Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: msgbld.c Projeto: E-LLP/VICAR
    FUNCTION  static VOID  init_msg(void)

    CODE	termtype;
    COUNT	termlines, termcols;		
    TEXT	buffer[80]; 

    t_init(&termtype, &termlines, &termcols);
    s_copy("	TAE  utility process MSGBLD", buffer);
    t_write(buffer, T_DOUBLE);		/* write msg to terminal */
    t_write("", T_STDCC);
Exemplo n.º 2
    main ()	/* test case */

    struct ECB ecb;
    COUNT lines, columns;
    CODE type, term, code;
    TEXT string[STRINGSIZ+1];
    TEXT	*str;

    t_init(&lines, &columns, &type);
    printf("lines, columns, type = %d, %d, %d\n",
	   lines, columns, type);
    t_output(10, 30, "line 10, column 30");
    t_write("\nnon-CRT write to next line\n", T_STDCC);
    t_input(20, 10, string, &term);
    printf("Terminator = %s\n",  (term == T_CR) ? "(return)" : "(escape)");
    t_highlight (string);
    t_output(22, 10, string);	/* echo */
    t_lclear (22, 15);		/* clear original except 5 character */
    t_write ("hit left, right, up, down, GOLD, or any key");
    code = t_gettok ();
    if (code == T_LEFT) str = "LEFT";
    else if (code == T_RIGHT) str = "RIGHT";
    else if (code == T_UP) str = "UP";
    else if (code == T_DOWN) str = "DOWN";
    else if (code == T_GOLD) str = "GOLD";
    else if (code == T_UNKNOWN) str = "UNKNOWN";
        string[0] = code;
        string[1] = EOS;
        str = string;
    t_write (str, T_STDCC);	
    for (;;)
	t_bell();		/* bell every time controlc hit */
        t_write(" ", T_STDCC);	/* flush			*/
	while (!e_occur(&ecb))  /* loop till event		*/
    exit ();
Exemplo n.º 3
int putchar(int ic) {
#if defined(__is_dios_kernel)
  char c = (char)ic;
  t_write(&c, sizeof(c));
// TODO: You need to implement a write system call.
  return ic;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: mmsg.c Projeto: E-LLP/VICAR
 TEXT	message[],			/* In: message to be logged */
 TEXT	key[]				/* In: message key */
    CODE 	code;

/* the following avoids declaring a full PARBLK just to send a message	*/
#define ALDIM(bytes) 	1+((bytes-1)/sizeof (ALIGN)) 
#define HEAD_SIZ (sizeof(struct PARBLK) - P_BYTES + 8)  /* 8 for align safety*/
#define MBLKDIM (3*sizeof(struct VARIABLE) + 3*OUTMSGSIZ + HEAD_SIZ)
						/* block size in bytes	*/
    ALIGN	block[ALDIM(MBLKDIM)];		/* parameter block to send */
    struct	PARBLK  *parblk;		/* pointer to parameter block*/

    TEXT	*vector[1];			/* pointer to value */
    TEXT	msgbuf[OUTMSGSIZ+1];
    TEXT	msgkey[KEYSIZ+1];

    parblk = (struct PARBLK *) block;
    q_init (parblk, MBLKDIM - HEAD_SIZ, P_ABORT);	/* initialize block */
    s_bcopy((GENPTR)message, (GENPTR)msgbuf, OUTMSGSIZ); /* copy locally */
    if (s_length(message) > OUTMSGSIZ)			/* if too long-	*/
	msgbuf[OUTMSGSIZ] = EOS;			/* truncate	*/
    vector[0] = (TEXT *) msgbuf;
    code = q_string(parblk, "MESSAGE", 1, vector, P_ADD); /* add message */
    if (code == SUCCESS)
	s_bcopy(key, msgkey, KEYSIZ);			/* copy key locally */
	if (s_length(key) > KEYSIZ)
	    msgkey[KEYSIZ] = EOS;			/* police length */
        vector[0] = (TEXT *) msgkey;			/* pointer to key   */
	code = q_string(parblk, "KEY", 1, vector, P_ADD); /* add key 	    */
    if (code == SUCCESS)
	code = q_sndp(parblk, M_HLOGMSG);		/* send message     */
	if (code == SUCCESS)
	    code = c_rcvp((GENPTR)parblk, sizeof(block)); /* rcv handsh blk */
	    (*parblk).hostcode = code;			/* save host code   */
	    if (code != SUCCESS)
	"[TAE-MSGHANDS] Unable to confirm message reception by TM", T_STDCC);
    s_copy(msgkey, savekey);				/* save the key     */
    m_msgout(msgbuf, msgkey);				/* write to output  */
Exemplo n.º 5
    FUNINT	line,			/* in: line number (start at 1)   */
    FUNINT	column,			/* in: column number (start at 1) */
    TEXT	string[]		/* in: string to write		  */

    CODE code;

    t_pos(line, column);		/* position			*/
    code = t_write(string, T_NULL);	/* write with no cc		*/
    return (code);
Exemplo n.º 6
int op_write(const int extra_flag)
  // open
  int ret = TFS_ERROR;
  int fd = 0;
  if (extra_flag == T_LARGE)
    // 打开一个tfs文件写,为了断点续传,必须传入一个key参数,来标识此次大文件的写。
    // 一次写失败后,再次传入相同的key写,tfsclient会根据key找到前一次已经写完成的
    // 部分进行重用。
    // 为了确保key的唯一性,当前tfsclient接受的key必须是本地文件系统上存在的一个文件路径,
    // 该key文件的内容无所谓.

    fd = t_open(NULL, ".jpg", T_WRITE|extra_flag, key_file);
    fd = t_open(NULL, ".jpg", T_WRITE|extra_flag, NULL);

  if (fd <= 0)
    printf("get fd for write fail, ret: %d \n", fd);
    return ret;
  // lseek then write and pwrite not supported now

  // write
  int64_t len = 0;
  char buf[OP_SIZE];

  if ((len = t_write(fd, buf, OP_SIZE)) != OP_SIZE)
    printf("write data to tfs fail, ret: %" PRI64_PREFIX "d\n", len);
    // write fail, just close fd
    t_close(fd, NULL, 0);
    return ret;

  // write success, close fd and get tfs file name
  if ((ret = t_close(fd, tfs_name, TFS_FILE_LEN)) != TFS_SUCCESS)
    printf("close tfs file fail, ret: %d\n", ret);
    return ret;

  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
	Input Parameters:
		(GBL_DEF) gv_target: For reference block's history
	Output Parameters:
		kill_set_ptr : List of blocks to be freed
enum cdb_sc mu_reduce_level(kill_set *kill_set_ptr)
	int		level;
	int		old_blk_sz;
	int		blk_seg_cnt, blk_size;
	uint4		save_t_err;
	blk_segment	*bs_ptr1, *bs_ptr2;
	sm_uc_ptr_t 	old_blk_base, save_blk;


	level = gv_target->hist.depth;
	if (1 == level)
		return cdb_sc_oprnotneeded;

 	blk_size = cs_data->blk_size;
	kill_set_ptr->used = 0;
	memset(kill_set_ptr, 0, sizeof(kill_set));
	assert(update_array != NULL);
	update_array_ptr = update_array;
	old_blk_base = gv_target->hist.h[level].buffaddr;
	old_blk_sz = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)(old_blk_base))->bsiz;
	if (sizeof(blk_hdr) + BSTAR_REC_SIZE != old_blk_sz)
		return cdb_sc_oprnotneeded;
	old_blk_base = gv_target->hist.h[level-1].buffaddr;
	old_blk_sz = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)(old_blk_base))->bsiz;
	BLK_ADDR(save_blk, old_blk_sz - sizeof(blk_hdr), unsigned char);
	memcpy(save_blk, old_blk_base + sizeof(blk_hdr), old_blk_sz - sizeof(blk_hdr));
	BLK_INIT(bs_ptr2, bs_ptr1);
    	BLK_SEG(bs_ptr2, save_blk, old_blk_sz - sizeof(blk_hdr));
	if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr2, bs_ptr1))
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		return cdb_sc_blkmod;
	save_t_err = t_err;
	t_write(gv_target->hist.h[level].blk_num, (unsigned char *)bs_ptr1, 0, 0,
		gv_target->hist.h[level].buffaddr, level - 1, TRUE, TRUE);
	t_err = save_t_err;
	kill_set_ptr->blk[kill_set_ptr->used].flag = 0;
	kill_set_ptr->blk[kill_set_ptr->used].level = 0;
	kill_set_ptr->blk[kill_set_ptr->used++].block = gv_target->hist.h[level-1].blk_num;
	return cdb_sc_normal;
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: wrtmsg.c Projeto: E-LLP/VICAR
    TEXT	msg[]				/* IN: prompt message */
    IMPORT  COUNT  termlines;		/* number of lines on crt screen */
    IMPORT  CODE   termtype;		/* terminal type */

    if (termtype == T_CRT)			/* terminal is CRT */
	t_lclear(termlines - PMTLIN, 1);			/* clear prompt line */
        t_output((termlines - PMTLIN), 1, msg);		/* write prompt  */
	t_write(msg, T_PROMPT);			/* write to terminal */ 
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: wrtmsg.c Projeto: E-LLP/VICAR
    FUNINT	line,			/* IN: line number to write to */
    FUNINT	col,			/* IN: column number to write to */
    TEXT	text[],			/* IN: message text */
    FUNINT	blank			/* IN: True if rest to be blanked */

    IMPORT  CODE   termtype;		/* terminal type */

    if (termtype == T_CRT)
	if (blank) t_lclear(line, 1);		/* write a blank line */
        t_output(line, col, text);		/* output with no cleanup */
	t_write(text, T_STDCC);			/* write with carriage return */
Exemplo n.º 10
    FUNINT	line,		/* in: line to clear (-1 = current line)*/
    FUNINT	col		/* in: and start clearing at this col	*/
    TEXT	string[STRINGSIZ+1];

    if (ltype == T_CRT)
	t_pos (line, col);			/* position		*/
	if (line_clear == NULL)	
	    {					/* no hardware line clr */
	    s_blank (string, lcols-col+1);	/* make blank string	*/
	    t_write (string, T_NULL);
	    t_pos (line, col);			/* re-position		*/
            tputs (line_clear, 1, t_outc);	/* efficient form	*/
Exemplo n.º 11
enum cdb_sc	gvcst_kill_blk(srch_blk_status	*blkhist,
			       char		level,
			       gv_key  		*search_key,
			       srch_rec_status	low,
			       srch_rec_status	high,
			       boolean_t	right_extra,
			       cw_set_element	**cseptr)
	typedef sm_uc_ptr_t		bytptr;

	unsigned short			temp_ushort;
	int4				temp_long;
	int				tmp_cmpc;
	int				blk_size, blk_seg_cnt, lmatch, rmatch, targ_len, prev_len, targ_base, next_rec_shrink,
					temp_int, blkseglen;
	bool				kill_root, first_copy;
	blk_hdr_ptr_t			old_blk_hdr;
	rec_hdr_ptr_t			left_ptr;	/*pointer to record before first record to delete*/
	rec_hdr_ptr_t			del_ptr;	/*pointer to first record to delete*/
	rec_hdr_ptr_t	       		right_ptr;	/*pointer to record after last record to delete*/
	rec_hdr_ptr_t			right_prev_ptr;
	rec_hdr_ptr_t			rp, rp1;	/*scratch record pointer*/
	rec_hdr_ptr_t			first_in_blk, top_of_block, new_rec_hdr, star_rec_hdr;
	blk_segment			*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	block_index			new_block_index;
	unsigned char			*skb;
	static readonly block_id	zeroes = 0;
	cw_set_element			*cse, *old_cse;
	bytptr				curr, prev, right_bytptr;
	off_chain			chain1, curr_chain, prev_chain;
	block_id			blk;
	sm_uc_ptr_t			buffer;
	srch_blk_status			*t1;

