Exemplo n.º 1
static svn_error_t *
log_callback (void *baton,
			  apr_hash_t *changed_paths,
			  svn_revnum_t revision,
			  const char *author,
			  const char *date,
			  const char *message,
			  apr_pool_t *pool)
	SvnLogCommand *self;
	SvnLogEntry *log_entry;
	gchar *entry_author;
	const gchar *human_date;
	gchar *entry_date;
	apr_time_t entry_time;
	gchar *entry_message;
	self = SVN_LOG_COMMAND (baton);
	/* Libsvn docs say author, date, and message might be NULL. */
	if (author)
		entry_author = g_strdup (author);
		entry_author = g_strdup ("(none)");
	if (date && date[0])
		svn_time_from_cstring (&entry_time, date,
							   svn_command_get_pool (SVN_COMMAND (self)));
		human_date = svn_time_to_human_cstring (entry_time,
												svn_command_get_pool (SVN_COMMAND (self)));
		entry_date = g_strdup (human_date);
		entry_date = g_strdup ("(none)");
	if (message)
		entry_message = g_strdup (message);
		entry_message = g_strdup ("empty log message"); /* Emulate ViewCVS */
	log_entry = svn_log_entry_new (entry_author, entry_date, revision, 

	g_free (entry_author);
	g_free (entry_date);
	g_free (entry_message);
	anjuta_async_command_lock (ANJUTA_ASYNC_COMMAND (self));
	g_queue_push_head (self->priv->log_entry_queue, log_entry);
	anjuta_async_command_unlock (ANJUTA_ASYNC_COMMAND (self));
	anjuta_command_notify_data_arrived (ANJUTA_COMMAND (self));
	return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 2
static svn_error_t *
svn_cl__info_print_time(apr_time_t atime,
                        const char *desc,
                        apr_pool_t *pool)
  const char *time_utf8;

  time_utf8 = svn_time_to_human_cstring(atime, pool);
  return svn_cmdline_printf(pool, "%s: %s\n", desc, time_utf8);
Exemplo n.º 3
static svn_error_t *
list_func (void *baton,
		   const char *path,
		   const svn_dirent_t *dirent,
		   const svn_lock_t *lock,
		   const char *abs_path,
		   apr_pool_t *pool)
	lua_State *L = baton;

	if (strcmp (path, "") == 0) {
		if (dirent->kind == svn_node_file) {
			path = svn_path_basename (abs_path, pool);
		} else {
			return SVN_NO_ERROR;
	lua_pushfstring (L, "%s%s", path, dirent->kind == svn_node_dir ? "/" : "");
	lua_newtable (L);
	if (dirent->kind == svn_node_file)
		lua_pushinteger (L, dirent->size);
		lua_pushnil (L);

	lua_setfield (L, -2, "size");

	if (dirent->last_author)
		lua_pushstring (L, dirent->last_author);
		lua_pushnil (L);

	lua_setfield (L, -2, "author");

	lua_pushinteger (L, dirent->created_rev);
	lua_setfield (L, -2, "revision");

	lua_pushstring (L, svn_time_to_human_cstring (dirent->time, pool));
	lua_setfield (L, -2, "date");

	lua_settable (L, -3);

	return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 4
svn_error_t *
svn_cl__time_cstring_to_human_cstring(const char **human_cstring,
                                      const char *data,
                                      apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_error_t *err;
  apr_time_t when;

  err = svn_time_from_cstring(&when, data, pool);
  if (err && err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_BAD_DATE)

      *human_cstring = _("(invalid date)");
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;
  else if (err)
    return svn_error_trace(err);

  *human_cstring = svn_time_to_human_cstring(when, pool);

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 5
svn_error_t * SVNAuthData::cleanup_callback(svn_boolean_t *delete_cred, void *cleanup_baton,
                                            const char *cred_kind, const char *realmstring,
                                            apr_hash_t * hash, apr_pool_t * scratch_pool)
    std::tuple<std::vector<std::tuple<CString, CString, SVNAuthDataInfo>>*, std::vector<std::tuple<CString, CString, SVNAuthDataInfo>>> * tupleBaton =
        (std::tuple<std::vector<std::tuple<CString, CString, SVNAuthDataInfo>>*, std::vector<std::tuple<CString, CString, SVNAuthDataInfo>>>*)cleanup_baton;

    auto authList = std::get<0>(*tupleBaton);
    auto delList = std::get<1>(*tupleBaton);

