Exemplo n.º 1
/* thread_create : task를 생성하는 함수로 taskinfo 구조체를 할당하고 구성한다. */
TaskInfo thread_create(TaskFunc callback, void *context)
	TaskInfo taskinfo;
	// task를 위한 공간 할당
	taskinfo = malloc(sizeof(*taskinfo));
	memset(taskinfo, 0x00, sizeof(*taskinfo));

		struct frame *f = (struct frame *)&taskinfo->stack[THREAD_STACKSIZE - sizeof(struct frame)/4];
		// taskinfo로 할당된 공간 중 stack부분 뒤쪽에 frame을 위한 공간으로 할당
		// 이에 task가 수행되면서 stack공간을 활용
		int i;
		for(i = 0; i < THREAD_STACKSIZE; ++i) {	// stack overflow check
			taskinfo->stack[i] = i;
		memset(f, 0, sizeof(struct frame));
		f->retaddr = (unsigned long)callback;
		f->retaddr2 = (unsigned long)thread_kill;
		f->data    = (unsigned long)context;
		taskinfo->sp      = (unsigned long)&f->flags;
		f->ebp     = (unsigned long)&f->eax;
	// task 생성에 따라 gh_sch에 child task가 늘었음을 표시
	gh_sch.child_task ++;
	// gh_sch.child_task 값으로 task_id 할당
	taskinfo->task_id = gh_sch.child_task;		
	// task 생성시 TASK_READY로 상태를 설정함
	taskinfo->status = TASK_READY;				
	// taskinfo구조체들의 linkedlist에 새 thread의 taskinfo 구조체를 삽입

	return taskinfo;
Exemplo n.º 2
void FATR sched_grp_insert_task_(Integer *task_list, 
				 Integer *tskid, 
				 Integer *nproc) {
  task_list_t *tlist = (task_list_t *)task_list;
  task_insert(tlist, *tskid, *nproc);  
Exemplo n.º 3
int DllExport _nidaq_open (char* name)
	int id ,status;
	char buf[256];
	TaskHandle handle;
	sTask *pTask;
	sDataChain *pData;

	status = DAQmxLoadTask (name, &handle);
	if (status)
		DAQmxGetErrorString (status, buf, 256);
		return status;
	id = task_insert(handle);
	pTask = tasks.item + id;

	/* # of channels */
	DAQmxGetReadAttribute (handle, DAQmx_Read_NumChans, &pTask->numChannels);

	DAQmxGetTimingAttribute (handle, DAQmx_SampTimingType, &pTask->type);
	if (pTask->type== DAQmx_Val_OnDemand)
		pData = malloc(sizeof(sDataChain));
		pData->data = malloc(NBUF * pTask->numChannels * sizeof(short));
		pData->num = 0;
		pData->next = 0;
		pTask->current = pData;
		pTask->start = pData;
		pTask->num = 0;

	return id;
Exemplo n.º 4
STATIC void kernel()
    //Create an idle-task
    task_insert(&idletask, idle, Low);
    //enable watchdog

    //init user specific stuff
    //start scheduler

        /* this should never been reached */
Exemplo n.º 5
void task_add(void *task_list, int tskid, int nproc) {
  task_list_t *tlist = (task_list_t *)task_list;

  task_insert(tlist, tskid, nproc);
Exemplo n.º 6
	Function: import_ical (bask_core* tcore, struct bask_task** first, char* filename);
	Description: Imports tasks from a ical formated file.
	InitVersion: 0.0.1
short import_ical (bask_core* tcore, struct bask_task** first, char* filename)
	unsigned int tid;
	short tactive, tpriority, tstate;
	char line[200], today[T_S_DUE], tadded[T_S_ADDED], tdue[T_S_DUE], tfinished[T_S_FINISHED], tproject[T_S_PROJECT], tdescription[T_S_DESCRIPTION];
	char tt_tmp[50];
	char saveptr[200];
	FILE* importfile;
	tid = tpriority = tstate = 0;
	tactive = TRUE;
	strcpy (tt_tmp, " ");
	strcpy (tadded, " ");
	strcpy (tdue, " ");
	strcpy (tfinished, " ");
	strcpy (tproject, " ");
	strcpy (tdescription, " "); 

	time_get_str (today, sizeof (today));

	importfile = fopen (filename, "r");

