Exemplo n.º 1
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * thread
static tb_char_t const* tb_demo_gets(tb_char_t* line, tb_size_t maxn)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(line && maxn, tb_null);

    // done
    tb_char_t* p = line;
    tb_char_t* e = line + maxn;
    while (p < e)
        // get character
        tb_char_t ch = getchar(); if (ch == '\r') getchar();
        tb_check_break(ch != '\r' && ch != '\n');

        // append digit
        if (tb_isdigit(ch)) *p++ = ch;
            // trace
            tb_trace_e("invalid character: %x, please input digit!", ch);

    // end
    if (p < e) *p = '\0';

    // ok?
    return line;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * interfaces
tb_bool_t tb_dns_init()
    // done
    tb_size_t count = 0;
    if (tb_file_info("/etc/resolv.conf", tb_null)) 
        /* try get list from "/etc/resolv.conf"
         * # Generated by NetworkManager
         * nameserver
         * nameserver
        tb_stream_ref_t stream = tb_stream_init_from_url("/etc/resolv.conf");
        if (stream)
            // open
            if (tb_stream_open(stream)) 
                // read
                tb_long_t size = 0;
                tb_char_t line[8192];
                while ((size = tb_stream_bread_line(stream, line, 8192)) >= 0)
                    if (size && !tb_strnicmp(line, "nameserver", 10))
                        // seek to server
                        tb_char_t const* p = line + 10;
                        while (*p && !tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;

                        // add server

                        // count++
            // exit

    // no server? add the default server
    if (!count) 

    // ok
    return tb_true;
Exemplo n.º 3
static tb_void_t tb_check_is()
    tb_int_t i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        if ((tb_isspace(i)? 1 : 0) != (isspace(i)? 1 : 0)) tb_printf("[e] isspace: 0x%02x\n", i);
        if ((tb_isalpha(i)? 1 : 0) != (isalpha(i)? 1 : 0)) tb_printf("[e] isalpha: 0x%02x\n", i);
        if ((tb_isdigit(i)? 1 : 0) != (isdigit(i)? 1 : 0)) tb_printf("[e] isdigit: 0x%02x\n", i);
        if ((tb_isupper(i)? 1 : 0) != (isupper(i)? 1 : 0)) tb_printf("[e] isupper: 0x%02x\n", i);
        if ((tb_islower(i)? 1 : 0) != (islower(i)? 1 : 0)) tb_printf("[e] islower: 0x%02x\n", i);
        if ((tb_isascii(i)? 1 : 0) != (isascii(i)? 1 : 0)) tb_printf("[e] isascii: 0x%02x\n", i);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: option.c Projeto: waruqi/tbox
static __tb_inline__ tb_bool_t tb_option_is_integer(tb_char_t const* data)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(data, tb_false);
    // init
    tb_char_t const* p = data;

    // skip '-' & '+'
    if (*p == '-' || *p == '+') p++;

    // walk
    for (; *p && tb_isdigit(*p); p++);

    // ok?
    return *p? tb_false : tb_true;
Exemplo n.º 5
static tb_void_t g2_svg_element_polygon_points(g2_svg_element_polygon_t* element, tb_char_t const* data)
	// init
	tb_char_t const* p = data;

	// size
	tb_size_t size = 0;

	// trace
	tb_trace_impl("polygon: points");
	while (*p)
		if (!tb_isspace(*p) && tb_isdigit(*p))
			p = g2_svg_element_polygon_point(element, p, &size);
		else p++;

	// close path
	if (element->path) g2_path_close(element->path);
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: parser.c Projeto: waruqi/vm86
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * implementation
tb_bool_t vm86_parser_get_variable_name(tb_char_t const** pp, tb_char_t const* e, tb_char_t* name, tb_size_t maxn)
    // check
    tb_assert(pp && e && name && maxn);

    // done
    tb_bool_t           ok = tb_false;
    tb_char_t const*    p = *pp;
        // save base
        tb_char_t const* b = p;

        // check
        tb_check_break(p < e && (tb_isalpha(*p) || *p == '_'));

        // get name
        while (p < e && (tb_isalpha(*p) || *p == '_' || tb_isdigit(*p))) p++;
        tb_check_break(p <= e && p - b < maxn);
        tb_memcpy(name, b, p - b);

        // end
        name[p - b] = '\0';

        // skip the space
        while (p < e && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

        // ok
        ok = tb_true;

    } while (0);

    // update the code pointer if ok
    if (ok) *pp = p;

