void luaV_concat (lua_State *L, int total, int last) { do { StkId top = L->base + last + 1; int n = 2; /* number of elements handled in this pass (at least 2) */ if (!(ttisstring(top-2) || ttisnumber(top-2)) || !tostring(L, top-1)) { setpvalue(L->top, (void *)(ptrdiff_t)(last - 1)); /* for luaV_resume */ L->top++; if (!call_binTM(L, top-2, top-1, top-2, TM_CONCAT)) luaG_concaterror(L, top-2, top-1); L->top--; } else if (tsvalue(top-1)->len == 0) /* second op is empty? */ (void)tostring(L, top - 2); /* result is first op (as string) */ else { /* at least two string values; get as many as possible */ size_t tl = tsvalue(top-1)->len; char *buffer; int i; /* collect total length */ for (n = 1; n < total && tostring(L, top-n-1); n++) { size_t l = tsvalue(top-n-1)->len; if (l >= MAX_SIZET - tl) luaG_runerror(L, "string length overflow"); tl += l; } buffer = luaZ_openspace(L, &G(L)->buff, tl); tl = 0; for (i=n; i>0; i--) { /* concat all strings */ size_t l = tsvalue(top-i)->len; memcpy(buffer+tl, svalue(top-i), l); tl += l; } setsvalue2s(L, top-n, luaS_newlstr(L, buffer, tl)); } total -= n-1; /* got `n' strings to create 1 new */ last -= n-1; } while (total > 1); /* repeat until only 1 result left */ }
static void PrintString(const Proto* f, int n) { const char* s=svalue(&f->k[n]); putchar('"'); for (; *s; s++) { switch (*s) { case '"': printf("\\\""); break; case '\a': printf("\\a"); break; case '\b': printf("\\b"); break; case '\f': printf("\\f"); break; case '\n': printf("\\n"); break; case '\r': printf("\\r"); break; case '\t': printf("\\t"); break; case '\v': printf("\\v"); break; default: if (isprint((unsigned char)*s)) printf("%c",*s); else printf("\\%03u",(unsigned char)*s); } } putchar('"'); }
/* ** try to convert a value to an integer, rounding according to 'mode': ** mode == 0: accepts only integral values ** mode == 1: takes the floor of the number ** mode == 2: takes the ceil of the number */ int luaV_tointeger (const TValue *obj, lua_Integer *p, int mode) { TValue v; again: if (ttisfloat(obj)) { lua_Number n = fltvalue(obj); lua_Number f = l_floor(n); if (n != f) { /* not an integral value? */ if (mode == 0) return 0; /* fails if mode demands integral value */ else if (mode > 1) /* needs ceil? */ f += 1; /* convert floor to ceil (remember: n != f) */ } return lua_numbertointeger(f, p); } else if (ttisinteger(obj)) { *p = ivalue(obj); return 1; } else if (cvt2num(obj) && luaO_str2num(svalue(obj), &v) == vslen(obj) + 1) { obj = &v; goto again; /* convert result from 'luaO_str2num' to an integer */ } return 0; /* conversion failed */ }
/* ** Given an object handle, return its string pointer. On error, return NULL. */ char *lua_getstring (lua_Object object) { if (object == LUA_NOOBJECT) return NULL; if (tostring (Address(object))) return NULL; else return (svalue(Address(object))); }
/* this is a debug function used for check bytecode chunk file */ static void dump_function(int level, ktap_proto *f) { int i; printf("\n----------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("function %d [level %d]:\n", function_nr++, level); printf("linedefined: %d\n", f->linedefined); printf("lastlinedefined: %d\n", f->lastlinedefined); printf("numparams: %d\n", f->numparams); printf("is_vararg: %d\n", f->is_vararg); printf("maxstacksize: %d\n", f->maxstacksize); printf("source: %s\n", getstr(f->source)); printf("sizelineinfo: %d \t", f->sizelineinfo); for (i = 0; i < f->sizelineinfo; i++) printf("%d ", f->lineinfo[i]); printf("\n"); printf("sizek: %d\n", f->sizek); for (i = 0; i < f->sizek; i++) { switch(f->k[i].type) { case KTAP_TNIL: printf("\tNIL\n"); break; case KTAP_TBOOLEAN: printf("\tBOOLEAN: "); printf("%d\n", f->k[i].val.b); break; case KTAP_TNUMBER: printf("\tTNUMBER: "); printf("%ld\n", f->k[i].val.n); break; case KTAP_TSHRSTR: case KTAP_TLNGSTR: printf("\tTSTRING: "); printf("%s\n", svalue(&(f->k[i]))); break; default: printf("\tUnknow constant type %d: ", f->k[i].type); kp_showobj(NULL, &(f->k[i])); printf("\n"); } } printf("sizelocvars: %d\n", f->sizelocvars); for (i = 0; i < f->sizelocvars; i++) { printf("\tlocvars: %s startpc: %d endpc: %d\n", getstr(f->locvars[i].varname), f->locvars[i].startpc, f->locvars[i].endpc); } printf("sizeupvalues: %d\n", f->sizeupvalues); for (i = 0; i < f->sizeupvalues; i++) { printf("\tname: %s instack: %d idx: %d\n", getstr(f->upvalues[i].name), f->upvalues[i].instack, f->upvalues[i].idx); } printf("\n"); printf("sizecode: %d\n", f->sizecode); for (i = 0; i < f->sizecode; i++) decode_instruction(f, f->code[i]); printf("sizep: %d\n", f->sizep); for (i = 0; i < f->sizep; i++) dump_function(level + 1, f->p[i]); }
// PrintString from luac is not 8-bit clean char *DecompileString(const Proto * f, int n) { int i; const unsigned char *s = svalue(&f->k[n]); int len = tsvalue(&f->k[n])->tsv.len; char *ret = malloc(strlen(s) * 4 + 3); int p = 0; ret[p++] = '"'; for (i = 0; i < len; i++, s++) { switch (*s) { case '"': ret[p++] = '\\'; ret[p++] = '"'; break; case '\a': ret[p++] = '\\'; ret[p++] = 'a'; break; case '\b': ret[p++] = '\\'; ret[p++] = 'b'; break; case '\f': ret[p++] = '\\'; ret[p++] = 'f'; break; case '\n': ret[p++] = '\\'; ret[p++] = 'n'; break; case '\r': ret[p++] = '\\'; ret[p++] = 'r'; break; case '\t': ret[p++] = '\\'; ret[p++] = 't'; break; case '\v': ret[p++] = '\\'; ret[p++] = 'v'; break; case '\\': ret[p++] = '\\'; ret[p++] = '\\'; break; default: if (*s < 32 || *s > 127) { char* pos = &(ret[p]); sprintf(pos, "\\%d", *s); p += strlen(pos); } else { ret[p++] = *s; } break; } } ret[p++] = '"'; ret[p] = '\0'; return ret; }
void Decompiler::decompileRange(Byte *start, Byte *end) { // First, scan for IFFUPJMP, which is used for repeat/until, so // we can recognize the start of such loops. We only keep the // last value to match each address, which represents the outermost // repeat/until loop starting at that point. std::map<Byte *, Byte *> rev_iffupjmp_map; for (Byte *scan = start; end == NULL || scan < end; scan += get_instr_len(*scan)) { if (*scan == IFFUPJMP) rev_iffupjmp_map[scan + 2 - scan[1]] = scan; else if (*scan == IFFUPJMPW) rev_iffupjmp_map[scan + 3 - (scan[1] | (scan[2] << 8))] = scan; else if (*scan == ENDCODE) break; } while (end == NULL || start < end) { int locs_here = local_var_defs->count(start); if (locs_here > 0) { // There were local variable slots just pushed onto the stack // Print them out (in the second pass) // First, if there are multiple defined, it must be from // local x, y, z = f() or local a, b. So just ignore the extra // entries. for (int i = 1; i < locs_here; i++) { delete stk->top(); stk->pop(); } Expression *def = stk->top(); stk->pop(); // Print the local variable names, and at the same time push // fake values onto the stack *os << indent_str << "local "; for (int i = 0; i < locs_here; i++) { std::string locname = localname(tf, tf->code[1] + stk->size()); *os << locname; if (i + 1 < locs_here) *os << ", "; stk->push(new VarExpr(start, "<" + locname + " stack slot>")); } // Print the definition, unless it's nil VarExpr *v = dynamic_cast<VarExpr *>(def); if (v == NULL || v->name != "nil") *os << " = " << *def; *os << std::endl; delete def; local_var_defs->erase(start); } if (rev_iffupjmp_map.find(start) != rev_iffupjmp_map.end()) { // aha, do a repeat/until loop *os << indent_str << "repeat\n"; Decompiler indented_dc = *this; indented_dc.indent_str += std::string(4, ' '); indented_dc.break_pos = rev_iffupjmp_map[start]; indented_dc.break_pos += get_instr_len(*indented_dc.break_pos); indented_dc.decompileRange(start, rev_iffupjmp_map[start]); Expression *e = stk->top(); stk->pop(); *os << indent_str << "until " << *e << std::endl; delete e; start = indented_dc.break_pos; continue; } Byte opc = *start++; int aux; switch (opc) { case ENDCODE: return; case PUSHNIL: aux = *start++; goto pushnil; case PUSHNIL0: aux = 0; pushnil: for (int i = 0; i <= aux; i++) stk->push(new VarExpr(start, "nil")); // Cheat a little :) break; case PUSHNUMBER: aux = *start++; goto pushnumber; case PUSHNUMBER0: case PUSHNUMBER1: case PUSHNUMBER2: aux = opc - PUSHNUMBER0; goto pushnumber; case PUSHNUMBERW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; pushnumber: stk->push(new NumberExpr(start, aux)); break; case PUSHCONSTANT: aux = *start++; goto pushconst; case PUSHCONSTANT0: case PUSHCONSTANT1: case PUSHCONSTANT2: case PUSHCONSTANT3: case PUSHCONSTANT4: case PUSHCONSTANT5: case PUSHCONSTANT6: case PUSHCONSTANT7: aux = opc - PUSHCONSTANT0; goto pushconst; case PUSHCONSTANTW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; pushconst: switch (ttype(tf->consts + aux)) { case LUA_T_STRING: stk->push(new StringExpr(start, tsvalue(tf->consts + aux))); break; case LUA_T_NUMBER: stk->push(new NumberExpr(start, nvalue(tf->consts + aux))); break; case LUA_T_PROTO: stk->push(new FuncExpr(start, tfvalue(tf->consts + aux), indent_str)); break; default: *os << indent_str << "error: invalid constant type " << int(ttype(tf->consts + aux)) << std::endl; } break; case PUSHUPVALUE: aux = *start++; goto pushupvalue; case PUSHUPVALUE0: case PUSHUPVALUE1: aux = opc - PUSHUPVALUE0; pushupvalue: { if (aux >= num_upvals) { *os << indent_str << "error: invalid upvalue #" << aux << std::endl; } std::ostringstream s; s << "%" << *upvals[aux]; stk->push(new VarExpr(start, s.str())); } break; case PUSHLOCAL: aux = *start++; goto pushlocal; case PUSHLOCAL0: case PUSHLOCAL1: case PUSHLOCAL2: case PUSHLOCAL3: case PUSHLOCAL4: case PUSHLOCAL5: case PUSHLOCAL6: case PUSHLOCAL7: aux = opc - PUSHLOCAL0; pushlocal: stk->push(new VarExpr(start, localname(tf, aux))); break; case GETGLOBAL: aux = *start++; goto getglobal; case GETGLOBAL0: case GETGLOBAL1: case GETGLOBAL2: case GETGLOBAL3: case GETGLOBAL4: case GETGLOBAL5: case GETGLOBAL6: case GETGLOBAL7: aux = opc - GETGLOBAL0; goto getglobal; case GETGLOBALW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; getglobal: stk->push(new VarExpr(start, svalue(tf->consts + aux))); break; case GETTABLE: { Expression *index = stk->top(); stk->pop(); Expression *table = stk->top(); stk->pop(); stk->push(new BracketsIndexExpr(start, table, index)); } break; case GETDOTTED: aux = *start++; goto getdotted; case GETDOTTED0: case GETDOTTED1: case GETDOTTED2: case GETDOTTED3: case GETDOTTED4: case GETDOTTED5: case GETDOTTED6: case GETDOTTED7: aux = opc - GETDOTTED0; goto getdotted; case GETDOTTEDW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; getdotted: { Expression *tbl = stk->top(); stk->pop(); stk->push(new DotIndexExpr(start, tbl, new StringExpr (start, tsvalue(tf->consts + aux)))); } break; case PUSHSELF: aux = *start++; goto pushself; case PUSHSELF0: case PUSHSELF1: case PUSHSELF2: case PUSHSELF3: case PUSHSELF4: case PUSHSELF5: case PUSHSELF6: case PUSHSELF7: aux = opc - PUSHSELF0; goto pushself; case PUSHSELFW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; pushself: { Expression *tbl = stk->top(); stk->pop(); stk->push(new SelfExpr(start, tbl, new StringExpr (start, tsvalue(tf->consts + aux)))); stk->push(new VarExpr(start, "<self>")); // Fake value, FuncCallExpr will handle it } break; case CREATEARRAY: start++; goto createarray; case CREATEARRAY0: case CREATEARRAY1: goto createarray; case CREATEARRAYW: start += 2; createarray: stk->push(new ArrayExpr(start)); break; case SETLOCAL: case SETLOCAL0: case SETLOCAL1: case SETLOCAL2: case SETLOCAL3: case SETLOCAL4: case SETLOCAL5: case SETLOCAL6: case SETLOCAL7: case SETGLOBAL: case SETGLOBAL0: case SETGLOBAL1: case SETGLOBAL2: case SETGLOBAL3: case SETGLOBAL4: case SETGLOBAL5: case SETGLOBAL6: case SETGLOBAL7: case SETGLOBALW: case SETTABLE0: case SETTABLE: start--; do_multi_assign(start); break; case SETLIST: start++; // assume offset is correct goto setlist; case SETLISTW: start += 2; case SETLIST0: setlist: aux = *start++; { ArrayExpr::mapping_list new_mappings; for (int i = 0; i < aux; i++) { Expression *val = stk->top(); stk->pop(); new_mappings.push_front(std::make_pair((Expression *) NULL, val)); } ArrayExpr *a = dynamic_cast<ArrayExpr *>(stk->top()); if (a == NULL) { *os << indent_str << "error: attempt to setlist a non-array object\n"; } // Append the new list a->mappings.splice(a->mappings.end(), new_mappings); a->pos = start; } break; case SETMAP: aux = *start++; goto setmap; case SETMAP0: aux = 0; setmap: { ArrayExpr::mapping_list new_mappings; for (int i = 0; i <= aux; i++) { Expression *val = stk->top(); stk->pop(); Expression *key = stk->top(); stk->pop(); new_mappings.push_front(std::make_pair(key, val)); } ArrayExpr *a = dynamic_cast<ArrayExpr *>(stk->top()); if (a == NULL) { *os << indent_str << "error: attempt to setmap a non-array object\n"; } // Append the new list a->mappings.splice(a->mappings.end(), new_mappings); a->pos = start; } break; case EQOP: do_binary_op(start, 1, false, " == "); break; case NEQOP: do_binary_op(start, 1, false, " ~= "); break; case LTOP: do_binary_op(start, 1, false, " < "); break; case LEOP: do_binary_op(start, 1, false, " <= "); break; case GTOP: do_binary_op(start, 1, false, " > "); break; case GEOP: do_binary_op(start, 1, false, " >= "); break; case ADDOP: do_binary_op(start, 3, false, " + "); break; case SUBOP: do_binary_op(start, 3, false, " - "); break; case MULTOP: do_binary_op(start, 4, false, " * "); break; case DIVOP: do_binary_op(start, 4, false, " / "); break; case POWOP: do_binary_op(start, 6, true, " ^ "); break; case CONCOP: do_binary_op(start, 2, false, " .. "); break; case MINUSOP: do_unary_op(start, 5, "-"); break; case NOTOP: do_unary_op(start, 5, "not "); break; case ONTJMP: aux = *start++; goto ontjmp; case ONTJMPW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; ontjmp: // push_expr_1 ontjmp(label) push_expr_2 label: -> expr_1 || expr_2 decompileRange(start, start + aux); do_binary_op(start + aux, 0, false, " or "); start = start + aux; break; case ONFJMP: aux = *start++; goto onfjmp; case ONFJMPW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; onfjmp: // push_expr_1 onfjmp(label) push_expr_2 label: -> expr_2 && expr_2 decompileRange(start, start + aux); do_binary_op(start + aux, 0, false, " and "); start = start + aux; break; case JMP: aux = *start++; goto jmp; case JMPW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; jmp: { Byte *dest = start + aux; if (dest == break_pos) { *os << indent_str << "break\n"; break; } // otherwise, must be the start of a while statement Byte *while_cond_end; for (while_cond_end = dest; end == NULL || while_cond_end < end; while_cond_end += get_instr_len(*while_cond_end)) if (*while_cond_end == IFTUPJMP || *while_cond_end == IFTUPJMPW) break; if (end != NULL && while_cond_end >= end) { *os << indent_str << "error: JMP not in break, while, if/else\n"; } // push the while condition onto the stack decompileRange(dest, while_cond_end); *os << indent_str << "while " << *stk->top() << " do\n"; delete stk->top(); stk->pop(); // decompile the while body Decompiler indented_dc = *this; indented_dc.indent_str += std::string(4, ' '); indented_dc.break_pos = while_cond_end + get_instr_len(*while_cond_end); indented_dc.decompileRange(start, dest); *os << indent_str << "end\n"; start = indented_dc.break_pos; } break; case IFFJMP: aux = *start++; goto iffjmp; case IFFJMPW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; iffjmp: { // Output an if/end, if/else/end, if/elseif/else/end, ... statement Byte *if_part_end = start + aux; Decompiler indented_dc = *this; indented_dc.indent_str += std::string(4, ' '); *os << indent_str << "if " << *stk->top(); delete stk->top(); stk->pop(); *os << " then\n"; bool has_else; Byte *else_part_end; get_else_part(start, if_part_end, has_else, else_part_end); // Output the if part output_if: indented_dc.decompileRange(start, if_part_end); start = start + aux; if (has_else) { // Check whether the entire else part is a single // if or if/else statement Byte *instr_scan = start; while (is_expr_opc(*instr_scan) && (end == NULL || instr_scan < else_part_end)) instr_scan += get_instr_len(*instr_scan); if ((end == NULL || instr_scan < else_part_end) && (*instr_scan == IFFJMP || *instr_scan == IFFJMPW)) { // OK, first line will be if, check if it will go all // the way through Byte *new_start, *new_if_part_end, *new_else_part_end; bool new_has_else; if (*instr_scan == IFFJMP) { aux = instr_scan[1]; new_start = instr_scan + 2; } else { aux = instr_scan[1] | (instr_scan[2] << 8); new_start = instr_scan + 3; } new_if_part_end = new_start + aux; get_else_part(new_start, new_if_part_end, new_has_else, new_else_part_end); if (new_if_part_end == else_part_end || (new_has_else && new_else_part_end == else_part_end)) { // Yes, output an elseif decompileRange(start, instr_scan); // push condition *os << indent_str << "elseif " << *stk->top() << " then\n"; delete stk->top(); stk->pop(); start = new_start; if_part_end = new_if_part_end; has_else = new_has_else; else_part_end = new_else_part_end; goto output_if; } } *os << indent_str << "else\n"; indented_dc.decompileRange(start, else_part_end); start = else_part_end; } *os << indent_str << "end\n"; } break; case CLOSURE: aux = *start++; goto closure; case CLOSURE0: case CLOSURE1: aux = opc - CLOSURE0; closure: { FuncExpr *f = dynamic_cast<FuncExpr *>(stk->top()); if (f == NULL) { *os << indent_str << "error: closure requires a function\n"; } stk->pop(); f->num_upvals = aux; f->upvals = new Expression*[aux]; for (int i = aux - 1; i >= 0; i--) { f->upvals[i] = stk->top(); stk->pop(); } stk->push(f); } break; case CALLFUNC: aux = *start++; goto callfunc; case CALLFUNC0: case CALLFUNC1: aux = opc - CALLFUNC0; callfunc: { int num_args = *start++; FuncCallExpr *e = new FuncCallExpr(start); e->num_args = num_args; e->args = new Expression*[num_args]; for (int i = num_args - 1; i >= 0; i--) { e->args[i] = stk->top(); stk->pop(); } e->func = stk->top(); stk->pop(); if (aux == 0) { *os << indent_str << *e << std::endl; delete e; } else if (aux == 1 || aux == 255) // 255 for return f() stk->push(e); else { stk->push(e); for (int i = 1; i < aux; i++) stk->push(new VarExpr(start, "<extra result>")); } } break; case RETCODE: { int num_rets = stk->size() + tf->code[1] - *start++; ExprStack rets; for (int i = 0; i < num_rets; i++) { rets.push(stk->top()); stk->pop(); } *os << indent_str << "return"; for (int i = 0; i < num_rets; i++) { *os << " " << *rets.top(); delete rets.top(); rets.pop(); if (i + 1 < num_rets) *os << ","; } *os << std::endl; } break; case SETLINE: aux = *start++; goto setline; case SETLINEW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; setline: break; // ignore line info case POP: aux = *start++; goto pop; case POP0: case POP1: aux = opc - POP0; pop: for (int i = 0; i <= aux; i++) { local_var_defs->insert(stk->top()->pos); delete stk->top(); stk->pop(); } break; //Nop default: break; } } }
static const char *kname (Proto *p, int c) { if (ISK(c) && ttisstring(&p->k[INDEXK(c)])) return svalue(&p->k[INDEXK(c)]); else return "?"; }
static void PrintCode(const Proto* f) { const Instruction* code=f->code; int pc,n=f->sizecode; for (pc=0; pc<n; pc++) { Instruction i=code[pc]; OpCode o=GET_OPCODE(i); int a=GETARG_A(i); int b=GETARG_B(i); int c=GETARG_C(i); int bx=GETARG_Bx(i); int sbx=GETARG_sBx(i); int line=getline(f,pc); printf("\t%d\t",pc+1); if (line>0) printf("[%d]\t",line); else printf("[-]\t"); printf("%-9s\t",luaP_opnames[o]); switch (getOpMode(o)) { case iABC: printf("%d",a); if (getBMode(o)!=OpArgN) printf(" %d",ISK(b) ? (-1-INDEXK(b)) : b); if (getCMode(o)!=OpArgN) printf(" %d",ISK(c) ? (-1-INDEXK(c)) : c); break; case iABx: if (getBMode(o)==OpArgK) printf("%d %d",a,-1-bx); else printf("%d %d",a,bx); break; case iAsBx: if (o==OP_JMP) printf("%d",sbx); else printf("%d %d",a,sbx); break; } switch (o) { case OP_LOADK: printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,bx); break; case OP_GETUPVAL: case OP_SETUPVAL: printf("\t; %s", (f->sizeupvalues>0) ? getstr(f->upvalues[b]) : "-"); break; case OP_GETGLOBAL: case OP_SETGLOBAL: printf("\t; %s",svalue(&f->k[bx])); break; case OP_GETTABLE: case OP_SELF: if (ISK(c)) { printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); } break; case OP_SETTABLE: case OP_ADD: case OP_SUB: case OP_MUL: case OP_DIV: case OP_POW: case OP_EQ: case OP_LT: case OP_LE: if (ISK(b) || ISK(c)) { printf("\t; "); if (ISK(b)) PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(b)); else printf("-"); printf(" "); if (ISK(c)) PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); else printf("-"); } break; case OP_JMP: case OP_FORLOOP: case OP_FORPREP: printf("\t; to %d",sbx+pc+2); break; case OP_CLOSURE: printf("\t; %p",VOID(f->p[bx])); break; case OP_SETLIST: if (c==0) printf("\t; %d",(int)code[++pc]); else printf("\t; %d",c); break; default: break; } printf("\n"); } }
/* * Glob the argument words in genbuf, or if no globbing * is implied, just split them up directly. */ void glob(struct glob *gp) { int pvec[2]; register char **argv = gp->argv; register char *cp = gp->argspac; register int c; char ch; int nleft = NCARGS; gp->argc0 = 0; if (gscan() == 0) { register char *v = genbuf + 5; /* strlen("echo ") */ for (;;) { while (isspace((int)*v)) v++; if (!*v) break; *argv++ = cp; while (*v && !isspace((int)*v)) *cp++ = *v++; *cp++ = 0; gp->argc0++; } *argv = 0; return; } if (pipe(pvec) < 0) error("Can't make pipe to glob"); pid = fork(); io = pvec[0]; if (pid < 0) { close(pvec[1]); error("Can't fork to do glob"); } if (pid == 0) { int oerrno; close(1); dup(pvec[1]); close(pvec[0]); close(2); /* so errors don't mess up the screen */ open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); execl(svalue(SHELL), "sh", "-c", genbuf, NULL); oerrno = errno; close(1); dup(2); errno = oerrno; filioerr(svalue(SHELL)); } close(pvec[1]); do { *argv = cp; for (;;) { if (read(io, &ch, 1) != 1) { close(io); c = -1; } else c = ch & TRIM; if (c <= 0 || isspace(c)) break; *cp++ = c; if (--nleft <= 0) error("Arg list too long"); } if (cp != *argv) { --nleft; *cp++ = 0; gp->argc0++; if (gp->argc0 >= NARGS) error("Arg list too long"); argv++; } } while (c >= 0); waitfor(); if (gp->argc0 == 0) error("No match"); }
/* this function handles only `%d', `%c', %f, %p, and `%s' formats */ const char* luaO_pushvfstring(lua_State* L, const char* fmt, va_list argp) { int n = 1; pushstr(L, ""); for (;;) { const char* e = strchr(fmt, '%'); if (e == NULL) break; setsvalue2s(L, L->top, luaS_newlstr(L, fmt, e - fmt)); incr_top(L); switch (*(e + 1)) { case 's': { const char* s = va_arg(argp, char*); if (s == NULL) s = "(null)"; pushstr(L, s); break; } case 'c': { char buff[2]; buff[0] = cast(char, va_arg(argp, int)); buff[1] = '\0'; pushstr(L, buff); break; } case 'd': { setnvalue(L->top, cast_num(va_arg(argp, int))); incr_top(L); break; } case 'f': { setnvalue(L->top, cast_num(va_arg(argp, l_uacNumber))); incr_top(L); break; } case 'p': { char buff[4 * sizeof(void*) + 8]; /* should be enough space for a `%p' */ sprintf(buff, "%p", va_arg(argp, void*)); pushstr(L, buff); break; } case '%': { pushstr(L, "%"); break; } default: { char buff[3]; buff[0] = '%'; buff[1] = *(e + 1); buff[2] = '\0'; pushstr(L, buff); break; } } n += 2; fmt = e + 2; } pushstr(L, fmt); luaV_concat(L, n + 1, cast_int(L->top - L->base) - 1); L->top -= n; return svalue(L->top - 1); }
