Exemplo n.º 1
static tmap_map1_aux_stack_t*
tmap_map1_aux_stack_reset(tmap_map1_aux_stack_t *stack,
                          int32_t max_mm, int32_t max_gapo, int32_t max_gape, 
                          const tmap_map_opt_t *opt)
  int32_t i;
  //int32_t i, j;
  int32_t n_bins_needed = 0;
  // move to the beginning of the memory pool
  stack->entry_pool_i = 0;
  stack->best_score = INT32_MAX;

  if(TMAP_MAP1_AUX_STACK_TOO_BIG < stack->entry_pool_length) {
      tmap_map1_aux_stack_destroy_helper(stack, 0);

  // clear the bins 
  for(i=0;i<stack->n_bins;i++) {
      for(j=0;j<stack->bins[i].n_entries;j++) {
          stack->bins[i].entries[j] = NULL;
      stack->bins[i].n_entries = 0;

  // resize the bins if necessary
  n_bins_needed = aln_score(max_mm+1, max_gapo+1, max_gape+1, opt);
  if(stack->n_bins < n_bins_needed) {
      // realloc
      stack->bins = tmap_realloc(stack->bins, sizeof(tmap_map1_aux_bin_t) * n_bins_needed, "stack->bins"); 
      // initialize
      for(i=stack->n_bins;i<n_bins_needed;i++) {
          stack->bins[i].n_entries = stack->bins[i].m_entries = 0;
          stack->bins[i].entries = NULL;
      stack->n_bins = n_bins_needed;
  stack->n_entries = 0;
  return stack;
Exemplo n.º 2
tmap_map2_aln_realloc(tmap_map2_aln_t *a, int32_t n)
  int32_t i;
  if(NULL == a) return;
  if(n < a->n) {
      for(i=n;i<a->n;i++) {
      a->n = n;
  else if(a->max < n) { // allocate more memory
      i = a->max; // save for init
      a->max = (0 == a->max && n < 4) ? 4 : tmap_roundup32(n);
      // resize
      a->hits = tmap_realloc(a->hits, sizeof(tmap_map2_hit_t) * a->max, "a->hits");
      // init
      while(i < a->max) {
Exemplo n.º 3
static inline void
tmap_map1_aux_stack_push(tmap_map1_aux_stack_t *stack, 
                         int32_t offset,
                         tmap_bwt_match_occ_t *match_sa_prev,
                         int32_t n_mm, int32_t n_gapo, int32_t n_gape,
                         int32_t state, int32_t is_diff, 
                         tmap_map1_aux_stack_entry_t *prev_entry,
                         const tmap_map_opt_t *opt)
  int32_t i;
  int32_t n_bins_needed = 0;
  tmap_map1_aux_stack_entry_t *entry = NULL;
  tmap_map1_aux_bin_t *bin = NULL;

  // check to see if we need more memory
  if(stack->entry_pool_length <= stack->entry_pool_i) { 
      int32_t i = stack->entry_pool_length;
      stack->entry_pool_length <<= 2;
      stack->entry_pool = tmap_realloc(stack->entry_pool, 
      while(i<stack->entry_pool_length) {
          stack->entry_pool[i] = tmap_malloc(sizeof(tmap_map1_aux_stack_entry_t), "stack->entry_pool[i]");

  entry = stack->entry_pool[stack->entry_pool_i];
  entry->score = aln_score(n_mm, n_gapo, n_gape, opt);
  entry->n_mm = n_mm;
  entry->n_gapo = n_gapo;
  entry->n_gape = n_gape;
  entry->state = state;
  entry->match_sa = (*match_sa_prev); 
  entry->i = stack->entry_pool_i;
  entry->offset = offset;
  if(NULL == prev_entry) {
      entry->last_diff_offset = offset;
      entry->prev_i = -1;
  else {
      entry->last_diff_offset = (1 == is_diff) ? (offset) : prev_entry->last_diff_offset; 
      entry->prev_i = prev_entry->i;

