t_bool check_empty_cmd(t_lexem *elem) { while (elem) { while ((elem) && (elem->type == STRING || (t_dir(elem->type)) || elem->type == COL)) elem = elem->right; if (!elem) return (CONTINUE); if (!((((elem->left && (elem->left->type == STRING || ((t_dir(elem->left->type)) && elem->left->left && elem->left->left->type == STRING)))) && (elem->right && (elem->right->type == STRING || ((t_dir(elem->right->type)) && elem->right->right && elem->right->right->type == STRING)))))) { my_dprintf(2, "Invalid null command.\n"); return (FALSE); } elem = elem->right; } return (CONTINUE); }
void handle::reset() { if(!m_inputMapper)return; //needs an if statement for input types here if(m_inputMapper->getType() == "arcInput") { shared_ptr<arcInput> t_arc(static_pointer_cast <arcInput>(m_inputMapper)); //downcast it ofVec2f p; p.set(m_hook->getPosC()); t_arc->setPosO(m_posC); t_arc->setBoundsDegrees(-90,90); //could be set in a variety of ways (a data structure will be needed) t_arc->setPivot(p); t_arc->reset(); } if(m_inputMapper->getType() == "vecInput") { shared_ptr<vecInput> t_vec(static_pointer_cast <vecInput>(m_inputMapper)); vector<ofVec2f> t_bounds; ofVec2f t_dir(m_posC - m_hook->getPosC()); if(t_dir.length() > 0) { t_vec->setDirGlobal(t_dir.getNormalized()); if(t_dir.length() < 100) { //this can become a parameter later t_bounds.push_back(m_hook->getPosC()); } else { t_bounds.push_back(m_posC - t_vec->getDirGlobal() * 100); } t_bounds.push_back(m_posC + t_vec->getDirGlobal() * 100); } else { t_bounds.push_back(m_posC); t_bounds.push_back(m_posC + t_vec->getDirGlobal() * 100); } t_vec->setBounds(t_bounds[0], t_bounds[1]); t_vec->setPosO(m_posC); t_vec->reset(); } if(m_inputMapper->getType() == "holdInput") { shared_ptr<holdInput> t_hold(static_pointer_cast <holdInput>(m_inputMapper)); //downcast it t_hold->setTime(5.0); t_hold->setIsPingPong(true); t_hold->setBounds(-1, 0.05); } }
void manage_opt(t_all *files, t_option *option) { t_all *cur; void (*tab[2])(t_dir (*begin), t_option (*option), int (total)); tab[0] = &display_nol; tab[1] = &display_l; cur = files; while (cur != 0) { if(list_size(files) != 1 && cur->files != 0 && option->opt[3] == 0) { my_putstr(cur->path); my_putstr(":\n"); tab[option->opt[0]](cur->files, option, cur->total); my_putstr("\n"); } else tab[option->opt[0]](cur->files, option, cur->total); cur = cur->next; } if (option->opt[0] == 0) my_putstr("\n"); }