/* histogram: key should be number or string, value must be number */ void kp_table_histogram(ktap_State *ks, Table *t) { struct table_hist_record *thr; char dist_str[40]; int i, ratio, total = 0, count = 0; thr = kp_malloc(ks, sizeof(*thr) * (t->sizearray + sizenode(t))); for (i = 0; i < t->sizearray; i++) { Tvalue *v = &t->array[i]; if (isnil(v)) continue; if (!ttisnumber(v)) goto error; setnvalue(&thr[count++].key, i + 1); total += nvalue(v); } for (i = 0; i < sizenode(t); i++) { Node *n = &t->node[i]; int num; if (isnil(gkey(n))) continue; if (!ttisnumber(gval(n))) goto error; num = nvalue(gval(n)); setobj(ks, &thr[count].key, gkey(n)); setobj(ks, &thr[count].val, gval(n)); count++; total += nvalue(gval(n)); } sort(thr, count, sizeof(struct table_hist_record), hist_record_cmp, NULL); kp_printf(ks, "%32s%s%s\n", "value ", DISTRIBUTION_STR, " count"); dist_str[sizeof(dist_str) - 1] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { Tvalue *key = &thr[i].key; Tvalue *val = &thr[i].val; memset(dist_str, ' ', sizeof(dist_str) - 1); ratio = (nvalue(val) * (sizeof(dist_str) - 1)) / total; memset(dist_str, '@', ratio); if (ttisstring(key)) { char buf[32 + 1] = {0}; char *keystr; if (strlen(svalue(key)) > 32) { strncpy(buf, svalue(key), 32-4); memset(buf + 32-4, '.', 3); keystr = buf; } else keystr = svalue(key); kp_printf(ks, "%32s |%s%-10d\n", keystr, dist_str, nvalue(val)); } else kp_printf(ks, "%32d | %s%-10d\n", nvalue(key), dist_str, nvalue(val)); } goto out; error: kp_printf(ks, "error: table histogram only handle " " (key: string/number val: number)\n"); out: kp_free(ks, thr); }
/* ** Execute the given opcode, until a RET. Parameters are between ** [stack+base,top). Returns n such that the the results are between ** [stack+n,top). */ static StkId lua_execute (Byte *pc, StkId base) { if (lua_callhook) callHook (base, LUA_T_MARK, 0); while (1) { OpCode opcode; switch (opcode = (OpCode)*pc++) { case PUSHNIL: ttype(top) = LUA_T_NIL; incr_top; break; case PUSH0: case PUSH1: case PUSH2: ttype(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = opcode-PUSH0; incr_top; break; case PUSHBYTE: ttype(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = *pc++; incr_top; break; case PUSHWORD: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); ttype(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = w; incr_top; } break; case PUSHFLOAT: { real num; get_float(num,pc); ttype(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = num; incr_top; } break; case PUSHSTRING: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); ttype(top) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(top) = lua_constant[w]; incr_top; } break; case PUSHFUNCTION: { TFunc *f; get_code(f,pc); luaI_insertfunction(f); /* may take part in GC */ top->ttype = LUA_T_FUNCTION; top->value.tf = f; incr_top; } break; case PUSHLOCAL0: case PUSHLOCAL1: case PUSHLOCAL2: case PUSHLOCAL3: case PUSHLOCAL4: case PUSHLOCAL5: case PUSHLOCAL6: case PUSHLOCAL7: case PUSHLOCAL8: case PUSHLOCAL9: *top = *((stack+base) + (int)(opcode-PUSHLOCAL0)); incr_top; break; case PUSHLOCAL: *top = *((stack+base) + (*pc++)); incr_top; break; case PUSHGLOBAL: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); getglobal(w); } break; case PUSHINDEXED: pushsubscript(); break; case PUSHSELF: { TObject receiver = *(top-1); Word w; get_word(w,pc); ttype(top) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(top) = lua_constant[w]; incr_top; pushsubscript(); *top = receiver; incr_top; break; } case STORELOCAL0: case STORELOCAL1: case STORELOCAL2: case STORELOCAL3: case STORELOCAL4: case STORELOCAL5: case STORELOCAL6: case STORELOCAL7: case STORELOCAL8: case STORELOCAL9: *((stack+base) + (int)(opcode-STORELOCAL0)) = *(--top); break; case STORELOCAL: *((stack+base) + (*pc++)) = *(--top); break; case STOREGLOBAL: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); setglobal(w); } break; case STOREINDEXED0: storesubscript(top-3, 1); break; case STOREINDEXED: { int n = *pc++; storesubscript(top-3-n, 2); break; } case STORELIST0: case STORELIST: { int m, n; TObject *arr; if (opcode == STORELIST0) m = 0; else m = *(pc++) * FIELDS_PER_FLUSH; n = *(pc++); arr = top-n-1; while (n) { ttype(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = n+m; *(lua_hashdefine (avalue(arr), top)) = *(top-1); top--; n--; } } break; case STORERECORD: /* opcode obsolete: supersed by STOREMAP */ { int n = *(pc++); TObject *arr = top-n-1; while (n) { Word w; get_word(w,pc); ttype(top) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(top) = lua_constant[w]; *(lua_hashdefine (avalue(arr), top)) = *(top-1); top--; n--; } } break; case STOREMAP: { int n = *(pc++); TObject *arr = top-(2*n)-1; while (n--) { *(lua_hashdefine (avalue(arr), top-2)) = *(top-1); top-=2; } } break; case ADJUST0: adjust_top(base); break; case ADJUST: { StkId newtop = base + *(pc++); adjust_top(newtop); break; } case VARARGS: adjust_varargs(base + *(pc++)); break; case CREATEARRAY: { Word size; get_word(size,pc); avalue(top) = lua_createarray(size); ttype(top) = LUA_T_ARRAY; incr_top; } break; case EQOP: { int res = lua_equalObj(top-2, top-1); --top; ttype(top-1) = res ? LUA_T_NUMBER : LUA_T_NIL; nvalue(top-1) = 1; } break; case LTOP: comparison(LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NIL, IM_LT); break; case LEOP: comparison(LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NIL, IM_LE); break; case GTOP: comparison(LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NUMBER, IM_GT); break; case GEOP: comparison(LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NUMBER, IM_GE); break; case ADDOP: { TObject *l = top-2; TObject *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith(IM_ADD); else { nvalue(l) += nvalue(r); --top; } } break; case SUBOP: { TObject *l = top-2; TObject *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith(IM_SUB); else { nvalue(l) -= nvalue(r); --top; } } break; case MULTOP: { TObject *l = top-2; TObject *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith(IM_MUL); else { nvalue(l) *= nvalue(r); --top; } } break; case DIVOP: { TObject *l = top-2; TObject *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith(IM_DIV); else { nvalue(l) /= nvalue(r); --top; } } break; case POWOP: call_arith(IM_POW); break; case CONCOP: { TObject *l = top-2; TObject *r = top-1; if (tostring(l) || tostring(r)) call_binTM(IM_CONCAT, "unexpected type for concatenation"); else { tsvalue(l) = lua_createstring(lua_strconc(svalue(l),svalue(r))); --top; } } break; case MINUSOP: if (tonumber(top-1)) { ttype(top) = LUA_T_NIL; incr_top; call_arith(IM_UNM); } else nvalue(top-1) = - nvalue(top-1); break; case NOTOP: ttype(top-1) = (ttype(top-1) == LUA_T_NIL) ? LUA_T_NUMBER : LUA_T_NIL; nvalue(top-1) = 1; break; case ONTJMP: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); if (ttype(top-1) != LUA_T_NIL) pc += w; } break; case ONFJMP: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); if (ttype(top-1) == LUA_T_NIL) pc += w; } break; case JMP: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); pc += w; } break; case UPJMP: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); pc -= w; } break; case IFFJMP: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); top--; if (ttype(top) == LUA_T_NIL) pc += w; } break; case IFFUPJMP: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); top--; if (ttype(top) == LUA_T_NIL) pc -= w; } break; case POP: --top; break; case CALLFUNC: { int nParams = *(pc++); int nResults = *(pc++); StkId newBase = (top-stack)-nParams; do_call(newBase, nResults); } break; case RETCODE0: case RETCODE: if (lua_callhook) callHook (base, LUA_T_MARK, 1); return (base + ((opcode==RETCODE0) ? 0 : *pc)); case SETLINE: { Word line; get_word(line,pc); if ((stack+base-1)->ttype != LUA_T_LINE) { /* open space for LINE value */ open_stack((top-stack)-base); base++; (stack+base-1)->ttype = LUA_T_LINE; } (stack+base-1)->value.i = line; if (lua_linehook) lineHook (line); break; } default: lua_error ("internal error - opcode doesn't match"); } } }
