Exemplo n.º 1
static double RunTest
   (enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, enum TEST_UPLO Uplo, int N, int lda,
    int CacheSize, TYPE *res)
   TYPE *A, *AI, *C;
   int ierr;
   double t0, t1;

   A  = GetMat(Order, Uplo, N, lda);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A0", N, N, A, lda);
   AI = DupMat(Order, N, N, A, lda, lda);
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(CacheSize);

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(-1);
   t0 = time00();
   test_inv(Order, Uplo, N, AI, lda); /* AI should now have inverse(A) */
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(0);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A ", N, N, A, lda);
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("AI", N, N, AI, lda);

   *res = GetResid(Order, Uplo, N, A, lda, AI, lda);
Exemplo n.º 2
static double RunTiming
   (enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, enum TEST_UPLO Uplo, int N, int lda,
    int CacheSize, int nreps)
   TYPE *A, *a;
   const int incA = N*lda;
   int i, k;
   double t0, t1=0.0;

   if (nreps < 1) nreps = 1;
   i = ATL_DivBySize(2*CacheSize) ATL_PTCACHEMUL;
   k = i = (i + N*N-1) / (N*N);
   if (nreps > i) k = i = nreps;
   a = A = malloc(i * ATL_MulBySize(incA));
   if (A)
      if (Uplo == TestGE)
         for (i=0; i < k; i++) Mjoin(PATL,gegen)(N, N, A+i*incA, lda, N+lda);
      else for (i=0; i < k; i++) hegen(Order, Uplo, N, A+i*incA, lda);

      t0 = time00();
      for (i=nreps; i; i--, a += incA) test_inv(Order, Uplo, N, a, lda);
      t1 = time00() - t0;
   else fprintf(stderr, "   WARNING: not enough mem to run timings!\n");
Exemplo n.º 3
double GetTimeWithReps_LU
   (int mflopF, int lda, int M, int N, int nb, int Uplo, int Side, int flsizeKB)
   double mflop, t0, t1, drep;
   char *wrksets;       /* working sets for kernel calls */
#ifdef TCPLX
   const int lda2 = lda+lda;
   const int lda2 = lda;
   size_t setsz, setszT;   /* work set size in memory, and amnt of it touched */
   size_t nrep;            /* # of reps required to force mflopF flops */
   size_t nset;            /* # of working sets allocated */
   int i;
 * Keep setsz a multiple of TYPE size for alignment reasons.  LU only accesses
 * M*N of matrix and all of IPIV.
   setsz = lda*N*ATL_sizeof +
   setszT = M*N*ATL_sizeof + M*sizeof(int);
   mflop = GetFlopCount(LAgetrf, 0, M, N, 0, 0, CAN_NB);
 * Cannot reuse matrices (bogus to factor an already factored matrix), so we
 * must take as our total memspace MAX(nrep,nset)*setsz
   ATL_assert(mflop > 0.0);
   drep = (mflopF*1.0e6) / mflop;
   nrep = (int)(drep+0.999999);
 * If cacheline flush doesn't work, then we must use this method
      if (nrep < 2)
         return(-1.0);                                /* do wt normal timer */
      nrep = (nrep >= 1) ? nrep : 1;

   nset = (flsizeKB*1024+setszT-1)/setszT;
   if (nset < nrep)
      nset = nrep;
   wrksets = malloc(nset * setsz);

   for (i=0; i < nset; i++)
      Mjoin(PATL,gegen)(M, N, (TYPE*)(wrksets+i*setsz), lda, M*N+lda);

   t0 = time00();
   for (i=0; i < nrep; i++)
      test_getrf(CblasColMajor, M, N, (TYPE*)(wrksets+i*setsz), lda,
   t1 = time00();

Exemplo n.º 4
int RunCase(int CacheSize, TYPE thresh, int MFLOP, enum ATLAS_ORDER Order,
            enum ATLAS_UPLO Uplo, int N, int lda)
   char *Ups, *Ord;
   TYPE resid = 0.0;
   double mflop, mflops, t0, tim=0.0;
   int nreps=1, passed, i, imem;
   const int incA = lda*N;
   TYPE *a, *A;

   mflops = N;
   mflops = (mflops*mflops*mflops) / 4.0;
   #ifdef TCPLX
      mflops *= 4.0;
   mflops /= 1000000.0;

   if (thresh > ATL_rzero) resid =
      uumtest(Order, Uplo, CacheSize, N, lda, &tim);
   else resid = -1.0;