  if(stack->n_bins <= entry->score) {
      // resize the bins if necessary
      n_bins_needed = entry->score + 1;
      // realloc
      stack->bins = tmap_realloc(stack->bins, sizeof(tmap_map1_aux_bin_t) * n_bins_needed, "stack->bins"); 
      // initialize
      for(i=stack->n_bins;i<n_bins_needed;i++) {
          stack->bins[i].n_entries = stack->bins[i].m_entries = 0;
          stack->bins[i].entries = NULL;
      stack->n_bins = n_bins_needed;
  if(stack->n_bins <= entry->score) {
  bin = &stack->bins[entry->score];
  // - remove duplicates
  // - most likely formed by tandem repeats or indels
  // - too computationally expensive, and not necessary
  for(i=0;i<bin->n_entries;i++) {
      if(bin->entries[i]->match_sa.k == entry->match_sa.k 
         && bin->entries[i]->match_sa.l == entry->match_sa.l 
         && bin->entries[i]->offset == entry->offset
         && bin->entries[i]->state == entry->state) {
  // update best score
  if(stack->best_score > entry->score) stack->best_score = entry->score;

  if(bin->m_entries <= bin->n_entries) {
      bin->entries = tmap_realloc(bin->entries, sizeof(tmap_map1_aux_bin_t) * bin->m_entries, "bin->entries");
  bin->entries[bin->n_entries] = entry;

Exemplo n.º 4
tmap_refseq_fasta2pac(const char *fn_fasta, int32_t compression)
  tmap_file_t *fp_pac = NULL, *fp_anno = NULL;
  tmap_seq_io_t *seqio = NULL;
  tmap_seq_t *seq = NULL;
  tmap_refseq_t *refseq = NULL;
  char *fn_pac = NULL, *fn_anno = NULL;
  uint8_t buffer[TMAP_REFSEQ_BUFFER_SIZE];
  int32_t i, j, l, buffer_length;
  uint32_t num_IUPAC_found= 0, amb_bases_mem = 0;
  uint8_t x = 0;
  uint64_t ref_len;

  tmap_progress_print("packing the reference FASTA");

  refseq = tmap_calloc(1, sizeof(tmap_refseq_t), "refseq");

  refseq->version_id = TMAP_VERSION_ID; 
  refseq->package_version = tmap_string_clone2(PACKAGE_VERSION);
  refseq->seq = buffer; // IMPORTANT: must nullify later
  refseq->annos = NULL;
  refseq->num_annos = 0;
  refseq->len = 0;
  refseq->is_rev = 0;
  refseq->is_shm = 0;
  memset(buffer, 0, TMAP_REFSEQ_BUFFER_SIZE);
  buffer_length = 0;

  // input files
  seqio = tmap_seq_io_init(fn_fasta, TMAP_SEQ_TYPE_FQ, 0, compression);
  seq = tmap_seq_init(TMAP_SEQ_TYPE_FQ);

  // output files
  fn_pac = tmap_get_file_name(fn_fasta, TMAP_PAC_FILE);
  fp_pac = tmap_file_fopen(fn_pac, "wb", TMAP_PAC_COMPRESSION);

  // read in sequences
  while(0 <= (l = tmap_seq_io_read(seqio, seq))) {
      tmap_anno_t *anno = NULL;
      tmap_progress_print2("packing contig [%s:1-%d]", seq->data.fq->name->s, l);

      refseq->annos = tmap_realloc(refseq->annos, sizeof(tmap_anno_t)*refseq->num_annos, "refseq->annos");
      anno = &refseq->annos[refseq->num_annos-1];
      anno->name = tmap_string_clone(seq->data.fq->name); 
      anno->len = l;
      anno->offset = (1 == refseq->num_annos) ? 0 : refseq->annos[refseq->num_annos-2].offset + refseq->annos[refseq->num_annos-2].len;
      anno->amb_positions_start = NULL;
      anno->amb_positions_end = NULL;
      anno->amb_bases = NULL;
      anno->num_amb = 0;
      amb_bases_mem = 0;

      // fill the buffer
      for(i=0;i<l;i++) {
          uint8_t c = tmap_nt_char_to_int[(int)seq->data.fq->seq->s[i]];
          // handle IUPAC codes 
          if(4 <= c) {
              int32_t k;
              // warn users about IUPAC codes
              if(0 == num_IUPAC_found) { 
                  tmap_error("IUPAC codes were found and will be converted to non-matching DNA bases", Warn, OutOfRange);
                  for(j=4;j<15;j++) {
                      c = tmap_iupac_char_to_bit_string[(int)tmap_iupac_int_to_char[j]];
                      // get the lexicographically smallest base not compatible with this code
                      for(k=0;k<4;k++) {
                          if(!(c & (0x1 << k))) {
                      tmap_progress_print2("IUPAC code %c will be converted to %c", tmap_iupac_int_to_char[j], "ACGTN"[k & 3]);
              // change it to a mismatched base than the IUPAC code
              c = tmap_iupac_char_to_bit_string[(int)seq->data.fq->seq->s[i]];