StkId luaV_execute(lua_Task *task) { if (!task->some_flag) { luaD_checkstack((*task->pc++) + EXTRA_STACK); if (*task->pc < ZEROVARARG) { luaD_adjusttop(task->base + *(task->pc++)); } else { luaC_checkGC(); adjust_varargs(task->base + (*task->pc++) - ZEROVARARG); } task->some_flag = 1; } lua_state->state_counter2++; while (1) { switch ((OpCode)(task->aux = *task->pc++)) { case PUSHNIL0: ttype(task->S->top++) = LUA_T_NIL; break; case PUSHNIL: task->aux = *task->pc++; do { ttype(task->S->top++) = LUA_T_NIL; } while (task->aux--); break; case PUSHNUMBER: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto pushnumber; case PUSHNUMBERW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto pushnumber; case PUSHNUMBER0: case PUSHNUMBER1: case PUSHNUMBER2: task->aux -= PUSHNUMBER0; pushnumber: ttype(task->S->top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(task->S->top) = (float)task->aux; task->S->top++; break; case PUSHLOCAL: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto pushlocal; case PUSHLOCAL0: case PUSHLOCAL1: case PUSHLOCAL2: case PUSHLOCAL3: case PUSHLOCAL4: case PUSHLOCAL5: case PUSHLOCAL6: case PUSHLOCAL7: task->aux -= PUSHLOCAL0; pushlocal: *task->S->top++ = *((task->S->stack + task->base) + task->aux); break; case GETGLOBALW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto getglobal; case GETGLOBAL: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto getglobal; case GETGLOBAL0: case GETGLOBAL1: case GETGLOBAL2: case GETGLOBAL3: case GETGLOBAL4: case GETGLOBAL5: case GETGLOBAL6: case GETGLOBAL7: task->aux -= GETGLOBAL0; getglobal: luaV_getglobal(tsvalue(&task->consts[task->aux])); break; case GETTABLE: luaV_gettable(); break; case GETDOTTEDW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto getdotted; case GETDOTTED: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto getdotted; case GETDOTTED0: case GETDOTTED1: case GETDOTTED2: case GETDOTTED3: case GETDOTTED4: case GETDOTTED5: case GETDOTTED6: case GETDOTTED7: task->aux -= GETDOTTED0; getdotted: *task->S->top++ = task->consts[task->aux]; luaV_gettable(); break; case PUSHSELFW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto pushself; case PUSHSELF: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto pushself; case PUSHSELF0: case PUSHSELF1: case PUSHSELF2: case PUSHSELF3: case PUSHSELF4: case PUSHSELF5: case PUSHSELF6: case PUSHSELF7: task->aux -= PUSHSELF0; pushself: { TObject receiver = *(task->S->top - 1); *task->S->top++ = task->consts[task->aux]; luaV_gettable(); *task->S->top++ = receiver; break; } case PUSHCONSTANTW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto pushconstant; case PUSHCONSTANT: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto pushconstant; case PUSHCONSTANT0: case PUSHCONSTANT1: case PUSHCONSTANT2: case PUSHCONSTANT3: case PUSHCONSTANT4: case PUSHCONSTANT5: case PUSHCONSTANT6: case PUSHCONSTANT7: task->aux -= PUSHCONSTANT0; pushconstant: *task->S->top++ = task->consts[task->aux]; break; case PUSHUPVALUE: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto pushupvalue; case PUSHUPVALUE0: case PUSHUPVALUE1: task->aux -= PUSHUPVALUE0; pushupvalue: *task->S->top++ = task->cl->consts[task->aux + 1]; break; case SETLOCAL: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto setlocal; case SETLOCAL0: case SETLOCAL1: case SETLOCAL2: case SETLOCAL3: case SETLOCAL4: case SETLOCAL5: case SETLOCAL6: case SETLOCAL7: task->aux -= SETLOCAL0; setlocal: *((task->S->stack + task->base) + task->aux) = *(--task->S->top); break; case SETGLOBALW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto setglobal; case SETGLOBAL: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto setglobal; case SETGLOBAL0: case SETGLOBAL1: case SETGLOBAL2: case SETGLOBAL3: case SETGLOBAL4: case SETGLOBAL5: case SETGLOBAL6: case SETGLOBAL7: task->aux -= SETGLOBAL0; setglobal: luaV_setglobal(tsvalue(&task->consts[task->aux])); break; case SETTABLE0: luaV_settable(task->S->top - 3, 1); break; case SETTABLE: luaV_settable(task->S->top - 3 - (*task->pc++), 2); break; case SETLISTW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); task->aux *= LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH; goto setlist; case SETLIST: task->aux = *(task->pc++) * LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH; goto setlist; case SETLIST0: task->aux = 0; setlist: { int32 n = *(task->pc++); TObject *arr = task->S->top - n - 1; for (; n; n--) { ttype(task->S->top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(task->S->top) = (float)(n + task->aux); *(luaH_set(avalue(arr), task->S->top)) = *(task->S->top - 1); task->S->top--; } break; } case SETMAP0: task->aux = 0; goto setmap; case SETMAP: task->aux = *task->pc++; setmap: { TObject *arr = task->S->top - (2 * task->aux) - 3; do { *(luaH_set(avalue(arr), task->S->top - 2)) = *(task->S->top - 1); task->S->top -= 2; } while (task->aux--); break; } case POP: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto pop; case POP0: case POP1: task->aux -= POP0; pop: task->S->top -= (task->aux + 1); break; case CREATEARRAYW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto createarray; case CREATEARRAY0: case CREATEARRAY1: task->aux -= CREATEARRAY0; goto createarray; case CREATEARRAY: task->aux = *task->pc++; createarray: luaC_checkGC(); avalue(task->S->top) = luaH_new(task->aux); ttype(task->S->top) = LUA_T_ARRAY; task->S->top++; break; case EQOP: case NEQOP: { int32 res = luaO_equalObj(task->S->top - 2, task->S->top - 1); task->S->top--; if (task->aux == NEQOP) res = !res; ttype(task->S->top - 1) = res ? LUA_T_NUMBER : LUA_T_NIL; nvalue(task->S->top - 1) = 1; break; } case LTOP: comparison(LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NIL, IM_LT); break; case LEOP: comparison(LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NIL, IM_LE); break; case GTOP: comparison(LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NUMBER, IM_GT); break; case GEOP: comparison(LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NUMBER, IM_GE); break; case ADDOP: { TObject *l = task->S->top - 2; TObject *r = task->S->top - 1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith(IM_ADD); else { nvalue(l) += nvalue(r); --task->S->top; } break; } case SUBOP: { TObject *l = task->S->top - 2; TObject *r = task->S->top - 1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith(IM_SUB); else { nvalue(l) -= nvalue(r); --task->S->top; } break; } case MULTOP: { TObject *l = task->S->top - 2; TObject *r = task->S->top - 1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith(IM_MUL); else { nvalue(l) *= nvalue(r); --task->S->top; } break; } case DIVOP: { TObject *l = task->S->top - 2; TObject *r = task->S->top - 1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith(IM_DIV); else { nvalue(l) /= nvalue(r); --task->S->top; } break; } case POWOP: call_arith(IM_POW); break; case CONCOP: { TObject *l = task->S->top - 2; TObject *r = task->S->top - 1; if (tostring(l) || tostring(r)) call_binTM(IM_CONCAT, "unexpected type for concatenation"); else { tsvalue(l) = strconc(svalue(l), svalue(r)); --task->S->top; } luaC_checkGC(); break; } case MINUSOP: if (tonumber(task->S->top - 1)) { ttype(task->S->top) = LUA_T_NIL; task->S->top++; call_arith(IM_UNM); } else nvalue(task->S->top - 1) = -nvalue(task->S->top - 1); break; case NOTOP: ttype(task->S->top - 1) = (ttype(task->S->top - 1) == LUA_T_NIL) ? LUA_T_NUMBER : LUA_T_NIL; nvalue(task->S->top - 1) = 1; break; case ONTJMPW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto ontjmp; case ONTJMP: task->aux = *task->pc++; ontjmp: if (ttype(task->S->top - 1) != LUA_T_NIL) task->pc += task->aux; else task->S->top--; break; case ONFJMPW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto onfjmp; case ONFJMP: task->aux = *task->pc++; onfjmp: if (ttype(task->S->top - 1) == LUA_T_NIL) task->pc += task->aux; else task->S->top--; break; case JMPW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto jmp; case JMP: task->aux = *task->pc++; jmp: task->pc += task->aux; break; case IFFJMPW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto iffjmp; case IFFJMP: task->aux = *task->pc++; iffjmp: if (ttype(--task->S->top) == LUA_T_NIL) task->pc += task->aux; break; case IFTUPJMPW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto iftupjmp; case IFTUPJMP: task->aux = *task->pc++; iftupjmp: if (ttype(--task->S->top) != LUA_T_NIL) task->pc -= task->aux; break; case IFFUPJMPW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto iffupjmp; case IFFUPJMP: task->aux = *task->pc++; iffupjmp: if (ttype(--task->S->top) == LUA_T_NIL) task->pc -= task->aux; break; case CLOSURE: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto closure; case CLOSURE0: case CLOSURE1: task->aux -= CLOSURE0; closure: luaV_closure(task->aux); luaC_checkGC(); break; case CALLFUNC: task->aux = *task->pc++; goto callfunc; case CALLFUNC0: case CALLFUNC1: task->aux -= CALLFUNC0; callfunc: lua_state->state_counter2--; return -((task->S->top - task->S->stack) - (*task->pc++)); case ENDCODE: task->S->top = task->S->stack + task->base; // goes through case RETCODE: lua_state->state_counter2--; return (task->base + ((task->aux == 123) ? *task->pc : 0)); case SETLINEW: task->aux = next_word(task->pc); goto setline; case SETLINE: task->aux = *task->pc++; setline: if ((task->S->stack + task->base - 1)->ttype != LUA_T_LINE) { // open space for LINE value */ luaD_openstack((task->S->top - task->S->stack) - task->base); task->base++; (task->S->stack + task->base - 1)->ttype = LUA_T_LINE; } (task->S->stack + task->base - 1)->value.i = task->aux; if (lua_linehook) luaD_lineHook(task->aux); break; #ifdef LUA_DEBUG default: LUA_INTERNALERROR("internal error - opcode doesn't match"); #endif } } }
/* ** Execute the given opcode, until a RET. Parameters are between ** [stack+base,top). Returns n such that the the results are between ** [stack+n,top). */ static StkId lua_execute (Byte *pc, StkId base) { void* table[] = { &&pushnil, &&push0, &&push1, &&push2, &&pushbyte, &&pushword, &&pushfloat, &&pushstring, &&pushfunction, &&pushlocal0, &&pushlocal1, &&pushlocal2, &&pushlocal3, &&pushlocal4, &&pushlocal5, &&pushlocal6, &&pushlocal7, &&pushlocal8, &&pushlocal9, &&pushlocal, &&pushglobal, &&pushindexed, &&pushself, &&storelocal0, &&storelocal1, &&storelocal2, &&storelocal3, &&storelocal4, &&storelocal5, &&storelocal6, &&storelocal7, &&storelocal8, &&storelocal9, &&storelocal, &&storeglobal, &&storeindexed0, &&storeindexed, &&storelist0, &&storelist, &&storerecord, &&adjust0, &&adjust, &&createarray, &&eqop, &<op, &&leop, &>op, &&geop, &&addop, &&subop, &&multop, &&divop, &&powop, &&concop, &&minusop, &¬op, &&ontjmp, &&onfjmp, &&jmp, &&upjmp, &&iffjmp, &&iffupjmp, &&pop, &&callfunc, &&retcode0, &&retcode, &&setline, &&varargs }; if (lua_callhook) callHook (base, LUA_T_MARK, 0); goto *table[*pc++]; pushnil: tag(top) = LUA_T_NIL; incr_top; goto *table[*pc++]; push0: push1: push2: tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = ((OpCode)*(pc-1))-PUSH0; incr_top; goto *table[*pc++]; pushbyte: tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = *pc++; incr_top; goto *table[*pc++]; pushword: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = w; incr_top; } goto *table[*pc++]; pushfloat: { real num; get_float(num,pc); tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = num; incr_top; } goto *table[*pc++]; pushstring: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); tag(top) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(top) = lua_constant[w]; incr_top; } goto *table[*pc++]; pushfunction: { TFunc *f; get_code(f,pc); luaI_insertfunction(f); /* may take part in GC */ top->tag = LUA_T_FUNCTION; top->value.tf = f; incr_top; } goto *table[*pc++]; pushlocal0: pushlocal1: pushlocal2: pushlocal3: pushlocal4: pushlocal5: pushlocal6: pushlocal7: pushlocal8: pushlocal9: *top = *((stack+base) + (int)(((OpCode)*(pc-1))-PUSHLOCAL0)); incr_top; goto *table[*pc++]; pushlocal: *top = *((stack+base) + (*pc++)); incr_top; goto *table[*pc++]; pushglobal: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); getglobal(w); } goto *table[*pc++]; pushindexed: pushsubscript(); goto *table[*pc++]; pushself: { Object receiver = *(top-1); Word w; get_word(w,pc); tag(top) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(top) = lua_constant[w]; incr_top; pushsubscript(); *top = receiver; incr_top; goto *table[*pc++]; } storelocal0: storelocal1: storelocal2: storelocal3: storelocal4: storelocal5: storelocal6: storelocal7: storelocal8: storelocal9: *((stack+base) + (int)(((OpCode)*(pc-1))-STORELOCAL0)) = *(--top); goto *table[*pc++]; storelocal: *((stack+base) + (*pc++)) = *(--top); goto *table[*pc++]; storeglobal: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); s_object(w) = *(--top); } goto *table[*pc++]; storeindexed0: storesubscript(); goto *table[*pc++]; storeindexed: { int n = *pc++; if (tag(top-3-n) != LUA_T_ARRAY) { lua_checkstack(top+2); *(top+1) = *(top-1); *(top) = *(top-2-n); *(top-1) = *(top-3-n); top += 2; callFB(FB_SETTABLE); } else { Object *h = lua_hashdefine (avalue(top-3-n), top-2-n); *h = *(top-1); top--; } } goto *table[*pc++]; storelist0: storelist: { int m, n; Object *arr; if (((OpCode)*(pc-1)) == STORELIST0) m = 0; else m = *(pc++) * FIELDS_PER_FLUSH; n = *(pc++); arr = top-n-1; while (n) { tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = n+m; *(lua_hashdefine (avalue(arr), top)) = *(top-1); top--; n--; } } goto *table[*pc++]; storerecord: { int n = *(pc++); Object *arr = top-n-1; while (n) { Word w; get_word(w,pc); tag(top) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(top) = lua_constant[w]; *(lua_hashdefine (avalue(arr), top)) = *(top-1); top--; n--; } } goto *table[*pc++]; adjust0: adjust_top(base); goto *table[*pc++]; adjust: adjust_top(base + *(pc++)); goto *table[*pc++]; varargs: adjust_varargs(base + *(pc++)); goto *table[*pc++]; createarray: { Word size; get_word(size,pc); avalue(top) = lua_createarray(size); tag(top) = LUA_T_ARRAY; incr_top; } goto *table[*pc++]; eqop: { int res = lua_equalObj(top-2, top-1); --top; tag(top-1) = res ? LUA_T_NUMBER : LUA_T_NIL; nvalue(top-1) = 1; } goto *table[*pc++]; ltop: comparison(LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NIL, "lt"); goto *table[*pc++]; leop: comparison(LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NIL, "le"); goto *table[*pc++]; gtop: comparison(LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NUMBER, "gt"); goto *table[*pc++]; geop: comparison(LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NUMBER, "ge"); goto *table[*pc++]; addop: { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith("add"); else { nvalue(l) += nvalue(r); --top; } } goto *table[*pc++]; subop: { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith("sub"); else { nvalue(l) -= nvalue(r); --top; } } goto *table[*pc++]; multop: { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith("mul"); else { nvalue(l) *= nvalue(r); --top; } } goto *table[*pc++]; divop: { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith("div"); else { nvalue(l) /= nvalue(r); --top; } } goto *table[*pc++]; powop: call_arith("pow"); goto *table[*pc++]; concop: { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; if (tostring(r) || tostring(l)) callFB(FB_CONCAT); else { tsvalue(l) = lua_createstring (lua_strconc(svalue(l),svalue(r))); --top; } } goto *table[*pc++]; minusop: if (tonumber(top-1)) { tag(top) = LUA_T_NIL; incr_top; call_arith("unm"); } else nvalue(top-1) = - nvalue(top-1); goto *table[*pc++]; notop: tag(top-1) = (tag(top-1) == LUA_T_NIL) ? LUA_T_NUMBER : LUA_T_NIL; nvalue(top-1) = 1; goto *table[*pc++]; ontjmp: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); if (tag(top-1) != LUA_T_NIL) pc += w; } goto *table[*pc++]; onfjmp: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); if (tag(top-1) == LUA_T_NIL) pc += w; } goto *table[*pc++]; jmp: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); pc += w; } goto *table[*pc++]; upjmp: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); pc -= w; } goto *table[*pc++]; iffjmp: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); top--; if (tag(top) == LUA_T_NIL) pc += w; } goto *table[*pc++]; iffupjmp: { Word w; get_word(w,pc); top--; if (tag(top) == LUA_T_NIL) pc -= w; } goto *table[*pc++]; pop: --top; goto *table[*pc++]; callfunc: { int nParams = *(pc++); int nResults = *(pc++); StkId newBase = (top-stack)-nParams; do_call(newBase, nResults); } goto *table[*pc++]; retcode0: retcode: if (lua_callhook) callHook (base, LUA_T_MARK, 1); return (base + ((((OpCode)*(pc-1))==RETCODE0) ? 0 : *pc)); setline: { Word line; get_word(line,pc); if ((stack+base-1)->tag != LUA_T_LINE) { /* open space for LINE value */ open_stack((top-stack)-base); base++; (stack+base-1)->tag = LUA_T_LINE; } (stack+base-1)->value.i = line; if (lua_linehook) lineHook (line); goto *table[*pc++]; } lua_error ("internal error - opcode doesn't match"); }
