Exemplo n.º 1
bool Images::makeThumb ( ) {
	// did it have an error?
	if ( g_errno ) {
		// just give up on all of them if one has an error
		log ( "image: had error downloading image on page %s: %s. "
		      "Not downloading any more.",
		// stop it
		m_stopDownloading = true;
		return true;
	char *buf;
	long  bufLen, bufMaxLen;
	HttpMime mime;
	m_imgData     = NULL;
	m_imgDataSize = 0;

	log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: gotImage() entered." );
	// . if there was a problem, just ignore, don't let it stop getting
	//   the real page.
	if ( g_errno ) {
		log( "ERROR? g_errno puked: %s", mstrerror(g_errno) );
		//g_errno = 0;
		return true;
	//if ( ! slot ) return true;
	// extract image data from the socket
	buf       = m_msg13.m_replyBuf;
	bufLen    = m_msg13.m_replyBufSize;
	bufMaxLen = m_msg13.m_replyBufAllocSize;
	// no image?
	if ( ! buf || bufLen <= 0 ) {
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;
	// we are image candidate #i
	//long i = m_j - 1;
	// get img tag node
	// get the url of the image
	long  srcLen;
	char *src = NULL;
	if ( m_xd->m_isDiffbotJSONObject ) {
		src = *m_xd->getDiffbotPrimaryImageUrl();
		srcLen = gbstrlen(src);
	else {
		long node = m_imageNodes[m_j];
		src = m_xml->getString(node,"src",&srcLen);
	// set it to the full url
	Url iu;
	// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
	iu.set ( m_pageUrl , src , srcLen ); 
	// get the mime
	if ( ! mime.set ( buf, bufLen, &iu ) ) {		
		log ( "image: MIME.set() failed in gotImage()" );
		// give up on the remaining images then
		m_stopDownloading = true;
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;
	// set the status so caller can see
	long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
	// check the status
	if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
		log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: http status of img download is %li.",
		// give up on the remaining images then
		m_stopDownloading = true;
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;
	// make sure this is an image
	m_imgType = mime.getContentType();
	if ( m_imgType < CT_GIF || m_imgType > CT_TIFF ) {
		log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: gotImage() states that this image is "
		     "not in a format we currently handle." );
		// try the next image if any
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;
	// get the content
	m_imgData     = buf + mime.getMimeLen();
	m_imgDataSize = bufLen - mime.getMimeLen();
	// Reset socket, so socket doesn't free the data, now we own
	// We must free the buf after thumbnail is inserted in TitleRec
	m_imgReply       = buf;//slot->m_readBuf;
	m_imgReplyLen    = bufLen;//slot->m_readBufSize;
	m_imgReplyMaxLen = bufMaxLen;//slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
	// do not let UdpServer free the reply, we own it now
	//slot->m_readBuf = NULL;

	if ( ! m_imgReply || m_imgReplyLen == 0 ) {
		log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Returned empty image reply!" );
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;

	// get next if too small
	if ( m_imgDataSize < 20 ) { g_errno = EBADIMG; return true; }

	long imageType;
	getImageInfo ( m_imgData, m_imgDataSize, &m_dx, &m_dy, &imageType );

	// log the image dimensions
	log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Image Link: %s", iu.getUrl() );
	log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Max Buffer Size: %lu bytes.",m_imgReplyMaxLen);
	log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Image Original Size: %lu bytes.",m_imgReplyLen);
	log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Image Buffer @ 0x%lx - 0x%lx",(long)m_imgReply, 
	     (long)m_imgReply+m_imgReplyMaxLen );
	log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Size: %lupx x %lupx", m_dx, m_dy );

	// what is this?
	if ( m_dx <= 0 || m_dy <= 0 ) {
		log(LOG_DEBUG, "image: Image has bad dimensions.");
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;

	// skip if bad dimensions
	if( ((m_dx < 50) || (m_dy < 50)) && ((m_dx > 0) && (m_dy > 0)) ) {
		    "image: Image is too small to represent a news article." );
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;

	// skip if bad aspect ratio. 5x1 or 1x5 is bad i guess
	if ( m_dx > 0 && m_dy > 0 ) {
		float aspect = (float)m_dx / (float)m_dy;
		if ( aspect < .2 || aspect > 5.0 ) {
			    "image: Image aspect ratio is worse that 5 to 1");
			g_errno = EBADIMG;
			return true;

	// update status
	if ( m_xd ) m_xd->setStatus ( "making thumbnail" );
	// log it
	log ( LOG_DEBUG, "image: gotImage() thumbnailing image." );
	// create the thumbnail...
	// reset this... why?
	g_errno = 0;
	// reset this since filterStart_r() will set it on error
	m_errno = 0;
	// callThread returns true on success, in which case we block
	if ( g_threads.call ( FILTER_THREAD        ,
			      MAX_NICENESS         ,
			      this                 ,
			      makeThumbWrapper    ,
			      thumbStartWrapper_r ) ) return false;
	// threads might be off
	logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Calling thumbnail gen without thread.");
	thumbStartWrapper_r ( this , NULL );
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool Images::makeThumb ( ) {
	// did it have an error?
	if ( g_errno ) {
		// just give up on all of them if one has an error
		log ( "image: had error downloading image on page %s: %s. "
		      "Not downloading any more.",
		// stop it
		m_stopDownloading = true;
		return true;
	char *buf;
	int32_t  bufLen, bufMaxLen;
	HttpMime mime;
	m_imgData     = NULL;
	m_imgDataSize = 0;