	*cseptr = NULL;
	if (low.offset == high.offset)
		return cdb_sc_normal;
	blk = blkhist->blk_num;
	if (dollar_tlevel)
		PUT_LONG(&chain1, blk);
		if ((1 == chain1.flag) && ((int)chain1.cw_index >= sgm_info_ptr->cw_set_depth))
			assert(sgm_info_ptr->tp_csa == cs_addrs);
			assert(FALSE == cs_addrs->now_crit);
			return cdb_sc_blknumerr;
	buffer = blkhist->buffaddr;
	old_blk_hdr = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)buffer;
	kill_root = FALSE;
	blk_size = cs_data->blk_size;
	first_in_blk = (rec_hdr_ptr_t)((bytptr)old_blk_hdr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
	top_of_block = (rec_hdr_ptr_t)((bytptr)old_blk_hdr + old_blk_hdr->bsiz);
	left_ptr = (rec_hdr_ptr_t)((bytptr)old_blk_hdr + low.offset);
	right_ptr = (rec_hdr_ptr_t)((bytptr)old_blk_hdr + high.offset);
	if (right_extra && right_ptr < top_of_block)
		right_prev_ptr = right_ptr;
		GET_USHORT(temp_ushort, &right_ptr->rsiz);
		right_ptr = (rec_hdr_ptr_t)((bytptr)right_ptr + temp_ushort);
	if ((bytptr)left_ptr < (bytptr)old_blk_hdr ||
		(bytptr)right_ptr > (bytptr)top_of_block ||
		(bytptr)left_ptr >= (bytptr)right_ptr)
		assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
		return cdb_sc_rmisalign;
	if ((bytptr)left_ptr == (bytptr)old_blk_hdr)
		if ((bytptr)right_ptr == (bytptr)top_of_block)
			if ((bytptr)first_in_blk == (bytptr)top_of_block)
				if (0 != level)
					assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
					return cdb_sc_rmisalign;
				return cdb_sc_normal;
			if (!gv_target->hist.h[level + 1].blk_num)
				kill_root = TRUE;
			{	/* We are about to free up the contents of this entire block. If this block corresponded to
				 * a global that has NOISOLATION turned on and has a non-zero recompute list (i.e. some SETs
				 * already happened in this same TP transaction), make sure we disable the NOISOLATION
				 * optimization in this case as that is applicable only if one or more SETs happened in this
				 * data block and NOT if a KILL happens. Usually this is done by a t_write(GDS_WRITE_KILLTN)
				 * call but since in this case the entire block is being freed, "t_write" wont be invoked
				 * so we need to explicitly set GDS_WRITE_KILLTN like t_write would have (GTM-8269).
				 * Note: blkhist->first_tp_srch_status is not reliable outside of TP. Thankfully the recompute
				 * list is also maintained only in case of TP so a check of dollar_tlevel is enough to
				 * dereference both "first_tp_srch_status" and "recompute_list_head".
				if (dollar_tlevel)
					t1 = blkhist->first_tp_srch_status ? blkhist->first_tp_srch_status : blkhist;
					cse = t1->cse;
					if ((NULL != cse) && cse->recompute_list_head)
						cse->write_type |= GDS_WRITE_KILLTN;
				return cdb_sc_delete_parent;
		del_ptr = first_in_blk;
	} else
		GET_USHORT(temp_ushort, &left_ptr->rsiz);
		del_ptr = (rec_hdr_ptr_t)((bytptr)left_ptr + temp_ushort);
		if ((bytptr)del_ptr <= (bytptr)(left_ptr + 1)  ||  (bytptr)del_ptr > (bytptr)right_ptr)
			assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
			return cdb_sc_rmisalign;
	if ((bytptr)del_ptr == (bytptr)right_ptr)
		return cdb_sc_normal;
	lmatch = low.match;
	rmatch = high.match;
	if (level)
		for (rp = del_ptr ;  rp < right_ptr ;  rp = rp1)
			GET_USHORT(temp_ushort, &rp->rsiz);
			rp1 = (rec_hdr_ptr_t)((bytptr)rp + temp_ushort);
			if (((bytptr)rp1 < (bytptr)(rp + 1) + SIZEOF(block_id)) ||
				((bytptr)rp1 < buffer) || ((bytptr)rp1 > (buffer + blk_size)))
				assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
				return cdb_sc_rmisalign;
			GET_LONG(temp_long, ((bytptr)rp1 - SIZEOF(block_id)));
			if (dollar_tlevel)
				chain1 = *(off_chain *)&temp_long;
				if ((1 == chain1.flag) && ((int)chain1.cw_index >= sgm_info_ptr->cw_set_depth))
					assert(sgm_info_ptr->tp_csa == cs_addrs);
					assert(FALSE == cs_addrs->now_crit);
					return cdb_sc_blknumerr;
			gvcst_delete_blk(temp_long, level - 1, FALSE);
	if (kill_root)
	{	/* create an empty data block */
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
			assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
			return cdb_sc_mkblk;
		new_block_index = t_create(blk, (uchar_ptr_t)bs1, 0, 0, 0);
		/* create index block */
		BLK_ADDR(new_rec_hdr, SIZEOF(rec_hdr), rec_hdr);
		new_rec_hdr->rsiz = SIZEOF(rec_hdr) + SIZEOF(block_id);
		SET_CMPC(new_rec_hdr, 0);
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (bytptr)new_rec_hdr, SIZEOF(rec_hdr));
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (bytptr)&zeroes, SIZEOF(block_id));
		if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
			assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
			return cdb_sc_mkblk;
		cse = t_write(blkhist, (unsigned char *)bs1, SIZEOF(blk_hdr) + SIZEOF(rec_hdr), new_block_index, 1,
		assert(!dollar_tlevel || !cse->high_tlevel);
		*cseptr = cse;
		if (NULL != cse)
			cse->first_off = 0;
		return cdb_sc_normal;
	next_rec_shrink = (int)(old_blk_hdr->bsiz + ((bytptr)del_ptr - (bytptr)right_ptr));
	if (SIZEOF(blk_hdr) >= next_rec_shrink)
		assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
		return cdb_sc_rmisalign;
	if ((bytptr)right_ptr == (bytptr)top_of_block)
		if (level)
			GET_USHORT(temp_ushort, &left_ptr->rsiz);
			next_rec_shrink += SIZEOF(rec_hdr) + SIZEOF(block_id) - temp_ushort;
	} else
		targ_base = (rmatch < lmatch) ? rmatch : lmatch;
		prev_len = 0;
		if (right_extra)
			EVAL_CMPC2(right_prev_ptr, tmp_cmpc);
			targ_len = tmp_cmpc - targ_base;
			if (targ_len < 0)
				targ_len = 0;
			temp_int = tmp_cmpc - EVAL_CMPC(right_ptr);
			if (0 >= temp_int)
				prev_len = - temp_int;
				if (temp_int < targ_len)
					targ_len -= temp_int;
					targ_len = 0;
		} else
			targ_len = EVAL_CMPC(right_ptr) - targ_base;
			if (targ_len < 0)
				targ_len = 0;
		next_rec_shrink += targ_len + prev_len;
	BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
	first_copy = TRUE;
	blkseglen = (int)((bytptr)del_ptr - (bytptr)first_in_blk);
	if (0 < blkseglen)
		if (((bytptr)right_ptr != (bytptr)top_of_block)  ||  (0 == level))
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (bytptr)first_in_blk, blkseglen);
			first_copy = FALSE;
		} else
			blkseglen = (int)((bytptr)left_ptr - (bytptr)first_in_blk);
			if (0 < blkseglen)
				BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (bytptr)first_in_blk, blkseglen);
				first_copy = FALSE;
			BLK_ADDR(star_rec_hdr, SIZEOF(rec_hdr), rec_hdr);
			SET_CMPC(star_rec_hdr, 0);
			star_rec_hdr->rsiz = (unsigned short)(SIZEOF(rec_hdr) + SIZEOF(block_id));
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (bytptr)star_rec_hdr, SIZEOF(rec_hdr));
			GET_USHORT(temp_ushort, &left_ptr->rsiz);
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, ((bytptr)left_ptr + temp_ushort - SIZEOF(block_id)), SIZEOF(block_id));
	blkseglen = (int)((bytptr)top_of_block - (bytptr)right_ptr);
	assert(0 <= blkseglen);
	if (0 != blkseglen)
		next_rec_shrink = targ_len + prev_len;
		if (0 >= next_rec_shrink)
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (bytptr)right_ptr, blkseglen);
		} else
			BLK_ADDR(new_rec_hdr, SIZEOF(rec_hdr), rec_hdr);
			SET_CMPC(new_rec_hdr, EVAL_CMPC(right_ptr) - next_rec_shrink);
			GET_USHORT(temp_ushort, &right_ptr->rsiz);
			new_rec_hdr->rsiz = temp_ushort + next_rec_shrink;
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (bytptr)new_rec_hdr, SIZEOF(rec_hdr));
			if (targ_len)
				BLK_ADDR(skb, targ_len, unsigned char);
				memcpy(skb, &search_key->base[targ_base], targ_len);
				BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, skb, targ_len);
			if (prev_len)
				BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (bytptr)(right_prev_ptr + 1) , prev_len);
			right_bytptr = (bytptr)(right_ptr + 1);
			blkseglen = (int)((bytptr)top_of_block - right_bytptr);
			if (0 < blkseglen)
				BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, right_bytptr, blkseglen);
			} else
				assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
				return cdb_sc_rmisalign;
	if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
		assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
		return cdb_sc_mkblk;
	cse = t_write(blkhist, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, level, first_copy, TRUE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
	assert(!dollar_tlevel || !cse->high_tlevel);
	*cseptr = cse;
	if (horiz_growth)
		old_cse = cse->low_tlevel;
		assert(old_cse && old_cse->done);
		assert(2 == (SIZEOF(old_cse->undo_offset) / SIZEOF(old_cse->undo_offset[0])));
		assert(2 == (SIZEOF(old_cse->undo_next_off) / SIZEOF(old_cse->undo_next_off[0])));
		assert(!old_cse->undo_next_off[0] && !old_cse->undo_offset[0]);
		assert(!old_cse->undo_next_off[1] && !old_cse->undo_offset[1]);
        if ((NULL != cse)  &&  (0 != cse->first_off))
	{	/* fix up chains in the block to account for deleted records */
		prev = NULL;
		curr = buffer + cse->first_off;
		GET_LONGP(&curr_chain, curr);
		while (curr < (bytptr)del_ptr)
		{	/* follow chain to first deleted record */
			if (0 == curr_chain.next_off)
			if (right_ptr == top_of_block  &&  (bytptr)del_ptr - curr == SIZEOF(off_chain))
				break;	/* special case described below: stop just before the first deleted record */
			prev = curr;
			curr += curr_chain.next_off;
			GET_LONGP(&curr_chain, curr);
		if (right_ptr == top_of_block  &&  (bytptr)del_ptr - curr == SIZEOF(off_chain))
			/* if the right side of the block is gone and our last chain is in the last record,
			 * terminate the chain and adjust the previous entry to point at the new *-key
			 * NOTE: this assumes there's NEVER a TP delete of records in the GVT
			assert(0 != level);
			/* store next_off in old_cse before actually changing it in the buffer(for rolling back) */
			if (horiz_growth)
				old_cse->undo_next_off[0] = curr_chain.next_off;
				old_cse->undo_offset[0] = (block_offset)(curr - buffer);
			curr_chain.next_off = 0;
			GET_LONGP(curr, &curr_chain);
			if (NULL != prev)
			{	/* adjust previous chain next_off to reflect the fact that the record it refers to is now a *-key */
				GET_LONGP(&prev_chain, prev);
				/* store next_off in old_cse before actually changing it in the buffer(for rolling back) */
				if (horiz_growth)
					old_cse->undo_next_off[1] = prev_chain.next_off;
					old_cse->undo_offset[1] = (block_offset)(prev - buffer);
				prev_chain.next_off = (unsigned int)((bytptr)left_ptr - prev + (unsigned int)(SIZEOF(rec_hdr)));
				GET_LONGP(prev, &prev_chain);
			} else	/* it's the first (and only) one */
				cse->first_off = (block_offset)((bytptr)left_ptr - buffer + SIZEOF(rec_hdr));
		} else if (curr >= (bytptr)del_ptr)
		{	/* may be more records on the right that aren't deleted */
			while (curr < (bytptr)right_ptr)
			{	/* follow chain past last deleted record */
				if (0 == curr_chain.next_off)
				curr += curr_chain.next_off;
				GET_LONGP(&curr_chain, curr);
			/* prev :   ptr to chain record immediately preceding the deleted area,
			 *	    or 0 if none.
			 * curr :   ptr to chain record immediately following the deleted area,
			 *	    or to last chain record.
			if (curr < (bytptr)right_ptr)
			{	/* the former end of the chain is going, going, gone */
				if (NULL != prev)
				{	/* terminate the chain before the delete */
					GET_LONGP(&prev_chain, prev);
					/* store next_off in old_cse before actually changing it in the buffer(for rolling back) */
					if (horiz_growth)
						old_cse->undo_next_off[0] = prev_chain.next_off;
						old_cse->undo_offset[0] = (block_offset)(prev - buffer);
					prev_chain.next_off = 0;
					GET_LONGP(prev, &prev_chain);
				} else
					cse->first_off = 0;		/* the whole chain is gone */
			} else
			{	/* stitch up the left and right to account for the hole in the middle */
				/* next_rec_shrink is the change in record size due to the new compression count */
				if (NULL != prev)
					GET_LONGP(&prev_chain, prev);
					/* ??? new compression may be less (ie +) so why are negative shrinks ignored? */
					/* store next_off in old_cse before actually changing it in the buffer(for rolling back) */
					if (horiz_growth)
						old_cse->undo_next_off[0] = prev_chain.next_off;
						old_cse->undo_offset[0] = (block_offset)(prev - buffer);
					prev_chain.next_off = (unsigned int)(curr - prev - ((bytptr)right_ptr - (bytptr)del_ptr)
						+ (next_rec_shrink > 0 ? next_rec_shrink : 0));
					GET_LONGP(prev, &prev_chain);
				} else	/* curr remains first: adjust the head */
					cse->first_off = (block_offset)(curr - buffer - ((bytptr)right_ptr - (bytptr)del_ptr)
						+ (next_rec_shrink > 0 ? next_rec_shrink : 0));
	horiz_growth = FALSE;
	return cdb_sc_normal;
Exemplo n.º 12
void dse_chng_bhead(void)
	block_id	blk;
	block_id	*blkid_ptr;
	sgm_info	*dummysi = NULL;
	int4		x;
	cache_rec_ptr_t	cr;
	uchar_ptr_t	bp;
	sm_uc_ptr_t	blkBase;
	blk_hdr		new_hdr;
	blk_segment	*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	cw_set_element  *cse;
	int4		blk_seg_cnt, blk_size;	/* needed for BLK_INIT,BLK_SEG and BLK_FINI macros */
	bool		ismap;
	bool		chng_blk;
	uint4		mapsize;
	uint4           jnl_status;


        if (gv_cur_region->read_only)
                rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
	/* reset new block mechanism */
	update_array_ptr = update_array;
	chng_blk = FALSE;
	if (cli_present("BLOCK") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_hex("BLOCK",&blk))
		if (blk < 0 || blk > cs_addrs->ti->total_blks)
		{	util_out_print("Error: invalid block number.",TRUE);
		patch_curr_blk = blk;
	blk_size = cs_addrs->hdr->blk_size;
	ismap = (patch_curr_blk / cs_addrs->hdr->bplmap * cs_addrs->hdr->bplmap == patch_curr_blk);
	mapsize = BM_SIZE(cs_addrs->hdr->bplmap);

	t_begin_crit (ERR_DSEFAIL);
	if (!(bp = t_qread (patch_curr_blk,&dummy_hist.h[0].cycle,&dummy_hist.h[0].cr)))
	new_hdr = *(blk_hdr_ptr_t)bp;

	if (cli_present("LEVEL") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_num("LEVEL",&x))
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		if (ismap && (unsigned char)x != LCL_MAP_LEVL)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid level for a bit map block.",TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		if (!ismap && (x < 0 || x > MAX_BT_DEPTH + 1))
			util_out_print("Error: invalid level.",TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
	 	new_hdr.levl = (unsigned char)x;

		chng_blk = TRUE;
		if (new_hdr.bsiz < sizeof(blk_hdr))
			new_hdr.bsiz = sizeof(blk_hdr);
		if (new_hdr.bsiz  > blk_size)
			new_hdr.bsiz = blk_size;
	if (cli_present("BSIZ") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_hex("BSIZ",&x))
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		if (ismap && x != mapsize)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid bsiz.",TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		else if (x < sizeof(blk_hdr) || x > blk_size)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid bsiz.",TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		chng_blk = TRUE;
		new_hdr.bsiz = x;
	if (!chng_blk)
		t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, bp + sizeof(new_hdr), new_hdr.bsiz - sizeof(new_hdr));
		if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
			util_out_print("Error: bad block build.",TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		t_write (patch_curr_blk, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, bp, new_hdr.levl, TRUE, FALSE);
		BUILD_AIMG_IF_JNL_ENABLED(cs_addrs, cs_data, non_tp_jfb_buff_ptr, cse);
		t_end(&dummy_hist, 0);
	if (cli_present("TN") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_hex("TN",&x))
		assert(cs_addrs->ti->early_tn == cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn);
		blkBase = t_qread(patch_curr_blk, &dummy_hist.h[0].cycle, &dummy_hist.h[0].cr);
		if (NULL == blkBase)
			util_out_print("Error: Unable to read buffer.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		/* Create a null update array for a block */
		if (ismap)
			BLK_ADDR(blkid_ptr, sizeof(block_id), block_id);
			*blkid_ptr = 0;
			t_write_map(patch_curr_blk, blkBase, (unsigned char *)blkid_ptr, cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn);
			cr_array_index = 0;
			block_saved = FALSE;
		} else
			BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, bp + sizeof(new_hdr), new_hdr.bsiz - sizeof(new_hdr));
			BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1);
			t_write(patch_curr_blk, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, blkBase,
						((blk_hdr_ptr_t)blkBase)->levl, TRUE, FALSE);
			cr_array_index = 0;
			block_saved = FALSE;
			if (JNL_ENABLED(cs_data))
				JNL_SHORT_TIME(jgbl.gbl_jrec_time);	/* needed for jnl_put_jrt_pini() and jnl_write_aimg_rec() */
				jnl_status = jnl_ensure_open();
				if (0 == jnl_status)
					cse = (cw_set_element *)(&cw_set[0]);
					cse->new_buff = non_tp_jfb_buff_ptr;
					gvcst_blk_build(cse, (uchar_ptr_t)cse->new_buff, x);
					cse->done = TRUE;
					if (0 == cs_addrs->jnl->pini_addr)
					jnl_write_aimg_rec(cs_addrs, cse->blk, (blk_hdr_ptr_t)cse->new_buff);
				} else
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(cs_data), DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
		/* Pass the desired tn "x" as argument to bg_update or mm_update */
		if (dba_bg == cs_addrs->hdr->acc_meth)
			bg_update(cw_set, cw_set + cw_set_depth, cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn, x, dummysi);
			mm_update(cw_set, cw_set + cw_set_depth, cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn, x, dummysi);
		assert(cs_addrs->ti->early_tn == cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn);
		/* the following code is analogous to that in t_end and should be maintained in a similar fashion */
		while (cr_array_index)
			cr_array[--cr_array_index]->in_cw_set = FALSE;
		if (block_saved)
			if (unhandled_stale_timer_pop)
		wcs_timer_start(gv_cur_region, TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 13
void dse_chng_bhead(void)
	blk_hdr			new_hdr;
	blk_segment		*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	block_id		blk;
	boolean_t		chng_blk, ismap, was_hold_onto_crit;
	int4			blk_seg_cnt, blk_size;	/* needed for BLK_INIT,BLK_SEG and BLK_FINI macros */
	int4			x;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
	srch_blk_status		blkhist;
	trans_num		tn;
	uint4			mapsize;

	csa = cs_addrs;
        if (gv_cur_region->read_only)
                rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
	CHECK_AND_RESET_UPDATE_ARRAY;	/* reset update_array_ptr to update_array */
	chng_blk = FALSE;
	if (BADDSEBLK == (blk = dse_getblk("BLOCK", DSEBMLOK, DSEBLKCUR)))		/* WARNING: assignment */
	csd = csa->hdr;
	assert(csd == cs_data);
	blk_size = csd->blk_size;
	ismap = IS_BITMAP_BLK(blk);
	mapsize = BM_SIZE(csd->bplmap);
	blkhist.blk_num = blk;
	if (!(blkhist.buffaddr = t_qread(blkhist.blk_num, &blkhist.cycle, &blkhist.cr)))
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_DSEBLKRDFAIL);
	new_hdr = *(blk_hdr_ptr_t)blkhist.buffaddr;
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("LEVEL"))
		if (!cli_get_hex("LEVEL", (uint4 *)&x))
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		if (ismap && (unsigned char)x != LCL_MAP_LEVL)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid level for a bit map block.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		if (!ismap && (x < 0 || x > MAX_BT_DEPTH + 1))
			util_out_print("Error: invalid level.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		new_hdr.levl = (unsigned char)x;
		chng_blk = TRUE;
		if (new_hdr.bsiz < SIZEOF(blk_hdr))
			new_hdr.bsiz = SIZEOF(blk_hdr);
		if (new_hdr.bsiz  > blk_size)
			new_hdr.bsiz = blk_size;
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("BSIZ"))
		if (!cli_get_hex("BSIZ", (uint4 *)&x))
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		if (ismap && x != mapsize)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid bsiz.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		} else if (x < SIZEOF(blk_hdr) || x > blk_size)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid bsiz.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		chng_blk = TRUE;
		new_hdr.bsiz = x;
	if (!chng_blk)
		t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, blkhist.buffaddr + SIZEOF(new_hdr), new_hdr.bsiz - SIZEOF(new_hdr));
		if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_AIMGBLKFAIL, 3, blk, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		t_write(&blkhist, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, new_hdr.levl, TRUE, FALSE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
		BUILD_AIMG_IF_JNL_ENABLED(csd, csa->ti->curr_tn);
		t_end(&dummy_hist, NULL, TN_NOT_SPECIFIED);
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("TN"))
		if (!cli_get_hex64("TN", &tn))
		CHECK_TN(csa, csd, csd->trans_hist.curr_tn);	/* can issue rts_error TNTOOLARGE */
		assert(csa->ti->early_tn == csa->ti->curr_tn);
		if (NULL == (blkhist.buffaddr = t_qread(blkhist.blk_num, &blkhist.cycle, &blkhist.cr)))
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_DSEBLKRDFAIL);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		if (new_hdr.bsiz < SIZEOF(blk_hdr))
			new_hdr.bsiz = SIZEOF(blk_hdr);
		if (new_hdr.bsiz  > blk_size)
			new_hdr.bsiz = blk_size;
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, blkhist.buffaddr + SIZEOF(new_hdr), new_hdr.bsiz - SIZEOF(new_hdr));
		BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1);
		t_write(&blkhist, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0,
			((blk_hdr_ptr_t)blkhist.buffaddr)->levl, TRUE, FALSE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
		/* Pass the desired tn as argument to bg_update/mm_update below */
Exemplo n.º 14
void t_print_Ch(char argument) {
	t_write(&argument, 1, 0x08);
Exemplo n.º 15
void dse_chng_bhead(void)
	block_id		blk;
	int4			x;
	trans_num		tn;
	cache_rec_ptr_t		cr;
	blk_hdr			new_hdr;
	blk_segment		*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	int4			blk_seg_cnt, blk_size;	/* needed for BLK_INIT,BLK_SEG and BLK_FINI macros */
	boolean_t		ismap;
	boolean_t		chng_blk;
	boolean_t		was_crit;
	boolean_t		was_hold_onto_crit;
	uint4			mapsize;
	srch_blk_status		blkhist;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
#	ifdef GTM_CRYPT
	int			req_enc_blk_size;
	int			crypt_status;
	blk_hdr_ptr_t		bp, save_bp, save_old_block;
#	endif


