Exemplo n.º 1
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  UnitTest t (19);

  // TODO bool confirm (const std::string&);
  // TODO int confirm3 (const std::string&);
  // TODO int confirm4 (const std::string&);
  // TODO void delay (float);

  // std::string formatBytes (size_t);
  t.is (formatBytes (0), "0 B", "0 -> 0 B");

  t.is (formatBytes (994),  "994 B", "994 -> 994 B");
  t.is (formatBytes (995),  "1.0 KiB", "995 -> 1.0 KiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (999),  "1.0 KiB", "999 -> 1.0 KiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000), "1.0 KiB", "1000 -> 1.0 KiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1001), "1.0 KiB", "1001 -> 1.0 KiB");

  t.is (formatBytes (999999),  "1.0 MiB", "999999 -> 1.0 MiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000000), "1.0 MiB", "1000000 -> 1.0 MiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000001), "1.0 MiB", "1000001 -> 1.0 MiB");

  t.is (formatBytes (999999999),  "1.0 GiB", "999999999 -> 1.0 GiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000000000), "1.0 GiB", "1000000000 -> 1.0 GiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000000001), "1.0 GiB", "1000000001 -> 1.0 GiB");

  // TODO const std::string uuid ();

  // std::string taskDiff (const Task&, const Task&);
  Task left;
  left.set ("zero", "0");
  left.set ("one",  1);
  left.set ("two",  2);

  Task right;
  right.set ("zero",  "00");
  right.set ("two",   2);
  right.set ("three", 3);

  Task rightAgain (right);

  std::string output = taskDifferences (left, right);
  t.ok (taskDiff (left, right),                                                     "Detected changes");
  t.ok (output.find ("zero will be changed from '0' to '00'") != std::string::npos, "Detected change zero:0 -> zero:00");
  t.ok (output.find ("one will be deleted")                   != std::string::npos, "Detected deletion one:1 ->");
  t.ok (output.find ("two")                                   == std::string::npos, "Detected no change two:2 -> two:2");
  t.ok (output.find ("three will be set to '3'")              != std::string::npos, "Detected addition -> three:3");

  t.notok (taskDiff (right, rightAgain),                                            "No changes detected");
  output = taskDifferences (right, rightAgain);
  t.ok (output.find ("No changes will be made")               != std::string::npos, "No changes detected");

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int CmdModify::execute (std::string& output)
  int rc = 0;
  int count = 0;

  // Apply filter.
  Filter filter;
  std::vector <Task> filtered;
  filter.subset (filtered);
  if (filtered.size () == 0)
    context.footnote (STRING_FEEDBACK_NO_TASKS_SP);
    return 1;

  // TODO Complain when no modifications are specified.

  // Accumulated project change notifications.
  std::map <std::string, std::string> projectChanges;

  std::vector <Task>::iterator task;
  for (task = filtered.begin (); task != filtered.end (); ++task)
    Task before (*task);
    task->modify (Task::modReplace);

    if (taskDiff (before, *task))
      // Perform some logical consistency checks.
      if (task->has ("recur")  &&
          !task->has ("due")   &&
          !before.has ("due"))
        throw std::string (STRING_CMD_MODIFY_NO_DUE);

      if (before.has ("recur") &&
          before.has ("due")   &&
          (!task->has ("due")  ||
           task->get ("due") == ""))
        throw std::string (STRING_CMD_MODIFY_REM_DUE);

      if (before.has ("recur")  &&
          (!task->has ("recur") ||
           task->get ("recur") == ""))
        throw std::string (STRING_CMD_MODIFY_REC_ALWAYS);

      // Delete the specified task.
      std::string question;
      if (task->id != 0)
        question = format (STRING_CMD_MODIFY_CONFIRM,
                           task->get ("description"));
        question = format (STRING_CMD_MODIFY_CONFIRM,
                           task->get ("uuid"),
                           task->get ("description"));

      if (permission (*task, taskDifferences (before, *task) + question, filtered.size ()))
        updateRecurrenceMask (*task);
        dependencyChainOnModify (before, *task);
        feedback_affected (STRING_CMD_MODIFY_TASK, *task);
        feedback_unblocked (*task);
        context.tdb2.modify (*task);
        if (context.verbose ("project"))
          projectChanges[task->get ("project")] = onProjectChange (before, *task);

