Exemplo n.º 1
bool RenderWidget::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction action)
    if (request.allowsChildFrameContent() && widget() && widget()->isFrameView() && toFrameView(widget())->renderView()) {
        FrameView* childFrameView = toFrameView(widget());
        RenderView* childRoot = childFrameView->renderView();

        LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + location();
        LayoutPoint contentOffset = LayoutPoint(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop()) - childFrameView->scrollOffset();
        HitTestLocation newHitTestLocation(locationInContainer, -adjustedLocation - contentOffset);
        HitTestRequest newHitTestRequest(request.type() | HitTestRequest::ChildFrameHitTest);
        HitTestResult childFrameResult(newHitTestLocation);

        bool isInsideChildFrame = childRoot->hitTest(newHitTestRequest, newHitTestLocation, childFrameResult);

        if (newHitTestLocation.isRectBasedTest())
        else if (isInsideChildFrame)
            result = childFrameResult;

        if (isInsideChildFrame)
            return true;

    bool hadResult = result.innerNode();
    bool inside = RenderReplaced::nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, action);

    // Check to see if we are really over the widget itself (and not just in the border/padding area).
    if ((inside || result.isRectBasedTest()) && !hadResult && result.innerNode() == &frameOwnerElement())
    return inside;
bool LayoutPart::nodeAtPoint(HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction action)
    if (!widget() || !widget()->isFrameView() || !result.hitTestRequest().allowsChildFrameContent())
        return nodeAtPointOverWidget(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, action);

    // A hit test can never hit an off-screen element; only off-screen iframes are throttled;
    // therefore, hit tests can skip descending into throttled iframes.
    if (toFrameView(widget())->shouldThrottleRendering())
        return nodeAtPointOverWidget(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, action);

    ASSERT(document().lifecycle().state() >= DocumentLifecycle::CompositingClean);

    if (action == HitTestForeground) {
        FrameView* childFrameView = toFrameView(widget());
        LayoutView* childRoot = childFrameView->layoutView();

        if (visibleToHitTestRequest(result.hitTestRequest()) && childRoot) {
            LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + location();
            LayoutPoint contentOffset = LayoutPoint(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop()) - LayoutSize(childFrameView->scrollOffset());
            HitTestLocation newHitTestLocation(locationInContainer, -adjustedLocation - contentOffset);
            HitTestRequest newHitTestRequest(result.hitTestRequest().type() | HitTestRequest::ChildFrameHitTest);
            HitTestResult childFrameResult(newHitTestRequest, newHitTestLocation);

            // The frame's layout and style must be up-to-date if we reach here.
            bool isInsideChildFrame = childRoot->hitTestNoLifecycleUpdate(childFrameResult);

            if (result.hitTestRequest().listBased()) {
            } else if (isInsideChildFrame) {
                // Force the result not to be cacheable because the parent
                // frame should not cache this result; as it won't be notified of
                // changes in the child.
                result = childFrameResult;

            // Don't trust |isInsideChildFrame|. For rect-based hit-test, returns
            // true only when the hit test rect is totally within the iframe,
            // i.e. nodeAtPointOverWidget() also returns true.
            // Use a temporary HitTestResult because we don't want to collect the
            // iframe element itself if the hit-test rect is totally within the iframe.
            if (isInsideChildFrame) {
                if (!locationInContainer.isRectBasedTest())
                    return true;
                HitTestResult pointOverWidgetResult = result;
                bool pointOverWidget = nodeAtPointOverWidget(pointOverWidgetResult, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, action);
                if (pointOverWidget)
                    return true;
                result = pointOverWidgetResult;
                return false;

    return nodeAtPointOverWidget(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, action);
Exemplo n.º 3
// Return a set of rectangles that should not be overdrawn by the
// plugin ("cutouts"). This helps implement the "iframe shim"
// technique of overlaying a windowed plugin with content from the
// page. In a nutshell, iframe elements should occlude plugins when
// they occur higher in the stacking order.
void getPluginOcclusions(Element* element, Widget* parentWidget, const IntRect& frameRect, Vector<IntRect>& occlusions)
    RenderObject* pluginNode = element->renderer();
    if (!pluginNode->style())
    Vector<const RenderObject*> pluginZstack;
    Vector<const RenderObject*> iframeZstack;
    getObjectStack(pluginNode, &pluginZstack);

    if (!parentWidget->isFrameView())