        if (gv_cur_region->read_only)
                rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
	CHECK_AND_RESET_UPDATE_ARRAY;	/* reset update_array_ptr to update_array */
	chng_blk = FALSE;
	csa = cs_addrs;
	if (cli_present("BLOCK") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_hex("BLOCK", (uint4 *)&blk))
		if (blk < 0 || blk > csa->ti->total_blks)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid block number.", TRUE);
		patch_curr_blk = blk;
	csd = csa->hdr;
	assert(csd == cs_data);
	blk_size = csd->blk_size;
	ismap = (patch_curr_blk / csd->bplmap * csd->bplmap == patch_curr_blk);
	mapsize = BM_SIZE(csd->bplmap);

	blkhist.blk_num = patch_curr_blk;
	if (!(blkhist.buffaddr = t_qread(blkhist.blk_num, &blkhist.cycle, &blkhist.cr)))
	new_hdr = *(blk_hdr_ptr_t)blkhist.buffaddr;

	if (cli_present("LEVEL") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_hex("LEVEL", (uint4 *)&x))
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		if (ismap && (unsigned char)x != LCL_MAP_LEVL)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid level for a bit map block.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		if (!ismap && (x < 0 || x > MAX_BT_DEPTH + 1))
			util_out_print("Error: invalid level.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
	 	new_hdr.levl = (unsigned char)x;

		chng_blk = TRUE;
		if (new_hdr.bsiz < SIZEOF(blk_hdr))
			new_hdr.bsiz = SIZEOF(blk_hdr);
		if (new_hdr.bsiz  > blk_size)
			new_hdr.bsiz = blk_size;
	if (cli_present("BSIZ") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_hex("BSIZ", (uint4 *)&x))
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		if (ismap && x != mapsize)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid bsiz.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		} else if (x < SIZEOF(blk_hdr) || x > blk_size)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid bsiz.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		chng_blk = TRUE;
		new_hdr.bsiz = x;
	if (!chng_blk)
		t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, blkhist.buffaddr + SIZEOF(new_hdr), new_hdr.bsiz - SIZEOF(new_hdr));
		if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
			util_out_print("Error: bad block build.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		t_write(&blkhist, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, new_hdr.levl, TRUE, FALSE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
		BUILD_AIMG_IF_JNL_ENABLED(csd, non_tp_jfb_buff_ptr, csa->ti->curr_tn);
		t_end(&dummy_hist, NULL, TN_NOT_SPECIFIED);
	if (cli_present("TN") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_hex64("TN", &tn))
		was_crit = csa->now_crit;
		CHECK_TN(csa, csd, csd->trans_hist.curr_tn);	/* can issue rts_error TNTOOLARGE */
		assert(csa->ti->early_tn == csa->ti->curr_tn);
		if (NULL == (blkhist.buffaddr = t_qread(blkhist.blk_num, &blkhist.cycle, &blkhist.cr)))
			util_out_print("Error: Unable to read buffer.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		if (new_hdr.bsiz < SIZEOF(blk_hdr))
			new_hdr.bsiz = SIZEOF(blk_hdr);
		if (new_hdr.bsiz  > blk_size)
			new_hdr.bsiz = blk_size;
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, blkhist.buffaddr + SIZEOF(new_hdr), new_hdr.bsiz - SIZEOF(new_hdr));
		BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1);
		t_write(&blkhist, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0,
			((blk_hdr_ptr_t)blkhist.buffaddr)->levl, TRUE, FALSE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
		/* Pass the desired tn as argument to bg_update/mm_update below */
		BUILD_AIMG_IF_JNL_ENABLED(csd, non_tp_jfb_buff_ptr, tn);
		was_hold_onto_crit = csa->hold_onto_crit;
		csa->hold_onto_crit = TRUE;
		t_end(&dummy_hist, NULL, tn);
#		ifdef GTM_CRYPT
		if (csd->is_encrypted && (tn < csa->ti->curr_tn))
		{	/* BG and db encryption is enabled and the DSE update caused the block-header to potentially have a tn
			 * that is LESS than what it had before. At this point, the global buffer (corresponding to blkhist.blk_num)
			 * reflects the contents of the block AFTER the dse update (bg_update would have touched this) whereas
			 * the corresponding encryption global buffer reflects the contents of the block BEFORE the update.
			 * Normally wcs_wtstart takes care of propagating the tn update from the regular global buffer to the
			 * corresponding encryption buffer. But if before it gets a chance, let us say a process goes to t_end
			 * as part of a subsequent transaction and updates this same block. Since the  blk-hdr-tn potentially
			 * decreased, it is possible that the PBLK writing check (comparing blk-hdr-tn with the epoch_tn) decides
			 * to write a PBLK for this block (even though a PBLK was already written for this block as part of a
			 * previous DSE CHANGE -BL -TN in the same epoch). In this case, since the db is encrypted, the logic
			 * will assume there were no updates to this block since the last time wcs_wtstart updated the encryption
			 * buffer and therefore use that to write the pblk, which is incorrect since it does not yet contain the
			 * tn update. The consequence of this is would be writing an older before-image PBLK) record to the
			 * journal file. To prevent this situation, we update the encryption buffer here (before releasing crit)
			 * using logic like that in wcs_wtstart to ensure it is in sync with the regular global buffer.
			 * Note:
			 * Although we use cw_set[0] to access the global buffer corresponding to the block number being updated,
			 * cw_set_depth at this point is 0 because t_end resets it. This is considered safe since cw_set is a
			 * static array (as opposed to malloc'ed memory) and hence is always available and valid until it gets
			 * overwritten by subsequent updates.
			bp = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)GDS_ANY_REL2ABS(csa, cw_set[0].cr->buffaddr);
			DBG_ENSURE_PTR_IS_VALID_GLOBUFF(csa, csd, (sm_uc_ptr_t)bp);
			save_bp = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)GDS_ANY_ENCRYPTGLOBUF(bp, csa);
			DBG_ENSURE_PTR_IS_VALID_ENCTWINGLOBUFF(csa, csd, (sm_uc_ptr_t)save_bp);
			assert((bp->bsiz <= csd->blk_size) && (bp->bsiz >= SIZEOF(*bp)));
			req_enc_blk_size = MIN(csd->blk_size, bp->bsiz) - SIZEOF(*bp);
			if (BLK_NEEDS_ENCRYPTION(bp->levl, req_enc_blk_size))
				memcpy(save_bp, bp, SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
				GTMCRYPT_ENCODE_FAST(csa->encr_key_handle, (char *)(bp + 1), req_enc_blk_size,
					(char *)(save_bp + 1), crypt_status);
				if (0 != crypt_status)
					GC_GTM_PUTMSG(crypt_status, gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->fname);
			} else
				memcpy(save_bp, bp, bp->bsiz);
#		endif
		if (!was_hold_onto_crit)
			csa->hold_onto_crit = FALSE;
		if (!was_crit)
		if (unhandled_stale_timer_pop)
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: zinit.c Projeto: E-LLP/VICAR
    struct LARGE_PARBLK *block,         /* out: parameter block         */
    struct	PARBLK	*block,		/* out: parameter block		*/
    FUNINT		mode		/* in: mode: P_ABORT or P_CONT  */

    IMPORT  FILE	*stdo_file;	/* pointer to stdout file	*/
    IMPORT  BOOL	term_std;	/* true if terminal is stdout   */
    IMPORT  CODE	applic_type;	/* application type ('c')	*/
    IMPORT  TEXT	pm_type[], pk_type[];
    struct VARIABLE	*v;
    CODE		termtype;
    COUNT		termlines;
    COUNT		termcols;
    TEXT		msgbuf[STRINGSIZ+1];
    TEXT		**stdr_ptr = 0;	/* stdrec string vector pointer	*/
    COUNT		len;
    CODE		code;
    TEXT		filemode[2];	/* create or append		*/
    FILE		*stdo_ptr;

    t_init(&termlines, &termcols, &termtype);	/* initialize terminal pkg */
    code = p_inim((struct PARBLK *)block, sizeof(struct LARGE_PARBLK), mode);    
    code = p_inim(block, sizeof(struct PARBLK), mode);	
                                                /* receive parblk from TM  */
    if (code != SUCCESS)
	return (NULL);
    z_call ((struct PARBLK *)block);		/* application init	   */

    v = p_find ((struct PARBLK *)block, "_STDOUT");  /* get the string	*/	
    if ((*v).v_type != V_STRING)
      x_error ((*block).mode, pm_type, pk_type, (uintptr_t) "_STDOUT", 0, 0);
	stdr_ptr = (TEXT **) (*v).v_cvp;	/* get value pointer	*/
    term_std = (s_equal(TERMINAL, stdr_ptr[0]));   /* filename = terminal ? */
#ifdef VAX_VMS
    if (s_equal("SYS$OUTPUT:.;", stdr_ptr[0]))  /* alternate form of terminal */
        term_std = TRUE;
    s_copy("w", filemode);			/* assume create	    */
    if (!s_equal(stdr_ptr[1] , "CREATE"))
	s_copy("a", filemode);
#ifdef UNIX
    s_lower(stdr_ptr[0]);			/* make file name lower case */
    stdo_ptr = fopen(stdr_ptr[0], filemode);    	/* open the file */
    if (stdo_ptr == NULL)
	if (mode == P_ABORT)
	    len = s_copy("Could not open standard output file ", msgbuf);
	    s_bcopy(stdr_ptr[0], &msgbuf[len], STRINGSIZ);
	    t_write(msgbuf, T_STDCC);			/* errmsg to terminal*/
	    z_exit(-1, "TAE-STDOPEN");			/* set SFI, SKEY     */
	stdo_ptr = stdout;	/* Allow running with no terminal! */
				/* (without triggering shell-vicar) */
	stdo_file = stdo_ptr;			/* save stdout ptr globally */
    applic_type = C_TYPE;			/* 'c' language application */
    return (stdo_ptr);
Exemplo n.º 17
void dse_maps(void)
	block_id		blk, bml_blk;
	blk_segment		*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	int4			blk_seg_cnt, blk_size;		/* needed for BLK_INIT, BLK_SEG and BLK_FINI macros */
	sm_uc_ptr_t		bp;
	char			util_buff[MAX_UTIL_LEN];
	int4			bml_size, bml_list_size, blk_index, bml_index;
	int4			total_blks, blks_in_bitmap;
	int4			bplmap, dummy_int;
	unsigned char		*bml_list;
	cache_rec_ptr_t		cr, dummy_cr;
	bt_rec_ptr_t		btr;
	int			util_len;
	uchar_ptr_t		blk_ptr;
	boolean_t		was_crit;
	uint4			jnl_status;
	srch_blk_status		blkhist;
	jnl_private_control	*jpc;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbp;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;

	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("BUSY") || CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("FREE") ||
		CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("MASTER") || CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("RESTORE_ALL"))
	if (gv_cur_region->read_only)
		rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
	CHECK_AND_RESET_UPDATE_ARRAY;	/* reset update_array_ptr to update_array */
	csa = cs_addrs;
	assert(&FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region)->s_addrs == csa);
	was_crit = csa->now_crit;
	if (csa->critical)
		crash_count = csa->critical->crashcnt;
	csd = csa->hdr;
	bplmap = csd->bplmap;
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("BLOCK"))
		if (!cli_get_hex("BLOCK", (uint4 *)&blk))
		if (blk < 0 || blk >= csa->ti->total_blks)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid block number.", TRUE);
		patch_curr_blk = blk;
		blk = patch_curr_blk;
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("FREE"))
		if (0 == bplmap)
			util_out_print("Cannot perform map updates:  bplmap field of file header is zero.", TRUE);
		if (blk / bplmap * bplmap == blk)
			util_out_print("Cannot perform action on a map block.", TRUE);
		bml_blk = blk / bplmap * bplmap;
		bm_setmap(bml_blk, blk, FALSE);
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("BUSY"))
		if (0 == bplmap)
			util_out_print("Cannot perform map updates:  bplmap field of file header is zero.", TRUE);
		if (blk / bplmap * bplmap == blk)
			util_out_print("Cannot perform action on a map block.", TRUE);
		bml_blk = blk / bplmap * bplmap;
		bm_setmap(bml_blk, blk, TRUE);
	blk_size = csd->blk_size;
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("MASTER"))
		if (0 == bplmap)
			util_out_print("Cannot perform maps updates:  bplmap field of file header is zero.", TRUE);
		if (!was_crit)
		bml_blk = blk / bplmap * bplmap;
		if (dba_mm == csd->acc_meth)
			bp = MM_BASE_ADDR(csa) + (off_t)bml_blk * blk_size;
			assert(dba_bg == csd->acc_meth);
			if (!(bp = t_qread(bml_blk, &dummy_int, &dummy_cr)))
		if ((csa->ti->total_blks / bplmap) * bplmap == bml_blk)
			total_blks = (csa->ti->total_blks - bml_blk);
			total_blks = bplmap;
		if (NO_FREE_SPACE == bml_find_free(0, bp + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), total_blks))
			bit_clear(bml_blk / bplmap, csa->bmm);
			bit_set(bml_blk / bplmap, csa->bmm);
		if (bml_blk > csa->nl->highest_lbm_blk_changed)
			csa->nl->highest_lbm_blk_changed = bml_blk;
		if (!was_crit)
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("RESTORE_ALL"))
		if (0 == bplmap)
			util_out_print("Cannot perform maps updates:  bplmap field of file header is zero.", TRUE);
		total_blks = csa->ti->total_blks;
		assert(ROUND_DOWN2(blk_size, 2 * SIZEOF(int4)) == blk_size);
		bml_size = BM_SIZE(bplmap);
		bml_list_size = (total_blks + bplmap - 1) / bplmap * bml_size;
		bml_list = (unsigned char *)malloc(bml_list_size);
		for (blk_index = 0, bml_index = 0;  blk_index < total_blks; blk_index += bplmap, bml_index++)
			bml_newmap((blk_hdr_ptr_t)(bml_list + bml_index * bml_size), bml_size, csa->ti->curr_tn);
		if (!was_crit)
			csa->hold_onto_crit = TRUE;	/* need to do this AFTER grab_crit */
		blk = get_dir_root();
		assert(blk < bplmap);
		csa->ti->free_blocks = total_blks - DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_blks, bplmap);
		bml_busy(blk, bml_list + SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
		csa->ti->free_blocks =  csa->ti->free_blocks - 1;
		dse_m_rest(blk, bml_list, bml_size, &csa->ti->free_blocks, TRUE);
		for (blk_index = 0, bml_index = 0;  blk_index < total_blks; blk_index += bplmap, bml_index++)
			CHECK_TN(csa, csd, csd->trans_hist.curr_tn);	/* can issue rts_error TNTOOLARGE */
			CHECK_AND_RESET_UPDATE_ARRAY;	/* reset update_array_ptr to update_array */
			assert(csa->ti->early_tn == csa->ti->curr_tn);
			blk_ptr = bml_list + bml_index * bml_size;
			blkhist.blk_num = blk_index;
			if (!(blkhist.buffaddr = t_qread(blkhist.blk_num, &blkhist.cycle, &blkhist.cr)))
			BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, blk_ptr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), bml_size - SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
			BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1);
			t_write(&blkhist, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, LCL_MAP_LEVL, TRUE, FALSE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
			BUILD_AIMG_IF_JNL_ENABLED(csd, csa->ti->curr_tn);
			t_end(&dummy_hist, NULL, csa->ti->curr_tn);
		/* Fill in master map */
		for (blk_index = 0, bml_index = 0;  blk_index < total_blks; blk_index += bplmap, bml_index++)
			blks_in_bitmap = (blk_index + bplmap <= total_blks) ? bplmap : total_blks - blk_index;
			assert(1 < blks_in_bitmap);	/* the last valid block in the database should never be a bitmap block */
			if (NO_FREE_SPACE != bml_find_free(0, (bml_list + bml_index * bml_size) + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), blks_in_bitmap))
				bit_set(blk_index / bplmap, csa->bmm);
				bit_clear(blk_index / bplmap, csa->bmm);
			if (blk_index > csa->nl->highest_lbm_blk_changed)
				csa->nl->highest_lbm_blk_changed = blk_index;
		if (!was_crit)
			csa->hold_onto_crit = FALSE;	/* need to do this before the rel_crit */
		if (unhandled_stale_timer_pop)
		csd->kill_in_prog = csd->abandoned_kills = 0;
	MEMCPY_LIT(util_buff, "!/Block ");
	util_len = SIZEOF("!/Block ") - 1;
	util_len += i2hex_nofill(blk, (uchar_ptr_t)&util_buff[util_len], 8);
	memcpy(&util_buff[util_len], " is marked !AD in its local bit map.!/",
		SIZEOF(" is marked !AD in its local bit map.!/") - 1);
	util_len += SIZEOF(" is marked !AD in its local bit map.!/") - 1;
	util_buff[util_len] = 0;
	if (!was_crit)
	util_out_print(util_buff, TRUE, 4, dse_is_blk_free(blk, &dummy_int, &dummy_cr) ? "free" : "busy");
	if (!was_crit)
Exemplo n.º 18
Input Parameters:
	level: level of working block
	dest_blk_id: last destination used for swap
Output Parameters:
	kill_set_ptr: Kill set to be freed
	*exclude_glist_ptr: List of globals not to be moved for a swap destination
Input/Output Parameters:
	gv_target : as working block's history
	reorg_gv_target->hist : as desitnitions block's history
enum cdb_sc mu_swap_blk(int level, block_id *pdest_blk_id, kill_set *kill_set_ptr, glist *exclude_glist_ptr)
	unsigned char		x_blk_lmap;
	unsigned short		temp_ushort;
	int			rec_size1, rec_size2;
	int			wlevel, nslevel, dest_blk_level;
	int			piece_len1, piece_len2, first_offset, second_offset,
				work_blk_size, work_parent_size, dest_blk_size, dest_parent_size;
	int			dest_child_cycle;
	int			blk_seg_cnt, blk_size;
	trans_num		ctn;
	int			key_len, key_len_dir;
	block_id		dest_blk_id, work_blk_id, child1, child2;
	enum cdb_sc		status;
	srch_hist 		*dest_hist_ptr, *dir_hist_ptr;
	cache_rec_ptr_t		dest_child_cr;
	blk_segment		*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	sm_uc_ptr_t		saved_blk, work_blk_ptr, work_parent_ptr, dest_parent_ptr, dest_blk_ptr,
				bn_ptr, bmp_buff, tblk_ptr, rec_base, rPtr1;
	boolean_t		gbl_target_was_set, blk_was_free, deleted;
	gv_namehead		*save_targ;
	srch_blk_status		bmlhist, destblkhist, *hist_ptr;
	unsigned char    	save_cw_set_depth;
	cw_set_element		*tmpcse;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbbp; /* jbbp is non-NULL only if before-image journaling */
	unsigned int		bsiz;