        // Task potentially has siblings - modify them.
        if (task->has ("parent"))
          if ((context.config.get ("recurrence.confirmation") == "prompt"
               && confirm (STRING_CMD_MODIFY_RECUR)) ||
              context.config.getBoolean ("recurrence.confirmation"))
            std::vector <Task> siblings = context.tdb2.siblings (*task);
            std::vector <Task>::iterator sibling;
            for (sibling = siblings.begin (); sibling != siblings.end (); ++sibling)
              Task alternate (*sibling);
              sibling->modify (Task::modReplace);
              updateRecurrenceMask (*sibling);
              dependencyChainOnModify (alternate, *sibling);
              feedback_affected (STRING_CMD_MODIFY_TASK_R, *sibling);
              feedback_unblocked (*sibling);
              context.tdb2.modify (*sibling);
              if (context.verbose ("project"))
                projectChanges[sibling->get ("project")] = onProjectChange (alternate, *sibling);

            // Modify the parent
            Task parent;
            context.tdb2.get (task->get ("parent"), parent);
            parent.modify (Task::modReplace);
            context.tdb2.modify (parent);

        // Task potentially has child tasks - modify them.
        else if (task->get ("status") == "recurring")
          std::vector <Task> children = context.tdb2.children (*task);
          if (children.size () &&
              (! context.config.getBoolean ("recurrence.confirmation") ||
               confirm (STRING_CMD_MODIFY_RECUR)))
            std::vector <Task>::iterator child;
            for (child = children.begin (); child != children.end (); ++child)
              Task alternate (*child);
              child->modify (Task::modReplace);
              updateRecurrenceMask (*child);
              context.tdb2.modify (*child);
              dependencyChainOnModify (alternate, *child);
              if (context.verbose ("project"))
                projectChanges[child->get ("project")] = onProjectChange (alternate, *child);
              feedback_affected (STRING_CMD_MODIFY_TASK_R, *child);
        std::cout << STRING_CMD_MODIFY_NO << "\n";
        rc = 1;
        if (_permission_quit)

  // Now list the project changes.
  std::map <std::string, std::string>::iterator i;
  for (i = projectChanges.begin (); i != projectChanges.end (); ++i)
    if (i->first != "")
      context.footnote (i->second);

  feedback_affected (count == 1 ? STRING_CMD_MODIFY_1 : STRING_CMD_MODIFY_N, count);
  return rc;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  UnitTest t (40);

  // TODO bool confirm (const std::string&);
  // TODO int confirm3 (const std::string&);
  // TODO int confirm4 (const std::string&);
  // TODO void delay (float);

  // std::string formatBytes (size_t);
  t.is (formatBytes (0), "0 B", "0 -> 0 B");

  t.is (formatBytes (994),  "994 B", "994 -> 994 B");
  t.is (formatBytes (995),  "1.0 KiB", "995 -> 1.0 KiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (999),  "1.0 KiB", "999 -> 1.0 KiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000), "1.0 KiB", "1000 -> 1.0 KiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1001), "1.0 KiB", "1001 -> 1.0 KiB");

  t.is (formatBytes (999999),  "1.0 MiB", "999999 -> 1.0 MiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000000), "1.0 MiB", "1000000 -> 1.0 MiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000001), "1.0 MiB", "1000001 -> 1.0 MiB");

  t.is (formatBytes (999999999),  "1.0 GiB", "999999999 -> 1.0 GiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000000000), "1.0 GiB", "1000000000 -> 1.0 GiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000000001), "1.0 GiB", "1000000001 -> 1.0 GiB");

  // TODO const std::string uuid ();

