET_NVALS(old_dset)-1) * addBriks);
   nbriks += ((DSET_NVALS(old_dset)  ) * fullBriks);

   /* ------------- Mask business -----------------*/
   if( mask_dset == NULL ){
      mmm = NULL ;
      if( verb )
         INFO_message("%d voxels in the entire dataset (no mask)\n",
                     DSET_NVOX(old_dset)) ;
   } else {
      if( DSET_NVOX(mask_dset) != DSET_NVOX(old_dset) )
        ERROR_exit("Input and mask datasets are not same dimensions!\n");
      mmm = THD_makemask( mask_dset , 0 , mask_bot, mask_top ) ;
      mcount = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(old_dset) , mmm ) ;
      if( mcount <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("No voxels in the mask!\n") ;
      if( verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels in the mask\n",mcount) ;
      DSET_delete(mask_dset) ;

   if( cmask != NULL ){
      if( ncmask != DSET_NVOX(old_dset) )
        ERROR_exit("Input and cmask datasets are not same dimensions!\n");
      if( mmm != NULL ){
         for( ii=0 ; ii < DSET_NVOX(old_dset) ; ii++ )
            mmm[ii] = (mmm[ii] && cmask[ii]) ;
         free(cmask) ;
         mcount = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(old_dset) , mmm ) ;
         if( mcount <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("No voxels in the mask+cmask!\n") ;
         if( verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels in the mask+cmask\n",mcount) ;
      } else {
         mmm = cmask ;
         mcount = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(old_dset) , mmm ) ;
         if( mcount <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("No voxels in the cmask!\n") ;
         if( verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels in the cmask\n",mcount) ;

   /*------------- ready to compute new dataset -----------*/

   new_dset = MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc(
                 old_dset ,             /* input dataset */
                 prefix ,               /* output prefix */
                 datum ,                /* output datum  */
                 0 ,                    /* ignore count  */
                 0 ,              /* can't detrend in maker function  KRH 12/02*/
                 nbriks ,               /* number of briks */
                 STATS_tsfunc ,         /* timeseries processor */
                 NULL,                  /* data for tsfunc */
              ) ;

   if( new_dset != NULL ){
      tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dset ) ;
      tross_Make_History( "3dTstat" , argc,argv , new_dset ) ;
      for (methIndex = 0,brikIndex = 0; methIndex < nmeths;
           methIndex++, brikIndex++) {
        if ((meth[methIndex] == METH_AUTOCORR)   ||
            (meth[methIndex] == METH_ACCUMULATE) ||
            (meth[methIndex] == METH_AUTOREGP)) {
          numMultBriks = meth[methIndex+1];

          /* note: this looks like it should be NV-1   4 Mar 2008 [rickr] */
          if (numMultBriks ==  0) numMultBriks = DSET_NVALS(old_dset)-1;
          /* new flag for NVALS [rickr] */
          if (numMultBriks == -1) numMultBriks = DSET_NVALS(old_dset);

          for (ii = 1; ii <= numMultBriks; ii++) {
            char tmpstr[25];
            if (meth[methIndex] == METH_AUTOREGP) {
            } else {
            EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(new_dset, (brikIndex + ii - 1), tmpstr) ;
          brikIndex += numMultBriks - 1;
        } else {
          EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(new_dset, brikIndex, meth_names[meth[methIndex]]) ;

      if( tsout ) /* then change output to a time series */
         EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
                        ADN_ntt    , brikIndex ,
                        ADN_ttorg  , DSET_TIMEORIGIN(old_dset) ,
                        ADN_ttdel  , DSET_TIMESTEP(old_dset) ,
                        ADN_tunits , DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset) ,
                      NULL ) ;

      DSET_write( new_dset ) ;
      WROTE_DSET( new_dset ) ;
   } else {
      ERROR_exit("Unable to compute output dataset!\n") ;

   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 18
/*! compute the overall minimum and maximum voxel values for a dataset */
int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , * new_dset ;  /* input and output datasets */
   int nopt, nbriks;
   int slow_flag, quick_flag, min_flag, max_flag, mean_flag, 
       automask,count_flag, sum_flag, var_flag, absolute_flag;
   int positive_flag, negative_flag, zero_flag, nan_flag, perc_flag, vol_flag;

   byte * mmm=NULL ;
   int    mmvox=0 ;
   int nxyz, i;
   float *dvec = NULL, mmin=0.0, mmax=0.0;
   int N_mp;
   double *mpv=NULL, *perc = NULL;
   double mp =0.0f, mp0 = 0.0f, mps = 0.0f, mp1 = 0.0f, di =0.0f ;
   byte *mmf = NULL;
   MRI_IMAGE *anat_im = NULL;
   char *mask_dset_name=NULL;

   /*----- Read command line -----*/

   mainENTRY("3dBrickStat main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dBrickStat",argc,argv);
   nopt = 1 ;

   min_flag  = 0;
   max_flag = -1;
   mean_flag = 0;
   sum_flag = 0;
   var_flag = 0;
   slow_flag = 0;
   quick_flag = -1;
   automask = 0;
   count_flag = 0;
   vol_flag = 0;
   positive_flag = -1;
   negative_flag = -1;
   absolute_flag = 0;
   zero_flag = -1;
   nan_flag = -1;
   perc_flag = 0;
   mmin = 1.0;
   mmax = -1.0;
   mask_dset_name = NULL;      
   datum = MRI_float;
   while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-help") == 0 ||
          strcmp(argv[nopt],"-h") == 0){
        usage_3dBrickStat(strlen(argv[nopt])> 3 ? 2:1);
      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-ver") == 0 ){
        PRINT_VERSION("3dBrickStat"); AUTHOR("Daniel Glen");
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-quick") == 0 ){
	quick_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-percentile") == 0 ){
	perc_flag = 1;
        if (nopt + 2 >= argc) {
           ERROR_exit( "** Error: Need 3 parameter after -percentile\n"); 
        mp0 = atof(argv[nopt])/100.0f; ++nopt;
        mps = atof(argv[nopt])/100.0f; ++nopt;
        mp1 = atof(argv[nopt])/100.0f; 
        if (mps == 0.0f) {
         ERROR_exit( "** Error: step cannot be 0" ); 
        if (mp0 < 0 || mp0 > 100 || mp1 < 0 || mp1 > 100) {
         ERROR_exit( "** Error: p0 and p1 must be >=0 and <= 100" ); 
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-median") == 0 ){
	perc_flag = 1;
        mp0 = 0.50f; 
        mps = 0.01f; 
        mp1 = 0.50f;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-slow") == 0 ){
	slow_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-min") == 0 ){
	min_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-max") == 0 ){
	max_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-sum") == 0 ){
	sum_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mean") == 0 ){
	mean_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-var") == 0 ){
	if (var_flag) {
      ERROR_message("Looks like -stdev is already used.\n"
                    "-var and -stdev are mutually exclusive");
      exit (1);
	var_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-stdev") == 0 ){
	if (var_flag) {
      ERROR_message("Looks like -var is already used.\n"
                    "-var and -stdev are mutually exclusive");
      exit (1);
   var_flag = 2;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-count") == 0 ){
	count_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-volume") == 0 ){
	vol_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-positive") == 0 ){
        if(positive_flag!=-1) {
          ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
        positive_flag = 1;
	negative_flag = 0;
        zero_flag = 0;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-negative") == 0 ){
        if(positive_flag!=-1) {
          ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
        positive_flag = 0;
	negative_flag = 1;
        zero_flag = 0;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-zero") == 0 ){
        if(positive_flag!=-1) {
          ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
        positive_flag = 0;
        negative_flag = 0;
	zero_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-non-positive") == 0 ){
        if(positive_flag!=-1) {
          ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
        positive_flag = 0;
	negative_flag = 1;
        zero_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;
      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-non-negative") == 0 ){
        if(positive_flag!=-1) {
          ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
        positive_flag = 1;
	negative_flag = 0;
        zero_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-non-zero") == 0 ){
        if(positive_flag!=-1) {
          ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
        positive_flag = 1;
	negative_flag = 1;
        zero_flag = 0;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-absolute") == 0 ){
        absolute_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-nan") == 0 ){
        if(nan_flag!=-1) {
          ERROR_exit( "Can not use both -nan -nonan options");
        nan_flag = 1;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-nonan") == 0 ){
        if(nan_flag!=-1) {
          ERROR_exit( "Can not use both -nan -nonan options");
        nan_flag = 0;
        nopt++; continue;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-autoclip") == 0 ||
          strcmp(argv[nopt],"-automask") == 0   ){

         if( mmm != NULL ){
           ERROR_exit(" ERROR: can't use -autoclip/mask with -mask!");
         automask = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mrange") == 0 ){
         if (nopt+2 >= argc) {
            ERROR_exit(" ERROR: Need two values after -mrange");
         mmin = atof(argv[++nopt]);
         mmax = atof(argv[++nopt]);
         if (mmax < mmin) {
               "1st value in -mrange %s %s should be the smallest one",
               argv[nopt-1], argv[nopt]);
         nopt++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mvalue") == 0 ){
         if (nopt+1 >= argc) {
            ERROR_exit(" ERROR: Need 1 value after -mvalue");
         mmin = atof(argv[++nopt]);
         mmax = mmin ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mask") == 0 ){
         if( mask_dset_name != NULL )
            ERROR_exit(" ERROR: can't have 2 -mask options!");         
         mask_dset_name = argv[++nopt];
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      ERROR_message( " Error - unknown option %s", argv[nopt]);
      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]);

   if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
      ERROR_message("Too few options");
      exit(1) ;

   if (mask_dset_name) {
      int ninmask = 0;
      THD_3dim_dataset * mask_dset ;
      if( automask ){
        ERROR_exit(" ERROR: can't use -mask with -automask!");
      mask_dset = THD_open_dataset(mask_dset_name) ;
      CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mask_dset,mask_dset_name) ;
      mmm = THD_makemask( mask_dset , 0 , mmin, mmax ) ;
      mmvox = DSET_NVOX( mask_dset ) ;
      ninmask = THD_countmask (mmvox, mmm);
      if (!ninmask) {
         ERROR_exit(" No voxels in mask !");
      /* text output program, so avoid extras   26 Dec 2013 [rickr] */
      /* INFO_message("%d voxels in mask\n", ninmask); */
      DSET_delete(mask_dset) ; 
   if(((mmm!=NULL) && (quick_flag))||(automask &&quick_flag)) {
         WARNING_message( "+++ Warning - can't have quick option with mask");
      quick_flag = 0;
      slow_flag = 1;

  /* if max_flag is not set by user, check if other user options set */
   if(max_flag==-1) {                
     if(min_flag || mean_flag || count_flag || vol_flag || sum_flag
                 || perc_flag || var_flag) 
         max_flag = 0;
	max_flag = 1;                  /* otherwise check only for max */

      (vol_flag==1)||(absolute_flag==1) ||
      (sum_flag == 1)||(perc_flag == 1) || (var_flag==2)) {
          /* mean flag or count_flag implies slow */
     slow_flag = 1;
   /* check slow and quick options */
   if((slow_flag)&&(quick_flag!=1))  /* if user asked for slow give it to him */
      quick_flag = 0;
      quick_flag = 1;

   if((max_flag==0)&&(min_flag==0))   /* if the user only asked for mean */
     quick_flag = 0;                  /*  no need to do quick way */

   if((quick_flag) && 
     WARNING_message( " Warning - ignoring +/-/0/abs flags for quick computations");

   if(positive_flag==-1) {   /* if no +/-/0 options set, allow all voxels */
     positive_flag = 1;
     negative_flag = 1;
     zero_flag = 1;

   /*----- read input dataset -----*/

   if( nopt >= argc ){
      ERROR_exit(" No input dataset!?"); 

   old_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] ) ;
   CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(old_dset,argv[nopt]) ;

   nxyz = DSET_NVOX(old_dset) ;
   if( mmm != NULL && mmvox != nxyz ){
      ERROR_exit(" Mask and input datasets not the same size!") ;

   if(automask && mmm == NULL ){
      mmm = THD_automask( old_dset ) ;
      for(i=0;i<nxyz;i++) {
        if(mmm[i]!=0) ++mmvox;

      Print_Header_MinMax(min_flag, max_flag, old_dset);

   /* ZSS do some diddlyiddly sorting - DO not affect Daniel's function later on*/
   if (perc_flag == 1) {
      DSET_mallocize (old_dset);
      DSET_load (old_dset);	                
      if (DSET_NVALS(old_dset) != 1) {
         ERROR_exit( "-percentile can only be used on one sub-brick only.\n"
                     "Use sub-brick selectors '[.]' to specify sub-brick of interest.\n");
     /* prep for input and output of percentiles */
      if (mp0 > mp1) {
         N_mp = 1; 
      } else {
         /* allocate one above ceiling to prevent truncation error (and crash),
            N_mp is recomputed anyway      16 Mar 2009 [rickr]               */
         N_mp = (int)((double)(mp1-mp0)/(double)mps) + 2;
      mpv = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*N_mp);
      perc = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*N_mp);
      if (!mpv || !perc) {
         ERROR_message("Failed to allocate for mpv or perc");
      N_mp = 0;
      mp = mp0;
      do {
         mpv[N_mp] = mp; ++N_mp; mp += mps;
      } while (mp <= mp1+.00000001);

      if (!Percentate (DSET_ARRAY(old_dset, 0), mmm, nxyz,
               DSET_BRICK_TYPE(old_dset,0), mpv, N_mp,
               0, perc,
               zero_flag, positive_flag, negative_flag )) {

         ERROR_message("Failed to compute percentiles.");
      /* take care of brick factor */
      if (DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(old_dset,0)) {
         for (i=0; i<N_mp; ++i) {
            perc[i] = perc[i]*DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(old_dset,0);
      for (i=0; i<N_mp; ++i) {
         fprintf(stdout,"%.1f %f   ", mpv[i]*100.0f, perc[i]); 
      free(mpv); mpv = NULL;
      free(perc); perc = NULL;

   Max_func(min_flag, max_flag, mean_flag,count_flag,
        positive_flag, negative_flag, zero_flag, absolute_flag,
        nan_flag, sum_flag, var_flag, vol_flag,old_dset, mmm, mmvox);


/* unused code time series method for extracting data */
#if 0
   EDIT_dset_items( old_dset ,
                    ADN_ntt    , DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ,
                    ADN_ttorg  , 0.0 ,
                    ADN_ttdel  , 1.0 ,
                    ADN_tunits , UNITS_SEC_TYPE ,
                    NULL ) ;
   nbriks = 1;

   /*------------- ready to compute new min, max -----------*/
   new_dset = MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc(
                 old_dset ,             /* input dataset */
                 "temp" ,               /* output prefix */
                 datum ,                /* output datum  */
                 0 ,                    /* ignore count  */
                 0 ,              /* can't detrend in maker function  KRH 12/02*/
                 nbriks ,               /* number of briks */
		 Max_tsfunc ,         /* timeseries processor */
                 NULL,                   /* data for tsfunc */
                 NULL,  /* mask */
                 0   /* Allow auto scaling of output */
              ) ;
     printf("%-13.6g ", minvalue); 
     printf("%-13.6g", maxvalue); 
   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 19
int AFNI_prefilter_args( int *argc , char **argv )
   int narg=*argc , ii,jj , nused , ttt ;
   char *used , *eee ;

   if( narg <= 1 || argv == NULL ) return(0) ;

   used = (char *)calloc((size_t)narg,sizeof(char)) ;

   eee = getenv("AFNI_TRACE") ; ttt = YESSISH(eee) ;
   if( ttt )
     fprintf(  stderr,
               "++ AFNI_prefilter_args() processing argv[1..%d]\n",narg-1) ;

   /*--- scan thru argv[];
         see if any should be processed now and marked as 'used up' ---*/

   for( ii=1 ; ii < narg ; ii++ ){

     /*** empty argument (should never happen in Unix) ***/

     if( argv[ii] == NULL ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is NULL\n",ii) ;
       used[ii] = 1 ; continue ;