    FrameView* parentFrameView = toFrameView(parentWidget);

    // Occlusions by iframes.
    const FrameView::ChildrenWidgetSet* children = parentFrameView->children();
    for (FrameView::ChildrenWidgetSet::const_iterator it = children->begin(); it != children->end(); ++it) {
        // We only care about FrameView's because iframes show up as FrameViews.
        if (!(*it)->isFrameView())

        const FrameView* frameView = toFrameView(it->get());
        // Check to make sure we can get both the element and the RenderObject
        // for this FrameView, if we can't just move on to the next object.
        // FIXME: Plugin occlusion by remote frames is probably broken.
        HTMLElement* element = frameView->frame().deprecatedLocalOwner();
        if (!element || !element->renderer())

        RenderObject* iframeRenderer = element->renderer();

        if (isHTMLIFrameElement(*element) && intersectsRect(iframeRenderer, frameRect)) {
            getObjectStack(iframeRenderer, &iframeZstack);
            if (iframeIsAbovePlugin(iframeZstack, pluginZstack))
                addToOcclusions(toRenderBox(iframeRenderer), occlusions);

    // Occlusions by top layer elements.
    // FIXME: There's no handling yet for the interaction between top layer and
    // iframes. For example, a plugin in the top layer will be occluded by an
    // iframe. And a plugin inside an iframe in the top layer won't be respected
    // as being in the top layer.
    const Element* ancestor = topLayerAncestor(element);
    Document* document = parentFrameView->frame().document();
    const WillBeHeapVector<RefPtrWillBeMember<Element> >& elements = document->topLayerElements();
    size_t start = ancestor ? elements.find(ancestor) + 1 : 0;
    for (size_t i = start; i < elements.size(); ++i)
        addTreeToOcclusions(elements[i]->renderer(), frameRect, occlusions);
Exemplo n.º 4
FrameView* AXScrollView::documentFrameView() const
    if (!m_scrollView || !m_scrollView->isFrameView())
        return 0;

    return toFrameView(m_scrollView);
Exemplo n.º 5
void PluginView::updatePluginWidget()
    if (!parent())

    FrameView* frameView = toFrameView(parent());

    IntRect oldWindowRect = m_windowRect;
    IntRect oldClipRect = m_clipRect;

    m_windowRect = IntRect(frameView->contentsToWindow(frameRect().location()), frameRect().size());
    m_clipRect = windowClipRect();
    m_clipRect.move(-m_windowRect.x(), -m_windowRect.y());

    if (m_windowRect == oldWindowRect && m_clipRect == oldClipRect)

    if (m_status != PluginStatusLoadedSuccessfully)

    if (!m_isWindowed && !m_windowRect.isEmpty()) {
        Display* display = getPluginDisplay(nullptr);
        if (m_drawable)
            XFreePixmap(display, m_drawable);
        m_drawable = XCreatePixmap(display, getRootWindow(m_parentFrame.get()),
            m_windowRect.width(), m_windowRect.height(),
        XSync(display, false); // make sure that the server knows about the Drawable

Exemplo n.º 6
void RenderWidget::setIsOverlapped(bool isOverlapped)
    Widget* widget = this->widget();
FrameView* AccessibilityScrollView::documentFrameView() const
    if (!m_scrollView || !m_scrollView->isFrameView())
        return nullptr;
    return toFrameView(m_scrollView);
bool LayoutPart::isThrottledFrameView() const
    if (!widget() || !widget()->isFrameView())
        return false;
    const FrameView* frameView = toFrameView(widget());
    return frameView->shouldThrottleRendering();
Exemplo n.º 9
bool LayoutPart::nodeAtPoint(HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction action)
    if (!widget() || !widget()->isFrameView() || !result.hitTestRequest().allowsChildFrameContent())
        return nodeAtPointOverWidget(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, action);