   if (MFLOP > mflops || thresh <= ATL_rzero) /* need to time repetitively */
      nreps = (mflops * 1000000);
      nreps = (MFLOP*1000000 + nreps-1) / nreps;
      if (nreps < 1) nreps = 1;
      imem = ATL_DivBySize(CacheSize) ATL_PTCACHEMUL;
      imem = (imem + 2*N*N-1) / (N*N);
      if (imem < nreps) imem = nreps;
      a = A = malloc(imem * ATL_MulBySize(incA));
      if (A != NULL)
         for (i=0; i < imem; i++) lltgen(Uplo, N, A+i*incA, lda, N*1029+lda);
         t0 = time00();
         for (i=nreps; i; i--, a += incA)
            test_lauum(Order, Uplo, N, a, lda);
         tim = time00() - t0;
         tim /= nreps;
      else fprintf(stderr, "   WARNING: not enough mem to run timings!\n");

   if (tim > 0.0) mflop = mflops / tim;
   else mflop = 0.0;
   if (Uplo == AtlasUpper) Ups = "Upper";
   else Ups = "Lower";
   if (Order == CblasColMajor) Ord = "Col";
   else Ord = "Row";
   fprintf(stdout, "%5d  %3s  %5s %6d %6d  %12.5f  %12.3f  %12e\n",
           nreps, Ord, Ups, N, lda, tim, mflop, resid);
   if (resid > thresh || resid != resid) passed = 0;
   else if (resid < 0.0) passed = -1;
   else passed = 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
static TYPE lutestR(int CacheSize, int M, int N, int lda, int *npiv,
                    double *tim)
   TYPE *A, *LmU;
   int *ipiv;
   const int MN = Mmin(M,N);
   int i;
   double t0, t1;
   TYPE normA, eps, resid;

   eps = Mjoin(PATL,epsilon)();
   A = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(lda)*M);
   if (A == NULL) return(-1);
   ipiv = malloc( MN * sizeof(int) );
   if (ipiv == NULL)
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(CacheSize);

   Mjoin(PATL,gegen)(N, M, A, lda, M*N+lda);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A0", N, M, A, lda);
   normA = Mjoin(PATL,genrm1)(N, M, A, lda); /* actually infnrm, but OK */

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(-1);

   t0 = time00();
   test_getrf(CblasRowMajor, M, N, A, lda, ipiv);
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   *tim = t1;

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(0);

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("LU", N, M, A, lda);
   LmU = ATL_LmulUR(M, N, A, lda);  /* LmU contains L * U */
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("L*U", N, M, LmU, N);
   Mjoin(PATL,gegen)(N, M, A, lda, M*N+lda);  /* regenerate A, overwriting LU */
   ATL_laswp(M, A, lda, 0, MN, ipiv, 1);  /* apply swaps to A */
   resid = Mjoin(PATL,gediffnrm1)(N, M, A, lda, LmU, N);
   resid /= (normA * eps * Mmin(M,N));
   *npiv = findnpvt(MN, ipiv);


Exemplo n.º 6
static TYPE uumtest(enum ATLAS_ORDER Order, enum ATLAS_UPLO Uplo,
                    int CacheSize, int N, int lda, double *tim)
   TYPE *A, *Ag, *LmLt;
   double t0, t1;
   TYPE normA, eps, resid;
   enum ATLAS_UPLO MyUplo = Uplo;

   if (Order == CblasRowMajor)
      if (Uplo == CblasUpper) MyUplo = CblasLower;
      else MyUplo = CblasUpper;
   eps = Mjoin(PATL,epsilon)();
   A = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(lda)*N + ATL_MulBySize(N)*N);
   if (A == NULL) return(-1);
   Ag = A + lda*(N SHIFT);
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(CacheSize);
   lltgen(MyUplo, N, A, lda, N*1029+lda);
   lltgen(MyUplo, N, Ag, N, N*1029+lda);
   normA = lltnrm1(MyUplo, N, A, lda);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A", N, N, A, lda);
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("Ag", N, N, Ag, N);

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(-1);

   t0 = time00();
   test_lauum(Order, Uplo, N, A, lda);
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   *tim = t1;

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(0);

   ATL_checkpad(MyUplo, N, A, lda);
   if (Uplo == CblasUpper) LmLt = ATL_UmulUt(Order, N, Ag, N);
   else LmLt = ATL_LtmulL(Order, N, Ag, N);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A", N, N, A, lda);
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("Ag", N, N, LmLt, N);
   lltdiff(MyUplo, N, A, lda, LmLt, N);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A-L*Lt", N, N, LmLt, N);
   resid = lltnrm1(MyUplo, N, LmLt, N) / (normA * eps * N);
   if (resid > 10.0 || resid != resid)
      fprintf(stderr, "normA=%e, eps=%e, num=%e\n", normA, eps, resid);