void luaV_concat (lua_State *L, int total, int last) { int useType = LUA_TSTRING; int i; StkId top = L->base + last + 1; for (i = 0; i < total; ++i) { if (ttype(top-1-i) == LUA_TSTRING || ttype(top-1-i) == LUA_TWSTRING) { useType = ttype(top-1-i); break; } } if (useType == LUA_TSTRING) { do { StkId top = L->base + last + 1; int n = 2; /* number of elements handled in this pass (at least 2) */ if (!tostring(L, top-2) || !tostring(L, top-1)) { if (!call_binTM(L, top-2, top-1, top-2, TM_CONCAT)) luaG_concaterror(L, top-2, top-1); } else if (tsvalue(top-1)->len > 0) { /* if len=0, do nothing */ /* at least two string values; get as many as possible */ size_t tl = tsvalue(top-1)->len; char *buffer; int i; /* collect total length */ for (n = 1; n < total && tostring(L, top-n-1); n++) { size_t l = tsvalue(top-n-1)->len; if (l >= MAX_SIZET - tl) luaG_runerror(L, "string length overflow"); tl += l; } buffer = luaZ_openspace(L, &G(L)->buff, tl); tl = 0; for (i=n; i>0; i--) { /* concat all strings */ size_t l = tsvalue(top-i)->len; memcpy(buffer+tl, svalue(top-i), l); tl += l; #if LUA_REFCOUNT luarc_cleanvalue(top-i); #endif /* LUA_REFCOUNT */ } setsvalue2s(L, top-n, luaS_newlstr(L, buffer, tl)); } total -= n-1; /* got `n' strings to create 1 new */ last -= n-1; } while (total > 1); /* repeat until only 1 result left */ } else { do { StkId top = L->base + last + 1; int n = 2; /* number of elements handled in this pass (at least 2) */ if (!towstring(L, top-2) || !towstring(L, top-1)) { if (!call_binTM(L, top-2, top-1, top-2, TM_CONCAT)) luaG_concaterror(L, top-2, top-1); } else if (tsvalue(top-1)->len > 0) { /* if len=0, do nothing */ /* at least two string values; get as many as possible */ size_t tl = tsvalue(top-1)->len; char *buffer; int i; /* collect total length */ for (n = 1; n < total && towstring(L, top-n-1); n++) { size_t l = tsvalue(top-n-1)->len; if (l >= MAX_SIZET - tl) luaG_runerror(L, "string length overflow"); tl += l; } buffer = luaZ_openspace(L, &G(L)->buff, tl*2); tl = 0; for (i=n; i>0; i--) { /* concat all strings */ size_t l = tsvalue(top-i)->len; memcpy(buffer+tl*2, wsvalue(top-i), l*2); tl += l; #if LUA_REFCOUNT luarc_cleanvalue(top-i); #endif /* LUA_REFCOUNT */ } setwsvalue2s(L, top-n, luaS_newlwstr(L, (const lua_WChar*)buffer, tl)); } total -= n-1; /* got `n' strings to create 1 new */ last -= n-1; } while (total > 1); /* repeat until only 1 result left */ } }
const char *lua_getstring (lua_Object object) { if (object == LUA_NOOBJECT || tostring(Address(object))) return nullptr; else return (svalue(Address(object))); }
LUA_API const char *lua_tostring (lua_State *L, int index) { StkId o = luaA_indexAcceptable(L, index); return (o == NULL || tostring(L, o)) ? NULL : svalue(o); }
/* this function handles only `%d', `%c', %f, %p, and `%s' formats and now it handles %x and %X as well */ const char *luaO_pushvfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, va_list argp) { #if LUAXS_CORE_FORMAT == 2 size_t alloclen = _vscprintf(fmt, argp) + 1; char* buf = luaM_malloc(L, alloclen); vsprintf_s(buf, alloclen, fmt, argp); pushstr(L, buf); luaM_freemem(L, buf, alloclen); return svalue(L->top - 1); #else int n = 1; pushstr(L, ""); for (;;) { const char *e = strchr(fmt, '%'); if (e == NULL) break; setsvalue2s(L, L->top, luaS_newlstr(L, fmt, e-fmt)); incr_top(L); switch (*(e+1)) { case 's': { const char *s = va_arg(argp, char *); if (s == NULL) s = "(null)"; pushstr(L, s); break; } case 'c': { char buff[2]; buff[0] = cast(char, va_arg(argp, int)); buff[1] = '\0'; pushstr(L, buff); break; } case 'd': { setnvalue(L->top, cast_num(va_arg(argp, int))); incr_top(L); break; } case 'f': { setnvalue(L->top, cast_num(va_arg(argp, l_uacNumber))); incr_top(L); break; } case 'p': { char buff[4*sizeof(void *) + 8]; /* should be enough space for a `%p' */ sprintf(buff, "%p", va_arg(argp, void *)); pushstr(L, buff); break; } #if LUAXS_CORE_FORMAT == 1 case 'X': { char buff[sizeof(int)*2+3]; sprintf(buff, "%X", va_arg(argp, int)); pushstr(L, buff); break; } case 'x': { char buff[sizeof(int)*2+3]; sprintf(buff, "%x", va_arg(argp, int)); pushstr(L, buff); break; } #endif case '%': { pushstr(L, "%"); break; } default: { char buff[3]; buff[0] = '%'; buff[1] = *(e+1); buff[2] = '\0'; pushstr(L, buff); break; } } n += 2; fmt = e+2; } pushstr(L, fmt); luaV_concat(L, n+1, cast_int(L->top - L->base) - 1); L->top -= n; return svalue(L->top - 1); #endif }
static void PrintCode(const Proto* f) { const Instruction* code=f->code; int pc,n=f->sizecode; for (pc=0; pc<n; pc++) { Instruction i=code[pc]; OpCode o=GET_OPCODE(i); int a=GETARG_A(i); int b=GETARG_B(i); int c=GETARG_C(i); int bc=GETARG_Bx(i); int sbc=GETARG_sBx(i); int line=getline(f,pc); #if 0 printf("%0*lX",Sizeof(i)*2,i); #endif printf("\t%d\t",pc+1); if (line>0) printf("[%d]\t",line); else printf("[-]\t"); printf("%-9s\t",luaP_opnames[o]); switch (getOpMode(o)) { case iABC: printf("%d %d %d",a,b,c); break; case iABx: printf("%d %d",a,bc); break; case iAsBx: printf("%d %d",a,sbc); break; } switch (o) { case OP_LOADK: printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,bc); break; case OP_GETUPVAL: case OP_SETUPVAL: printf("\t; %s", (f->sizeupvalues>0) ? getstr(f->upvalues[b]) : "-"); break; case OP_GETGLOBAL: case OP_SETGLOBAL: printf("\t; %s",svalue(&f->k[bc])); break; case OP_GETTABLE: case OP_SELF: if (c>=MAXSTACK) { printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,c-MAXSTACK); } break; case OP_SETTABLE: case OP_ADD: case OP_SUB: case OP_MUL: case OP_DIV: case OP_POW: case OP_EQ: case OP_LT: case OP_LE: if (b>=MAXSTACK || c>=MAXSTACK) { printf("\t; "); if (b>=MAXSTACK) PrintConstant(f,b-MAXSTACK); else printf("-"); printf(" "); if (c>=MAXSTACK) PrintConstant(f,c-MAXSTACK); } break; case OP_JMP: case OP_FORLOOP: case OP_TFORPREP: printf("\t; to %d",sbc+pc+2); break; case OP_CLOSURE: printf("\t; %p",VOID(f->p[bc])); break; default: break; } printf("\n"); } }
int kp_strfmt(ktap_state *ks, struct trace_seq *seq) { int arg = 1; size_t sfl; ktap_value *arg_fmt = kp_arg(ks, 1); int argnum = kp_arg_nr(ks); const char *strfrmt, *strfrmt_end; strfrmt = svalue(arg_fmt); sfl = rawtsvalue(arg_fmt)->tsv.len; strfrmt_end = strfrmt + sfl; while (strfrmt < strfrmt_end) { if (*strfrmt != L_ESC) trace_seq_putc(seq, *strfrmt++); else if (*++strfrmt == L_ESC) trace_seq_putc(seq, *strfrmt++); else { /* format item */ char form[MAX_FORMAT]; if (++arg > argnum) { ktap_argerror(ks, arg, "no value"); return -1; } strfrmt = scanformat(ks, strfrmt, form); switch (*strfrmt++) { case 'c': trace_seq_printf(seq, form, nvalue(kp_arg(ks, arg))); break; case 'd': case 'i': { ktap_number n = nvalue(kp_arg(ks, arg)); INTFRM_T ni = (INTFRM_T)n; addlenmod(form, INTFRMLEN); trace_seq_printf(seq, form, ni); break; } case 'p': { char str[KSYM_SYMBOL_LEN]; SPRINT_SYMBOL(str, nvalue(kp_arg(ks, arg))); trace_seq_puts(seq, str); break; } case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': { ktap_number n = nvalue(kp_arg(ks, arg)); unsigned INTFRM_T ni = (unsigned INTFRM_T)n; addlenmod(form, INTFRMLEN); trace_seq_printf(seq, form, ni); break; } case 's': { ktap_value *v = kp_arg(ks, arg); const char *s; size_t l; if (isnil(v)) { trace_seq_puts(seq, "nil"); return 0; } if (ttisevent(v)) { kp_event_tostring(ks, seq); return 0; } s = svalue(v); l = rawtsvalue(v)->tsv.len; if (!strchr(form, '.') && l >= 100) { /* * no precision and string is too long * to be formatted; * keep original string */ trace_seq_puts(seq, s); break; } else { trace_seq_printf(seq, form, s); break; } } default: /* also treat cases `pnLlh' */ kp_error(ks, "invalid option " KTAP_QL("%%%c") " to " KTAP_QL("format"), *(strfrmt - 1)); } } } return 0; }
