string Esp8266WiFiPhy::GetSoftAPMac(bool flashStored){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CIPAPMAC_"; // store if (flashStored){ ATCommand += "DEF"; } else { ATCommand += "CUR"; } ATCommand +="\?\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!WaitFor("OK")){ printf("Error: Missed OK reply - AT+CIPAPMAC\?\r\n"); return ""; } size_t from = 0; string stamac = StringUnescape(GetStringBetweenTokens(':','\r',m_lastATreply, from)); dbgprintf("SoftAP MAC ADDRESS: <%s>\r\n", stamac.c_str()); testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); return stamac; }
int8_t Esp8266WiFiPhy::GetWiFiMode(bool flashStored){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CWMODE_"; // stored? if (flashStored){ ATCommand += "DEF"; } else { ATCommand += "CUR"; } //tail ATCommand += "\?\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!WaitFor("OK")){ printf("Error: Missed OK reply - AT+CWMODE\?\r\n"); return -1; } // parsing char ch =":") + 1); dbgprintf("WiFi Mode: %c\r\n", ch); testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); return (int8_t) (ch - '0'); }
void Esp8266WiFiPhy::SetSoftAPMac(string mac_addr, bool flashStore){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CIPAPMAC_"; // store if (flashStore){ // NB: DISABLED: WARNING!!! THIS CHANGES THE DEVICE PHYSICAL MAC ADDRESS!! // ATCommand += "DEF"; } else { ATCommand += "CUR"; } ATCommand += "=" + StringEscape(mac_addr); //tail ATCommand += "\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!DoubleWaitFor("OK","ERROR")){ printf("Error: Missed OK reply - AT+CIPAPMAC_xxx\r\n"); return; } m_softAPInterfaceMac = mac_addr; testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); }
StationAccessPoint Esp8266WiFiPhy::GetConnectedStationAP(bool flashStored){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CWJAP_"; if (flashStored){ ATCommand += "DEF"; } else { ATCommand += "CUR"; } ATCommand +="\?\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!WaitFor("OK")){ printf("Error: Missed OK reply - AT+CWJAP\?\r\n"); return StationAccessPoint("","",""); } size_t from = 0; string ssid = StringUnescape(GetStringBetweenTokens(':',',',m_lastATreply, from)); string bssid = StringUnescape(GetStringBetweenTokens(',',',',m_lastATreply, from)); string channel = GetStringBetweenTokens(',',',',m_lastATreply, from); string rssi = GetStringBetweenTokens(',','\r',m_lastATreply, from); dbgprintf("AccessPoint: <%s>,<%s>,<%s>,<%s>\r\n", ssid.c_str(), bssid.c_str(), channel.c_str(), rssi.c_str()); testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); return StationAccessPoint(ssid,bssid,StringToInteger(channel),StringToInteger(rssi)); }
void Esp8266WiFiPhy::ConfigureSoftAP(SoftAccessPoint sap, bool flashStore){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CWSAP_"; // store if (flashStore){ ATCommand += "DEF"; } else { ATCommand += "CUR"; } ATCommand += "=" + StringEscape(sap.m_ssid); ATCommand += "," + StringEscape(sap.m_password); ATCommand += "," + IntegerToString(sap.m_channel); ATCommand += "," + IntegerToString(sap.m_encryption); ATCommand += "," + IntegerToString(sap.m_maxconnections); ATCommand += "," + IntegerToString(sap.m_ssidbroadcast); //tail ATCommand += "\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!DoubleWaitFor("OK","ERROR")){ printf("Error: Missed OK reply - AT+CWSAP_xxx\r\n"); return; } // assign to internal variable m_softAP = sap; testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); }
void Esp8266WiFiPhy::AutoConnectToStationAtBoot(bool enable){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CWAUTOCONN="; if (enable){ ATCommand += "1"; } else{ ATCommand += "0"; } //tail ATCommand += "\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!WaitFor("OK")){ printf("Error: AT+CWAUTOCONN! \r\n"); return; } testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); }
