Exemplo n.º 1
static void _tgentransfer_log(TGenTransfer* transfer, gboolean wasActive) {

    if(transfer->state == TGEN_XFER_ERROR) {
        /* we had an error at some point and will unlikely be able to complete.
         * only log an error once. */
        if(transfer->time.lastTimeErrorReport == 0) {
            gchar* bytesMessage = _tgentransfer_getBytesStatusReport(transfer);
            gchar* timeMessage = _tgentransfer_getTimeStatusReport(transfer);

            tgen_message("[transfer-error] transport %s transfer %s %s %s",
                    _tgentransfer_toString(transfer), bytesMessage, timeMessage);

            gint64 now = g_get_monotonic_time();
            transfer->time.lastBytesStatusReport = now;
            transfer->time.lastTimeErrorReport = now;
    } else if(transfer->state == TGEN_XFER_SUCCESS) {
        /* we completed the transfer. yay. only log once. */
        if(transfer->time.lastTimeStatusReport == 0) {
            gchar* bytesMessage = _tgentransfer_getBytesStatusReport(transfer);
            gchar* timeMessage = _tgentransfer_getTimeStatusReport(transfer);

            tgen_message("[transfer-complete] transport %s transfer %s %s %s",
                    _tgentransfer_toString(transfer), bytesMessage, timeMessage);

            gint64 now = g_get_monotonic_time();
            transfer->time.lastBytesStatusReport = now;
            transfer->time.lastTimeStatusReport = now;
    } else {
        /* the transfer is still working. only log on new activity */
        if(wasActive) {
            gchar* bytesMessage = _tgentransfer_getBytesStatusReport(transfer);

            tgen_info("[transfer-status] transport %s transfer %s %s",
                    _tgentransfer_toString(transfer), bytesMessage);

            transfer->time.lastBytesStatusReport = g_get_monotonic_time();;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void _tgentransfer_readChecksum(TGenTransfer* transfer) {

    if(_tgentransfer_getLine(transfer)) {
        /* transfer is done */
        _tgentransfer_changeState(transfer, TGEN_XFER_SUCCESS);
        transfer->time.checksum = g_get_monotonic_time();

        /* we have read the entire checksum from the other end */
        gssize sha1Length = g_checksum_type_get_length(G_CHECKSUM_MD5);
        g_assert(sha1Length >= 0);
        gchar* computedSum = g_strdup(g_checksum_get_string(transfer->payloadChecksum));

        gchar* line = g_string_free(transfer->readBuffer, FALSE);
        transfer->readBuffer = NULL;

        gchar** parts = g_strsplit(line, " ", 0);
        const gchar* receivedSum = parts[1];

        /* check that the sums match */
        if(!g_ascii_strncasecmp(computedSum, receivedSum, (gsize)sha1Length)) {
            tgen_message("transport %s transfer %s MD5 checksums passed: computed=%s received=%s",
                    tgentransport_toString(transfer->transport), _tgentransfer_toString(transfer),
                    computedSum, receivedSum);
        } else {
            tgen_message("MD5 checksums failed: computed=%s received=%s", computedSum, receivedSum);

    } else {
        /* unable to receive entire checksum, wait for next chance to read */
Exemplo n.º 3
static gint _tgenmain_run(gint argc, gchar *argv[]) {
    tgenLogFunc = _tgenmain_log;
    tgenLogFilterLevel = G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE;

    /* get our hostname for logging */
    gchar hostname[128];
    memset(hostname, 0, 128);
    gethostname(hostname, 128);

    /* default to message level log until we read config */
    tgen_message("Initializing traffic generator on host %s process id %i", hostname, (gint)getpid());

    // TODO embedding a tgen graphml inside the shadow.config.xml file not yet supported
//    if(argv[1] && g_str_has_prefix(argv[1], "<?xml")) {
//        /* argv contains the xml contents of the xml file */
//        gchar* tempPath = _tgendriver_makeTempFile();
//        GError* error = NULL;
//        gboolean success = g_file_set_contents(tempPath, argv[1], -1, &error);
//        if(success) {
//            graph = tgengraph_new(tempPath);
//        } else {
//            tgen_warning("error (%i) while generating temporary xml file: %s", error->code, error->message);
//        }
//        g_unlink(tempPath);
//        g_free(tempPath);
//    } else {
//        /* argv contains the apth of a graphml config file */
//        graph = tgengraph_new(argv[1]);
//    }

    /* argv[0] is program name, argv[1] should be config file */
    if (argc != 2) {
        tgen_warning("USAGE: %s path/to/tgen.xml", argv[0]);
        tgen_critical("cannot continue: incorrect argument list format")
        return -1;
Exemplo n.º 4
TGenGraph* tgengraph_new(gchar* path) {
    if(!path || !g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR|G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
        tgen_critical("path '%s' to tgen config graph is not valid or does not exist", path);
        return NULL;

    TGenGraph* g = g_new0(TGenGraph, 1);
    g->magic = TGEN_MAGIC;

    g->actions = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)tgenaction_unref);
    g->weights = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free);
    g->graphPath = path ? _tgengraph_getHomePath(path) : NULL;

    GError* error = NULL;

    gboolean exists = g_file_test(g->graphPath, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR|G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS);
    if(!exists) {
        error = g_error_new(G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
                                    "graph file does not exist at path '%s'", g->graphPath);

    if(!error && g->graphPath) {
        /* use the built-in C attribute handler */
        igraph_attribute_table_t* oldHandler = igraph_i_set_attribute_table(&igraph_cattribute_table);

        g->graph = _tgengraph_loadNewGraph(g->graphPath);
        if(!g->graph) {
            error = g_error_new(G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE,
                                    "unable to read graph at path '%s'", g->graphPath);

        /* parse edges first for choose, needs hash table of weights filled for error handling */
        if(!error) {
            error = _tgengraph_parseGraphProperties(g);
        if(!error) {
            error = _tgengraph_parseGraphEdges(g);
        if(!error) {
            error = _tgengraph_parseGraphVertices(g);

        /* replace the old handler */

    if(error) {
        tgen_critical("error (%i) while loading graph: %s", error->code, error->message);
        return NULL;

    tgen_message("successfully loaded graphml file '%s' and validated actions: "
            "graph is %s with %u %s, %u %s, and %u %s", g->graphPath,
            g->isConnected ? "weakly connected" : "disconnected",
            (guint)g->clusterCount, g->clusterCount == 1 ? "cluster" : "clusters",
            (guint)g->vertexCount, g->vertexCount == 1 ? "vertex" : "vertices",
            (guint)g->edgeCount, g->edgeCount == 1 ? "edge" : "edges");

    return g;