Exemplo n.º 1
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel pf_nb_kernel322
 * Coulomb interaction:     Tabulated
 * VdW interaction:         Buckingham
 * water optimization:      pairs of SPC/TIP3P interactions
 * Calculate forces:        yes
void pf_nb_kernel322(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    real *          shiftvec,
                    real *          fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    real *          pos,
                    real *          faction,
                    real *          charge,
                    real *          p_facel,
                    real *          p_krf,
                    real *          p_crf,
                    real *          Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    real *          vdwparam,
                    real *          Vvdw,
                    real *          p_tabscale,
                    real *          VFtab,
                    real *          invsqrta,
                    real *          dvda,
                    real *          p_gbtabscale,
                    real *          GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    real *          work,
		    t_pf_global *      pf_global)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    real          facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    real          shX,shY,shZ;
    real          fscal,tx,ty,tz;
    real          rinvsq;
    real          qq,vcoul,vctot;
    int           tj;
    real          rinvsix;
    real          Vvdw6,Vvdwtot;
    real          r,rt,eps,eps2;
    int           n0,nnn;
    real          Y,F,Geps,Heps2,Fp,VV;
    real          FF;
    real          fijC;
    real          Vvdwexp,br;
    real          ix1,iy1,iz1,fix1,fiy1,fiz1;
    real          ix2,iy2,iz2,fix2,fiy2,fiz2;
    real          ix3,iy3,iz3,fix3,fiy3,fiz3;
    real          jx1,jy1,jz1,fjx1,fjy1,fjz1;
    real          jx2,jy2,jz2,fjx2,fjy2,fjz2;
    real          jx3,jy3,jz3,fjx3,fjy3,fjz3;
    real          dx11,dy11,dz11,rsq11,rinv11;
    real          dx12,dy12,dz12,rsq12,rinv12;
    real          dx13,dy13,dz13,rsq13,rinv13;
    real          dx21,dy21,dz21,rsq21,rinv21;
    real          dx22,dy22,dz22,rsq22,rinv22;
    real          dx23,dy23,dz23,rsq23,rinv23;
    real          dx31,dy31,dz31,rsq31,rinv31;
    real          dx32,dy32,dz32,rsq32,rinv32;
    real          dx33,dy33,dz33,rsq33,rinv33;
    real          qO,qH,qqOO,qqOH,qqHH;
    real          c6,cexp1,cexp2;
    real          pf_coul, pf_lj;

    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;       
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    

    /* Initialize water data */
    ii               = iinr[0];        
    qO               = charge[ii];     
    qH               = charge[ii+1];   
    qqOO             = facel*qO*qO;    
    qqOH             = facel*qO*qH;    
    qqHH             = facel*qH*qH;    
    tj               = 3*(ntype+1)*type[ii];
    c6               = vdwparam[tj];   
    cexp1            = vdwparam[tj+1]; 
    cexp2            = vdwparam[tj+2]; 

    /* Reset outer and inner iteration counters */
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              

    /* Loop over thread workunits */
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        /* Take successively smaller chunks (at least 10 lists) */
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
	    nn0 = 0;
		nn1 = nri;
        /* Start outer loop over neighborlists */
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)

            /* Load shift vector for this list */
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];

            /* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    

            /* Get outer coordinate index */
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           

            /* Load i atom data, add shift vector */
            ix1              = shX + pos[ii3+0];
            iy1              = shY + pos[ii3+1];
            iz1              = shZ + pos[ii3+2];
            ix2              = shX + pos[ii3+3];
            iy2              = shY + pos[ii3+4];
            iz2              = shZ + pos[ii3+5];
            ix3              = shX + pos[ii3+6];
            iy3              = shY + pos[ii3+7];
            iz3              = shZ + pos[ii3+8];

            /* Zero the potential energy for this list */
            vctot            = 0;              
            Vvdwtot          = 0;              