	dest_blk_id = *pdest_blk_id;
	CHECK_AND_RESET_UPDATE_ARRAY;	/* reset update_array_ptr to update_array */
	if (NULL == TREF(gv_reorgkey))
	dest_hist_ptr = &(reorg_gv_target->hist);
	dir_hist_ptr = reorg_gv_target->alt_hist;
	blk_size = cs_data->blk_size;
	work_parent_ptr = gv_target->hist.h[level+1].buffaddr;
	work_parent_size = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)work_parent_ptr)->bsiz;
	work_blk_ptr = gv_target->hist.h[level].buffaddr;
	work_blk_size = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)work_blk_ptr)->bsiz;
	work_blk_id = gv_target->hist.h[level].blk_num;
	if (blk_size < work_blk_size)
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		return cdb_sc_blkmod;
	cws_reorg_remove_index = 0;
	/*===== Infinite loop to find the destination block =====*/
	for ( ; ; )
		blk_was_free = FALSE;
		/* A Pre-order traversal should not cause a child block to go to its parent.
		 * However, in case it happens because already the organization was like that or for any other reason, skip swap.
		 * If we decide to swap, code below should be changed to take care of the special case.
		 * Still a grand-child can go to its grand-parent. This is rare and following code can handle it.
		if (dest_blk_id == gv_target->hist.h[level+1].blk_num)
		if (cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks <= dest_blk_id || dest_blk_id == work_blk_id)
			*pdest_blk_id = dest_blk_id;
			return cdb_sc_oprnotneeded;
		ctn = cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn;
		/* We need to save the block numbers that were NEWLY ADDED (since entering this function "mu_swap_blk")
		 * through the CWS_INSERT macro (in db_csh_get/db_csh_getn which can be called by t_qread or gvcst_search below).
		 * This is so that we can delete these blocks from the "cw_stagnate" hashtable in case we determine the need to
		 * choose a different "dest_blk_id" in this for loop (i.e. come to the next iteration). If these blocks are not
		 * deleted, then the hashtable will keep growing (a good example will be if -EXCLUDE qualifier is specified and
		 * a lot of prospective dest_blk_ids get skipped because they contain EXCLUDEd global variables) and very soon
		 * the hashtable will contain more entries than there are global buffers and at that point db_csh_getn will not
		 * be able to get a free global buffer for a new block (since it checks the "cw_stagnate" hashtable before reusing
		 * a buffer in case of MUPIP REORG). To delete these previous iteration blocks, we use the "cws_reorg_remove_array"
		 * variable. This array should have enough entries to accommodate the maximum number of blocks that can be t_qread
		 * in one iteration down below. And that number is the sum of
		 *	+     MAX_BT_DEPTH : for the t_qread while loop down the tree done below
		 *	+ 2 * MAX_BT_DEPTH : for the two calls to gvcst_search done below
		 *	+ 2                : 1 for the t_qread of dest_blk_id and 1 more for the t_qread of a
		 *			     bitmap block done inside the call to get_lmap below
		 *	= 3 * MAX_BT_DEPTH + 2
		 * To be safe, we give a buffer of MAX_BT_DEPTH elements i.e. (4 * MAX_BT_DEPTH) + 2.
		 * This is defined in the macro CWS_REMOVE_ARRAYSIZE in cws_insert.h
		/* reset whatever blocks the previous iteration of this for loop had filled in the cw_stagnate hashtable */
		for ( ; cws_reorg_remove_index > 0; cws_reorg_remove_index--)
			deleted = delete_hashtab_int4(&cw_stagnate, (uint4 *)&cws_reorg_remove_array[cws_reorg_remove_index]);
		/* read corresponding bitmap block before attempting to read destination  block.
		 * if bitmap indicates block is free, we will not read the destination block
		bmp_buff = get_lmap(dest_blk_id, &x_blk_lmap, (sm_int_ptr_t)&bmlhist.cycle, &bmlhist.cr);
		if (!bmp_buff || BLK_MAPINVALID == x_blk_lmap ||
			((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bmp_buff)->bsiz != BM_SIZE(BLKS_PER_LMAP) ||
			((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bmp_buff)->levl != LCL_MAP_LEVL)
			assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
			return cdb_sc_badbitmap;
		if (BLK_FREE != x_blk_lmap)
		{	/* x_blk_lmap is either BLK_BUSY or BLK_RECYCLED. In either case, we need to read destination block
			 * in case we later detect that the before-image needs to be written.
			if (!(dest_blk_ptr = t_qread(dest_blk_id, (sm_int_ptr_t)&destblkhist.cycle, &destblkhist.cr)))
				assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
				return (enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail;
			destblkhist.blk_num = dest_blk_id;
			destblkhist.buffaddr = dest_blk_ptr;
			destblkhist.level = dest_blk_level = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)dest_blk_ptr)->levl;
		if (BLK_BUSY != x_blk_lmap)
		{	/* x_blk_map is either BLK_FREE or BLK_RECYCLED both of which mean the block is not used in the bitmap */
			blk_was_free = TRUE;
		/* dest_blk_id might contain a *-record only.
		 * So follow the pointer to go to the data/index block, which has a non-* key to search.
		nslevel = dest_blk_level;
		if (MAX_BT_DEPTH <= nslevel)
			assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
			return cdb_sc_maxlvl;
		rec_base = dest_blk_ptr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr);
		GET_RSIZ(rec_size1, rec_base);
		tblk_ptr = dest_blk_ptr;
		while ((BSTAR_REC_SIZE == rec_size1) && (0 != nslevel))
			GET_LONG(child1, (rec_base + SIZEOF(rec_hdr)));
			if (0 == child1 || child1 > cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks - 1)
				assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
				return cdb_sc_rdfail;
			if (!(tblk_ptr = t_qread(child1, (sm_int_ptr_t)&dest_child_cycle, &dest_child_cr)))
				assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
				return (enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail;
			/* leaf of a killed GVT can have block header only.   Skip those blocks */
			if (SIZEOF(blk_hdr) >= ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)tblk_ptr)->bsiz)
			rec_base = tblk_ptr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr);
			GET_RSIZ(rec_size1, rec_base);
		/* leaf of a killed GVT can have block header only.   Skip those blocks */
		if (SIZEOF(blk_hdr) >= ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)tblk_ptr)->bsiz)
		/* get length of global variable name (do not read subscript) for dest_blk_id */
		GET_GBLNAME_LEN(key_len_dir, rec_base + SIZEOF(rec_hdr));
		/* key_len = length of 1st key value (including subscript) for dest_blk_id */
		GET_KEY_LEN(key_len, rec_base + SIZEOF(rec_hdr));
		if ((1 >= key_len_dir || MAX_MIDENT_LEN + 1 < key_len_dir) || (2 >= key_len || MAX_KEY_SZ < key_len))
		{	/* Earlier used to restart here always. But dest_blk_id can be a block,
			 * which is just killed and still marked busy.  Skip it, if we are in last retry.
			if (CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries)
				return cdb_sc_blkmod;
		memcpy(&((TREF(gv_reorgkey))->base[0]), rec_base + SIZEOF(rec_hdr), key_len_dir);
		(TREF(gv_reorgkey))->base[key_len_dir] = 0;
		(TREF(gv_reorgkey))->end = key_len_dir;
		if (exclude_glist_ptr->next)
		{	/* exclude blocks for globals in the list of EXCLUDE option */
			if  (in_exclude_list(&((TREF(gv_reorgkey))->base[0]), key_len_dir - 1, exclude_glist_ptr))
		save_targ = gv_target;
		if (INVALID_GV_TARGET != reset_gv_target)
			gbl_target_was_set = TRUE;
			gbl_target_was_set = FALSE;
			reset_gv_target = save_targ;
		gv_target = reorg_gv_target;
		gv_target->root = cs_addrs->dir_tree->root;
		gv_target->clue.end = 0;
		/* assign Directory tree path to find dest_blk_id in dir_hist_ptr */
		status = gvcst_search(TREF(gv_reorgkey), dir_hist_ptr);
		if (cdb_sc_normal != status)
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			return status;
		if (dir_hist_ptr->h[0].curr_rec.match != (TREF(gv_reorgkey))->end + 1)
		{	/* may be in a kill_set of another process */
		for (wlevel = 0; wlevel <= dir_hist_ptr->depth &&
			dir_hist_ptr->h[wlevel].blk_num != dest_blk_id; wlevel++);
		if (dir_hist_ptr->h[wlevel].blk_num == dest_blk_id)
		{	/* do not swap a dir_tree block */
		/* gv_reorgkey will now have the first key from dest_blk_id,
		 * or, from a descendant of dest_blk_id (in case it had a *-key only).
		memcpy(&((TREF(gv_reorgkey))->base[0]), rec_base + SIZEOF(rec_hdr), key_len);
		(TREF(gv_reorgkey))->end = key_len - 1;
		GET_KEY_LEN(key_len_dir, dir_hist_ptr->h[0].buffaddr + dir_hist_ptr->h[0].curr_rec.offset + SIZEOF(rec_hdr));
		/* Get root of GVT for dest_blk_id */
			dir_hist_ptr->h[0].buffaddr + dir_hist_ptr->h[0].curr_rec.offset + SIZEOF(rec_hdr) + key_len_dir);
		if ((0 == gv_target->root) || (gv_target->root > (cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks - 1)))
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			return cdb_sc_blkmod;
		/* Assign Global Variable Tree path to find dest_blk_id in dest_hist_ptr */
		gv_target->clue.end = 0;
		status = gvcst_search(TREF(gv_reorgkey), dest_hist_ptr);
		if (dest_blk_level >= dest_hist_ptr->depth || /* do not swap in root level */
			dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level].blk_num != dest_blk_id) /* must be in a kill set of another process. */
		if ((cdb_sc_normal != status) || (dest_hist_ptr->h[nslevel].curr_rec.match != ((TREF(gv_reorgkey))->end + 1)))
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			return (cdb_sc_normal != status ? status : cdb_sc_blkmod);
		for (wlevel = nslevel; wlevel <= dest_blk_level; wlevel++)
			dest_hist_ptr->h[wlevel].tn = ctn;
		dest_blk_ptr = dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level].buffaddr;
		dest_blk_size = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)dest_blk_ptr)->bsiz;
		dest_parent_ptr = dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].buffaddr;
		dest_parent_size = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)dest_parent_ptr)->bsiz;
	/*===== End of infinite loop to find the destination block =====*/
	   Now modify blocks for swapping. Maximum of 4 blocks.
	if (!blk_was_free)
	{	/* 1: dest_blk_id into work_blk_id */
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, dest_blk_ptr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), dest_blk_size - SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
		if (!BLK_FINI (bs_ptr,bs1))
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			return cdb_sc_blkmod;
		assert(gv_target->hist.h[level].blk_num == work_blk_id);
		assert(gv_target->hist.h[level].buffaddr == work_blk_ptr);
		t_write(&gv_target->hist.h[level], (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, dest_blk_level, TRUE, TRUE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
	/* 2: work_blk_id into dest_blk_id */
	if (!blk_was_free && work_blk_id == dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].blk_num)
	{	/* work_blk_id will be swapped with its child.
		 * This is the only vertical swap.  Here working block goes to its child.
		 * Working block cannot goto its parent because of traversal
		if (dest_blk_level + 1 != level || dest_parent_size != work_blk_size)
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			return cdb_sc_blkmod;
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_ADDR(saved_blk, dest_parent_size, unsigned char);
		memcpy(saved_blk, dest_parent_ptr, dest_parent_size);
		first_offset = dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].curr_rec.offset;
		GET_RSIZ(rec_size1, saved_blk + first_offset);
		if (work_blk_size < first_offset + rec_size1)
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			return cdb_sc_blkmod;
		piece_len1 =  first_offset + rec_size1;
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, saved_blk + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), piece_len1 - SIZEOF(block_id) - SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
		BLK_ADDR(bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id), unsigned char);
		PUT_LONG(bn_ptr, work_blk_id); /* since work_blk_id will now be the child of dest_blk_id */
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id));
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, saved_blk + piece_len1, dest_parent_size - piece_len1);
		if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			return cdb_sc_blkmod;
		assert(dest_blk_id == dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level].blk_num);
		assert(dest_blk_ptr == dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level].buffaddr);
		t_write(&dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level], (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, level, TRUE, TRUE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
	} else /* free block or, when working block does not move vertically (swap with parent/child) */
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_ADDR(saved_blk, work_blk_size, unsigned char);
		memcpy(saved_blk, work_blk_ptr, work_blk_size);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, saved_blk + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), work_blk_size - SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
		if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			return cdb_sc_blkmod;
		if (blk_was_free)
			tmpcse = &cw_set[cw_set_depth];
			t_create(dest_blk_id, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, level);
			/* Although we invoked t_create, we do not want t_end to allocate the block (i.e. change mode
			 * from gds_t_create to gds_t_acquired). Instead we do that and a little more (that t_end does) all here.
			assert(dest_blk_id == tmpcse->blk);
			tmpcse->mode = gds_t_acquired;
			/* If snapshots are in progress, we might want to read the before images of the FREE blocks also.
			 * Since mu_swap_blk mimics a small part of t_end, it sets cse->mode to gds_t_acquired and hence
			 * will not read the before images of the FREE blocks in t_end. To workaround this, set
			 * cse->was_free to TRUE so that in t_end, this condition can be used to read the before images of
			 * the FREE blocks if needed.
			(BLK_FREE == x_blk_lmap) ? SET_FREE(tmpcse) : SET_NFREE(tmpcse);
			/* No need to write before-image in case the block is FREE. In case the database had never been fully
			 * upgraded from V4 to V5 format (after the MUPIP UPGRADE), all RECYCLED blocks can basically be considered
			 * FREE (i.e. no need to write before-images since backward journal recovery will never be expected
			 * to take the database to a point BEFORE the mupip upgrade).
			if ((BLK_FREE == x_blk_lmap) || !cs_data->db_got_to_v5_once)
				tmpcse->old_block = NULL;
			{	/* Destination is a recycled block that needs a before image */
				tmpcse->old_block = destblkhist.buffaddr;
				/* Record cr,cycle. This is used later in t_end to determine if checksums need to be recomputed */
				tmpcse->cr = destblkhist.cr;
				tmpcse->cycle = destblkhist.cycle;
				jbbp = (JNL_ENABLED(cs_addrs) && cs_addrs->jnl_before_image) ? cs_addrs->jnl->jnl_buff : NULL;
				if ((NULL != jbbp) && (((blk_hdr_ptr_t)tmpcse->old_block)->tn < jbbp->epoch_tn))
				{	/* Compute CHECKSUM for writing PBLK record before getting crit.
					 * It is possible that we are reading a block that is actually marked free in
					 * the bitmap (due to concurrency issues at this point). Therefore we might be
					 * actually reading uninitialized block headers and in turn a bad value of
					 * "old_block->bsiz". Restart if we ever access a buffer whose size is greater
					 * than the db block size.
					bsiz = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)(tmpcse->old_block))->bsiz;
					if (bsiz > blk_size)
						assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
						return cdb_sc_lostbmlcr;
					JNL_GET_CHECKSUM_ACQUIRED_BLK(tmpcse, cs_data, cs_addrs, tmpcse->old_block, bsiz);
			assert(GDSVCURR == tmpcse->ondsk_blkver);	/* should have been set by t_create above */
		} else
			hist_ptr = &dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level];
			assert(dest_blk_id == hist_ptr->blk_num);
			assert(dest_blk_ptr == hist_ptr->buffaddr);
			t_write(hist_ptr, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, level, TRUE, TRUE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
	if (!blk_was_free)
	{	/* 3: Parent of destination block (may be parent of working block too) */
		if (gv_target->hist.h[level+1].blk_num == dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].blk_num)
		{	/* dest parent == work_blk parent */
			BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
			/* Interchange pointer to dest_blk_id and work_blk_id */
			if (level != dest_blk_level ||
				gv_target->hist.h[level+1].curr_rec.offset == dest_hist_ptr->h[level+1].curr_rec.offset)
				assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
				return cdb_sc_blkmod;
			if (gv_target->hist.h[level+1].curr_rec.offset < dest_hist_ptr->h[level+1].curr_rec.offset)
				first_offset = gv_target->hist.h[level+1].curr_rec.offset;
				second_offset = dest_hist_ptr->h[level+1].curr_rec.offset;
			} else
				first_offset = dest_hist_ptr->h[level+1].curr_rec.offset;
				second_offset = gv_target->hist.h[level+1].curr_rec.offset;
			GET_RSIZ(rec_size1, dest_parent_ptr + first_offset);
			GET_RSIZ(rec_size2, dest_parent_ptr + second_offset);
			if (dest_parent_size < first_offset + rec_size1 ||
				dest_parent_size < second_offset + rec_size2 ||
				BSTAR_REC_SIZE >= rec_size1 || BSTAR_REC_SIZE > rec_size2)
				assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
				return cdb_sc_blkmod;
			piece_len1 =  first_offset + rec_size1 - SIZEOF(block_id);
			piece_len2 =  second_offset + rec_size2 - SIZEOF(block_id);
			GET_LONG(child1, dest_parent_ptr + piece_len1);
			GET_LONG(child2, dest_parent_ptr + piece_len2);
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, dest_parent_ptr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), piece_len1 - SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
			BLK_ADDR(bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id), unsigned char);
			PUT_LONG(bn_ptr, child2);
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id));
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, dest_parent_ptr + first_offset + rec_size1,
				second_offset + rec_size2 - SIZEOF(block_id) - first_offset - rec_size1);
			BLK_ADDR(bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id), unsigned char);
			PUT_LONG(bn_ptr, child1);
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id));
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, dest_parent_ptr + second_offset + rec_size2,
				dest_parent_size - second_offset - rec_size2);
			if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr,bs1))
				assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
				return cdb_sc_blkmod;
			assert(level == dest_blk_level);
			assert(dest_parent_ptr == dest_hist_ptr->h[level+1].buffaddr);
			t_write(&dest_hist_ptr->h[level+1], (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, level+1, FALSE, TRUE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
		} else if (work_blk_id != dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].blk_num)
		{	/* Destination block moved in the position of working block.
			 * So destination block's parent's pointer should be changed to work_blk_id
			BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
			GET_RSIZ(rec_size1, dest_parent_ptr + dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].curr_rec.offset);
			if (dest_parent_size < rec_size1 +  dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].curr_rec.offset ||
				BSTAR_REC_SIZE > rec_size1)
				assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
				return cdb_sc_blkmod;
			BLK_SEG (bs_ptr, dest_parent_ptr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr),
			    dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].curr_rec.offset + rec_size1 - SIZEOF(blk_hdr) - SIZEOF(block_id));
			BLK_ADDR(bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id), unsigned char);
			PUT_LONG(bn_ptr, work_blk_id);
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id));
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, dest_parent_ptr + dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].curr_rec.offset + rec_size1,
				dest_parent_size - dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].curr_rec.offset  - rec_size1);
			if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr,bs1))
				assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
				return cdb_sc_blkmod;
			assert(dest_parent_ptr == dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].buffaddr);
			t_write(&dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1], (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, dest_blk_level+1,
	/* 4: Parent of working block, if different than destination's parent or, destination was a free block */
	if (blk_was_free || gv_target->hist.h[level+1].blk_num != dest_hist_ptr->h[dest_blk_level+1].blk_num)
	{	/* Parent block of working blk should correctly point the working block. Working block went to dest_blk_id  */
		GET_RSIZ(rec_size1, (work_parent_ptr + gv_target->hist.h[level+1].curr_rec.offset));
		if (work_parent_size < rec_size1 +  gv_target->hist.h[level+1].curr_rec.offset || BSTAR_REC_SIZE > rec_size1)
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			return cdb_sc_blkmod;
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, work_parent_ptr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr),
			gv_target->hist.h[level+1].curr_rec.offset + rec_size1 - SIZEOF(blk_hdr) - SIZEOF(block_id));
		BLK_ADDR(bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id), unsigned char);
		PUT_LONG(bn_ptr, dest_blk_id);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id));
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, work_parent_ptr + gv_target->hist.h[level+1].curr_rec.offset + rec_size1,
			work_parent_size - gv_target->hist.h[level+1].curr_rec.offset - rec_size1);
		if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			return cdb_sc_blkmod;
		assert(gv_target->hist.h[level+1].buffaddr == work_parent_ptr);
		t_write(&gv_target->hist.h[level+1], (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, level+1, FALSE, TRUE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
	/* else already taken care of, when dest_blk_id moved */
	if (blk_was_free)
	{	/* A free/recycled block will become busy block.
		 * So the local bitmap must be updated.
		 * Local bit map block will be added in the list of update arrray for concurrency check and
		 * 	also the cw_set element will be created to mark the free/recycled block as free.
		 * kill_set_ptr will save the block which will become free.
		child1 = ROUND_DOWN2(dest_blk_id, BLKS_PER_LMAP); /* bit map block */
		bmlhist.buffaddr = bmp_buff;
		bmlhist.blk_num = child1;
		child1 = dest_blk_id - child1;
		PUT_LONG(update_array_ptr, child1);
		/* Need to put bit maps on the end of the cw set for concurrency checking.
		 * We want to simulate t_write_map, except we want to update "cw_map_depth" instead of "cw_set_depth".
		 * Hence the save and restore logic (for "cw_set_depth") below.
		save_cw_set_depth = cw_set_depth;
		t_write_map(&bmlhist, (uchar_ptr_t)update_array_ptr, ctn, 1);	/* will increment cw_set_depth */
		cw_map_depth = cw_set_depth;		/* set cw_map_depth to the latest cw_set_depth */
		cw_set_depth = save_cw_set_depth;	/* restore cw_set_depth */
		/* t_write_map simulation end */
		update_array_ptr += SIZEOF(block_id);
		child1 = 0;
		PUT_LONG(update_array_ptr, child1);
		update_array_ptr += SIZEOF(block_id);
		assert(1 == cw_set[cw_map_depth - 1].reference_cnt);	/* 1 free block is now becoming BLK_USED in the bitmap */
		/* working block will be removed */
		kill_set_ptr->blk[kill_set_ptr->used].flag = 0;
		kill_set_ptr->blk[kill_set_ptr->used].level = 0;
		kill_set_ptr->blk[kill_set_ptr->used++].block = work_blk_id;
	*pdest_blk_id = dest_blk_id;
	return cdb_sc_normal;
Exemplo n.º 19
void dse_rmrec(void)
	block_id	blk;
	blk_segment	*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	int4		blk_seg_cnt, blk_size, count;
	sm_uc_ptr_t	bp;
	uchar_ptr_t	lbp, b_top, rp, r_top, key_top, rp_base;
	char		cc, comp_key[256], cc_base;
	short int	size, i, rsize;
	cw_set_element	*cse;