     /*** -Dname=val to set environment variable ***/

     if( strncmp(argv[ii],"-D",2) == 0 && strchr(argv[ii],'=') != NULL ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] does setenv %s\n",ii,argv[ii]) ;
       (void)AFNI_setenv(argv[ii]+2) ; used[ii] = 1 ; continue ;

     /*** -Vname to get environment variable ***/

     if( strncmp(argv[ii],"-V",2) == 0 && strchr(argv[ii],'=') != NULL ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] does getenv %s\n",ii,argv[ii]) ;
               (eee = my_getenv(argv[ii]+2)) ? eee:"") ; 
        used[ii] = 1 ; exit(0) ;

     /*** -overwrite to set AFNI_DECONFLICT ***/

     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-overwrite") == 0 ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -overwrite\n",ii) ;
       THD_set_quiet_overwrite(1); /* no need to kvetch */
       used[ii] = 1 ; continue ;

     /*** echo command ***/
     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-echo_edu") == 0 ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -echo_edu\n",ii) ;
         int jjj=0; 
         fprintf(stdout,"\n+++ Command Echo:\n   "); 
         for (jjj=0; jjj<narg; ++jjj)  { 
            if (jjj != ii) {   
               fprintf(stdout,"%s ", argv[jjj]);  
         used[ii] = 1 ; continue ;
     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-all_opts") == 0 ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -all_opts\n",ii) ;
       print_prog_options(argv[0]); used[ii] = 1 ; 
         /* better exit, otherwise output get burried by program's own -help */ 

     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-h_find") == 0 ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -h_find\n",ii) ;
       if (ii+1 >= narg) {
         fprintf(stderr,"** -h_find needs a string.\n");
       used[ii] = 1 ; ii++;
       suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[ii]);
       used[ii] = 1 ; 
         /* better exit, otherwise output get burried by program's own -help */ 
     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-h_aspx") == 0 && ii == 1){
       char *s=NULL;
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -h_apsx\n",ii) ;
       if (!(s = sphinxize_prog_help(argv[0], 0))) {
         fprintf(stderr,"** Failed to get auto-sphinxized string\n");
       fprintf(stdout,"%s", s); free(s);
       used[ii] = 1 ; 
     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-h_view") == 0 ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -h_view\n",ii) ;
       used[ii] = 1 ; 
         /* better exit, otherwise output get burried by program's own -help */ 
     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-h_web") == 0 ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -h_web\n",ii) ;
       used[ii] = 1 ; 
         /* better exit, otherwise output get burried by program's own -help */ 
     /*** -ok_1D_text to set AFNI_1D_ZERO_TEXT ZSS Dec 09 ***/

     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-ok_1D_text") == 0 ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -ok_1D_text\n",ii) ;
       AFNI_setenv("AFNI_1D_ZERO_TEXT=YES") ; used[ii] = 1 ; continue ;

     /*** -skip_afnirc to avoid .afnirc file ***/

     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-skip_afnirc") == 0 ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -skip_afnirc\n",ii) ;
       AFNI_mark_environ_done() ; used[ii] = 1 ; continue ;

     /*** -pad_to_node to force sparse data to a particular size ***/

     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-pad_to_node") == 0 ){
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -pad_to_node\n",ii) ;
       if (ii+1 >= narg) {
         fprintf(stderr,"** -pad_to_node needs a positive integer,\n"
                        "   or standard mesh description such as ld120\n");
       used[ii] = 1 ; ii++;
       if (!strncasecmp(argv[ii],"ld",2)) {
         if (strlen(argv[ii]) < 3) {
            fprintf(stderr,"** need a number right after ld (like ld120)\n");
         MRILIB_DomainMaxNodeIndex = SUMA_IcoNums(atoi(argv[ii]+2), 0, 'n')-1;
         if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr, "ld pad_to_node %d\n", 
       } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[ii],"rd",2)) {
         if (strlen(argv[ii]) < 3) {
            fprintf(stderr,"** need a number right after rd (like rd6)\n");
         MRILIB_DomainMaxNodeIndex = SUMA_IcoNums(atoi(argv[ii]+2), 1, 'n')-1;
         if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr, "rd pad_to_node %d\n", 
       } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[ii],"d:",2)) {
         THD_3dim_dataset *dset=NULL;
         if (strlen(argv[ii]) < 3) {
               "** need a dataset right after d: (like d:hello.niml.dset)\n");
         dset = THD_open_dataset(argv[ii]+2);
         if (dset) { 
            DSET_MAX_NODE(dset, MRILIB_DomainMaxNodeIndex); 
            DSET_delete(dset); dset = NULL;
            if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr, "d: pad_to_node %d\n", 
         } else {
            fprintf(stderr,"** Could not load dset %s to determine padding\n",
       } else {
         MRILIB_DomainMaxNodeIndex = atoi(argv[ii]);
         if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr, "pad_to_node %d\n", 
       if (MRILIB_DomainMaxNodeIndex < 0) {
         fprintf(stderr,"** parameter for -pad_to_node (%d) is negative!\n",
       }else if (MRILIB_DomainMaxNodeIndex > 500000) {
                  "** parameter for -pad_to_node (%d) is suspiciously large.\n"
                  "   I hope you know what you're doing.\n",
                  MRILIB_DomainMaxNodeIndex );
       used[ii] = 1;
       continue ;
     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-np") == 0 ||
         strcmp(argv[ii],"-npq") == 0 ){   /* ZSS, June 2011 */
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -np\n",ii) ;
       if (ii+1 >= narg) {
               "** -np needs an integer NP such that 1024 <= NP <= 65500\n");
       used[ii] = 1 ; ii++;
       if (set_user_np(atoi(argv[ii]))<1) {
         if (strcmp(argv[ii-1],"-npq")) { /* not quiet mode? */
               "** -np is not an integer such that 1024 <= NP <= 65500\n"
               "   -np was ignored\n");
       } else {
         if (strcmp(argv[ii-1],"-npq")) 
            fprintf(stderr,"++ -np set to %d\n", get_user_np());
       used[ii] = 1;
       continue ;
     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-npb") == 0 ){   /* ZSS, June 2011 */
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -npb\n",ii) ;
       if (ii+1 >= narg) {
               "** -npb needs an integer NPB such that 0 <= NPB <= %d\n", 
       used[ii] = 1 ; ii++;
       if (set_user_np_bloc(atoi(argv[ii]))<1) {
               "** -npb is not an integer such that 0 <= NPB <= %d\n"
               "   -npb was ignored\n", get_max_port_bloc());
       used[ii] = 1;
       continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-pif") == 0 ){   /* ZSS, June 2011 */
       if( ttt ) fprintf(stderr,"++ argv[%d] is -pif\n",ii) ;
       if (ii+1 >= narg) {
               "** -pif needs a string value\n");
       used[ii] = 1 ; ii++;
       used[ii] = 1;
       continue ;

      /* -max_port_bloc number and quit */
      if( strncmp(argv[ii],"-max_port_bloc", 8) == 0) {
         int pp = 0;
         pp = get_max_port_bloc(); 
         if (strcmp(argv[ii-1], "-max_port_bloc_quiet")) {
            fprintf(stdout, "Maximum port bloc number: %d\n", 
         } else {
            fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", pp); 
      /* -num_assigned port number and quit */
      if( strncmp(argv[ii],"-num_assigned_ports", 8) == 0) {
         int pp = 0;
         pp = get_max_port_bloc(); 
         if (strcmp(argv[ii-1], "-num_assigned_ports_quiet")) {
            fprintf(stdout, "Number of assigned ports: %d\n", 
         } else {
            fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", pp); 

     /*** if get to here, argv[ii] is nothing special ***/

   } /* end of loop over argv[] */

   /*--- compress out used up argv[] entries ---*/

   for( nused=0,ii=narg-1 ; ii >= 1 ; ii-- ){
     if( !used[ii] ) continue ;
     for( jj=ii+1 ; jj < narg ; jj++ ) argv[jj-1] = argv[jj] ;
     argv[narg-1] = NULL ; narg-- ; nused++ ;

   if( ttt && nused > 0 )
     fprintf(stderr,"++ 'used up' %d argv[] entries, leaving %d\n",nused,narg) ;

   free((void *)used) ; *argc = narg ; return(nused);
Exemplo n.º 20
SEG_OPTS *GenFeatureDist_ParseInput (SEG_OPTS *Opt, char *argv[], int argc)
   static char FuncName[]={"GenFeatureDist_ParseInput"}; 
   int kar, i, ind, exists;
   char *outname, cview[10], *sbuf=NULL;
   int brk = 0;

   brk = 0;
   kar = 1;
	while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
		/*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
		if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
          exit (0);
      #ifdef USE_TRACING
            if( strncmp(argv[kar],"-trace",5) == 0 ){
               DBG_trace = 1 ;
               brk = 1 ;
            if( strncmp(argv[kar],"-TRACE",5) == 0 ){  
               DBG_trace = 2 ;
               brk = 1 ;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-debug") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -debug \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->debug = atoi(argv[kar]);
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-talk_afni") == 0)) {
         Opt->ps->cs->talk_suma = 1;
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-openmp") == 0)) {
			Opt->openmp = 1;
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_openmp") == 0)) {
			Opt->openmp = 0;
         brk = 1;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-vox_debug") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need 1D vox index after -vox_debug \n");
				exit (1);
         if (kar+2<argc) { /* see if we have ijk */
            int iii, jjj, kkk;
            if (argv[kar][0]!='-' && argv[kar][1]!='-' && argv[kar][2]!='-' &&
                (iii = atoi(argv[kar  ])) >= 0 &&
                (jjj = atoi(argv[kar+1])) >= 0 && 
                (kkk = atoi(argv[kar+2])) >= 0 ) {
               ++kar; ++kar;
			if (Opt->VoxDbg3[0] < 0) {
            Opt->VoxDbg = atoi(argv[kar]);
         brk = 1;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-vox_debug_file") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need filename after -vox_debug_file \n");
				exit (1);
			if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"-")) {
            Opt->VoxDbgOut = stdout;
         } else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"+")) {
            Opt->VoxDbgOut = stderr;
         } else {
            Opt->VoxDbgOut = fopen(argv[kar],"w");
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-cmask") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		ERROR_exit("-cmask option requires a following argument!\n");
			Opt->cmask = EDT_calcmask( argv[kar] , &(Opt->dimcmask), 0 ) ;
         if( Opt->cmask == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't compute -cmask!\n");
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-mask") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -mask \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->mset_name = argv[kar];
         brk = 1;
      if( !brk && (strncmp(argv[kar],"-mrange",5) == 0) ){
         if( kar+2 >= argc )
           ERROR_exit("-mrange option requires 2 following arguments!\n");
         Opt->mask_bot = strtod( argv[++kar] , NULL ) ;
         Opt->mask_top = strtod( argv[++kar] , NULL ) ;
         if( Opt->mask_top < Opt->mask_bot )
           ERROR_exit("-mrange inputs are illegal!\n") ;
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-anat") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -anat \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->aset_name = argv[kar];
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sig") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -sig \n");
				exit (1);
			while (kar < argc && argv[kar][0] != '-') { 
            sbuf = 
               SUMA_append_replace_string(sbuf, argv[kar], " ", 1);
         if (kar < argc && argv[kar][0] == '-') --kar; /* unwind */
         Opt->sig_names = SUMA_NI_str_array(Opt->sig_names, sbuf, "add");
         SUMA_free(sbuf); sbuf = NULL;
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-samp") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -samp \n");
				exit (1);
			while (kar < argc && argv[kar][0] != '-') { 
            sbuf = 
               SUMA_append_replace_string(sbuf, argv[kar], " ", 1);
         if (kar < argc && argv[kar][0] == '-') --kar; /* unwind */
         Opt->samp_names = SUMA_NI_str_array(Opt->samp_names, sbuf, "add");
         SUMA_free(sbuf); sbuf = NULL;
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-hspec") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar+3 >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need 4 arguments after -hspec \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->hspec = (SUMA_HIST **)
                  SUMA_realloc(Opt->hspec, (Opt->N_hspec+1)*sizeof(SUMA_HIST *));
         Opt->hspec[Opt->N_hspec] = (SUMA_HIST*)SUMA_calloc(1,sizeof(SUMA_HIST));
         Opt->hspec[Opt->N_hspec]->label = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar++]);
         Opt->hspec[Opt->N_hspec]->min = (float)strtod(argv[kar++],NULL);
         Opt->hspec[Opt->N_hspec]->max = (float)strtod(argv[kar++],NULL);
         Opt->hspec[Opt->N_hspec]->K   = (float)strtod(argv[kar],NULL);
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prefix") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -prefix \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->smode = storage_mode_from_filename(argv[kar]);
         Opt->proot = argv[kar];
         Opt->prefix = (char*)calloc(strlen(argv[kar])+20, sizeof(char));
         Opt->crefix = (char*)calloc(strlen(argv[kar])+20, sizeof(char));
         Opt->pgrefix = (char*)calloc(strlen(argv[kar])+20, sizeof(char));
         Opt->cgrefix = (char*)calloc(strlen(argv[kar])+20, sizeof(char));
         Opt->frefix = (char*)calloc(strlen(argv[kar])+20, sizeof(char));
         Opt->xrefix = (char*)calloc(strlen(argv[kar])+20, sizeof(char));
         sprintf(Opt->prefix,"%s.p", argv[kar]);
         sprintf(Opt->pgrefix,"%s.pg", argv[kar]);
         sprintf(Opt->crefix,"%s.c", argv[kar]);
         sprintf(Opt->cgrefix,"%s.cg", argv[kar]);
         sprintf(Opt->frefix,"%s.f", argv[kar]);
         sprintf(Opt->xrefix,"%s.x", argv[kar]);
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-classes") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -classes \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->clss = NI_strict_decode_string_list(argv[kar] ,";, ");
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-features") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -features \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->feats = NI_strict_decode_string_list(argv[kar] ,";, ");
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-keys") == 0)) {
         NI_str_array *nstr=NULL; int ii;
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -keys \n");
				exit (1);
			if (!(nstr = NI_strict_decode_string_list(argv[kar] ,";, "))){
            ERROR_exit("Bad option %s after -keys", argv[kar]);
         Opt->keys = (int *)calloc(nstr->num, sizeof(int));
         for (ii=0;ii<nstr->num; ++ii) 
            Opt->keys[ii] = strtol(nstr->str[ii],NULL,10);
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-labeltable") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -labeltable \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->labeltable_name = argv[kar];
         brk = 1;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-uid") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -uid \n");
				exit (1);
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-ShowTheseHists") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (stderr, "need argument after -ShowTheseHists \n");
				exit (1);
            NI_str_array *hisnames=NULL;
            SUMA_HIST *hh=NULL;
            int ii=0;
            hisnames = NI_strict_decode_string_list(argv[kar],";, ");         
            for (ii=0; ii<hisnames->num; ++ii) {
               if ((hh = SUMA_read_hist(hisnames->str[ii]))) {
                  SUMA_Show_hist(hh, 1, NULL);
                  hh = SUMA_Free_hist(hh);
               } else {
                  SUMA_S_Errv("Hist %s not found.\n", hisnames->str[ii]);
            hisnames = SUMA_free_NI_str_array(hisnames);
         brk = 1;
      if (!brk) {
			fprintf (stderr,"Option #%d %s not understood. \n"
                         "Try -help for usage\n", kar, argv[kar]);
			suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
         exit (1);
		} else {	
			brk = 0;
			kar ++;

   if (!Opt->prefix) Opt->prefix = strdup("./GenFeatureDistOut.p");
   if (!Opt->frefix) Opt->frefix = strdup("./GenFeatureDistOut.f");
   if (!Opt->xrefix) Opt->xrefix = strdup("./GenFeatureDistOut.x");
   if (!Opt->crefix) Opt->crefix = strdup("./GenFeatureDistOut.c");
   if (Opt->uid[0]=='\0') UNIQ_idcode_fill(Opt->uid);
   if (Opt->VoxDbg > -1 && !Opt->VoxDbgOut) {
      char stmp[256];
      sprintf(stmp,"%d.GFD.dbg", Opt->VoxDbg);
      Opt->VoxDbgOut = fopen(stmp,"w");
Exemplo n.º 21
   SUMA_SurfMatch_ParseInput( char *argv[], int argc, 
                              SUMA_GENERIC_ARGV_PARSE *ps)
   static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_SurfMatch_ParseInput"}; 
   int kar;
   SUMA_Boolean brk;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;

