Exemplo n.º 1
int main (void)
	// Disable the watchdog timer unless it's needed later. This is important because
	// sometimes the watchdog timer may have been left on...and it tends to stay on
	MCUSR = 0;
	wdt_disable ();

	// Configure a serial port which can be used by a task to print debugging infor-
	// mation, or to allow user interaction, or for whatever use is appropriate.  The
	// serial port will be used by the user interface task after setup is complete and
	// the task scheduler has been started by the function vTaskStartScheduler()
	rs232* p_ser_port = new rs232 (9600, 1);
	*p_ser_port << clrscr << PMS ("ME405 Lab 1 Program") << endl;

	// Create the queues and other shared data items here
	p_print_ser_queue = new TextQueue (32, "Print", p_ser_port, 10);

	// The user interface is at low priority; it could have been run in the idle task
	// but it is desired to exercise the RTOS more thoroughly in this test program
	new task_user ("UserInt", task_priority (1), 260, p_ser_port);

	// Create a task which reads the A/D and adjusts an LED's brightness accordingly
	new task_brightness ("Bright", task_priority (2), 280, p_ser_port);

	// Here's where the RTOS scheduler is started up. It should never exit as long as
	// power is on and the microcontroller isn't rebooted
	vTaskStartScheduler ();
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: Larhard/hurd
increase_priority (void)
  mach_port_t pset = MACH_PORT_NULL, psetcntl = MACH_PORT_NULL;
  error_t err;

  err = thread_get_assignment (mach_thread_self (), &pset);
  if (err)
    goto out;

  err = host_processor_set_priv (_hurd_host_priv, pset, &psetcntl);
  if (err)
    goto out;

  err = thread_max_priority (mach_thread_self (), psetcntl, 0);
  if (err)
    goto out;

  err = task_priority (mach_task_self (), 2, 1);

  if (MACH_PORT_VALID (pset))
    mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), pset);
  if (MACH_PORT_VALID (psetcntl))
    mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), psetcntl);

  return err;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main (void)
    // Disable the watchdog timer unless it's needed later. This is important because
    // sometimes the watchdog timer may have been left on...and it tends to stay on
    MCUSR = 0;
    wdt_disable ();

    // Configure a serial port which can be used by a task to print debugging infor-
    // mation, or to allow user interaction, or for whatever use is appropriate.  The
    // serial port will be used by the user interface task after setup is complete and
    // the task scheduler has been started by the function vTaskStartScheduler()
    rs232* p_ser_port = new rs232 (9600, 1);
    // print this identifier line.
    *p_ser_port << clrscr << PMS ("ME405 Lab 2 Motor Controller Program") << endl;

    //initialize the A/D converter for potentiometer control
    adc* p_main_adc = new adc (p_ser_port);

    // Create the queues and other shared data items here
    p_print_ser_queue = new TextQueue (32, "Print", p_ser_port, 10);
    motor_directive = new TaskShare<uint8_t> ("Motor Directive");
    motor_power = new TaskShare<int16_t> ("Motor Power");
    motor_select = new TaskShare<uint8_t> ("Motor Select");

    //initialize to special value so no motor is affected yet
    motor_select -> put(NULL_MOTER);

    //initilaize two different motor driver pointers to pass into two tasks
    motor_driver* p_motor1 = new motor_driver(p_ser_port, &PORTC, &PORTC, &PORTB, &OCR1B, PC0, PC1, PC2, PB6);

    motor_driver* p_motor2 = new motor_driver(p_ser_port, &PORTD, &PORTD, &PORTB, &OCR1A, PD5, PD6, PD7, PB5);
    // The user interface is at low priority; it could have been run in the idle task
    // but it is desired to exercise the RTOS more thoroughly in this test program
    new task_user ("UserInt", task_priority (1), 260, p_ser_port);

    // Create tasks to control motors, given individual p_motors

    new task_motor ("Motor1", task_priority (2), 280, p_ser_port, p_motor1, p_main_adc, 1);

    new task_motor ("Motor2", task_priority (2), 280, p_ser_port, p_motor2, p_main_adc, 2);