	if (importfile == NULL)
		errors_filenotopened (filename);
		return -1;
	while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), importfile) != NULL)
		if (parser_get_str (line, "END:", tt_tmp, sizeof (tt_tmp), ICALSEP, saveptr) == 0)
			if (utils_streq (tt_tmp, "VTODO") == 0)
				if (tid == 0)
					tid = tcore->baskbin_uid;
				/* TODO: Put that into a function! */
				if (BITGET (tcore->t_options, T_O_AUTODUETODAY) == TRUE &&
				    utils_streq (tdue, "NONE") != 0 &&
				   ( time_get_day (today) == time_get_day (tdue) &&
				      time_get_month (today) == time_get_month (tdue) &&
				      time_get_year (today) == time_get_year (tdue)))
					tpriority = 2;
				task_insert (first, tcore->tc_amount, tid, tactive, tpriority, tstate, tadded, tdue, tfinished, tproject, tdescription);
				tid = tpriority= 0;
				/* If there is no clue to tactive we enable it by default. */
				tactive = TRUE;
				tstate = FALSE;
			parser_get_int (line, "UID:", &tid, ICALSEP, saveptr);
			/* Try multiple ways to find the data. */
			if (parser_get_str (line, "CREATED:", tt_tmp, sizeof (tt_tmp), ICALSEP, saveptr) == 0)
				import_ical_getdatestr (tadded, tt_tmp);
			else if (parser_get_str (line, "DTSTART:", tt_tmp, sizeof (tt_tmp), ICALSEP, saveptr) == 0)
				import_ical_getdatestr (tadded, tt_tmp);
			else if (parser_get_str (line, "COMPLETED:", tt_tmp, sizeof (tt_tmp), ICALSEP, saveptr) == 0)
				if (import_ical_getdatestr (tfinished, tt_tmp) == -1)
					strcpy (tfinished, "NONE");
					tstate = FALSE;
					tstate = TRUE;
			else if (parser_get_str (line, "DTEND:", tt_tmp, sizeof (tt_tmp), ICALSEP, saveptr) == 0)
				if (import_ical_getdatestr (tfinished, tt_tmp) == -1)
					strcpy (tfinished, "NONE");
					tstate = FALSE;
					tstate = TRUE;
			else if (parser_get_str (line, "DUE:", tt_tmp, sizeof (tt_tmp), ICALSEP, saveptr) == 0)
				if (import_ical_getdatestr (tdue, tt_tmp) == -1)
					strcpy (tdue, "NONE");
			parser_get_short (line, "PRIORITY:", &tpriority, ICALSEP, saveptr);
			parser_get_str (line, "DESCRIPTION:", tdescription, sizeof (tdescription), ICALSEP, saveptr);
			parser_get_str (line, "SUMMARY:", tproject, sizeof (tproject), ICALSEP, saveptr);
			if (parser_get_str (line, "STATUS:", tt_tmp, sizeof (tt_tmp), ICALSEP, saveptr) == 0)
				if (utils_streq (tt_tmp, "IN-PROCESS") == 0)
					tactive = TRUE;
				else if (utils_streq (tt_tmp, "NEEDS-ACTION") == 0)
					tactive = FALSE;
	fclose (importfile);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
	Function: import_baskbin (bask_core* tcore, struct bask_task** first, char* filename);
	Description: Imports the tasks from a baskbin formated file.
	InitVersion: 0.0.1
short import_baskbin (bask_core* tcore, struct bask_task** first, char* filename)
	unsigned int tid;
	int tstate, bb_state;
	short tactive, tpriority;
	char line[200], today[T_S_DUE], tadded[T_S_ADDED], tdue[T_S_DUE], tfinished[T_S_FINISHED], tproject[T_S_PROJECT], tdescription[T_S_DESCRIPTION];
	char saveptr[200];
	FILE* importfile;

	bb_state = tid = tactive = tpriority = tstate = 0;
	strcpy (tadded, "NONE");
	strcpy (tdue, "NONE");
	strcpy (tfinished, "NONE");
	strcpy (tproject, " ");
	strcpy (tdescription, " ");
	time_get_str (today, sizeof (today));

	importfile = fopen (filename, "r");