    CString s1, s2;
    if (cred_kind)
        s1 = CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(cred_kind);
    if (realmstring)
        s2 = CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(realmstring);

    SVNAuthDataInfo authinfodata;

    for (apr_hash_index_t *hi = apr_hash_first(scratch_pool, hash); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi))
        const void *vkey;
        void *val;

        apr_hash_this(hi, &vkey, NULL, &val);
        const char * key = (const char*)vkey;
        svn_string_t *value = (svn_string_t *)val;
        if (strcmp(key, SVN_CONFIG_AUTHN_PASSWORD_KEY) == 0)
            CStringA data(value->data, (int)value->len);
            authinfodata.password = CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(data);
        else if (strcmp(key, SVN_CONFIG_AUTHN_PASSPHRASE_KEY) == 0)
            CStringA data(value->data, (int)value->len);
            authinfodata.passphrase = CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(data);
        else if (strcmp(key, SVN_CONFIG_AUTHN_PASSTYPE_KEY) == 0)
            CStringA data(value->data, (int)value->len);
            authinfodata.passtype = CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(data);
        else if (strcmp(key, SVN_CONFIG_AUTHN_USERNAME_KEY) == 0)
            CStringA data(value->data, (int)value->len);
            authinfodata.username = CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(data);
        else if (strcmp(key, SVN_CONFIG_AUTHN_ASCII_CERT_KEY) == 0)
            const svn_string_t * der_cert = nullptr;
            svn_x509_certinfo_t * certinfo = nullptr;
            const apr_array_header_t * hostnames = nullptr;
            svn_error_t *err;

            /* Convert header-less PEM to DER by undoing base64 encoding. */
            der_cert = svn_base64_decode_string(value, scratch_pool);

            err = svn_x509_parse_cert(&certinfo, der_cert->data, der_cert->len,
                                      scratch_pool, scratch_pool);
            if (err)
            authinfodata.subject = svn_x509_certinfo_get_subject(certinfo, scratch_pool);
            authinfodata.validfrom = svn_time_to_human_cstring(svn_x509_certinfo_get_valid_from(certinfo), scratch_pool);
            authinfodata.validuntil = svn_time_to_human_cstring(svn_x509_certinfo_get_valid_to(certinfo), scratch_pool);
            authinfodata.issuer = svn_x509_certinfo_get_issuer(certinfo, scratch_pool);
            authinfodata.fingerprint = svn_checksum_to_cstring_display(svn_x509_certinfo_get_digest(certinfo), scratch_pool);

            hostnames = svn_x509_certinfo_get_hostnames(certinfo);
            if (hostnames && !apr_is_empty_array(hostnames))
                int i;
                svn_stringbuf_t *buf = svn_stringbuf_create_empty(scratch_pool);
                for (i = 0; i < hostnames->nelts; ++i)
                    const char *hostname = APR_ARRAY_IDX(hostnames, i, const char*);
                    if (i > 0)
                        svn_stringbuf_appendbytes(buf, ", ", 2);
                    svn_stringbuf_appendbytes(buf, hostname, strlen(hostname));
                authinfodata.hostname = buf->data;
        else if (strcmp(key, SVN_CONFIG_AUTHN_FAILURES_KEY) == 0)
Exemplo n.º 6
main (int argc, const char **argv)
  apr_pool_t *pool;
  svn_error_t *err;
  apr_hash_t *dirents;
  const char *upload_file, *URL;
  const char *parent_URL, *basename;
  svn_ra_plugin_t *ra_lib;
  void *session, *ra_baton;
  svn_revnum_t rev;
  const svn_delta_editor_t *editor;
  void *edit_baton;
  svn_dirent_t *dirent;
  svn_ra_callbacks_t *cbtable;
  apr_hash_t *cfg_hash;
  svn_auth_baton_t *auth_baton;

  if (argc <= 2)
      printf ("Usage:  %s PATH URL\n", argv[0]);
      printf ("    Uploads file at PATH to Subversion repository URL.\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  upload_file = argv[1];
  URL = argv[2];

  /* Initialize the app.  Send all error messages to 'stderr'.  */
  if (svn_cmdline_init ("minimal_client", stderr) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Create top-level memory pool. Be sure to read the HACKING file to
     understand how to properly use/free subpools. */
  pool = svn_pool_create (NULL);