Exemplo n.º 7
double GetTimeWithReps_LLT
   (int mflopF, int lda, int M, int N, int nb, int Uplo, int Side, int flsizeKB)
   double mflop, t0, t1, drep;
   char *wrksets;       /* working sets for kernel calls */
#ifdef TCPLX
   const int lda2 = lda+lda;
   const int lda2 = lda;
   size_t setsz, setszT;   /* work set size in memory, and amnt of it touched */
   size_t nrep;            /* # of reps required to force mflopF flops */
   size_t nset;            /* # of working sets allocated */
   int i;
   setsz=lda*N*ATL_sizeof;   /* matrix is entire working set of LLt */
   setszT=N*N*ATL_sizeof;    /* only touch N*N portion */
   mflop = GetFlopCount(LApotrf, Uplo, M, N, 0, 0, CAN_NB);
 * Cannot reuse matrices (bogus to factor an already factored matrix), so we
 * must take as our total memspace MAX(nrep,nset)*setsz
   ATL_assert(mflop > 0.0);
   drep = (mflopF*1.0e6) / mflop;
   nrep = (int)(drep+0.999999);
 * If cacheline flush doesn't work, then we must use this method
      if (nrep < 2)
         return(-1.0);                                /* do wt normal timer */
      nrep = (nrep >= 1) ? nrep : 1;

   nset = (flsizeKB*1024+setszT-1)/setszT;
   if (nset < nrep)
      nset = nrep;
   wrksets = malloc(nset * setsz);

   for (i=0; i < nset; i++)
      PosDefGen(CblasColMajor, Uplo_LA2ATL(Uplo), N,
                (TYPE*)(wrksets+i*setsz), lda);

   t0 = time00();
   for (i=0; i < nrep; i++)
      test_potrf(Uplo, N, (TYPE*)(wrksets+i*setsz), lda);
   t1 = time00();

Exemplo n.º 8
static TYPE llttest(enum ATLAS_UPLO Uplo, int CacheSize, int N, int lda,
                    double *tim)
   TYPE *A, *LmLt;
   int i;
   double t0, t1;
   TYPE normA, eps, resid;

   eps = Mjoin(PATL,epsilon)();
   A = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(lda)*N);
   if (A == NULL) return(-1);
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(CacheSize);
   lltgen(Uplo, N, A, lda, N*1029+lda);
   normA = lltnrm1(Uplo, N, A, lda);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A0", N, N, A, lda);

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(-1);

   t0 = time00();
   test_potrf(Uplo, N, A, lda);
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   *tim = t1;

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(0);

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("L", N, N, A, lda);
   ATL_checkpad(Uplo, N, A, lda);
   if (Uplo == AtlasUpper) LmLt = ATL_UtmulU(N, A, lda);
   else LmLt = ATL_LmulLt(N, A, lda);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("L*Lt", N, N, LmLt, N);
   lltgen(Uplo, N, A, lda, N*1029+lda);  /* regen A over LLt */
   lltdiff(Uplo, N, A, lda, LmLt, N);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A-L*Lt", N, N, LmLt, N);
   resid = lltnrm1(Uplo, N, LmLt, N);
   #ifdef DEBUG
      if (resid/(normA*eps*N) > 10.0)
         fprintf(stderr, "normA=%e, eps=%e, num=%e\n", normA, eps, resid);
   resid /= (normA * eps * N);


Exemplo n.º 9
int mmcase0(int MFLOP, int CACHESIZE, char TA, char TB, int M, int N, int K,
	    SCALAR alpha, int lda, int ldb, SCALAR beta, int ldc)
   char *pc;
#ifdef TREAL
   char *form="%4d   %c   %c %4d %4d %4d  %5.1f  %5.1f  %6.2f %5.1f %5.2f   %3s\n";
   #define MALPH alpha
   #define MBETA beta
   TYPE betinv, bet=beta;
   #define MALPH *alpha, alpha[1]
   #define MBETA *beta, beta[1]
   char *form="%4d   %c   %c %4d %4d %4d  %5.1f %5.1f  %5.1f %5.1f  %6.2f %6.1f %4.2f   %3s\n";
   TYPE betinv[2], *bet=beta;
   int nreps, incA, incB, incC, inc, nmat, k;
   TYPE *c, *C, *a, *A, *b, *B, *st;
   int ii, jj, i, j=0, PASSED, nerrs;
   double t0, t1, t2, t3, mflop, mf, mops;
   TYPE maxval, f1, ferr;
   static TYPE feps=0.0;
   static int itst=1;
   enum ATLAS_TRANS TAc, TBc;
   void *vp;