	if (importfile == NULL)
		errors_filenotopened (filename);
		return -1;
	while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), importfile) != NULL)
		if (utils_streq (line, "BASKBIN\n") == 0)
			bb_state = TRUE;
		else if (utils_streq (line, "BBEND\n") == 0)
			bb_state = FALSE;
		if (bb_state == TRUE)
			parser_get_int (line, "bbuid=", &tcore->baskbin_uid, BASKSEP, saveptr);
		else if (utils_streq (line, "END\n") == 0)
			/* TODO: Put that into a function! */
			if (BITGET (tcore->t_options, T_O_AUTODUETODAY) == TRUE &&
			    utils_streq (tdue, "NONE") != 0 &&
			    ( time_get_day (today) == time_get_day (tdue) &&
			      time_get_month (today) == time_get_month (tdue) &&
			      time_get_year (today) == time_get_year (tdue)))
				tpriority = 2;
			task_insert (first, tcore->tc_amount, tid, tactive, tpriority, tstate, tadded, tdue, tfinished, tproject, tdescription);
			parser_get_int (line, "tid=", &tid, BASKSEP, saveptr);
			parser_get_short (line, "tactive=", &tactive, BASKSEP, saveptr);
			parser_get_short (line, "tpriority=", &tpriority, BASKSEP, saveptr);
			parser_get_str (line, "tadded=", tadded, sizeof (tadded), BASKSEP, saveptr);
			parser_get_str (line, "tdue=", tdue, sizeof (tdue), BASKSEP, saveptr);
			if (parser_get_str (line, "tfinished=", tfinished, sizeof (tfinished), BASKSEP, saveptr) == 0)
				/* Use this instead of tstate because this tells us already the state. */
				if (strlen (tfinished) == F_BB_S_DATE-1)
					tstate = TRUE;
					tstate = FALSE;
			parser_get_str (line, "tproject=", tproject, sizeof (tproject), BASKSEP, saveptr);
			parser_get_str (line, "tdescription=", tdescription, sizeof (tdescription), BASKSEP, saveptr);
	fclose (importfile);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
	Function: import_csv_parser (bask_core* tcore, struct bask_task** first, char* token, char* today, char* saveptr);
	Description: Parses a task data line from a csv formated file. 
	InitVersion: 0.0.1
void import_csv_parser (bask_core* tcore, struct bask_task** first, char* token, char* today, char* saveptr)
	unsigned int tid;
	int tstate;
	short tactive, tpriority;
	char tadded[T_S_ADDED], tdue[T_S_DUE], tfinished[T_S_FINISHED], tproject[T_S_PROJECT], tdescription[T_S_DESCRIPTION];
	char tmp[200];
	tid = tactive = tpriority = tstate = 0;
	tid = atoi (token);
	token = strtok_r (NULL, ";", &saveptr);
	utils_atos (&tactive, token);
	token = strtok_r (NULL, ";", &saveptr);
	utils_atos (&tpriority, token);
	token = strtok_r (NULL, ";", &saveptr);
	/* Subtracting 2 byte for the " chars. */
	if (strlen (token)-2 < T_S_ADDED)
		strcpy (tmp, token); 
		if (tmp[0] == '"')
			strcpy (tadded, &tmp[1]);
			strcpy (tadded, tmp);
		if (tadded[strlen (tadded)-1] == '"')
			tadded[strlen (tadded)-1] = '\0';
		strcpy (tadded, "NONE");
	token = strtok_r (NULL, ";", &saveptr);
	/* Subtracting 2 byte for the " chars. */
	if (strlen (token)-2 < T_S_DUE)
		strcpy (tmp, token); 
		if (tmp[0] == '"')
			strcpy (tdue, &tmp[1]);
			strcpy (tdue, tmp);
		if (tdue[strlen (tdue)-1] == '"')
			tdue[strlen (tdue)-1] = '\0';
		strcpy (tdue, "NONE");
	token = strtok_r (NULL, ";", &saveptr);
	/* Subtracting 2 byte for the " chars. */
	if (strlen (token)-2 < T_S_FINISHED)
		strcpy (tmp, token); 
		if (tmp[0] == '"')
			strcpy (tfinished, &tmp[1]);
			strcpy (tfinished, tmp);
		if (tfinished[strlen (tfinished)-1] == '"')
			tfinished[strlen (tfinished)-1] = '\0';
		/* If the string isnt set to NONE its finished. */
		if (strlen (tfinished) > 4)
			tstate = TRUE;
		strcpy (tfinished, "NONE");
	token = strtok_r (NULL, ";", &saveptr);
	/* Subtracting 2 byte for the " chars. */
	if (strlen (token)-2 < T_S_PROJECT)
		strcpy (tmp, token); 
		if (tmp[0] == '"')
			strcpy (tproject, &tmp[1]);
			strcpy (tproject, tmp);
		if (tproject[strlen (tproject)-1] == '"')
			tproject[strlen (tproject)-1] = '\0';
		strcpy (tproject, " ");
	token = strtok_r (NULL, ";\n", &saveptr);
	/* Subtracting 2 byte for the " chars. */
	if (strlen (token)-2 < T_S_DESCRIPTION)
		strcpy (tmp, token); 
		if (tmp[0] == '"')
			strcpy (tdescription, &tmp[1]);
			strcpy (tdescription, tmp);
		if (tdescription[strlen (tdescription)-1] == '"')
			tdescription[strlen (tdescription)-1] = '\0';
		strcpy (tdescription, " ");
	/* TODO: Put that into a function! */
	if (BITGET (tcore->t_options, T_O_AUTODUETODAY) == TRUE &&
	    utils_streq (tdue, "NONE") != 0 &&
	    ( time_get_day (today) == time_get_day (tdue) &&
	      time_get_month (today) == time_get_month (tdue) &&
	      time_get_year (today) == time_get_year (tdue)))
		tpriority = 2;
	task_insert (first, tcore->tc_amount, tid, tactive, tpriority, tstate, tadded, tdue, tfinished, tproject, tdescription);