Exemplo n.º 1
static int read_charmm_extrablock(fio_fd fd, int charmm, int reverseEndian,
                                  float *unitcell) {
  int i, input_integer[2], rec_scale;

  if (charmm & DCD_HAS_64BIT_REC) {
    rec_scale = RECSCALE64BIT;
  } else {
    rec_scale = RECSCALE32BIT;

  if ((charmm & DCD_IS_CHARMM) && (charmm & DCD_HAS_EXTRA_BLOCK)) {
    /* Leading integer must be 48 */
    input_integer[1] = 0;
    if (fio_fread(input_integer, sizeof(int), rec_scale, fd) != rec_scale)
      return DCD_BADREAD; 
    if (reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
    if ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) == 48) {
      double tmp[6];
      if (fio_fread(tmp, 48, 1, fd) != 1) return DCD_BADREAD;
      if (reverseEndian) 
        swap8_aligned(tmp, 6);
      for (i=0; i<6; i++) unitcell[i] = (float)tmp[i];
    } else {
      /* unrecognized block, just skip it */
      if (fio_fseek(fd, (input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]), FIO_SEEK_CUR)) return DCD_BADREAD;
    if (fio_fread(input_integer, sizeof(int), rec_scale, fd) != rec_scale) return DCD_BADREAD; 

  return DCD_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int read_js_timestep(void *v, int natoms, molfile_timestep_t *ts) {
  jshandle *js = (jshandle *)v;
  int framelen = (natoms * 3 * sizeof(float)) + (6 * sizeof(double));;

  /* if we have a valid ts pointer, read the timestep, otherwise skip it */ 
  if (ts != NULL) {
    int readlen; 
    fio_iovec iov[2];
    double unitcell[6];
    unitcell[0] = unitcell[2] = unitcell[5] = 1.0f;
    unitcell[1] = unitcell[3] = unitcell[4] = 90.0f;
    /* setup the I/O vector */
    iov[0].iov_base = (fio_caddr_t) ts->coords;   /* read coordinates    */
    iov[0].iov_len  = natoms * 3 * sizeof(float);
    iov[1].iov_base = (fio_caddr_t) &unitcell[0]; /* read PBC unit cell  */
    iov[1].iov_len  = 6 * sizeof(double);

    /* Do all of the reads with a single syscall, for peak efficiency. */
    /* On smart kernels, readv() causes only one context switch, and   */
    /* can effeciently scatter the reads to the various buffers.       */
    readlen = fio_readv(js->fd, &iov[0], 2); 
    /* check the number of read bytes versus what we expected */
    if (readlen != framelen)
      return MOLFILE_EOF;

    /* perform byte swapping if necessary */
    if (js->reverseendian) {
      swap4_aligned(ts->coords, natoms * 3);
      swap8_aligned(unitcell, 6);

    /* copy unit cell values into VMD */
    ts->A = unitcell[0];
    ts->B = unitcell[1];
    ts->C = unitcell[2];
    ts->alpha = 90.0 - asin(unitcell[3]) * 90.0 / M_PI_2;
    ts->beta  = 90.0 - asin(unitcell[4]) * 90.0 / M_PI_2;
    ts->gamma = 90.0 - asin(unitcell[5]) * 90.0 / M_PI_2;
  } else {
    /* skip this frame, seek to the next frame */
    if (fio_fseek(js->fd, framelen, FIO_SEEK_CUR)) 
      return MOLFILE_EOF;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void *open_pbeq_read(const char *filepath, const char *filetype,
    int *natoms) {
  FILE *fd;
  pbeq_t *pbeq;
  int nclx, ncly, nclz;
  int trash, length;
  double dcel; 
  double xbcen, ybcen, zbcen;
  double epsw, epsp, conc, tmemb, zmemb, epsm;
  int swap=0; 

  fd = fopen(filepath, "rb");
  if (!fd) {
    printf("pbeqplugin) Error opening file %s.\n", filepath);
    return NULL;

  // skip first Fortran length record for
  if (fread(&length, 4, 1, fd) != 1)
    return NULL;

  if (fread(&nclx, 4, 1, fd) != 1)
    return NULL;
  if (fread(&ncly, 4, 1, fd) != 1)
    return NULL;
  if (fread(&nclz, 4, 1, fd) != 1)
    return NULL;

  // test endianness first
  if (length != 44) {
    swap = 1;
    swap4_aligned(&length, 1);
    if (length != 44) {
      printf("pbeqplugin) length record != 44, unrecognized format (length: %d)\n", length);
      return NULL;

  if (swap) {
    swap4_aligned(&nclx, 1);
    swap4_aligned(&ncly, 1);
    swap4_aligned(&nclz, 1);