    FrameView* childFrameView = toFrameView(widget());
    LayoutView* childRoot = childFrameView->layoutView();

    if (visibleToHitTestRequest(result.hitTestRequest()) && childRoot) {
        LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + location();
        LayoutPoint contentOffset = LayoutPoint(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop()) - LayoutSize(childFrameView->scrollOffset());
        HitTestLocation newHitTestLocation(locationInContainer, -adjustedLocation - contentOffset);
        HitTestRequest newHitTestRequest(result.hitTestRequest().type() | HitTestRequest::ChildFrameHitTest);
        HitTestResult childFrameResult(newHitTestRequest, newHitTestLocation);

        bool isInsideChildFrame = childRoot->hitTest(newHitTestRequest, newHitTestLocation, childFrameResult);

        if (result.hitTestRequest().listBased())
        else if (isInsideChildFrame)
            result = childFrameResult;

        if (isInsideChildFrame)
            return true;

    return nodeAtPointOverWidget(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, action);
Exemplo n.º 10
bool EventHandler::passWheelEventToWidget(const PlatformWheelEvent& wheelEvent, Widget* widget)
    if (!widget->isFrameView())
        return false;

    return toFrameView(widget)->frame().eventHandler().handleWheelEvent(wheelEvent);
Exemplo n.º 11
void RenderWidget::paintContents(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();

    // Tell the widget to paint now. This is the only time the widget is allowed
    // to paint itself. That way it will composite properly with z-indexed layers.
    IntPoint widgetLocation = m_widget->frameRect().location();
    IntPoint paintLocation(roundToInt(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft()),
        roundToInt(adjustedPaintOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop()));
    IntRect paintRect = paintInfo.rect;

    IntSize widgetPaintOffset = paintLocation - widgetLocation;
    // When painting widgets into compositing layers, tx and ty are relative to the enclosing compositing layer,
    // not the root. In this case, shift the CTM and adjust the paintRect to be root-relative to fix plug-in drawing.
    if (!widgetPaintOffset.isZero()) {
    m_widget->paint(paintInfo.context, paintRect);

    if (!widgetPaintOffset.isZero())

    if (m_widget->isFrameView()) {
        FrameView* frameView = toFrameView(m_widget.get());
        bool runOverlapTests = !frameView->useSlowRepaintsIfNotOverlapped() || frameView->hasCompositedContentIncludingDescendants();
        if (paintInfo.overlapTestRequests && runOverlapTests) {
            paintInfo.overlapTestRequests->set(this, m_widget->frameRect());
Exemplo n.º 12
bool EventHandler::passWheelEventToWidget(const PlatformWheelEvent& event, Widget* widget)
    if (!widget->isFrameView())
        return false;

    return toFrameView(widget)->frame()->eventHandler()->handleWheelEvent(event);
static float scaleDeltaToWindow(const Widget* widget, float delta)
    float scale = 1;
    if (widget) {
        FrameView* rootView = toFrameView(widget->root());
        if (rootView)
            scale = rootView->inputEventsScaleFactor();
    return delta / scale;
Exemplo n.º 14
static IntPoint pinchViewportOffset(const Widget* widget)
    // Event position needs to be adjusted by the pinch viewport's offset within the
    // main frame before being passed into the widget's convertFromContainingWindow.
    FrameView* rootView = toFrameView(widget->root());
    if (!rootView)
        return IntPoint();

    return flooredIntPoint(rootView->page()->frameHost().pinchViewport().visibleRect().location());
Exemplo n.º 15
AXObject* AXScrollView::webAreaObject() const
    if (!m_scrollView || !m_scrollView->isFrameView())
        return 0;

    Document* doc = toFrameView(m_scrollView)->frame().document();
    if (!doc || !doc->renderer())
        return 0;

    return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(doc);
Exemplo n.º 16
AXObject* AXScrollView::parentObjectIfExists() const
    if (!m_scrollView || !m_scrollView->isFrameView())
        return 0;