    // ok?
    return ok;
Exemplo n.º 7
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * implementation
static tb_int_t tb_skip_atoi(tb_char_t const** s)
    tb_int_t i = 0;
    while (tb_isdigit(**s)) i = i * 10 + *((*s)++) - '0';
    return i;
Exemplo n.º 8
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * main
tb_int_t tb_demo_stream_async_stream_main(tb_int_t argc, tb_char_t** argv)
    // done
    tb_demo_context_t   context = {0};
        // init option
        context.option = tb_option_init("astream", "the astream demo", g_options);
        // done option
        if (tb_option_done(context.option, argc - 1, &argv[1]))
            // debug and verbose
            context.debug   = tb_option_find(context.option, "debug")? tb_false : tb_true;
            context.verbose = tb_option_find(context.option, "no-verbose")? tb_false : tb_true;
            // done url
            if (tb_option_find(context.option, "url")) 
                // init event
                context.event = tb_event_init();

                // init istream
                context.istream = tb_async_stream_init_from_url(tb_null, tb_option_item_cstr(context.option, "url"));

                // ctrl http
                if (tb_async_stream_type(context.istream) == TB_STREAM_TYPE_HTTP) 
                    // enable gzip?
                    if (tb_option_find(context.option, "gzip"))
                        // auto unzip
                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_AUTO_UNZIP, 1)) break;

                        // need gzip
                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, "Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate")) break;

                    // enable debug?
                    if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD_FUNC, context.debug? tb_demo_istream_head_func : tb_null)) break;

                    // custem header?
                    if (tb_option_find(context.option, "header"))
                        // init
                        tb_string_t key;
                        tb_string_t val;

                        // done
                        tb_bool_t           k = tb_true;
                        tb_char_t const*    p = tb_option_item_cstr(context.option, "header");
                        while (*p)
                            // is key?
                            if (k)
                                if (*p != ':' && !tb_isspace(*p)) tb_string_chrcat(&key, *p++);
                                else if (*p == ':') 
                                    // skip ':'

                                    // skip space
                                    while (*p && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

                                    // is val now
                                    k = tb_false;
                                else p++;
                            // is val?
                                if (*p != ';') tb_string_chrcat(&val, *p++);
                                    // skip ';'

                                    // skip space
                                    while (*p && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

                                    // set header
                                    if (tb_string_size(&key) && tb_string_size(&val))
                                        if (context.debug) tb_printf("header: %s: %s\n", tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val));
                                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val))) break;

                                    // is key now
                                    k = tb_true;

                                    // clear key & val

                        // set header
                        if (tb_string_size(&key) && tb_string_size(&val))
                            if (context.debug) tb_printf("header: %s: %s\n", tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val));
                            if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val))) break;

                        // exit 

                    // keep alive?
                    if (tb_option_find(context.option, "keep-alive"))
                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, "Connection", "keep-alive")) break;

                    // post-data?
                    if (tb_option_find(context.option, "post-data"))
                        tb_char_t const*    post_data = tb_option_item_cstr(context.option, "post-data");
                        tb_hize_t           post_size = tb_strlen(post_data);
                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_METHOD, TB_HTTP_METHOD_POST)) break;
                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_DATA, post_data, post_size)) break;
                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_FUNC, tb_demo_http_post_func)) break;
                        if (context.debug) tb_printf("post: %llu\n", post_size);
                    // post-file?
                    else if (tb_option_find(context.option, "post-file"))
                        tb_char_t const* url = tb_option_item_cstr(context.option, "post-file");
                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_METHOD, TB_HTTP_METHOD_POST)) break;
                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_URL, url)) break;
                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_FUNC, tb_demo_http_post_func)) break;
                        if (context.debug) tb_printf("post: %s\n", url);

                // set range
                if (tb_option_find(context.option, "range"))
                    tb_char_t const* p = tb_option_item_cstr(context.option, "range");
                    if (p)
                        // the bof
                        tb_hize_t eof = 0;
                        tb_hize_t bof = tb_atoll(p);
                        while (*p && tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                        if (*p == '-')
                            eof = tb_atoll(p);
                        if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_RANGE, bof, eof)) break;

                // set timeout
                if (tb_option_find(context.option, "timeout"))
                    tb_size_t timeout = tb_option_item_uint32(context.option, "timeout");
                    tb_async_stream_ctrl(context.istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_SET_TIMEOUT, &timeout);

                // print verbose info
                if (context.verbose) tb_printf("open: %s: ..\n", tb_option_item_cstr(context.option, "url"));

