Exemplo n.º 1
void c_peering_udp::send_data_udp(const char * data, size_t data_size, int udp_socket,
	c_haship_addr src_hip, c_haship_addr dst_hip, int ttl, antinet_crypto::t_crypto_nonce nonce_used) {
	_info("Send to peer (tunneled data) data: " << string_as_dbg(data,data_size).get() ); // TODO .get

	trivialserialize::generator gen(data_size + 50);
	gen.push_byte_u( c_protocol::current_version );
	gen.push_byte_u( c_protocol::e_proto_cmd_tunneled_data );
	gen.push_bytes_n( g_ipv6_rfc::length_of_addr , to_binary_string(src_hip) );
	gen.push_bytes_n( g_ipv6_rfc::length_of_addr , to_binary_string(dst_hip) );
	gen.push_byte_u( ttl );
	gen.push_bytes_n( crypto_box_NONCEBYTES , nonce_used.get().to_binary() ); // TODO avoid conversion/copy
	gen.push_varstring( std::string(data, data+data_size)  ); // TODO view_string

	// TODONOW turn off this crypto (unless leave here for peer-to-peer auth only)
	static unsigned char generated_shared_key[crypto_generichash_BYTES] = {43, 124, 179, 100, 186, 41, 101, 94, 81, 131, 17,
					198, 11, 53, 71, 210, 232, 187, 135, 116, 6, 195, 175,
					233, 194, 218, 13, 180, 63, 64, 3, 11};

	static unsigned char nonce[crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_NPUBBYTES] = {148, 231, 240, 47, 172, 96, 246, 79};
	static unsigned char additional_data[] = {1, 2, 3};
	static unsigned long long additional_data_len = 3; // TODO

	// TODO randomize this data XXX use real crypto data

	const int header_size = c_protocol::version_size + c_protocol::cmd_size + c_protocol::ttl_size ; //  [protocol] TODO pack this into protocol class --r

	// TODO allocate buffer outside
	std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> protomsg(new unsigned char[data_size + crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ABYTES + header_size ]); // plus the headers
	// long long? or u64? --r assert size  sizeof(long long  .... == ...

	// why? --r:
	assert(crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_KEYBYTES <= crypto_generichash_BYTES);

	// write headers:
	protomsg.get()[0] = c_protocol::current_version;
	protomsg.get()[1] = c_protocol::e_proto_cmd_tunneled_data; // this are tunneled data
	assert( (ttl >= 0) && (ttl <= c_protocol::ttl_max_value_ever) );
	protomsg.get()[2] = ttl; // ...this is their route ttl

	unsigned char * ciphertext_buf = protomsg.get() + header_size; // just-pointer to part of protomsg where to write the message!
	unsigned long long ciphertext_buf_len = 0; // encryption will write here the resulting size
    crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(ciphertext_buf, &ciphertext_buf_len, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(data), data_size, additional_data,
                                         additional_data_len, NULL, nonce, generated_shared_key);
	unsigned long long protomsg_len = ciphertext_buf_len + header_size; // the output of crypto, plus the header in front

	// TODO asserts!!!

	string protomsg = gen.str(); // TODO view_string
	this->send_data_RAW_udp(protomsg.c_str(), protomsg.size(), udp_socket);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: main.cpp Projeto: CCJY/coliru
int main() {
  std::random_device rd;
  std::mt19937 gen(rd());
  std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 20);
  int ival = dis(gen);
  std::cout << ival << " -> " << to_binary_string(ival) << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 3
/// Convert the content of a buffer to a binary string in the form:
/// \verbatim <<I1, I2, ..., In>> \endverbatim where <tt>Ik</tt> is
/// unsigned integer less than 256.
inline std::string to_binary_string(const char* a, size_t sz) {
    std::stringstream oss;
    to_binary_string(oss, a, sz);
    return oss.str();