            /* Clear i atom forces */
            fix1             = 0;              
            fiy1             = 0;              
            fiz1             = 0;              
            fix2             = 0;              
            fiy2             = 0;              
            fiz2             = 0;              
            fix3             = 0;              
            fiy3             = 0;              
            fiz3             = 0;              
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)

                /* Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index */
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                j3               = 3*jnr;          

                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx1              = pos[j3+0];      
                jy1              = pos[j3+1];      
                jz1              = pos[j3+2];      
                jx2              = pos[j3+3];      
                jy2              = pos[j3+4];      
                jz2              = pos[j3+5];      
                jx3              = pos[j3+6];      
                jy3              = pos[j3+7];      
                jz3              = pos[j3+8];      

                /* Calculate distance */
                dx11             = ix1 - jx1;      
                dy11             = iy1 - jy1;      
                dz11             = iz1 - jz1;      
                rsq11            = dx11*dx11+dy11*dy11+dz11*dz11;
                dx12             = ix1 - jx2;      
                dy12             = iy1 - jy2;      
                dz12             = iz1 - jz2;      
                rsq12            = dx12*dx12+dy12*dy12+dz12*dz12;
                dx13             = ix1 - jx3;      
                dy13             = iy1 - jy3;      
                dz13             = iz1 - jz3;      
                rsq13            = dx13*dx13+dy13*dy13+dz13*dz13;
                dx21             = ix2 - jx1;      
                dy21             = iy2 - jy1;      
                dz21             = iz2 - jz1;      
                rsq21            = dx21*dx21+dy21*dy21+dz21*dz21;
                dx22             = ix2 - jx2;      
                dy22             = iy2 - jy2;      
                dz22             = iz2 - jz2;      
                rsq22            = dx22*dx22+dy22*dy22+dz22*dz22;
                dx23             = ix2 - jx3;      
                dy23             = iy2 - jy3;      
                dz23             = iz2 - jz3;      
                rsq23            = dx23*dx23+dy23*dy23+dz23*dz23;
                dx31             = ix3 - jx1;      
                dy31             = iy3 - jy1;      
                dz31             = iz3 - jz1;      
                rsq31            = dx31*dx31+dy31*dy31+dz31*dz31;
                dx32             = ix3 - jx2;      
                dy32             = iy3 - jy2;      
                dz32             = iz3 - jz2;      
                rsq32            = dx32*dx32+dy32*dy32+dz32*dz32;
                dx33             = ix3 - jx3;      
                dy33             = iy3 - jy3;      
                dz33             = iz3 - jz3;      
                rsq33            = dx33*dx33+dy33*dy33+dz33*dz33;

                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv11           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq11);
                rinv12           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq12);
                rinv13           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq13);
                rinv21           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq21);
                rinv22           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq22);
                rinv23           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq23);
                rinv31           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq31);
                rinv32           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq32);
                rinv33           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq33);

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOO;           
                rinvsq           = rinv11*rinv11;  

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq11*rinv11;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Buckingham interaction */
                rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
                Vvdw6            = c6*rinvsix;     
                br               = cexp2*rsq11*rinv11;
                Vvdwexp          = cexp1*exp(-br); 
                Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+Vvdwexp-Vvdw6;
		pf_coul          = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv11;
		pf_lj            = (br*Vvdwexp-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq;
                fscal            = pf_lj+pf_coul;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx11;     
                ty               = fscal*dy11;     
                tz               = fscal*dz11;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix1             = fix1 + tx;      
                fiy1             = fiy1 + ty;      
                fiz1             = fiz1 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx1             = faction[j3+0] - tx;
                fjy1             = faction[j3+1] - ty;
                fjz1             = faction[j3+2] - tz;

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded(pf_global, ii, jnr, pf_coul, pf_lj, dx11, dy11, dz11);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq12*rinv12;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv12;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx12;     
                ty               = fscal*dy12;     
                tz               = fscal*dz12;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix1             = fix1 + tx;      
                fiy1             = fiy1 + ty;      
                fiz1             = fiz1 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx2             = faction[j3+3] - tx;
                fjy2             = faction[j3+4] - ty;
                fjz2             = faction[j3+5] - tz;