   Opt = SUMA_Alloc_Generic_Prog_Options_Struct();
   Opt->flt1 = 1.0;
   Opt->b1 = 0;
   Opt->efrac = 0.0;
   kar = 1;
   brk = NOPE;
	while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
		/*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
		if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
			 usage_SurfMatch(ps, strlen(argv[kar])>3?1:0);
          exit (0);


      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-warp") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a string after -warp \n");
            exit (1);
                if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"shift_only") ||
                    !strcmp(argv[kar],"sho")) { 
            Opt->s = SUMA_copy_string("shft");
         } else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"shift_rotate") ||
                    !strcmp(argv[kar],"sro")) { 
            Opt->s = SUMA_copy_string("shft+rot");
         } else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"shift_rotate_scale") ||
                    !strcmp(argv[kar],"srs")) { 
            Opt->s = SUMA_copy_string("shft+rot+scl");
         } else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"affine_general") ||
                    !strcmp(argv[kar],"aff")) { 
            Opt->s = SUMA_copy_string("shft+rot+scl+shr");
         } else {
            SUMA_S_Errv("Bad -warp parameter of %s\n"
                        "Choose from sho, sro, srs, or aff\n",
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-city") == 0))
         Opt->b1 = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prefix") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a number after -prefix \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_copy_string(argv[++kar]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-depthlimit") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a number after -depthlimit \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->flt1 = atof(argv[++kar]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-reduce_ref") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a number after -reduce_ref \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->efrac = atof(argv[++kar]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-debug") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a number after -debug \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->debug = atoi(argv[++kar]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && !ps->arg_checked[kar]) {
			fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error SurfMatch: Option %s not understood\n", argv[kar]);
         suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
			exit (1);
		} else {	
			brk = NOPE;
			kar ++;
   if (!Opt->out_prefix) {
      Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_copy_string("SurfMatch.gii");
      THD_force_ok_overwrite(1) ;
   if (!Opt->s) {
      Opt->s = SUMA_copy_string("shft");
Exemplo n.º 22
void BUCK_read_opts( int argc , char * argv[] )
   int nopt = 1 , ii ;
   char dname[THD_MAX_NAME] ;
   char subv[THD_MAX_NAME] ;
   char *cpt ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *dset , *fset=NULL ;
   int *svar ;
   char *str;
   int ok, ilen, nlen;

   INIT_3DARR(BUCK_dsar) ;
   INIT_XTARR(BUCK_subv) ;

   while( nopt < argc ){
      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-help") == 0 ||
          strcmp(argv[nopt],"-h") == 0) {
            BUCK_Syntax(strlen(argv[nopt])>3?2:1) ;
      /**** -prefix prefix ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[nopt],"-output",6) == 0   ){
           if (BUCK_glue){
            fprintf(stderr,"-prefix and -glueto options are not compatible\n");
            exit(1) ;
         nopt++ ;
         if( nopt >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"need argument after -prefix!\n") ; exit(1) ;
         MCW_strncpy( BUCK_output_prefix , argv[nopt++] , THD_MAX_PREFIX ) ;
         continue ;

      /**** -session directory ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-session",6) == 0 ){
         if (BUCK_glue){
                    "-session and -glueto options are not compatible\n");
            exit(1) ;
         nopt++ ;
         if( nopt >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"need argument after -session!\n") ; exit(1) ;
         MCW_strncpy( BUCK_session , argv[nopt++] , THD_MAX_NAME ) ;
         continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-dry",3) == 0 ){
         BUCK_dry = BUCK_verb = 1 ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-fbuc",4) == 0 ){
         BUCK_type = HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-abuc",4) == 0 ){
         BUCK_type = HEAD_ANAT_TYPE ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-verb",5) == 0 ){
         BUCK_verb = 1 ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-glueto",5) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[nopt],"-aglueto",5) == 0){  /* ZSS April 16 2010 */
         if( strncmp(BUCK_output_prefix, "buck", 5) != 0 ){
                 "-prefix, -glueto, and -aglueto options are not compatible\n");
            exit(1) ;
         if( strncmp(BUCK_session, "./", 5) != 0 ){
                 "-session, -glueto, and -aglueto options are not compatible\n");
            exit(1) ;
         nopt++ ;
         if( nopt >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"need argument after -glueto or -aglueto!\n") ; 
            exit(1) ;
         if (strncmp(argv[nopt-1],"-aglueto",5) == 0) { /* ZSS April 16 2010 */
            THD_3dim_dataset *ddd = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] );
            if( !ISVALID_DSET(ddd) ){
              /* treat as -prefix */
              MCW_strncpy( BUCK_output_prefix , argv[nopt++] , THD_MAX_PREFIX ) ;
              continue ;
            }  else {
               /* go on as standard -glueto option */
         BUCK_glue = 1 ;

	    /*----- Verify that file name ends in View Type -----*/
	    ok = 1;
	    nlen = strlen(argv[nopt]);
	    if (nlen <= 5) ok = 0;

	    if (ok)
   #if 0                              /* old code - scan from end, instead */

	        for (ilen = 0;  ilen < nlen;  ilen++)
		    str = argv[nopt] + ilen;
		    if (str[0] == '+') break;
	        if (ilen == nlen)  ok = 0;

	        /* scan from end for view type extension, require one char */
	        /*                                     30 Oct 2003 [rickr] */
	        for (ilen = nlen - 1; ilen > 0; ilen--)
		    str = argv[nopt] + ilen;
		    if (str[0] == '+') break;
	        if (ilen == 0)  ok = 0;

	    if (ok)
	        str = argv[nopt] + ilen + 1;

	        for (ii=FIRST_VIEW_TYPE ; ii <= LAST_VIEW_TYPE ; ii++)
	          if (! strncmp(str,VIEW_codestr[ii],4)) break ;

	        if( ii > LAST_VIEW_TYPE )  ok = 0;

	    if (! ok)
	        "File name must end in +orig, +acpc, or +tlrc after -glueto\n"
           "(consider: 3dbucket -prefix dsetA -overwrite dsetA dsetB ...)\n");

	    /*----- Remove View Type from string to make output prefix -----*/
            MCW_strncpy( BUCK_output_prefix , argv[nopt] , ilen+1) ;

	    /*----- Note: no "continue" statement here.  File name will now
	      be processed as an input dataset -----*/

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-aglueto",5) == 0 ){
         if( strncmp(BUCK_output_prefix, "buck", 5) != 0 ){
            fprintf(stderr,"-prefix and -aglueto options are not compatible.\n"
                 "Make sure you do not have two -agluto options on command.\n");
            exit(1) ;
         if( strncmp(BUCK_session, "./", 5) != 0 ){
                    "-session and -aglueto options are not compatible\n");
            exit(1) ;
         BUCK_glue = 1 ;
         nopt++ ;
         if( nopt >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"need argument after -glueto!\n") ; exit(1) ;

	    /*----- Verify that file name ends in View Type -----*/
	    ok = 1;
	    nlen = strlen(argv[nopt]);
	    if (nlen <= 5) ok = 0;

	    if (ok)
   #if 0                              /* old code - scan from end, instead */

	        for (ilen = 0;  ilen < nlen;  ilen++)
		    str = argv[nopt] + ilen;
		    if (str[0] == '+') break;
	        if (ilen == nlen)  ok = 0;

	        /* scan from end for view type extension, require one char */
	        /*                                     30 Oct 2003 [rickr] */
	        for (ilen = nlen - 1; ilen > 0; ilen--)
		    str = argv[nopt] + ilen;
		    if (str[0] == '+') break;
	        if (ilen == 0)  ok = 0;

	    if (ok)
	        str = argv[nopt] + ilen + 1;

	        for (ii=FIRST_VIEW_TYPE ; ii <= LAST_VIEW_TYPE ; ii++)
	          if (! strncmp(str,VIEW_codestr[ii],4)) break ;

	        if( ii > LAST_VIEW_TYPE )  ok = 0;

	    if (! ok)
	        "File name must end in +orig, +acpc, or +tlrc after -glueto\n"
           "(consider: 3dbucket -prefix dsetA -overwrite dsetA dsetB ...)\n");

	    /*----- Remove View Type from string to make output prefix -----*/
            MCW_strncpy( BUCK_output_prefix , argv[nopt] , ilen+1) ;

	    /*----- Note: no "continue" statement here.  File name will now
	      be processed as an input dataset -----*/
      if( argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
         fprintf(stderr,"Unknown option: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ; 
         suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]);
         exit(1) ;

      /**** read dataset ****/

      cpt = strstr(argv[nopt],"[") ;
      if( cpt == NULL ){
         if (strlen(argv[nopt]) > THD_MAX_NAME-1) {
            ERROR_exit( "Too long a filename for '%s'\n"
                           "Maximum limit is %d\n", argv[nopt], THD_MAX_NAME-1);
         strcpy(dname,argv[nopt]) ;
         subv[0] = '\0' ;  /* make sure subv is reset ZSS Nov. 2010*/
      } else if( cpt == argv[nopt] ){
         fprintf(stderr,"illegal dataset specifier: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ;
         exit(1) ;
      } else {
         ii = cpt - argv[nopt] ;
         if (ii > THD_MAX_NAME-1) {
            ERROR_exit( "Too long a filename for '%s'\n"
                        "Maximum character limit is %d, have %d\\n", 
                        argv[nopt], THD_MAX_NAME-1, ii);
         if (strlen(argv[nopt])-ii > THD_MAX_NAME-1) {
            ERROR_exit( "Too long a sub-brick selection for '%s'\n"
                        "Maximum limit is %d, have %d\n"
                  "Consider using '[1dcat FF.1D]' or '[count ...]' methods\n"
                  "for sub-brick selection. See 3dTcat -help for details.\n", 
                        argv[nopt], THD_MAX_NAME-1, strlen(argv[nopt])-ii);
         memcpy(dname,argv[nopt],ii) ; dname[ii] = '\0' ;
         strcpy(subv,cpt) ;
      nopt++ ;

      dset = THD_open_one_dataset( dname ) ;
      if( dset == NULL ){
         fprintf(stderr,"can't open dataset %s\n",dname) ; exit(1) ;
      THD_force_malloc_type( dset->dblk , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ) ;

      if( BUCK_type < 0 ) BUCK_type = dset->type ;

      BUCK_ccode = COMPRESS_filecode(dset->dblk->diskptr->brick_name) ; 
         /* 16 Mar 2010 */

      ii = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy * dset->daxes->nzz ;
      if( BUCK_nvox < 0 ){
        BUCK_nvox = ii ; fset = dset ;
      } else if( ii != BUCK_nvox ){
        ERROR_exit("Dataset %s differs in size from first one",dname);
      } else if( !EQUIV_GRIDS(dset,fset) ){
        WARNING_message("Dataset %s grid differs from first one",dname) ;
      ADDTO_3DARR(BUCK_dsar,dset) ;
      if (subv == NULL || subv[0] == '\0') { /* lazy way for 3dbucket special */
         svar = BUCK_get_subv( DSET_NVALS(dset) , subv ) ; /* ZSS Dec 09 */
      } else {
         svar = MCW_get_thd_intlist (dset, subv);          /* ZSS Dec 09 */
      if( svar == NULL || svar[0] <= 0 ){
         fprintf(stderr,"can't decipher index codes from %s%s\n",dname,subv) ;
         exit(1) ;
      ADDTO_XTARR(BUCK_subv,svar) ;

   }  /* end of loop over command line arguments */
   if( argc < 2) {
      ERROR_message("Too few options");
      BUCK_Syntax(0) ;
   return ;
Exemplo n.º 23
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   int vstep=0 , ii,nvox , ntin , ntout , do_one=0 , nup=-1 ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *inset=NULL , *outset ;
   char *prefix="Upsam", *dsetname=NULL ;
   int verb=0 , iarg=1, datum = MRI_float;
   float *ivec , *ovec , trin , trout, *fac=NULL, *ofac=NULL, 
         top=0.0, maxtop=0.0;

   /*------- help the pitifully ignorant user? -------*/

   if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
      "Usage: 3dUpsample [options] n dataset\n"
      "* Upsamples a 3D+time dataset, in the time direction,\n"
      "   by a factor of 'n'.\n"
      "* The value of 'n' must be between 2 and 320 (inclusive).\n"
      "* The output dataset is in float format by default.\n"
      " -1 or -one = Use linear interpolation. Otherwise,\n"
      " or -linear   7th order polynomial interpolation is used.\n"
      " -prefix pp = Define the prefix name of the output dataset.\n"
      "              [default prefix is 'Upsam']\n"
      " -verb      = Be eloquently and mellifluosly verbose.\n"
      " -n n       = An alternate way to specify n\n"
      " -input dataset = An alternate way to specify dataset\n"
      " -datum ddd = Use datatype ddd at output. Choose from\n"
      "              float (default), short, byte.\n"
      " 3dUpsample -prefix LongFred 5 Fred+orig\n"
      "Nota Bene:\n"
      "* You should not use this for files that were 3dTcat-ed across\n"
      "   imaging run boundaries, since that will result in interpolating\n"
      "   between non-contiguous time samples!\n"
      "* If the input has M time points, the output will have n*M time\n"
      "   points.  The last n-1 of them will be past the end of the original\n"
      "   time series.\n"
      "* This program gobbles up memory and diskspace as a function of n.\n"
      "  You can reduce output file size with -datum option.\n"
      "--- RW Cox - April 2008\n"
     ) ;
     PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;

   mainENTRY("3dUpsample"); machdep();
   PRINT_VERSION("3dUpsample"); AUTHOR("RWCox") ;

   /*------- read command line args -------*/

   datum = MRI_float;
   iarg = 1 ;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix",5) == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
       prefix = argv[iarg] ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) )
         ERROR_exit("Illegal string after -prefix: '%s'",prefix) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-one",4) == 0 ||
         strcmp     (argv[iarg],"-1"    ) == 0 ||
         strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-lin",4) == 0   ){
       do_one = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-verb",3) == 0 ){
       verb = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-n") == 0 ){
      if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
      nup = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
      if( nup < 2 || nup > 320 )
        ERROR_exit("3dUpsample rate '%d' is outside range 2..320",nup) ;
      iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
      if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
      dsetname = argv[iarg];
      iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-datum") == 0 ){
      if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
         if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"short") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_short ;
         } else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"float") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_float ;
         } else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"byte") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_byte ;
         } else {
            ERROR_message("-datum of type '%s' not supported in 3dUpsample!\n",
                    argv[iarg] ) ;
            exit(1) ;
      iarg++ ; continue ;
     ERROR_message("Unknown argument on command line: '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
     exit (1);

   /*------- check options for completeness and consistency -----*/
   if (nup == -1) {
      if( iarg+1 >= argc )
        ERROR_exit("need 'n' and 'dataset' on command line!") ;

      nup = (int)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
      if( nup < 2 || nup > 320 )
        ERROR_exit("3dUpsample rate '%d' is outside range 2..320",nup) ;
   if (!dsetname) {
      if( iarg >= argc )
        ERROR_exit("need 'dataset' on command line!") ;
      dsetname = argv[iarg];
   inset = THD_open_dataset(dsetname) ;
   if( !ISVALID_DSET(inset) )
     ERROR_exit("3dUpsample can't open dataset '%s'", dsetname) ;
   ntin = DSET_NVALS(inset) ; trin = DSET_TR(inset) ;
   if( ntin < 2 )
     ERROR_exit("dataset '%s' has only 1 value per voxel?!",dsetname) ;

   nvox = DSET_NVOX(inset) ;

   if( verb ) INFO_message("loading input dataset into memory") ;

   DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;

   /*------ create output dataset ------*/

   ntout = ntin * nup ; trout = trin / nup ;

   /* scaling factor for output */
   fac = NULL; maxtop = 0.0;
   if (MRI_IS_INT_TYPE(datum)) {
      fac = (float *)calloc(DSET_NVALS(inset), sizeof(float));
      ofac = (float *)calloc(ntout, sizeof(float));
      for (ii=0; ii<DSET_NVALS(inset); ++ii) {
         top = MCW_vol_amax( DSET_NVOX(inset),1,1 , 
                             DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(inset,ii) ) ;
         if (DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(inset, ii)) 
            top = top * DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(inset,ii);
         fac[ii] = (top > MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum]) ? 
                        top/MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum] : 0.0 ;
         if (top > maxtop) maxtop = top;
      if (storage_mode_from_filename(prefix) != STORAGE_BY_BRICK) {
         fac[0] = (maxtop > MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum]) ? 
                        maxtop/MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum] : 0.0 ;
         for (ii=0; ii<ntout; ++ii) 
            ofac[ii] = fac[0];
         if (verb) INFO_message("Forcing global scaling, Max = %f, fac = %f\n", 
                        maxtop, fac[0]);
      } else {
         if (verb) INFO_message("Reusing scaling factors of input dset\n");
         upsample_1( nup, DSET_NVALS(inset), fac, ofac);
   free(fac); fac = NULL;
   outset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset) ;
   EDIT_dset_items( outset ,
                        ADN_nvals     , ntout          ,
                        ADN_ntt       , DSET_NUM_TIMES(inset) > 1 ? ntout : 0 ,
                        ADN_datum_all , datum      ,
                        ADN_brick_fac , ofac           ,
                        ADN_prefix    , prefix         ,
                      ADN_none ) ;
   tross_Copy_History( inset , outset ) ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dUpsample" , argc,argv , outset ) ;
   free(ofac); ofac = NULL;
   if( outset->taxis != NULL ){
     outset->taxis->ttdel /= nup ;
     outset->taxis->ttdur /= nup ;
     if( outset->taxis->toff_sl != NULL ){
       for( ii=0 ; ii < outset->taxis->nsl ; ii++ )
         outset->taxis->toff_sl[ii] /= nup ;

   for( ii=0 ; ii < ntout ; ii++ ){ /* create empty bricks to be filled below */
     EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , ii , datum , NULL ) ;

   /*------- loop over voxels and process them one at a time ---------*/

   if( verb )
     INFO_message("Upsampling time series from %d to %d: %s interpolation",
                  ntin , ntout , (do_one) ? "linear" : "heptic" ) ;

   if( verb && nvox > 499 ) vstep = nvox / 50 ;
   if( vstep > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ voxel loop: ") ;

   ivec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntin) ;
   ovec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntout) ;

   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){

     if( vstep > 0 && ii%vstep==vstep-1 ) vstep_print() ;

     THD_extract_array( ii , inset , 0 , ivec ) ;

     if( do_one ) upsample_1( nup , ntin , ivec , ovec ) ;
     else         upsample_7( nup , ntin , ivec , ovec ) ;

     THD_insert_series( ii , outset , ntout , MRI_float , ovec , 
                        datum==MRI_float ? 1:0 ) ;
   } /* end of loop over voxels */

   if( vstep > 0 ) fprintf(stderr," Done!\n") ;

   /*----- clean up and go away -----*/

   DSET_write(outset) ;
   if( verb ) WROTE_DSET(outset) ;
   if( verb ) INFO_message("Total CPU time = %.1f s",COX_cpu_time()) ;
Exemplo n.º 24
   \brief parse the arguments for SurfSmooth program
   \param argv (char *)
   \param argc (int)
   \return Opt (SUMA_SURFCLUST_OPTIONS *) options structure.
               To free it, use 
SUMA_SURFCLUST_OPTIONS *SUMA_SurfClust_ParseInput (char *argv[], int argc,
                              SUMA_GENERIC_ARGV_PARSE *ps)
   static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_SurfClust_ParseInput"}; 
   int kar, i, ind;
   char *outname;
   SUMA_Boolean brk = NOPE;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;

   Opt = SUMA_create_SurfClust_Opt("SurfClust");
   kar = 1;
   outname = NULL;
   BuildMethod = SUMA_OFFSETS2_NO_REC;
	brk = NOPE;
	while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
		/*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
		if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
			 usage_SUMA_SurfClust(strlen(argv[kar]) > 3 ? 2:1);
          exit (0);
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_cent") == 0)) {
         Opt->DoCentrality = 0;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-cent") == 0)) {
         Opt->DoCentrality = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-O2") == 0)) {
         BuildMethod = SUMA_OFFSETS2;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-O2_NR") == 0)) {
         BuildMethod = SUMA_OFFSETS2_NO_REC;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-Oll") == 0)) {
         BuildMethod = SUMA_OFFSETS_LL;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-update") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -update \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->update = atof(argv[kar]);
         if (Opt->update < 1 || Opt->update > 100) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                     "-update needs a parameter between "
                     "1 and 50 (I have %.1f)\n", Opt->update);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prefix") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -prefix \n");
				exit (1);
         Opt->oform = SUMA_GuessFormatFromExtension(argv[kar], NULL);		
         if (Opt->oform == SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT) Opt->oform = SUMA_ASCII_NIML;
         Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_RemoveDsetExtension_s(argv[kar], Opt->oform);	
         Opt->WriteFile = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
#if 0
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-spec") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -spec \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->spec_file = argv[kar];
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sv") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -sv \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->sv_name = argv[kar];
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strncmp(argv[kar], "-surf_", 6) == 0)) {
			if (kar + 1>= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -surf_X SURF_NAME \n");
				exit (1);
			ind = argv[kar][6] - 'A';
         if (ind < 0 || ind >= SURFCLUST_MAX_SURF) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                     "-surf_X SURF_NAME option is out of range.\n"
                     "Only %d surfaces are allowed. \n"
                     "Must start with surf_A for first surface.\n", 
				exit (1);
         kar ++;
         Opt->surf_names[ind] = argv[kar];
         Opt->N_surf = ind+1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-input") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar+1 >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 2 arguments after -input \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->in_name = argv[kar]; kar ++;
         /* no need for that one Opt->nodecol = atoi(argv[kar]); kar ++; */
         Opt->labelcol = atoi(argv[kar]); 
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-rmm") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -rmm \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->DistLim = atof(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-in_range") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar+1 >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need two arguments after -in_range \n");
				exit (1);
         Opt->ThreshR[0] = atof(argv[kar]); ++kar;
         Opt->ThreshR[1] = atof(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-ex_range") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar+1 >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need two arguments after -ex_range \n");
				exit (1);
         Opt->ThreshR[0] = atof(argv[kar]); ++kar;
         Opt->ThreshR[1] = atof(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-thresh") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -thresh \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->DoThreshold = SUMA_LESS_THAN;
         Opt->ThreshR[0] = atof(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-athresh") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -athresh \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->DoThreshold = SUMA_ABS_LESS_THAN;
         Opt->ThreshR[0] = atof(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-thresh_col") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -thresh_col \n");
				exit (1);
         Opt->tind = atoi(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-amm2") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -amm2 \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->AreaLim = atof(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-n") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -n \n");
				exit (1);
			Opt->NodeLim = atoi(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-out_roidset") == 0)) {
         Opt->OutROI = YUP;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prepend_node_index") == 0)) {
         Opt->prepend_node_index = YUP;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-out_clusterdset") == 0)) {
         Opt->OutClustDset = YUP;
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-out_fulllist") == 0)) {
         Opt->FullROIList = YUP;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sort_none") == 0)) {
         Opt->SortMode = SUMA_SORT_CLUST_NO_SORT;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sort_n_nodes") == 0)) {
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sort_area") == 0)) {
         Opt->SortMode = SUMA_SORT_CLUST_BY_AREA;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && !ps->arg_checked[kar]) {
			SUMA_S_Errv("Option %s not understood.\n"
                  "Try -help for usage\n", argv[kar]);
			suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
         exit (1);
		} else {	
			brk = NOPE;
			kar ++;

   /* sanitorium */
   if (Opt->DistLim == -1.5f) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "must use option -rmm  \n");
   if (!Opt->out_prefix) {
      Opt->out_prefix = 
         SUMA_RemoveDsetExtension_s(Opt->in_name, SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT);
   if (Opt->SortMode == SUMA_SORT_CLUST_NOT_SET) { 
      Opt->SortMode = SUMA_SORT_CLUST_BY_AREA; }

   if (BuildMethod == SUMA_OFFSETS2) { SUMA_S_Note("Using Offsets2"); }
   else if (BuildMethod == SUMA_OFFSETS_LL) { SUMA_S_Note("Using Offsets_ll"); } 
   else if (BuildMethod == SUMA_OFFSETS2_NO_REC) { 
      if (LocalHead) SUMA_S_Note("Using no recursion"); }
   else {
      SUMA_SL_Err("Bad BuildMethod");
   if (Opt->FullROIList && !(Opt->OutROI || Opt->OutClustDset)) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("-out_fulllist must be used in conjunction "
                  "with -out_ROIdset or -out_clusterdset");
Exemplo n.º 25
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int i,j,k,m,n,aa,ii,jj,kk,mm,rr;
	int iarg;
	int nmask1=0;
	int nmask2=0;
	THD_3dim_dataset *insetFA = NULL, *insetV1 = NULL, 
		*insetMD = NULL, *insetL1 = NULL;
	THD_3dim_dataset *insetEXTRA=NULL; 
	THD_3dim_dataset *mset2=NULL; 
	THD_3dim_dataset *mset1=NULL; 
	THD_3dim_dataset *outsetMAP=NULL, *outsetMASK=NULL;
	char *prefix="tracky";
	int LOG_TYPE=0;
	char in_FA[300];
	char in_V1[300];
	char in_MD[300];
	char in_L1[300];
	int EXTRAFILE=0; // switch for whether other file is input as WM map

	char OUT_bin[300];
	char OUT_tracstat[300];
	char prefix_mask[300];
	char prefix_map[300];

	// FACT algopts
	FILE *fout0;
	float MinFA=0.2,MaxAngDeg=45,MinL=20.0;
	float MaxAng;
	int SeedPerV[3]={2,2,2};
	int ArrMax=0;
	float tempvmagn;
	int Nvox=-1;   // tot number vox
	int Dim[3]={0,0,0}; // dim in each dir
	int Nseed=0,M=30,bval=1000;
	int DimSeed[3]; // number of seeds there will be
	float Ledge[3]; // voxel edge lengths

	int *ROI1, *ROI2;
	short int *temp_arr;
	char *temp_byte; 
	int **Tforw, **Tback;
	int **Ttot;
	float **flTforw, **flTback;
	float ****coorded;
	int ****INDEX;
	int len_forw, len_back; // int count of num of squares through
	float phys_forw[1], phys_back[1];
	int idx;

	float ave_tract_len, ave_tract_len_phys;
	int inroi1, inroi2, KEEPIT; // switches for detecting
	int in[3]; // to pass to trackit
	float physin[3]; // also for trackit, physical loc, 
	int totlen; 
	float totlen_phys;
	int Numtract;

	int READS_in;
	float READS_fl;
	int end[2][3];
	int test_ind[2][3];

	int  roi3_ct=0, id=0;
	float roi3_mu_MD = 0.,roi3_mu_RD = 0.,roi3_mu_L1 = 0.,roi3_mu_FA = 0.;  
	float roi3_sd_MD = 0.,roi3_sd_RD = 0.,roi3_sd_L1 = 0.,roi3_sd_FA = 0.;  
	float tempMD,tempFA,tempRD,tempL1;
	char dset_or[4] = "RAI";
	THD_3dim_dataset *dsetn;
	int TV_switch[3] = {0,0,0};
	char *mode = "NI_fast_binary";
	NI_element *nel=NULL;
	int dump_opts=0;

	tv_io_header header1 = {.id_string = "TRACK\0", 
				.origin = {0,0,0},   
				.n_scalars = 3,
				.scal_n[0] = "FA",
				.scal_n[1] = "MD",
				.scal_n[2] = "L1",
				.n_properties = 0,
				.vox_to_ras = {{0.,0.,0.,0.},{0.,0.,0.,0.},
				// reset this later based on actual data set
				.voxel_order = "RAI\0", 
				.invert_x = 0,
				.invert_y = 0,
				.invert_z = 0,
				.swap_xy = 0,
				.swap_yz = 0,
				.swap_zx = 0,
				.n_count = 0,
				.version = 2,
				.hdr_size = 1000};
  	// for testing names...
	char *postfix[4]={"+orig.HEAD\0",".nii.gz\0",".nii\0","+tlrc.HEAD\0"};
  	int FOUND =-1;
	int RECORD_ORIG = 0; 
	float Orig[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};

	mainENTRY("3dTrackID"); machdep(); 
	// ****************************************************************
	// ****************************************************************
	//                    load AFNI stuff
	// ****************************************************************
	// ****************************************************************

	INFO_message("version: MU");

	/** scan args **/
	if (argc == 1) { usage_TrackID(1); exit(0); }
	iarg = 1;
	while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || 
			 strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0 ) {
			usage_TrackID(strlen(argv[iarg])>3 ? 2:1);
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0) {
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-verb'") ;
			iarg++ ; continue ;

		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-write_opts") == 0) {
			iarg++ ; continue ;
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-rec_orig") == 0) {
			iarg++ ; continue ;
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-tract_out_mode") == 0) {
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-tract_out_mode'") ;
			if (strcmp(argv[iarg], "NI_fast_binary") &&
				 strcmp(argv[iarg], "NI_fast_text") &&
				 strcmp(argv[iarg], "NI_slow_binary") &&
				 strcmp(argv[iarg], "NI_slow_text") ) {
				ERROR_message("Bad value (%s) for -tract_out_mode",argv[iarg]);
			mode = argv[iarg];
			iarg++ ; continue ;
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mask1") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask1'") ;
			mset1 = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
			if( mset1 == NULL ) 
				ERROR_exit("Can't open mask1 dataset '%s'", argv[iarg]) ;
			DSET_load(mset1) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset1) ;
			nmask1 = DSET_NVOX(mset1) ;

			iarg++ ; continue ;
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mask2") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask2'") ;
			mset2 = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
			if( mset2 == NULL ) 
				ERROR_exit("Can't open mask2 dataset '%s'",
							  argv[iarg]) ;
			DSET_load(mset2) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset2) ;
			nmask2 = DSET_NVOX(mset2) ;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
			iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
							ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-prefix'");
			prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
			if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) 
				ERROR_exit("Illegal name after '-prefix'");
			iarg++ ; continue ;
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
			iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
							ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-input'");

			for( i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
				sprintf(in_FA,"%s_FA%s", argv[iarg],postfix[i]); 
				if(THD_is_ondisk(in_FA)) {
					FOUND = i;
			insetFA = THD_open_dataset(in_FA) ;
			if( (insetFA == NULL ) || (FOUND==-1))
				ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset '%s': for FA.",in_FA);
			DSET_load(insetFA) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(insetFA) ;
			Nvox = DSET_NVOX(insetFA) ;
			Dim[0] = DSET_NX(insetFA); Dim[1] = DSET_NY(insetFA); 
			Dim[2] = DSET_NZ(insetFA); 
			Ledge[0] = fabs(DSET_DX(insetFA)); Ledge[1] = fabs(DSET_DY(insetFA)); 
			Ledge[2] = fabs(DSET_DZ(insetFA)); 
			Orig[0] = DSET_XORG(insetFA); Orig[1] = DSET_YORG(insetFA);
			Orig[2] = DSET_ZORG(insetFA);