   #ifdef TCPLX
      if (*beta == 0.0 && beta[1] == 0.0) betinv[0] = betinv[1] = 0.0;
      else if (beta[1] == 0.0) { betinv[0] = 1 / *beta;  betinv[1] = 0.0; }
         t0 = *beta;
         t1 = beta[1];
         if (Mabs(t1) <= Mabs(t0))
            t2 = t1 / t0;
            betinv[0] = t0 = 1.0 / (t0 + t1*t2);
            betinv[1] = -t0 * t2;
            t2 = t0 / t1;
            betinv[1] = t0 = -1.0 / (t1 + t0*t2);
            betinv[0] = -t2 * t0;
      mops = ( ((8.0*M)*N)*K ) / 1000000.0;
      if (beta != 0.0) betinv = 1.0 / beta;
      else betinv = beta;
      mops = ( ((2.0*M)*N)*K ) / 1000000.0;
   nreps = MFLOP / mops;
   if (nreps < 1) nreps = 1;
   if (TA == 'n' || TA == 'N')
      TAc = AtlasNoTrans;
      incA = lda * K;
      if (TA == 'c' || TA == 'C') TAc = AtlasConjTrans;
      else TAc = AtlasTrans;
      incA = lda * M;
   if (TB == 'n' || TB == 'N')
      incB = ldb * N;
      TBc = AtlasNoTrans;
      incB = ldb * K;
      if (TB == 'c' || TB == 'C') TBc = AtlasConjTrans;
      else TBc = AtlasTrans;
   incC = ldc*N;
   inc = incA + incB + incC;
   i = M*K + K*N + M*N;  /* amount of inc actually referenced */
   /* This is a hack; change to use of flushcache instead. */
   nmat = ((CACHESIZE/ATL_sizeof) + i)/i;
   vp = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(nmat*inc)+ATL_Cachelen);
   C = c = ATL_AlignPtr(vp);
   a = A = C + incC;
   b = B = A + incA;
   st = C + nmat*inc;
   matgen(inc, nmat, C, inc, M*N);

#ifdef DEBUG
   printmat("A0", M, K, A, lda);
   printmat("B0", K, N, B, ldb);
   printmat("C0", M, N, C, ldc);

   t0 = time00();
   for (k=nreps; k; k--)
      trusted_gemm(TAc, TBc, M, N, K, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, bet, c, ldc);
      c += inc; a += inc; b += inc;
      if (c == st)
         c = C; a = A; b = B;
         if (bet == beta) bet = betinv;
         else bet = beta;
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   t1 /= nreps;
   if (t1 <= 0.0) mflop = t1 = 0.0;
   else   /* flop rates actually 8MNK+12MN & 2MNK + 2MN, resp */
      mflop = mops / t1;
   printf(form, itst, TA, TB, M, N, K, MALPH, MBETA, t1, mflop, 1.0, "---");

#ifdef DEBUG
   printmat("C", M, N, C, ldc);

   matgen(inc, nmat, C, inc, M*N);
   t0 = time00();
   for (k=nreps; k; k--)
      test_gemm(TAc, TBc, M, N, K, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, bet, c, ldc);
      c += inc; a += inc; b += inc;
      if (c == st)
         c = C; a = A; b = B;
         if (bet == beta) bet = betinv;
         else bet = beta;

   t2 = time00() - t0;
   t2 /= nreps;
   if (t2 <= 0.0) t2 = mflop = 0.0;
   else mflop = mops / t2;

   pc = "---";
   if (t1 == t2) t3 = 1.0;
   else if (t2 != 0.0) t3 = t1/t2;
   else t3 = 0.0;
   printf(form, itst++, TA, TB, M, N, K, MALPH, MBETA, t2, mflop, t3, pc);
Exemplo n.º 10
int mmcase(int TEST, int CACHESIZE, char TA, char TB, int M, int N, int K,
	   SCALAR alpha, TYPE *A, int lda, TYPE *B, int ldb, SCALAR beta,
	   TYPE *C, int ldc, TYPE *D, int ldd)
   char *pc;
#ifdef TREAL
   char *form="%4d   %c   %c %4d %4d %4d  %5.1f  %5.1f  %6.2f %5.1f %5.2f   %3s\n";
   #define MALPH alpha
   #define MBETA beta
   #define MALPH *alpha, alpha[1]
   #define MBETA *beta, beta[1]
   char *form="%4d   %c   %c %4d %4d %4d  %5.1f %5.1f  %5.1f %5.1f  %6.2f %6.1f %4.2f   %3s\n";
   int ii, jj, i, j=0, PASSED, nerrs;
   double t0, t1, t2, t3, mflop;
   TYPE maxval, f1, ferr;
   static TYPE feps=0.0;
   static int itst=1;
   /*int *L2, nL2=(1.3*L2SIZE)/sizeof(int);*/
   enum ATLAS_TRANS TAc, TBc;
   double l2ret;

   if (!TEST) D = C;
   /*if (nL2) L2 = malloc(nL2*sizeof(int));*/
   l2ret = ATL_flushcache( CACHESIZE );
   if (TA == 'n' || TA == 'N')
      matgen(M, K, A, lda, K*1112);
      TAc = AtlasNoTrans;
      matgen(K, M, A, lda, K*1112);
      if (TA == 'c' || TA == 'C') TAc = AtlasConjTrans;
      else TAc = AtlasTrans;
   if (TB == 'n' || TB == 'N')
      matgen(K, N, B, ldb, N*2238);
      TBc = AtlasNoTrans;
      matgen(N, K, B, ldb, N*2238);
      if (TB == 'c' || TB == 'C') TBc = AtlasConjTrans;
      else TBc = AtlasTrans;
   matgen(M, N, C, ldc, M*N);