                // open istream
                if (!tb_async_stream_open(context.istream, tb_demo_istream_open_func, &context)) 
                    // print verbose info
                    if (context.verbose) tb_printf("open: failed\n");

                // wait it
                tb_event_wait(context.event, -1);
            else tb_option_help(context.option);
        else tb_option_help(context.option);

    } while (0);

    // exit transfer
    if (context.transfer) tb_async_transfer_exit(context.transfer);
    context.transfer = tb_null;

    // exit istream
    if (context.istream) tb_async_stream_exit(context.istream);
    context.istream = tb_null;

    // exit ostream
    if (context.ostream) tb_async_stream_exit(context.ostream);
    context.ostream = tb_null;

    // exit option
    if (context.option) tb_option_exit(context.option);
    context.option = tb_null;

    // exit event
    if (context.event) tb_event_exit(context.event);
    context.event = tb_null;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * implementation
static tb_object_ref_t tb_object_xplist_reader_func_date(tb_object_xplist_reader_t* reader, tb_size_t event)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(reader && reader->reader && event, tb_null);

    // empty?
        return tb_object_date_init_from_time(0);

    // done
    tb_bool_t       leave = tb_false;
    tb_object_ref_t date = tb_null;
    while (!leave && (event = tb_xml_reader_next(reader->reader)))
        switch (event)
                // name
                tb_char_t const* name = tb_xml_reader_element(reader->reader);
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(name, leave, tb_true);
                // is end?
                if (!tb_stricmp(name, "date"))
                    // empty?
                    if (!date) date = tb_object_date_init_from_time(0);

                    // leave it
                    leave = tb_true;
                // text
                tb_char_t const* text = tb_xml_reader_text(reader->reader);
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(text, leave, tb_true);
                tb_trace_d("date: %s", text);

                // done date: %04ld-%02ld-%02ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld
                tb_tm_t tm = {0};
                tb_char_t const* p = text;
                tb_char_t const* e = text + tb_strlen(text);

                // init year
                while (p < e && *p && !tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(p < e, leave, tb_true);
                tm.year = tb_atoi(p);

                // init month
                while (p < e && *p && tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                while (p < e && *p && !tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(p < e, leave, tb_true);
                tm.month = tb_atoi(p);
                // init day
                while (p < e && *p && tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                while (p < e && *p && !tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(p < e, leave, tb_true);
                tm.mday = tb_atoi(p);
                // init hour
                while (p < e && *p && tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                while (p < e && *p && !tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(p < e, leave, tb_true);
                tm.hour = tb_atoi(p);
                // init minute
                while (p < e && *p && tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                while (p < e && *p && !tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(p < e, leave, tb_true);
                tm.minute = tb_atoi(p);
                // init second
                while (p < e && *p && tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                while (p < e && *p && !tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(p < e, leave, tb_true);
                tm.second = tb_atoi(p);
                // time
                tb_time_t time = tb_mktime(&tm);
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(time >= 0, leave, tb_true);

                // date
                date = tb_object_date_init_from_time(time);

    // ok?
    return date;
Exemplo n.º 10
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * implementation
tb_time_t tb_http_date_from_cstr(tb_char_t const* cstr, tb_size_t size)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(cstr && size, 0);

    // done
    tb_tm_t             tm = {0};
    tb_time_t           date = 0;
    tb_char_t const*    p = cstr;
    tb_char_t const*    e = cstr + size;
        // skip space
        while (p < e && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

        // ignore
#if 0
        // parse week
        if ((p + 6 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Monday", 6)) || (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Mon", 3)))
            tm.week = 1;
        else if ((p + 7 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Tuesday", 7)) || (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Tue", 3)))
            tm.week = 2;
        else if ((p + 9 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Wednesday", 9)) || (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Wed", 3)))
            tm.week = 3;    
        else if ((p + 8 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Thursday", 8)) || (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Thu", 3)))
            tm.week = 4;
        else if ((p + 6 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Friday", 6)) || (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Fri", 3)))
            tm.week = 5;
        else if ((p + 8 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Saturday", 8)) || (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Sat", 3)))
            tm.week = 6;
        else if ((p + 6 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Sunday", 6)) || (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Sun", 3)))
            tm.week = 7;

        // skip week
        while (p < e && *p != ',' && !tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

        if (p < e && (*p == ',' || tb_isspace(*p))) p++;

        // skip space
        while (p < e && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