void Esp8266WiFiPhy::ListStationAP(StationAccessPoint sap){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CWLAP"; if (!sap.m_ssid.empty()){ ATCommand += "=" + StringEscape(sap.m_ssid); if (!sap.m_bssidmac.empty()){ ATCommand += "," + StringEscape(sap.m_bssidmac); if (sap.m_channel != -1){ ATCommand += "," + IntegerToString(sap.m_channel); // not to be escaped, since number! } } } //tail ATCommand += "\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!DoubleWaitFor("OK","ERROR")){ printf("Error: Missed OK reply - AT+CWLAP\r\n"); return; } dbgprintf("+CWLAP:(<ECN>,<SSID>,<RSSI>,<MAC>,<CH>,<FREQ OFFSET>,<FREQ CALIB>)\r\n"); testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); }
void Esp8266WiFiPhy::SetWiFiMode(uint8_t mode, bool flashStore){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CWMODE_"; // store if (flashStore){ ATCommand += "DEF"; } else { ATCommand += "CUR"; } ATCommand += "=" + IntegerToString((int)mode); //tail ATCommand += "\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!WaitFor("OK")){ printf("Error: Missed OK reply - AT+CWMODE_xxx=\r\n"); return; } testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); }
bool Esp8266WiFiPhy::DoubleWaitFor(string toCompareOK, string toCompareERR){ char ch; string receivedS; Timer t; t.start(); do{ // if there's anything in the queue picks it up if (m_UART->readable()){ //store into received string receivedS += m_UART->getc(); } //until the string is found or the timeout expires if (t.read_ms() > TIMEOUT_MS){ t.stop(); printf("Timeout expired!! .. %s \r\n", receivedS.c_str()); return false; } if (receivedS.find(toCompareERR) != std::string::npos){ printf("Erroneous Reply!! .. %s \r\n", receivedS.c_str()); return false; } } while (receivedS.find(toCompareOK) == std::string::npos); dbgprintf("REPLY:\r\n%s\r\n", receivedS.c_str()); testprintf("%s\r\n", receivedS.c_str()); m_lastATreply = receivedS; return true; }
int main(){ int count = 0; char sysout[1000]; int sysrc; int vdrc; double value; int w,p; static char *format[] = { "%*.*g","%-*.*g","%#*.*g","%+*.*g", "% *.*G", "%*.*e", "%#*.*E", "%*.*f", "%#*.*f", "%*%%*g"}; int fcnt; for(fcnt=0; fcnt<sizeof(format)/sizeof(char*); fcnt++){ for(w=0; w<=12; w += 3){ for(p=0; p<=12; p += 3){ for(value=1.234567890123456789e-32; value<1.3e+32; value *= 1e8 ){ outidx = 0; sprintf(sysout,format[fcnt],w,p,value); vdrc = testprintf(format[fcnt],w,p,value); sysrc = strlen(sysout); outbuf[outidx] = 0; count++; if( vdrc!=sysrc || !rcmp(outbuf,sysout) ){ printf("Count=%d Format=%s Width=%d Precision=%d Value=%.16g\n", count,format[fcnt],w,p,value); printf(" system: [%s] returned %d\n",sysout,sysrc); printf(" vxprintf: [%s] returned %d\n",outbuf,vdrc); } } } } } printf("Checked %d combinations.\n",count); return 0; }
void Esp8266WiFiPhy::QuitStationAP(void){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CWQAP\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!WaitFor("OK")){ printf("Error: AT+CWQAP! \r\n"); return; } testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); }
SoftAccessPoint Esp8266WiFiPhy::GetConfigurationSoftAP(bool flashStored){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CWSAP_"; // store if (flashStored){ ATCommand += "DEF"; } else { ATCommand += "CUR"; } ATCommand +="\?\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!WaitFor("OK")){ printf("Error: Missed OK reply - AT+CWSAP\?\r\n"); return SoftAccessPoint("","",-1,-1,-1,-1); } size_t from = 0; string ssid = StringUnescape(GetStringBetweenTokens(':',',',m_lastATreply, from)); string password = StringUnescape(GetStringBetweenTokens(',',',',m_lastATreply, from)); string channel = GetStringBetweenTokens(',',',',m_lastATreply, from); string encryption = GetStringBetweenTokens(',',',',m_lastATreply, from); string max_conn = GetStringBetweenTokens(',',',',m_lastATreply, from); string ssid_bcast = GetStringBetweenTokens(',','\r',m_lastATreply, from); dbgprintf("AccessPoint: <%s>,<%s>,<%s>,<%s>,<%s>,<%s>\r\n", ssid.c_str(), password.c_str(), channel.c_str(), encryption.c_str(), max_conn.c_str(), ssid_bcast.c_str()); testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); return SoftAccessPoint(ssid,password,StringToInteger(channel),StringToInteger(encryption),StringToInteger(max_conn),StringToInteger(ssid_bcast)); }