              // store IUPAC bases
              if(amb_bases_mem <= anno->num_amb) { // allocate more memory if necessary
                  amb_bases_mem = anno->num_amb + 1;
                  anno->amb_positions_start = tmap_realloc(anno->amb_positions_start, sizeof(uint32_t) * amb_bases_mem, "anno->amb_positions_start");
                  anno->amb_positions_end = tmap_realloc(anno->amb_positions_end, sizeof(uint32_t) * amb_bases_mem, "anno->amb_positions_end");
                  anno->amb_bases = tmap_realloc(anno->amb_bases, sizeof(uint8_t) * amb_bases_mem, "anno->amb_bases");
              // encode stretches of the same base
              if(0 < anno->num_amb
                 && anno->amb_positions_end[anno->num_amb-1] == i
                 && anno->amb_bases[anno->num_amb-1] == tmap_iupac_char_to_int[(int)seq->data.fq->seq->s[i]]) {
                 anno->amb_positions_end[anno->num_amb-1]++; // expand the range 
              else {
                  // new ambiguous base and range
                  anno->amb_positions_start[anno->num_amb-1] = i+1; // one-based
                  anno->amb_positions_end[anno->num_amb-1] = i+1; // one-based
                  anno->amb_bases[anno->num_amb-1] = tmap_iupac_char_to_int[(int)seq->data.fq->seq->s[i]];
              // get the lexicographically smallest base not compatible with
              // this code
              for(j=0;j<4;j++) {
                  if(!(c & (0x1 << j))) {
              c = j & 3; // Note: Ns will go to As
          if(3 < c) {
              tmap_error("bug encountered", Exit, OutOfRange);
          if(buffer_length == (TMAP_REFSEQ_BUFFER_SIZE << 2)) { // 2-bit
              if(tmap_refseq_seq_memory(buffer_length) != tmap_file_fwrite(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), tmap_refseq_seq_memory(buffer_length), fp_pac)) {
                  tmap_error(fn_pac, Exit, WriteFileError);
              memset(buffer, 0, TMAP_REFSEQ_BUFFER_SIZE);
              buffer_length = 0;
          tmap_refseq_seq_store_i(refseq, buffer_length, c);
      refseq->len += l;
      // re-size the amibiguous bases
      if(anno->num_amb < amb_bases_mem) {
          amb_bases_mem = anno->num_amb;
          anno->amb_positions_start = tmap_realloc(anno->amb_positions_start, sizeof(uint32_t) * amb_bases_mem, "anno->amb_positions_start");
          anno->amb_positions_end = tmap_realloc(anno->amb_positions_end, sizeof(uint32_t) * amb_bases_mem, "anno->amb_positions_end");
          anno->amb_bases = tmap_realloc(anno->amb_bases, sizeof(uint8_t) * amb_bases_mem, "anno->amb_bases");
  // write out the buffer
  if(tmap_refseq_seq_memory(buffer_length) != tmap_file_fwrite(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), tmap_refseq_seq_memory(buffer_length), fp_pac)) {
      tmap_error(fn_pac, Exit, WriteFileError);
  if(refseq->len % 4 == 0) { // add an extra byte if we completely filled all bits
      if(1 != tmap_file_fwrite(&x, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp_pac)) {
          tmap_error(fn_pac, Exit, WriteFileError);
  // store number of unused bits at the last byte
  x = refseq->len % 4;
  if(1 != tmap_file_fwrite(&x, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp_pac)) {
      tmap_error(fn_pac, Exit, WriteFileError);
  refseq->seq = NULL; // IMPORTANT: nullify this
  ref_len = refseq->len; // save for return
  tmap_progress_print2("total genome length [%u]", refseq->len);
  if(0 < num_IUPAC_found) {
      if(1 == num_IUPAC_found) {
          tmap_progress_print("%u IUPAC base was found and converted to a DNA base", num_IUPAC_found);
      else {
          tmap_progress_print("%u IUPAC bases were found and converted to DNA bases", num_IUPAC_found);

