Exemplo n.º 1
void debug_console_exit(running_machine *machine)
	/* free allocated memory */
	if (console_textbuf)
	console_textbuf = NULL;

	if (errorlog_textbuf)
	errorlog_textbuf = NULL;

	/* free the command list */
	commandlist = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int
vtxt_disconnect (sqlite3_vtab * pVTab)
/* disconnects the virtual table */
    VirtualTextPtr p_vt = (VirtualTextPtr) pVTab;
    if (p_vt->buffer)
	text_buffer_free (p_vt->buffer);
    sqlite3_free (p_vt);
    return SQLITE_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
static struct text_buffer *
text_parse (char *path, char *encoding, char first_line_titles,
	    char field_separator, char text_separator, char decimal_separator)
/* trying to open and parse the text file */
    int c;
    int fld;
    int len;
    int max_cell;
    int is_string = 0;
    char last = '\0';
    char *fields[4096];
    char buffer[35536];
    char *p = buffer;
    struct text_buffer *text;
    int nrows;
    int ncols;
    int errs;
    struct row_buffer *row;
    void *toUtf8;
    int encoding_errors;
    int ir;
    char title[64];
    char *first_valid_row;
    int i;
    char *name;
    for (fld = 0; fld < 4096; fld++)
	  /* preparing an empty row */
	  fields[fld] = NULL;
/* trying to open the text file */
    FILE *in = fopen (path, "rb");
    if (!in)
	return NULL;
    text = text_buffer_alloc ();
    fld = 0;
    while ((c = getc (in)) != EOF)
	  /* parsing the file, one char at each time */
	  if (c == '\r' && !is_string)
		last = c;
	  if (c == field_separator && !is_string)
		/* insering a field into the fields tmp array */
		last = c;
		*p = '\0';
		len = strlen (buffer);
		if (len)
		      fields[fld] = malloc (len + 1);
		      strcpy (fields[fld], buffer);
		p = buffer;
		*p = '\0';
	  if (c == text_separator)
		/* found a text separator */
		if (is_string)
		      is_string = 0;
		      last = c;
		      if (last == text_separator)
			  *p++ = text_separator;
		      is_string = 1;
	  last = c;
	  if (c == '\n' && !is_string)
		/* inserting the row into the text buffer */
		*p = '\0';
		len = strlen (buffer);
		if (len)
		      fields[fld] = malloc (len + 1);
		      strcpy (fields[fld], buffer);
		p = buffer;
		*p = '\0';
		max_cell = -1;
		for (fld = 0; fld < 4096; fld++)
		      if (fields[fld])
			  max_cell = fld;
		text_insert_row (text, fields, max_cell);
		for (fld = 0; fld < 4096; fld++)
		      /* resetting an empty row */
		      fields[fld] = NULL;
		fld = 0;
	  *p++ = c;
    fclose (in);
/* checking if the text file really seems to contain a table */
    nrows = 0;
    ncols = 0;
    errs = 0;
    row = text->first;
    while (row)
	  if (first_line_titles && row == text->first)
		/* skipping first line */
		row = row->next;
	  if (row->n_cells > ncols)
	      ncols = row->n_cells;
	  row = row->next;
    if (nrows == 0 && ncols == 0)
	  text_buffer_free (text);
	  return NULL;
    text->n_rows = nrows;
/* going to check the column types */
    text->max_n_cells = ncols;
    text->types = malloc (sizeof (char) * text->max_n_cells);
    first_valid_row = malloc (sizeof (char) * text->max_n_cells);
    for (fld = 0; fld < text->max_n_cells; fld++)
	  /* initally assuming any cell contains TEXT */
	  *(text->types + fld) = VRTTXT_TEXT;
	  *(first_valid_row + fld) = 1;
    row = text->first;
    while (row)
	  if (first_line_titles && row == text->first)
		/* skipping first line */
		row = row->next;
	  for (fld = 0; fld < row->n_cells; fld++)
		if (*(row->cells + fld))
		      if (text_is_integer (*(row->cells + fld)))
			    if (*(first_valid_row + fld))
				  *(text->types + fld) = VRTTXT_INTEGER;
				  *(first_valid_row + fld) = 0;
		      else if (text_is_double
			       (*(row->cells + fld), decimal_separator))
			    if (*(first_valid_row + fld))
				  *(text->types + fld) = VRTTXT_DOUBLE;
				  *(first_valid_row + fld) = 0;
				  /* promoting an INTEGER column to be of the DOUBLE type */
				  if (*(text->types + fld) == VRTTXT_INTEGER)
				      *(text->types + fld) = VRTTXT_DOUBLE;
			    /* this column is anyway of the TEXT type */
			    *(text->types + fld) = VRTTXT_TEXT;
			    if (*(first_valid_row + fld))
				*(first_valid_row + fld) = 0;
	  row = row->next;
    free (first_valid_row);