// Scan for a series of assignments void Decompiler::do_multi_assign(Byte *&start) { std::queue<Expression *> results; ExprStack values; bool done; int num_tables = 0; do { int aux, opc; done = false; opc = *start++; switch (opc) { case SETLOCAL: aux = *start++; goto setlocal; case SETLOCAL0: case SETLOCAL1: case SETLOCAL2: case SETLOCAL3: case SETLOCAL4: case SETLOCAL5: case SETLOCAL6: case SETLOCAL7: aux = opc - SETLOCAL0; setlocal: results.push(new VarExpr(start, localname(tf, aux))); break; case SETGLOBAL: aux = *start++; goto setglobal; case SETGLOBAL0: case SETGLOBAL1: case SETGLOBAL2: case SETGLOBAL3: case SETGLOBAL4: case SETGLOBAL5: case SETGLOBAL6: case SETGLOBAL7: aux = opc - SETGLOBAL0; goto setglobal; case SETGLOBALW: aux = start[0] | (start[1] << 8); start += 2; setglobal: results.push(new VarExpr(start, svalue(tf->consts + aux))); break; case SETTABLE: start++; // assume offset is correct num_tables++; // this needs stuff from farther up the stack, wait until // it's available case SETTABLE0: results.push(new IndexExpr(start, NULL, NULL)); break; default: start--; done = true; } if (! done) { Expression *e = stk->top(); // Check for fake result from function calls with multiple return values VarExpr *v = dynamic_cast<VarExpr *>(e); if (v != NULL && v->name == "<extra result>") delete e; else values.push(e); stk->pop(); } } while (! done); // Check for popping tables and indices if (num_tables > 0 && (*start == POP || *start == POP0 || *start == POP1)) { start++; if (start[-1] == POP) start++; } // Now get actual tables and indices from the stack, reversing // the list to the right order at the same time ExprStack results2; while (! results.empty()) { Expression *var = results.front(); results.pop(); IndexExpr *tbl = dynamic_cast<IndexExpr *>(var); if (tbl != NULL) { tbl->index = stk->top(); stk->pop(); tbl->table = stk->top(); stk->pop(); } results2.push(var); } *os << indent_str; while (! results2.empty()) { Expression *var = results2.top(); results2.pop(); *os << *var; delete var; if (! results2.empty()) *os << ", "; } *os << " = "; while (! values.empty()) { Expression *val = values.top(); values.pop(); *os << *val; delete val; if (! values.empty()) *os << ", "; } *os << std::endl; }
void AFXAPI DDX_Text(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, CDWordArray& avalue) { HWND hWndCtrl = pDX->PrepareEditCtrl(nIDC); CString value; if (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) { int nLen = ::GetWindowTextLength(hWndCtrl); ::GetWindowText(hWndCtrl, value.GetBufferSetLength(nLen), nLen+1); value.ReleaseBuffer(); //all this loop should be replaced by a regular expression search engine std::string svalue(value); int idata1,idata2=0; int index=0; WORD first,last; bool bFlag; do{ bFlag=false; do{ idata1=svalue.find_first_of("0123456789",idata2); first=svalue[idata1]-'0'; if(idata1==std::string::npos){ break; } idata1=svalue.find_first_of("-",idata1); if(idata1==std::string::npos){ break; } idata1=svalue.find_first_of("0123456789",idata1); last=svalue[idata1]-'0'; if(idata1==std::string::npos){ break; } if(idata1-idata2>2){ break; } avalue.Add(MAKELONG(first,last)); idata2+=3; bFlag=true; }while(0); do{ idata1=svalue.find_first_of("0123456789",idata2); first=svalue[idata1]-'0'; if(idata1==std::string::npos){ break; } idata1=svalue.find_first_of(",",idata1); if(idata1==std::string::npos){ break; } if(idata1-idata2>1){ break; } avalue.Add(MAKELONG(first,first)); idata2+=2; bFlag=true; }while(0); }while(bFlag); } else { //AfxSetWindowText(hWndCtrl, value); } }
/* ** try to convert a value to an integer, rounding according to 'mode': ** mode == 0: accepts only integral values ** mode == 1: takes the floor of the number ** mode == 2: takes the ceil of the number */ int luaV_tointeger (const TValue *obj, lua_Integer *p, int mode) { TValue v; again: #ifndef _KERNEL if (ttisfloat(obj)) { lua_Number n = fltvalue(obj); lua_Number f = l_floor(n); if (n != f) { /* not an integral value? */ if (mode == 0) return 0; /* fails if mode demands integral value */ else if (mode > 1) /* needs ceil? */ f += 1; /* convert floor to ceil (remember: n != f) */ } return lua_numbertointeger(f, p); } else if (ttisinteger(obj)) { #else /* _KERNEL */ if (ttisinteger(obj)) { UNUSED(mode); #endif *p = ivalue(obj); return 1; } else if (cvt2num(obj) && luaO_str2num(svalue(obj), &v) == vslen(obj) + 1) { obj = &v; goto again; /* convert result from 'luaO_str2num' to an integer */ } return 0; /* conversion failed */ } #ifndef _KERNEL /* ** Try to convert a 'for' limit to an integer, preserving the ** semantics of the loop. ** (The following explanation assumes a non-negative step; it is valid ** for negative steps mutatis mutandis.) ** If the limit can be converted to an integer, rounding down, that is ** it. ** Otherwise, check whether the limit can be converted to a number. If ** the number is too large, it is OK to set the limit as LUA_MAXINTEGER, ** which means no limit. If the number is too negative, the loop ** should not run, because any initial integer value is larger than the ** limit. So, it sets the limit to LUA_MININTEGER. 'stopnow' corrects ** the extreme case when the initial value is LUA_MININTEGER, in which ** case the LUA_MININTEGER limit would still run the loop once. */ static int forlimit (const TValue *obj, lua_Integer *p, lua_Integer step, int *stopnow) { *stopnow = 0; /* usually, let loops run */ if (!luaV_tointeger(obj, p, (step < 0 ? 2 : 1))) { /* not fit in integer? */ lua_Number n; /* try to convert to float */ if (!tonumber(obj, &n)) /* cannot convert to float? */ return 0; /* not a number */ if (luai_numlt(0, n)) { /* if true, float is larger than max integer */ *p = LUA_MAXINTEGER; if (step < 0) *stopnow = 1; } else { /* float is smaller than min integer */ *p = LUA_MININTEGER; if (step >= 0) *stopnow = 1; } } return 1; }
fileinit() { register char *p; register int i, j; struct stat stbuf; if (tline == INCRMT * (HBLKS+2)) return; cleanup(0); if (tfile >= 0) close(tfile); tline = INCRMT * (HBLKS+2); blocks[0] = HBLKS; blocks[1] = HBLKS+1; blocks[2] = -1; dirtcnt = 0; iblock = -1; iblock2 = -1; oblock = -1; CP(tfname, svalue(DIRECTORY)); #ifndef vms if (stat(tfname, &stbuf)) #else goto vms_no_check_dir; #endif { dumbness: if (setexit() == 0) filioerr(tfname); else putNFL(); cleanup(1); ex_exit(1); } #ifndef vms if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) { errno = ENOTDIR; goto dumbness; } #else vms_no_check_dir: #endif ichanged = 0; ichang2 = 0; #ifndef vms ignore(strcat(tfname, "/ExXXXXX")); #else ignore(strcat(tfname, "ExXXXXX")); #endif for (p = strend(tfname), i = 5, j = getpid(); i > 0; i--, j /= 10) *--p = j % 10 | '0'; #ifdef vms ignore(strcat(tfname, ".txt.1")); unlink(tfname); #endif tfile = creat(tfname, 0600); if (tfile < 0) goto dumbness; #ifdef VMUNIX { extern stilinc; /* see below */ stilinc = 0; } #endif havetmp = 1; if (tfile >= 0) close(tfile); tfile = open(tfname, 2); if (tfile < 0) goto dumbness; #ifdef UNIX_SBRK /* brk((char *)fendcore); */ #endif }