#ifdef DEBUG
   printmat("A0", M, K, A, lda);
   printmat("B0", K, N, B, ldb);
   printmat("C0", M, N, C, ldc);

     if (L2)
     for (i=0; i != nL2; i++) L2[i] = 0.0;
     for (i=0; i != nL2; i++) j += L2[i];

   /* invalidate L2 cache */
   l2ret = ATL_flushcache( -1 );

   t0 = time00();
   trusted_gemm(TAc, TBc, M, N, K, alpha, A, lda, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc);
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   if (t1 <= 0.0) mflop = t1 = 0.0;
   else   /* flop rates actually 8MNK+12MN & 2MNK + 2MN, resp */
      #ifdef TCPLX
         mflop = ( ((8.0*M)*N)*K ) / (t1*1000000.0);
         mflop = ( ((2.0*M)*N)*K ) / (t1*1000000.0);
   printf(form, itst, TA, TB, M, N, K, MALPH, MBETA, t1, mflop, 1.0, "---");

#ifdef DEBUG
   printmat("C", M, N, C, ldc);

#ifndef TIMEONLY
   matgen(M, N, D, ldd, M*N);

   /* invalidate L2 cache */
   l2ret = ATL_flushcache( -1 );

   t0 = time00();
   test_gemm(TAc, TBc, M, N, K, alpha, A, lda, B, ldb, beta, D, ldd);

   t2 = time00() - t0;
   if (t2 <= 0.0) t2 = mflop = 0.0;
      #ifdef TCPLX
         mflop = ( ((8.0*M)*N)*K ) / (t2*1000000.0);
         mflop = ( ((2.0*M)*N)*K ) / (t2*1000000.0);
#ifdef DEBUG
   printmat("D", M, N, D, ldd);
   if (TEST)
      if (feps == 0.0)
#if 0
         f1 = feps = 0.5;
            feps = f1;
            f1 *= 0.5;
            maxval = 1.0 + f1;
         while (maxval != 1.0);
         feps = EPS;
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef TREAL
      ferr = 2.0 * (Mabs(alpha) * 2.0*K*feps + Mabs(beta) * feps) + feps;
      f1 = Mabs(*alpha) + Mabs(alpha[1]);
      maxval = Mabs(*beta) + Mabs(beta[1]);
      ferr = 2.0 * (f1*8.0*K*feps + maxval*feps) + feps;
      PASSED = 1;
      maxval = 0.0;
      pc = "YES";
      nerrs = ii = jj = 0;
      for (j=0; j != N; j++)
         for (i=0; i != M SHIFT; i++)
            f1 = D[i] - C[i];
            if (f1 < 0.0) f1 = -f1;
            if (f1 > ferr)
               PASSED = 0;
               pc = "NO!";
               if (f1 > maxval)
                  ii = i+1;
                  jj = j+1;
         D += ldd SHIFT;
         C += ldc SHIFT;
      if (maxval != 0.0)
         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: nerr=%d, i=%d, j=%d, maxval=%e\n", nerrs, ii,jj, maxval);
   else pc = "---";
   if (t1 == t2) t3 = 1.0;
   else if (t2 != 0.0) t3 = t1/t2;
   else t3 = 0.0;
   printf(form, itst++, TA, TB, M, N, K, MALPH, MBETA, t2, mflop, t3, pc);
   PASSED = 1;
   l2ret = ATL_flushcache( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 11
int RunCase(int CacheSize, TYPE thresh, int MFLOP, enum ATLAS_ORDER Order,
            int M, int N, int lda)
   char *cord = (Order == AtlasColMajor ? "Col" : "Row");
   const double maxMN = Mmax(M,N), minMN = Mmin(M,N);
   unsigned long nreps=0;
   int npiv=(-1), *ipiv;
   const int incA = (Order == AtlasColMajor ? N*lda : M*lda);
   double mflops, mflop, resid, tim=(-1.0), t0;
   TYPE *A, *a;
   int i;

