Exemplo n.º 1
	inline Spectrum Le(const Vector &direction) const {
		/* Compute sky light radiance for direction */
		Vector d = normalize(m_worldToLuminaire(direction));

		if (m_clipBelowHorizon) {
			/* if sun is below horizon, return black */
			if (d.z < 0.0f)
				return Spectrum(0.0f);

		/* make all "zero values" the same */
		if (d.z < 0.001f)
			d = normalize(Vector(d.x, d.y,  0.001f));

		const Point2 dSpherical = toSphericalCoordinates(d);
		const Float theta = dSpherical.x;

		const Float phi = dSpherical.y;
		Float phi;
		if (fabs(theta) < 1e-5)
			phi = 0.0f;
			phi = dSpherical.y;

		Spectrum L;
		getSkySpectralRadiance(theta, phi, L);
		L *= m_skyScale;
		return L;
Exemplo n.º 2
	void test04_sphere() {
		Properties props("sphere");
		Float radius = 2.0f;
		props.setFloat("radius", radius);
		props.setPoint("center", Point(0.0f));
		ref<Shape> sphere = static_cast<Shape *>(PluginManager::getInstance()->createObject(props));

		ref<ShapeKDTree> kdtree = new ShapeKDTree();

		Ray ray(Point(3, 3, 3), normalize(Vector(-1, -1, -1)), 123.0f);
		Intersection its;

		assertTrue(kdtree->rayIntersect(ray, its));

		assertEquals(its.time, 123.0f);
		assertEqualsEpsilon(its.p, Point(ray.d*-2.0f), Epsilon);
		assertEqualsEpsilon(its.wi, Vector(0, 0, 1), Epsilon);
		assertEqualsEpsilon(its.shFrame.n, -ray.d, Epsilon);
		assertTrue(its.shFrame == its.geoFrame);

		Point2 sc = toSphericalCoordinates(Vector(its.p));
		std::swap(sc.x, sc.y);
		sc.x *= INV_TWOPI;
		sc.y *= INV_PI;

		assertEqualsEpsilon(its.uv, sc, Epsilon);

		// from mathematica
		assertEqualsEpsilon(its.dpdu, Vector(-3.6276f, 3.6276f, 0.0f)*radius, 1e-4f);
		assertEqualsEpsilon(its.dpdv, Vector(1.28255f, 1.28255f, -2.5651f)*radius, 1e-4f);

		Vector dndu, dndv;
		its.shape->getNormalDerivative(its, dndu, dndv, false);
		assertEqualsEpsilon(dndu, Vector(-3.6276f, 3.6276f, 0.0f), 1e-4f);
		assertEqualsEpsilon(dndv, Vector(1.28255f, 1.28255f, -2.5651f), 1e-4f);

		Float H, K;
		its.shape->getCurvature(its, H, K);

		assertEquals(K, 1.0f / (radius*radius));
		assertEquals(H, -1.0f / radius);
Exemplo n.º 3
	 * Configures the position of the sun by using a vector that points
	 * to the sun. It is expected, that +x = south, +y = east, +z = up.
	void configureSunPosition(const Vector& sunDir) {
		Vector wh = normalize(sunDir);
		Point2 sunPos = toSphericalCoordinates(wh);
		m_thetaS = sunPos.x;
		m_phiS = sunPos.y;