    // Here's where the RTOS scheduler is started up. It should never exit as long as
    // power is on and the microcontroller isn't rebooted
    vTaskStartScheduler ();
Exemplo n.º 4
t_status	interface_task_priority(o_syscall*	message)
  t_status error;

  error = task_priority(message->u.request.u.task_priority.arg1,

  message->u.reply.error = error;

  return (STATUS_OK);
Exemplo n.º 5
main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
  mach_port_t boot;
  error_t err;
  mach_port_t pset, psetcntl;
  void *genport;
  process_t startup_port;
  struct argp argp = { 0, 0, 0, "Hurd process server" };

  argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, 0);

  initialize_version_info ();

  err = task_get_bootstrap_port (mach_task_self (), &boot);
  assert_perror (err);
  if (boot == MACH_PORT_NULL)
    error (2, 0, "proc server can only be run by init during boot");

  proc_bucket = ports_create_bucket ();
  proc_class = ports_create_class (0, 0);
  generic_port_class = ports_create_class (0, 0);
  exc_class = ports_create_class (exc_clean, 0);
  ports_create_port (generic_port_class, proc_bucket,
		     sizeof (struct port_info), &genport);
  generic_port = ports_get_right (genport);

  /* Create the initial proc object for init (PID 1).  */
  startup_proc = create_startup_proc ();

  /* Create our own proc object (we are PID 0).  */
  self_proc = allocate_proc (mach_task_self ());
  assert (self_proc);

  complete_proc (self_proc, 0);

  startup_port = ports_get_send_right (startup_proc);
  err = startup_procinit (boot, startup_port, &startup_proc->p_task,
			  &authserver, &master_host_port, &master_device_port);
  assert_perror (err);
  mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), startup_port);

  mach_port_mod_refs (mach_task_self (), authserver, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_SEND, 1);
  _hurd_port_set (&_hurd_ports[INIT_PORT_AUTH], authserver);
  mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), boot);

  proc_death_notify (startup_proc);
  add_proc_to_hash (startup_proc); /* Now that we have the task port.  */

  /* Set our own argv and envp locations.  */
  self_proc->p_argv = (vm_address_t) argv;
  self_proc->p_envp = (vm_address_t) envp;

  /* Give ourselves good scheduling performance, because we are so
     important. */
  err = thread_get_assignment (mach_thread_self (), &pset);
  assert_perror (err);
  err = host_processor_set_priv (master_host_port, pset, &psetcntl);
  assert_perror (err);
  thread_max_priority (mach_thread_self (), psetcntl, 0);
  assert_perror (err);
  err = task_priority (mach_task_self (), 2, 1);
  assert_perror (err);

  mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), pset);
  mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), psetcntl);

    /* Get our stderr set up to print on the console, in case we have
       to panic or something.  */
    mach_port_t cons;
    error_t err;
    err = device_open (master_device_port, D_READ|D_WRITE, "console", &cons);
    assert_perror (err);
    stdin = mach_open_devstream (cons, "r");
    stdout = stderr = mach_open_devstream (cons, "w");
    mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), cons);

  while (1)
    ports_manage_port_operations_multithread (proc_bucket,
					      0, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
int main (void)
    // Disable the watchdog timer unless it's needed later. This is important because
    // sometimes the watchdog timer may have been left on...and it tends to stay on
    MCUSR = 0;
    wdt_disable ();

    // time_stamp the_time_now;

    // Configure a serial port which can be used by a task to print debugging infor-
    // mation, or to allow user interaction, or for whatever use is appropriate.  The
    // serial port will be used by the user interface task after setup is complete and
    // the task scheduler has been started by the function vTaskStartScheduler()
    rs232* p_ser_port = new rs232 (9600, 1);
    // print this identifier line.
    *p_ser_port << clrscr << PMS ("ME405 Lego Car Comms Test") << endl;

    // set up USART0 on E0 and E1 for external comms
    // rs232* p_ser_bt = new rs232(0, 0);
    // UCSR0A |= (1 << U2X0); // set the double-speed bit
    // UBRR0 = 16; // set baud rate to 115200

