bool BIO::CORE::TestCore() { #if BIO_TESTING_IS_ENABLED == BIO_TESTING_OFF std::cout << "Testing is disabled" << std::endl; return true; #else //TESTING IS ENABLED //create a test suite for this class XNELO::TESTING::TestSuite testSuite("BIO CORE Tests"); XNELO::TESTING::OutStreamGenerator output; testSuite.SetReportGenerator(&output); //add the test functions testSuite.AddTestFunction(TestBasicTypes); testSuite.AddTestFunction(STRING::TestStringUtils); testSuite.AddTestFunction(FILE::FileUtilsTests); //run tests and print out results testSuite.ExecuteTests(); //save the return value bool retValue = testSuite.GetSuccess(); return retValue; #endif //BIO_TESTING_IS_ENABLED }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { mojo::edk::Init(); base::TestSuite testSuite(argc, argv); return base::LaunchUnitTests(argc, argv, base::Bind(&runHelper, base::Unretained(&testSuite))); }
// TestSuite must be created before SetUpTestEnvironment so it performs // initializations needed by WebKit support. This is slightly complicated by the // fact that chromium multi-dll build requires that the TestSuite object be created // and run inside webkit.dll. int main(int argc, char** argv) { #if defined(BLINK_DLL_UNITTEST) blink::InitTestSuite(argc, argv); content::SetUpTestEnvironmentForWebKitUnitTests(); int result = blink::RunAllUnitTests(); content::TearDownEnvironmentForWebKitUnitTests(); blink::DeleteTestSuite(); #else ::testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv); TestSuite testSuite(argc, argv); content::SetUpTestEnvironmentForWebKitUnitTests(); int result = testSuite.Run(); content::TearDownEnvironmentForWebKitUnitTests(); #endif return result; }
int main(void) { int testResult; Suite *suite; SRunner *suiteRunner; // create the test suite and the runner suite = testSuite(); suiteRunner = srunner_create(suite); // execute the tests srunner_run_all(suiteRunner, CK_NORMAL); testResult = srunner_ntests_failed(suiteRunner); srunner_free(suiteRunner); return (testResult == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { base::CommandLine::Init(argc, argv); WTF::Partitions::initialize(nullptr); WTF::setTimeFunctionsForTesting(dummyCurrentTime); WTF::initialize(nullptr); WTF::initializeMainThread(0); blink::TestingPlatformSupport::Config platformConfig; cc_blink::WebCompositorSupportImpl compositorSupport; platformConfig.compositorSupport = &compositorSupport; blink::TestingPlatformSupport platform(platformConfig); blink::Heap::init(); blink::ThreadState::attachMainThread(); blink::ThreadState::current()->registerTraceDOMWrappers(nullptr, nullptr); blink::EventTracer::initialize(); blink::HTTPNames::init(); base::TestSuite testSuite(argc, argv); mojo::edk::Init(); base::TestIOThread testIoThread(base::TestIOThread::kAutoStart); WTF::OwnPtr<mojo::edk::test::ScopedIPCSupport> ipcSupport( adoptPtr(new mojo::edk::test::ScopedIPCSupport(testIoThread.task_runner()))); int result = base::LaunchUnitTests(argc, argv, base::Bind(runTestSuite, base::Unretained(&testSuite))); blink::ThreadState::detachMainThread(); blink::Heap::shutdown(); WTF::shutdown(); WTF::Partitions::shutdown(); return result; }
struct TestSuite * StubShellTest_suite() { return testSuite("StubShellTest", testGetCurrentTime, NULL); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Command cmd = NO_COMMAND; char *cp; int verbose = 0; int digits = 0; BigReal x; Array<BigReal> v; try { for(argv++; *argv && *(cp = *argv) == '-'; argv++) { for(cp++; *cp; cp++) { switch(*cp) { case 'v': for(cp++;*cp;cp++) { switch(*cp) { case 'd': verbose |= VERBOSE_DATA ; continue; case 'm': verbose |= VERBOSE_MATRIX ; continue; case 'p': verbose |= VERBOSE_PIVOT ; continue; case 'y': verbose |= VERBOSE_Y ; continue; case 'i': verbose |= VERBOSE_INVA ; continue; default : verbose = VERBOSE_ALL ; break; } break; } if(*cp) continue; else break; case 'p': if(sscanf(cp+1, "%u", &digits) != 1) { usage(); } break; case 'r': if(cmd != NO_COMMAND) { usage(); } cmd = FIND_POLYNOMIAL; x = BigReal(cp+1); break; case 'x': { if(cmd != NO_COMMAND) { usage(); } cmd = FIND_RELATION; const String tmp(cp+1); for(Tokenizer tok(tmp,_T(",")); tok.hasNext();) { v.add(BigReal(; } } break; case 'f': { if(cmd != NO_COMMAND) { usage(); } cmd = FIND_RELATION; char *fileName = cp+1; tistream *input = (fileName[0] == '\0') ? (tistream*)&tcin : new tifstream(fileName); while(!input->eof() && !input->bad()) { BigReal x; (*input) >> x; v.add(x); } if(input->bad()) { tcerr << _T("Invalid input in ") << fileName << endl; exit(-1); } if(input != &tcin) { delete input; } } break; case 't': if(cmd != NO_COMMAND) { usage(); } cmd = TEST_PSLQ; continue; default : usage(); } break; } } if(cmd == NO_COMMAND) { usage(); } switch(cmd) { case FIND_POLYNOMIAL: findIntegerPolynomial(x,digits,verbose); break; case FIND_RELATION : findIntegerRelation(v,digits,verbose); break; case TEST_PSLQ: testSuite(digits,verbose); break; } } catch(Exception e) { _ftprintf(stderr,_T("Exception:%s\n"), e.what()); return -1; } return 0; // BaileyBorwein(200); }
void TxtTestReport::beginTestCase(TestCase *testCase) { fout("%%: %%::run()\n") << testSuite()->name() << testCase->name(); fout("...........................................................\n"); }
int runWebTests(int argc, char** argv, void (*preTestHook)(void), void (*postTestHook)(void)) { base::TestSuite testSuite(argc, argv); return base::LaunchUnitTests(argc, argv, base::Bind(&runHelper, base::Unretained(&testSuite), preTestHook, postTestHook)); }