    HTMLFrameOwnerElement* owner = toFrameView(m_scrollView)->frame().ownerElement();
    if (owner && owner->renderer())
        return axObjectCache()->get(owner);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
AXObject* AXScrollView::parentObject() const
    if (!m_scrollView || !m_scrollView->isFrameView())
        return 0;

    // FIXME: Broken for OOPI.
    HTMLFrameOwnerElement* owner = toFrameView(m_scrollView)->frame().deprecatedLocalOwner();
    if (owner && owner->renderer())
        return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(owner);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
void ChromeClientImpl::scheduleAnimation(Widget* widget) {
  FrameView* view = toFrameView(widget);
  LocalFrame* frame = view->frame().localFrameRoot();

  // If the frame is still being created, it might not yet have a WebWidget.
  // FIXME: Is this the right thing to do? Is there a way to avoid having
  // a local frame root that doesn't have a WebWidget? During initialization
  // there is no content to draw so this call serves no purpose.
  if (WebLocalFrameImpl::fromFrame(frame) &&
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityScrollView::webAreaObject() const
    if (!m_scrollView || !m_scrollView->isFrameView())
        return nullptr;
    Document* doc = toFrameView(m_scrollView)->frame().document();
    if (!doc || !doc->hasLivingRenderTree())
        return nullptr;

    if (AXObjectCache* cache = axObjectCache())
        return cache->getOrCreate(doc);
    return nullptr;
Exemplo n.º 20
void RenderFrameBase::layoutWithFlattening(bool hasFixedWidth, bool hasFixedHeight)
    FrameView* childFrameView = toFrameView(widget());
    RenderView* childRoot = childFrameView ? childFrameView->frame()->contentRenderer() : 0;

    if (!childRoot || !shouldExpandFrame(width(), height(), hasFixedWidth, hasFixedHeight)) {
        if (childFrameView)

    // need to update to calculate min/max correctly

    // if scrollbars are off, and the width or height are fixed
    // we obey them and do not expand. With frame flattening
    // no subframe much ever become scrollable.

    HTMLFrameElementBase* element = static_cast<HTMLFrameElementBase*>(node());
    bool isScrollable = element->scrollingMode() != ScrollbarAlwaysOff;

    // consider iframe inset border
    int hBorder = borderLeft() + borderRight();
    int vBorder = borderTop() + borderBottom();

    // make sure minimum preferred width is enforced
    if (isScrollable || !hasFixedWidth) {
        setWidth(max(width(), childRoot->minPreferredLogicalWidth() + hBorder));
        // update again to pass the new width to the child frame

    // expand the frame by setting frame height = content height
    if (isScrollable || !hasFixedHeight || childRoot->isFrameSet())
        setHeight(max<LayoutUnit>(height(), childFrameView->contentsHeight() + vBorder));
    if (isScrollable || !hasFixedWidth || childRoot->isFrameSet())
        setWidth(max<LayoutUnit>(width(), childFrameView->contentsWidth() + hBorder));


    ASSERT(!childRoot->firstChild() || !childRoot->firstChild()->firstChild() || !childRoot->firstChild()->firstChild()->needsLayout());

void LayoutPart::invalidatePaintOfSubtreesIfNeeded(const PaintInvalidationState& paintInvalidationState)
    if (widget() && widget()->isFrameView() && !isThrottledFrameView()) {
        FrameView* childFrameView = toFrameView(widget());
        // |childFrameView| is in another document, which could be
        // missing its LayoutView. TODO(jchaffraix): Ideally we should
        // not need this code.
        if (LayoutView* childLayoutView = childFrameView->layoutView()) {
            PaintInvalidationState childViewPaintInvalidationState(paintInvalidationState, *childLayoutView);

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityScrollView::parentObjectIfExists() const
    if (!m_scrollView || !m_scrollView->isFrameView())
        return nullptr;
    AXObjectCache* cache = axObjectCache();
    if (!cache)
        return nullptr;

