void DiagonalLinearFunction::doUpdateInputSizeBegin()
    bool increase = _dim < x.getSize();
    if (!_useDefaultValue && increase)
      throw std::runtime_error("[ocra::DiagonalLinearFunction::doUpdateSize] No default value to increase the size of A");

    int oldDim = _dim;
    int dim = x.getSize();

    if (increase)
      VectorXd tmpb(_b);          //we need to save _b before resizing
      _b.head(oldDim) = tmpb;

      _d.resize(dim);    //value of _d are in _jacobian, no need to save them
      _d.head(oldDim) = _jacobian.diagonal();
      VectorXd tmpb(_b);          //we need to save _b before resizing
      _b = tmpb.head(dim);

      _d.resize(dim);    //value of _d are in _jacobian, no need to save them
      _d = _jacobian.diagonal().head(dim);
std::wstring utf8_to_ucs2(const std::string & data) {
	//from utf8 to ucs2
	int tmpbsize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, data.data(), data.size(), 0, 0);
	if (tmpbsize > 0) {
		std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[] > tmpb(new wchar_t[tmpbsize + 1]);
		MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, data.data(), data.size(), tmpb.get(), tmpbsize);
		return std::wstring(tmpb.get(), tmpb.get() + tmpbsize);
	return std::wstring();
Exemplo n.º 3
Testing Nearest Neighbor Search on uniformly distributed hypercube

NormType: 0, 1, 2
D: space dimension
N: points count
static void testkdtuniform(const ap::real_2d_array& xy,
     const int& n,
     const int& nx,
     const int& ny,
     const int& normtype,
     bool& kdterrors)
    double errtol;
    ap::integer_1d_array tags;
    ap::real_1d_array ptx;
    ap::real_1d_array tmpx;
    ap::boolean_1d_array tmpb;
    kdtree treex;
    kdtree treexy;
    kdtree treext;
    ap::real_2d_array qx;
    ap::real_2d_array qxy;
    ap::integer_1d_array qtags;
    ap::real_1d_array qr;
    int kx;
    int kxy;
    int kt;
    int kr;
    double eps;
    int i;
    int j;
    int k;
    int task;
    bool isequal;
    double r;
    int q;
    int qcount;

