Exemplo n.º 1
void app_invoke(ot_u8 channel) {
/// The "External Task" is the place where the kernel runs the main user app.
/// Our app has 4 functions (call types).
/// <LI> The task event state is set to 1.  Event 0 is always Task-off, but
///      otherwise each task manages its own event numbers </LI>
/// <LI> We store the channel in the cursor, which is not being used otherwise.
///      The Task "cursor" can be used for additional state control, beyond the
///      event number. </LI>
/// <LI> We give it a runtime reservation of 1 tick (it runs pretty fast).
///      This is also short enough to pre-empt RX listening, but not RX data.
///      Try changing to a higher number, and observing how the kernel
///      manages this task. </LI>
/// <LI> We give it a latency of 255.  Latency is unimportant for run-once
///      tasks, so giving it the max latency will prevent it from blocking
///      any other tasks. </LI>
/// <LI> We tell it to start ASAP (preemption delay parameter = 0) </LI>
/// @note The latency parameter is mostly useful for protocol management,
/// for which you probably want to enforce a request-response turnaround time.
/// for processing and for iterative tasks it is not important: set to 255.
    sys_task_setevent(APP_TASK, 1);
    sys_task_setcursor(APP_TASK, channel);
    sys_task_setreserve(APP_TASK, 1);
    sys_task_setlatency(APP_TASK, 255);
    sys_preempt(APP_TASK, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
void network_sig_route(void* route, void* session) {
/// network_sig_route() will have route >= 0 on successful request processing.
/// "route" will always be set to -1, which will cause the Data Link Layer to 
/// ignore the rest of the session and keep listening (sniffing).
    static const ot_u8 unknown_rx[10]   = "UNKNOWN_RX";
    static const ot_u8 opentag_rx[10]   = "OPENTAG_RX";
    ot_u8* label;

    // A valid packet has been received.
    // You can look at the response in the TX Queue (and log it if you want).
    // We just log the request and mark it as known or unknown.
    if (*(ot_int*)route >= 0) {
        label = (ot_u8*)opentag_rx;
    else {
        label = (ot_u8*)unknown_rx;
    // Log the received packet data (with 10 character label)
    otapi_log_msg(MSG_raw, 10, rxq.length, label, rxq.front);
    // Turn on Green LED to indicate received packet
    // Activate the app task, which will turn off the LED in 30 ticks
    sys_task_setevent(APP_TASK, 1);
    sys_preempt(APP_TASK, 30);

    // Tell DLL to disregard session, no matter what.
    *(ot_int*)route = -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
void ext_systask(ot_task task) {
    switch (task->event) {
        case 0: break;

        case 1: // break and deactivate task if switch is *not* being held-down
                if (PALFI_WAKE_PORT->DIN & BOARD_SW2_PIN) {
                    sys_task_setevent(task, 0);

        case 2: { // Add new DASH7 comm task to kernel, using most defaults.
            session_tmpl s_tmpl;
            sys_task_setevent(task, 1);
            sys_task_setnext(task, 512);

            s_tmpl.channel      = 7;
            s_tmpl.subnetmask   = 0;
            s_tmpl.flagmask     = 0;
            m2task_immediate(&s_tmpl, &applet_adcpacket);
        } break;

Exemplo n.º 4
void PALFI_WAKE_ISR(void) {
/// In this demo the PALFI LF interface is not initialized.  However, there are
/// some switches (buttons) that are attached to the PaLFI core, and they use
/// the same interrupt.  Those buttons are attached.

        sys_task_setevent(PALFI_TASK, 2);
        sys_task_setreserve(PALFI_TASK, 64);
        sys_task_setlatency(PALFI_TASK, 255);
        sys_preempt(PALFI_TASK, 0);
    //    sys_task_setevent(PALFI_TASK, 1);

Exemplo n.º 5
void app_invoke(ot_u8 call_type) {
/// The "External Task" is the place where the kernel runs the main user app.
/// Our app has 4 functions (call types).
/// <LI> We give it a runtime reservation of 1 tick (it runs pretty fast).
///      This is also short enough to pre-empt RX listening, but not RX data.
///      Try changing to a higher number, and observing how the kernel
///      manages this task. </LI>
/// <LI> We give it a latency of 255.  Latency is unimportant for run-once
///      tasks, so giving it the max latency will prevent it from blocking
///      any other tasks. </LI>
/// <LI> We tell it to start ASAP (next = 0) </LI>
/// @note The latency parameter is mostly useful for protocol management,
/// for which you probably want to enforce a request-response turnaround time.
/// for processing and basic, iterative tasks it is not important: set to 255.
	sys_task_setevent(OPMODE_TASK, call_type);
    sys_task_setreserve(OPMODE_TASK, 1);
    sys_task_setlatency(OPMODE_TASK, 255);
    sys_preempt(OPMODE_TASK, 0);