			// check tot num vox match (as proxy for dims...)
			if( (Nvox != nmask1) || (Nvox != nmask2) )
				ERROR_exit("Input dataset does not match both mask volumes!");
			// this stores the original data file orientation for later use,
			// as well since we convert everything to RAI temporarily, as
			// described below
			for( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
				header1.dim[i] = Dim[i];
				header1.voxel_size[i] = Ledge[i];
				// will want this when outputting file later for TrackVis.
				TV_switch[i] = !(dset_or[i]==header1.voxel_order[i]);
			FOUND = -1;
			for( i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
				sprintf(in_V1,"%s_V1%s", argv[iarg],postfix[i]); 
				if(THD_is_ondisk(in_V1)) {
					FOUND = i;
			insetV1 = THD_open_dataset(in_V1);
			if( insetV1 == NULL ) 
				ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset '%s':V1",in_V1);
			DSET_load(insetV1) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(insetV1) ;
			FOUND = -1;
			for( i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
				sprintf(in_L1,"%s_L1%s", argv[iarg],postfix[i]); 
				if(THD_is_ondisk(in_L1)) {
					FOUND = i;
			insetL1 = THD_open_dataset(in_L1);
			if( insetL1 == NULL ) 
				ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset '%s':L1",in_L1);
			DSET_load(insetL1) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(insetL1) ;

			FOUND = -1;
			for( i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
				sprintf(in_MD,"%s_MD%s", argv[iarg],postfix[i]); 
				if(THD_is_ondisk(in_MD)) {
					FOUND = i;
			insetMD = THD_open_dataset(in_MD);
			if( insetMD == NULL ) 
				ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset '%s':MD",in_MD);
			DSET_load(insetMD) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(insetMD) ;

			iarg++ ; continue ;

		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-algopt") == 0 ){
			iarg++ ; 
			if( iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-algopt'");
			if (!(nel = ReadTractAlgOpts(argv[iarg]))) {
				ERROR_message("Failed to read options in %s\n", argv[iarg]);
			if (NI_getTractAlgOpts(nel, &MinFA, &MaxAngDeg, &MinL, 
										  SeedPerV, &M, &bval)) {
				ERROR_message("Failed to get options");
			NI_free_element(nel); nel=NULL;
			iarg++ ; continue ;

		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-logic") == 0 ){
			iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
							ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-logic'");

			INFO_message("ROI logic type is: %s",argv[iarg]);
			if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"AND") == 0 ) 
				LOG_TYPE = 1;
			else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"OR") == 0 ) 
				LOG_TYPE = 0;
			else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"ALL") == 0 )
				LOG_TYPE = -1;
				ERROR_exit("Illegal after '-logic': need 'OR' or 'AND'");
			iarg++ ; continue ;
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-extra_set") == 0) {
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-extra_set'");
			EXTRAFILE = 1; // switch on

			insetEXTRA = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg]);
			if( (insetEXTRA == NULL ) )
				ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset '%s': for extra set.",argv[iarg]);
			DSET_load(insetEXTRA) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(insetEXTRA) ;

			if( !((Dim[0] == DSET_NX(insetEXTRA)) && (Dim[1] == DSET_NY(insetEXTRA)) && (Dim[2] == DSET_NZ(insetEXTRA))))
				ERROR_exit("Dimensions of extra set '%s' don't match those of the DTI prop ones ('%s', etc.).",argv[iarg], in_FA);
			iarg++ ; continue ;

		ERROR_message("Bad option '%s'\n",argv[iarg]) ;
		suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
	if (iarg < 4) {
		ERROR_message("Too few options. Try -help for details.\n");
	if (dump_opts) {
      nel = NI_setTractAlgOpts(NULL, &MinFA, &MaxAngDeg, &MinL, 
										 SeedPerV, &M, &bval);
      WriteTractAlgOpts(prefix, nel);
      NI_free_element(nel); nel=NULL;
	// Process the options a little 
	for( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		DimSeed[i] = Dim[i]*SeedPerV[i];
	Nseed = Nvox*SeedPerV[0]*SeedPerV[1]*SeedPerV[2];
	// convert to cos of rad value for comparisons, instead of using acos()
	MaxAng = cos(CONV*MaxAngDeg); 
	// switch to add header-- option for now, added Sept. 2012
	// for use with map_TrackID to map tracks to different space
		for( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
			header1.origin[i] = Orig[i];
	// at some point, we will have to convert indices into
	// pseudo-locations; being forced into this choice means that
	// different data set orientations would be represented differently
	// and incorrectly in some instances... so, for now, we'll resample
	// everything to RAI, and then resample back later.  guess this will
	// just slow things down slightly.
	// have all be RAI for processing here
	if(TV_switch[0] || TV_switch[1] || TV_switch[2]) {
		dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(insetFA, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
										 dset_or, RESAM_NN_TYPE, NULL, 1, 0);
		dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(insetMD, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
										 dset_or, RESAM_NN_TYPE, NULL, 1, 0);
		dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(insetV1, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
										 dset_or, RESAM_NN_TYPE, NULL, 1, 0);
		dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(insetL1, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
										 dset_or, RESAM_NN_TYPE, NULL, 1, 0);
		dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(mset1, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
										 dset_or, RESAM_NN_TYPE, NULL, 1, 0);
		dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(mset2, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
										 dset_or, RESAM_NN_TYPE, NULL, 1, 0);

			dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(insetEXTRA, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
											 dset_or, RESAM_NN_TYPE, NULL, 1, 0);


	// ****************************************************************
	// ****************************************************************
	//                    make arrays for tracking
	// ****************************************************************
	// ****************************************************************

	// for temp storage array, just a multiple of longest dimension!
	if(Dim[0] > Dim[1])
		ArrMax = Dim[0] * 4;
		ArrMax = Dim[1] * 4;
	if(4*Dim[2] > ArrMax)
		ArrMax = Dim[2] * 4;

	ROI1 = (int *)calloc(Nvox, sizeof(int)); 
	ROI2 = (int *)calloc(Nvox, sizeof(int)); 
	temp_arr = (short int *)calloc(Nvox, sizeof(short int)); 
	temp_byte = (char *)calloc(Nvox, sizeof(char)); 
	// temp storage whilst tracking
	Tforw = calloc(ArrMax, sizeof(Tforw)); 
	for(i=0 ; i<ArrMax ; i++) 
		Tforw[i] = calloc(3, sizeof(int)); 
	Ttot = calloc(2*ArrMax , sizeof(Ttot)); 
	for(i=0 ; i<2*ArrMax ; i++) 
		Ttot[i] = calloc(3, sizeof(int)); 
	Tback = calloc(ArrMax, sizeof(Tback)); 
	for(i=0 ; i<ArrMax ; i++) 
		Tback[i] = calloc(3, sizeof(int)); 
	// temp storage whilst tracking, physical loc
	flTforw = calloc(ArrMax, sizeof(flTforw)); 
	for(i=0 ; i<ArrMax ; i++) 
		flTforw[i] = calloc(3, sizeof(int)); 
	flTback = calloc(ArrMax,sizeof(flTback)); 
	for(i=0 ; i<ArrMax ; i++) 
		flTback[i] = calloc(3, sizeof(int)); 
	if( (ROI1 == NULL) || (ROI2 == NULL) || (temp_arr == NULL) 
		 || (Tforw == NULL) || (Tback == NULL) || (flTforw == NULL) 
		 || (flTback == NULL) || (Ttot == NULL)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
	coorded = (float ****) calloc( Dim[0], sizeof(float ***) );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
		coorded[i] = (float ***) calloc( Dim[1], sizeof(float **) );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
		for ( j = 0 ; j < Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
			coorded[i][j] = (float **) calloc( Dim[2], sizeof(float *) );
	for ( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
		for ( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
			for ( k= 0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) //3 comp of V1 and FA
				coorded[i][j][k] = (float *) calloc( 4, sizeof(float) ); 
	INDEX = (int ****) calloc( Dim[0], sizeof(int ***) );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
		INDEX[i] = (int ***) calloc( Dim[1], sizeof(int **) );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
		for ( j = 0 ; j < Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
			INDEX[i][j] = (int **) calloc( Dim[2], sizeof(int *) );
	for ( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
		for ( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
			for ( k= 0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
				INDEX[i][j][k] = (int *) calloc( 4,  sizeof(int) );

	// this statement will never be executed if allocation fails above
	if( (INDEX == NULL) || (coorded == NULL) ) { 
		fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
	for(i=0 ; i<Nvox ; i++) {
		if(THD_get_voxel( mset1, i, 0) >0.5){
			ROI1[i] = 1;
		if(THD_get_voxel( mset2, i, 0) >0.5)
			ROI2[i] = 1;

	// set up eigvecs in 3D coord sys,
	// mark off where ROIs are and keep index handy
	for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
		for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
			for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
				for( m=0 ; m<3 ; m++ ) 
					coorded[i][j][k][m] = THD_get_voxel(insetV1, idx, m);
					coorded[i][j][k][3] = THD_get_voxel(insetEXTRA, idx, 0); 
					coorded[i][j][k][3] = THD_get_voxel(insetFA, idx, 0); 
				// make sure that |V1| == 1 for all eigenvects, otherwise it's
				/// a problem in the tractography; currently, some from
				// 3dDWItoDT do not have this property...
				tempvmagn = sqrt(coorded[i][j][k][0]*coorded[i][j][k][0]+
				if( tempvmagn<0.99 ) 
					for( m=0 ; m<3 ; m++ ) 
						coorded[i][j][k][m]/= tempvmagn;
				INDEX[i][j][k][0] =idx; // first value is the index itself
				if( ROI1[idx]==1 ) 
					INDEX[i][j][k][1]=1; // second value identifies ROI1 mask
				if( ROI2[idx]==1 )
					INDEX[i][j][k][2]=1; // third value identifies ROI2 mask

				// fourth value will be counter for number of kept tracks
				// passing through
				INDEX[i][j][k][3] = 0;  
				idx+= 1;
	// *************************************************************
	// *************************************************************
	//                    Beginning of main loop
	// *************************************************************
	// *************************************************************

	Numtract = 0;
	ave_tract_len = 0.;
	ave_tract_len_phys = 0.;
	if( (fout0 = fopen(OUT_bin, "w")) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",OUT_bin);
	if (get_tract_verb()) {
		INFO_message("Begin tracking...");

	tb = AppCreateBundle(NULL, 0, NULL, insetFA); // start bundle
	id = 0;
	for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
		for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
			for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
				if(coorded[i][j][k][3] >= MinFA) { 
					for( ii=0 ; ii<SeedPerV[0] ; ii++ ) 
						for( jj=0 ; jj<SeedPerV[1] ; jj++ ) 
							for( kk=0 ; kk<SeedPerV[2] ; kk++ ) {

								in[0] = i;
								in[1] = j;
								in[2] = k;
								physin[0] = ((float) in[0] + 
												 (0.5 + (float) ii)/SeedPerV[0])*Ledge[0];
								physin[1] = ((float) in[1] + 
												 (0.5 + (float) jj)/SeedPerV[1])*Ledge[1];
								physin[2] = ((float) in[2] + 
												 (0.5 + (float) kk)/SeedPerV[2])*Ledge[2];
								len_forw = TrackIt(coorded, in, physin, Ledge, Dim, 
														 MinFA, MaxAng, ArrMax, Tforw, 
														 flTforw, 1, phys_forw);
								// reset, because it's changed in TrackIt func
								in[0] = i; 
								in[1] = j;
								in[2] = k;

								physin[0] = ((float) in[0] + 
												 (0.5 + (float) ii)/SeedPerV[0])*Ledge[0];
								physin[1] = ((float) in[1] + 
												 (0.5 + (float) jj)/SeedPerV[1])*Ledge[1];
								physin[2] = ((float) in[2] + 
												 (0.5 + (float) kk)/SeedPerV[2])*Ledge[2];

								len_back = TrackIt(coorded, in, physin, Ledge, Dim, 
														 MinFA, MaxAng, ArrMax, Tback, 
														 flTback, -1, phys_back);
								KEEPIT = 0; // a simple switch

								totlen = len_forw+len_back-1; // NB: overlap of starts
								totlen_phys = phys_forw[0] + phys_back[0];
								if( totlen_phys >= MinL ) {
									// glue together for simpler notation later
									for( n=0 ; n<len_back ; n++) { // all of this
										rr = len_back-n-1; // read in backward
											Ttot[rr][m] = Tback[n][m];
									for( n=1 ; n<len_forw ; n++){// skip first->overlap
										rr = n+len_back-1; // put after
											Ttot[rr][m] = Tforw[n][m];
									// <<So close and orthogonal condition>>:
									// test projecting ends, to see if they abut ROI.  
									for(m=0;m<3;m++) { 
										//actual projected ends
										end[1][m] = 2*Ttot[totlen-1][m]-Ttot[totlen-2][m];
										end[0][m] = 2*Ttot[0][m]-Ttot[1][m];
										// default choice, just retest known ends 
										// as default
										test_ind[1][m] = test_ind[0][m] = Ttot[0][m];
									tt = Create_Tract(len_back, flTback, len_forw, 
															flTforw, id, insetFA); ++id; 
									if (LOG_TYPE == -1) {
										KEEPIT = 1; 
									} else {
										inroi1 = 0;
										// check forw
										for( n=0 ; n<len_forw ; n++) {
												inroi1 = 1;
											} else
										if( inroi1==0 ){// after 1st half, check 2nd half
											for( m=0 ; m<len_back ; m++) {
													inroi1 = 1;
												} else
										// after 1st&2nd halves, check bound/neigh
										if( inroi1==0 ) {
												inroi1 = 1;
												inroi1 = 1;
										if( ((LOG_TYPE ==0) && (inroi1 ==0)) || 
											 ((LOG_TYPE ==1) && (inroi1 ==1))) {
											// have to check in ROI2
											inroi2 = 0;
											// check forw
											for( n=0 ; n<len_forw ; n++) {
													inroi2 = 1;
												} else
											//after 1st half, check 2nd half
											if( inroi2==0 ) { 
												for( m=0 ; m<len_back ; m++) {
														inroi2 = 1;
													} else
											// after 1st&2nd halves, check bound/neigh
											if( inroi2==0 ) { 
													inroi2 = 1;
													inroi2 = 1;
											// for both cases, need to see it here to keep
											if( inroi2 ==1 )
												KEEPIT = 1; // otherwise, it's gone
										} else if((LOG_TYPE ==0) && (inroi1 ==1))
											KEEPIT = 1;
								// by now, we *know* if we're keeping this or not.
								if( KEEPIT == 1 ) {
									tb = AppCreateBundle(tb, 1, tt, NULL); 
									tt = Free_Tracts(tt, 1);
									READS_in = totlen;
									for( n=0 ; n<len_back ; n++) {
										//put this one in backwords, to make it connect
										m = len_back - 1 - n; 
										for(aa=0 ; aa<3 ; aa++) {
											// recenter phys loc for trackvis, if nec...
											// just works this way (where they define 
											// origin)
											READS_fl = flTback[m][aa];
												READS_fl = Ledge[aa]*Dim[aa]-READS_fl;
										mm = INDEX[Tback[m][0]][Tback[m][1]][Tback[m][2]][0];
										READS_fl =THD_get_voxel(insetFA, mm, 0); // FA
										READS_fl =THD_get_voxel(insetMD, mm, 0); // MD
										READS_fl =THD_get_voxel(insetL1, mm, 0); // L1
										// count this voxel for having a tract
										INDEX[Tback[m][0]][Tback[m][1]][Tback[m][2]][3]+= 1; 
									for( m=1 ; m<len_forw ; m++) {
										for(aa=0 ; aa<3 ; aa++) {
											// recenter phys loc for trackvis, if nec...
											READS_fl = flTforw[m][aa];
												READS_fl = Ledge[aa]*Dim[aa]-READS_fl;
										mm = INDEX[Tforw[m][0]][Tforw[m][1]][Tforw[m][2]][0];
										READS_fl =THD_get_voxel(insetFA, mm, 0); // FA
										READS_fl =THD_get_voxel(insetMD, mm, 0); // MD
										READS_fl =THD_get_voxel(insetL1, mm, 0); // L1 
										// count this voxel for having a tract
										INDEX[Tforw[m][0]][Tforw[m][1]][Tforw[m][2]][3]+= 1; 
									ave_tract_len+= totlen;
									ave_tract_len_phys+= totlen_phys;
	if (get_tract_verb()) {
		INFO_message("Done tracking, have %d tracks.", tb->N_tracts);
		Show_Taylor_Bundle(tb, NULL, 3);