        // is day?
        tb_bool_t year_suffix = tb_true;
        if (p < e && tb_isdigit(*p))
            /* prefix year
             * .e.g 
             * year_suffix == false: Sun, 06-Nov-1994 08:49:37
             * year_suffix == true: Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994
            year_suffix = tb_false;

            // parse day
            tm.mday = tb_s10tou32(p);

            // skip day
            while (p < e && *p != '-' && !tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

            if (p < e && (*p == '-' || tb_isspace(*p))) p++;

        // parse month
        if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Jan", 3))
            tm.month = 1;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Feb", 3))
            tm.month = 2;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Mar", 3))
            tm.month = 3;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Apr", 3))
            tm.month = 4;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "May", 3))
            tm.month = 5;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Jun", 3))
            tm.month = 6;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Jul", 3))
            tm.month = 7;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Aug", 3))
            tm.month = 8;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Sep", 3))
            tm.month = 9;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Oct", 3))
            tm.month = 10;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Nov", 3))
            tm.month = 11;
        else if (p + 3 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "Dec", 3))
            tm.month = 12;

        // skip month
        while (p < e && *p != '-' && !tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

        if (p < e && (*p == '-' || tb_isspace(*p))) p++;

        // year suffix?
        if (year_suffix)
            // parse day
            tm.mday = tb_s10tou32(p);
            // parse year
            tm.year = tb_s10tou32(p);
            if (tm.year < 100) tm.year += 2000;

        // skip year or day
        while (p < e && !tb_isspace(*p)) p++; 
        while (p < e && tb_isspace(*p)) p++; 

        // parse hour
        tm.hour = tb_s10tou32(p);

        // skip hour
        while (p < e && *p != ':') p++;

        if (p < e && *p == ':') p++;

        // parse minute
        tm.minute = tb_s10tou32(p);

        // skip minute
        while (p < e && *p != ':') p++;

        if (p < e && *p == ':') p++;

        // parse second
        tm.second = tb_s10tou32(p);

        // year suffix?
        if (year_suffix)
            // skip time
            while (p < e && !tb_isspace(*p)) p++; 
            while (p < e && tb_isspace(*p)) p++; 

            // parse year
            tm.year = tb_s10tou32(p);
            if (tm.year < 100) tm.year += 1900;

        // make date
        date = tb_gmmktime(&tm);

    } while (0);

    // ok?
    return date;
Exemplo n.º 11
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * main
tb_int_t tb_demo_stream_main(tb_int_t argc, tb_char_t** argv)
    // done
    tb_option_ref_t     option = tb_null;
    tb_stream_ref_t     istream = tb_null;
    tb_stream_ref_t     ostream = tb_null;
    tb_stream_ref_t     pstream = tb_null;
        // init option
        option = tb_option_init("stream", "the stream demo", g_options);
        // done option
        if (tb_option_done(option, argc - 1, &argv[1]))
            // debug & verbose
            tb_bool_t debug = tb_option_find(option, "debug");
            tb_bool_t verbose = tb_option_find(option, "no-verbose")? tb_false : tb_true;
            // done url
            if (tb_option_find(option, "url")) 
                // init istream
                istream = tb_stream_init_from_url(tb_option_item_cstr(option, "url"));
                // ctrl http
                if (tb_stream_type(istream) == TB_STREAM_TYPE_HTTP) 
                    // enable gzip?
                    if (tb_option_find(option, "gzip"))
                        // auto unzip
                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_AUTO_UNZIP, 1)) break;

                        // need gzip
                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, "Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate")) break;

                    // enable debug?
                    if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD_FUNC, debug? tb_demo_stream_head_func : tb_null)) break;

                    // custem header?
                    if (tb_option_find(option, "header"))
                        // init
                        tb_string_t key;
                        tb_string_t val;

                        // done
                        tb_bool_t           k = tb_true;
                        tb_char_t const*    p = tb_option_item_cstr(option, "header");
                        while (*p)
                            // is key?
                            if (k)
                                if (*p != ':' && !tb_isspace(*p)) tb_string_chrcat(&key, *p++);
                                else if (*p == ':') 
                                    // skip ':'

                                    // skip space
                                    while (*p && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

                                    // is val now
                                    k = tb_false;
                                else p++;
                            // is val?
                                if (*p != ';') tb_string_chrcat(&val, *p++);
                                    // skip ';'

                                    // skip space
                                    while (*p && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

                                    // set header
                                    if (tb_string_size(&key) && tb_string_size(&val))
                                        if (debug) tb_printf("header: %s: %s\n", tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val));
                                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val))) break;

