Exemplo n.º 1
main() {
  int c,p,nb,last;
  p = 0;
  nb = 0;
  while((c=getchar()) != EOF) {
    if(c == ' ') {
      last = c;
    else if (c != ' ' && c != '\n') {
        if(last == ' ') {           
           nb = 0; 
        last = c;
    else {
      p = 0;
      nb = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
/*** Returns the characer-index corresponding to the screen column ***/
ULONG find_nbc(LINE *ln, ULONG nbrc)
	register  LONG rc, nbc;
	register UBYTE *str;
	for(str=ln->stream, rc=0, nbc=ln->size; nbc && rc<nbrc; str++, nbc--)
		rc += (*str=='\t' ? tabstop(rc) : 1);
	return ln->size-nbc;
Exemplo n.º 3
/*** Convert num chars to real column number: ***/
ULONG x2pos(LINE *ln, ULONG nb)
	register ULONG nbrc=0;
	register UBYTE *str;
	for(str=ln->stream; nb; nb--, str++)
		nbrc += (*str=='\t' ? tabstop(nbrc) : 1);

	return nbrc;
Exemplo n.º 4
/*** Adjust column to an existing one: ***/
ULONG adjust_rc(LINE *ln, ULONG rc, ULONG *c, UBYTE atleast)
	register ULONG nbrc, nbc;
	register UBYTE *str;
	for(str=ln->stream, nbrc=nbc=0; nbc<ln->size; str++, nbc++)
		register ULONG tmp = (*str=='\t' ? tabstop(nbrc) : 1);
		/* If atleast is TRUE be sure that cursor will be at least at column rc: */
		if(atleast)	if(nbrc<rc) nbrc+=tmp; else break;
		else			if(nbrc+tmp<=rc) nbrc+=tmp; else break;
	*c=nbc; return nbrc;
Exemplo n.º 5
/*** Mark: block selection ***/
BYTE move_column_selection(Project p, LONG xn, LONG yn)
	static WORD left, nbcol;
	static LONG left_pos;
	extern BYTE	clear;
	LONG yline;				/* Nb. of line marked */
	LINE *ln;				/* Running pointer */
	BYTE ret;				/* Autoscroll ? */
	WORD y;					/* VPos of item sel */
	BYTE rdw = 0;

	/** Vertical autoscroll ? **/
	ret = (yn<p->top_line ? 2 : (yn>=(LONG)(p->top_line+gui.nbline) ? 1 : 0));
	if(p->nbrc<p->ccp.startsel && gui.topcurs <= p->ycurs && p->ycurs <= gui.botcurs)

	/** Reduce refreshed area **/
	left_pos=p->left_pos; left=gui.left; nbcol=gui.nbcol;

	gui.left += XSIZE * ( (
	p->left_pos = MIN(MIN(p->ccp.xp,p->ccp.xc), xn)) - left_pos);
	yline = MAX(MAX(p->ccp.xp,p->ccp.xc), xn);
	gui.nbcol = yline - p->left_pos + tabstop(yline);
	if(p->left_pos+gui.nbcol > left_pos+nbcol)
		gui.nbcol = left_pos+nbcol-p->left_pos;

	if(yn<0) yn=0; if(yn>=p->max_lines) yn=p->max_lines-1,ret=0;
	yline=p->ccp.yc; ln=p->ccp.cline;
	/* top_line may changed */

	/** Update start & end selection pos **/
	if( xn < p->ccp.xp )
		p->ccp.endsel = p->ccp.xp, p->ccp.startsel = xn;
		p->ccp.startsel = p->ccp.xp, p->ccp.endsel = xn;

	/** Same fight as before: afterward or backward scan **/
	if( yn >= yline )
		/* Search is afterward */
		for(; yline<yn; y+=YSIZE, yline++, ln=ln->next)
			if(yline < p->ccp.yp) ln->flags=0;
			else ln->flags=FIRSTSEL | LASTSEL;
			if(gui.topcurs <= y && y <= gui.botcurs)
		/* If user has changed vertical position of selection an **
		** update of part of selected buffer will be required:   */
		if(xn != p->ccp.xc) {
			if(p->ccp.yp < p->ccp.yc) rdw=6;
			else if(p->ccp.yp > yn) rdw=1;
	} else {
		/* Scan is backward */
		for(; yline>yn; y-=YSIZE, yline--, ln=ln->prev)
			if(yline > p->ccp.yp) ln->flags=0;
			else ln->flags=FIRSTSEL | LASTSEL;
			if(gui.topcurs <= y && y <= gui.botcurs)
		/* If user has changed vertical position of selection an **
		** update of part of selected buffer will be required:   */
		if(xn != p->ccp.xc) {
			if(p->ccp.yp > p->ccp.yc) rdw=5;
			else if(p->ccp.yp < yn) rdw=2;

	/** Current point now become the previous **/
	ln->flags = FIRSTSEL | LASTSEL;
	/* Last line can overlap edit area */
	if(gui.topcurs<=y && y<=gui.botcurs)

	/** Update unmodified lines **/
		register LINE *ptr; register WORD yc;
		/* Limits number of lines to redraw */
			ptr=p->ccp.cline, yline=p->ccp.yc,
		else ptr=ln, yc=y;

		/* Reduces number of columns to redraw */
		if(p->ccp.xc < xn)
			p->left_pos=p->ccp.xc, gui.nbcol=xn-p->ccp.xc+1+tabstop(xn);
			p->left_pos=xn, gui.nbcol=p->ccp.xc-xn+1+tabstop(p->ccp.xc);
		gui.left = left + XSIZE*(p->left_pos-left_pos);

		/* Be sure lines won't erase right border of window */
		if(p->left_pos+gui.nbcol > left_pos+nbcol) gui.nbcol = left_pos+nbcol-p->left_pos;

		if(rdw&1) {
			for(; yc<=gui.botcurs && yline<=p->ccp.yp; yline++, yc+=YSIZE, ptr=ptr->next)
				if(yc>=gui.topcurs) Move(RP,gui.left,yc),write_text(p,ptr);
		} else {
			for(; yc>=gui.topcurs && yline>=p->ccp.yp; yline--, yc-=YSIZE, ptr=ptr->prev)
				if(yc<=gui.botcurs) Move(RP,gui.left,yc),write_text(p,ptr);

	p->left_pos=left_pos; gui.left=left; gui.nbcol=nbcol;
	p->ccp.xc=xn; p->ccp.cline=ln; p->ccp.yc=yn;
	return ret;