	if (!Write_Bundle(tb,prefix,mode)) {
		ERROR_message("Failed to write the bundle");
	// **************************************************************
	// **************************************************************
	//                    Some simple stats on ROIs and outputs
	// **************************************************************
	// **************************************************************

	for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
		for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
			for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
				if( INDEX[i][j][k][3]>=1 ) {
					tempMD = THD_get_voxel(insetMD,INDEX[i][j][k][0],0);
					tempFA = THD_get_voxel(insetFA,INDEX[i][j][k][0],0);
					tempL1 = THD_get_voxel(insetL1,INDEX[i][j][k][0],0);
					tempRD = 0.5*(3*tempMD-tempL1);
					roi3_mu_MD+= tempMD;
					roi3_mu_FA+= tempFA;
					roi3_mu_L1+= tempL1;
					roi3_mu_RD+= tempRD;
					roi3_sd_MD+= tempMD*tempMD;
					roi3_sd_FA+= tempFA*tempFA;
					roi3_sd_L1+= tempL1*tempL1;
					roi3_sd_RD+= tempRD*tempRD;
					roi3_ct+= 1;
	if(roi3_ct > 0 ) { // !!!! make into afni file
		roi3_mu_MD/= (float) roi3_ct; 
		roi3_mu_FA/= (float) roi3_ct;
		roi3_mu_L1/= (float) roi3_ct;
		roi3_mu_RD/= (float) roi3_ct;
		roi3_sd_MD-= roi3_ct*roi3_mu_MD*roi3_mu_MD;
		roi3_sd_FA-= roi3_ct*roi3_mu_FA*roi3_mu_FA;
		roi3_sd_L1-= roi3_ct*roi3_mu_L1*roi3_mu_L1;
		roi3_sd_RD-= roi3_ct*roi3_mu_RD*roi3_mu_RD;
		roi3_sd_MD/= (float) roi3_ct-1; 
		roi3_sd_FA/= (float) roi3_ct-1;
		roi3_sd_L1/= (float) roi3_ct-1;
		roi3_sd_RD/= (float) roi3_ct-1;
		roi3_sd_MD = sqrt(roi3_sd_MD); 
		roi3_sd_FA = sqrt(roi3_sd_FA);
		roi3_sd_L1 = sqrt(roi3_sd_L1);
		roi3_sd_RD = sqrt(roi3_sd_RD);
		if( (fout0 = fopen(OUT_tracstat, "w")) == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",OUT_tracstat);
		// as usual, these next values would have to be divided by the
		// bval to get their actual value in standard phys units


		outsetMAP = EDIT_empty_copy( mset1 ) ;
		EDIT_dset_items( outsetMAP ,
							  ADN_datum_all , MRI_short , 
							  ADN_prefix    , prefix_map ,
							  ADN_none ) ;
		if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(outsetMAP)) )
			ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
		outsetMASK = EDIT_empty_copy( mset1 ) ;
		EDIT_dset_items( outsetMASK ,
							  ADN_datum_all , MRI_byte , 
							  ADN_prefix    , prefix_mask ,
							  ADN_none ) ;
		if(!THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(outsetMASK)) )
			ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
		for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
			for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
				for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
		// re-orient the data as original inputs 
		// (this function copies the pointer)
		EDIT_substitute_brick(outsetMAP, 0, MRI_short, temp_arr); 
		if(TV_switch[0] || TV_switch[1] || TV_switch[2]) {
			dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(outsetMAP, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
											 header1.voxel_order, RESAM_NN_TYPE, 
											 NULL, 1, 0);
		EDIT_dset_items( outsetMAP ,
							  ADN_prefix , prefix_map ,
							  ADN_none ) ;
		THD_load_statistics(outsetMAP );
		if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(outsetMAP)) )
			ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
		tross_Make_History( "3dTrackID" , argc , argv ,  outsetMAP) ;
		THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, outsetMAP, True);
		// re-orient the data as original inputs
		EDIT_substitute_brick(outsetMASK, 0, MRI_byte, temp_byte);
		if(TV_switch[0] || TV_switch[1] || TV_switch[2]) {
			dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(outsetMASK, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
											 header1.voxel_order, RESAM_NN_TYPE, 
											 NULL, 1, 0);
		EDIT_dset_items( outsetMASK ,
							  ADN_prefix , prefix_mask ,
							  ADN_none ) ;
		if(!THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(outsetMASK)) )
			ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
		tross_Make_History( "3dTrackID" , argc , argv ,  outsetMASK) ;
		THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, outsetMASK, True);

		INFO_message("Number of tracts found = %d",Numtract) ;
		INFO_message("\n No Tracts Found!!!\n");

	// ************************************************************
	// ************************************************************
	//                    Freeing
	// ************************************************************
	// ************************************************************

	// !!! need to free afni-sets?


	for( i=0 ; i<ArrMax ; i++) {
	for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++) 
		for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++) 
			for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++) 
	for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++) 
		for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++) 
	for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++) 

	for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++) 
		for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++) 
			for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++) 
	for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++) 
		for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++) 
	for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++) 

	free(temp_arr); // need to free
	for( i=0 ; i<2*ArrMax ; i++) 

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 26
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   int iarg , nerr=0 , nvals,nvox , nx,ny,nz , ii,jj,kk ;
   char *prefix="LSSout" , *save1D=NULL , nbuf[256] ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *inset=NULL , *outset ;
   MRI_vectim   *inset_mrv=NULL ;
   byte *mask=NULL ; int mask_nx=0,mask_ny=0,mask_nz=0, automask=0, nmask=0 ;
   NI_element *nelmat=NULL ; char *matname=NULL ;
   char *cgl ;
   int Ngoodlist,*goodlist=NULL , nfull , ncmat,ntime ;
   NI_int_array *giar ; NI_str_array *gsar ; NI_float_array *gfar ;
   MRI_IMAGE *imX, *imA, *imC, *imS ; float *Xar, *Sar ; MRI_IMARR *imar ;
   int nS ; float *ss , *oo , *fv , sum ; int nvec , iv ;
   int nbstim , nst=0 , jst_bot,jst_top ; char *stlab="LSS" ;
   int nodata=1 ;

   /*--- help me if you can ---*/

   if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-HELP") == 0 ) LSS_help() ;

   /*--- bureaucratic startup ---*/

   PRINT_VERSION("3dLSS"); mainENTRY("3dLSS main"); machdep();
   AFNI_logger("3dLSS",argc,argv); AUTHOR("RWCox");
   (void)COX_clock_time() ;

   /**------- scan command line --------**/

   iarg = 1 ;
   while( iarg < argc ){

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0 ){ verb++  ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-VERB") == 0 ){ verb+=2 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }

     /**==========   -mask  ==========**/

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0 ){
       THD_3dim_dataset *mset ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'") ;
       if( mask != NULL || automask ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two mask inputs") ;
       mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
       CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mset,argv[iarg]) ;
       DSET_load(mset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset) ;
       mask_nx = DSET_NX(mset); mask_ny = DSET_NY(mset); mask_nz = DSET_NZ(mset);
       mask = THD_makemask( mset , 0 , 0.5f, 0.0f ) ; DSET_delete(mset) ;
       if( mask == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't make mask from dataset '%.33s'",argv[iarg]) ;
       nmask = THD_countmask( mask_nx*mask_ny*mask_nz , mask ) ;
       if( verb || nmask < 1 ) INFO_message("Number of voxels in mask = %d",nmask) ;
       if( nmask < 1 ) ERROR_exit("Mask is too small to process") ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-automask") == 0 ){
       if( mask != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't have -automask and -mask") ;
       automask = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     /**==========   -matrix  ==========**/

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-matrix") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       if( nelmat != NULL ) ERROR_exit("More than 1 -matrix option!?");
       nelmat = NI_read_element_fromfile( argv[iarg] ) ; /* read NIML file */
       matname = argv[iarg];
       if( nelmat == NULL || nelmat->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE )
         ERROR_exit("Can't process -matrix file '%s'!?",matname) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     /**==========   -nodata  ===========**/

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nodata") == 0 ){
       nodata = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     /**==========   -input  ==========**/

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
       if( inset != NULL  ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two -input options!?") ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       inset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
       CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(inset,argv[iarg]) ;
       nodata = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     /**==========   -prefix  =========**/

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal string after %s",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       if( verb && strcmp(prefix,"NULL") == 0 )
         INFO_message("-prefix NULL ==> no dataset will be written") ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     /**==========   -save1D  =========**/

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-save1D") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       save1D = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(save1D) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal string after %s",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     /***** Loser User *****/

      ERROR_message("Unknown option: %s",argv[iarg]) ;
      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);

   }  /* end of loop over options */

   /*----- check for errors -----*/

   if( nelmat == NULL ){ ERROR_message("No -matrix option!?") ; nerr++ ; }
   if( nerr > 0 ) ERROR_exit("Can't continue without these inputs!") ;

   if( inset != NULL ){
     nvals = DSET_NVALS(inset) ; nvox = DSET_NVOX(inset) ;
     nx = DSET_NX(inset) ; ny = DSET_NY(inset) ; nz = DSET_NZ(inset) ;
   } else {
     automask = nvals = 0 ;
     nvox = nx = ny = nz = nodata = 1 ;  /* nodata */
     mask = NULL ;

   /*----- masque -----*/

   if( mask != NULL ){     /* check -mask option for compatibility */
     if( mask_nx != nx || mask_ny != ny || mask_nz != nz )
       ERROR_exit("-mask dataset grid doesn't match input dataset :-(") ;

   } else if( automask ){  /* create a mask from input dataset */
     mask = THD_automask( inset ) ;
     if( mask == NULL )
       ERROR_message("Can't create -automask from input dataset :-(") ;
     nmask = THD_countmask( nvox , mask ) ;
     if( verb || nmask < 1 )
       INFO_message("Number of voxels in automask = %d (out of %d = %.1f%%)",
                    nmask, nvox, (100.0f*nmask)/nvox ) ;
     if( nmask < 1 ) ERROR_exit("Automask is too small to process") ;

   } else if( !nodata ) {       /* create a 'mask' for all voxels */
     if( verb )
       INFO_message("No mask ==> computing for all %d voxels",nvox) ;
     mask = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*nvox) ; nmask = nvox ;
     memset( mask , 1 , sizeof(byte)*nvox ) ;


   /*----- get matrix info from the NIML element -----*/

   if( verb ) INFO_message("extracting matrix info") ;

   ncmat = nelmat->vec_num ;  /* number of columns */
   ntime = nelmat->vec_len ;  /* number of rows */
   if( ntime < ncmat+2 )
     ERROR_exit("Matrix has too many columns (%d) for number of rows (%d)",ncmat,ntime) ;

   /*--- number of rows in the full matrix (without censoring) ---*/

   cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , "NRowFull" ) ;
   if( cgl == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Matrix is missing 'NRowFull' attribute!") ;
   nfull = (int)strtod(cgl,NULL) ;
   if( nodata ){
     nvals = nfull ;
   } else if( nvals != nfull ){
     ERROR_exit("-input dataset has %d time points, but matrix indicates %d",
                nvals , nfull ) ;

   /*--- the goodlist = mapping from matrix row index to time index
                        (which allows for possible time point censoring) ---*/

   cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , "GoodList" ) ;
   if( cgl == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Matrix is missing 'GoodList' attribute!") ;
   giar = NI_decode_int_list( cgl , ";," ) ;
   if( giar == NULL || giar->num < ntime )
     ERROR_exit("Matrix 'GoodList' badly formatted?!") ;
   Ngoodlist = giar->num ; goodlist = giar->ar ;
   if( Ngoodlist != ntime )
     ERROR_exit("Matrix 'GoodList' incorrect length?!") ;
   else if( verb > 1 && Ngoodlist < nfull )
     ININFO_message("censoring reduces time series length from %d to %d",nfull,Ngoodlist) ;

   /*--- extract the matrix from the NIML element ---*/

   imX = mri_new( ntime , ncmat , MRI_float ) ;
   Xar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imX) ;

   if( nelmat->vec_typ[0] == NI_FLOAT ){  /* from 3dDeconvolve_f */
     float *cd ;
     for( jj=0 ; jj < ncmat ; jj++ ){
       cd = (float *)nelmat->vec[jj] ;
       for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) Xar[ii+jj*ntime] = cd[ii] ;
   } else if( nelmat->vec_typ[0] == NI_DOUBLE ){  /* from 3dDeconvolve */
     double *cd ;
     for( jj=0 ; jj < ncmat ; jj++ ){
       cd = (double *)nelmat->vec[jj] ;
       for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) Xar[ii+jj*ntime] = cd[ii] ;
   } else {
     ERROR_exit("Matrix file stored with illegal data type!?") ;

   /*--- find the stim_times_IM option ---*/

   cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , "BasisNstim") ;
   if( cgl == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Matrix doesn't have 'BasisNstim' attribute!") ;
   nbstim = (int)strtod(cgl,NULL) ;
   if( nbstim <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("Matrix 'BasisNstim' attribute is %d",nbstim) ;
   for( jj=1 ; jj <= nbstim ; jj++ ){
     sprintf(nbuf,"BasisOption_%06d",jj) ;
     cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , nbuf ) ;
     if( cgl == NULL || strcmp(cgl,"-stim_times_IM") != 0 ) continue ;
     if( nst > 0 )
       ERROR_exit("More than one -stim_times_IM option was found in the matrix") ;
     nst = jj ;
     sprintf(nbuf,"BasisColumns_%06d",jj) ;
     cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , nbuf ) ;
     if( cgl == NULL )
       ERROR_exit("Matrix doesn't have %s attribute!",nbuf) ;
     jst_bot = jst_top = -1 ;
     sscanf(cgl,"%d:%d",&jst_bot,&jst_top) ;
     if( jst_bot < 0 || jst_top < 0 )
       ERROR_exit("Can't decode matrix attribute %s",nbuf) ;
     if( jst_bot == jst_top )
       ERROR_exit("Matrix attribute %s shows only 1 column for -stim_time_IM:\n"
                  "      -->> 3dLSS is meant to be used when more than one stimulus\n"
                  "           time was given, and then it computes the response beta\n"
                  "           for each stim time separately. If you have only one\n"
                  "           stim time with -stim_times_IM, you can use the output\n"
                  "           dataset from 3dDeconvolve (or 3dREMLfit) to get that\n"
                  "           single beta directly.\n" , nbuf ) ;
     if( jst_bot >= jst_top || jst_top >= ncmat )
       ERROR_exit("Matrix attribute %s has illegal value: %d:%d (ncmat=%d)",nbuf,jst_bot,jst_top,ncmat) ;
     sprintf(nbuf,"BasisName_%06d",jj) ;
     cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , nbuf ) ;
     if( cgl != NULL ) stlab = strdup(cgl) ;
     if( verb > 1 )
       ININFO_message("-stim_times_IM at stim #%d; cols %d..%d",jj,jst_bot,jst_top) ;
   if( nst == 0 )
     ERROR_exit("Matrix doesn't have any -stim_times_IM options inside :-(") ;

   /*--- mangle matrix to segregate IM regressors from the rest ---*/

   if( verb ) INFO_message("setting up LSS vectors") ;

   imar = LSS_mangle_matrix( imX , jst_bot , jst_top ) ;
   if( imar == NULL )
     ERROR_exit("Can't compute LSS 'mangled' matrix :-(") ;

