Exemplo n.º 1
void TIGLViewerWindow::about()
    QString text;
    QString tixiVersion(tixiGetVersion());
    QString tiglVersion(tiglGetVersion());
    QString occtVersion = QString("%1.%2.%3").arg(OCC_VERSION_MAJOR).arg(OCC_VERSION_MINOR).arg(OCC_VERSION_MAINTENANCE);

    text =  "The <b>TiGL Viewer</b> is based on the TiGL library and allows you to view CPACS geometries. ";
    text += "TiGL Viewer uses the following Open Source libraries:<br/><br/>";
    text += "TiXI: v" + tixiVersion + "<br/>";
    text += "TiGL: v" + tiglVersion + "<br/>";
    text += "OpenCASCADE: v" + occtVersion + "<br/><br/>";

    text += "Visit the TiGL project page at <a href=\"http://software.dlr.de/p/tigl/\">http://software.dlr.de/p/tigl/</a><br/><br/>";

    text += "&copy; 2015 German Aerospace Center (DLR) ";

    QMessageBox::about(this, tr("About TiGL Viewer"), text);
Exemplo n.º 2
TEST(VersionTests, get_Version_notNull) {
	char *version = tixiGetVersion();
	ASSERT_TRUE(version != NULL);
	ASSERT_GE(atof(version), 0.1);
	ASSERT_LT(atof(version), 100.0);