    qcount = 10;
    // Tol - roundoff error tolerance (for '>=' comparisons)
    errtol = 100000*ap::machineepsilon;
    // fill tags
    for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
        tags(i) = i;
    // build trees
    kdtreebuild(xy, n, nx, 0, normtype, treex);
    kdtreebuild(xy, n, nx, ny, normtype, treexy);
    kdtreebuildtagged(xy, tags, n, nx, 0, normtype, treext);
    // allocate arrays
    qx.setlength(n, nx);
    qxy.setlength(n, nx+ny);
    // test general K-NN queries (with self-matches):
    // * compare results from different trees (must be equal) and
    //   check that correct (value,tag) pairs are returned
    // * test results from XT tree - let R be radius of query result.
    //   then all points not in result must be not closer than R.
    for(q = 1; q <= qcount; q++)
        // Select K: 1..N
        if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.5) )
            k = 1+ap::randominteger(n);
            k = 1;
        // Select point (either one of the points, or random)
        if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.5) )
            i = ap::randominteger(n);
            ap::vmove(&ptx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            for(i = 0; i <= nx-1; i++)
                ptx(i) = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
        // Test:
        // * consistency of results from different queries
        // * points in query are IN the R-sphere (or at the boundary),
        //   and points not in query are outside of the R-sphere (or at the boundary)
        // * distances are correct and are ordered
        kx = kdtreequeryknn(treex, ptx, k, true);
        kxy = kdtreequeryknn(treexy, ptx, k, true);
        kt = kdtreequeryknn(treext, ptx, k, true);
        if( kx!=k||kxy!=k||kt!=k )
            kdterrors = true;
        kx = 0;
        kxy = 0;
        kt = 0;
        kdtreequeryresultsx(treex, qx, kx);
        kdtreequeryresultsxy(treexy, qxy, kxy);
        kdtreequeryresultstags(treext, qtags, kt);
        kdtreequeryresultsdistances(treext, qr, kr);
        if( kx!=k||kxy!=k||kt!=k||kr!=k )
            kdterrors = true;
        kdterrors = kdterrors||kdtresultsdifferent(xy, n, qx, qxy, qtags, k, nx, ny);
        for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
            tmpb(i) = true;
        r = 0;
        for(i = 0; i <= k-1; i++)
            tmpb(qtags(i)) = false;
            ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &qx(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            r = ap::maxreal(r, vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype));
        for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
            if( tmpb(i) )
                ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
                ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
                kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_less(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype),r*(1-errtol));
        for(i = 0; i <= k-2; i++)
            kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(qr(i),qr(i+1));
        for(i = 0; i <= k-1; i++)
            ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &xy(qtags(i), 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(fabs(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype)-qr(i)),errtol);
    // test general approximate K-NN queries (with self-matches):
    // * compare results from different trees (must be equal) and
    //   check that correct (value,tag) pairs are returned
    // * test results from XT tree - let R be radius of query result.
    //   then all points not in result must be not closer than R/(1+Eps).
    for(q = 1; q <= qcount; q++)
        // Select K: 1..N
        if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.5) )
            k = 1+ap::randominteger(n);
            k = 1;
        // Select Eps
        eps = 0.5+ap::randomreal();
        // Select point (either one of the points, or random)
        if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.5) )
            i = ap::randominteger(n);
            ap::vmove(&ptx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            for(i = 0; i <= nx-1; i++)
                ptx(i) = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
        // Test:
        // * consistency of results from different queries
        // * points in query are IN the R-sphere (or at the boundary),
        //   and points not in query are outside of the R-sphere (or at the boundary)
        // * distances are correct and are ordered
        kx = kdtreequeryaknn(treex, ptx, k, true, eps);
        kxy = kdtreequeryaknn(treexy, ptx, k, true, eps);
        kt = kdtreequeryaknn(treext, ptx, k, true, eps);
        if( kx!=k||kxy!=k||kt!=k )
            kdterrors = true;
        kx = 0;
        kxy = 0;
        kt = 0;
        kdtreequeryresultsx(treex, qx, kx);
        kdtreequeryresultsxy(treexy, qxy, kxy);
        kdtreequeryresultstags(treext, qtags, kt);
        kdtreequeryresultsdistances(treext, qr, kr);
        if( kx!=k||kxy!=k||kt!=k||kr!=k )
            kdterrors = true;
        kdterrors = kdterrors||kdtresultsdifferent(xy, n, qx, qxy, qtags, k, nx, ny);
        for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
            tmpb(i) = true;
        r = 0;
        for(i = 0; i <= k-1; i++)
            tmpb(qtags(i)) = false;
            ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &qx(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            r = ap::maxreal(r, vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype));
        for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
            if( tmpb(i) )
                ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
                ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
                kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_less(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype),r*(1-errtol)/(1+eps));
        for(i = 0; i <= k-2; i++)
            kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(qr(i),qr(i+1));
        for(i = 0; i <= k-1; i++)
            ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &xy(qtags(i), 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(fabs(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype)-qr(i)),errtol);
    // test general R-NN queries  (with self-matches):
    // * compare results from different trees (must be equal) and
    //   check that correct (value,tag) pairs are returned
    // * test results from XT tree - let R be radius of query result.
    //   then all points not in result must be not closer than R.
    for(q = 1; q <= qcount; q++)
        // Select R
        if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.3) )
            r = ap::maxreal(ap::randomreal(), ap::machineepsilon);
            r = ap::machineepsilon;
        // Select point (either one of the points, or random)
        if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.5) )
            i = ap::randominteger(n);
            ap::vmove(&ptx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            for(i = 0; i <= nx-1; i++)
                ptx(i) = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
        // Test:
        // * consistency of results from different queries
        // * points in query are IN the R-sphere (or at the boundary),
        //   and points not in query are outside of the R-sphere (or at the boundary)
        // * distances are correct and are ordered
        kx = kdtreequeryrnn(treex, ptx, r, true);
        kxy = kdtreequeryrnn(treexy, ptx, r, true);
        kt = kdtreequeryrnn(treext, ptx, r, true);
        if( kxy!=kx||kt!=kx )
            kdterrors = true;
        kx = 0;
        kxy = 0;
        kt = 0;
        kdtreequeryresultsx(treex, qx, kx);
        kdtreequeryresultsxy(treexy, qxy, kxy);
        kdtreequeryresultstags(treext, qtags, kt);
        kdtreequeryresultsdistances(treext, qr, kr);
        if( kxy!=kx||kt!=kx||kr!=kx )
            kdterrors = true;
        kdterrors = kdterrors||kdtresultsdifferent(xy, n, qx, qxy, qtags, kx, nx, ny);
        for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
            tmpb(i) = true;
        for(i = 0; i <= kx-1; i++)
            tmpb(qtags(i)) = false;
        for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
            ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
            if( tmpb(i) )
                kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_less(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype),r*(1-errtol));
                kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype),r*(1+errtol));
        for(i = 0; i <= kx-2; i++)
            kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(qr(i),qr(i+1));
    // Test self-matching:
    // * self-match - nearest neighbor of each point in XY is the point itself
    // * no self-match - nearest neighbor is NOT the point itself
    if( n>1 )
        // test for N=1 have non-general form, but it is not really needed
        for(task = 0; task <= 1; task++)
            for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
                ap::vmove(&ptx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1));
                kx = kdtreequeryknn(treex, ptx, 1, task==0);
                kdtreequeryresultsx(treex, qx, kx);
                if( kx!=1 )
                    kdterrors = true;
                isequal = true;
                for(j = 0; j <= nx-1; j++)
                    isequal = isequal&&ap::fp_eq(qx(0,j),ptx(j));
                if( task==0 )
                    kdterrors = kdterrors||!isequal;
                    kdterrors = kdterrors||isequal;
Exemplo n.º 4
void gmp_fe::set_double_pow_mul(fe* b1, num* e1, fe* b2, num* e2) {
	gmp_fe tmpa(field), tmpb(field);
	tmpa.set_pow(b1, e1);
	tmpb.set_pow(b2, e2);
	set_mul(&tmpa, &tmpb);
Exemplo n.º 5
	avi_hdr::avi_hdr(bool push_stdout){

