int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "t21"); ros::NodeHandle node; T21 t21(node);; return 0; }
vector<Path> au2pp(LL au_id, LL id, vector<Paper> paper_by_au, Paper paper){ vector<Paper> paper_ref_ed; /// Papers that refers to Id vector<Paper> paper_au_af; thread t21(f21, paper, ref(paper_ref_ed)); thread t22(f22, paper, ref(paper_au_af)); t21.join(); t22.join(); vector<vector<LL> > ret; au2pp_1hop(au_id, id, ret, paper); au2pp_2hop(au_id, id, ret, paper_by_au, paper_ref_ed); au2pp_3hop(au_id, id, ret, paper_by_au, paper, paper_ref_ed, paper_au_af); return ret; }
TEST(KVEngineTestHarness, AllCommittedTimestamp) { unique_ptr<KVHarnessHelper> helper(KVHarnessHelper::create()); KVEngine* engine = helper->getEngine(); if (!engine->supportsDocLocking()) return; unique_ptr<RecordStore> rs; { MyOperationContext opCtx(engine); WriteUnitOfWork uow(&opCtx); CollectionOptions options; options.capped = true; options.cappedSize = 10240; options.cappedMaxDocs = -1; NamespaceString oplogNss(""); ASSERT_OK(engine->createRecordStore(&opCtx, oplogNss.ns(), "ident", options)); rs = engine->getRecordStore(&opCtx, oplogNss.ns(), "ident", options); ASSERT(rs); } { Timestamp t11(1, 1); Timestamp t12(1, 2); Timestamp t21(2, 1); auto t11Doc = BSON("ts" << t11); auto t12Doc = BSON("ts" << t12); auto t21Doc = BSON("ts" << t21); Timestamp allCommitted = engine->getAllCommittedTimestamp(); MyOperationContext opCtx1(engine); WriteUnitOfWork uow1(&opCtx1); ASSERT_EQ(invariant(rs->insertRecord( &opCtx1, t11Doc.objdata(), t11Doc.objsize(), Timestamp::min())), RecordId(1, 1)); Timestamp lastAllCommitted = allCommitted; allCommitted = engine->getAllCommittedTimestamp(); ASSERT_GTE(allCommitted, lastAllCommitted); ASSERT_LT(allCommitted, t11); MyOperationContext opCtx2(engine); WriteUnitOfWork uow2(&opCtx2); ASSERT_EQ(invariant(rs->insertRecord( &opCtx2, t21Doc.objdata(), t21Doc.objsize(), Timestamp::min())), RecordId(2, 1)); uow2.commit(); lastAllCommitted = allCommitted; allCommitted = engine->getAllCommittedTimestamp(); ASSERT_GTE(allCommitted, lastAllCommitted); ASSERT_LT(allCommitted, t11); ASSERT_EQ(invariant(rs->insertRecord( &opCtx1, t12Doc.objdata(), t12Doc.objsize(), Timestamp::min())), RecordId(1, 2)); lastAllCommitted = allCommitted; allCommitted = engine->getAllCommittedTimestamp(); ASSERT_GTE(allCommitted, lastAllCommitted); ASSERT_LT(allCommitted, t11); uow1.commit(); lastAllCommitted = allCommitted; allCommitted = engine->getAllCommittedTimestamp(); ASSERT_GTE(allCommitted, lastAllCommitted); ASSERT_LTE(allCommitted, t21); } }
void poisson_blend(mve::FloatImage::ConstPtr src, mve::ByteImage::ConstPtr mask, mve::FloatImage::Ptr dest, float alpha) { assert(src->width() == mask->width() && mask->width() == dest->width()); assert(src->height() == mask->height() && mask->height() == dest->height()); assert(src->channels() == 3 && dest->channels() == 3); assert(mask->channels() == 1); assert(valid_mask(mask)); const int n = dest->get_pixel_amount(); const int width = dest->width(); const int height = dest->height(); const int channels = dest->channels(); mve::Image<int>::Ptr indices = mve::Image<int>::create(width, height, 1); indices->fill(-1); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (mask->at(i) != 0) { indices->at(i) = index; index++; } } const int nnz = index; std::vector<math::Vec3f> coefficients_b; coefficients_b.resize(nnz); std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<float, int> > coefficients_A; coefficients_A.reserve(nnz); //TODO better estimate... for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const int row = indices->at(i); if (mask->at(i) == 126 || mask->at(i) == 128) { Eigen::Triplet<float, int> t(row, row, 1.0f); coefficients_A.push_back(t); coefficients_b[row] = math::Vec3f(&dest->at(i, 0)); } if (mask->at(i) == 255) { const int i01 = indices->at(i - width); const int i10 = indices->at(i - 1); const int i11 = indices->at(i); const int i12 = indices->at(i + 1); const int i21 = indices->at(i + width); /* All neighbours should be eighter border conditions or part of the optimization. */ assert(i01 != -1 && i10 != -1 && i11 != -1 && i12 != -1 && i21 != -1); Eigen::Triplet<float, int> t01(row, i01, 1.0f); Eigen::Triplet<float, int> t10(row, i10, 1.0f); Eigen::Triplet<float, int> t11(row, i11, -4.0f); Eigen::Triplet<float, int> t12(row, i12, 1.0f); Eigen::Triplet<float, int> t21(row, i21, 1.0f); Eigen::Triplet<float, int> triplets[] = {t01, t10, t11, t12, t21}; coefficients_A.insert(coefficients_A.end(), triplets, triplets + 5); math::Vec3f l_d = simple_laplacian(i, dest); math::Vec3f l_s = simple_laplacian(i, src); coefficients_b[row] = (alpha * l_s + (1.0f - alpha) * l_d); } } SpMat A(nnz, nnz); A.setFromTriplets(coefficients_A.begin(), coefficients_A.end()); Eigen::SparseLU<SpMat, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering<int> > solver; solver.compute(A); for (int channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel) { Eigen::VectorXf b(nnz); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < coefficients_b.size(); ++i) b[i] = coefficients_b[i][channel]; Eigen::VectorXf x(n); x = solver.solve(b); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int index = indices->at(i); if (index != -1) dest->at(i, channel) = x[index]; } } }
void f2(LL au_id, LL id, Paper paper, vector<Paper> &paper_au_af, vector<Paper> &paper_ref_ed){ thread t21(f21, paper, ref(paper_ref_ed)); thread t22(f22, paper, ref(paper_au_af)); t21.join(); t22.join(); }