  // TODO These are in feedback.cpp, not util.cpp.
  // std::string taskDiff (const Task&, const Task&);
  Task left;
  left.set ("zero", "0");
  left.set ("one",  1);
  left.set ("two",  2);

  Task right;
  right.set ("zero",  "00");
  right.set ("two",   2);
  right.set ("three", 3);

  Task rightAgain (right);

  std::string output = taskDifferences (left, right);
  t.ok (taskDiff (left, right),                                                     "Detected changes");
  t.ok (output.find ("Zero will be changed from '0' to '00'") != std::string::npos, "Detected change zero:0 -> zero:00");
  t.ok (output.find ("One will be deleted")                   != std::string::npos, "Detected deletion one:1 ->");
  t.ok (output.find ("Two")                                   == std::string::npos, "Detected no change two:2 -> two:2");
  t.ok (output.find ("Three will be set to '3'")              != std::string::npos, "Detected addition -> three:3");

  t.notok (taskDiff (right, rightAgain),                                            "No changes detected");
  output = taskDifferences (right, rightAgain);
  t.ok (output.find ("No changes will be made")               != std::string::npos, "No changes detected");

  // void combine (std::vector <int>&, const std::vector <int>&);
  std::vector <int> vleft;
  vleft.push_back (1);
  vleft.push_back (2);
  vleft.push_back (3);

  std::vector <int> vright;
  vright.push_back (4);

  combine (vleft, vright);
  t.is (vleft.size (), (size_t)4, "1,2,3 + 4 -> [4]");
  t.is (vleft[0], 1,      "1,2,3 + 4 -> 1,2,3,4");
  t.is (vleft[1], 2,      "1,2,3 + 4 -> 1,2,3,4");
  t.is (vleft[2], 3,      "1,2,3 + 4 -> 1,2,3,4");
  t.is (vleft[3], 4,      "1,2,3 + 4 -> 1,2,3,4");

  vright.push_back (3);
  vright.push_back (5);
  combine (vleft, vright);

  t.is (vleft.size (), (size_t)5, "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> [5]");
  t.is (vleft[0], 1,      "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> 1,2,3,4,5");
  t.is (vleft[1], 2,      "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> 1,2,3,4,5");
  t.is (vleft[2], 3,      "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> 1,2,3,4,5");
  t.is (vleft[3], 4,      "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> 1,2,3,4,5");
  t.is (vleft[4], 5,      "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> 1,2,3,4,5");

  // std::vector<std::string> indentTree (const std::vector<std::string>&, const std::string whitespace="  ", char delimiter='.');
  std::vector <std::string> flat;
  flat.push_back ("one");
  flat.push_back ("one.two");
  flat.push_back ("one.two.three");
  flat.push_back ("one.four");
  flat.push_back ("two");

  std::vector <std::string> structured = indentTree (flat, "  ", '.');
  t.is (structured.size (), (size_t) 5, "indentTree yields 5 strings");
  t.is (structured[0], "one",               "indentTree 'one'           -> 'one'");
  t.is (structured[1], "  one.two",         "indentTree 'one.two'       -> '  one.two'");
  t.is (structured[2], "    one.two.three", "indentTree 'one.two.three' -> '    one.two.three'");
  t.is (structured[3], "  one.four",        "indentTree 'one.four'      -> '  one.four'");
  t.is (structured[4], "two",               "indentTree 'two'           -> 'two'");

  // std::vector<std::string> indentProject (const std::string&, const std::string whitespace="  ", char delimiter='.');
  t.is (indentProject (""),              "",                  "indentProject '' -> ''");
  t.is (indentProject ("one"),           "one",               "indentProject 'one' -> 'one'");
  t.is (indentProject ("one.two"),       "  one.two",         "indentProject 'one.two' -> '  one.two'");
  t.is (indentProject ("one.two.three"), "    one.two.three", "indentProject 'one.two.three' -> '    one.two.three'");

  // TODO const std::string encode (const std::string& value);
  // TODO const std::string decode (const std::string& value);

  return 0;