    HTMLFrameOwnerElement* owner = toFrameView(m_scrollView)->frame().ownerElement();
    if (owner && owner->renderer())
        return cache->get(owner);
    return nullptr;
Exemplo n.º 23
void RenderFrame::viewCleared()
    if (!widget() || !widget()->isFrameView())

    FrameView* view = toFrameView(widget());

    int marginWidth = frameElement().marginWidth();
    int marginHeight = frameElement().marginHeight();

    if (marginWidth != -1)
    if (marginHeight != -1)
// Generate a synthetic WebMouseEvent given a TouchEvent (eg. for emulating a mouse
// with touch input for plugins that don't support touch input).
WebMouseEventBuilder::WebMouseEventBuilder(const Widget* widget, const LayoutObject* layoutObject, const TouchEvent& event)
    if (!event.touches())
    if (event.touches()->length() != 1) {
        if (event.touches()->length() || event.type() != EventTypeNames::touchend || !event.changedTouches() || event.changedTouches()->length() != 1)

    const Touch* touch = event.touches()->length() == 1 ? event.touches()->item(0) : event.changedTouches()->item(0);
    if (touch->identifier())

    if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchstart)
        type = MouseDown;
    else if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchmove)
        type = MouseMove;
    else if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchend)
        type = MouseUp;

    // TODO(majidvp): Instead of using |Event::createTime| which is epoch time
    // we should instead use |Event::platformTimeStamp| which is the actual
    // platform monotonic time. See: crbug.com/538199
    timeStampSeconds = convertDOMTimeStampToSeconds(event.createTime());
    modifiers = event.modifiers();

    // The mouse event co-ordinates should be generated from the co-ordinates of the touch point.
    FrameView* view =  toFrameView(widget->parent());
    // FIXME: if view == nullptr, pointInRootFrame will really be pointInRootContent.
    IntPoint pointInRootFrame = roundedIntPoint(touch->absoluteLocation());
    if (view)
        pointInRootFrame = view->contentsToRootFrame(pointInRootFrame);
    IntPoint screenPoint = roundedIntPoint(touch->screenLocation());
    globalX = screenPoint.x();
    globalY = screenPoint.y();
    windowX = pointInRootFrame.x();
    windowY = pointInRootFrame.y();

    button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft;
    modifiers |= WebInputEvent::LeftButtonDown;
    clickCount = (type == MouseDown || type == MouseUp);

    IntPoint localPoint = convertAbsoluteLocationForLayoutObject(touch->absoluteLocation(), *layoutObject);
    x = localPoint.x();
    y = localPoint.y();
Exemplo n.º 25
void RenderFrame::viewCleared()
    HTMLFrameElement* element = toHTMLFrameElement(node());
    if (!element || !widget() || !widget()->isFrameView())

    FrameView* view = toFrameView(widget());

    int marginWidth = element->marginWidth();
    int marginHeight = element->marginHeight();

    if (marginWidth != -1)
    if (marginHeight != -1)
Exemplo n.º 26
void RenderWidget::updateWidgetPosition()
    if (!m_widget || !node()) // Check the node in case destroy() has been called.

    bool boundsChanged = updateWidgetGeometry();

    // if the frame bounds got changed, or if view needs layout (possibly indicating
    // content size is wrong) we have to do a layout to set the right widget size
    if (m_widget && m_widget->isFrameView()) {
        FrameView* frameView = toFrameView(m_widget.get());
        // Check the frame's page to make sure that the frame isn't in the process of being destroyed.
        if ((boundsChanged || frameView->needsLayout()) && frameView->frame().page())
// Generate a synthetic WebMouseEvent given a TouchEvent (eg. for emulating a mouse
// with touch input for plugins that don't support touch input).
WebMouseEventBuilder::WebMouseEventBuilder(const Widget* widget, const LayoutObject* layoutObject, const TouchEvent& event)
    if (!event.touches())
    if (event.touches()->length() != 1) {
        if (event.touches()->length() || event.type() != EventTypeNames::touchend || !event.changedTouches() || event.changedTouches()->length() != 1)

    const Touch* touch = event.touches()->length() == 1 ? event.touches()->item(0) : event.changedTouches()->item(0);
    if (touch->identifier())

    if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchstart)
        type = MouseDown;
    else if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchmove)
        type = MouseMove;
    else if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchend)
        type = MouseUp;

    timeStampSeconds = event.platformTimeStamp();
    modifiers = event.modifiers();