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii, jnr+1, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx12, dy12, dz12);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq13*rinv13;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv13;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx13;     
                ty               = fscal*dy13;     
                tz               = fscal*dz13;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix1             = fix1 + tx;      
                fiy1             = fiy1 + ty;      
                fiz1             = fiz1 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx3             = faction[j3+6] - tx;
                fjy3             = faction[j3+7] - ty;
                fjz3             = faction[j3+8] - tz;

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii, jnr+2, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx13, dy13, dz13);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq21*rinv21;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv21;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx21;     
                ty               = fscal*dy21;     
                tz               = fscal*dz21;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx1             = fjx1 - tx;      
                fjy1             = fjy1 - ty;      
                fjz1             = fjz1 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+1, jnr, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx21, dy21, dz21);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq22*rinv22;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv22;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx22;     
                ty               = fscal*dy22;     
                tz               = fscal*dz22;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx2             = fjx2 - tx;      
                fjy2             = fjy2 - ty;      
                fjz2             = fjz2 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+1, jnr+1, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx22, dy22, dz22);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq23*rinv23;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv23;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx23;     
                ty               = fscal*dy23;     
                tz               = fscal*dz23;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx3             = fjx3 - tx;      
                fjy3             = fjy3 - ty;      
                fjz3             = fjz3 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+1, jnr+2, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx23, dy23, dz23);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq31*rinv31;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv31;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx31;     
                ty               = fscal*dy31;     
                tz               = fscal*dz31;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+0]    = fjx1 - tx;      
                faction[j3+1]    = fjy1 - ty;      
                faction[j3+2]    = fjz1 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+2, jnr, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx31, dy31, dz31);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq32*rinv32;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv32;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx32;     
                ty               = fscal*dy32;     
                tz               = fscal*dz32;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+3]    = fjx2 - tx;      
                faction[j3+4]    = fjy2 - ty;      
                faction[j3+5]    = fjz2 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+2, jnr+1, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx32, dy32, dz32);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq33*rinv33;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv33;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx33;     
                ty               = fscal*dy33;     
                tz               = fscal*dz33;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+6]    = fjx3 - tx;      
                faction[j3+7]    = fjy3 - ty;      
                faction[j3+8]    = fjz3 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+2, jnr+2, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx33, dy33, dz33);
                /* Inner loop uses 408 flops/iteration */

            /* Add i forces to mem and shifted force list */
            faction[ii3+0]   = faction[ii3+0] + fix1;
            faction[ii3+1]   = faction[ii3+1] + fiy1;
            faction[ii3+2]   = faction[ii3+2] + fiz1;
            faction[ii3+3]   = faction[ii3+3] + fix2;
            faction[ii3+4]   = faction[ii3+4] + fiy2;
            faction[ii3+5]   = faction[ii3+5] + fiz2;
            faction[ii3+6]   = faction[ii3+6] + fix3;
            faction[ii3+7]   = faction[ii3+7] + fiy3;
            faction[ii3+8]   = faction[ii3+8] + fiz3;
            fshift[is3]      = fshift[is3]+fix1+fix2+fix3;
            fshift[is3+1]    = fshift[is3+1]+fiy1+fiy2+fiy3;
            fshift[is3+2]    = fshift[is3+2]+fiz1+fiz2+fiz3;

            /* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;
            Vvdw[ggid]       = Vvdw[ggid] + Vvdwtot;

            /* Increment number of inner iterations */
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;

            /* Outer loop uses 29 flops/iteration */

        /* Increment number of outer iterations */
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);