   /*--- setup for LSS computations ---*/

   imA = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,0) ;
   imC = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,1) ;
   imS = LSS_setup( imA , imC ) ; DESTROY_IMARR(imar) ;
   if( imS == NULL )
     ERROR_exit("Can't complete LSS setup :-((") ;
   nS = imS->ny ; Sar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imS) ;

   if( save1D != NULL ){
     mri_write_1D( save1D , imS ) ;
     if( verb ) ININFO_message("saved LSS vectors into file %s",save1D) ;
   } else if( nodata ){
     WARNING_message("-nodata used but -save1D not used ==> you get no output!") ;

   if( nodata || strcmp(prefix,"NULL") == 0 ){
     INFO_message("3dLSS ends since prefix is 'NULL' or -nodata was used") ;
     exit(0) ;

   /*----- create output dataset -----*/

   if( verb ) INFO_message("creating output datset in memory") ;

   outset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset) ;
   EDIT_dset_items( outset ,
                      ADN_prefix    , prefix    ,
                      ADN_datum_all , MRI_float ,
                      ADN_brick_fac , NULL      ,
                      ADN_nvals     , nS        ,
                      ADN_ntt       , nS        ,
                    ADN_none ) ;
   tross_Copy_History( inset , outset ) ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dLSS" , argc,argv , outset ) ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nS ; kk++ ){
     EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , kk , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
     sprintf(nbuf,"%s#%03d",stlab,kk) ;
     EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( outset , kk , nbuf ) ;

   /*----- convert input dataset to vectim -----*/

   if( verb ) INFO_message("loading input dataset into memory") ;

   DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;
   inset_mrv = THD_dset_to_vectim( inset , mask , 0 ) ;
   DSET_unload(inset) ;

   /*----- compute dot products, store results -----*/

   if( verb ) INFO_message("computing away, me buckos!") ;

   nvec = inset_mrv->nvec ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nS ; kk++ ){
     ss = Sar + kk*ntime ;
     oo = DSET_ARRAY(outset,kk) ;
     for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){
       fv = VECTIM_PTR(inset_mrv,iv) ;
       for( sum=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ )
         sum += ss[ii] * fv[goodlist[ii]] ;
       oo[inset_mrv->ivec[iv]] = sum ;

   DSET_write(outset) ; WROTE_DSET(outset) ;

   /*-------- Hasta la vista, baby --------*/

   if( verb )
     INFO_message("3dLSS finished: total CPU=%.2f Elapsed=%.2f",
                  COX_cpu_time() , COX_clock_time() ) ;
   exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 27
   \brief parse the arguments for SurfSmooth program
   \param argv (char *)
   \param argc (int)
   \return Opt (SUMA_GETPATCH_OPTIONS *) options structure.
               To free it, use 
      char *argv[], int argc, SUMA_KUBATEST_OPTIONS* Opt,
   static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_SampBias_ParseInput"}; 
   int kar, i, ind;
   char *outprefix;
   SUMA_Boolean brk = NOPE;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;


   kar = 1;
   brk = NOPE;
   Opt->debug = 0;
   Opt->plimit = 50;
   Opt->dlimit = 1000;
   Opt->outfile = NULL;
   Opt->prefix = NULL;
   Opt->segdo = NULL;
   while (kar < argc) 
   { /* loop accross command ine options */
      /*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0)
         ps->hverb = strlen(argv[kar])>3?2:1;
         exit (0);


      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-plimit") == 0)) 
         if (kar >= argc)  
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -plimit \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->plimit = atof(argv[kar]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-dlimit") == 0)) 
         if (kar >= argc)  
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -dlimit \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->dlimit = atof(argv[kar]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-out") == 0)) 
         if (kar >= argc)  
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -out \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->outfile = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-segdo") == 0)) 
         if (kar >= argc)  
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -segdo \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->segdo = SUMA_Extension(argv[kar], ".1D.do", NOPE);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prefix") == 0)) 
         if (kar >= argc)  
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -prefix \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->prefix = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
         brk = YUP;
     if (!brk && !ps->arg_checked[kar]) 
         SUMA_S_Errv("Option %s not understood. Try -help for usage\n", 
         suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
         exit (1);
      } else 
         brk = NOPE;
         kar ++;

   /* sanity checks */
   if (Opt->outfile == NULL && Opt->prefix == NULL) 
      SUMA_SL_Err("No outfile, or prefix  specified.");
   if (Opt->outfile) {
      if (!THD_ok_overwrite() && SUMA_filexists(Opt->outfile)) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("Outfile %s already exists\n", Opt->outfile);
   if (Opt->prefix) {

   Opt->histnote = SUMA_HistString (NULL, argc, argv, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 28
   char *argv[], int argc, SUMA_GENERIC_ARGV_PARSE *ps)
   static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_BrainWrap_ParseInput"}; 
   int kar;
   SUMA_Boolean brk, accepting_out;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;

   Opt = SUMA_Alloc_Generic_Prog_Options_Struct();
   kar = 1;
   brk = NOPE;
   Opt->in_1D = NULL;
   Opt->NodeDbg = -1;
   Opt->debug = 0;
   Opt->NearestNode = 0;
   Opt->NearestTriangle = 0;
   Opt->DistanceToMesh = 0;
   Opt->ProjectionOnMesh = 0;
   Opt->NearestNodeCoords = 0;
   Opt->Data = 0;
   Opt->in_name = NULL;
   Opt->out_prefix = NULL;
   Opt->fix_winding = 0;
   Opt->iopt = 0;
   Opt->oform = SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT;
   accepting_out = NOPE;
   while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
		/*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
      if (!brk && accepting_out) { 
         /* make sure you have not begun with new options */
         if (*(argv[kar]) == '-') accepting_out = NOPE;
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
			 usage_SurfToSurf(ps, strlen(argv[kar]) > 3 ? 2:1);
          exit (0);
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-debug") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a number after -debug \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->debug = atoi(argv[++kar]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-node_debug") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a number after -node_debug \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->NodeDbg = atoi(argv[++kar]);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-node_indices") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a parameter after -node_indices \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->in_nodeindices = argv[++kar];
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-closest_possible") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a number after -closest_possible \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->iopt = atoi(argv[++kar]);
         if (Opt->iopt != 0 && Opt->iopt != 1 && Opt->iopt != 2 && 
             Opt->iopt != 3) {
            SUMA_S_Errv("Must choose from 0, 1, 2, or 3 for -closest_possible."
                        " Have %d\n",
            exit (1);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-output_params") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                     "need at least one parameter after output_params \n");
            exit (1);
         accepting_out = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && accepting_out && (strcmp(argv[kar], "NearestNode") == 0)) {
         if (Opt->NearestNode < 1) Opt->NearestNode = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && accepting_out && 
            (strcmp(argv[kar], "NearestTriangleNodes") == 0)) {
         if (Opt->NearestNode < 3) Opt->NearestNode = 3;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && accepting_out && (strcmp(argv[kar], "NearestTriangle") == 0)) {
         if (Opt->NearestTriangle < 1) Opt->NearestTriangle = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && accepting_out && (strcmp(argv[kar], "DistanceToSurf") == 0)) {
         Opt->DistanceToMesh = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && accepting_out && 
            (strcmp(argv[kar], "ProjectionOnSurf") == 0)) {
         Opt->ProjectionOnMesh = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && accepting_out && 
            (strcmp(argv[kar], "NearestNodeCoords") == 0)) {
         Opt->NearestNodeCoords = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && accepting_out && 
            (strcmp(argv[kar], "Data") == 0)) {
         if (Opt->Data < 0) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                     "Cannot mix parameter Data with -dset option \n");
            exit (1);   
         Opt->Data = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-data") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a name after -data \n");
            exit (1);
         if (strcmp(argv[kar],"_XYZ_") == 0) { 
            /* default Opt->in_name = NULL*/
            if (Opt->in_name) {
               SUMA_SL_Err("Input already specified."
                           "Do not mix -data and -dset");
               exit (1);
         } else {
            Opt->in_name = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
         Opt->Data = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-dset") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a name after -dset \n");
            exit (1);
         if (strcmp(argv[kar],"_XYZ_") == 0 || Opt->Data > 0) { 
            /* default Opt->in_name = NULL*/
            if (Opt->in_name || Opt->Data > 0) {
               SUMA_SL_Err("Input already specified."
                           "Do not mix -data and -dset."
                           "Or use parameter DATA with -dset");
               exit (1);
         } else {
            Opt->in_name = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
         Opt->Data = -1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prefix") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a name after -prefix \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_RemoveDsetExtension_eng(argv[++kar],
         brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-mapfile") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a name after -mapfile \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->s = SUMA_Extension(argv[++kar],".niml.M2M", NOPE);
         if (!SUMA_filexists(Opt->s)) {
            SUMA_S_Errv("File %s not found\n"
                         , Opt->s);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-proj_dir") == 0))
         if (kar+1 >= argc)
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a name after -proj_dir \n");
            exit (1);
         Opt->in_1D = argv[++kar];
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-make_consistent") == 0))
         Opt->fix_winding = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && !ps->arg_checked[kar]) {
			fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s:\n"
                  "Option %s not understood. Try -help for usage\n", 
                  FuncName, argv[kar]);
			suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
         exit (1);
		} else {	
			brk = NOPE;
			kar ++;
   /* set default for NearestNode if nothing has been set */
   if (Opt->NearestNode < 1) Opt->NearestNode = 3;
   if (!Opt->out_prefix) Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_copy_string("SurfToSurf"); 
   if (Opt->in_1D && Opt->s) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Cannot use -proj_dir along with -mapfile");
Exemplo n.º 29
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   MRI_shindss *shd ;
   int ids , nopt , kk ;
   char *prefix = "EIC" ;
   char *fname=NULL , *buf ;
   MRI_vectim *mv ; THD_3dim_dataset *dset ;

   /*--- official AFNI startup stuff ---*/

   mainENTRY("3dExtractGroupInCorr"); machdep();
   PRINT_VERSION("3dExtractGroupInCorr"); AUTHOR("RW Cox");

   /*-- process options --*/

   nopt = 1 ;
   while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){

     if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix") == 0 ){
       nopt++ ;
       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"NULL") == 0 ) prefix = NULL ;
       else                                     prefix = strdup(argv[nopt]) ;
       nopt++ ; continue ;

     ERROR_message("Unknown option: '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]);

   if( argc < 2 ){ usage_3dExtractGroupInCorr(2) ; exit(0) ; }

   /* check for errors */

   if( nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("No input filename on command line?!") ;

   /*-- read input file --*/

   fname = strdup(argv[nopt]) ;
   if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(fname,".data") ){
     strcpy(fname+strlen(fname)-5,".niml") ;
     WARNING_message("EIC: Replaced '.data' with '.niml' in filename") ;
   } else if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(fname,".grpincorr") ){
     fname = (char *)realloc(fname,strlen(fname)+16) ;
     strcat(fname,".niml") ;
     INFO_message("EIC: Added '.niml' to end of filename") ;
   } else if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(fname,".grpincorr.") ){
     fname = (char *)realloc(fname,strlen(fname)+16) ;
     strcat(fname,"niml") ;
     INFO_message("EIC: Added 'niml' to end of filename") ;
   shd = GRINCOR_read_input( fname ) ;
   if( shd == NULL ) ERROR_exit("EIC: Cannot continue after input error") ;
   INFO_message("EIC: file opened, contains %d datasets, %d time series, %s bytes",
                shd->ndset , shd->nvec , commaized_integer_string(shd->nbytes) ) ;

   /*-- process input file --*/

   fprintf(stderr,"++ %d datasets: ",shd->ndset) ;
   for( ids=0 ; ids < shd->ndset ; ids++ ){
                                                          fprintf(stderr,"%d",ids+1) ;
     dset = GRINCOR_extract_dataset( shd, ids, prefix ) ; fprintf(stderr,".") ;
     DSET_write(dset) ;
     DSET_delete(dset) ;
   fprintf(stderr,"\n") ; exit(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 30
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
   int CHECK = 0;
	int iarg;
   char *Fname_input = NULL;
   char *Fname_output = NULL;
   char *Fname_outputBV = NULL;
   char *Fname_bval = NULL;
   int opt;
   FILE *fin=NULL, *fout=NULL, *finbv=NULL, *foutBV=NULL;
   int i,j,k;
   int BZER=0,idx=0,idx2=0;

   MRI_IMAGE *flim=NULL;
   float *READIN=NULL;
   float *READBVAL=NULL;

   float OUT_MATR[MAXGRADS][7]; // b- or g-matrix
   float OUT_GRAD[MAXGRADS][4]; // b- or g-matrix

   int INV[3] = {1,1,1}; // if needing to switch
   float temp;
   int YES_B = 0;
   int EXTRA_ZEROS=0;
   int HAVE_BVAL = 0;
   int BVAL_OUT = 0; 
   int BVAL_OUT_SEP = 0; 
   float BMAX_REF = 1; // i.e., essentially zero
   int IN_FORM = 0; // 0 for row, 1 for col
   int OUT_FORM = 1; // 1 for col, 2 for bmatr 
   int HAVE_BMAX_REF=0 ; // referring to user input value
   int count_in=0, count_out=0;

	THD_3dim_dataset *dwset=NULL, *dwout=NULL; 
   int Nbrik = 0;
	char *prefix=NULL ;
   float **temp_arr=NULL, **temp_grad=NULL;
   int Ndwi = 0, dwi=0, Ndwout = 0, Ndwi_final = 0, Ndwout_final = 0;
   int Nvox = 0;
   int DWI_COMP_FAC = 0;
   int ct_dwi = 0;
   float MaxDP = 0;

	mainENTRY("1dDW_Grad_o_Mat"); machdep();
   if (argc == 1) { usage_1dDW_Grad_o_Mat(1); exit(0); }

   iarg = 1;
	while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || 
			 strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0 ) {
         usage_1dDW_Grad_o_Mat(strlen(argv[iarg])>3 ? 2:1);
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-flip_x") == 0) {
			INV[0] = -1;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-flip_y") == 0) {
			INV[1] = -1;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-flip_z") == 0) {
			INV[2] = -1;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-keep_b0s") == 0) {
			YES_B = 1;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-put_zeros_top") == 0) {
			iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_grad_rows") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_grad_rows'\n") ;

         Fname_input = argv[iarg];

         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_grad_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_grad_cols'\n") ;

         Fname_input = argv[iarg];
         IN_FORM = 1;

         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_gmatT_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_matT_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_input = argv[iarg];
         IN_FORM = 2;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_gmatA_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_matA_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_input = argv[iarg];
         IN_FORM = 3;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_bmatT_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_matT_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_input = argv[iarg];
         IN_FORM = 4;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_bmatA_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_matA_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_input = argv[iarg];
         IN_FORM = 5;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_grad_rows") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_grad_cols'\n") ;

         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 0;

         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_grad_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_grad_cols'\n") ;

         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 1;

         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_gmatT_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_gmatT_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 2;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_gmatA_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_gmatA_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 3;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_bmatT_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_bmatT_cols'\n") ;

         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 4;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_bmatA_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_bmatA_cols'\n") ;

         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 5;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_bvals") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_bvals'\n") ;
         Fname_bval = argv[iarg];
         HAVE_BVAL = 1;

         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-bmax_ref") == 0) { 
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-bmax_ref'\n");
         BMAX_REF = atof(argv[iarg]);
         HAVE_BMAX_REF = 1;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_bval_col") == 0) {
			BVAL_OUT = 1;
			iarg++ ; continue ;

      // May,2015
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_bval_row_sep") == 0) {
         if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_bval_row_sep'\n") ;
         Fname_outputBV = argv[iarg];
         BVAL_OUT_SEP = 1;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-proc_dset") == 0 ){ // in DWIs
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-proc_dset'") ;
			dwset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
			if( dwset == NULL ) 
				ERROR_exit("Can't open DWI dataset '%s'", argv[iarg]) ;
			DSET_load(dwset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dwset) ;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-pref_dset") == 0 ){ // will be output
			iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
							ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-pref_dset'");
			prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
			if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) 
				ERROR_exit("Illegal name after '-pref_dset'");
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dwi_comp_fac") == 0) { 
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-dwi_comp_fac'\n");
         DWI_COMP_FAC = atoi(argv[iarg]);
         if (DWI_COMP_FAC <=1)
            ERROR_exit("The compression factor after '-dwi_comp_fac'"
                       "must be >1!");

         iarg++ ; continue ;