  // write annotation file
  fn_anno = tmap_get_file_name(fn_fasta, TMAP_ANNO_FILE);
  fp_anno = tmap_file_fopen(fn_anno, "wb", TMAP_ANNO_COMPRESSION);
  tmap_refseq_write_anno(fp_anno, refseq); 

  // close files

  // check sequence name uniqueness
  for(i=0;i<refseq->num_annos;i++) {
      for(j=i+1;j<refseq->num_annos;j++) {
          if(0 == strcmp(refseq->annos[i].name->s, refseq->annos[j].name->s)) {
              tmap_file_fprintf(tmap_file_stderr, "Contigs have the same name: #%d [%s] and #%d [%s]\n",
                                i+1, refseq->annos[i].name->s, 
                                j+1, refseq->annos[j].name->s); 
              tmap_error("Contig names must be unique", Exit, OutOfRange);


  tmap_progress_print2("packed the reference FASTA");


  return ref_len;
Exemplo n.º 5
tmap_sam_update_cigar_and_md(bam1_t *b, char *ref, char *read, int32_t len)
  int32_t i, n_cigar, last_type;
  uint32_t *cigar;
  int32_t diff;
  int32_t soft_clip_start_i, soft_clip_end_i;

  if(b->data_len - b->l_aux != bam1_aux(b) - b->data) {
      tmap_error("b->data_len - b->l_aux != bam1_aux(b) - b->data", Exit, OutOfRange);

  // keep track of soft clipping
  n_cigar = soft_clip_start_i = soft_clip_end_i = 0;
  cigar = bam1_cigar(b);
  if(BAM_CSOFT_CLIP == TMAP_SW_CIGAR_OP(cigar[0])) {
      soft_clip_start_i = 1;
  if(1 < b->core.n_cigar && BAM_CSOFT_CLIP == TMAP_SW_CIGAR_OP(cigar[b->core.n_cigar-1])) {
      soft_clip_end_i = 1;
  cigar = NULL;

  // get the # of cigar operators
  last_type = tmap_sam_get_type(ref[0], read[0]);
  for(i=1;i<len;i++) {
      int32_t cur_type = tmap_sam_get_type(ref[i], read[i]);
      if(cur_type != last_type) {
      last_type = cur_type;

  // resize the data field if necessary
  if(n_cigar < b->core.n_cigar) {
      diff = sizeof(uint32_t) * (b->core.n_cigar - n_cigar);
      // shift down
      for(i=b->core.l_qname;i<b->data_len - diff;i++) {
          b->data[i] = b->data[i + diff];
      b->data_len -= diff;
      b->core.n_cigar = n_cigar;
  else if(b->core.n_cigar < n_cigar) {
      diff = sizeof(uint32_t) * (n_cigar - b->core.n_cigar);
      // realloc
      if(b->m_data <= (b->data_len + diff)) {
          b->m_data = b->data_len + diff + 1;
          b->data = tmap_realloc(b->data, sizeof(uint8_t) * b->m_data, "b->data");
      // shift up
      for(i=b->data_len-1;b->core.l_qname<=i;i--) {
          b->data[i + diff] = b->data[i];
      b->data_len += diff;
      b->core.n_cigar = n_cigar;
  if(b->data_len - b->l_aux != bam1_aux(b) - b->data) {
      tmap_error("b->data_len - b->l_aux != bam1_aux(b) - b->data", Exit, OutOfRange);

  // create the cigar
  cigar = bam1_cigar(b);
  for(i=soft_clip_start_i;i<n_cigar-soft_clip_end_i;i++) {
      cigar[i] = 0;
  n_cigar = soft_clip_start_i; // skip over soft clipping etc.
  last_type = tmap_sam_get_type(ref[0], read[0]);
  TMAP_SW_CIGAR_STORE(cigar[n_cigar], last_type, 1);
  for(i=1;i<len;i++) {
      int32_t cur_type = tmap_sam_get_type(ref[i], read[i]);
      if(cur_type == last_type) {
          // add to the cigar length
          TMAP_SW_CIGAR_ADD_LENGTH(cigar[n_cigar], 1);
      else {
          // add to the cigar
          TMAP_SW_CIGAR_STORE(cigar[n_cigar], cur_type, 1);
      last_type = cur_type;

  // Note: the md tag must be updated
  tmap_sam_md1(b, ref, len);