    //initialize the A/D converter for potentiometer control
    // adc* p_main_adc = new adc (p_ser_port);

    // Create the queues and other shared data items here
    p_print_ser_queue = new TextQueue (32, "Print", p_ser_port, 10);

    /// Start Shares Motor Variables
    motor_setpoint = new TaskShare<int16_t> ("Motor SetPoint");
    motor_directive = new TaskShare<uint8_t> ("Motor Directive");
    motor_power = new TaskShare<int16_t> ("Motor Power");
    // Start Shares Encoder Variables
    encoder_count = new TaskShare<int32_t> ("Encoder Pulse Count");
    encoder_ticks_per_task = new TaskShare<int16_t> ("Encoder Pulse Per Time");
    // Start Shares IMU variables
    data_read = new TaskShare<uint32_t> ("imu data");

    // Start Shares Steering Variables
    steering_power = new TaskShare<int16_t> ("Steering Power");
    // Start Shares oystick Position Variables
    x_joystick = new TaskShare<int16_t> ("X Joystick Position");
    y_joystick = new TaskShare<int16_t> ("Y Joystick Position");
    // Start  Shares Gear Variables
    gear_state = new TaskShare<int16_t> ("Shift State");

    // new task_encoder ("EncoderControl", task_priority(5), 280, p_ser_port, p_hctl);

    new task_receiver ("REC", task_priority(5), 300, p_ser_port);

    //*p_ser_port << "Waiting.." << endl;

    //initialize to special value so no motor is affected yet
    //motor_select -> put(NULL_MOTER);

    // //initilaize two different motor driver pointers to pass into two tasks
    // motor_driver* p_motor1 = new motor_driver(p_ser_port, &PORTC, &PORTC, &PORTB, &OCR1B, PC0, PC1, PC2, PB6);

    // // this is steering
    // servo_driver* p_steering_servo = new servo_driver(p_ser_port, &TCCR3A, &TCCR3B, &ICR3, &OCR3A, 8, 20000, PE3);
    // // this is shifting

    // //encoder_driver* p_encoder1 = new encoder_driver(p_ser_port, &EICRB, &EIMSK, &DDRE, ISC60, ISC70, INT6, INT7, PE6, PE7);

    // servo_driver* p_shift_servo = new servo_driver(p_ser_port, &TCCR3A, &TCCR3B, &ICR3, &OCR3B, 8, 20000, PE4);

    // // make instance of hctl_driver to count external ticks from hctl chip
    // hctl_driver* p_hctl = new hctl_driver(p_ser_port, &PORTA, &PORTC, 7, &PORTC, 6);

    // // make instance of imu_driver to be able to link to the BNO055
    // imu_driver* p_imu = new imu_driver(p_ser_port, &PORTD, &DDRD, 0, 1);
    // // temp method to read from IMU
    // int8_t tempsss = p_imu -> readIMU(0, 1);

    // shift_driver* p_local_shift = new shift_driver(p_ser_port, &EICRB, &EIMSK, &PORTE, ISC50, INT5, PE5);

    // // Create tasks to control motors, encoders, and IMUs
    // new task_user ("UserInt", task_priority (1), 260, p_ser_port);

    // new task_motor ("MotorControl", task_priority (2), 280, p_ser_port, p_motor1, p_main_adc, 1);

    // //start encoder and give the highest priority
    // new task_encoder ("EncoderControl", task_priority(5), 280, p_ser_port, p_hctl);

    // new task_steering ("SteeringControl", task_priority(3), 280, p_ser_port, p_steering_servo, 1);

    // new task_shift ("ShiftControl", task_priority(4), 280, p_ser_port,p_shift_servo, 1, p_local_shift);

    // // create a new PID manager for the motor, with K values of:
    // // Proportional = 1, Integral = 0, Derivative = 0, Windup = 0
    // // And the default saturation limits
    // new task_pid ("PID", task_priority(4), 280, p_ser_port, motor_setpoint, encoder_ticks_per_task, motor_power, 1024, 0, 0, 0, -1023, 1023);

    vTaskStartScheduler ();