bool Esp8266WiFiPhy::ConnectToStationAP (StationAccessPoint sap, bool flashStore){ string ATCommand; testprintf("\r\nEntering %s ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // header ATCommand = "AT+CWJAP_"; if (flashStore){ ATCommand += "DEF"; } else { ATCommand += "CUR"; } ATCommand += "=" + StringEscape(sap.m_ssid) + ","; ATCommand += StringEscape(sap.m_password); if (!(sap.m_bssidmac.empty())) { ATCommand += "," + StringEscape(sap.m_bssidmac); } //tail ATCommand += "\r\n"; // resets the buffer from any spurious previous output and send m_UART->rxBufferFlush(); UART_TX(ATCommand); dbgprintf("SEND:\r\n%s",ATCommand.c_str()); if(!DoubleWaitFor("OK","FAIL")){ printf("Error: +CWJAP: Error Code (1<=>4)==(TIMEOUT,WRONG PASSWORD,AP NOT FOUND,FAIL)\r\n"); return false; } // assign to internal variable m_stationAP = sap; testprintf("Ended!\r\n"); return true; }
void ch2() { printf("==========ch2()\n"); // float PI3.14159; // 非法标识符,内含小数点,非数字、字母、下划线,因此非法 ch2_1(); ch2_2(); ch2_3(); ch2_4(); ch2_5(); ch2_6(); ch2_7(); ch2_8(); floatTest(); doubleTest(); testAdd1(); testAdd2(); testAdd3(); testprintf(); test_and_or(); expression(); //getchar(); }
int main(){ int count = 0; char sysout[1000]; int sysrc; int vdrc; int i; int sysx; int vdx; for(i=0; i<50; i++){ sprintf(sysout,"%*s%n--%c ho ho ho",i,(i&1)?"xxx":"yyyyyyyy",&sysx,i+'a'); sysrc = strlen(sysout); outidx = 0; vdrc = testprintf("%*s%n--%c ho ho ho",i,(i&1)?"xxx":"yyyyyyyy",&vdx,i+'a'); outbuf[outidx] = 0; count++; if( vdrc!=sysrc || strcmp(outbuf,sysout)!=0 || sysx!=vdx ){ printf(" system: [%s] returned %d with x=%d\n",sysout,sysrc,sysx); printf(" vxprintf: [%s] returned %d with x=%d\n",outbuf,vdrc,vdx); } } printf("Checked %d combinations.\n",count); return 0; }
int main(){ static char letters[] = "dixXou%"; static char *flags[] = { "", "-", " ", "+", "#", "-#", "+-", "+#", "# ", "-+#", "# -+", 0 }; static char *widths[] = { "", "0", "05", "1", "3", "10", "*", 0 }; static char *precisions[] = { "", ".1", ".3", ".10", ".*", 0 }; int values[] = { 0, 1, 10, 9999, -1, -10, -9999 }; char format[100]; char sysout[1000]; int longflag; int sysrc; int vdrc; int lcnt; int fcnt; int wcnt; int pcnt; int vcnt; int v1, v2, v3; int count = 0; lcnt = fcnt = vcnt = longflag = wcnt = pcnt = v1 = v2 = v3 = 0; do{ sprintf(format,"Ho ho ho %%%s%s%s%s%c hi hi hi", flags[fcnt],widths[wcnt],precisions[pcnt], longflag?"l":"",letters[lcnt]); v1 = values[vcnt]; if( widths[wcnt][0]=='*' ){ v2 = v1; v1 = 8; } if( precisions[pcnt][1]=='*' ){ v3 = v2; v2 = v1; v1 = 7; } outidx = 0; if( longflag ){ sprintf(sysout,format,(long)v1,v2,v3); vdrc = testprintf(format,(long)v1,v2,v3); }else{ sprintf(sysout,format,v1,v2,v3); vdrc = testprintf(format,v1,v2,v3); } sysrc = strlen(sysout); outbuf[outidx] = 0; count++; if( count%1000==0 ){ printf("\rChecked thru %d... ",count); fflush(stdout); } if( vdrc!=sysrc || strcmp(outbuf,sysout)!=0 ){ printf("Format: [%s] Arguments: %d, %d, %d\n",format,v1,v2,v3); printf(" system: [%s] returned %d\n",sysout,sysrc); printf(" vxprintf: [%s] returned %d\n",outbuf,vdrc); } vcnt++; if( vcnt>=sizeof(values)/sizeof(int) ){ vcnt = 0; lcnt++; } if( letters[lcnt]==0 ){ lcnt = 0; longflag++; } if( longflag==2 ){ longflag = 0; fcnt++; } if( flags[fcnt]==0 ){ fcnt = 0; wcnt++; } if( widths[wcnt]==0 ){ wcnt = 0; pcnt++; } }while( precisions[pcnt] ); printf("\nChecked %d combinations.\n",count); return 0; }