  /* Initialize the FS library. */
  err = svn_fs_initialize (pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  /* Make sure the ~/.subversion run-time config files exist, and load. */
  err = svn_config_ensure (NULL, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  err = svn_config_get_config (&cfg_hash, NULL, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  /* Build an authentication baton. */
    /* There are many different kinds of authentication back-end
       "providers".  See svn_auth.h for a full overview. */
    svn_auth_provider_object_t *provider;
    apr_array_header_t *providers
      = apr_array_make (pool, 4, sizeof (svn_auth_provider_object_t *));

    svn_client_get_simple_prompt_provider (&provider,
                                           NULL, /* baton */
                                           2, /* retry limit */ pool);
    APR_ARRAY_PUSH (providers, svn_auth_provider_object_t *) = provider;

    svn_client_get_username_prompt_provider (&provider,
                                             NULL, /* baton */
                                             2, /* retry limit */ pool);
    APR_ARRAY_PUSH (providers, svn_auth_provider_object_t *) = provider;

    /* Register the auth-providers into the context's auth_baton. */
    svn_auth_open (&auth_baton, providers, pool);

  /* Create a table of callbacks for the RA session, mostly nonexistent. */
  cbtable = apr_pcalloc (pool, sizeof(*cbtable));
  cbtable->auth_baton = auth_baton;
  cbtable->open_tmp_file = open_tmp_file;

  /* Now do the real work. */

  /* Open an RA session to the parent URL, fetch current HEAD rev and
     "lock" onto that revnum for the remainder of the session. */
  svn_path_split (URL, &parent_URL, &basename, pool);

  err = svn_ra_init_ra_libs (&ra_baton, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  err = svn_ra_get_ra_library (&ra_lib, ra_baton, parent_URL, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  err = ra_lib->open (&session, parent_URL, cbtable, NULL, cfg_hash, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  err = ra_lib->get_latest_revnum (session, &rev, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  /* Examine contents of parent dir in the rev. */
  err = ra_lib->get_dir (session, "", rev, &dirents, NULL, NULL, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  /* Sanity checks.  Don't let the user shoot himself *too* much. */
  dirent = apr_hash_get (dirents, basename, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);
  if (dirent && dirent->kind == svn_node_dir)
      printf ("Sorry, a directory already exists at that URL.\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (dirent && dirent->kind == svn_node_file)
      char answer[5];

      printf ("\n*** WARNING ***\n\n");
      printf ("You're about to overwrite r%ld of this file.\n", rev);
      printf ("It was last changed by user '%s',\n",
              dirent->last_author ? dirent->last_author : "?");
      printf ("on %s.\n", svn_time_to_human_cstring (dirent->time, pool));
      printf ("\nSomebody *might* have just changed the file seconds ago,\n"
              "and your upload would be overwriting their changes!\n\n");

      err = prompt_and_read_line("Are you SURE you want to upload? [y/n]",
                                 answer, sizeof(answer));
      if (err) goto hit_error;

      if (apr_strnatcasecmp (answer, "y"))
          printf ("Operation aborted.\n");
          return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  /* Fetch a commit editor (it's anchored on the parent URL, because
     the session is too.) */
  /* ### someday add an option for a user-written commit message?  */
  err = ra_lib->get_commit_editor (session, &editor, &edit_baton,
                                   "File upload from 'svnput' program.",
                                   my_commit_callback, NULL, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  /* Drive the editor */
    void *root_baton, *file_baton, *handler_baton;
    svn_txdelta_window_handler_t handler;
    svn_stream_t *contents;
    apr_file_t *f = NULL;

    err = editor->open_root (edit_baton, rev, pool, &root_baton);
    if (err) goto hit_error;

    if (! dirent)
        err = editor->add_file (basename, root_baton, NULL, SVN_INVALID_REVNUM,
                                pool, &file_baton);
        err = editor->open_file (basename, root_baton, rev, pool,
    if (err) goto hit_error;

    err = editor->apply_textdelta (file_baton, NULL, pool,
                                   &handler, &handler_baton);
    if (err) goto hit_error;

    err = svn_io_file_open (&f, upload_file, APR_READ, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool);
    if (err) goto hit_error;