                                    // is key now
                                    k = tb_true;

                                    // clear key & val

                        // set header
                        if (tb_string_size(&key) && tb_string_size(&val))
                            if (debug) tb_printf("header: %s: %s\n", tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val));
                            if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, tb_string_cstr(&key), tb_string_cstr(&val))) break;

                        // exit 

                    // keep alive?
                    if (tb_option_find(option, "keep-alive"))
                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, "Connection", "keep-alive")) break;

                    // post-data?
                    if (tb_option_find(option, "post-data"))
                        tb_char_t const*    post_data = tb_option_item_cstr(option, "post-data");
                        tb_hize_t           post_size = tb_strlen(post_data);
                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_METHOD, TB_HTTP_METHOD_POST)) break;
                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_DATA, post_data, post_size)) break;
                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_FUNC, tb_demo_http_post_func)) break;
                        if (debug) tb_printf("post: %llu\n", post_size);
                    // post-file?
                    else if (tb_option_find(option, "post-file"))
                        tb_char_t const* url = tb_option_item_cstr(option, "post-file");
                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_METHOD, TB_HTTP_METHOD_POST)) break;
                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_URL, url)) break;
                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_POST_FUNC, tb_demo_http_post_func)) break;
                        if (debug) tb_printf("post: %s\n", url);

                // set range
                if (tb_option_find(option, "range"))
                    tb_char_t const* p = tb_option_item_cstr(option, "range");
                    if (p)
                        // the bof
                        tb_hize_t eof = 0;
                        tb_hize_t bof = tb_atoll(p);
                        while (*p && tb_isdigit(*p)) p++;
                        if (*p == '-')
                            eof = tb_atoll(p);
                        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_RANGE, bof, eof)) break;

                // set timeout
                if (tb_option_find(option, "timeout"))
                    tb_size_t timeout = tb_option_item_uint32(option, "timeout");
                    if (!tb_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_SET_TIMEOUT, timeout)) break;

                // print verbose info
                if (verbose) tb_printf("open: %s: ..\n", tb_option_item_cstr(option, "url"));

                // open istream
                if (!tb_stream_open(istream)) 
                    // print verbose info
                    if (verbose) tb_printf("open: %s\n", tb_state_cstr(tb_stream_state(istream)));

                // print verbose info
                if (verbose) tb_printf("open: ok\n");

                // init ostream
                if (tb_option_find(option, "more0"))
                    // the path
                    tb_char_t const* path = tb_option_item_cstr(option, "more0");

                    // init
                    ostream = tb_stream_init_from_file(path, TB_FILE_MODE_RW | TB_FILE_MODE_CREAT | TB_FILE_MODE_BINARY | TB_FILE_MODE_TRUNC);

                    // print verbose info
                    if (verbose) tb_printf("save: %s\n", path);
                    // the name
                    tb_char_t const* name = tb_strrchr(tb_option_item_cstr(option, "url"), '/');
                    if (!name) name = tb_strrchr(tb_option_item_cstr(option, "url"), '\\');
                    if (!name) name = "/stream.file";

                    // the path
                    tb_char_t path[TB_PATH_MAXN] = {0};
                    if (tb_directory_current(path, TB_PATH_MAXN))
                        tb_strcat(path, name);
                    else break;

                    // init file
                    ostream = tb_stream_init_from_file(path, TB_FILE_MODE_RW | TB_FILE_MODE_CREAT | TB_FILE_MODE_BINARY | TB_FILE_MODE_TRUNC);

                    // print verbose info
                    if (verbose) tb_printf("save: %s\n", path);

                // the limit rate
                tb_size_t limitrate = 0;
                if (tb_option_find(option, "limitrate"))
                    limitrate = tb_option_item_uint32(option, "limitrate");

                // save it
                tb_hong_t           save = 0;
                tb_demo_context_t   context = {0}; 
                context.verbose     = verbose;
                if ((save = tb_transfer_done(istream, ostream, limitrate, tb_demo_stream_save_func, &context)) < 0) break;
            else tb_option_help(option);
        else tb_option_help(option);

    } while (0);

    // exit pstream
    if (pstream) tb_stream_exit(pstream);
    pstream = tb_null;

    // exit istream
    if (istream) tb_stream_exit(istream);
    istream = tb_null;

    // exit ostream
    if (ostream) tb_stream_exit(ostream);
    ostream = tb_null;

    // exit option
    if (option) tb_option_exit(option);
    option = tb_null;

    return 0;