  // this is a risky strategy for detecting endianness, 
  // but it works so far, and the charmm potential maps don't
  // have version numbers, magic numbers, or anything else that we
  // might otherwise use for this purpose.
  if ((nclx > 4000 && ncly > 4000 && nclz > 4000) ||
      (nclx * ncly * nclz < 0)) {
    printf("pbeqplugin) inconclusive byte ordering, bailing out\n");
    return NULL;

  // read the rest of the header
  if (fread(&dcel, 8, 1, fd) != 1) 
    return NULL;
  if (fread(&xbcen, 8, 1, fd) != 1) 
    return NULL;
  if (fread(&ybcen, 8, 1, fd) != 1) 
    return NULL;
  if (fread(&zbcen, 8, 1, fd) != 1) 
    return NULL;

  // skip second Fortran length record for
  if (fread(&trash, 4, 1, fd) != 1)
    return NULL;

  // skip first Fortran length record for 
  if (fread(&trash, 4, 1, fd) != 1)
    return NULL;

  if (fread(&epsw, 8, 1, fd) != 1) 
    return NULL;
  if (fread(&epsp, 8, 1, fd) != 1) 
    return NULL;
  if (fread(&conc, 8, 1, fd) != 1) 
    return NULL;
  if (fread(&tmemb, 8, 1, fd) != 1) 
    return NULL;
  if (fread(&zmemb, 8, 1, fd) != 1) 
    return NULL;
  if (fread(&epsm, 8, 1, fd) != 1) 
    return NULL;

  // skip second Fortran length record for 
  if (fread(&trash, 4, 1, fd) != 1)
    return NULL;

  // byte swap the header data if necessary
  if (swap) {
    swap8_aligned(&dcel, 1);
    swap8_aligned(&xbcen, 1);
    swap8_aligned(&ybcen, 1);
    swap8_aligned(&zbcen, 1);
    swap8_aligned(&epsw, 1);
    swap8_aligned(&epsp, 1);
    swap8_aligned(&conc, 1);
    swap8_aligned(&tmemb, 1);
    swap8_aligned(&zmemb, 1);
    swap8_aligned(&epsm, 1);

#if 0
  // print header info for debugging of early versions
  printf("pbeqplugin) nclx:%d nxly:%d nclz:%d\n", nclx, ncly, nclz);
  printf("pbeqplugin) dcel: %f\n", dcel); 
  printf("pbeqplugin) x/y/zbcen: %g %g %g\n", xbcen, ybcen, zbcen); 
  printf("pbeqplugin) epsw/p: %g %g  conc: %g  tmemb: %g zmemb: %g  epsm: %g\n",
         epsw, epsp, conc, tmemb, zmemb, epsm);

  /* Allocate and initialize the pbeq structure */
  pbeq = new pbeq_t;
  pbeq->fd = fd;
  pbeq->vol = NULL;
  pbeq->nsets = 1; /* this file contains only one data set */
  pbeq->ndata = nclx*ncly*nclz;
  pbeq->nclx = nclx;
  pbeq->ncly = ncly;
  pbeq->nclz = nclz;
  pbeq->swap = swap;

  pbeq->vol = new molfile_volumetric_t[1];
  strcpy(pbeq->vol[0].dataname, "CHARMM PBEQ Potential Map");

  pbeq->vol[0].origin[0] = -0.5*((nclx-1) * dcel) + xbcen;
  pbeq->vol[0].origin[1] = -0.5*((ncly-1) * dcel) + ybcen;
  pbeq->vol[0].origin[2] = -0.5*((nclz-1) * dcel) + zbcen;

  // print origin info, for debuggin of early versions
  printf("pbeqplugin) box LL origin: %g %g %g\n", 

  pbeq->vol[0].xaxis[0] = (nclx-1) * dcel;
  pbeq->vol[0].xaxis[1] = 0;
  pbeq->vol[0].xaxis[2] = 0;

  pbeq->vol[0].yaxis[0] = 0;
  pbeq->vol[0].yaxis[1] = (ncly-1) * dcel;
  pbeq->vol[0].yaxis[2] = 0;

  pbeq->vol[0].zaxis[0] = 0;
  pbeq->vol[0].zaxis[1] = 0;
  pbeq->vol[0].zaxis[2] = (nclz-1) * dcel;

  pbeq->vol[0].xsize = nclx;
  pbeq->vol[0].ysize = ncly;
  pbeq->vol[0].zsize = nclz;

  pbeq->vol[0].has_color = 0;

  return pbeq;