   #ifdef TREAL
      mflops = maxMN * minMN * minMN - ((minMN*minMN*minMN) / 3.0) -
               (minMN*minMN) / 2.0;
      mflops = (maxMN * minMN * minMN - ((minMN*minMN*minMN) / 3.0) +
                (maxMN*minMN) / 2.0)*4.0 - 3.0 * minMN*minMN;
   mflops /= 1000000.0;

   if (thresh > ATL_rzero)
      if (Order == AtlasColMajor)
         resid = lutestC(CacheSize, M, N, lda, &npiv, &tim);
      else resid = lutestR(CacheSize, M, N, lda, &npiv, &tim);
   else resid = -1.0;
   if (MFLOP > mflops || thresh <= ATL_rzero) /* need to time repetitively */
      nreps = (mflops*1000000);
      nreps = (MFLOP*1000000 + nreps-1) / nreps;
      if (nreps < 1) nreps = 1;
      i = ATL_DivBySize(2*CacheSize) ATL_PTCACHEMUL;
      i = (i + M*N) / (M*N);
      if (i < nreps) i = nreps;  /* don't reuse mem or no pivoting */
      a = A = malloc(i * ATL_MulBySize(incA));
      if (A != NULL)
         ipiv = malloc(Mmin(M,N)*sizeof(int));  /* what the hell - reuse ipiv */
         if (ipiv)
            Mjoin(PATL,gegen)(i*incA, 1, A, i*incA, incA+M+3012);
            t0 = time00();
            for (i=nreps; i; i--, a += incA)
               test_getrf(Order, M, N, a, lda, ipiv);
            tim = time00() - t0;
            tim /= nreps;
            if (npiv == 0) npiv = findnpvt(Mmin(M,N), ipiv);
         else fprintf(stderr, "   WARNING: not enough mem to run timings!\n");
      else fprintf(stderr, "   WARNING: not enough mem to run timings!\n");
   if (tim > 0.0) mflop = mflops / tim;
   else mflop = 0.0;
   fprintf(stdout, "%5d  %3s   %6d %6d %6d %6d %9.3f %9.3f %9.3e\n",
           nreps, cord, M, N, lda, npiv, tim, mflop, resid);
   return(resid <= thresh);
Exemplo n.º 12
double gemvcase(const int MFLOP, const enum ATLAS_TRANS TA, const int l2size,
                const int M, const int N, const SCALAR alpha, const int lda,
                const SCALAR beta)
   unsigned long reps;
   int i, lx, ly, la;
   #ifdef TREAL
      const double flops = 2.0 * M * N;
      const double flops = 8.0 * M * N;
   double ttest, mftest, t0;
   const int aincY=1, aincX=1, incY=1, incX=1;
   const int inca = (TA == AtlasNoTrans) ? lda * (N SHIFT) : lda * (M SHIFT);
   const int incx = N*incX SHIFT, incy = M*incY SHIFT;
   TYPE *a, *A, *stA, *A0, *x, *X, *X0, *stX, *y, *Y, *Y0, *stY;
   #ifdef TREAL
      const TYPE nbeta = -beta;
      TYPE bet = beta;
      const TYPE *bet = beta;
      TYPE nbeta[2];
      nbeta[0] = -beta[0]; nbeta[1] = -beta[1];

   i = (ATL_DivBySize(l2size)+N-1)/N;
   if (i < 1) i = 1;
   lx = i * N * aincX;
   X0 = X = x = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(lx));
   if (x == NULL) return(-1);

   i = (ATL_DivBySize(l2size)+M-1)/M;
   if (i < 1) i = 1;
   ly = i * M * aincY;
   Y0 = Y = y = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(ly));
   if (y == NULL)
   i = (ATL_DivBySize(l2size)+M*N)/(M*N);
   la = i * inca;
   A0 = A = a = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(la));
   if (a == NULL)
   if (incX < 1)
      stX = x;
      x = X = x + (lx SHIFT);
   else stX = x + (lx SHIFT);
   if (incY < 1)
      stY = y;
      y = Y = y + (ly SHIFT);
   else stY = y + (ly SHIFT);
   stA = a + (la SHIFT);

   reps = (MFLOP * 1000000.0) / flops;
   if (reps < 1) reps = 1;
   Mjoin(PATL,gegen)(ly, 1, Y0, ly, M*incY);
   Mjoin(PATL,gegen)(lx, 1, X0, lx, N*incY+127*50+77);
   Mjoin(PATL,gegen)(la, 1, A0, la, N*M+513*7+90);

   t0 = time00();
   for (i=reps; i; i--)
      #ifdef SYMM_
         Mjoin(PATL,symv)(AtlasLower, N, alpha, a, lda, x, incX, beta, y, incY);
         Mjoin(PATL,gemv)(TA, M, N, alpha, a, lda, x, incX, beta, y, incY);
      x += incx;
      y += incy;
      a += inca;
      if (x == stX) x = X;
      if (y == stY)
         y = Y;
         if (bet == beta) bet = nbeta;
         else bet = beta;
      if (a == stA) a = A;
   ttest = time00() - t0;

   if (ttest > 0.0) mftest = (reps * flops) / (1000000.0 * ttest);
   else mftest = 0.0;