	log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: gotImage() entered." );
	// . if there was a problem, just ignore, don't let it stop getting
	//   the real page.
	if ( g_errno ) {
		log( "ERROR? g_errno puked: %s", mstrerror(g_errno) );
		//g_errno = 0;
		return true;
	//if ( ! slot ) return true;
	// extract image data from the socket
	buf       = m_msg13.m_replyBuf;
	bufLen    = m_msg13.m_replyBufSize;
	bufMaxLen = m_msg13.m_replyBufAllocSize;
	// no image?
	if ( ! buf || bufLen <= 0 ) {
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;
	// we are image candidate #i
	//int32_t i = m_j - 1;
	// get img tag node
	// get the url of the image
	int32_t  srcLen;
	char *src = getImageUrl ( m_j , &srcLen );
	// set it to the full url
	Url iu;
	// use "pageUrl" as the baseUrl
	iu.set( m_pageUrl, src, srcLen );
	// get the mime
	if ( ! mime.set ( buf, bufLen, &iu ) ) {		
		log ( "image: MIME.set() failed in gotImage()" );
		// give up on the remaining images then
		m_stopDownloading = true;
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;
	// set the status so caller can see
	int32_t httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
	// check the status
	if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
		log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: http status of img download is %" PRId32".",
		// give up on the remaining images then
		m_stopDownloading = true;
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;
	// make sure this is an image
	m_imgType = mime.getContentType();
	if ( m_imgType < CT_GIF || m_imgType > CT_TIFF ) {
		log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: gotImage() states that this image is "
		     "not in a format we currently handle." );
		// try the next image if any
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;
	// get the content
	m_imgData     = buf + mime.getMimeLen();
	m_imgDataSize = bufLen - mime.getMimeLen();
	// Reset socket, so socket doesn't free the data, now we own
	// We must free the buf after thumbnail is inserted in TitleRec
	m_imgReply       = buf;//slot->m_readBuf;
	m_imgReplyLen    = bufLen;//slot->m_readBufSize;
	m_imgReplyMaxLen = bufMaxLen;//slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
	// do not let UdpServer free the reply, we own it now
	//slot->m_readBuf = NULL;

	if ( ! m_imgReply || m_imgReplyLen == 0 ) {
		log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Returned empty image reply!" );
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;

	// get next if too small
	if ( m_imgDataSize < 20 ) { g_errno = EBADIMG; return true; }

	int32_t imageType;
	getImageInfo ( m_imgData, m_imgDataSize, &m_dx, &m_dy, &imageType );

	// log the image dimensions
	log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Image Link: %s", iu.getUrl() );
	log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Max Buffer Size: %" PRIu32" bytes.",m_imgReplyMaxLen);
	log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Image Original Size: %" PRIu32" bytes.",m_imgReplyLen);
	log( LOG_DEBUG,"image: Image Buffer @ 0x%" PTRFMT" - 0x%" PTRFMT"",(PTRTYPE)m_imgReply,
	     (PTRTYPE)(m_imgReply+m_imgReplyMaxLen) );
	log( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Size: %" PRIu32"px x %" PRIu32"px", m_dx, m_dy );

	// what is this?
	if ( m_dx <= 0 || m_dy <= 0 ) {
		log(LOG_DEBUG, "image: Image has bad dimensions.");
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;

	// skip if bad dimensions
	if( ((m_dx < 50) || (m_dy < 50)) && ((m_dx > 0) && (m_dy > 0)) ) {
		    "image: Image is too small to represent a news article." );
		g_errno = EBADIMG;
		return true;

	// skip if bad aspect ratio. 5x1 or 1x5 is bad i guess
	if ( m_dx > 0 && m_dy > 0 ) {
		float aspect = (float)m_dx / (float)m_dy;
		if ( aspect < .2 || aspect > 5.0 ) {
			    "image: Image aspect ratio is worse that 5 to 1");
			g_errno = EBADIMG;
			return true;

	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnum);
	if ( ! cr ) { g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; return true; }

	// save how big of thumbnails we should make. user can change
	// this in the 'spider controls'
	m_xysize = cr->m_thumbnailMaxWidthHeight ;
	// make it 250 pixels if no decent value provided
	if ( m_xysize <= 0 ) m_xysize = 250;
	// and keep it sane
	if ( m_xysize > 2048 ) m_xysize = 2048;

	// update status
	if ( m_xd ) m_xd->setStatus ( "making thumbnail" );
	// log it
	log ( LOG_DEBUG, "image: gotImage() thumbnailing image." );
	// create the thumbnail...
	// reset this... why?
	g_errno = 0;
	// reset this since filterStart_r() will set it on error
	m_errno = 0;
	// callThread returns true on success, in which case we block
	if ( g_jobScheduler.submit(thumbStartWrapper_r,
				   MAX_NICENESS) )
		return false;
	// threads might be off
	logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "image: Calling thumbnail gen without thread.");
	thumbStartWrapper_r ( this );
	return true;