Exemplo n.º 1
static void do_test_non_exist_and_partchange (void) {
	char *topic_a = rd_strdup(test_mk_topic_name("topic_a", 1));
	rd_kafka_t *rk;
	rd_kafka_conf_t *conf;
	rd_kafka_queue_t *queue;

	 * Test #1:
	 * - Subscribe to non-existing topic.
	 * - Verify empty assignment
	 * - Create topic
	 * - Verify new assignment containing topic
	TEST_SAY("#1 & #2 testing\n");
	test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 60);

	/* Decrease metadata interval to speed up topic change discovery. */
	test_conf_set(conf, "metadata.max.age.ms", "5000");

	rd_kafka_conf_set_events(conf, RD_KAFKA_EVENT_REBALANCE);
	rk = test_create_consumer(test_str_id_generate_tmp(),
				  NULL, conf, NULL, NULL);
	queue = rd_kafka_queue_get_consumer(rk);

	TEST_SAY("#1: Subscribing to %s\n", topic_a);
	test_consumer_subscribe(rk, topic_a);

	/* Should not see a rebalance since no topics are matched. */
	await_no_rebalance("#1: empty", rk, queue, 10000);

	TEST_SAY("#1: creating topic %s\n", topic_a);
	test_create_topic(topic_a, 2, 1);

	await_assignment("#1: proper", rk, queue, 1,
			 topic_a, 2);

	 * Test #2 (continue with #1 consumer)
	 * - Increase the partition count
	 * - Verify updated assignment
	test_kafka_topics("--alter --topic %s --partitions 4",
	await_revoke("#2", rk, queue);

	await_assignment("#2: more partitions", rk, queue, 1,
			 topic_a, 4);


Exemplo n.º 2
static void test_producer_partition_cnt_change (void) {
	rd_kafka_t *rk;
	rd_kafka_conf_t *conf;
	rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt;
	const char *topic = test_mk_topic_name(__FUNCTION__, 1);
	const int partition_cnt = 4;
	int msgcnt = 100000;
	test_timing_t t_destroy;
	int produced = 0;

	test_kafka_topics("--create --topic %s --replication-factor 1 "
			  "--partitions %d",
			  topic, partition_cnt/2);

	test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 20);

	rk = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf);
	rkt = test_create_topic_object(rk, __FUNCTION__,
                                       tsprintf("%d", tmout_multip(5000)),

	test_produce_msgs_nowait(rk, rkt, 0, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, 0, msgcnt/2,
				 NULL, 100, &produced);

	test_kafka_topics("--alter --topic %s --partitions %d",
			  topic, partition_cnt);

	test_produce_msgs_nowait(rk, rkt, 0, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA,
				 msgcnt/2, msgcnt/2,
				 NULL, 100, &produced);

	test_wait_delivery(rk, &produced);


	TIMING_START(&t_destroy, "rd_kafka_destroy()");
Exemplo n.º 3
/* @remark This test will fail if auto topic creation is enabled on the broker
 * since the client will issue a topic-creating metadata request to find
 * a new leader when the topic is removed.
 * To run with trivup, do:
 * ./interactive_broker_version.py .. -conf '{"auto_create_topics":"false"}' ..
 * TESTS=0045 ./run-test.sh -k ./merged
static void do_test_topic_remove (void) {
	char *topic_f = rd_strdup(test_mk_topic_name("topic_f", 1));
	char *topic_g = rd_strdup(test_mk_topic_name("topic_g", 1));
	int parts_f = 5;
	int parts_g = 9;
	rd_kafka_t *rk;
	rd_kafka_conf_t *conf;
	rd_kafka_queue_t *queue;
	rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *topics;
	rd_kafka_resp_err_t err;

	 * Topic removal test:
	 * - Create topic f & g
	 * - Subscribe to f & g
	 * - Verify f & g assignment
	 * - Remove topic f
	 * - Verify g assignment
	 * - Remove topic g
	 * - Verify empty assignment
	TEST_SAY("Topic removal testing\n");
	test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 60);

	/* Decrease metadata interval to speed up topic change discovery. */
	test_conf_set(conf, "metadata.max.age.ms", "5000");

	rd_kafka_conf_set_events(conf, RD_KAFKA_EVENT_REBALANCE);
	rk = test_create_consumer(test_str_id_generate_tmp(),
				  NULL, conf, NULL, NULL);
	queue = rd_kafka_queue_get_consumer(rk);

	TEST_SAY("Topic removal: creating topic %s (subscribed)\n", topic_f);
	test_create_topic(topic_f, parts_f, 1);

	TEST_SAY("Topic removal: creating topic %s (subscribed)\n", topic_g);
	test_create_topic(topic_g, parts_g, 1);

	rd_sleep(1); // FIXME: do check&wait loop instead

	TEST_SAY("Topic removal: Subscribing to %s & %s\n", topic_f, topic_g);
	topics = rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_new(2);
	rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add(topics, topic_f, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA);
	rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add(topics, topic_g, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA);
	err = rd_kafka_subscribe(rk, topics);
		    "%s", rd_kafka_err2str(err));

	await_assignment("Topic removal: both topics exist", rk, queue, 2,
			 topic_f, parts_f,
			 topic_g, parts_g);

	TEST_SAY("Topic removal: removing %s\n", topic_f);
	test_kafka_topics("--delete --topic %s", topic_f);

	await_revoke("Topic removal: rebalance after topic removal", rk, queue);

	await_assignment("Topic removal: one topic exists", rk, queue, 1,
			 topic_g, parts_g);
	TEST_SAY("Topic removal: removing %s\n", topic_g);
	test_kafka_topics("--delete --topic %s", topic_g);

	await_revoke("Topic removal: rebalance after 2nd topic removal",
		     rk, queue);

	/* Should not see another rebalance since all topics now removed */
	await_no_rebalance("Topic removal: empty", rk, queue, 10000);

