void MainWindow::joinServer() { clientWidget = new TcpClientWidget(ui->connection_widget); clientWidget->setVisible(true); clientWidget->setUserName(ui->nickName_lineEdit->text()); ui->connection_widget->layout()->addWidget(clientWidget); ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); connect(ui->chatWidget,SIGNAL(textSent(QString)),clientWidget,SLOT(sendTextMessage(QString))); connect(clientWidget,SIGNAL(textMessage(QString)),ui->chatWidget,SLOT(textReceived(QString))); //clientWidget->connectSocket(ui->host_ip_lineEdit->text(),ui->port_lineEdit->text().toUInt()); clientWidget->connectSocket(ui->host_ip_lineEdit->text(),ui->port_lineEdit->text().toUInt()); }
/** Constructor * Creates a texture instance for rendering text. * * @param p_id The string identifier of the resource * @param p_renderer The window renderer used to create the text texture * @param p_font Pointer to a TTF_Font object used to render the text * @param p_textureText The string to render * @param p_textColor The color to render the text as */ n8::Texture::Texture(std::string p_id, SDL_Renderer* p_renderer, TTF_Font* p_font, std::string p_textureText, SDL_Color p_textColor ) : Resource(p_id) { SDL_Surface* textSurface = TTF_RenderText_Solid( p_font, p_textureText.c_str(), p_textColor ); if( textSurface == nullptr ) { std::string msg( "Unable to render text surface! SDL_ttf Error: %s\n", TTF_GetError() ); n8::Log::Error(TAG, msg); if(p_font == nullptr) n8::Log::Error( TAG, " font was null"); else n8::Log::Error( TAG, " font wasn't null"); string textMessage( " texture text was: %s", p_textureText.c_str()); n8::Log::Error(TAG, textMessage); } else { //Create texture from surface pixels m_texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( p_renderer, textSurface ); if( m_texture == nullptr ) { string textureCreationFailedMsg("Unable to create texture from rendered text! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); n8::Log::Error(TAG, textureCreationFailedMsg); } else { //Get image dimensions m_width = textSurface->w; m_height = textSurface->h; } //Get rid of old surface SDL_FreeSurface( textSurface ); } }