        if (gv_cur_region->read_only)
                rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
	/* reset new block mechanism */
	update_array_ptr = update_array;
	if (cli_present("BLOCK") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if(!cli_get_hex("BLOCK", &blk))
		if (blk < 0 || blk >= cs_addrs->ti->total_blks || !(blk % cs_addrs->hdr->bplmap))
			util_out_print("Error: invalid block number.", TRUE);
		patch_curr_blk = blk;
	if (cli_present("COUNT") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_hex("COUNT", &count) || count < 1)
	} else
		count = 1;
	blk_size = cs_addrs->hdr->blk_size;
	if(!(bp = t_qread(patch_curr_blk, &dummy_hist.h[0].cycle, &dummy_hist.h[0].cr)))
	lbp = (uchar_ptr_t)malloc(blk_size);
	memcpy(lbp, bp, blk_size);

	if (((blk_hdr_ptr_t)lbp)->bsiz > cs_addrs->hdr->blk_size)
		b_top = lbp + cs_addrs->hdr->blk_size;
	else if (((blk_hdr_ptr_t)lbp)->bsiz < sizeof(blk_hdr))
		b_top = lbp + sizeof(blk_hdr);
		b_top = lbp + ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)lbp)->bsiz;
	if (cli_present("RECORD") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!(rp = rp_base = skan_rnum(lbp, FALSE)))
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
	} else if (!(rp = rp_base = skan_offset(lbp, FALSE)))
		t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
	memcpy(&comp_key[0], &patch_comp_key[0], sizeof(patch_comp_key));
	cc_base = patch_comp_count;
	for ( ; ; )
		GET_SHORT(rsize, &((rec_hdr_ptr_t)rp)->rsiz);
		if (rsize < sizeof(rec_hdr))
			r_top = rp + sizeof(rec_hdr);
			r_top = rp + rsize;
		if (r_top >= b_top)
			if (count)
			{	if (((blk_hdr_ptr_t) lbp)->levl)
					util_out_print("Warning:  removed a star record from the end of this block.", TRUE);
				((blk_hdr_ptr_t)lbp)->bsiz = rp_base - lbp;
				BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
				BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (uchar_ptr_t)lbp + sizeof(blk_hdr),
					(int)((blk_hdr_ptr_t)lbp)->bsiz - sizeof(blk_hdr));
				if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
					util_out_print("Error: bad blk build.",TRUE);
					t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
				t_write(patch_curr_blk, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, bp, ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)lbp)->levl, TRUE, FALSE);
				BUILD_AIMG_IF_JNL_ENABLED(cs_addrs, cs_data, non_tp_jfb_buff_ptr, cse);
				t_end(&dummy_hist, 0);
			r_top = b_top;
		if (((blk_hdr_ptr_t)lbp)->levl)
			key_top = r_top - sizeof(block_id);
			for (key_top = rp + sizeof(rec_hdr); key_top < r_top; )
				if (!*key_top++ && !*key_top++)
		if (((rec_hdr_ptr_t)rp)->cmpc > patch_comp_count)
			cc = patch_comp_count;
			cc = ((rec_hdr_ptr_t)rp)->cmpc;
		size = key_top - rp - sizeof(rec_hdr);
		if (size < 0)
			size = 0;
		else if (size > sizeof(patch_comp_key) - 2)
			size = sizeof(patch_comp_key) - 2;
		memcpy(&patch_comp_key[cc], rp + sizeof(rec_hdr), size);
		patch_comp_count = cc + size;
		if (--count >= 0)
			rp = r_top;
		size = (patch_comp_count < cc_base) ? patch_comp_count : cc_base;
		for (i = 0; i < size && patch_comp_key[i] == comp_key[i]; i++)
		((rec_hdr_ptr_t)rp_base)->cmpc = i;
		rsize = r_top - key_top + sizeof(rec_hdr) + patch_comp_count - i;
		PUT_SHORT(&((rec_hdr_ptr_t)rp_base)->rsiz, rsize);
		memcpy(rp_base + sizeof(rec_hdr), &patch_comp_key[i], patch_comp_count - i);
		memcpy(rp_base + sizeof(rec_hdr) + patch_comp_count - i, key_top, b_top - key_top);
		((blk_hdr_ptr_t)lbp)->bsiz = rp_base + rsize - lbp + b_top - r_top;
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (uchar_ptr_t)lbp + sizeof(blk_hdr), ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)lbp)->bsiz - sizeof(blk_hdr));
		if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
			util_out_print("Error: bad blk build.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		t_write(patch_curr_blk, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, bp, ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)lbp)->levl, TRUE, FALSE);
		BUILD_AIMG_IF_JNL_ENABLED(cs_addrs, cs_data, non_tp_jfb_buff_ptr, cse);
		t_end(&dummy_hist, 0);
Exemplo n.º 20
	Input Parameters:
		cur_level: Working block's level
		d_max_fill: Database fill factor
		i_max_fill: Index fill factor
	Output Parameters:
		blks_created: how many new blocks are created
		lvls_increased : How much level is increased
	Input/Output Parameters:
		gv_target: History of working block
	Here it is assumed that i_max_fill or, d_max_fill is strictly less than block size.
		cdb_sc_normal: if successful
		cdb_sc status otherwise
enum cdb_sc mu_split(int cur_level, int i_max_fill, int d_max_fill, int *blks_created, int *lvls_increased)
    boolean_t	first_copy, new_rtblk_star_only, create_root = FALSE, split_required, insert_in_left;
    unsigned char	curr_prev_key[MAX_KEY_SZ+1], new_blk1_last_key[MAX_KEY_SZ+1];
    unsigned short  temp_ushort;
    int		rec_size, new_ins_keycmpc, tkeycmpc, new_ances_currkeycmpc, old_ances_currkeycmpc;
    int		tmp_cmpc;
    block_index	left_index, right_index;
    block_offset 	ins_off, ins_off2;
    int		level;
    int		new_ins_keysz, new_ances_currkeysz, new_blk1_last_keysz, newblk2_first_keysz, next_gv_currkeysz;
    int		old_ances_currkeylen, new_ins_keylen, new_ances_currkeylen, tkeylen, newblk2_first_keylen;
    int		old_blk1_last_rec_size, old_blk1_sz, save_blk_piece_len, old_right_piece_len;
    int		delta, max_fill;
    enum cdb_sc	status;
    int		blk_seg_cnt, blk_size, new_leftblk_top_off;
    block_id	allocation_clue;
    sm_uc_ptr_t 	rPtr1, rPtr2, rec_base, key_base, next_gv_currkey,
                    bn_ptr1, bn_ptr2, save_blk_piece,
                    old_blk_after_currec, ances_currkey,
                    new_blk1_top, new_blk2_top,
                    new_blk2_frec_base, new_blk2_rem,
                    newblk2_first_key, new_ins_key;
    blk_segment     *bs_ptr1, *bs_ptr2;
    cw_set_element  *cse;
    rec_hdr_ptr_t	star_rec_hdr, new_rec_hdr1a, new_rec_hdr1b, new_rec_hdr2, root_hdr;
    blk_hdr_ptr_t	blk_hdr_ptr;

    blk_size = cs_data->blk_size;
    CHECK_AND_RESET_UPDATE_ARRAY;	/* reset update_array_ptr to update_array */

    BLK_ADDR(star_rec_hdr, SIZEOF(rec_hdr), rec_hdr);
    star_rec_hdr->rsiz = BSTAR_REC_SIZE;
    SET_CMPC(star_rec_hdr, 0);
    level = cur_level;
    max_fill = (0 == level)? d_max_fill : i_max_fill;

    /*  -------------------
     *  Split working block.
     *  -------------------
     *  new_blk1_last_key = last key of the new working block after split
     *  new_blk1_last_keysz = size of new_blk1_last_key
     *  old_blk1_last_rec_size = last record size of the new working block after split (for old block)
     *  new_blk2_frec_base = base of first record of right block created after split
     *  newblk2_first_key = first key of new block created after split
     *  newblk2_first_keysz = size of newblk2_first_key
     *  new_blk2_rem = pointer to new block to be created after split exclude 1st record header + key
    blk_hdr_ptr = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)(gv_target->hist.h[level].buffaddr);
    old_blk1_base = (sm_uc_ptr_t)blk_hdr_ptr;
    old_blk1_sz = blk_hdr_ptr->bsiz;
    new_blk2_top = old_blk1_base + old_blk1_sz;
    if (cdb_sc_normal != (status = locate_block_split_point (old_blk1_base, level, old_blk1_sz, max_fill,
                                   &old_blk1_last_rec_size, new_blk1_last_key, &new_blk1_last_keysz, &new_leftblk_top_off)))
        assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
        return cdb_sc_blkmod;
    if (new_leftblk_top_off + BSTAR_REC_SIZE >= old_blk1_sz)
        /* Avoid split to create a small right sibling. Note this should not happen often when tolerance is high */
        return cdb_sc_oprnotneeded;
    old_right_piece_len = old_blk1_sz - new_leftblk_top_off;
    new_blk2_frec_base = old_blk1_base + new_leftblk_top_off;
    BLK_ADDR(newblk2_first_key, gv_cur_region->max_rec_size + 1, unsigned char);
    READ_RECORD(level, new_blk2_frec_base, tkeycmpc, rec_size, newblk2_first_key, newblk2_first_keylen, status);
    if (cdb_sc_normal != status) /* restart for cdb_sc_starrecord too, because we eliminated the possibility already */
        assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
        return cdb_sc_blkmod;
    memcpy(newblk2_first_key, &new_blk1_last_key[0], tkeycmpc); /* copy the compressed key piece */
    new_blk2_rem = new_blk2_frec_base + SIZEOF(rec_hdr) + newblk2_first_keylen;
    newblk2_first_keysz = newblk2_first_keylen + tkeycmpc;

    /* gv_currkey_next_reorg will be saved for next iteration in mu_reorg */
    next_gv_currkey = newblk2_first_key;
    next_gv_currkeysz = newblk2_first_keysz;

    BLK_ADDR(new_rec_hdr1b, SIZEOF(rec_hdr), rec_hdr);
    new_rec_hdr1b->rsiz = rec_size + tkeycmpc;
    SET_CMPC(new_rec_hdr1b, 0);