    // The mouse event co-ordinates should be generated from the co-ordinates of the touch point.
    FrameView* view =  toFrameView(widget->parent());
    // FIXME: if view == nullptr, pointInRootFrame will really be pointInRootContent.
    IntPoint pointInRootFrame = roundedIntPoint(touch->absoluteLocation());
    if (view)
        pointInRootFrame = view->contentsToRootFrame(pointInRootFrame);
    IntPoint screenPoint = roundedIntPoint(touch->screenLocation());
    globalX = screenPoint.x();
    globalY = screenPoint.y();
    windowX = pointInRootFrame.x();
    windowY = pointInRootFrame.y();

    button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft;
    modifiers |= WebInputEvent::LeftButtonDown;
    clickCount = (type == MouseDown || type == MouseUp);

    IntPoint localPoint = convertAbsoluteLocationForLayoutObject(touch->absoluteLocation(), *layoutObject);
    x = localPoint.x();
    y = localPoint.y();

    pointerType = WebPointerProperties::PointerType::Touch;
Exemplo n.º 28
void InspectorLayerTreeAgent::buildLayerIdToNodeIdMap(PaintLayer* root, LayerIdToNodeIdMap& layerIdToNodeIdMap)
    if (root->hasCompositedLayerMapping()) {
        if (Node* node = root->layoutObject()->generatingNode()) {
            GraphicsLayer* graphicsLayer = root->compositedLayerMapping()->childForSuperlayers();
            layerIdToNodeIdMap.set(graphicsLayer->platformLayer()->id(), idForNode(node));
    for (PaintLayer* child = root->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        buildLayerIdToNodeIdMap(child, layerIdToNodeIdMap);
    if (!root->layoutObject()->isLayoutIFrame())
    FrameView* childFrameView = toFrameView(toLayoutPart(root->layoutObject())->widget());
    if (LayoutView* childLayoutView = childFrameView->layoutView()) {
        if (PaintLayerCompositor* childCompositor = childLayoutView->compositor())
            buildLayerIdToNodeIdMap(childCompositor->rootLayer(), layerIdToNodeIdMap);
// FIXME: Change |widget| to const Widget& after RemoteFrames get
// RemoteFrameViews.
static void updateWebMouseEventFromCoreMouseEvent(const MouseRelatedEvent& event, const Widget* widget, const LayoutObject& layoutObject, WebMouseEvent& webEvent)
    webEvent.timeStampSeconds = event.platformTimeStamp();
    webEvent.modifiers = event.modifiers();

    FrameView* view = widget ? toFrameView(widget->parent()) : 0;
    // TODO(bokan): If view == nullptr, pointInRootFrame will really be pointInRootContent.
    IntPoint pointInRootFrame = IntPoint(event.absoluteLocation().x(), event.absoluteLocation().y());
    if (view)
        pointInRootFrame = view->contentsToRootFrame(pointInRootFrame);
    webEvent.globalX = event.screenX();
    webEvent.globalY = event.screenY();
    webEvent.windowX = pointInRootFrame.x();
    webEvent.windowY = pointInRootFrame.y();
    IntPoint localPoint = convertAbsoluteLocationForLayoutObject(event.absoluteLocation(), layoutObject);
    webEvent.x = localPoint.x();
    webEvent.y = localPoint.y();
void LayoutPart::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle)
    LayoutReplaced::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
    Widget* widget = this->widget();

    if (!widget)

    // If the iframe has custom scrollbars, recalculate their style.
    if (widget && widget->isFrameView())

    if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) {
    } else {