/* preparing the column names */
    text->titles = malloc (sizeof (char *) * text->max_n_cells);
    if (first_line_titles)
	  for (fld = 0; fld < text->max_n_cells; fld++)
		if (fld >= text->first->n_cells)
		      /* this column name is NULL; setting a default name */
		      sprintf (title, "COL%03d", fld + 1);
		      len = strlen (title);
		      *(text->titles + fld) = malloc (len + 1);
		      strcpy (*(text->titles + fld), title);
		      if (*(text->first->cells + fld))
			    len = strlen (*(text->first->cells + fld));
			    *(text->titles + fld) = malloc (len + 1);
			    strcpy (*(text->titles + fld),
				    *(text->first->cells + fld));
			    name = *(text->titles + fld);
			    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
				  /* masking any space in the column name */
				  if (*(name + i) == ' ')
				      *(name + i) = '_';
			    /* this column name is NULL; setting a default name */
			    sprintf (title, "COL%03d", fld + 1);
			    len = strlen (title);
			    *(text->titles + fld) = malloc (len + 1);
			    strcpy (*(text->titles + fld), title);
	  for (fld = 0; fld < text->max_n_cells; fld++)
		sprintf (title, "COL%03d", fld + 1);
		len = strlen (title);
		*(text->titles + fld) = malloc (len + 1);
		strcpy (*(text->titles + fld), title);
/* cleaning cell values when needed */
    toUtf8 = iconvCreateUTF8Converter (encoding);
    if (!toUtf8)
	  text_buffer_free (text);
	  return NULL;
    encoding_errors = 0;
    row = text->first;
    while (row)
	  if (first_line_titles && row == text->first)
		/* skipping first line */
		row = row->next;
	  for (fld = 0; fld < row->n_cells; fld++)
		if (*(row->cells + fld))
		      if (*(text->types + fld) == VRTTXT_INTEGER)
			  text_clean_integer (*(row->cells + fld));
		      else if (*(text->types + fld) == VRTTXT_DOUBLE)
			  text_clean_double (*(row->cells + fld));
			  encoding_errors +=
			      text_clean_text (row->cells + fld, toUtf8);
	  row = row->next;
    iconvFreeUTF8Converter (toUtf8);
    if (encoding_errors)
	  text_buffer_free (text);
	  return NULL;
/* ok, we can now go to prepare the rows array */
    text->rows = malloc (sizeof (struct text_row *) * text->n_rows);
    ir = 0;
    row = text->first;
    while (row)
	  if (first_line_titles && row == text->first)
		/* skipping first line */
		row = row->next;
	  *(text->rows + ir++) = row;
	  row = row->next;
    return text;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int
tag_image (char *text, struct text_buffer *outbuf)
  mbi_iterator_t iter;
  enum { state_kw, state_val, state_qstr, state_delim } state = state_kw;
  struct text_buffer tmpbuf;
  char *kw;
  struct info_tag *tag_head = NULL, *tag;
  int escaped = 0;
  text_buffer_init (&tmpbuf);
  for (mbi_init (iter, text, strlen (text)); mbi_avail (iter);
       mbi_advance (iter))
      const char *cur_ptr;
      size_t cur_len;
      if (mb_isspace (mbi_cur (iter)))
	  if (state == state_val)
              struct info_tag *new_kw = tag_found_keyword (&tmpbuf, &kw);
              new_kw->next = tag_head;
              tag_head = new_kw;
              state = state_delim;
	  if (state == state_delim)
      cur_len = mb_len (mbi_cur (iter));
      cur_ptr = mbi_cur_ptr (iter);
      if (state == state_qstr && escaped)
	  escaped = 0;
      else if (cur_len == 1)
	  switch (*cur_ptr)
	    case '=':
	      text_buffer_add_char (&tmpbuf, 0);
	      kw = tmpbuf.base;
	      if (!mbi_avail (iter))
	      mbi_advance (iter);
	      state = state_val;
	      cur_len = mb_len (mbi_cur (iter));
	      cur_ptr = mbi_cur_ptr (iter);
	      if (!(cur_len == 1 && *cur_ptr == '"'))
	      /* fall through */

	    case '"':
	      if (state == state_val)
		  state = state_qstr;
	      if (state == state_qstr)
		  struct info_tag *new_kw = tag_found_keyword (&tmpbuf, &kw);
		  new_kw->next = tag_head;
		  tag_head = new_kw;
		  state = state_delim;

	    case '\\':
	      if (state == state_qstr)
		  escaped = 1;
      text_buffer_add_string (&tmpbuf, cur_ptr, cur_len);

  tag = info_tag_find (tag_head, "text");
  if (!tag)
    tag = info_tag_find (tag_head, "alt");

  if (tag)
      text_buffer_add_string (outbuf, tag->val, strlen (tag->val));
  text_buffer_free (&tmpbuf);
  info_tag_free (tag_head);
  return 0;