    /* Create new split piece, we already know that this will not be *-rec only.
     * Note that this has to be done BEFORE modifying working block as building this buffer relies on the
     * working block to be pinned which is possible only if this cw-set-element is created ahead of that
     * of the working block (since order in which blocks are built is the order in which cses are created).
    BLK_INIT(bs_ptr2, bs_ptr1);
    BLK_SEG(bs_ptr2, (sm_uc_ptr_t)new_rec_hdr1b, SIZEOF(rec_hdr));
    BLK_SEG(bs_ptr2, newblk2_first_key, newblk2_first_keysz);
    BLK_SEG(bs_ptr2, new_blk2_rem, new_blk2_top - new_blk2_rem);
    if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr2, bs_ptr1))
        assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
        return cdb_sc_blkmod;
    allocation_clue = ALLOCATION_CLUE(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks);
    right_index = t_create(allocation_clue++, (unsigned char *)bs_ptr1, 0, 0, level);

    /* Modify working block removing split piece */
    BLK_INIT(bs_ptr2, bs_ptr1);
    if (0 == level)
        BLK_SEG(bs_ptr2, old_blk1_base + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), new_leftblk_top_off - SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
        BLK_SEG(bs_ptr2, old_blk1_base + SIZEOF(blk_hdr),
                new_leftblk_top_off - SIZEOF(blk_hdr) - old_blk1_last_rec_size);
        BLK_SEG(bs_ptr2, (sm_uc_ptr_t)star_rec_hdr, SIZEOF(rec_hdr) );
        BLK_ADDR(bn_ptr1, SIZEOF(block_id), unsigned char);
        memcpy(bn_ptr1, old_blk1_base + new_leftblk_top_off - SIZEOF(block_id), SIZEOF(block_id));
        BLK_SEG(bs_ptr2, bn_ptr1, SIZEOF(block_id));
    if ( !BLK_FINI(bs_ptr2, bs_ptr1))
        assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
        return cdb_sc_blkmod;
    t_write(&gv_target->hist.h[level], (unsigned char *)bs_ptr1, 0, 0, level, FALSE, TRUE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);

    Modify ancestor block for the split in current level.
    new_ins_key = new key to be inserted in parent because of split in child
    new_ins_key will be inserted after gv_target->hist.h[level].prev_rec and
                                before gv_target->hist.h[level].curr_rec
        new_ins_keysz = size of new_ins_key
        Note: A restriction of the algorithm is to have current key and new_ins_key
    	in the same block, either left or, new right block
    BLK_ADDR(new_ins_key, new_blk1_last_keysz, unsigned char);
    memcpy(new_ins_key, &new_blk1_last_key[0], new_blk1_last_keysz);
    new_ins_keysz = new_blk1_last_keysz;
    for(;;) 	/* ========== loop through ancestors as necessary ======= */
        level ++;
        max_fill = i_max_fill;
        old_blk_after_currec = remaining of current block after currec
        ances_currkey = old real value of currkey in ancestor block
        blk_hdr_ptr = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)(gv_target->hist.h[level].buffaddr);
        old_blk1_base = (sm_uc_ptr_t)blk_hdr_ptr;
        old_blk1_sz = blk_hdr_ptr->bsiz;
        new_blk2_top = old_blk1_base + old_blk1_sz;
        rec_base = old_blk1_base + gv_target->hist.h[level].curr_rec.offset;
        GET_RSIZ(rec_size, rec_base);
        old_blk_after_currec = rec_base + rec_size;
        old_ances_currkeycmpc = EVAL_CMPC((rec_hdr_ptr_t)rec_base);
        old_ances_currkeylen = rec_size - BSTAR_REC_SIZE;
        if (INVALID_RECORD(level, rec_size,  old_ances_currkeylen, old_ances_currkeycmpc))
            assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
            return cdb_sc_blkmod;
        if (0 == old_ances_currkeylen)
            if (0 != old_ances_currkeycmpc)
                assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
                return cdb_sc_blkmod;
            new_ances_currkeycmpc = new_ances_currkeylen = 0;
            BLK_ADDR(ances_currkey, gv_cur_region->max_rec_size + 1, unsigned char);
            key_base = rec_base +  SIZEOF(rec_hdr);
        new_ances_currkeysz = old_ances_currkeycmpc + old_ances_currkeylen;
        if (SIZEOF(blk_hdr) != gv_target->hist.h[level].curr_rec.offset) /* cur_rec is not first key */
            if (cdb_sc_normal != (status = gvcst_expand_any_key(old_blk1_base,
                                           old_blk1_base + gv_target->hist.h[level].curr_rec.offset,
                                           &curr_prev_key[0], &rec_size, &tkeylen, &tkeycmpc, NULL)))
                assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
                return cdb_sc_blkmod;
            if (old_ances_currkeycmpc)
                memcpy(ances_currkey, &curr_prev_key[0], old_ances_currkeycmpc);
        if (old_ances_currkeylen)
            memcpy(ances_currkey + old_ances_currkeycmpc, key_base, old_ances_currkeylen);
            GET_CMPC(new_ances_currkeycmpc, new_ins_key, ances_currkey);
            new_ances_currkeylen = new_ances_currkeysz - new_ances_currkeycmpc;
        if (SIZEOF(blk_hdr) != gv_target->hist.h[level].curr_rec.offset)
            /* new_ins_key will be inseted after curr_prev_key */
            GET_CMPC(new_ins_keycmpc, &curr_prev_key[0], new_ins_key);
            new_ins_keycmpc = 0; /* new_ins_key will be the 1st key */
        new_ins_keylen = new_ins_keysz - new_ins_keycmpc ;

        delta = BSTAR_REC_SIZE + new_ins_keylen - old_ances_currkeylen + new_ances_currkeylen;
        if (old_blk1_sz + delta > blk_size - cs_data->reserved_bytes) /* split required */
            split_required = TRUE;
            if (level == gv_target->hist.depth)
                create_root = TRUE;
                if (MAX_BT_DEPTH - 1 <= level)  /* maximum level reached */
                    return cdb_sc_maxlvl;
            if (max_fill + BSTAR_REC_SIZE > old_blk1_sz)
                if (SIZEOF(blk_hdr) + BSTAR_REC_SIZE == old_blk1_sz)
                    return cdb_sc_oprnotneeded; /* Improve code to avoid this */
                max_fill = old_blk1_sz - BSTAR_REC_SIZE;
            status = locate_block_split_point(old_blk1_base, level, old_blk1_sz, max_fill,
                                              &old_blk1_last_rec_size, new_blk1_last_key, &new_blk1_last_keysz, &new_leftblk_top_off);
            if (cdb_sc_normal != status || new_leftblk_top_off >= old_blk1_sz
                    || 0 == new_blk1_last_keysz)
                assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
                return cdb_sc_blkmod;
            assert(BSTAR_REC_SIZE != old_blk1_last_rec_size);
            old_right_piece_len = old_blk1_sz - new_leftblk_top_off;
            new_blk2_frec_base = new_blk1_top = old_blk1_base + new_leftblk_top_off;
            if (BSTAR_REC_SIZE == old_right_piece_len)
                new_rtblk_star_only = TRUE;
                new_rtblk_star_only = FALSE;
            if (new_leftblk_top_off == gv_target->hist.h[level].curr_rec.offset)
                /* inserted key will be the first record of new right block */
                new_ins_keylen = new_ins_keysz;
                new_ins_keycmpc = 0;
                /* process 1st record of new right block */
                BLK_ADDR(newblk2_first_key, gv_cur_region->max_rec_size + 1, unsigned char);
                READ_RECORD(level, new_blk2_frec_base, tkeycmpc, rec_size,
                            newblk2_first_key, newblk2_first_keylen, status);
                if (cdb_sc_normal == status)
                    memcpy(newblk2_first_key, &new_blk1_last_key[0], tkeycmpc); /* compressed piece */
                    new_blk2_rem =  new_blk2_frec_base + SIZEOF(rec_hdr) + newblk2_first_keylen;
                    newblk2_first_keysz = newblk2_first_keylen + tkeycmpc;
                    BLK_ADDR(new_rec_hdr2, SIZEOF(rec_hdr), rec_hdr);
                    new_rec_hdr2->rsiz = newblk2_first_keysz + BSTAR_REC_SIZE;
                    SET_CMPC(new_rec_hdr2, 0);
                else if (cdb_sc_starrecord != status || !new_rtblk_star_only)
                    assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
                    return cdb_sc_blkmod;
            /* else gv_target->hist.h[level].curr_rec will be newblk2_first_key */

            if (new_leftblk_top_off >  gv_target->hist.h[level].curr_rec.offset +
                    old_ances_currkeylen + BSTAR_REC_SIZE)
                /* in this case prev_rec (if exists), new key and curr_rec should go into left block */
                if (new_leftblk_top_off + delta - old_blk1_last_rec_size + BSTAR_REC_SIZE
                        <= blk_size - cs_data->reserved_bytes)
                    insert_in_left = TRUE;
                    /* cannot handle it now */
                    return cdb_sc_oprnotneeded;
            else if (new_leftblk_top_off <  gv_target->hist.h[level].curr_rec.offset +
                     old_ances_currkeylen + BSTAR_REC_SIZE)
                /* if gv_target->hist.h[level].curr_rec is the first key in old_blk1
                   then in new right block,
                   	new_ins_key will be the 1st record key and
                	curr_rec will be 2nd record and
                	there will be no prev_rec in right block.
                   Else (if curr_rec is not first key)
                	there will be some records before new_ins_key, at least prev_rec */
                delta = (int)(BSTAR_REC_SIZE + new_ins_keylen
                              - old_ances_currkeylen + new_ances_currkeylen
                              + ((0 == new_ins_keycmpc) ? 0 : (EVAL_CMPC((rec_hdr_ptr_t)new_blk2_frec_base))));
                if (SIZEOF(blk_hdr) + old_right_piece_len + delta <= blk_size - cs_data->reserved_bytes)
                    insert_in_left = FALSE;
                    if (new_leftblk_top_off + BSTAR_REC_SIZE >= old_blk1_sz)
                        /* cannot handle it now */
                        return cdb_sc_oprnotneeded;
                    /* cannot handle it now */
                    return cdb_sc_oprnotneeded;
                /* in this case prev_rec (if exists), new key and curr_rec should go into left block
                	and curr_rec will be the last record (*-key) of left new block */
                delta = BSTAR_REC_SIZE + new_ins_keylen;
                if (new_leftblk_top_off + delta <= blk_size - cs_data->reserved_bytes)
                    insert_in_left = TRUE;
                    /* cannot handle it now */
                    return cdb_sc_oprnotneeded;
        } /* end if split required */
Exemplo n.º 21
    struct SFILE	*pdf,		/* in:  PDF				*/
    struct CONTXT	*pctx,		/* in:  proc context			*/
    struct TXTSTOR	*title,		/* out: block of .TITLE text (in dyn mem)*/
    struct SFILE	**ohf		/* out: help file control block	*/

    TEXT		field[STRINGSIZ+1];
    CODE		code;
    struct SFILE	*hf;		/* local version of ohf		*/
    CODE		terminat;
    TEXT		libe[FLIBRSIZ+1];
    struct CONTXT	*ctx;
    BOOL		sephelp;

    if ((*pctx).compiled  ||
	s_equal((*pctx).help_spec, "*"))	/* if help info in PDF		*/
	sephelp = FALSE;
	hf = pdf;
	*ohf = hf;
	sephelp = TRUE;
	if ((hf = (struct SFILE *) tae_alloc(1, sizeof(struct SFILE))) == NULL)
	    goto over_err;
	*ohf = hf;
	if ((*pctx).intrinsic)
	    code = f_open(hf, HELPLUN, HELPLIB, (*pctx).pdf.name,
    	    for (ctx = pctx; (s_equal((*ctx).pdf.libr,"/LOCAL/")); ctx = (*ctx).backlink);
	    s_copy ((*ctx).pdf.libr, libe);
	    code = f_opnspc(hf, HELPLUN, (*pctx).help_spec,
		   libe, (*pctx).pdf.name, HLP_TYPE, F_READ);
        if (code != SUCCESS) goto open_err;
    code = tut_h_prep(pctx, hf, title); /* find & save posits at least thru .LEVEL1*/
    if ((*pctx).compiled)
	tutctx.hlp_searched = TRUE;	/* all searching done for compiled PDFs	*/
    if (code != SUCCESS)
	goto prep_err;

    tutmsg(msg_mmov, key_mmov, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);		/* dyn mem overflow		*/
    tutctx.nohelpf = TRUE;
    goto prompt;

    *ohf = NULL;			/* to keep cls_tutor from freeing */
    tutctx.nohelpf = TRUE;

    tutctx.nohelpf = TRUE;
    if (sephelp)
	f_close(hf, F_KEEP);
	sephelp = FALSE;
	*ohf = NULL;			/* to keep cls_tutor from freeing */
    goto prompt;

    t_write("Do you wish to continue (Y/N)?", T_PROMPT);
    t_read(field, &terminat);
    if (s_lseq("Y", field))
Exemplo n.º 22
/* Finds a free block and adds information to update array and cw_set */
block_id swap_root_or_directory_block(int parent_blk_lvl, int child_blk_lvl, srch_hist *dir_hist_ptr, block_id child_blk_id,
		sm_uc_ptr_t child_blk_ptr, kill_set *kill_set_list, trans_num curr_tn)
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	node_local_ptr_t	cnl;
	srch_blk_status		bmlhist, freeblkhist;
	block_id		hint_blk_num, free_blk_id, parent_blk_id;
	boolean_t		free_blk_recycled;
	int4			master_bit, num_local_maps, free_bit, hint_bit, maxbitsthismap;
	uint4			total_blks;
	int			blk_seg_cnt, blk_size;
	sm_uc_ptr_t		parent_blk_ptr, bn_ptr, saved_blk;
	blk_segment		*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	int			parent_blk_size, child_blk_size, bsiz;
	int			rec_size1, curr_offset, bpntr_end, hdr_len;
	int			tmp_cmpc;
	cw_set_element		*tmpcse;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbbp; /* jbbp is non-NULL only if before-image journaling */
	unsigned short		temp_ushort;
	unsigned long		temp_long;
	unsigned char		save_cw_set_depth;

