Exemplo n.º 1
static __tb_inline__ tb_time_t tb_oc_bplist_writer_time_host2apple(tb_time_t time)
    tb_tm_t tm = {0};
    if (tb_localtime(time, &tm))
        if (tm.year >= 31) tm.year -= 31;
        time = tb_mktime(&tm);
    return time;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * implementation
static __tb_inline__ tb_time_t tb_object_bplist_reader_time_apple2host(tb_time_t time)
    tb_tm_t tm = {0};
    if (tb_localtime(time, &tm))
        if (tm.year < 2000) tm.year += 31;
        time = tb_mktime(&tm);
    return time;
Exemplo n.º 3
static tb_bool_t tb_oc_xml_writer_func_date(tb_oc_xml_writer_t* writer, tb_object_ref_t object, tb_size_t level)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(writer && writer->stream, tb_false);

    // no empty?
    tb_time_t time = tb_oc_date_time(object);
    if (time > 0)
        // writ beg
        if (!tb_oc_writer_tab(writer->stream, writer->deflate, level)) return tb_false;
        if (tb_stream_printf(writer->stream, "<date>") < 0) return tb_false;

        // writ date
        tb_tm_t date = {0};
        if (tb_localtime(time, &date))
            if (tb_stream_printf(writer->stream,  "%04ld-%02ld-%02ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld"
                                ,   date.year
                                ,   date.month
                                ,   date.mday
                                ,   date.hour
                                ,   date.minute
                                ,   date.second) < 0) return tb_false;
        // writ end
        if (tb_stream_printf(writer->stream, "</date>") < 0) return tb_false;
        if (!tb_oc_writer_newline(writer->stream, writer->deflate)) return tb_false;
        // writ
        if (!tb_oc_writer_tab(writer->stream, writer->deflate, level)) return tb_false;
        if (tb_stream_printf(writer->stream, "<date/>") < 0) return tb_false;
        if (!tb_oc_writer_newline(writer->stream, writer->deflate)) return tb_false;

    // ok
    return tb_true;
Exemplo n.º 4
static tb_void_t tb_directory_walk_func(tb_char_t const* path, tb_file_info_t const* info, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return(path && info);

    // the modify time
    tb_tm_t mtime = {0};
    tb_localtime(info->mtime, &mtime);

    // dump
    tb_trace_i( "path[%c]: %s, size: %llu, mtime: %04ld-%02ld-%02ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld"
            , info->type == TB_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY? 'd' : 'f'
            , path
            , info->size
            , mtime.year
            , mtime.month
            , mtime.mday
            , mtime.hour
            , mtime.minute
            , mtime.second);
Exemplo n.º 5
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * main
tb_int_t tb_demo_libc_time_main(tb_int_t argc, tb_char_t** argv)
    // time
    tb_time_t now = tb_time();

    // the local time
    tb_tm_t lt = {0};
    if (tb_localtime(now, &lt))
        tb_trace_i("LMT: %04ld-%02ld-%02ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld, week: %d, time: %lld ?= %lld"
            , lt.year
            , lt.month
            , lt.mday
            , lt.hour
            , lt.minute
            , lt.second
            , lt.week
            , tb_mktime(&lt)
            , now);
    // the gmt time
    tb_tm_t gt = {0};
    if (tb_gmtime(now, &gt))
        tb_trace_i("GMT: %04ld-%02ld-%02ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld, week: %d, time: %lld ?= %lld"
            , gt.year
            , gt.month
            , gt.mday
            , gt.hour
            , gt.minute
            , gt.second
            , gt.week
            , tb_gmmktime(&gt)
            , now);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
tb_void_t tb_trace_done_with_args(tb_char_t const* prefix, tb_char_t const* module, tb_char_t const* format, tb_va_list_t args)
    // check

    // enter

    // done
        // check

        // init
        tb_char_t*      p = g_line;
        tb_char_t*      e = g_line + sizeof(g_line);

        // print prefix to file
        if ((g_mode & TB_TRACE_MODE_FILE) && g_file) 
            // print time to file
            tb_tm_t lt = {0};
            if (p < e && tb_localtime(tb_time(), &lt))
                p += tb_snprintf(p, e - p, "[%04ld-%02ld-%02ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld]: ", lt.year, lt.month, lt.mday, lt.hour, lt.minute, lt.second);

            // print self to file
            if (p < e) p += tb_snprintf(p, e - p, "[%lx]: ", tb_thread_self());

        // append prefix
        tb_char_t*      b = p;
        if (prefix && p < e) p += tb_snprintf(p, e - p, "[%s]: ", prefix);

        // append module
        if (module && p < e) p += tb_snprintf(p, e - p, "[%s]: ", module);

        // append format
        if (p < e) p += tb_vsnprintf(p, e - p, format, args);

        // append end
        if (p < e) *p = '\0'; e[-1] = '\0';

        // print it
        if (g_mode & TB_TRACE_MODE_PRINT) tb_print(b);

        // print it to file
        if ((g_mode & TB_TRACE_MODE_FILE) && g_file) 
            // done
            tb_size_t size = p - g_line;
            tb_size_t writ = 0;
            while (writ < size)
                // writ it
                tb_long_t real = tb_file_writ(g_file, (tb_byte_t const*)g_line + writ, size - writ);
                tb_check_break(real > 0);

                // save size
                writ += real;

    } while (0);

    // leave