    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel nb_kernel310_adress_cg
 * Coulomb interaction:     Tabulated
 * VdW interaction:         Lennard-Jones
 * water optimization:      No
 * Calculate forces:        yes
void nb_kernel310_adress_cg(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    float *         shiftvec,
                    float *         fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    float *         pos,
                    float *         faction,
                    float *         charge,
                    float *         p_facel,
                    float *         p_krf,
                    float *         p_crf,
                    float *         Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    float *         vdwparam,
                    float *         Vvdw,
                    float *         p_tabscale,
                    float *         VFtab,
                    float *         invsqrta,
                    float *         dvda,
                    float *         p_gbtabscale,
                    float *         GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    float           force_cap,
                    float *         wf)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    float         facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    float         shX,shY,shZ;
    float         fscal,tx,ty,tz;
    float         rinvsq;
    float         iq;
    float         qq,vcoul,vctot;
    int           nti;
    int           tj;
    float         rinvsix;
    float         Vvdw6,Vvdwtot;
    float         Vvdw12;
    float         r,rt,eps,eps2;
    int           n0,nnn;
    float         Y,F,Geps,Heps2,Fp,VV;
    float         FF;
    float         fijC;
    float         ix1,iy1,iz1,fix1,fiy1,fiz1;
    float         jx1,jy1,jz1;
    float         dx11,dy11,dz11,rsq11,rinv11;
    float         c6,c12;
    float         weight_cg1, weight_cg2, weight_product;
    float         hybscal;

    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;       
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
        nn0 = 0;
        nn1 = nri;
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           
            ix1              = shX + pos[ii3+0];
            iy1              = shY + pos[ii3+1];
            iz1              = shZ + pos[ii3+2];
            iq               = facel*charge[ii];
            nti              = 2*ntype*type[ii];
            weight_cg1       = wf[ii];         
            vctot            = 0;              
            Vvdwtot          = 0;              
            fix1             = 0;              
            fiy1             = 0;              
            fiz1             = 0;              
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                weight_cg2       = wf[jnr];        
                weight_product   = weight_cg1*weight_cg2;
                if (weight_product < ALMOST_ZERO) {
                       hybscal = 1.0;
                else if (weight_product >= ALMOST_ONE)
                  /* force is zero, skip this molecule */
                   hybscal = 1.0 - weight_product;
                j3               = 3*jnr;          
                jx1              = pos[j3+0];      
                jy1              = pos[j3+1];      
                jz1              = pos[j3+2];      
                dx11             = ix1 - jx1;      
                dy11             = iy1 - jy1;      
                dz11             = iz1 - jz1;      
                rsq11            = dx11*dx11+dy11*dy11+dz11*dz11;
                rinv11           = 1.0/sqrt(rsq11);
                qq               = iq*charge[jnr]; 
                tj               = nti+2*type[jnr];
                c6               = vdwparam[tj];   
                c12              = vdwparam[tj+1]; 
                rinvsq           = rinv11*rinv11;  
                r                = rsq11*rinv11;   
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
                Vvdw6            = c6*rinvsix;     
                Vvdw12           = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix;
                Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+Vvdw12-Vvdw6;
                fscal            = (12.0*Vvdw12-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq-((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv11;
                fscal *= hybscal;
                tx               = fscal*dx11;     
                ty               = fscal*dy11;     
                tz               = fscal*dz11;     
                fix1             = fix1 + tx;      
                fiy1             = fiy1 + ty;      
                fiz1             = fiz1 + tz;      
                faction[j3+0]    = faction[j3+0] - tx;
                faction[j3+1]    = faction[j3+1] - ty;
                faction[j3+2]    = faction[j3+2] - tz;
            faction[ii3+0]   = faction[ii3+0] + fix1;
            faction[ii3+1]   = faction[ii3+1] + fiy1;
            faction[ii3+2]   = faction[ii3+2] + fiz1;
            fshift[is3]      = fshift[is3]+fix1;
            fshift[is3+1]    = fshift[is3+1]+fiy1;
            fshift[is3+2]    = fshift[is3+2]+fiz1;
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;
            Vvdw[ggid]       = Vvdw[ggid] + Vvdwtot;
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         