	csd = cs_data;
	csa = cs_addrs;
	cnl = csa->nl;
	blk_size = csd->blk_size;
	/* Find a free/recycled block for new block location. */
	hint_blk_num = 0;
	total_blks = csa->ti->total_blks;
	num_local_maps = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_blks, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
	master_bit = bmm_find_free((hint_blk_num / BLKS_PER_LMAP), csa->bmm, num_local_maps);
	if ((NO_FREE_SPACE == master_bit))
		t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		return ABORT_SWAP;
	bmlhist.blk_num = (block_id)master_bit * BLKS_PER_LMAP;
	if (NULL == (bmlhist.buffaddr = t_qread(bmlhist.blk_num, (sm_int_ptr_t)&bmlhist.cycle, &bmlhist.cr)))
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		t_retry((enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail);
		return RETRY_SWAP;
	hint_bit = 0;
	maxbitsthismap = (master_bit != (num_local_maps - 1)) ? BLKS_PER_LMAP : total_blks - bmlhist.blk_num;
	free_bit = bm_find_blk(hint_bit, bmlhist.buffaddr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), maxbitsthismap, &free_blk_recycled);
	free_blk_id = bmlhist.blk_num + free_bit;
	if (DIR_ROOT >= free_blk_id)
	{	/* Bitmap block 0 and directory tree root block 1 should always be marked busy. */
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		return RETRY_SWAP;
	if (child_blk_id <= free_blk_id)
	{	/* stop swapping root or DT blocks once the database is truncated well enough. A good heuristic for this is to check
		 * if the block is to be swapped into a higher block number and if so do not swap
		t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		return ABORT_SWAP;
	/* ====== begin update array ======
	 * Four blocks get changed.
	 * 	1. Free block becomes busy and gains the contents of child (root block/directory tree block)
	 * 	2. Parent block in directory tree remains busy, but points to new root block location.
	 *	3. Free block's corresponding bitmap reflects above change.
	 * 	4. Child block gets marked recycled in bitmap. (GVCST_BMP_MARK_FREE)
	parent_blk_ptr = dir_hist_ptr->h[parent_blk_lvl].buffaddr; /* parent_blk_lvl is 0 iff we're moving a gvt root block */
	parent_blk_id = dir_hist_ptr->h[parent_blk_lvl].blk_num;
	if (free_blk_recycled)
	{	/* Otherwise, it's a completely free block, in which case no need to read. */
		freeblkhist.blk_num = (block_id)free_blk_id;
		if (NULL == (freeblkhist.buffaddr = t_qread(free_blk_id, (sm_int_ptr_t)&freeblkhist.cycle, &freeblkhist.cr)))
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			t_retry((enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail);
			return RETRY_SWAP;
	child_blk_size = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)child_blk_ptr)->bsiz;
	BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
	BLK_ADDR(saved_blk, child_blk_size, unsigned char);
	memcpy(saved_blk, child_blk_ptr, child_blk_size);
	BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, saved_blk + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), child_blk_size - SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
	assert(blk_seg_cnt == child_blk_size);
	if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		return RETRY_SWAP;
	tmpcse = &cw_set[cw_set_depth];
	(free_blk_recycled) ? BIT_SET_RECYCLED_AND_CLEAR_FREE(tmpcse->blk_prior_state)
			    : BIT_CLEAR_RECYCLED_AND_SET_FREE(tmpcse->blk_prior_state);
	t_create(free_blk_id, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, child_blk_lvl);
	tmpcse->mode = gds_t_acquired;
	if (!free_blk_recycled || !cs_data->db_got_to_v5_once)
		tmpcse->old_block = NULL;
		tmpcse->old_block = freeblkhist.buffaddr;
		tmpcse->cr = freeblkhist.cr;
		tmpcse->cycle = freeblkhist.cycle;
		jbbp = (JNL_ENABLED(csa) && csa->jnl_before_image) ? csa->jnl->jnl_buff : NULL;
		if ((NULL != jbbp) && (((blk_hdr_ptr_t)tmpcse->old_block)->tn < jbbp->epoch_tn))
			bsiz = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)(tmpcse->old_block))->bsiz;
			if (bsiz > blk_size)
				assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
				return RETRY_SWAP;
			JNL_GET_CHECKSUM_ACQUIRED_BLK(tmpcse, csd, csa, tmpcse->old_block, bsiz);
	/* 2. Parent block in directory tree remains busy, but points to new child block location. */
	curr_offset = dir_hist_ptr->h[parent_blk_lvl].curr_rec.offset;
	parent_blk_size = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)parent_blk_ptr)->bsiz;
	GET_RSIZ(rec_size1, (parent_blk_ptr + curr_offset));
	if ((parent_blk_size < rec_size1 + curr_offset) || (BSTAR_REC_SIZE > rec_size1))
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		return RETRY_SWAP;
	BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
	if (0 == parent_blk_lvl)
		/* There can be collation stuff in the record value after the block pointer. See gvcst_root_search. */
		hdr_len = SIZEOF(rec_hdr) + gv_altkey->end + 1 - EVAL_CMPC((rec_hdr_ptr_t)(parent_blk_ptr + curr_offset));
		hdr_len = rec_size1 - SIZEOF(block_id);
	bpntr_end = curr_offset + hdr_len + SIZEOF(block_id);
	BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, parent_blk_ptr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), curr_offset + hdr_len - SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
	BLK_ADDR(bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id), unsigned char);
	PUT_LONG(bn_ptr, free_blk_id);
	BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id));
	BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, parent_blk_ptr + bpntr_end, parent_blk_size - bpntr_end);
	assert(blk_seg_cnt == parent_blk_size);
	if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		return RETRY_SWAP;
	t_write(&dir_hist_ptr->h[parent_blk_lvl], (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, parent_blk_lvl, FALSE, TRUE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
	/* To indicate later snapshot file writing process during fast_integ not to skip writing the block to snapshot file */
	/* 3. Free block's corresponding bitmap reflects above change. */
	PUT_LONG(update_array_ptr, free_bit);
	save_cw_set_depth = cw_set_depth; /* Bit maps go on end of cw_set (more fake acquired) */
	t_write_map(&bmlhist, (uchar_ptr_t)update_array_ptr, curr_tn, 1);
	cw_map_depth = cw_set_depth;
	cw_set_depth = save_cw_set_depth;
	update_array_ptr += SIZEOF(block_id);
	temp_long = 0;
	PUT_LONG(update_array_ptr, temp_long);
	update_array_ptr += SIZEOF(block_id);
	assert(1 == cw_set[cw_map_depth - 1].reference_cnt);
	/* 4. Child block gets marked recycled in bitmap. (GVCST_BMP_MARK_FREE) */
	kill_set_list->blk[kill_set_list->used].flag = 0;
	kill_set_list->blk[kill_set_list->used].level = 0;
	kill_set_list->blk[kill_set_list->used++].block = child_blk_id;
	return free_blk_id;
Exemplo n.º 23
void	mu_reorg_upgrd_dwngrd(void)
	blk_hdr			new_hdr;
	blk_segment		*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	block_id		*blkid_ptr, curblk, curbmp, start_blk, stop_blk, start_bmp, last_bmp;
	block_id		startblk_input, stopblk_input;
	boolean_t		upgrade, downgrade, safejnl, nosafejnl, region, first_reorg_in_this_db_fmt, reorg_entiredb;
	boolean_t		startblk_specified, stopblk_specified, set_fully_upgraded, db_got_to_v5_once, mark_blk_free;
	cache_rec_ptr_t		cr;
	char			*bml_lcl_buff = NULL, *command, *reorg_command;
	sm_uc_ptr_t		bptr = NULL;
	cw_set_element		*cse;
	enum cdb_sc		cdb_status;
	enum db_ver		new_db_format, ondsk_blkver;
	gd_region		*reg;
	int			cycle;
	int4			blk_seg_cnt, blk_size;	/* needed for BLK_INIT,BLK_SEG and BLK_FINI macros */
	int4			blocks_left, expected_blks2upgrd, actual_blks2upgrd, total_blks, free_blks;
	int4			status, status1, mapsize, lcnt, bml_status;
	reorg_stats_t		reorg_stats;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
	sm_uc_ptr_t		blkBase, bml_sm_buff;	/* shared memory pointer to the bitmap global buffer */
	srch_hist		alt_hist;
	srch_blk_status		*blkhist, bmlhist;
	tp_region		*rptr;
	trans_num		curr_tn;
	unsigned char    	save_cw_set_depth;
	uint4			lcl_update_trans;

	region    = (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("REGION"));
	upgrade   = (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("UPGRADE"));
	downgrade = (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("DOWNGRADE"));
	assert(upgrade && !downgrade || !upgrade && downgrade);
	command = upgrade ? "UPGRADE" : "DOWNGRADE";
	reorg_command = upgrade ? "MUPIP REORG UPGRADE" : "MUPIP REORG DOWNGRADE";
	reorg_entiredb = TRUE;	/* unless STARTBLK or STOPBLK is specified we are going to {up,down}grade the entire database */
	startblk_specified = FALSE;
	assert(SIZEOF(block_id) == SIZEOF(uint4));
	if ((CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("STARTBLK")) && (cli_get_hex("STARTBLK", (uint4 *)&startblk_input)))
		reorg_entiredb = FALSE;
		startblk_specified = TRUE;
	stopblk_specified = FALSE;
	assert(SIZEOF(block_id) == SIZEOF(uint4));
	if ((CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("STOPBLK")) && (cli_get_hex("STOPBLK", (uint4 *)&stopblk_input)))
		reorg_entiredb = FALSE;
		stopblk_specified = TRUE;
	mu_reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_in_prog = TRUE;
	mu_reorg_nosafejnl = (CLI_NEGATED == cli_present("SAFEJNL")) ? TRUE : FALSE;