		uint8_t buf[16];
		if (!cin.read((char*) buf,16)) 
			throw std::invalid_argument( err_msg_a );

		if (push_stdout)
			cout << buf;

		string file_type((char*) buf);
		bool success = file_type.find("RIFF");
		success |= file_type.find("AVI");
		success |= file_type.find("LIST");

		if (!success)
			throw std::invalid_argument( err_msg_a );

		//add length of first two words
		_file_size = _uint8_to_uint32(buf, 4);
		_file_size += 8;

		if (!cin.read((char*) buf,16))
			throw std::invalid_argument( err_msg_a );
		if (push_stdout)
			cout << buf;

		string avih_head((char*) buf);
		success = avih_head.find("hdrl");
		success |= avih_head.find("avih");

		if (!success)
			throw std::invalid_argument( err_msg_b );

		_avih_size = _uint8_to_uint32(buf, 0);
		//ignore text
		_avih_size -= 12;

		if ((_avih_size < 0) || (_avih_size > _MAX_AVIH_SIZE))						
			throw std::invalid_argument( err_msg_b );

		uint8_t * avih_buf = new uint8_t[_avih_size];
		if (!cin.read((char*) avih_buf,_avih_size))
			throw std::invalid_argument( err_msg_a );

		if (push_stdout)
			cout << avih_buf;

		_micro_sec_per_frame 	= _uint8_to_uint32(avih_buf, 0);
		_max_bytes_per_sec 	= _uint8_to_uint32(avih_buf, 4);
		_padding_granularity 	= _uint8_to_uint32(avih_buf, 8);
		_flags		 	= _uint8_to_uint32(avih_buf, 12);
		_frames		 	= _uint8_to_uint32(avih_buf, 16);
		_streams		= _uint8_to_uint32(avih_buf, 24);
		_width			= _uint8_to_uint32(avih_buf, 28);
		_height			= _uint8_to_uint32(avih_buf, 32);

		//position at end LIST word
		int offset=68,length;
		length= _uint8_to_uint32(avih_buf, 60);

		strl tmp(avih_buf,60);

		if (_streams==2){
			strl tmpb(avih_buf,offset);

		} else if (_streams>=2)
			throw std::invalid_argument( err_msg_d );

	delete[] avih_buf;