Exemplo n.º 13
double GetTimeWithReps_QL
   (int mflopF, int lda, int M, int N, int nb, int Uplo, int Side, int flsizeKB)
   double mflop, t0, t1, drep;
   TYPE dtmp, dtmp1;
   char *wrksets;       /* working sets for kernel calls */
#ifdef TCPLX
   const int lda2 = lda+lda;
   const int lda2 = lda;
   size_t setsz, setszT;   /* work set size in memory, and amnt of it touched */
   size_t nrep;            /* # of reps required to force mflopF flops */
   size_t nset;            /* # of working sets allocated */
   int wlen;            /* length of QR's workspace */
   int i;
 * Figure out how much workspace is required, and allocate it
   test_geqlf(CblasColMajor, M, N, &dtmp1, lda, &dtmp1, &dtmp, -1);
   wlen = dtmp;
 * QR accesses matrix, Min(M,N)-length tau & workspace, but for flush purposes
 * be conservative and say it only accesses A
   setsz = (lda*N + wlen + Mmin(M,N)) * ATL_sizeof;
   setszT = M*N*ATL_sizeof;

   mflop = GetFlopCount(LAgeqrf, LARight+LALower, M, N, 0, 0, CAN_NB);
 * Cannot reuse matrices (bogus to factor an already factored matrix), so we
 * must take as our total memspace MAX(nrep,nset)*setsz
   ATL_assert(mflop > 0.0);
   drep = (mflopF*1.0e6) / mflop;
   nrep = (int)(drep+0.999999);
 * If cacheline flush doesn't work, then we must use this method
      if (nrep < 2)
         return(-1.0);                                /* do wt normal timer */
      nrep = (nrep >= 1) ? nrep : 1;

   nset = (flsizeKB*1024+setszT-1)/setszT;
   if (nset < nrep)
      nset = nrep;
   wrksets = malloc(nset * setsz);

   for (i=0; i < nset; i++)
      Mjoin(PATL,gegen)(M, N, (TYPE*)(wrksets+i*setsz), lda, M*N+lda);

   t0 = time00();
   for (i=0; i < nrep; i++)
      test_geqlf(CblasColMajor, M, N, (TYPE*)(wrksets+i*setsz), lda,
                 (TYPE*)(wrksets+i*setsz+N*lda*ATL_sizeof), wlen);
   t1 = time00();