	status = SS_NORMAL;
	error_mupip = FALSE;
	gvinit();	/* initialize gd_header (needed by the later call to mu_getlst) */
	mu_getlst("REG_NAME", SIZEOF(tp_region));	/* get the parameter corresponding to REGION qualifier */
	if (error_mupip)
		util_out_print("!/MUPIP REORG !AD cannot proceed with above errors!/", TRUE, LEN_AND_STR(command));
	assert(DBKEYSIZE(MAX_KEY_SZ) == gv_keysize);	/* no need to invoke GVKEYSIZE_INIT_IF_NEEDED macro */
	gv_target = targ_alloc(gv_keysize, NULL, NULL);	/* t_begin needs this initialized */
	gv_target_list = NULL;
	memset(&alt_hist, 0, SIZEOF(alt_hist));	/* null-initialize history */
	blkhist = &alt_hist.h[0];
	for (rptr = grlist;  NULL != rptr;  rptr = rptr->fPtr)
		if (mu_ctrly_occurred || mu_ctrlc_occurred)
		reg = rptr->reg;
		util_out_print("!/Region !AD : MUPIP REORG !AD started", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(command));
		if (reg_cmcheck(reg))
			util_out_print("Region !AD : MUPIP REORG !AD cannot run across network",
				TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(command));
			status = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
		mu_reorg_process = TRUE;	/* gvcst_init will use this value to use gtm_poollimit settings. */
		mu_reorg_process = FALSE;
		assert(update_array != NULL);
		/* access method stored in global directory and database file header might be different in which case
		 * the database setting prevails. therefore, the access method check can be done only after opening
		 * the database (i.e. after the gvcst_init)
		if (dba_bg != REG_ACC_METH(reg))
			util_out_print("Region !AD : MUPIP REORG !AD cannot continue as access method is not BG",
				TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(command));
			status = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
		/* The mu_getlst call above uses insert_region to create the grlist, which ensures that duplicate regions mapping to
		 * the same db file correspond to only one grlist entry.
		assert(FALSE == reg->was_open);
		TP_CHANGE_REG(reg);	/* sets gv_cur_region, cs_addrs, cs_data */
		csa = cs_addrs;
		csd = cs_data;
		blk_size = csd->blk_size;	/* "blk_size" is used by the BLK_FINI macro */
		if (reg->read_only)
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg));
			status = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
		assert(GDSVCURR == GDSV6); /* so we trip this assert in case GDSVCURR changes without a change to this module */
		new_db_format = (upgrade ? GDSV6 : GDSV4);
		curr_tn = csd->trans_hist.curr_tn;
		/* set the desired db format in the file header to the appropriate version, increment transaction number */
		status1 = desired_db_format_set(reg, new_db_format, reorg_command);
		assert(csa->now_crit);	/* desired_db_format_set() should not have released crit */
		first_reorg_in_this_db_fmt = TRUE;	/* with the current desired_db_format, this is the first reorg */
		if (SS_NORMAL != status1)
		{	/* "desired_db_format_set" would have printed appropriate error messages */
			if (ERR_MUNOACTION != status1)
			{	/* real error occurred while setting the db format. skip to next region */
				status = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
			util_out_print("Region !AD : Desired DB Format remains at !AD after !AD", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg),
				LEN_AND_STR(gtm_dbversion_table[new_db_format]), LEN_AND_STR(reorg_command));
			if (csd->reorg_db_fmt_start_tn == csd->desired_db_format_tn)
				first_reorg_in_this_db_fmt = FALSE;
		} else
			util_out_print("Region !AD : Desired DB Format set to !AD by !AD", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg),
				LEN_AND_STR(gtm_dbversion_table[new_db_format]), LEN_AND_STR(reorg_command));
		assert(dba_bg == csd->acc_meth);
		/* Check blks_to_upgrd counter to see if upgrade/downgrade is complete */
		total_blks = csd->trans_hist.total_blks;
		free_blks = csd->trans_hist.free_blocks;
		actual_blks2upgrd = csd->blks_to_upgrd;
		/* If MUPIP REORG UPGRADE and there is no block to upgrade in the database as indicated by BOTH
		 * 	"csd->blks_to_upgrd" and "csd->fully_upgraded", then we can skip processing.
		 * If MUPIP REORG UPGRADE and all non-free blocks need to be upgraded then again we can skip processing.
		if ((upgrade && (0 == actual_blks2upgrd) && csd->fully_upgraded)
			|| (!upgrade && ((total_blks - free_blks) == actual_blks2upgrd)))
			util_out_print("Region !AD : Blocks to Upgrade counter indicates no action needed for MUPIP REORG !AD",
				       TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(command));
			util_out_print("Region !AD : Total Blocks = [0x!XL] : Free Blocks = [0x!XL] : "
				       "Blocks to upgrade = [0x!XL]",
				       TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), total_blks, free_blks, actual_blks2upgrd);
			util_out_print("Region !AD : MUPIP REORG !AD finished!/", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(command));
		stop_blk = total_blks;
		if (stopblk_specified && stopblk_input <= stop_blk)
			stop_blk = stopblk_input;
		if (first_reorg_in_this_db_fmt)
		{	/* Note down reorg start tn (in case we are interrupted, future reorg will know to resume) */
			csd->reorg_db_fmt_start_tn = csd->desired_db_format_tn;
			csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block = 0;
			start_blk = (startblk_specified ? startblk_input : 0);
		} else
		{	/* Either a concurrent MUPIP REORG of the same type ({up,down}grade) is currently running
			 * or a previously running REORG of the same type was interrupted (Ctrl-Ced).
			 * In either case resume processing from whatever restart block number is stored in fileheader
			 * the only exception is if "STARTBLK" was specified in the input in which use that unconditionally.
			start_blk = (startblk_specified ? startblk_input : csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block);
		if (start_blk > stop_blk)
			start_blk = stop_blk;
		mu_reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_start_tn = csd->reorg_db_fmt_start_tn;
		/* Before releasing crit, flush the file-header and dirty buffers in cache to disk. This is because we are now
		 * going to read each GDS block directly from disk to determine if it needs to be upgraded/downgraded or not.
		if (!wcs_flu(WCSFLU_FLUSH_HDR))	/* wcs_flu assumes gv_cur_region is set (which it is in this routine) */
			status = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
		/* Loop through entire database one GDS block at a time and upgrade/downgrade each of them */
		status1 = SS_NORMAL;
		start_bmp = ROUND_DOWN2(start_blk, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
		last_bmp  = ROUND_DOWN2(stop_blk - 1, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
		curblk = start_blk;	/* curblk is the block to be upgraded/downgraded */
		util_out_print("Region !AD : Started processing from block number [0x!XL]", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), curblk);
		if (NULL != bptr)
		{	/* malloc/free "bptr" for each region as GDS block-size can be different */
			bptr = NULL;
		memset(&reorg_stats, 0, SIZEOF(reorg_stats));	/* initialize statistics for this region */
		for (curbmp = start_bmp; curbmp <= last_bmp; curbmp += BLKS_PER_LMAP)
			if (mu_ctrly_occurred || mu_ctrlc_occurred)
				status1 = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
			/* --------------------------------------------------------------
			 *             Read in current bitmap block
			 * --------------------------------------------------------------
			bml_sm_buff = t_qread(curbmp, (sm_int_ptr_t)&cycle, &cr); /* bring block into the cache outside of crit */
			grab_crit_encr_cycle_sync(reg); /* needed so t_qread does not return NULL below */
			if (mu_reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_start_tn != csd->desired_db_format_tn)
			{	/* csd->desired_db_format changed since reorg started. discontinue the reorg */
				/* see later comment on "csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block" for why the assignment
				 * of this field should be done only if a db format change did not occur.
				status1 = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
				/* This "start_tn" check is redone after the for-loop and an error message is printed there */
			} else if (reorg_entiredb)
			{	/* Change "csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block" only if STARTBLK or STOPBLK was NOT specified */
				assert(csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block <= MAX(start_blk, curbmp));
				csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block = curbmp;	/* previous blocks have been upgraded/downgraded */
			/* Check blks_to_upgrd counter to see if upgrade/downgrade is complete.
			 * Repeat check done a few steps earlier outside of this for loop.
			total_blks = csd->trans_hist.total_blks;
			free_blks = csd->trans_hist.free_blocks;
			actual_blks2upgrd = csd->blks_to_upgrd;
			if ((upgrade && (0 == actual_blks2upgrd) && csd->fully_upgraded)
				|| (!upgrade && ((total_blks - free_blks) == actual_blks2upgrd)))
			bml_sm_buff = t_qread(curbmp, (sm_int_ptr_t)&cycle, &cr); /* now that in crit, note down stable buffer */
			if (NULL == bml_sm_buff)
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_DSEBLKRDFAIL);
			ondsk_blkver = cr->ondsk_blkver;	/* note down db fmt on disk for bitmap block */
			/* Take a copy of the shared memory bitmap buffer into process-private memory before releasing crit.
			 * We are interested in those blocks that are currently marked as USED in the bitmap.
			 * It is possible that once we release crit, concurrent updates change the bitmap state of those blocks.
			 * In that case, those updates will take care of doing the upgrade/downgrade of those blocks in the
			 * format currently set in csd->desired_db_format i.e. accomplishing MUPIP REORG UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE's job.
			 * If the desired_db_format changes concurrently, we will stop doing REORG UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE processing.
			if (NULL == bml_lcl_buff)
				bml_lcl_buff = malloc(BM_SIZE(BLKS_PER_LMAP));
			memcpy(bml_lcl_buff, (blk_hdr_ptr_t)bml_sm_buff, BM_SIZE(BLKS_PER_LMAP));
			if (FALSE == cert_blk(reg, curbmp, (blk_hdr_ptr_t)bml_lcl_buff, 0, FALSE))
			{	/* certify the block while holding crit as cert_blk uses fields from file-header (shared memory) */
				assert(FALSE);	/* in pro, skip ugprading/downgarding all blks in this unreliable local bitmap */
				util_out_print("Region !AD : Bitmap Block [0x!XL] has integrity errors. Skipping this bitmap.",
					TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), curbmp);
				status1 = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
			 *         Upgrade/Downgrade all BUSY blocks in the current bitmap
			 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
			curblk = (curbmp == start_bmp) ? start_blk : curbmp;
			mapsize = (curbmp == last_bmp) ? (stop_blk - curbmp) : BLKS_PER_LMAP;
			assert(0 != mapsize);
			assert(mapsize <= BLKS_PER_LMAP);
			db_got_to_v5_once = csd->db_got_to_v5_once;
			for (lcnt = curblk - curbmp; lcnt < mapsize; lcnt++, curblk++)
				if (mu_ctrly_occurred || mu_ctrlc_occurred)
					status1 = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
					goto stop_reorg_on_this_reg;	/* goto needed because of nested FOR Loop */
				GET_BM_STATUS(bml_lcl_buff, lcnt, bml_status);
				assert(BLK_MAPINVALID != bml_status); /* cert_blk ran clean so we dont expect invalid entries */
				if (BLK_FREE == bml_status)
				if (db_got_to_v5_once || (BLK_RECYCLED != bml_status))
				{	/* Do NOT read recycled V4 block from disk unless it is guaranteed NOT to be too full */
					if (lcnt)
					{	/* non-bitmap block */
						/* read in block from disk into private buffer. dont pollute the cache yet */
						if (NULL == bptr)
							bptr = (sm_uc_ptr_t)malloc(blk_size);
						status1 = dsk_read(curblk, bptr, &ondsk_blkver, FALSE);
						/* dsk_read on curblk could return an error (DYNUPGRDFAIL) if curblk needs to be
						 * upgraded and if its block size was too big to allow the extra block-header space
						 * requirements for a dynamic upgrade. a MUPIP REORG DOWNGRADE should not error out
						 * in that case as the block is already in the downgraded format.
						if (SS_NORMAL != status1)
							if (!upgrade && (ERR_DYNUPGRDFAIL == status1))
								assert(GDSV4 == new_db_format);
								ondsk_blkver = new_db_format;
							} else
									VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), status1);
								util_out_print("Region !AD : Error occurred while reading block "
									"[0x!XL]", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), curblk);
								status1 = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
								goto stop_reorg_on_this_reg;/* goto needed due to nested FOR Loop */
					} /* else bitmap block has been read in crit earlier and ondsk_blkver appropriately set */
					if (new_db_format == ondsk_blkver)
						assert((SS_NORMAL == status1) || (!upgrade && (ERR_DYNUPGRDFAIL == status1)));
						status1 = SS_NORMAL;	/* treat DYNUPGRDFAIL as no error in case of downgrade */
						continue;	/* current disk version is identical to what is desired */
					assert(SS_NORMAL == status1);
				/* Begin non-TP transaction to upgrade/downgrade the block.
				 * The way we do that is by updating the block using a null update array.
				 * Any update to a block will trigger an automatic upgrade/downgrade of the block based on
				 * 	the current fileheader desired_db_format setting and we use that here.
				for (; ;)
					CHECK_AND_RESET_UPDATE_ARRAY;	/* reset update_array_ptr to update_array */
					curr_tn = csd->trans_hist.curr_tn;
					db_got_to_v5_once = csd->db_got_to_v5_once;
					if (db_got_to_v5_once || (BLK_RECYCLED != bml_status))
						blkhist->cse = NULL;	/* start afresh (do not use value from previous retry) */
						blkBase = t_qread(curblk, (sm_int_ptr_t)&blkhist->cycle, &blkhist->cr);
						if (NULL == blkBase)
							t_retry((enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail);
						blkhist->blk_num = curblk;
						blkhist->buffaddr = blkBase;
						ondsk_blkver = blkhist->cr->ondsk_blkver;
						new_hdr = *(blk_hdr_ptr_t)blkBase;
						mu_reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_blktn = new_hdr.tn;
						mark_blk_free = FALSE;
						inctn_opcode = upgrade ? inctn_blkupgrd : inctn_blkdwngrd;
					} else
						mark_blk_free = TRUE;
						inctn_opcode = inctn_blkmarkfree;
					inctn_detail.blknum_struct.blknum = curblk;
					/* t_end assumes that the history it is passed does not contain a bitmap block.
					 * for bitmap block, the history validation information is passed through cse instead.
					 * therefore we need to handle bitmap and non-bitmap cases separately.
					if (!lcnt)
					{	/* Means a bitmap block.
						 * At this point we can do a "new_db_format != ondsk_blkver" check to determine
						 * if the block got converted since we did the dsk_read (see the non-bitmap case
						 * for a similar check done there), but in that case we will have a transaction
						 * which has read 1 bitmap block and is updating no block. "t_end" currently cannot
						 * handle this case as it expects any bitmap block that needs validation to also
						 * have a corresponding cse which will hold its history. Hence we avoid doing the
						 * new_db_format check. The only disadvantage of this is that we will end up
						 * modifying the bitmap block as part of this transaction (in an attempt to convert
						 * its ondsk_blkver) even though it is already in the right format. Since this
						 * overhead is going to be one per bitmap block and since the block is in the cache
						 * at this point, we should not lose much.
						BLK_ADDR(blkid_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id), block_id);
						*blkid_ptr = 0;
						t_write_map(blkhist, (unsigned char *)blkid_ptr, curr_tn, 0);
						assert(&alt_hist.h[0] == blkhist);
						alt_hist.h[0].blk_num = 0; /* create empty history for bitmap block */
					} else
					{	/* non-bitmap block. fill in history for validation in t_end */
						assert(curblk);	/* we should never come here for block 0 (bitmap) */
						if (!mark_blk_free)
							assert(blkhist->blk_num == curblk);
							assert(blkhist->buffaddr == blkBase);
							blkhist->tn      = curr_tn;
							alt_hist.h[1].blk_num = 0;
						/* Also need to pass the bitmap as history to detect if any concurrent M-kill
						 * is freeing up the same USED block that we are trying to convert OR if any
						 * concurrent M-set is reusing the same RECYCLED block that we are trying to
						 * convert. Because of t_end currently not being able to validate a bitmap
						 * without that simultaneously having a cse, we need to create a cse for the
						 * bitmap that is used only for bitmap history validation, but should not be
						 * used to update the contents of the bitmap block in bg_update.
						bmlhist.buffaddr = t_qread(curbmp, (sm_int_ptr_t)&bmlhist.cycle, &bmlhist.cr);
						if (NULL == bmlhist.buffaddr)
							t_retry((enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail);
						bmlhist.blk_num = curbmp;
						bmlhist.tn = curr_tn;
						GET_BM_STATUS(bmlhist.buffaddr, lcnt, bml_status);
						if (BLK_MAPINVALID == bml_status)
						if (!mark_blk_free)
							if ((new_db_format != ondsk_blkver) && (BLK_FREE != bml_status))
							{	/* block still needs to be converted. create cse */
								BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
								BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, blkBase + SIZEOF(new_hdr),
									new_hdr.bsiz - SIZEOF(new_hdr));
								BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1);
								t_write(blkhist, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0,
									((blk_hdr_ptr_t)blkBase)->levl, FALSE,
								/* The directory tree status for now is only used to determine
								 * whether writing the block to snapshot file (see t_end_sysops.c).
 								 * For reorg upgrade/downgrade process, the block is updated in a
								 * sequential way without changing the gv_target. In this case, we
								 * assume the block is in directory tree so as to have it written to
								 * the snapshot file.
								/* reset update_trans in case previous retry had set it to 0 */
								update_trans = UPDTRNS_DB_UPDATED_MASK;
								if (BLK_RECYCLED == bml_status)
								{	/* If block that we are upgarding is RECYCLED, indicate to
									 * bg_update that blks_to_upgrd counter should NOT be
									 * touched in this case by setting "mode" to a special value
									assert(cw_set[cw_set_depth-1].mode == gds_t_write);
									cw_set[cw_set_depth-1].mode = gds_t_write_recycled;
									/* we SET block as NOT RECYCLED, otherwise, the mm_update()
									 * or bg_update_phase2 may skip writing it to snapshot file
									 * when its level is 0
							} else
							{	/* Block got converted by another process since we did the dsk_read.
								 * 	or this block became marked free in the bitmap.
								 * No need to update this block. just call t_end for validation of
								 * 	both the non-bitmap block as well as the bitmap block.
								 * Note down that this transaction is no longer updating any blocks.
								update_trans = 0;
							/* Need to put bit maps on the end of the cw set for concurrency checking.
							 * We want to simulate t_write_map, except we want to update "cw_map_depth"
							 * instead of "cw_set_depth". Hence the save and restore logic below.
							 * This part of the code is similar to the one in mu_swap_blk.c
							save_cw_set_depth = cw_set_depth;
							t_write_map(&bmlhist, NULL, curr_tn, 0); /* will increment cw_set_depth */
							cw_map_depth = cw_set_depth; /* set cw_map_depth to latest cw_set_depth */
							cw_set_depth = save_cw_set_depth;/* restore cw_set_depth */
							/* t_write_map simulation end */
						} else
							if (BLK_RECYCLED != bml_status)
							{	/* Block was RECYCLED at beginning but no longer so. Retry */
							/* Mark recycled block as FREE in bitmap */
							assert(lcnt == (curblk - curbmp));
							assert(update_array_ptr == update_array);
							*((block_id *)update_array_ptr) = lcnt;
							update_array_ptr += SIZEOF(block_id);
							/* the following assumes SIZEOF(block_id) == SIZEOF(int) */
							assert(SIZEOF(block_id) == SIZEOF(int));
							*(int *)update_array_ptr = 0;
							t_write_map(&bmlhist, (unsigned char *)update_array, curr_tn, 0);
							update_trans = UPDTRNS_DB_UPDATED_MASK;
					assert(SIZEOF(lcl_update_trans) == SIZEOF(update_trans));
					lcl_update_trans = update_trans;	/* take a copy before t_end modifies it */
					if ((trans_num)0 != t_end(&alt_hist, NULL, TN_NOT_SPECIFIED))
					{	/* In case this is MM and t_end() remapped an extended database, reset csd */
						assert(csd == cs_data);
						if (!lcl_update_trans)
							assert((new_db_format == ondsk_blkver) || (BLK_BUSY != bml_status));
							if (BLK_BUSY != bml_status)
						} else if (!lcnt)
					assert(csd == cs_data);
		/* even though ctrl-c occurred, update file-header fields to store reorg's progress before exiting */
		blocks_left = 0;
		assert(csd->trans_hist.total_blks >= csd->blks_to_upgrd);
		actual_blks2upgrd = csd->blks_to_upgrd;
		total_blks = csd->trans_hist.total_blks;
		free_blks = csd->trans_hist.free_blocks;
		/* Care should be taken not to set "csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block" in case of a concurrent db fmt
		 * change. This is because let us say we are doing REORG UPGRADE. A concurrent REORG DOWNGRADE would
		 * have reset "csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block" field to 0 and if that reorg is interrupted by a
		 * Ctrl-C (before this reorg came here) it would have updated "csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block" to
		 * a non-zero value indicating how many blocks from 0 have been downgraded. We should not reset this
		 * field to "curblk" as it will be mis-interpreted as the number of blocks that have been DOWNgraded.
		set_fully_upgraded = FALSE;
		if (mu_reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_start_tn != csd->desired_db_format_tn)
		{	/* csd->desired_db_format changed since reorg started. discontinue the reorg */
			util_out_print("Region !AD : Desired DB Format changed during REORG. Stopping REORG.",
				TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg));
			status1 = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
		} else if (reorg_entiredb)
		{	/* Change "csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block" only if STARTBLK or STOPBLK was NOT specified */
			assert(csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block <= curblk);
			csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block = curblk;	/* blocks lesser than this have been upgraded/downgraded */
			expected_blks2upgrd = upgrade ? 0 : (total_blks - free_blks);
			blocks_left = upgrade ? actual_blks2upgrd : (expected_blks2upgrd - actual_blks2upgrd);
			/* If this reorg command went through all blocks in the database, then it should have
			 * 	correctly concluded at this point whether the reorg is complete or not.
			 * If this reorg command started from where a previous incomplete reorg left
			 *	(i.e. first_reorg_in_this_db_fmt is FALSE), it cannot determine if the initial
			 *	GDS blocks that it skipped are completely {up,down}graded or not.
			assert((0 == blocks_left) || (SS_NORMAL != status1) || !first_reorg_in_this_db_fmt);
			/* If this is a MUPIP REORG UPGRADE that did go through every block in the database (indicated by
			 * "reorg_entiredb" && "first_reorg_in_this_db_fmt") and the current count of "blks_to_upgrd" is
			 * 0 in the file-header and the desired_db_format did not change since the start of the REORG,
			 * we can be sure that the entire database has been upgraded. Set "csd->fully_upgraded" to TRUE.
			if ((SS_NORMAL == status1) && first_reorg_in_this_db_fmt && upgrade && (0 == actual_blks2upgrd))
				csd->fully_upgraded = TRUE;
				csd->db_got_to_v5_once = TRUE;
				set_fully_upgraded = TRUE;
			/* flush all changes noted down in the file-header */
			if (!wcs_flu(WCSFLU_FLUSH_HDR))	/* wcs_flu assumes gv_cur_region is set (which it is in this routine) */
				gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_BUFFLUFAILED, 4,
				status = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
		curr_tn = csd->trans_hist.curr_tn;
		util_out_print("Region !AD : Stopped processing at block number [0x!XL]", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), curblk);
		/* Print statistics */
		util_out_print("Region !AD : Statistics : Blocks Read From Disk (Bitmap)     : 0x!XL",
			TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), reorg_stats.blks_read_from_disk_bmp);
		util_out_print("Region !AD : Statistics : Blocks Skipped (Free)              : 0x!XL",
			TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), reorg_stats.blks_skipped_free);
		util_out_print("Region !AD : Statistics : Blocks Read From Disk (Non-Bitmap) : 0x!XL",
			TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), reorg_stats.blks_read_from_disk_nonbmp);
		util_out_print("Region !AD : Statistics : Blocks Skipped (new fmt in disk)   : 0x!XL",
			TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), reorg_stats.blks_skipped_newfmtindisk);
		util_out_print("Region !AD : Statistics : Blocks Skipped (new fmt in cache)  : 0x!XL",
			TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), reorg_stats.blks_skipped_newfmtincache);
		util_out_print("Region !AD : Statistics : Blocks Converted (Bitmap)          : 0x!XL",
			TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), reorg_stats.blks_converted_bmp);
		util_out_print("Region !AD : Statistics : Blocks Converted (Non-Bitmap)      : 0x!XL",
			TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), reorg_stats.blks_converted_nonbmp);
		if (reorg_entiredb && (SS_NORMAL == status1) && (0 != blocks_left))
		{	/* file-header counter does not match what reorg on the entire database expected to see */
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBBTUWRNG, 2, expected_blks2upgrd, actual_blks2upgrd);
			util_out_print("Region !AD : Run MUPIP INTEG (without FAST qualifier) to fix the counter",
				TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg));
			status1 = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
		} else
			util_out_print("Region !AD : Total Blocks = [0x!XL] : Free Blocks = [0x!XL] : "
				       "Blocks to upgrade = [0x!XL]",
				       TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), total_blks, free_blks, actual_blks2upgrd);
		/* Issue success or failure message for this region */
		if (SS_NORMAL == status1)
		{	/* issue success only if REORG did not encounter any error in its processing */
			if (set_fully_upgraded)
				util_out_print("Region !AD : Database is now FULLY UPGRADED", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg));
			util_out_print("Region !AD : MUPIP REORG !AD finished!/", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(command));
										process_id, process_id, &curr_tn);
		} else
			assert(ERR_MUNOFINISH == status1);
			assert((SS_NORMAL == status) || (ERR_MUNOFINISH == status));
			util_out_print("Region !AD : MUPIP REORG !AD incomplete. See above messages.!/",
					TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(command));
			status = status1;
	if (NULL != bptr)
	if (NULL != bml_lcl_buff)
	if (mu_ctrly_occurred || mu_ctrlc_occurred)
		status = ERR_MUNOFINISH;
Exemplo n.º 24
void dse_chng_rhead(void)
	block_id	blk;
	sm_uc_ptr_t	bp, b_top, cp, rp;
	boolean_t	chng_rec;
	rec_hdr		new_rec;
	uint4		x;
	blk_segment	*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	int4		blk_seg_cnt, blk_size;
	srch_blk_status	blkhist;


        if (gv_cur_region->read_only)
                rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
	CHECK_AND_RESET_UPDATE_ARRAY;	/* reset update_array_ptr to update_array */
	if (cli_present("BLOCK") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if(!cli_get_hex("BLOCK", (uint4 *)&blk))
		patch_curr_blk = blk;
	if (patch_curr_blk < 0 || patch_curr_blk >= cs_addrs->ti->total_blks || !(patch_curr_blk % cs_addrs->hdr->bplmap))
		util_out_print("Error: invalid block number.", TRUE);

	blkhist.blk_num = patch_curr_blk;
	if (!(blkhist.buffaddr = t_qread(blkhist.blk_num, &blkhist.cycle, &blkhist.cr)))
	bp = blkhist.buffaddr;
	blk_size = cs_addrs->hdr->blk_size;
	chng_rec = FALSE;
	b_top = bp + ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bp)->bsiz;
	if (((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bp)->bsiz > blk_size || ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bp)->bsiz < SIZEOF(blk_hdr))
		chng_rec = TRUE;	/* force rewrite to correct size */
	if (cli_present("RECORD") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!(rp = skan_rnum(bp, FALSE)))
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
	} else if (!(rp = skan_offset(bp, FALSE)))
		t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
	GET_SHORT(new_rec.rsiz, &((rec_hdr_ptr_t)rp)->rsiz);
	new_rec.cmpc = ((rec_hdr_ptr_t)rp)->cmpc;
	if (cli_present("CMPC") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_hex("CMPC", &x))
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		if (x > 0x7f)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid cmpc.",TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		if (x > patch_comp_count)
			util_out_print("Warning:  specified compression count is larger than the current expanded key size.", TRUE);
		new_rec.cmpc = x;
		chng_rec = TRUE;
	if (cli_present("RSIZ") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (!cli_get_hex("RSIZ", &x))
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		if (x < SIZEOF(rec_hdr) || x > blk_size)
			util_out_print("Error: invalid rsiz.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		new_rec.rsiz = x;
		chng_rec = TRUE;
	if (chng_rec)
		BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
		cp = bp;
		cp += SIZEOF(blk_hdr);
		if (chng_rec)
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, cp, rp - cp);
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, (uchar_ptr_t)&new_rec, SIZEOF(rec_hdr));
			cp = rp + SIZEOF(rec_hdr);
		if (b_top - cp)
			BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, cp, b_top - cp);
		if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
			util_out_print("Error: bad blk build.", TRUE);
			t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		t_write(&blkhist, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bp)->levl, TRUE, FALSE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
		BUILD_AIMG_IF_JNL_ENABLED(cs_data, non_tp_jfb_buff_ptr, cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn);
		t_end(&dummy_hist, NULL, TN_NOT_SPECIFIED);
Exemplo n.º 25
void kputc(int ic){
	char c = (char)ic;