Exemplo n.º 1
void NEURONSEGlugin::domenu(const QString &menu_name, V3DPluginCallback &callback, QWidget *parent)
	if (menu_name == tr("Swc segment"))
		swc_to_segments(callback, parent,1);
	else if (menu_name == tr("Help"))
		v3d_msg("(version 0.11)Neuronseg Plugin 1.0 developed by Jinzhu Yang. (Peng Lab, Janelia Research Farm Campus, HHMI), save swc files according to different segments of swc file");
Exemplo n.º 2
//ConsensusBuilder::ConsensusBuilder(DIR *directory){
ConsensusBuilder::ConsensusBuilder(string &directory){
    ready_to_run = false;

    struct dirent *ep;
    logger->debug("opening directory");
    DIR * dir = opendir(directory.c_str());
    if (dir){
        logger->debug("directory exists, going through");
        unsigned char isFile =0x8;
        while ((ep = readdir(dir)) != NULL){
            logger->debug("File char 0 %c",ep->d_name[0]);
            if (ep->d_type == DT_REG && ep->d_name[0] != '.'){
                logger->debug("Processing file");
                string filename = string(ep->d_name);

                // Check file extension
                pair<string,string> name_ext = split_final(filename);
                string name = name_ext.first, extension = name_ext.second;

                if (name.length() > 0 && (extension.compare("swc") == 0 || extension.compare("SWC") == 0)){
                    logger->debug2("extension %s",extension.c_str());
                    string filepath = directory;
//                    filepath.append("/");

                    //logger->debug2("Adding reconstruction from file %s to list", filepath.c_str());
                    // Read neuron points
                    vector<MyMarker *> neuronPts = readSWC_file(directory+string("/")+filename);
                    if (neuronPts.size() > 0){
                        logger->debug2("%d neuron points",neuronPts.size());
                        NeuronSegment * neuron;
                        vector<NeuronSegment*> segments;

                        // Convert points into segments
                        swc_to_segments(neuronPts, segments);

                        neuron = segments[segments.size()-1]; // #CHECK: Get root, which should be last segments

                        // Create reconstruction
                        Reconstruction * reconstruction = new Reconstruction(name, neuron);

                        cb_reconstructions.insert(std::pair<string, Reconstruction *>(name, reconstruction));
            logger->debug("End of loop");
        logger->debug("Done loop");
        (void) closedir (dir);
        logger->error("Null directory provided");

    if (cb_reconstructions.size() > 1){
        ready_to_run = true;
        logger->error("Not enough reconstructions");
        // #TODO: warning message saying that there are only n swc files in the directory, not enough to run the ConsensusBuilder