      ERROR_message("Bad option '%s'\n",argv[iarg]) ;
		suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);

   //  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

   if( (Fname_input == NULL) ) {
              "\n\tBad Command-lining!  Option '-in_*' requires argument.\n");
   if( (Fname_output == NULL) ) {
              "\n\tBad Command-lining!  Option '-out_*' requires arg.\n");

   if( count_in > 1 ) {
              "\n\tBad Command-lining!  Can't have >1 vec file input.\n");
   if( count_out > 1 ) {
              "\n\tBad Command-lining!  Can't have >1 output file opt.\n");

   if(YES_B && dwset) {
              "\n** Bad Command-lining! "
              "Can't have '-keep_b0s' and '-proc_dset' together.\n");
   if( !prefix && dwset) {
              "\n** Bad Command-lining! "
              "Need an output '-pref_dset' when using '-proc_dset'.\n");
   if(YES_B && DWI_COMP_FAC) {
              "\n** Bad Command-lining! "
              "Can't have '-keep_b0s' and '-dwi_comp_fac' together.\n");

              "\n** Bad Command-lining! "
              "Can't have ask for outputting bvals with no '-in_bvals FILE'.\n");

   // ********************************************************************
   // ************************* start reading ****************************
   // ********************************************************************

   flim = mri_read_1D (Fname_input);
   if (flim == NULL) {
         ERROR_exit("Error reading gradient vector file");
   if( IN_FORM )
      preREADIN = mri_transpose(flim); // effectively *undoes* autotranspose
      preREADIN = mri_copy(flim);
   idx = preREADIN->ny;

   if( HAVE_BVAL ) {
      flim = mri_read_1D (Fname_bval);
      if (flim == NULL) {
         ERROR_exit("Error reading b-value file");
      if( flim->ny == 1)
         preREADBVAL = mri_transpose(flim); // effectively *undoes* autotransp
         preREADBVAL = mri_copy(flim); 
      idx2 = preREADBVAL->ny;


   if(idx>= MAXGRADS ) {
      printf("Error, too many input grads.\n");
      mri_free (preREADIN);
      if( HAVE_BVAL ) mri_free (preREADBVAL);

   if( ( (preREADIN->nx != 3 ) && (preREADIN->ny != 3 )) &&
       (preREADIN->nx != 6 ) )
      printf("Probably an error, "
             "because there aren't 3 or 6 numbers in columns!\n");

   if( HAVE_BVAL && ( idx != idx2 ) ) {
      printf("Error, because the number of bvecs (%d)\n"
             "and bvals (%d) don't appear to match!\n", idx, idx2);
      mri_free (preREADIN);
      mri_free (preREADBVAL);

   if(dwset) {
      Nbrik = DSET_NVALS(dwset);

      if( idx != Nbrik ) {
                 "\n** ERROR: the number of bvecs (%d) does not match the "
                 "number of briks in '-proc_dset' (%d).\n", idx, Nbrik);

   if( HAVE_BVAL )

   // 0 is grad row;  
   // 1 is grad col;
   // 2 is gmatrRow col T;
   // 3 is gmatrDiag col A;
   // 4 is bmatrRow col T;
   // 5 is bmatrDiag col A;

   //if( IN_FORM == 0 ) // grad rows, no binfo
   // for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) 
   //    for ( j=0; j<3 ; j++ )
   //       OUT_GRAD[i][j+1] = *(READIN +j*idx +i) ;
   if ( IN_FORM <= 1 )  // grad cols, no binfo
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) 
         for ( j=0; j<3 ; j++ )
            OUT_GRAD[i][j+1] = *(READIN + 3*i+j);
   // A/row/3dDWItoDT: Bxx, Byy, Bzz, Bxy, Bxz, Byz
   // T/diag/TORTOISE:  b_xx 2b_xy 2b_xz b_yy 2b_yz b_zz
   else if ( (IN_FORM == 3) || (IN_FORM ==5 ) ) { // diag matr
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) { 
         for( j=0; j<3 ; j++ ) {
            OUT_MATR[i][j+1] = *(READIN+6*i+j);
            OUT_MATR[i][3+j+1] = *(READIN+6*i+3+j);

         for( j=0; j<3 ; j++ ) 
            if(OUT_MATR[i][j] < 0 )
      if(CHECK > 0)
         INFO_message("Warning: you *said* you input a mat'T',"
                      " but the matr diagonals don't appear to be uniformly"
                      " positive. If input cols 0, 3 and 5 are positive,"
                      " then you might have meant mat'A'?");
   else if ( (IN_FORM ==2 ) || (IN_FORM ==4 ) ) { // row matr
      CHECK = 0;
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) {
         OUT_MATR[i][1] = *(READIN +6*i);
         OUT_MATR[i][2] = *(READIN +6*i+3);
         OUT_MATR[i][3] = *(READIN +6*i+5);
         OUT_MATR[i][4] = *(READIN +6*i+1)/2.;
         OUT_MATR[i][5] = *(READIN +6*i+2)/2.;
         OUT_MATR[i][6] = *(READIN +6*i+4)/2.;
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) 
         for( j=0; j<3 ; j++ ) 
            if(OUT_MATR[i][j] < 0 )
      if(CHECK > 0)
         INFO_message("Warning: you *said* you input a mat'A',"
                      " but the matr diagonals don't appear to be uniformly"
                      " positive. If input cols 0, 1 and 2 are positive,"
                      " then you might have meant mat'T'?");
      fprintf(stderr, "Coding error with format number (%d), not allowed.\n",
   // get bval info
   if( ( (IN_FORM ==4 ) || (IN_FORM ==5 ) ) ) { //bval
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) {
         OUT_MATR[i][0] = OUT_GRAD[i][0] =
            OUT_MATR[i][1] + OUT_MATR[i][2] + OUT_MATR[i][3];
         if( OUT_MATR[i][0] > 0.000001)
            for( j=1 ; j<7 ; j++ )
               OUT_MATR[i][j]/= OUT_MATR[i][0];
   else if ( HAVE_BVAL )
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) {
         OUT_MATR[i][0] = OUT_GRAD[i][0] =  *(READBVAL + i);
   else if ( OUT_FORM > 3 || BVAL_OUT ||  BVAL_OUT_SEP || HAVE_BMAX_REF ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR:  you asked for b-value dependent output, "
              "but gave me no bvals to work with.\n");
   // * * *  ** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * ** * * ** * ** * ** * * *
   // at this point, all IN_FORM >1 cases which need bval have led to:
   //    + grad[0] has bval
   //    + matr[0] has bval
   //    + matr file normalized and in diagonal form
   // * * *  ** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * ** * * ** * ** * ** * * *

   for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) 
      if( IN_FORM > 1)
         j = GradConv_Gsign_from_BmatA( OUT_GRAD[i]+1, OUT_MATR[i]+1);
         j = GradConv_BmatA_from_Gsign( OUT_MATR[i]+1, OUT_GRAD[i]+1);

   // flip if necessary
   for( i=0 ; i<idx ; i++) {
      for( j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) 
         OUT_GRAD[i][j+1]*= INV[j];
      OUT_MATR[i][4]*= INV[0]*INV[1];
      OUT_MATR[i][5]*= INV[0]*INV[2];
      OUT_MATR[i][6]*= INV[1]*INV[2];
   for( i=0 ; i<idx ; i++) {
      if( HAVE_BVAL || (IN_FORM ==4) || (IN_FORM ==5) )
         if( OUT_GRAD[i][0] >= BMAX_REF ) 
            FLAG[i] = 1;
            if( YES_B ) 
               FLAG[i] = 1;
      else {
         temp = 0.;
         for( j=1 ; j<4 ; j++) 
            temp+= pow(OUT_GRAD[i][j],2);
         if( temp > 0.1 )
            FLAG[i] = 1;
            if( YES_B ) 
               FLAG[i] = 1;
   if(YES_B) {
      printf("\tChose to *keep* %d b0s,\tas well as  \t%d grads\n",
   else {
      printf("\tGetting rid of %d b0s,\tleaving the %d grads\n",
      Ndwi = idx-BZER;
   Ndwi_final = idx-BZER; // default:  all DWIs

   if( DWI_COMP_FAC ) {
      if( Ndwi % DWI_COMP_FAC != 0 ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n** ERROR can't compress: "
                 "Ndwi=%d, and %d/%d has a nonzero remainder (=%d).\n",
                 Ndwi,Ndwi,DWI_COMP_FAC, Ndwi % DWI_COMP_FAC );
      else {
         Ndwi_final = Ndwi/DWI_COMP_FAC;
         INFO_message("You have chosen a compression factor of %d, "
                      "with %d DWIs,\n"
                      "\tso that afterward there will be %d DWIs.",
                      DWI_COMP_FAC, Ndwi, Ndwi_final);

      if( (foutBV = fopen(Fname_outputBV, "w")) == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\nError opening file %s.\n",Fname_outputBV);

   if( (fout = fopen(Fname_output, "w")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n\nError opening file %s.\n",Fname_output);

   // 0 is grad row;  
   // 1 is grad col;
   // 2 is gmatrRow col T;
   // 3 is gmatrDiag col A;
   // 4 is bmatrRow col T;
   // 5 is bmatrDiag col A;

   if( OUT_FORM>0) {
      if( EXTRA_ZEROS ) {
         if( BVAL_OUT )
            fprintf(fout,"%8d  ", 0);
         if( BVAL_OUT_SEP )
            fprintf(foutBV,"%8d  ", 0);

         if( OUT_FORM == 1 )
            for( k=1 ; k<4 ; k++ )
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", 0.0);
         else if ( OUT_FORM > 1 ) // bit superfluous at this point
            for( k=1 ; k<7 ; k++ )
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", 0.0);

      ct_dwi = 0;
      for(i=0 ; i<idx ; i++){ 
         if(FLAG[i]) {
            if( BVAL_OUT )
               fprintf(fout,"%8d  ", (int) OUT_GRAD[i][0]);
            if( BVAL_OUT_SEP )
               fprintf(foutBV,"%8d  ", (int) OUT_GRAD[i][0]);

            if( (OUT_FORM == 4) || (OUT_FORM ==5) )
               for( k=1 ; k<7 ; k++ )
                  OUT_MATR[i][k]*= OUT_MATR[i][0];
            if( OUT_FORM == 1 ) // grad col
               for( k=1 ; k<4 ; k++ )
                  fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", OUT_GRAD[i][k]);
            else if( (OUT_FORM == 3) || (OUT_FORM == 5) ) { // gmat
               for( k=1 ; k<6 ; k++ )
                  fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", OUT_MATR[i][k]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f", OUT_MATR[i][k]);
            else if ( (OUT_FORM == 2 ) || (OUT_FORM ==4)) { // bmat
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", OUT_MATR[i][1]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", 2*OUT_MATR[i][4]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", 2*OUT_MATR[i][5]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", OUT_MATR[i][2]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", 2*OUT_MATR[i][6]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f",   OUT_MATR[i][3]);
         if( (ct_dwi == Ndwi_final) && DWI_COMP_FAC ) {
            INFO_message("Reached compression level:  DWI number %d",
   else if(OUT_FORM ==0) {
         WARNING_message("Ignoring '-out_bval_col' option, since "
                         " you are outputting in rows.");
      for( k=1 ; k<4 ; k++ ) {
            fprintf(fout,"% -11.5f  ", 0.0);
            if( (k==1) && BVAL_OUT_SEP ) // only output 1 zeroin bval file
               fprintf(foutBV,"%8d  ", 0);
         ct_dwi = 0;
         for(i=0 ; i<idx ; i++) {
            if(FLAG[i]) {
               fprintf(fout,"% -11.5f  ", OUT_GRAD[i][k]);
               if( (k==1) && BVAL_OUT_SEP )// only output 1 zeroin bval file
                  fprintf(foutBV,"%8d  ", (int) OUT_GRAD[i][0]);
            if( (ct_dwi == Ndwi_final) && DWI_COMP_FAC ) {
               INFO_message("Reached compression level:  DWI number %d",

   if( BVAL_OUT_SEP ) {

   if(dwset) {
      INFO_message("Processing the B0+DWI file now.");
      if(!BZER) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n** Error in processing data set: "
                 "no b=0 values from bvecs/bval info!\n");

      // FLAG marks where DWIs are if not using '-keep_b0s'!

      Nvox = DSET_NVOX(dwset);
      Ndwout = Ndwi+1;

      temp_arr = calloc( Ndwout,sizeof(temp_arr));
      for( i=0 ; i<Ndwout ; i++) 
         temp_arr[i] = calloc( Nvox,sizeof(float)); 
      temp_grad = calloc( Ndwi,sizeof(temp_grad));
      for( i=0 ; i<Ndwi ; i++) 
         temp_grad[i] = calloc( 3,sizeof(float)); 

      if( (temp_arr == NULL) || (temp_grad == NULL) ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");

      dwi = 0; // keep track of DWI contraction
      for( i=0 ; i<Nbrik ; i++)
         if( !FLAG[i] ) // b=0
            for( j=0 ; j<Nvox ; j++)
               temp_arr[0][j]+= THD_get_voxel(dwset,j,i);
         else {
            for( j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
               temp_grad[dwi][j]= OUT_GRAD[i][j+1];
            for( j=0 ; j<Nvox ; j++)
               temp_arr[dwi][j]+= THD_get_voxel(dwset,j,i);
      if( dwi != Ndwi ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n** Mismatch in internal DWI counting!\n");

      // average the values
      for( j=0 ; j<Nvox ; j++)
         temp_arr[0][j]/= BZER; // can't be zero here.
      if( DWI_COMP_FAC ) {
         INFO_message("Compressing DWI file");

         for( k=1 ; k<DWI_COMP_FAC ; k++)
            for( i=0 ; i<Ndwi_final ; i++)
               for( j=0 ; j<Nvox ; j++)
                  temp_arr[1+i][j]+= temp_arr[1+k*Ndwi_final+i][j];
         for( i=0 ; i<Ndwi_final ; i++)
            for( j=0 ; j<Nvox ; j++)
               temp_arr[1+i][j]/= DWI_COMP_FAC;

         INFO_message("Checking closeness of compressed gradient values");
         MaxDP = GradCloseness(temp_grad, Ndwi, DWI_COMP_FAC);

         INFO_message("The max angular difference between matched/compressed\n"
                      "\tgradients is: %f", MaxDP);
         if( MaxDP > 2)
            WARNING_message("The max angular difference seem kinda big-- you\n"
                            " sure about the compression factor?");

      Ndwout_final = Ndwi_final + 1;
      INFO_message("Writing the processed data set.");
      dwout = EDIT_empty_copy( dwset ); 
                      ADN_nvals, Ndwout_final,
                      ADN_ntt, 0,
                      ADN_datum_all, MRI_float , 
                      ADN_prefix, prefix,
                      ADN_none );

      for( i=0; i<Ndwout_final ; i++) {
         EDIT_substitute_brick(dwout, i, MRI_float, temp_arr[i]);

      // if necessary
      for( i=Ndwout_final ; i<Ndwout ; i++)

      THD_load_statistics( dwout );
      if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(dwout)) )
         ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
      tross_Make_History("1dDW_Grad_o_Mat", argc, argv, dwout);
      THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, dwout, True);

      for( i=0 ; i<Ndwout_final ; i++)

   if( HAVE_BVAL )


   printf("\n\tDone. Check output file '%s' for results",Fname_output);
   if(dwset) {
      printf("\n\t-> as well as the data_set '%s'",DSET_FILECODE(dwout));
      printf("\n\t-> and even the b-value rows '%s'",Fname_outputBV);