    contents = svn_stream_from_aprfile (f, pool);
    err = svn_txdelta_send_stream (contents, handler, handler_baton,
                                   NULL, pool);
    if (err) goto hit_error;

    err = svn_io_file_close (f, pool);
    if (err) goto hit_error;

    err = editor->close_file (file_baton, NULL, pool);
    if (err) goto hit_error;

    err = editor->close_edit (edit_baton, pool);
    if (err) goto hit_error;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  svn_handle_error2 (err, stderr, FALSE, "svnput: ");
  return EXIT_FAILURE;
main (int argc, const char **argv)
  apr_pool_t *pool;
  svn_error_t *err;
  apr_hash_t *locks;
  apr_hash_index_t *hi;
  const char *URL;
  svn_ra_session_t *session;
  svn_ra_callbacks_t *cbtable;
  apr_hash_t *cfg_hash;
  svn_auth_baton_t *auth_baton;

  if (argc <= 1)
      printf ("Usage:  %s URL\n", argv[0]);
      printf ("    Print all locks at or below URL.\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  URL = argv[1];

  /* Initialize the app.  Send all error messages to 'stderr'.  */
  if (svn_cmdline_init ("ra_test", stderr) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Create top-level memory pool. Be sure to read the HACKING file to
     understand how to properly use/free subpools. */
  pool = svn_pool_create (NULL);

  /* Initialize the FS library. */
  err = svn_fs_initialize (pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  /* Make sure the ~/.subversion run-time config files exist, and load. */
  err = svn_config_ensure (NULL, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  err = svn_config_get_config (&cfg_hash, NULL, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  /* Build an authentication baton. */
    /* There are many different kinds of authentication back-end
       "providers".  See svn_auth.h for a full overview. */
    svn_auth_provider_object_t *provider;
    apr_array_header_t *providers
      = apr_array_make (pool, 4, sizeof (svn_auth_provider_object_t *));

    svn_client_get_simple_prompt_provider (&provider,
                                           NULL, /* baton */
                                           2, /* retry limit */ pool);
    APR_ARRAY_PUSH (providers, svn_auth_provider_object_t *) = provider;

    svn_client_get_username_prompt_provider (&provider,
                                             NULL, /* baton */
                                             2, /* retry limit */ pool);
    APR_ARRAY_PUSH (providers, svn_auth_provider_object_t *) = provider;

    /* Register the auth-providers into the context's auth_baton. */
    svn_auth_open (&auth_baton, providers, pool);

  /* Create a table of callbacks for the RA session, mostly nonexistent. */
  cbtable = apr_pcalloc (pool, sizeof(*cbtable));
  cbtable->auth_baton = auth_baton;
  cbtable->open_tmp_file = open_tmp_file;

  /* Now do the real work. */

  err = svn_ra_open (&session, URL, cbtable, NULL, cfg_hash, pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  err = svn_ra_get_locks (session, &locks, "", pool);
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  err = svn_cmdline_printf (pool, "\n");
  if (err) goto hit_error;

  for (hi = apr_hash_first (pool, locks); hi; hi = apr_hash_next (hi))
      const void *key;
      void *val;
      const char *path, *cr_date, *exp_date;
      svn_lock_t *lock;

      apr_hash_this (hi, &key, NULL, &val);
      path = key;
      lock = val;

      cr_date = svn_time_to_human_cstring (lock->creation_date, pool);

      if (lock->expiration_date)
        exp_date = svn_time_to_human_cstring (lock->expiration_date, pool);
        exp_date = "never";

      err = svn_cmdline_printf (pool, "%s\n", path);
      if (err) goto hit_error;

      err = svn_cmdline_printf (pool,
                                "     UUID Token: %s\n", lock->token);
      if (err) goto hit_error;

      err = svn_cmdline_printf (pool,
                                "          Owner: %s\n", lock->owner);
      if (err) goto hit_error;

      err = svn_cmdline_printf (pool,
                                "        Comment: %s\n",
                                lock->comment ? lock->comment : "none");
      if (err) goto hit_error;

      err = svn_cmdline_printf (pool,
                                "        Created: %s\n", cr_date);
      if (err) goto hit_error;

      err = svn_cmdline_printf (pool,
                                "        Expires: %s\n\n", exp_date);
      if (err) goto hit_error;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  svn_handle_error2 (err, stderr, FALSE, "getlocks_test: ");
  return EXIT_FAILURE;