Exemplo n.º 14
double GetTime(int rout, int mflopF, int lda, int M, int N, int nb, int Uplo,
               int Side, int flsizeKB)
   FLSTRUCT *flp;
   TYPE *A, *wrk=NULL, dtmp, dtmp1, *tau=NULL;
   int *ipiv=NULL, itmp, wlen;
   double t0, t1;
 * Call routs that force particular flop count if requested; they return -1.0
 * if one invocation will suffice to force mflopF, in which case do the timing
 * in this routine, which is simpler & doesn't require LRU & as much workspace
 * If we don't have the ability to do cacheline flushing, must use LRU rout!
   if (mflopF > 0)
      if (rout == LApotrf)
         t1 = GetTimeWithReps_LLT(mflopF, lda, M, N, nb, Uplo, Side, flsizeKB);
      else if (rout == LAgeqrf)
         if (Side == LARight)
            if (Uplo == LAUpper)
               t1 = GetTimeWithReps_QR(mflopF, lda, M, N, nb, Uplo, Side,
               t1 = GetTimeWithReps_QL(mflopF, lda, M, N, nb, Uplo, Side,
         else if (Uplo == LAUpper)
            t1 = GetTimeWithReps_RQ(mflopF, lda, M, N, nb, Uplo, Side,
            t1 = GetTimeWithReps_LQ(mflopF, lda, M, N, nb, Uplo, Side,
         t1 = GetTimeWithReps_LU(mflopF, lda, M, N, nb, Uplo, Side, flsizeKB);
      if (t1 >= 0.0)
 * Generate operands
   A = GetGE(M, N, lda);
   flp = ATL_GetFlushStruct(A, N*((size_t)lda)*ATL_sizeof, NULL);
   if (rout == LApotrf)
      PosDefGen(CblasColMajor, Uplo_LA2ATL(Uplo), N, A, lda);
   else if (rout & LAgeqrf)
   {                            /* QR must allocate workspace */
      if (Side == LARight)
         if (Uplo == LAUpper)
            test_geqrf(CblasColMajor, M, N, A, lda, &dtmp1, &dtmp, -1);
            test_geqlf(CblasColMajor, M, N, A, lda, &dtmp1, &dtmp, -1);
      else if (Uplo == LAUpper)
         test_gerqf(CblasColMajor, M, N, A, lda, &dtmp1, &dtmp, -1);
         test_gelqf(CblasColMajor, M, N, A, lda, &dtmp1, &dtmp, -1);
      wlen = dtmp;
      wrk = calloc(wlen, ATL_sizeof);
      flp = ATL_GetFlushStruct(wrk, wlen*ATL_sizeof, flp);
      itmp = (M >= N) ? M : N;
      tau = calloc(itmp, ATL_sizeof);
      flp = ATL_GetFlushStruct(tau, itmp*ATL_sizeof, flp);
      ipiv = calloc(M, sizeof(int));
      flp = ATL_GetFlushStruct(ipiv, M*sizeof(int), flp);
 * Flush cache, and do timing
   if (rout == LApotrf)
      t0 = time00();
      test_potrf(Uplo, N, A, lda);
      t1 = time00();
   else if (rout == LAgeqrf)
      if (Side == LARight)
         if (Uplo == LAUpper)
            t0 = time00();
            test_geqrf(CblasColMajor, M, N, A, lda, tau, wrk, wlen);
            t1 = time00();
            t0 = time00();
            test_geqlf(CblasColMajor, M, N, A, lda, tau, wrk, wlen);
            t1 = time00();
      else if (Uplo == LAUpper)
         t0 = time00();
         test_gerqf(CblasColMajor, M, N, A, lda, tau, wrk, wlen);
         t1 = time00();
         t0 = time00();
         test_gelqf(CblasColMajor, M, N, A, lda, tau, wrk, wlen);
         t1 = time00();
      t0 = time00();
      test_getrf(CblasColMajor, M, N, A, lda, ipiv);
      t1 = time00();
   if (tau)
   if (wrk)
   if (ipiv)
   return(t1 - t0);
Exemplo n.º 15
static TYPE trtritest(enum ATLAS_ORDER Order, enum ATLAS_UPLO Uplo,
                      enum ATLAS_DIAG Diag, int CacheSize, int N, int lda,
		      double *tim)
   TYPE *A, *Acompare;
   int i;
   double t0, t1;
   TYPE normA, eps, resid;
   /*int ierr;*/

   #ifdef TCPLX
      const TYPE one[2]={ATL_rone, ATL_rzero};
      const TYPE one = ATL_rone;

   eps = Mjoin(PATL,epsilon)();
   A = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(lda)*N);
   Acompare = malloc(ATL_MulBySize(lda)*N);
   if (A == NULL) return(-1);
   if (Acompare == NULL) return(-1);
   t0 = ATL_flushcache(CacheSize);

   /* create random, diagonally dominant matrix with magic value at
      unused places. Last number is just the random seed. */
   trigen(Order, Uplo, Diag, N, A, lda, PADVAL, N*1029+lda);

   /* Create backup to calculate residual. This one has to be used
      as a full matrix, so it has zero fills and correct diagonal. */
   trigen(Order, Uplo, Diag, N, Acompare, lda, ATL_rzero, N*1029+lda);
   if (Diag==AtlasUnit)
     for (i=0; i < N; i++)
       Acompare[(i*(lda+1)) SHIFT] = ATL_rone;

   normA = trinrm1(Order,Uplo, Diag, N, A, lda);
#ifdef DEBUG
   Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A0", N, N, A, lda);

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(-1);

   /* Calculate and time a solution */
   t0 = time00();
   test_trtri(Order, Uplo, Diag, N, A, lda);
   t1 = time00() - t0;
   *tim = t1;

/*   if (ierr != 0)
     fprintf(stderr, "Return values != 0 : %d \n",ierr);

   t0 = ATL_flushcache(0);

   /* Instroduce a padding error. */
   /* A[(5+5*lda)SHIFT]=114.0; */

#ifdef DEBUG
   Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("L", N, N, A, lda);
   ATL_checkpad(Order, Uplo, Diag, N, A, lda);

   /* Calculate A^{-1}*A */

#ifdef DEBUG
     Mjoin(PATL,geprint)("A^{-1}*A", N, N, Acompare, N);

   /* Subtract diagonal */
   for (i=0; i < N; i++)
     Acompare[i*((lda+1) SHIFT)] -= ATL_rone;

   resid = trinrm1(Order, Uplo,AtlasNonUnit,N,Acompare,lda);
   fprintf(stderr, "normA=%e, eps=%e, num=%e\n", normA, eps, resid);

   resid = Mjoin(PATL,genrm1)(N, N, Acompare, lda);

#ifdef DEBUG
   if (resid/(normA*eps*N) > 10.0)
     fprintf(stderr, "normA=%e, eps=%e, num=%e\n", normA, eps, resid);
   resid /= (normA * eps * N);

