Exemplo n.º 1
static int export_list(int parent, int object, const char* name, const char*** list)
	int i;

	int parArr = tbl_get(parent, name);
	int parLen = tbl_getlen_deep(parArr);
	int objArr = tbl_get(object, name);
	int objLen = tbl_getlen_deep(objArr);

	*list = (const char**)prj_newlist(parLen + objLen);

	for (i = 0; i < parLen; ++i)
		(*list)[i] = tbl_getstringi(parArr, i + 1);

	for (i = 0; i < objLen; ++i)
		(*list)[parLen + i] = tbl_getstringi(objArr, i + 1);

	return (parLen + objLen);
Exemplo n.º 2
char * core_getvar(char *varname) {
    if (!strcmp(varname, "?")) {
        /* Get last return of the shell */
        char *lreturn = (char *)malloc(5);
        snprintf(lreturn, 4, "%d", glob_shell->lreturn);
        return lreturn;
    if (tbl_containskey(glob_shell->lvar_tbl, varname))
        return (char *)tbl_get(glob_shell->lvar_tbl, varname);
    return getenv(varname);
Exemplo n.º 3
static int export_pkgconfig(Package* package, int tbl)
	int arr, obj;
	int len, i;

	arr = tbl_get(tbl, "config");
	len = tbl_getlen(arr);
	package->configs = (PkgConfig**)prj_newlist(len);
	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		PkgConfig* config = ALLOCT(PkgConfig);
		package->configs[i] = config;
		config->prjConfig = project->configs[i];

		obj = tbl_geti(arr, i + 1);
		config->objdir = tbl_getstring(obj, "objdir");

		config->extension = export_value(tbl, obj, "targetextension");
		config->prefix    = export_value(tbl, obj, "targetprefix");
		config->target    = export_value(tbl, obj, "target");

		/* Assign a default target, if none specified */
		if (config->target == NULL)
			config->target = package->name;

		/* Pull out the value lists */
		export_list(tbl, obj, "buildflags",   &config->flags);
		export_list(tbl, obj, "buildoptions", &config->buildopts);
		export_list(tbl, obj, "defines",      &config->defines);
		export_list(tbl, obj, "includepaths", &config->incpaths);
		export_list(tbl, obj, "libpaths",     &config->libpaths);
		export_list(tbl, obj, "linkoptions",  &config->linkopts);
		export_list(tbl, obj, "links",        &config->links);

		/* Build the file list */
		config->files = export_files(tbl, obj);

		/* Build a list of file configurations */
		export_fileconfig(config, arr);

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int export_fileconfig(PkgConfig* config, int arr)
	int obj, count, i;

	count = prj_getlistsize((void**)config->files);
	config->fileconfigs = (FileConfig**)prj_newlist(count);
	for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		FileConfig* fconfig = ALLOCT(FileConfig);
		config->fileconfigs[i] = fconfig;

		obj = tbl_get(arr, config->files[i]);
		if (obj > 0)
			fconfig->buildaction = tbl_getstring(obj, "buildaction");
			fconfig->buildaction = NULL;

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
int script_export()
	int tbl, arr, obj;
	int len, i;


	/* Copy out the list of available options */
	tbl = tbl_get(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "options");
	len = tbl_getlen(tbl);
	project->options = (Option**)prj_newlist(len);
	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		Option* option = ALLOCT(Option);
		project->options[i] = option;

		obj = tbl_geti(tbl, i + 1);
		option->flag = tbl_getstringi(obj, 1);
		option->desc = tbl_getstringi(obj, 2);

	/* Copy out the project settings */
	tbl = tbl_get(LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "project");
	project->name = tbl_getstring(tbl, "name");
	project->path = tbl_getstring(tbl, "path");
	project->script = tbl_getstring(tbl, "script");

	/* Copy out the project configurations */
	arr = tbl_get(tbl, "config");
	len = tbl_getlen(arr);
	project->configs = (PrjConfig**)prj_newlist(len);
	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		PrjConfig* config = ALLOCT(PrjConfig);
		project->configs[i] = config;

		obj = tbl_geti(arr, i + 1);
		config->name   = tbl_getstring(obj, "name");
		config->bindir = export_value(tbl, obj, "bindir");
		config->libdir = export_value(tbl, obj, "libdir");

	/* Copy out the packages */
	tbl = tbl_get(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "packages");
	len = tbl_getlen(tbl);
	project->packages = (Package**)prj_newlist(len);
	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		Package* package = ALLOCT(Package);
		package->index = i;
		project->packages[i] = package;
		obj = tbl_geti(tbl, i + 1);
		package->name   = tbl_getstring(obj, "name");
		package->path   = tbl_getstring(obj, "path");
		package->script = tbl_getstring(obj, "script");
		package->lang   = tbl_getstring(obj, "language");
		package->kind   = tbl_getstring(obj, "kind");
		package->objdir = tbl_getstring(obj, "objdir");
		package->url    = tbl_getstring(obj, "url");
		package->data   = NULL;

		export_pkgconfig(package, obj);

	return 1;